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Treatment of the myeloid cell lines, U-937 or HL-60, with 10 nM of the phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), for 24 h increased the rate of incorporation of [3H]glycerol into total chloroform extracts. A proportionally greater labeling of the non-polar lipid (NL) fraction compared to the polar, phospholipid (PL), fraction was observed. Chromatographic analysis showed a 6-fold increase in the labeling of triacylglycerols (TAG), a 2-fold increase in diacylglycerols, and no changes in monoacylglycerols. PL labeling showed a 3-fold increase in phosphatidylcholine (PC). The effect of TPA on TAG labeling was selectively observed in myeloid cell lines. No such a change was found in the lymphoid cell line. MOLT-3, which did respond to TPA with increased PC labeling. Incorporation of [3H]arachidonic acid (AA) into TAG by U-937 cells was selectively increased (2.5-fold) after treatment with TPA for 24 h. Treatment of U-937 cells with TPA in serum-free medium resulted in no increased labeling of TAG. These studies suggest that changes in TAG metabolism may be characteristic of myeloid differentiation and depend on the presence of serum factor(s).  相似文献   

Primary B lymphocytes can be induced to proliferate and certain haemopoietic cell lines such as HL60 and U937 can be induced to differentiate by the addition of phorbol esters, which have been shown to activate protein kinase C. Several non-phorbol esters, such as the bryostatins, have also been shown to bind to and activate protein kinase C. Although bryostatin-1 and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) compete for and activate protein kinase C to the same degree and with similar kinetics and also induce similar levels of expression of the CD23 cell-surface antigen, bryostatin-1 is a weak mitogen for B lymphocytes and fails to induce the differentiation of both HL60 and U937 cells. Such an outcome suggests that these two activators have different binding properties for the enzyme that have a physiological consequence which may be useful for analysing the role that protein kinase C plays in both differentiation and proliferation. Analysis of competition assays between bryostatin-1 and TPA leads us to put forward a model where protein kinase C is required to be constantly reactivated and recycled during proliferation and differentiation which can be accomplished by TPA but not by bryostatin, although we cannot exclude the differential activation of some of the sub-species of the kinase by the two agonists.  相似文献   

The ‘cross‐talk’ between different types of neurotransmitters through second messenger pathways represents a major regulatory mechanism in neuronal function. We investigated the effects of activation of protein kinase C (PKC) on cAMP‐dependent signaling by structurally related human D1‐like dopaminergic receptors. Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells expressing D1 or D5 receptors were pretreated with phorbol‐12‐myristate‐13‐acetate (PMA), a potent activator of PKC, followed by analysis of dopamine‐mediated receptor activation using whole cell cAMP assays. Unpredictably, PKC activation had completely opposite effects on D1 and D5 receptor signaling. PMA dramatically augmented agonist‐evoked D1 receptor signaling, whereas constitutive and dopamine‐mediated D5 receptor activation were rapidly blunted. RT–PCR and immunoblotting analyses showed that phorbol ester‐regulated PKC isozymes (conventional: α, βI, βII, γ; novel: δ, ?, η, θ) and protein kinase D (PKCµ) are expressed in HEK293 cells. PMA appears to mediate these contrasting effects through the activation of Ca2+‐independent novel PKC isoforms as revealed by specific inhibitors, bisindolylmaleimide I, Gö6976, and Gö6983. The finding that cross‐talk between PKC and cAMP pathways can produce such opposite outcomes following the activation of structurally similar D1‐like receptor subtypes is novel and further strengthens the view that D1 and D5 receptors serve distinct functions in the mammalian nervous and endocrine systems.  相似文献   

