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在都江堰林区,通过在原生林、次生林和灌丛3类生境释放野生和栽培樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus)的种子,研究了啮齿动物对樱桃种子的捕食及其对樱桃种群更新的作用。结果表明,啮齿动物对樱桃两类种子的搬运无显著差异,而啮齿动物对野生樱桃种子的收获则明显快于栽培樱桃种子,且在3类生境均有类似的趋势。这说明啮齿动物偏爱于收获具有较高收益(种仁重/种子重)的野生樱桃种子。啮齿动物在小于10 d的时间尺度收获了所有释放的樱桃种子,其中,70%以上为啮齿动物所搬运。春季食物的匮乏可能是导致啮齿动物对樱桃种子有较大捕食压力的主要原因,而生境类型间的差异较小。因此,啮齿动物是都江堰林区樱桃地表种子的主要捕食者,它们对野生樱桃种子的选择性捕食和搬运能影响樱桃种子/果实的进化及其种群更新。  相似文献   

 Stand structure and leaf area distribution of a laurel forest in the Agua García mountains of Tenerife are described. The site is situated at 820 m a.s.l., faces NNE, and has a humid mediterranean climate. Summer droughts are mitigated by relatively high air humidity and clouds. The natural mixed hardwood forest is composed of six major tree species: Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, Persea indica (L.) Spreng, Myrica faya Ait., Erica arborea L. and two species of Ilex (I. platyphylla Webb & Berth. and I. canariensis Poivet.). The experimental stand had a density of 1693 trees ha – 1, a basal area of 33.7 m2ha – 1, and a cumulated volume of above-ground parts of trees of 231 m3 ha – 1 with a corresponding dry mass of 204 ton ha – 1. Diameters at breast height ranged from 6 to 46 cm. Mean concentration of plant dry mass per volume was 1.17 kg m – 3. The vertical pattern of leaf area distribution in individual trees for all tree species was characterized by a Gaussian-like curve. Stand leaf area index was 7.8. These evergreen, broad-leaved (laurisilva or lucidophyllous) forests represent a relic forest that was widespread in the Mediterranean region some 20 million years ago. Our data illustrate some of the structural characteristics of this historically widespread forest type. Received: 2 December 1994 / Accepted: 6 November 1995  相似文献   

Anna Traveset 《Oecologia》1990,84(4):506-512
Summary Post-dispersal seed predation by the bruchid beetle Stator vachelliae was investigated in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. This insect finds the seeds of the leguminous Acacia farnesiana in the feces of horses, deer, and ctenosaur lizards, the current major dispersers. Patterns of oviposition and pre-adult survival of beetles in the seeds were investigated in a series of experiments using fresh horse dung. S. vachelliae never minded into the dung balls, attacking only those seeds located on the surface. Fresh horse dung did not attract insects more readily than dry dung. The proportion of seeds attacked was not related to their density in a defecation, and was similar in three areas with different densities of the host plant. In a fourth area with no fruiting A. farnesiana shrubs all seeds survived insect predation. Bruchids attacked a greater proportion of seeds at 1 m than at 5 m from the edge of the shrub's crown. Seeds were mainly removed from horse dung by rodents with similar intensity in all areas and at both distances; this seed removal interfered with bruchid oviposition and probably with bruchid survival. S. vachelliae oviposited less frequently on seeds in dung fully exposed to sun. When oviposition on a dung pile was high, the distribution of eggs on the seeds was clumped, suggesting that some seeds were preferred to others. By the end of the dry season, bruchids stopped attacking the seeds. The results show that the fate of both seeds and bruchids is greatly influenced by the location and time of defecation.  相似文献   

Low postdispersal mortality of palm seeds in tapir dung is hypothesized to result from the mechanical barrier provided by dung against bruchid infestation and/or from the distance to adult palms at which seeds are dispersed. We tested these hypotheses by distributing endocarps of Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng. in experimental dung piles in Beni, Bolivia. Predation rates were significantly lower for seeds covered by dung than for exposed or partially covered seeds, but did not differ between seeds placed below and 50 m away from palms. Thus, dung, not short‐distance dispersal, protects seeds against bruchid beetles, and may ultimately promote survival of palm seeds.  相似文献   

