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Abstract: Anecdotal evidence of a pneumonia epizootic among bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), Colorado, USA, during the mid-1990s prompted park officials to examine the current condition of the herds. Here we present a mark—resight study design to estimate population abundance that, in many circumstances, is a reliable and cost-effective alternative to traditional mark—recapture or to indices of population abundance. We captured 59 adult females and radiocollared them via helicopter net-gunning during winter 2002–2003. From ground resighting surveys conducted May—September, we estimated the total RMNP bighorn population at 389.9 (SE = 34.9, CI = 327.2–464.6) in 2003 and 366.4 (SE = 34.7, CI = 304.4–441.0) in 2004. Previous abundance estimates suggest a park-wide decline has occurred between the late 1980s and the suspected pneumonia epidemic of the mid-1990s. Although the 2 years of data from our study are not enough to predict whether the herds are capable of recovering to previous levels, they provide park officials the tools necessary to make the most informed decisions for future monitoring and management of this fragile species.  相似文献   

Wildlife capture, and the data collection associated with it, has led to major advancements in ecology that are integral to decision making pertaining to wildlife conservation. Capturing wildlife, however, can cause lethal and non-lethal risks to animals. Understanding the factors that contribute to the level of risk involved in wildlife capture is therefore important for the development and implementation of the safest and most effective methodologies. We used data from 736 animal captures of 389 individuals for 2 subspecies of female bighorn sheep (Rocky Mountain bighorn [Ovis canadensis canadensis], Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep [O. c. sierrae]) in Wyoming and California, USA, in 2002–2020 to evaluate the degree and extent of time that capture via helicopter net-gunning affects survival. We compared pre- and post-capture survival during a 10-week window centered on a capture event, and post-capture survival between captured animals and animals that were monitored but not captured during the 10-week window. Additionally, we evaluated the effects of handling techniques (number of times captured, season of capture event, handling time, chase time, and body temp) and biological factors (age and nutritional condition) on probability of capture mortality. Mean daily survival was 0.9992 during a 5-week pre-capture window, dropped to 0.9864 on the day of capture, and rebounded within 3 days of capture to pre-capture levels and that of sheep that were not captured. Overall, direct mortality resulting from capture was 1.36%, with 0.54% mortality occurring within the 3 days following a capture event for an overall 1.90% capture-related mortality. The only handling and biological metrics that influenced the probability of capture mortality were rectal temperature and nutritional condition; high initial rectal temperatures and poor body condition were associated with increased risk of mortality in the days following capture. Overall, helicopter net-gunning imposed low and short-term risk to survival of female bighorn sheep. To reduce bias in survival estimates, we recommend using a 3-day censorship window for post-capture mortalities as opposed to the common practice of a 2–5-week censor window. Helicopter net-gunning, including annual or seasonal recaptures, remains an effective and comparatively safe technique for capture and associated data collection of bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

