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Nuclear group I introns are parasitic mobile genetic elements occurring in the ribosomal RNA genes of a large variety of microbial eukaryotes. In Acanthamoeba, group I introns were found occurring in the 18S rDNA at four distinct insertion sites. Introns are present as single elements in various strains belonging to four genotypes, T3 (A. griffini), T4 (A. castellanii complex), T5 (A. lenticulata) and T15 (A. jacobsi). While multiple introns can frequently be found in the rDNA of several algae, fungi and slime moulds, they are usually rare and present as single elements in amoebae. We reported herein the characterization of an A. lenticulata strain containing two introns in its 18S rDNA. They are located to already known sites and show basal relationships with respective homologous introns present in the other T5 strains. This is the first and unique reported case of multiple nuclear introns in Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

Different species of the lichen-forming ascomycete fungus Teloschistes were found to contain group IB introns at position S1506 in the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. We have characterized the structural organization and phylogeny of the Teloschistes introns Tco.S1506, Tla.S1506, and Tvi.S1506. Common features to all the introns are a small size, a compact RNA structure, and an atypical catalytic ribozyme core sequence motif. Variations in intron sizes, due to sequence extensions in the P1 and P8 loop segments, were observed in different species and isolates. Phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region as well as the introns show that the Teloschistes S1506 introns represent a distinct evolutionary isolated cluster among the nuclear group I introns. Furthermore, introns from different lineages of Teloschistes villosus appear not strictly vertically inherited probably due to horizontal transfer in one of the lineages.  相似文献   

Summary We have generated a bank of temperature-sensitive (ts) Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant strains. About 150 of these mutants were transformed with a ura4 gene containing an artificial intron. We screened these is mutants for mutants deficient in splicing of the ura4 intron. With this approach three mutants were isolated which have a general defect in the splicing process. Two of these mutants fall into the prp1 complementation group and one defines a new complementation group, prp4.  相似文献   

Here we report on the occurrence and position of introns found in three genes of rotifers. A region of the gene for the TATA-box binding protein was examined in three species of Bdelloidea and one of Monogononta. There are two introns in both copies of this gene present in each of the three bdelloids examined – one at a position where introns occur in other eukaryotes and the other at a novel position; the monogonont has no introns in the region examined. A region of the gene encoding the 82 kD heat shock protein was examined in 10 species, with every rotifer class represented. Introns were found in only two species, both bdelloids: one of the species has an intron in all three copies of the gene; the other has an intron in only one of the three copies. Both introns occur at novel positions. The gene for triosephosphate isomerase was examined in one bdelloid. Both copies of the gene in this species contain introns, all at conserved positions: one copy contains five introns, the other copy three. These observations demonstrate the presence of introns in bdelloid rotifers, some in conserved positions, others apparently newly arisen during bdelloid evolution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to compare mitochondrial DNA restriction endonuclease patterns in strains of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, from different sources, to see how conserved is the organization of this organellar genome. The mitochondrial DNA of five independently-isolated strains and one of unknown origin were compared. Strains NRRL Y-1205, NRRL Y-8279 and NRRL Y-1140 gave identical patterns. Strain NRRL Y-1564 showed an insertion, with respect to the other three, of approximately 1250 bp. Strain W600B had also an insertion with extra restriction sites for EcoRI, HpaI, HaeIII, HincII and XbaI. On the other hand, strain Y-123 showed a restriction pattern quite different from the others.Sequences putatively encoding apocytochrome b, ATPase subunit 9 and ribosomal RNA large subunit, were localized on the physical maps of three strains. Results demonstrated that the order of these three genes shows a common feature in strains W600B and WM37 (auxotroph of Y-1140) but a different distribution in WM27 (auxotroph derived from Y-123). All these facts explain the extensive intraspecific polymorphism observed in the mtDNA of this yeast.  相似文献   