Here we report massive seed predation of Pseudobombax grandiflorum (Bombacaceae) by Botogeris versicolurus (Psittacidae) in a forest fragment in Brazil. The intensity of seed predation was very high when compared to other studies in continuous forest, perhaps resulting from a scarcity of resources in such areas. This scarcity may limit the range of parrot's diet to a few plant species. It suggests that studies of Psittacidae seed predation may be important for conservation of some plants in fragments.  相似文献   

Rodents are known to perform post‐dispersal seed predation in tropical rain forest, but there is little information on the identity of these seed predators and how they select their seeds. Using cafeteria experiments, we found that seed mass, rodent body mass, and the ratio of seed/rodent mass were determinants of seed consumption.  相似文献   

In tropical rain forests of Central America, the canopy tree Dipteryx panamensis (Papilionaceae) fruits when overall fruit biomass is low for mammals. Flying and arboreal consumers feed on D. panamensis and drop seeds under the parent or disperse them farther away. Seeds on the ground attract many vertebrate seed-eaters, some of them potential secondary seed dispersers. The fate of seeds artificially distributed to simulate bat dispersal was studied in relation to fruitfall periodicity and the visiting frequency of diurnal rodents at Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The frequency of visits by agoutis is very high at the beginning of fruitfall, but in the area close (<50 m) to fruiting trees (Dipteryx-rich area) it declines throughout fruiting, whereas it remains unchanged farther (>50 m) away (Dipteryx-poor and Gustavia-rich area). Squirrels were usually observed in the Dipteryx-rich area. Along with intense post-dispersal seed predation by rodents in the Dipteryx-rich area, a significant proportion of seeds were cached by rodents in the Dipteryx-poor area. Post-dispersal seed predation rate was inversely related to hoarding rate. A significantly greater proportion of seeds was cached in March, especially more than 100 m from the nearest fruiting tree. This correlates with the mid-fruiting period, i.e. during the height of D. panamensis fruiting, when rodents seem to be temporarily satiated with the food supply at parent trees. Hoarding remained high toward April, i.e. late in the fruiting season of D. panamensis. Low survival of scatterhoarded seeds suggests that the alternative food supply over the animal's home-ranges in May–June 1990 was too low to promote survival of cached seeds. Seedlings are assumed to establish in the less-used area of the rodents' home-range when overall food supply is sufficient to satiate post-dispersal predators.  相似文献   

In Neotropical forests, mammals act as seed dispersers and predators. To prevent seed predation and promote dispersal, seeds exhibit physical or chemical defenses. Collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) cannot eat some hard seeds, but can digest chemically defended seeds. Central American agoutis (Dasyprocta punctata) gnaw through hard‐walled seeds, but cannot consume chemically defended seeds. The objectives of this study were to determine relative peccary and agouti abundances within a lowland forest in Costa Rica and to assess how these two mammals affect the survival of large seeds that have no defenses (Iriartea deltoidea, Socratea exorrhiza), physical defenses (Astrocaryum alatum, Dipteryx panamensis), or chemical defenses (Mucuna holtonii) against seed predators. Mammal abundances were determined over 3 yrs from open‐access motion‐detecting camera trap photos. Using semi‐permeable mammal exclosures and thread‐marked seeds, predation and dispersal by mammals for each seed species were quantified. Abundances of peccaries were up to six times higher than those of agoutis over 3 yrs, but neither peccary nor agouti abundances differed across years. Seeds of A. alatum were predominantly dispersed by peccaries, which did not eat A. alatum seeds, whereas non‐defended and chemically defended seeds suffered high levels of predation, mostly by peccaries. Agoutis did not eat M. holtonii seeds. Peccaries and agoutis did not differ in the distances they dispersed seeds. This study shows that seed fates are contingent upon many factors such as seed defenses, frugivore–granivore abundances, and seed‐handling capabilities. Mammal–seed interactions are complex; the outcomes of these interactions depend on the inherent characteristics of seeds and their potential dispersers.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression play important roles in plant evolution, and their occurrence on the oceanic islands provides good examples of plant speciation and diversification. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and trnL (UAA) 3'exon-trnF (GAA) intergenic spacer (IGS) sequences of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), and the sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were examined to investigate the occurrence of gene transfer in Ilex species on the Bonin Islands and the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. A gene phylogeny for the plastid genome is in agreement with the morphologically based taxonomy, whereas the nuclear genome phylogeny clusters putatively unrelated endemics both on the Bonin and the Ryukyu Islands. Intersectional hybridization and nuclear gene flow were independently observed in insular endemics of Ilex on both sets of islands without evidence of plastid introgression. Gene flow observed in these island systems can be explained by ecological features of insular endemics, i.e., limits of distribution range or sympatric distribution in a small land area.  相似文献   