Shed antler hunting (i.e., collecting cast cervid antlers) has increased in popularity during the past decade, but little is known about how this recreational activity affects ungulate movements and space use. We placed geographic positioning system (GPS)-collars on 133 female and male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), bison (Bison bison), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) to quantify their movements and space use during shed antler hunts compared with those behaviors during helicopter surveys in Utah, USA, from 2012 to 2015. For each species, we calculated means and 95% confidence intervals for distance moved during 90-minute segments (16 points/day) pre-event (control, 7 consecutive days prior to event), event (1–2 days), and post-event (7 consecutive days after event) for shed antler hunts and helicopter surveys. We also compared use of space for each species during these events. Female bighorn sheep did not increase distance moved or substantially change space use during shed antler hunts and helicopter surveys. Male bighorn sheep increased distance moved 41% on average during shed antler hunts and by 2.02 times during helicopter surveys but did not change space use during those events. Female bison increased distance moved 15% on average during shed antler hunts and 30% during helicopter surveys. Mule deer increased distance moved and altered space use the most during shed antler hunts; females increased distance moved 97%, and 54% of females moved a mean distance of 742 ± 642 (SD) m (range = 9–3,778 m) outside of their home ranges during those hunts for a mean of 9.2 ± 9.4 hours (range = 1.5 to 41 hr). Male mule deer increased distance moved by 2.10 times on average during shed antler hunts, and 82% of males moved a mean distance of 1,264 ± 732 m (range = 131–3,637 m) outside of their home ranges during those hunts for a mean of 12.6 ± 7.6 hours (range = 4.5–33 hr). Our results provide timely information about how legal shed antler hunting affects movements and space use of female and male ungulates, especially mule deer, and can guide the conservation of ungulate populations and their habitat. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Minimum counts are commonly used to estimate population size and trend for wildlife conservation and management; however, the scope of inference based on such data is limited by untestable assumptions regarding the detection process. Alternative approaches, such as distance sampling, occupancy surveys, and repeated counts, can be employed to produce detection-corrected estimates of population parameters. Unfortunately, these approaches can be more complicated and costly to implement, potentially limiting their use. We explored a conceptual framework linking datasets collected at different spatial scales under different survey designs, with the goal of improving inference. Specifically, we link landscape-scale distance sampling surveys with local-scale minimum counts in an integrated modeling framework to estimate mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) abundance at both the local and regional scale in south-central Alaska, USA, and provide an estimate of detection probability (i.e., sightability) for the minimum counts. Estimated sightability for the minimum count surveys was 0.67 (95% credible interval [CrI] = 0.52–0.83) and abundance for the entire area was 5,600 goats (CV = 9%), both in broad agreement with estimates from previous studies. Abundance estimates at the local scale (i.e., individual min. count unit) were reasonably precise ( = 18%), suggesting the integrated approach can increase the amount of information produced at both spatial scales by linking minimum count approaches with more rigorous survey designs. We propose that our integrated approach may be implemented in the context of a modified split-panel monitoring design by altering survey protocols to include frequent minimum counts within local count units and intermittent but more rigorous survey designs with inference to the entire study area or population of interest. Doing so would provide estimates of abundance with appropriate measures of uncertainty at multiple spatial scales, thereby improving inference for population monitoring and management. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) restoration continues to be a challenge throughout western North America despite nearly a century of efforts dedicated to the species' recovery. Though bighorn sheep restoration may be constrained by several environmental factors and behavioral tendencies, areas with unrealized restoration potential may exist if novel restoration strategies are considered. We used global positioning system (GPS) location data from 27 female bighorn sheep within the southern portion of the Madison Range in southwest Montana, USA, 2015–2017, to develop and validate winter and summer habitat models, which we extrapolated throughout the entire Madison Range to identify potential seasonal habitat. We estimated potential bighorn sheep minimum population estimates within the extrapolation area by linking our top-ranked winter habitat model to population count data. During summer, female bighorn sheep selected areas characterized by rugged and steep terrain, reduced canopy cover, southwestern aspects, and ridgelines. During winter, female bighorn sheep selected areas characterized by low elevations, southwestern aspects, steep slopes, reduced canopy cover, ridgelines, high normalized difference vegetation index amplitude, and areas close to steep terrain. Predicted summer habitat was concentrated along the high-elevation ridgelines associated with steep slopes and reduced canopy cover. Predicted winter habitat occurred in a non-contiguous distribution primarily along the low-elevation, southwest-facing aspects along the western slopes of the Madison Range. Our results suggest that the Madison Range may be capable of supporting 780–1,730 animals, which is 2–4 times the number of bighorn sheep currently observed within the range. Further, our findings provide managers with a quantification of female bighorn sheep habitat and suggests that a strategy focused on establishing a metapopulation through a series of within-range translocations may enhance bighorn sheep restoration. We suggest that similar restoration opportunities may be common in other unoccupied areas of bighorn sheep historical range. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

I report previously undocumented encounters between avian scavengers and desert bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis nelsoni ). These encounters are of interest because they occurred only during the nursery season when lamb mortality was high. Desert bighorn sheep responded to the presence of avian scavengers with typical anti-predator behaviours, which may indicate that avian scavengers are potential predators or that desert bighorn sheep are unable to distinguish between avian scavengers and avian predators.  相似文献   

