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Six brown lemurs and four black lemurs were presented with two stimulus arrays of one and four raisins. Under a reverse-reward contingency, they received the array they did not choose. All subjects showed a strong preference for the larger array and developed a strong side preference bias. When a large-or-none reward contingency was applied (i.e. no reward followed the choice of the larger array, but this array was given for the choice of the smaller array), six of the 10 subjects overcame their side bias and learned to select the smaller array. When a correction procedure was added, all the remaining subjects mastered the task. Performance was maintained when the original reverse-reward contingency was rerun, and when novel array pairs were presented. Several months after the study, six subjects retained a significant preference for choosing the smaller of the two arrays. The results demonstrate a form of self-control in two prosimian species.  相似文献   

The role of changes of mind and multiple choices has recently received increased attention in the study of perceptual decision-making. Previously, these extensions to standard two-alternative tasks have been studied separately. Here we explored how changes of mind depend on the number of choice-alternatives. To this end, we tested 14 human subjects on a 2- and 4-alternative direction-discrimination task. Changes of mind in the participants' movement trajectories could be observed for two and for four choice alternatives. With fewer alternatives, participants responded faster and more accurately. The frequency of changes of mind, however, did not significantly differ for the different numbers of choice alternatives. Nevertheless, mind-changing improved the participants' final performance, particularly for intermediate difficulty levels, in both experimental conditions. Moreover, the mean reaction times of individual participants were negatively correlated with their overall tendency to make changes of mind. We further reproduced these findings with a multi-alternative attractor model for decision-making, while a simple race model could not account for the experimental data. Our experiment, combined with the theoretical models allowed us to shed light on: (1) the differences in choice behavior between two and four alternatives, (2) the differences between the data of our human subjects and previous monkey data, (3) individual differences between participants, and (4) the inhibitory interaction between neural representations of choice alternatives.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to respond to two alternating concurrent reinforcement schedules. The reinforcement probabilities were .05 and .10 in one component, and .10 and .20 in the other. In one condition, the pigeons received training on a discrete-trial procedure in which the keylights remained illuminated for 5s or until a response occurred. In another condition, pigeons received training on a procedure in which the reinforcement contingencies were the same as in the discrete-trial procedure, but the stimuli were not turned off after 5s or after a response. Following training in each condition, probe tests were presented. In both conditions, the .20 alternative was, overall, preferred to the .05 alternative during probe tests. Following discrete-trial training, there was no reliable preference between the two .10 alternatives. However, when the stimuli remained illuminated during the intertrial interval periods during training, probe tests results showed preference for the .10 alternative that had been presented in the leaner context during training. The pattern of results is consistent with the notion that probe preference can be influenced both by the absolute reinforcement schedules associated with each alternative, as well as changeover behavior developed during training.  相似文献   

Morphological cerebral asymmetries in chimpanzee brains, similar to those found in humans, in whom they are associated with speech and handedness, suggest the possibility of functional lateralization in the chimpanzee. This possibility was investigated by examining hand preferences in an island group of five chimpanzees on a series of unimanual and bimanual tasks that are diagnostic of human hand and cerebral dominance. Each subject was tested in a double compartment cage on three unimanual nonsequential, three unimanual sequential, and three bimanual coordination tasks. One of the three unimanual sequential tasks was a bar-press task that is analogous to the commonly used human finger-tapping task. For the unimanual tasks, exclusive of the bar-press, the chimpanzees showed a highly individualistic pattern of hand preference that did not change as a function of task complexity. On the bar-press task, four of five subjects produced higher rates with one hand compared to the other; however, relative hand performance on this task was unrelated to hand preference on the other unimanual tasks. For the group of subjects, performance rates did not differ between the left and right hands; however, a practice effect was observed for the right hand in all subjects. The bimanual tasks also revealed a complex pattern of individual handedness, with no trends apparent for the group as a whole. Consistent with previous findings, the results from these tests on this group of five chimpanzees suggest that cerebral morphological asymmetries in the chimpanzee are not associated with motor dominance as reflected in handedness.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of response bias to measures of delay discounting in Long-Evans rats (n = 8) using the adjusting amount procedure. Under this procedure, we assessed preference for 150 μl of 10% sucrose solution delivered following a delay over a variable-amount alternative delivered immediately. Bias was calculated based on relative preference when reinforcers were delivered immediately from both alternatives. We extended this assessment procedure to examine preference when rewards from both alternatives were equally delayed (2, 4, 8, or 16 s) in addition to assessing a traditional delay discounting function. Relative preference was similar across delays and slightly larger than 150 μl. These results indicate that response bias was stable and suggests a relative aversion for the adjusting alternative, which may be due to the variability in reward size associated with that alternative.  相似文献   