Seedling density and the condition of stony endocarps of the tree Dipteryx panamensis were assessed in protected continuous forest and two forest fragments exposed to hunting and selective logging. Seedling density was higher in forest fragments than in continuous forest, while more whole endocarps and fewer chewed and half endocarps were found in fragments, indicating lower seed predation at fragment sites. These findings appear to contradict two earlier D. panamensis studies and we discuss methodological differences that could account for our disparate results. Hunting and fragmentation effects on mammal populations are suggested as a cause for the altered recruitment pattern in fragments.  相似文献   

Large‐seeded plants are especially vulnerable to the loss of seed dispersers in small forest fragments. The palm Attalea humilis goes against this trend by reaching high abundances in small remnants. Productivity, seed dispersal and seed predation of A. humilis were investigated in two large (2400 and 3500 ha) and three small (19, 26 and 57 ha) Atlantic Forest fragments in southeastern Brazil. Palms in the small fragments produced more female inflorescences, resulting in a higher fruit production in these places. Seed dispersal rates were higher in the large fragments, where scatter hoarding was more frequent. Scolytine beetles were the main seed predators and damaged a larger number of seeds in small fragments, but predation by rodents and bruchine beetles was low irrespective of fragment size. As scolytines do not necessarily kill the seeds, low predation by bruchines and rodents, together with its own high productivity, allow A. humilis to be more abundant in small fragments despite the scarcity of its main dispersers. This increased abundance, by its turn, can increase competitive interactions between A. humilis and other plants in small fragments. Thus, abundance patterns of A. humilis are a good example of fragmentation affecting the balance of ecological interactions in a complex way, emphasizing the role of preserving ecological processes for conserving biodiversity in fragmented tropical landscapes. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Hunting and habitat loss represent an increasingly common anthropogenic impact. Available evidence suggests that defaunation is typically differential: medium/large mammals are most affected while small rodents are less affected, or even favored. In heavily impacted areas, such as Los Tuxtlas, the residual mammalian fauna is dominated by small rodents. We tested the expectation that if small rodents will preferentially attack small-seeded species, large-seeded species may escape predation in the absence of medium/large seed predators and that this may affect germination and, possibly, recruitment. Experiments with caged rodents ( Heteromys desmarestianus ) under laboratory conditions showed a preference for smaller seeds. A field experiment involving seeds of contrasting size showed that small, unprotected seeds experienced a predation risk 30-times larger than protected seeds, while the effect of protection was not significant for large seeds. These patterns of predation led to significant differences in germination: protected small-seeded species had a fourfold greater germination than unprotected small-seeded species, while germination was not significantly different between exposed and protected large seeds. The observed contrasts in germination suggest that under heavy defaunation, small-seeded species are likely to be penalized by the overabundance of small rodents, while large-seeded species escape predation. Our results are consistent with the observation of dense seedling carpets dominated by large-seeded species in the understory of Los Tuxtlas. We speculate that the patterns we uncovered may explain, at least partly, the impoverished diversity of the understory vegetation that characterizes heavily defaunated understories and that this has the potential to affect forest regeneration.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns are important characteristics of the forest and theycan reveal such things as successional status and ecological characteristics ofthe species. We tested the hypothesis that spatial distribution will bedifferent, depending on whether the species is intolerant or tolerant to shade.We assessed the spatial distribution of trees (> 4 cm dbh) andjuveniles in eight laurel forest plots. A univariate spatial analysis(performed with Ripley's K1) showed that all tree species havesignificantaggregation at short distances (2 m). Nevertheless, two groups ofspecies could be differentiated: Erica scoparia,Myrica faya and Ilex canariensisshowed a tendency for aggregation at large distances (larger than 6m)while L. azorica and Prunuslusitanicashowed aggregation only at shorter distances. Ripley's BivariateK1,2 analyses showed no significant differences in the spatialdistribution ofanalyzed species pairs from a null model. Only Laurusazoricahad a sufficient sample size for analysis of juvenile distribution. Aunivariateanalysis revealed thatL. azorica seedlings (stems < 50 cm high)were clumped in some plots up to 5 m, but this was not consistent.Saplings (stems > 50 cm high and < 4 cm dbh)didnot show strong clumping even at short distances. L.azoricasaplings had no significant aggregation with, nor repulsionfrom, adults of the same or different species. Spatial patterns of the speciesshould be considered in the development of restoration plans of the laurelforest 90%of which has disappeared or been intensively disturbed on Tenerife Island.  相似文献   