Efforts to recover Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) throughout western North America have had limited success with the majority of current populations remaining in small and isolated areas on a fraction of their historical range. Prairie environments with rugged topography throughout the Northern Great Plains ecoregion were historically occupied by relatively robust bighorn sheep populations. We predicted there is likely unrealized potential habitat for restoring bighorn sheep to these areas; however, relatively little attention has been devoted to identifying habitat in unoccupied prairie regions. We used global positioning system (GPS)-collar data collected from 43 female bighorn sheep in 2 populations located in the eastern Montana, USA, portion of the Northern Great Plains during 2014–2018 to estimate a population-level annual resource selection model and identify the important factors affecting bighorn sheep resource selection. We extrapolated model predictions across eastern Montana's prairie region and identified potential habitat to understand restoration potential and assist with future translocations of bighorn sheep. Resource selection of bighorn sheep was most strongly associated with terrain slope and ruggedness, tree canopy cover, and a normalized difference vegetation index metric. Within currently unoccupied areas of the historical range, the model extrapolation predicted 7,211 km2 of habitat, with most owned and managed by private landowners (44%), Bureau of Land Management (33%), and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (15%). Our results provide an empirical evaluation of landscape covariates influencing resource selection of bighorn sheep occupying prairie environments and provide a habitat model that may be generalizable to other areas in the Northern Great Plains ecoregion. We demonstrate substantial potential for restoration opportunities of bighorn sheep in the Northern Great Plains ecoregion. Broad restoration of bighorn sheep across the ecoregion would likely require strong collaboration among and between public resource managers, private landowners, and livestock producers given the heterogeneous land ownership patterns, management strategies, and domestic sheep distributions. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding colonization is vital for managing fragmented populations. We employed mitochondrial DNA haplotypes and 14 microsatellite (nuclear DNA) markers to infer the origins of newly established populations of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) and to assess loss of genetic diversity during natural colonizations. We used haplotype distribution, F-statistics, Bayesian population clustering, and assignment tests to infer source populations for 3 recent colonies and identified a previously undetected colonization from multiple source populations. Allelic richness declined in 3 of 4 colonies in comparison to the primary source populations, but not as much as has been reported for translocated populations. Heterozygosity declined in only one colony. We also demonstrated that both native and translocated desert bighorn sheep have naturally recolonized empty habitats and suggest that colonization may partially offset population extinction in the region as long as connectivity is maintained. Genetic techniques and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes we described will allow managers to determine the origins of future colonizations by bighorn sheep in California, USA, and prioritize protection of linkages between known sources and colonies.  相似文献   

Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) were broadly extirpated from much of their historical range in North America at the beginning of the twentieth century. Various conservation-related legislation, such as the United States Migratory Bird Treaty Act, have assisted with population recovery. The eastern population of sandhill cranes has been growing rapidly since the 1980s and is thought to have expanded its geographic range to Quebec, Canada. Understanding the colonization and habitat use by the species in previously unoccupied breeding areas is necessary to develop and apply management measures. Using a dynamic occupancy modeling approach, we investigated the recent colonization and extirpation patterns of sandhill cranes in Quebec from 2004–2019. We combined data from 3 data sets (helicopter surveys, breeding bird atlas surveys, and eBird) to increase the spatial coverage and the number of species occurrence records while accounting for imperfect detection probability. Detection probability was highest for the helicopter survey (0.70), whereas the 2 other data sets had relatively low detection levels (0.10–0.26). Based on a simulation study, we found that excluding the eBird data from the analysis produced more biased estimates than excluding the atlas and helicopter survey data sets. Throughout the study, sandhill cranes seemed to have completed their colonization of western Quebec and only recently started to nest in eastern areas. Initial occupancy increased with wetland cover and colonization probability increased weakly with the cover of agricultural areas, suggesting that in our study area sandhill cranes rely essentially on natural wetlands during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Habitat used for predator escape may be a factor limiting restoration of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in small mountain ranges in New Mexico. Female bighorn sheep seek isolation in discrete areas for parturition. Although parturition sites are used only for <3 days they play an important role in neonate survival. We compared habitat characteristics at pre-parturition (n = 21), parturition (n = 38), random (n = 38), and post-parturition sites (n = 21). At each site we calculated distance to steep terrain, elevation, ruggedness, slope, and visibility. Parturition and post-parturition sites were higher in elevation and more rugged than sites used during pre-parturition. Post-parturition sites were closer to terrain with 100% slope than the pre-parturition or parturition sites. Post-parturition sites had higher visibility and steeper slopes than the pre-parturition sites. Parturition sites were steeper, higher in elevation, more rugged, and had lower visibility than the random sites. Fidelity to parturition sites was observed on 1 of 38 occasions. Because lambing sites are used for short periods they are poorly understood and often ignored by land managers. Additional research is recommended in other desert bighorn sheep populations to understand better and predict habitat use during the lambing period.  相似文献   