Delay discounting (DD) and delay of gratification (DG) are two measures of impulsive behavior often viewed as reflecting the same or equivalent processes. However, there are some key differences in the contingencies of reinforcement between the procedures that may have implications for understanding impulsivity. This study used DD and DG procedures to determine if differences in contingencies of reinforcement specified by DD and DG alters how much organisms discount the value of delayed reinforcers. Twenty-four water-deprived rats performed one of two Adjusting Amount procedures, which consisted of repeated choices between a fixed amount of water (250 &mgr;l) delivered after a delay (0, 4, 8, 16, or 32 s) and an adjusting, usually lesser amount delivered immediately. Half of the rats (n=12) performed a DD procedure designed to assess preference for immediate over delayed reinforcers in which they had discrete choices between the immediate and delayed amounts of water. A DG procedure was used for the other half of the rats (n=12). In the DG procedure rats also selected between immediate and delayed alternatives, but if they chose the delayed alternative they could switch to and receive the immediate alternative at any time during the delay to the larger reward. In the DD procedure switching responses were not reinforced but were still recorded and used for analyses. The DD functions of the two groups did not differ significantly. However, at the longer delays, the DG group made significantly fewer switching responses than the DD group. A possible role of response inhibition in the DG procedure is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to utilize quantitative methods to identify behavioral mechanisms involved in the effects of stimulant drugs on choice in a self-control procedure. A logarithmic equation based upon a combination of the matching law and hyperbolic discounting was used to separate drug-induced changes in sensitivity to reinforcement delay from drug-induced changes in sensitivity to reinforcement amount. Pigeons responded under a concurrent-chains schedule. In the initial link, two keys were illuminated simultaneously and access to the terminal link was controlled by a single random-interval (RI) schedule; pecks on one or the other key lead to its terminal link with a 0.5 probability. In the terminal links, one alternative provided 1-s access to food (the smaller reinforcer) and the other alternative provided 4-s access to food (the larger reinforcer). The signaled delay to the smaller reinforcer always was 2s, whereas the signaled delay to the larger reinforcer increased from 2 to 40s within each session, across 10-min blocks. In general, intermediate doses of methamphetamine increased preference for the larger more delayed reinforcer. Quantitative analyses indicated that, in most cases, methamphetamine decreased sensitivity to reinforcement delay. In a few instances, concomitant decreases in sensitivity to reinforcement amount also occurred. These results suggest that a reduced sensitivity to reinforcement delay may be important behavioral mechanism of the effects of stimulants on self-control choices, and that this effect sometimes can be accompanied by a decreased sensitivity to reinforcement amount.  相似文献   