Spreading of SNU16mAd gastric carcinoma cells was previously shown to be regulated via a signaling network from transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1) to integrins signaling, through a mediation of protein kinase C delta (PKCdelta). However, in the previous study, the roles of PKCdelta appeared complicated. In this study to clarify the roles of PKCdelta in the spreading of the gastric carcinoma cells, we questioned if PKC activation via phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment could mimic the TGFbeta1 effects. An acute PMA treatment increased phosphorylations of focal adhesion (FA) kinase, paxillin, c-Src, and cofilin, just as TGFbeta1 did. Furthermore, cell spreading mediated by TGFbeta1- or acute PMA treatment correlated with activation of RhoA, which regulates actin reorganization and FA formation. However, stress fiber formation was prominent in TGFbeta1-treated cells, compared to cortical actin organization in PMA-treated cells. Altogether, these observations indicate that acute PMA treatment could mimic the TGFbeta1 mechanisms for cell spreading through subtly different effects on actin reorganization.  相似文献   

The phorbol esters are among the most potent tumor promoters. On addition of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) to isolated human platelets prelabelled with [32P]orthophosphate we found a rapid increase in 32P incorporation into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. In view of similar findings with cells infected with the oncogene Rous sarcoma virus, it is suggested that inositol lipid phosphorylation might be a key event in the molecular action of phorbol esters.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) with those of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) on the calcium transient in intact platelets and on 45Ca2+ uptake in saponin-treated platelets and microsomal fractions to determine the roles of protein kinase C and cyclic AMP in calcium sequestration. In intact platelets, PMA, like PGE1, stimulated the return of the calcium transient to resting values after a thrombin stimulus, but only the PGE1 effect was reversed by adrenaline. Both PMA and PGE1, when added before saponin, stimulated ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake into the permeabilized platelets. Thrombin also stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake into saponin-treated platelets. Uptake of 45Ca2+ was increased in microsomal preparations from platelets pretreated with PMA or PGE1. PMA did not increase the cyclic AMP content of control or thrombin-treated platelets, and it induced a pattern of protein phosphorylation in 32P-labelled platelets different from that with PGE1. In correlation with the increased uptake of calcium in the saponin-treated preparation, we measured a rapid translocation of protein kinase C from supernatant to cell fraction after the addition of PMA. Our results suggest that activation of protein kinase C enhances calcium sequestration independently of an effect on cyclic AMP content in platelets. This activation could play a physiological role in the regulation of the calcium transient.  相似文献   

RIO1 and Rio-related proteins display little similarity of primary sequence with conventional protein kinases. Based on secondary structure alignments, we show that it contains the domain structure (subdomains I-XI) and conserved secondary structure elements found in conventional protein kinases. We show that recombinant wild-type Rio1p isolated from Escherichia coli displays kinase activity which depends on autophosphorylation and magnesium or manganese as ATP-activating ions. An initial biochemical characterization of Rio1p is presented.  相似文献   

Terminal cell differentiation usually results in an irreversible arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and loss of cell renewal ability. Human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells induced with 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) differentiate into monocytes/macrophages and accumulate in G1. We determined the effect of TPA on the growth kinetics of a human leukemia cell line (KOPM-28), which developed several of the characteristics of megakaryocytes in response to TPA, such as the surface antigen complex IIb/IIIa, platelet peroxidase and polyploidy. Cell growth was immediately and completely inhibited by TPA. Flow cytometric analysis of cellular DNA content revealed a gradual decrease in cells in G1 and an accumulation of cells in G2. These data suggest that TPA prolonged G1 and rapidly arrested the cells in G2. Synchronized cells were utilized to further analyze the rapid G2 arrest. Cells arrested with aphidicolin at the G1/S interphase were released, and the effects of TPA (added at different intervals) on cell cycle progression were examined 14 h after release. The results showed that TPA added at the end of the S phase, as well as at the G1/S interphase incompletely but distinctly arrested cells in G2. Moreover, G2 arrest was observed when TPA was added to cells released from a colcemid-induced G2/M block, suggesting that cells already in G2 were inhibited by TPA from moving through M to G1. Since some cells became multi-nucleated in the course of incubation with TPA, this G2 accumulation may have resulted at least in part from a prolongation of the phase or a transient G2 block. These changes in cell cycle progression induced by TPA may be characteristic of and/or related to megakaryocytic differentiation of hemopoietic precursor cells.  相似文献   

