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Zusammenfassung Am Beispiel der Larven von Chironomus thummi piger werden die Zellen, die die peritrophische Membran abscheiden, licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es liegen zwei Zelltypen vor, die einerseits durch ihren Reichtum an granulären E.R.-Schläuchen (ER-Zellen), andererseits durch ihren hohen Gehalt an Mitochondrien (M-Zellen) charakterisiert sind. Die ER-Zellen zeigen Veränderungen, die in vielerlei Hinsicht der klassischen Auffassung der apokrinen Sekretion entsprechen und sich nicht in ein modernes Schema der Sekretionsmorphologie einordnen lassen. Die Zellen gehen im Verlauf der Sekretabgabe weder völlig zugrunde, noch bleiben sie vollständig erhalten. Die M-Zellen, die im Gegensatz zu den ER-Zellen keine Sekretionsgranula besitzen, weisen ähnliche Umwandlungen auf. Das fertige Sekretionsprodukt — die peritrophische Membran — entstammt einmal vorgeformten Sekretionsgranula, zum anderen der umgewandelten, abgeschnürten oberen Zellhälfte. Die peritrophische Membran besteht aus zwei Schichten, wovon die lumenseitige, auf Längsschnitten quergestreifte Lage (Wabentextur) vermutlich aus den Sekretionsgranula hervorgeht und die andere längsgefaserte Lage auf die Umwandlung von Zytoplasma zurückzuführen sein dürfte. Die Mikrovilli der Sekretionszellen sind in keiner Weise für die Strukturierung der Wabentextur verantwortlich.
On the apocrine secretion in the formation of the peritrophic membrane of chironomus thummi piger Str
Summary Taking the larvae of Chironomus thummi piger as an example, the cells secreting the peritrophic membrane have been investigated with the light- and electron-microscope. Two cell-types can be distinguished which in one case are characterized by abundant rough E.R.-tubules (ER-cells) and in the other case by large quantities of mitochondria (M-cells). The ER-cells undergo changes which in many respects correspond to the individual stages of the classic apocrine secretion, and thus do not fit into a modern scheme of the morphology of secretion. In the course of the discharge of the secretory product the cell neither becomes completely necrotic nor remains totally intact. The M-cells, which do not contain secretion granules like the ER-cells, show similar changes. The final product — the peritrophic membrane — is formed on the one hand by membrane bound secretion granules and on the other hand by the transformed and pinched off upper half of the cell. The peritrophic membrane consists of two layers, the one of which, facing the lumen of the midgut and exhibiting a honey-comb-texture, presumably is formed by the secretion granules, whereas the other layer arises from transformed cytoplasm. The microvilli of the secretory cells are not responsible for the formation of the honey-comb-pattern.
Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstützung durch die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Fourth instar larvae of Chironomus thummi were permitted to incorporate labeled amino acids and/or sigma-aminolevulinic acid (sigma-ALA) in vivo and in organ culture. The products secreted into the hemolymph or into the culture medium were examined by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine electrophoretic bands can be resolved as hemoglobins without staining. When gels are sliced for scintillation counting, incorporated amino acids and sigma-ALA are shown to be associated primarily with the same nine hemoglobin bands, suggesting that hemoglobins are assembled and secreted. Staining of gels with Coomassie brilliant blue reveals that there are several bands in addition to the visible hemoglobins. These bands incorporate amino acids, but not sigma-ALA, suggesting that they are non-heme proteins. The results of culturing isolated salivary glands, gut, and fat body demonstrate that the fat body is the major site of hemoglobin synthesis and secretion. Labeled products of the gut represent about 5% of the total hemoglobins produced by the tissues, while no hemoglobins are produced by the salivary glands. Although nine hemoglobins are visibly resolved on gels, labeling techniques reveal as many as 14 hemoglobins. This is the first demonstration of hemoglobin synthesis by specific tissues in culture in an invertebrate.  相似文献   