This is the first study to examine hand preferences in Tonkean macaques on a bimanual task. One of our objectives was to continue the move toward greater task standardization, in order to facilitate comparisons between species and studies on handedness. The main aim was to test and determine task robustness, by varying intra‐task complexity. To this end, we administered several different tasks to the subjects: two unimanual tasks (grasping task featuring items of different sizes) and three coordinated bimanual tasks (tube task involving different materials, weights, and diameters). Although we found no significant hand preference in either task at the group level, the macaques were more strongly lateralized for small items than for large ones in the unimanual grasping task. Moreover, the absence of a correlation between these two versions of the unimanual task confirmed the weakness of this grasping task for assessing handedness. Regarding the bimanual tube task, no difference was found between the three versions in either the direction or the strength of hand preference. Moreover, the highly correlated hand preferences between these three versions suggest that the tube task provides a more robust means of measuring manual preferences. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:315–321, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Preferences in pigeons for free choice over forced choice under uncertain contingencies were compared with the one under certain contingencies in multiple concurrent-chain schedules of reinforcement. The uncertain condition examined the preference for two alternatives over one alternative when reinforcement probability at the end of the terminal link equalled 0.5, and with all keys in each terminal link lit green (two mixed fixed-interval extinction keys versus one mixed fixed-interval extinction key). Key and schedule arrangement in the certain condition was the same except that a peck on any terminal-link key after the FI interval always produced food. When naive pigeons were first exposed to uncertain contingencies, preference for two lit keys over one lit key was observed, and the preference was confirmed by sequential reversals of the terminal-link contingencies. However, no consistent preference was observed when uncertain condition followed the certain condition. Under certain contingencies, unlike the earlier experiments, very small and inconsistent preferences for free choice were demonstrated. A possible reason for the different preferences in the uncertain conditions was that pigeons may lessen their sensitivity to the circumstances with uncertainty by any history or carry-over effect of the prior contingency.  相似文献   

Prior to age four, children succeed in non-elicited-response false-belief tasks but fail elicited-response false-belief tasks. To explain this discrepancy, the processing-load account argues that the capacity to represent beliefs emerges in infancy, as indicated by early success on non-elicited-response tasks, but that children’s ability to demonstrate this capacity depends on the processing demands of the task and children’s processing skills. When processing demands exceed young children’s processing abilities, such as in standard elicited-response tasks, children fail despite their capacity to represent beliefs. Support for this account comes from recent evidence that reducing processing demands improves young children’s performance: when demands are sufficiently reduced, 2.5-year-olds succeed in elicited-response tasks. Here we sought complementary evidence for the processing-load account by examining whether increasing processing demands impeded children’s performance in a non-elicited-response task. 3-year-olds were tested in a preferential-looking task in which they heard a change-of-location false-belief story accompanied by a picture book; across children, we manipulated the amount of linguistic ambiguity in the story. The final page of the book showed two images: one that was consistent with the main character’s false belief and one that was consistent with reality. When the story was relatively unambiguous, children looked reliably longer at the false-belief-consistent image, successfully demonstrating their false-belief understanding. When the story was ambiguous, however, this undermined children’s performance: looking times to the belief-consistent image were correlated with verbal ability, and only children with verbal skills in the upper quartile of the sample demonstrated a significant preference for the belief-consistent image. These results support the processing-load account by demonstrating that regardless of whether a task involves an elicited response, children’s performance depends on the processing demands of the task and their processing skills. These findings also have implications for alternative, deflationary accounts of early false-belief understanding.  相似文献   

The gambler's fallacy is defined as the avoidance of a winning outcome in a stochastic environment with a constant probability. We tested the possibility that the gambler's fallacy in humans is responsive to the amount of time between choice allocations. Two groups of subjects were placed in a six-choice betting game in which the choices were clustered into two “patches.” Groups were defined by the length of time - 2 s or 6 s - between trials. On any given trial subjects allocated six points among the alternatives, and retained any points that were bet on the winning alternative. Both groups showed evidence of the gambler's fallacy bias. However, the bias was stronger in the 6-s ITI group than in the 2-s ITI group. This difference was found primarily to be due to differences in the number of subjects showing an opposing bias to the gambler's fallacy, namely a preference for the most recent winning alternative. This choice bias is termed the hot hand fallacy. Our findings contradict predictions derived from a foraging heuristic and from traditional accounts of the gambler's fallacy.  相似文献   