Field data on weaning behavior in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) were collected from populations in British Columbia, southern California, and one transplanted from the original B.C. study site to eastern Oregon. These areas were designated mountain, desert, and transplant, respectively. Seasons that were energetically stressful to lactating ewes were predicted. Summers were implicated for desert ewes; winters for ewes in colder and more seasonal northern environments. Although the temporal distribution of milk available to lambs varied between the three study populations, ewes generally weaned their lambs prior to the onset of the predicted stressful periods. In the desert, weaning occurred more abruptly than it did in the two more northern populations. The evolution of weaning strategies is discussed in subspecies of bighorn sheep based on proximate and ultimate factors.  相似文献   

We estimated density and abundance of the threatened southwest Alaska distinct population segment of northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in two management units. We conducted aerial surveys in Bristol Bay and South Alaska Peninsula management units in 2016, and modeled sea otter density and abundance with Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling models and spatial environmental covariates (depth, distance to shore, depth × distance to shore). Spatial environmental covariates substantially impacted sea otter group density in both management units, but effects sizes differed between the two management units. Abundance (9,733 otters, 95% CrI 6,412–17,819) and density (0.82 otters/km2, 95% CrI 0.54–1.49) estimates for Bristol Bay indicated a moderate population size. In contrast, abundance (546 otters, 95% CrI 322–879) and density (0.06 otters/km2, 95% CrI 0.03–0.09) estimates indicated a relatively low population size in South Alaska Peninsula. Overall, our results highlight the importance of accounting for the detection process in monitoring at-risk species to reduce the uncertainty associated with making conclusions about population declines.  相似文献   

Directly monitoring abundance of cryptic species, such as mountain lions (Puma concolor), over large areas is a challenge for wildlife managers because traditional population estimation techniques may be impractical and expensive. We generated annual estimates of mountain lion abundance in Arizona, USA, for 2004–2018 by employing statistical population reconstruction methods, which use available age-at-harvest data and auxiliary information such as estimated survival rates, harvest probabilities, and hunter effort. Using PopRecon 2.0 software, we estimated that the statewide abundance of all mountain lions including kittens ranged from 1,848 (95% CI = 650–3,046) to 4,661 (95% CI = 393–9,030) during 2004–2018. Abundance for subadults and adults was more stable and precisely estimated, ranging from 1,166 (95% CI = 622–1,709) to 1,715 (95% CI = 872–2,558). Our results suggest a stable statewide mountain lion population. This approach provides a practical and cost-effective option for monitoring Arizona's mountain lion population, and will improve the ability of managers to monitor the population annually to respond to changes in abundance and to evaluate factors that influence mountain lion abundance. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Distance sampling has been identified as a reliable and well-suited method for estimating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) density. However, distance sampling using walked transects requires intense sampling to obtain precise estimates, thus making the technique impractical for large acreages. Researchers have addressed this limitation by either resorting to the use of indices (e.g., morning covey-call surveys) or incorporating the use of aerial surveys with distance sampling. Both approaches remain relatively untested. Our objectives were to 1) compare density estimates among morning covey-call surveys, helicopter transects, and walked transects; 2) test a critical assumption of distance sampling pertinent to helicopter surveys (i.e., all objects on line are detected); and 3) evaluate the underlying premise of morning covey-call surveys (i.e., that the no. of calling coveys correlates with bobwhite density). Our study was conducted on 3 study sites in Brooks County, Texas, USA, during October to December, 2001 to 2005. Comparisons between walked transects and morning covey-call surveys involved the entire 5-year data set, whereas helicopter transects involved only the latter 2 years. Density estimates obtained from helicopter transects were similar to walked transect estimates for both years. We documented a detection probability on the helicopter transect line of 70 ± 10.2% (% ± SE; n = 20 coveys). Morning covey-call surveys yielded similar density estimates to walked transect estimates during only 2 of 5 years, when walked transect estimates were the least accurate and precise. We detected a positive relationship (R2 = 0.51; 95% CI for slope: 29.5–53.1; n = 63 observations) between covey density and number of coveys heard calling. We conclude that helicopter transects appear to be a viable alternative to walked transects for estimating density of bobwhites. Morning covey-call surveys appear to be a poor method to estimate absolute abundance and to depict general population trajectories.  相似文献   

