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The Mathematical Principles of Reinforcement (MPR) model accurately predicts performance in fixed ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement. The aim of the present study was to assess the generality of MPR with rats responding under progressive ratio (PR) schedules of different step sizes (PR1 or PR3) that provided either food or saccharin pellets. The results showed that the rats responding for saccharin pellets produced higher breakpoints (i.e., completed higher ratios) than those responding for food pellets. In terms of theoretical parameters, one finding unanticipated on the basis of MPR was that the a parameter (specific activation) was higher for the PR3 schedules. This finding suggests that specific activation may be affected indirectly by motor parameters of the task. 相似文献
Starlings' preferences for constant versus variable food sourceswere studied in the laboratory. The constant alternative gavea fixed amount of food after a fixed delay. The variable alternativeoffered either a varying amount of food after a fixed delay(treatment A) or a fixed amount of food after a variable delay(treatment B). In both treatments the ratio of amount of foodover trial length (the sum of intertrial interval plus delayand handling times) of the constant alternative equaled theaverage of the two ratios of the variable alternative. The variableratios were 30% higher and 30% smaller than the fixed ratio.In free-choice trials (both options available in each trial),the subjects were risk-averse or indifferent in treatment Aand indifferent or riskprone in treatment B. In no-choice trials(only one source available per trial), the latency to respondwas longer in the variable than in the constant source in treatmentA and the opposite in treatment B. The greater preference forvariability in time than for variability in reward amount isnot consistent with either maximizing the ratio of expectedenergy over expected time or the expected ratio of energy overtime for individual trials. There was a negative correlationbetween individual intake rate and degree of risk pronenessfor both kinds of variability. We present a model of choicebased on an information-processing theory for temporal memorythat accounts for the different effects of variability in delayand in amount but cannot explain the effects of intake rate.[Behav Ecol 1991;2:301308] 相似文献
The present experiment examined the effects of several test manipulations on discrimination, accuracy and sensitivity to reinforcer frequency in a conditional discrimination. Four pigeons responded on a multiple schedule of matching to sample procedures in which the reinforcer-frequency ratio for correct comparison choice responding was varied across components within session from 1:9 to 9:1. Following stability, the effects of prefeeding, extinction, and distraction during sample and comparison presentation were assessed. Discrimination accuracy decreased under prefeeding, extinction, and distraction during sample presentation. Sensitivity to reinforcer frequency decreased under prefeeding and extinction. Decreases in sensitivity were positively related to decreases in discrimination accuracy. The decreases in discrimination accuracy and sensitivity under prefeeding and extinction are interpreted as being due to decreases in attending to the sample and comparison stimuli, respectively, possibly mediated by motivational effects of these manipulations. This interpretation is consistent with current conceptualizations of the contingencies that govern conditional-discrimination performance. 相似文献
It has been suggested that when the delivery of several rewards is separated in time, e.g. one reward immediately and a second reward a few moments later, the value of an alternative that includes these "bundled" rewards will be the sum of the hyperbolic discount functions of the individual rewards. The current study examined this hypothesis using an adjusting amount procedure. In this procedure, rats chose between a delayed food alternative and an immediate food alternative, where the amount of immediate food altered according to each rat's choices. The size of the immediate reward when rats were indifferent between the delayed and immediate alternatives indexed the value of the delayed alternative. Discount functions describing the relationship between the indifference points and the delay to food were created for conditions in which the delay alternative consisted of a single reward (150mul of sucrose solution) delayed by 0, 2, 4, 8, or 16s following the reinforced response. These functions were used to predict the indifference points in other conditions for which an additional 150mul of sucrose solution was delivered at 0, 4, 8, or 16s following the reinforced response. The model fit the data well. However, there were systematic deviations that suggested animals were sensitive to the context within which delays were presented, in addition to the delays themselves. That is, preference for the delayed alternative was lower than predicted when the delay to the additional reward was long (8 or 16s) and higher than the predicted values when it was short (0 or 4s). 相似文献