The proliferative responses of natural killer (NK) cells to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which directly activates protein kinase c(PKC), and to the Ca2+ ionophores A23817 and ionomycin, known to enhance the intracellular calcium, have been investigated. Highly purified large granular lymphocytes (LGL) were cultured for 12-30 hr in the presence of TPA, ionomycin, or A23817. TPA alone (1-20 ng/ml) triggered rapid LGL proliferation, whereas the calcium ionophores were ineffective. The addition of either calcium ionophore to suboptimal doses or TPA (0.1-0.5 ng/ml) resulted in a synergistic effect on LGL proliferation. Under these conditions high levels of IL-2 activity were released by the LGL. Phenotypic analysis revealed the rapid loss of the Fc gamma receptors (CD16) on LGL and the induction of the expression of IL-2 (CD25) and transferrin receptors and of HLA-DR, but not of CD3. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ by addition of EGTA at the beginning of the culture greatly depressed LGL proliferation and IL-2 production, and blocked phenotypic changes, such as the expression of Tac antigen. Finally, progression to the proliferative phase of LGL, activated by TPA alone or with ionomycin, was completely abrogated by a hyperimmune anti-IL-2 antiserum.  相似文献   

The response of a human embryonal carcinoma cell line LICR LON HT39/7 to 12-O-tetradecanylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) has been studied. Cells treated with 5 ng/ml of TPA undergo marked morphological changes, becoming flattened with nuclear enlargement and developing a grainy and often vacuolated cytoplasm. Parallel changes in the cell surface phenotype of the treated cells also occur. These include the appearance of membrane fibronectin, the embryonic antigen SSEA-1, and a glycoprotein antigen recognised by a monoclonal antibody. There is also increased expression of histocompatibility antigens. Other membrane molecules, such as peanut agglutinin receptor(s) and a 200 000 membrane glycoprotein appear to be removed from the membrane following TPA treatment. The high levels of alkaline phosphatase normally present in LICR LON HT39/7 are also reduced by TPA. Changes in the ultrastructure of the cells have also been observed, such as increases in nuclear complexity and in the number of intermediate filaments in the treated cells. This latter observation has been confirmed by immunofluorescent staining of the cells for prekeratins, which show an extensive network following the addition of TPA, but not before. 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis of the proteins synthesized by LICR LON HT39/7 before and after addition of TPA has shown that there are a number of alterations in the proteins synthesised by the treated cells. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation of the culture supernatants from these cells has shown that TPA induces the synthesis and secretion of fibronectin. The alterations in the phenotype of LICR LON HT39/7 induced by TPA are irreversible and the altered cells, whilst they stop dividing, can be maintained for at least three weeks in culture. The analogue of TPA 12-O-tetradecanylphorbol 13-myristate does not produce the effects described above.  相似文献   

The natural killer (NK) sensitivity of two Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-carrying Burkitt lymphoma lines (Daudi and Raji) and one EBV-negative acute lymphocytic leukemia-derived T-cell line (Molt-4) increased when they were cultured for 24 hr in the presence of the phorbol ester TPA. In the EBV-carrying lines, this increase occurred independently of the entry of the cells into the viral cycle. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-treated Daudi and Molt-4 cells cross-competed for the effectors in the NK assay as indicated by the cold-target inhibition tests. TPA-treated cells showed an increased binding of human but not of mouse lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The tumor promoter phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) induces rapid poly ADP-ribosylation and a drop in cellular NAD concentration in human monocytes. The antioxidants CuZn-superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and butylated-hydroxytoluene inhibit the reaction indicating that active oxygen species produced in the PMA-induced oxidative burst represent intermediates. The inhibitor of ADP-ribosyl-transferase, 3-amino-benzamide, inhibited poly ADP-ribosylation but did not prevent the drop in NAD-levels. PMA also causes the slow accumulation of DNA strand breaks in monocytes. The difference in the kinetics of poly ADP-ribosylation and DNA breakage argues against a simple relationship between the two reactions.  相似文献   