TheHIS3 gene of the yeastYarrowia lipolytica has been cloned from a genomic library by complementation of thehis3 mutation ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene was subsequently subcloned inEscherichia coli and characterized by restriction enzyme mapping.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is considered to be a source of genetic information for the creation of new functions. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence revealed that a majority of plant genes belong to gene families. Regarding the problem of genes involved in the genesis of novel organs or functions during evolution, the reconstitution of the evolutionary history of gene families is of critical importance. A comparison of the intron/exon gene structure may provide clues for the understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms underlying the genesis of gene families. An extensive study of A. thaliana genome showed that families of duplicated genes may be organized according to the number and/or density of intron and the diversity in gene structure. In this paper, we propose a genomic classification of several A. thaliana gene families based on introns in an evolutionary perspective. abbreviations BGAL, -galactosidases; PCMP, plant combinatorial and modular protein  相似文献   

Summary The RAD18 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is involved in mutagenic DNA repair. We describe its isolation from a yeast library introduced into the centromeric YCp50 vector, a low copy number plasmid. The insert was sublconed into YCp50 and into the multicopy YRp7 plasmid. RAD18 is not toxic when present in multiple copies but the UV survival response indicates an heterogeneity in the cell population, a fraction of it being more sensitive. A DNA segment, close to RAD18, is toxic on the multicopy plasmid and may correspond to the tRAN sup61 known to be tightly linked to RAD18. Chromosomal deletions of RAD18 were constructed. The gene is not essential and the deleted strains have the properties of single site mutants. Thus, RAD18 appears to be essentially involved in DNA repair metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary The cloned RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was tailored into expression vectors for overexpression of Rad3 protein in Escherichia coli and in yeast. In both organisms the overexpressed protein is detected as a species of molecular weight ca. 90 kDa, the size expected from the sequence of the cloned gene. The protein overexpressed in E. coli is largely insoluble; however the insoluble fraction was used to generate affinity-purified polyclonal antisera which proved to be powerful reagents for the initial characterization of Rad3 protein expressed in yeast. These studies showed that: (1) when overexpressed in yeast most of the Rad3 protein is detected in the soluble fraction of cell extracts; (2) endogenous Rad3 protein is untransformed cells is also ca. 90 kDa in size and is located in the cell nucleus; (3) Rad3/-galactosidase fusion protein partially purified on an affinity matrix is associated with DNA-dependent ATPase activity that is inhibited in the presence of anti-Rad3 antibodies, suggesting that Rad3 protein is an ATPase; and (4) Rad3 antibodies cross-react with two electrophoretically distinguishable polypeptides present in the nuclear fraction of human cells, and with a single polypeptide in extracts of Drosophila cell.  相似文献   

We characterized a sucrose-tolerant mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S22, that produces about four times as much acetate as the wild-type strain K9. We monitored the concentration of extracellular acetate during cultivation, and compared the gene expression ratios of S22 with those of K9 using DNA microarray. We propose that the sucrose tolerance of S22 may be related to the overexpression of the ENA1, ENA2, and ENA5 genes and some cell wall mannoprotein genes, and that the high acetate productivity of S22 is related to the overexpression of the ALD4 gene and oxidative phosphorylation genes.  相似文献   