In the present study, effects of d-amphetamine on sensitivity to reinforcement amount under concurrent schedules were examined using a rapid-acquisition procedure. Four pigeons key pecked under single concurrent variable-interval 30-s schedules of grain presentation. Two different reinforcer-amount ratios (7:1 and 1:7) changed across sessions according to a 31-step pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS). After at least four times through the PRBS, response ratios generally tracked the session-to-session changes in amount ratios; estimates of sensitivity ranged from 0.26 to 0.31 across the four pigeons. Effects of a range of doses of d-amphetamine (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) then were determined. For 3 of 4 pigeons, at least one dose, which did not dramatically alter overall response output or bias, decreased sensitivity to reinforcement amount. These results suggest that reducing sensitivity of responding to reinforcement amount may be one behavioral mechanism of stimulants, which may have implications for interpreting drug effects on self-control. 相似文献
采用田间试验与栽培模拟试验相结合的方法,分析了油菜秸秆还田对水稻根系、分蘖和产量的影响.结果表明: 水稻移栽后0~36 d,与秸秆不还田处理相比,油菜秸秆还田处理下水稻分蘖减少1~2个,根系单株伤流量降低1.0~8.6 mg,根系谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT) 活性分别降低0.10~6.11、0.06~0.31和0.52~0.84 μmol·g-1·h-1. 水稻移栽后56 d,与秸秆不还田处理相比,油菜秸秆翻埋还田处理下水稻根系单株伤流量增加3.4~11.7 mg,根系GS、GPT和GOT活性分别增加0.34~0.78、0.13~0.45和0.18~0.20 μmol·g-1·h-1;油菜秸秆覆盖还田处理下水稻根系单株伤流量降低19~25 mg,根系GS、GPT和GOT活性分别增加0.16~0.34、0.08~0.21和0.06~0.32 μmol·g-1·h-1.油菜秸秆还田处理中,全量还田处理下的水稻产量最高,其中,与全量覆盖还田相比,全量翻埋还田处理下的水稻产量增加0.13~0.48 t·hm-2.可见,油菜秸秆还田会导致水稻生长前期根系活力下降、氮代谢酶活性降低,从而使水稻根系生长缓慢、返青延迟,但在中后期,随着根系活力和氮代谢酶活性的增强,秸秆还田会促进水稻根系生长;油菜秸秆还田对水稻产量的影响是多因素综合作用的结果,全量翻埋还田更适宜于四川油稻两熟轮作系统. 相似文献
油菜秸秆还田对水稻根系、分蘖和产量的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
采用田间试验与栽培模拟试验相结合的方法,分析了油菜秸秆还田对水稻根系、分蘖和产量的影响.结果表明: 水稻移栽后0~36 d,与秸秆不还田处理相比,油菜秸秆还田处理下水稻分蘖减少1~2个,根系单株伤流量降低1.0~8.6 mg,根系谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT) 活性分别降低0.10~6.11、0.06~0.31和0.52~0.84 μmol·g-1·h-1. 水稻移栽后56 d,与秸秆不还田处理相比,油菜秸秆翻埋还田处理下水稻根系单株伤流量增加3.4~11.7 mg,根系GS、GPT和GOT活性分别增加0.34~0.78、0.13~0.45和0.18~0.20 μmol·g-1·h-1;油菜秸秆覆盖还田处理下水稻根系单株伤流量降低19~25 mg,根系GS、GPT和GOT活性分别增加0.16~0.34、0.08~0.21和0.06~0.32 μmol·g-1·h-1.油菜秸秆还田处理中,全量还田处理下的水稻产量最高,其中,与全量覆盖还田相比,全量翻埋还田处理下的水稻产量增加0.13~0.48 t·hm-2.可见,油菜秸秆还田会导致水稻生长前期根系活力下降、氮代谢酶活性降低,从而使水稻根系生长缓慢、返青延迟,但在中后期,随着根系活力和氮代谢酶活性的增强,秸秆还田会促进水稻根系生长;油菜秸秆还田对水稻产量的影响是多因素综合作用的结果,全量翻埋还田更适宜于四川油稻两熟轮作系统. 相似文献
Behavioral economists stress that experiments on judgment and decision-making using economic games should be played with real money if the results are to have generality. Behavior analysts have sometimes disputed this contention and have reported results in which hypothetical rewards and real money have produced comparable outcomes. We review studies that have compared hypothetical and real money and discuss the results of two relevant experiments. In the first, using the Sharing Game developed in our laboratory, subjects' choices differed markedly depending on whether the rewards were real or hypothetical. In the second, using the Ultimatum and Dictator Games, we again found sharp differences between real and hypothetical rewards. However, this study also showed that time off from a tedious task could serve as a reinforcer every bit as potent as money. In addition to their empirical and theoretical contributions, these studies make the methodological point that meaningful studies may be conducted with economic games without spending money: time off from a tedious task can serve as a powerful reward. 相似文献
《Behavioural processes》1988,17(3):229-238
Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of non-contingent intertrial interval (ITI) reinforcers on rats' discrimination of duration. In the first experiment, rats' discrimination of a 2 vs. 8 s of light was significantly disrupted when reinforcers were presented in the ITI. Disruption was not different on short (2 s) and long (8 s) trials. The second experiment showed that this disruptive effect was not specific to trials preceded by ITI reinforcers; responding on empty ITI trials run in the same session as ITI-reinforcer trials was also disrupted. This disruption however was not as great as on the ITI-reinforcer trials. The results of these experiments show that ITI reinforcers affect timing discriminations in much the same way they affect classical conditioning and delayed matching to sample. However, detailed examination of the results suggests that the deleterious effects of ITI reinforcers in these different paradigms might be produced by different rather than the same mechanism. The results also support the conclusion that pre-trial reinforcement “priming” produces disruption rather than facilitation in complex tasks. 相似文献