Relative to their normal counterparts, transformed epithelial cells have a distinctive and quantifiable three-dimensional shape. Biophysical and mathematical methods are used to distinguish these extremes in cells from two lines, cultured from rat liver and tracheal epithelium, respectively. Cells adopted a more transformed-looking configuration transiently when exposed to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) (Plummer and Heckman, [1990] Exp. Cell Res., 188:66–74). The purpose of the present work was to dissect the physiological processes involved in the shape change. Ruffling activity, known to be PMA-stimulated in other cells, was investigated. Although the ruffles appeared less robust than normal, PMA stimulated ruffling activity over a 5 h period. The number of sites where ruffling was initiated declined by 5 h, however, and suppression was seen by 10 h. Cells from both lines adopted the transformed shape configuration when exposed for 2 h to monensin. When the subset of shape features changed by this treatment was compared with those originally changed during transformation, it was found that monensin-treated cells mimicked the features of transformed cells. Its effect on ruffling was, however, unlike PMA's. Thus, the phenotype was unlikely to arise from ruffling itself but might be a process driven by ruffling. Chloroquine also stimulated cells to assume characteristics of transformed cells. Since both it and monensin could interfere with endosomes and with the processing of endocytosed contents, this was a likely site of action. Experiments were done to determine whether PMA also affected the processing of extracellular fluids. When the accumulation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was measured, the rate was found to be higher in PMA-treated cells from 5 min, the earliest time assayed, onward. The results suggest that the transformed type of cell in these cell lines showed a constitutive dilation and/or reorganization of some portion of the endosomal pathway. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

12-O-Tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate is a very effective tumor promotor and inflammatory agent and can act as a mitogen for a subset of T lymphocytes. We report here that even short exposure of lymphocytes to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate changes the balance between the levels of neutral ribonuclease and ribonuclease inhibitor. The most dramatic change occurs in a B-lymphocyte-enriched population. We find that most, if not all, of the neutral ribonuclease activity in circulating lymphocytes is associated with this population and that this activity is lost with exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate. Both 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate and phytohaemagglutinin increase the level of ribonuclease inhibitor in T cells. However, phytohaemagglutinin has no effect on the ribonuclease or inhibitor level of the B-cell-enriched population.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) circulating in mammalian peripheral blood are terminally differentiated cells, and once isolated in serum-free medium, they undergo apoptosis within 1 or 2 days. In this study, we studied the effects of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) on the viability of porcine PMNs in vitro. PMA is known to suppress apoptosis in many cell types. PMA but not dioctanoyl glycerol (DOG) induced morphological degeneration and cell death within 3 to 5 hours as assessed by light microscopy observation and the MTT viability assay. This occurred despite the fact that DNA fragmentation associated with "spontaneous apoptosis" was not observed. Morphological degeneration and death were not due to the oxidative damage from superoxides or its metabolites produced by polymorphonuclear leucocytes, because PMA and DOG similarly stimulated superoxide production. Several other inactive phorbol derivatives tested did not cause cell death, suggesting that the toxicity of PMA did not result from non-specific effect of the reagent.  相似文献   

To investigate the inhibition of DNA replication by tumor promoters, we incubated HeLa cells with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA; 10?8 to 10?5 g/ml) and quantified DNA synthesis on alkaline sucrose gradients. TPA was found to selectively inhibit replicon initiation without affecting DNA chain elongation in replicons that had already initiated. No inhibition of DNA synthesis was seen when cells were exposed to the nonpromoting derivative of TPA, 4-α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate. Superoxide dismutase did not prevent the TPA-induced inhibition of initiation.  相似文献   

Summary A low concentration of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA, 1.0 ng/ml) induced a transient inhibition of bud production in hydra which were fed daily. However, when hydra were starved following TPA-treatment, they produced further buds. Phorbol (1.0 ng/ml) and dimethyl sulfoxide (0.001%) did not influence bud production under either feeding or starvation conditions. These results indicate that TPA modulates asexual reproduction in hydra.  相似文献   

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