Although the level of handedness in humans varies cross-culturally, humans are generally described as right-handed, which has been considered a uniquely human trait. Recently, captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have been shown to exhibit right-hand preference when performing bimanual but not unimanual tasks. Less clear is whether this pattern also occurs in wild chimpanzees and other African apes. Using videos (N = 49) of six wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) feeding on termites at the Mondika Research Center (Republic of Congo), we tested whether they exhibit hand preference when performing unimanual, i.e., reaching for termite mound pieces; bimanual, i.e., “termite tapping”: rhythmically shaking a piece of termite mound with the dominant hand and collecting the termites in the other hand tasks; or hand transfer prior to bimanual tasks, i.e., transferring a piece of termite mound from one hand to the other. All individuals exhibited exclusive hand preference when performing the bimanual tasks, with five of six gorillas preferring the right hand. Conversely, most individuals did not show any manual preference during the unimanual task. In addition, hand preference during hand transfer revealed clear hand dominance of similar strength and direction of those shown for the bimanual task, suggesting that this measure is as sensitive as the bimanual task itself. Thus, we propose “termite feeding” as a novel task to be considered in future hand-preference studies in wild western gorillas. Our results are in concordance with those for chimpanzees and captive gorillas showing hemispheric specialization for bimanual actions in apes.  相似文献   

Some studies have shown that manual asymmetries decrease in older age. These results have often been explained with reference to models of reduced hemispheric specialisation. An alternative explanation, however, is that hand differences are subtle, and capturing them requires tasks that yield optimal performance with both hands. Whereas the hemispheric specialisation account implies that reduced manual asymmetries should be reliably observed in older adults, the ‘measurement difficulty’ account suggests that manual asymmetries will be hard to detect unless a task has just the right level of difficulty—i.e. within the ‘Goldilocks Zone’, where it is not too easy or too hard, but just right. Experiment One tested this hypothesis and found that manual asymmetries were only detected when participants performed in this zone; specifically, performance on a tracing task was only superior in the preferred hand when task constraints were high (i.e. fast speed tracing). Experiment Two used three different tasks to examine age differences in manual asymmetries; one task produced no asymmetries, whilst two tasks revealed asymmetries in both younger and older groups (with poorer overall performance in the old group across all tasks). Experiment Three revealed task-dependent asymmetries in both age groups, but highlighted further detection difficulties linked with the metric of performance and compensatory strategies used by participants. Results are discussed with reference to structural learning theory, whereby we suggest that the processes of inter-manual transfer lead to relatively small performance differences between the hands (despite a strong phenomenological sense of performance disparities).  相似文献   

Numerous studies investigating behavioral lateralization in capuchins have been published. Although some research groups have reported a population-level hand preference, other researchers have argued that capuchins do not show hand preference at the population level. As task complexity influences the expression of handedness in other primate species, the purpose of this study was to collect hand preference data across a variety of high- and low-level tasks to evaluate how task complexity influences the expression of hand preference in capuchins. We tested eleven captive brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to determine if they show consistent hand preferences across multiple high- and low-level tasks. Capuchins were expected to display high intertask consistency across the high-level tasks but not the low-level tasks. Although most individuals showed significant hand preferences for each task, only two of the high-level tasks that involved similar hand motions were significantly positively correlated, indicating consistency of hand preference across these tasks only. None of the tasks elicited a group-level hand preference. High-level tasks elicited a greater strength of hand preference than did low-level tasks. No sex differences were found for the direction or strength of hand preference for any task. These results contribute to the growing database of primate laterality and provide additional evidence that capuchins do not display group-level hand preferences.  相似文献   

This work introduces a coordinate-independent method to analyse movement variability of tasks performed with hand-held tools, such as a pen or a surgical scalpel. We extend the classical uncontrolled manifold (UCM) approach by exploiting the geometry of rigid body motions, used to describe tool configurations. In particular, we analyse variability during a static pointing task with a hand-held tool, where subjects are asked to keep the tool tip in steady contact with another object. In this case the tool is redundant with respect to the task, as subjects control position/orientation of the tool, i.e. 6 degrees-of-freedom (dof), to maintain the tool tip position (3dof) steady. To test the new method, subjects performed a pointing task with and without arm support. The additional dof introduced in the unsupported condition, injecting more variability into the system, represented a resource to minimise variability in the task space via coordinated motion. The results show that all of the seven subjects channeled more variability along directions not directly affecting the task (UCM), consistent with previous literature but now shown in a coordinate-independent way. Variability in the unsupported condition was only slightly larger at the endpoint but much larger in the UCM.  相似文献   