The results of testing rats over a series of ten open-field trials were consistent with some existing reports that an initial decrement in ambulatory activity is followed by an increment. Alternative explanations of the effect are: (a) that trial one activity is influenced by a hyperactivity phenomenon unrelated to exploration, and (b) that the effect stems from differential habituation of approach and avoidance tendencies. Comparison of the behaviour of rats tested with/without a small object in the centre of the field leads to rejection of the former possibility and it is suggested that the latter may account for some, though not all, of the effects of repeated testing on exploratory behaviour. 相似文献
It has been shown that the spontaneous revertants in the Ames test can depend on the amount and type of bottom agar on the plates. The most clear-cut effect was found with the his G46 strains, carrying the delta uvrB mutation, and with the new hisG428 strain, TA102. Evidence of mutagenic impurities in agar has been found. 相似文献
Effects of plant growth rate and leaf lifetime on the amount and type of anti-herbivore defense 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
P. D. Coley 《Oecologia》1988,74(4):531-536
Summary Growth, herbivory and defenses were studied for 41 common tree species in a lowland rainforest in Panama. Species represented a range of shade tolerance, but all individuals were measured in light gaps to control for environmental conditions and the availability of herbivores. Species growth rates and leaf lifetimes differed by almost 50-fold and were related to the degree of shade tolerance. Various measures of plant growth were significantly negatively correlated with an estimate of defense investment, and significantly positively correlated with rates of herbivory. Species with long-lived leaves had significantly higher concentrations of immobile defenses such as tannins and lignins. These data support current hypotheses that the intrinsic growth rate of a species evolutionarily determines the optimal amount and type of defense. 相似文献
In this paper family studies are presented which support the hypothesis of polymorphism in the process controlling sialic acid binding to bovine transferrin which modifies its phenotype as seen in starch gel electrophoresis. It has been shown that this polymorphism is controlled by a locus Tfs with two alleles Tfs A and Tfs a. Tfs a/a animals have the abnormal phenotype with the two faster bands of the four bands of a normal transferrin allele being virtually absent. Tfs A/a and Tfs A/A are phenotypically normal. Limited evidence is presented which suggests that the Tf and Tfs loci are not linked. 相似文献
Mazur JE 《Behavioural processes》2000,49(1):1-10
In Experiment 1, an adjusting-delay procedure was used to measure pigeons' choices between a single delayed reinforcer and a range of different variable-time schedules. Indifference points showed an inverse relation between rate of reinforcement and delay that was well described by a hyperbolic equation. An adjusting-amount procedure was used in Experiment 2, in which pigeons chose between an adjusting amount of food delivered after a 0.5-s delay and 3 s of food delivered after a range of different delays, and the effects of delay were similar to those found in Experiment 1. The results from both experiments indicated that, for pigeons, the strength of a reinforcer decreased rapidly with increasing delay. Estimates of a decay rate parameter in the hyperbolic equation were similar to those found in other studies with pigeons, but the rates of temporal discounting were three or four times faster than those found in studies with rats, suggesting a possible species difference. 相似文献
A R Palmer A Rees D Caird 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》1992,336(1278):415-422
The binaural masking level difference (BMLD) is a psychophysical effect whereby signals masked by a noise at one ear become unmasked by sounds reaching the other. BMLD effects are largest at low frequencies where they depend on signal phase, suggesting that part of the physiological mechanism responsible for the BMLD resides in cells that are sensitive to interaural time disparities. We have investigated a physiological basis for unmasking in the responses of delay-sensitive cells in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus in anaesthetized guinea pigs. The masking effects of a binaurally presented noise, as a function of the masker delay, were quantified by measuring the number of discharges synchronized to the signal, and by measuring the masked threshold. The noise level for masking was lowest at the best delay for the noise. The mean magnitude of the unmasking across our neural population was similar to the human psychophysical BMLD under the same signal and masker conditions. 相似文献
Francis E. Johnston Keith P. Hertzog Robert M. Malina 《American journal of physical anthropology》1966,24(2):253-255