TheArtemia hemoglobin contains two sub-units that are similar or different chains of nine globin domains. The domains are ancestrally related and are presumed to be derived from copies of an original single-domain parent gene. Since the gene copies have remained in the same environment for several hundred million years they provide an excellent model for the investigation of intron stability. The cDNA for one of the two types of nine-domain subunit (domains T1–T9) has been sequenced. Comparison with the corresponding genomic DNA reveals a total of 17 intradomain introns. Fourteen of the introns are in locations on the protein that are conventional in globins of other species. In eight of the nine domains an intron corresponds to the B helix, amino acid B12, following the second nucleotide (phase 2), and in six domains a G-helix intron is located between G6 and G7 (phase 0). The consistency of this pattern is supportive of the introns having been inherited from a single-domain parent gene. The remaining three introns are in unconventional locations. Two occur in the F helix, either in amino acid F3 (phase 1) in domain T3, or between F2 and F3 (phase 0) in domain T6. The two F introns strengthen an interpretation of intron inheritance since globin F introns are rare, and in domains T3 and T6 they replace rather than supplement the conventional G introns, as though displacement from G to F occurred before that part of the gene became duplicated. It is inferred that one of the F introns subsequently moved by one nucleotide. Similarly, the third unconventional intron location is the G intron in domain T4 which is in G6, phase 2, one nucleotide earlier than the other G introns. Domain T4 is also unusual in lacking a B intron. The pattern of introns in theArtemia globin gene supports a concept of general positional stability but the exceptions, where introns have moved out of reading frame, or have moved by several codons, or have been deleted, suggest that intron displacements can occur after inheritance from an ancient source. Correspondence to: C.N.A. Trotman  相似文献   

A study of an invertebrate mitochondrial genome, that of the blowflyPhormia regina, has been initiated to compare its structural and functional relatedness to other metazoan mitochondrial genomes. A restriction map of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) isolated from sucrose gradient-purified mitochondria has been established using a combination of single and double restriction endonuclease digestions and hybridizations with isolated mtDNA fragments, revealing a genome size of 17.5 kilobases (kb). A number of mitochondrial genes including those encoding the 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNA, the cytochromec oxidase I subunit (COI) and an unidentified open reading frame (URF2) have been located on thePhormia mtDNA by Southern blot analysis using as probes both isolated mtDNA fragments and oligonucleotides derived from the sequences of previously characterized genes from rat andDrosophila yakuba mtDNAs. These data indicate that for those regions examined, the mitochondrial genome organization of blowfly mtDNA is the same as that ofDrosophila yakuba, the order being COI-URF2-12 S-16 S. These data also report the presence of an A + T-rich region, located as a 2.5-kb region between the URF2 and the 12 S rRNA genes, and its amplification by the polymerase chain reaction is described.  相似文献   

The upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene (UPR-ICL, 1530bp) of an n-alkane-utilizable yeast, Candida tropicalis, induced gene expression in another yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, when the yeasts were grown on acetate. Surprisingly, UPR-ICL displayed the same regulatory function in the bacterium Escherichia coli when grown on acetate. We determined the interesting nucleotide sequence of UPR-ICL. The deletion analysis of UPR-ICL in both cells revealed the presence of two distinct promoters: one was localized at-394 to-379 and regulated gene expression in S. cerevisiae; the other was tocated near the initiation codon and regulated gene expression in E. coli. The two promoter sequences were similar, but not identical to regulatory elements that have been previously reported in S. cerevisiae and E. coli, respectively. Accordingly, the possibility of novel regulatory mechanisms could not be excluded. This is an interesting example of the presence of distinct cis-acting regulatory elements responsible for the induction of gene expression in one gene by acetate in both S. cerevisiae and E. coli. Preservation of such promoters through evolution is also discussed.Abbreviations ICL Isocitrate lyase - UPR-ICL Upstream region of the Candida tropicalis isocitrate lyase gene  相似文献   

Efficient chloroplast transformation systems now available allow the manipulation of the evolutionarily highly conserved psbA gene in the eucaryotic organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Two copies of this gene in the inverted repeat region of the chloroplast genome contain four large group I introns. To analyse possible functions of these introns and to generate a mutant for simplified psbA gene manipulations, a psbA cDNA fragment was introduced into a psbA deletion mutant using the biolistic transformation method. A transformant with no introns in the psbA gene has been obtained and represents the first example of the removal of a complete set of introns from a chloroplast gene. The newly generated strain is photosynthetically competent and contains no detectable recipient genome copies. The loss of all four introns appears to be phenotypically silent.  相似文献   

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