Choices are influenced by gaze allocation during deliberation, so that fixating an alternative longer leads to increased probability of choosing it. Gaze-dependent evidence accumulation provides a parsimonious account of choices, response times and gaze-behaviour in many simple decision scenarios. Here, we test whether this framework can also predict more complex context-dependent patterns of choice in a three-alternative risky choice task, where choices and eye movements were subject to attraction and compromise effects. Choices were best described by a gaze-dependent evidence accumulation model, where subjective values of alternatives are discounted while not fixated. Finally, we performed a systematic search over a large model space, allowing us to evaluate the relative contribution of different forms of gaze-dependence and additional mechanisms previously not considered by gaze-dependent accumulation models. Gaze-dependence remained the most important mechanism, but participants with strong attraction effects employed an additional similarity-dependent inhibition mechanism found in other models of multi-alternative multi-attribute choice.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to assess discomfort to the cow associated with milking machine function. Seven cows were presented with conditional discrimination tasks between alternative stimuli, using operant conditioning procedures. No discrimination between stimuli was evident. When allowed to choose between wide and narrow pulsation ratios, the 7 cows failed to do more than respond randomly. Four of the cows who were given a choice between potentially more or less aversive stimuli, pulsation vs. zero pulsation, showed no clear preference. The data suggest either that cows cannot discriminate within the experimental range of machine functions, i.e. that no measurable preference existed, or, under the experimental methods used, that cows could not learn the conditional discrimination required.  相似文献   

Readiness potentials (RPs) preceding a trigger pulling movement were recorded in 9 right-handed male subjects. We investigated two tasks, non-purposive and purposive movement tasks. In this study we defined simple trigger pull as non-purposive, and target force production by pulling the trigger as purposive. In the non-purposive task, the subjects were instructed to pull the trigger at their own pace and at an easily-exerted force level. After two sessions in the non-purposive movement task, the subjects were submitted to the purposive movement task, and were requested to pull the trigger in an attempt to produce target force, the range of which was decided individually on the basis of mean force level in the second session of the non-purposive movement task. The RP preceding the purposive movement was larger than that preceding the non-purposive movement. In addition, enhancement of the RP was specific to the negative slope (NS′). Since neither peak force nor time to peak force of the movement differed in the two tasks, it was concluded that the increased NS′ was due to a psychological change associated with execution of the purposive movement.  相似文献   

Asymmetry in direction of motion was found in Myrmica rubra ants at their learning in a symmetrical multi-alternative maze in conditions of "social" alimentary motivation. It was manifested in the form of preferable stay in the right half of the maze and was significant by several parameters: total number of motions, approaches to "false" spots and right turns. Unequal degrees of spatial-motor asymmetry (individual and for the whole sample) was revealed by various parameters. Most clearly the right-sided spatial preference was seen in the insects which had more approaches to goal with reinforcement taking than "exploratory" approaches. It is suggested that the parameters of motion direction asymmetry in ants learning in the maze depend on the level of alimentary "social" motivation.  相似文献   

A model of division of labour in insect societies, based on variable response thresholds is introduced. Response thresholds refer to the likelihood of reacting to task-associated stimuli. Low-threshold individuals perform tasks at a lower level of stimulus than high-threshold individuals. Within individual workers, performing a given task induces a decrease in the corresponding threshold, and not performing the task induces an increase in the threshold. This combined reinforcement process leads to the emergence of specialized workers, i.e. workers that are more responsive to stimuli associated with particular task requirements, from a group of initially identical individuals. Predictions of the dynamics of task specialization resulting from this model are presented. Predictions are also made as to what should be observed when specialists of a given task are removed from the colony and reintroduced after a varying amount of time: the colony does not recover the same state as that prior to the perturbation, and the difference between before and after the perturbation is more strongly marked as the time between separation and reintroduction increases.  相似文献   

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