The hypothesis that there is a relationship between the tasting polymorphism and growth variation was tested on a sample of 425 Negro elementary school children. Twenty-seven non-tasters were found by testing with impregnated papers; 13 were male, 14 female, indicating no sex differences in this group. Matchedpair comparisons indicated no differences in weight, a tendency for tasters to be taller, and a stronger tendency for tasters of both sexes to be skeletally more mature. It was felt that the tendency for tasters to be taller might reflect their more advanced maturation status. The relationship to skeletal maturation might be indicative of the decreased thryoid activity found in other studies of phenylthiocarbamide tasting. 相似文献
Michael Jackson Oliveira de Andrade Armindo Campos Neto Ana Raquel de Oliveira Jessica Bruna Santana Natanael Antonio dos Santos 《Chronobiology international》2018,35(7):996-1007
This study analyzed the fluctuation of the achromatic visual contrast sensitivity (CS) of adult males (M = 23.42 ± 2.6 years) during a daily period. Twenty-eight volunteers were divided into three groups according to circadian typology (CT): moderate morning (MM; n = 8); intermediate (I; n = 10) and moderate evening (ME; n = 10). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to evaluate sleep quality, and the Horne and Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire was used to measure CT. To measure CS, we used Metropsis software version 11.0 with vertical sinusoidal grids of 0.2, 0.6, 1, 3.1, 6.1, 8.8, 13.2 and 15.6 cycles per degree of visual angle (cpd). The stimuli were presented on a cathode ray tube (CRT) color video monitor with a 19-inch flat screen, a 1024 × 786 pixel resolution, a 100 Hz refresh rate and a photopic luminance of 39.6 cd/m2. It was inferred that there is a tendency for visual contrast to vary according to daily rhythmicity and CT, mainly for the median spatial frequencies (1.0 cpd, χ2 = 9.93, p < 0.05 and 3.1 cpd, χ2 = 10.33, p < 0.05) and high spatial frequencies (13.2 cpd, χ2 = 11.54, p < 0.05) of ME participants. ME participants had minimal visual contrast sensitivity during the morning shift and a progressive increase from afternoon to night. 相似文献
Sixteen rats received eight 1-h sessions of a tandem fixed-ratio 1 differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior 30-s schedule with reinforcer magnitude at one or six food pellet(s) across groups of eight rats. The larger reinforcer magnitude established the lever press more effectively. First, mean schedule completions differed across groups, in terms of both their overall difference and in their increase across sessions. Second, whereas the larger reinforcer magnitude established reliable response acquisition in all eight rats by the end of the experiment, the smaller reinforcer magnitude only established reliable response acquisition in four of eight rats. The present results systematically replicate earlier findings obtaining more reliable response acquisition with unsignaled delayed reinforcement with greater food deprivation. Taken together, this work demonstrates the influence of motivational variables on response acquisition with unsignaled delayed reinforcement. 相似文献
The effects of altering sucrose solution concentration on discounting of delayed rewards in rats were examined. Five different delays were used (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8s) and three different sucrose solution concentrations (3, 10, and 30%). It was hypothesized that high value sucrose solution concentrations would be discounted less than low value sucrose solution concentrations. The results indicated that the rats discounted the 30% sucrose solution concentration at a higher rate than the 3 or 10% sucrose solution concentration, a finding that apparently contradicted the hypothesis that higher value sucrose solution concentrations would be discounted less than lower value sucrose solution concentrations. However, a follow up experiment indicated that the 3 and 10% sucrose solution concentrations were preferred over the 30% concentration. Thus the results of Experiment 1 can be interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that high valued sucrose solution concentrations are discounted less than lower valued sucrose solution concentrations. 相似文献
以南方高丛蓝浆果(Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids)品种‘南月’(‘Southmoon’)优选系A18和兔眼蓝浆果(V.ashei Reade)品种‘灿烂’(‘Brightwell’)离体叶片为外植体,研究了培养基中添加不同浓度TDZ(0.5、1.0和2.0mg·L-1)、CPPU(2.0、4.0和8.0 mg·L-1)、ZT(2.0、4.0和8.0 mg·L-1)和2iP(4.0、8.0和16.0 mg·L-1)对叶片不定芽再生的影响.结果表明:在培养基中添加TDZ和CPPU对叶片不定芽的诱导效果优于ZT和2iP,再生率有显著差异(P<0.05).TDZ诱导不定芽出现所需的时间最短且再生率最高,不定芽密集并呈深绿色;其中,在添加0.5 ~2.0 mg·L-1TDZ的培养基上,A18叶片再生率均为100.00%,‘灿烂’叶片再生率最高达79.17%.CPPU也有较强的诱导能力但不定芽出现所需的时间推迟3~5d,且不定芽的密集程度也有所降低;其中,在添加2.0~8.0 mg·L-1CPPU的培养基上,A18叶片再生率为100.00%~93.75%;而‘灿烂’叶片再生率随CPPU质量浓度提高呈下降趋势(72.91% ~47.91%).ZT和2iP诱导能力差,在添加不同质量浓度ZT和2iP的培养基上A18和‘灿烂’叶片再生率均为0.00%.此外,A18和‘灿烂’的再生能力有差异,在相同条件下A18叶片的再生能力优于‘灿烂’叶片.研究结果显示:基因型以及培养基中细胞分裂素的种类和添加量是影响不同品种蓝浆果叶片不定芽再生的主要因素. 相似文献