 We investigated the cellular and organelle transformations during the formation of the pollenkitt in the secretory tapetum of Ilex paraguariensis. After the dissolution of the callose surrounding the young microspores, the elaioplasts of the tapetum produce many globules of saturated and unsaturated lipids (plastoglobules). Further on, oleosomes with unsaturated lipids, synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, accumulate in the tapetal cytoplasm. In contrast to other species, the plastoglobule production seems to precede the oleosome synthesis. The tapetum shows signs of cellular maturation in the late vacuolated microspore stage, when the plastoglobules and oleosomes coalesce and form the pollenkitt mass. In mature stages of the tapetum the pollenkitt is released into the loculus. Finally, it is mainly deposited on the exine, according to the entomophilous character of this species. The mode of pollenkitt formation in Ilex para guariensis and its transfer to the pollen surface is slightly dissimilar to other Angiosperms. Received October 24, 2002; accepted December 2, 2002 Published online: March 20, 2003  相似文献   

Eight species, Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. huiana C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. hirsuta C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. zhejiangensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. wugongshanensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. robustinervosa C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. syzygiophylla C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng and I. verisimilis Chun ex C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, are valid- ly published here by the designation of holotypes.  相似文献   

The chloroplast atpB-rbcL spacer was sequenced for 115 speciesof Ilex and forNemopanthus mucronatus (Aquifoliaceae). In addition,rbcL sequences were obtained for 47 selected species. Takentogether with fossil records in the literature, the data indicatethat: (1) the lineage Ilex was already cosmopolitan long beforethe end of the Cretaceous. A relative test of the rate of nucleotidesubstitution indicates that extant species do not representthe entire lineage because of the extinction of its basal branches.The common ancestor of the extant species probably appearedat the upper Tertiary. (2) Several Asian/North American disjunctionsare observed, as well as North American/South American relationships.The directions of these relationships are yet to be determined.The African species Ilex mitis is closely related to Asian species.Ilex anomala (Hawaii and Tahiti) is related to American species.Ilex perado and Ilex canariensis (both in Macaronesia) havetotally different relationships, the former being related toEurasian species, while relationships of the latter remain obscure.(3) Gene trees substantially contradict the systematics of Loesener.Nemopanthus,closely related to Ilex amelanchier, is nested in the genusIlex. The family Aquifoliaceae is organized in four groups,each of them having a geographic or ecological peculiarity.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Aquifoliaceae, chloroplast DNA, fossil record, historical biogeography, Ilex (holly tree), molecular phylogeny.  相似文献   

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