Inbreeding and relationship metrics among and within populations are useful measures for genetic management of wild populations, but accuracy and precision of estimates can be influenced by the number of individual genotypes analysed. Biologists are confronted with varied advice regarding the sample size necessary for reliable estimates when using genomic tools. We developed a simulation framework to identify the optimal sample size for three widely used metrics to enable quantification of expected variance and relative bias of estimates and a comparison of results among populations. We applied this approach to analyse empirical genomic data for 30 individuals from each of four different free‐ranging Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) populations in Montana and Wyoming, USA, through cross‐species application of an Ovine array and analysis of approximately 14,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) after filtering. We examined intra‐ and interpopulation relationships using kinship and identity by state metrics, as well as FST between populations. By evaluating our simulation results, we concluded that a sample size of 25 was adequate for assessing these metrics using the Ovine array to genotype Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep herds. However, we conclude that a universal sample size rule may not be able to sufficiently address the complexities that impact genomic kinship and inbreeding estimates. Thus, we recommend that a pilot study and sample size simulation using R code we developed that includes empirical genotypes from a subset of populations of interest would be an effective approach to ensure rigour in estimating genomic kinship and population differentiation.  相似文献   

Over 200 clinically normal desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) from multiple geographic areas were sampled utilizing a uniform protocol. The goals of this study were to develop comprehensive reference intervals for hematologic and biochemical analytes using central 90th percentile nonparametric analyses. Adult female sheep had greater erythrocyte mass (hemoglobin and hematocrit) compared with adult male sheep. Young animals < or = 1-yr-old had greater erythrocyte mass (hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cell count), higher alkaline phosphatase activity, and lower serum protein and globulin concentrations compared with adult animals. Because of the large sample size, wide geographic range, and uniform sample and handling protocol in this study, these reference intervals should be robust and applicable to other free-ranging desert bighorn sheep populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial ecology of small populations at the periphery of their range is important for identifying factors limiting population growth and developing sound management strategies. Bighorn sheep were reintroduced to Nebraska in 1981 and persist in a small population at the easternmost extent of the distribution of the species, where 1 of the 2 subpopulations is declining. Bighorn sheep space use and movement has been studied extensively in mountain and desert populations, but information is sparse from prairie populations in the Northern Great Plains. We investigated the spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska, USA, with global positioning system (GPS) telemetry. We tested the hypothesis that space use and movements would vary across seasons, years, and individuals but predicted that migration would involve relatively short distances in this translocated population (relative to native populations) occupying a fragmented landscape. Overall, females used smaller seasonal home ranges (3.3–7.8 km2) than most of those reported previously for the species and exhibited a high degree of variability in space use and movements across seasons, subpopulations, and individuals. Most females (92–100%) exhibited fidelity to their home ranges across seasons and years. Six females migrated between spatially distinct core lambing and winter ranges, although the distances (range = 7.9–8.7 km) and mean elevations (range = 31–41 m) between these core seasonal ranges were less than those reported for most native, migratory bighorn sheep populations. After accounting for variation in season, subpopulation, and years, home range size was positively associated with road density in both subpopulations (P < 0.001), suggesting that females incur greater energetic costs associated with greater space use in areas of higher fragmentation. Our results establish the basic spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska where their behavior appears to reflect the isolated nature of suitable habitat in this fragmented prairie landscape.  相似文献   

We used behavioural observations and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analysis to examine demographic and genetic structure within and among home-range groups of desert bighorn sheep (Oviscanadensis) ewes in the Peninsular Ranges of southern California, USA. We identified substantial genetic variation in the first 515 bp of the mtDNA control region and determined that seven haplotypes were distributed in a nonrandom fashion among these ewe subpopulations. Although a significant (P < 0.01) amount of mtDNA variation (33%) was partitioned among home-range groups, we did not find strong evidence for matrilineal substructuring within these groups. Based on analyses of molecular variance, and comparisons of behavioural associations and distances between centres of activity, we concluded that within a given home-range group, bighorn sheep ewes generally associate with other ewes based on their availability rather than their matrilineal relationships. Our results also supported the conclusion that multiple ewe subpopulations exist within the Peninsular Ranges, and that these subpopulations are the most basic demographic and genetic units.  相似文献   

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