RNA isolated from Chironomus thummi (Diptera) larvae directs the incorporation of amino acid into newly synthesized products in a cell-free translation system prepared from wheat germ. A fraction of the total cell-free product was specifically immunoprecipitable with antibody against total C. thummi hemoglobin. Sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the immunoreactive material revealed the cell-free product to have an apparent molecular mass approximately 3000 daltons greater than secreted C. thummi globin purified from hemolymph. In contrast, analysis of the immunoreactive material by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions indicated several chemically distinct globins to be present in the cell-free immunoreactive products. These results provide evidence suggesting the possible existence of a preglobin and the data further provide the initial foundation required for elucidating the regulatory mechanisms that control the developmental stage-specific expression of the globin genes in C. thummi.  相似文献   

Chironomus thummi contains nine soluble hemoglobins (Hbs) in the larval hemolymph which can be resolved by 12.7% acrylamide gel electrophoresis (pH 8.65). Hemoglobins 2 and 3 are stage specific for the 4th instar and are first detected by day 4 of this stage in vivo, being absent in the 3rd instar. Fat-body cultures in the presence of 3H-delta-aminolevulinic acid and 14C-amino acids synthesize and secrete labelled Hbs, as was assayed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation of Hbs recovered from the culture medium. During development from 3rd instar to pupa, Chironomus fat body undergoes functional changes, being actively involved in Hb synthesis in intermolt periods and inactive with respect to Hb production during molting. The repression of Hb synthesis is reversed following the molt from the 3rd instar to the 4th instar. Metamorphosis is related to a gradual and irreversible loss of Hb synthesis and secretion by the fat body. The treatment of fat body in vitro with ecdysterone inhibits Hb synthesis in tissue from intermolt animals, even in the presence of excess methoprene, a potent juvenile hormone analogue. In contrast, immunoprecipitation of the translation products from a wheat-germ cell-free system, using mRNA from ecdysterone-treated 4th-instar fat body as a template, shows significant synthesis of globins, suggesting that ecdysterone does not affect the amount or template activity of globin messages. Methoprene induces the precocious in vitro synthesis of Hbs 2 and 3 in day-2 4th-instar fat body and enhances all Hb synthesis in the absence of ecdysterone. In vitro treatment with methoprene activates newly molted fat body to synthesize Hbs 2 and 3 in vitro. The process of Hb induction by this analogue is completely inhibited by actinomycin D or ecdysterone. Fat body from animals already exposed to high endogeneous ecdysterone titer are insensitive to treatment with this juvenile hormone analogue. Intermolt larvae normally possess stable Hb mRNA molecules, because actinomycin-D administration in vitro does not affect Hb synthesis for as long as 30 h, whereas it effectively inhibits all RNA synthesis in the fat body. Immunoprecipitation of globin translated in vitro from mRNA from 2-day-old 4th-instar larvae treated in vivo with methoprene shows enhanced synthesis of globins 2 and 3, as compared to controls with no treatment. It is suggested that both juvenile hormone and ecdysterone regulate Hb synthesis in Chironomus; juvenile hormone affecting the activity of Hb genes, and ecdysterone modulating the level of Hb gene expression.  相似文献   

The monomeric hemoglobin fractions of Chironomus thummi thummi (CTT) and Chironomus thummi piger (CTP) differ in the ratio of their components. The determination of the primary structure of the component CTP III was achieved by automatic Edman degradation of the native chain, the tryptic peptides and the C-terminal fragment, obtained by cleavage at the single tryptophan residue. It revealed two chains in the ratio 1:1 which share the ambiguity threonine/isoleucine in position 57 with CTT III. Whereas one chain is identical to the CTT III hemoglobin, the other differs in having isoleucine in position 105 and alanine in position 134. The CTP monomeric hemoglobin fraction comprises 8% of a component (CTP IV A) with a more negative charge than CTT IV but with an identical sequence up to position 44. This study reveals a very high polymorphism within Chironomus species and points out the need for more data at the gene level in order to provide better understanding of this striking phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effects of 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid (succinylacetone, SA), an inhibitor of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, on total iron uptake, heme synthesis, and globin synthesis were studied in rat marrow cells in culture in order to examine the coordination of heme and globin synthesis. SA inhibited heme synthesis in both control and erythropoietin-stimulated cells in a dose-dependent fashion; at 10(-3) M, inhibition was complete, whereas at 10(-7) M, there was no significant effect. Inhibition of total iron uptake was also dose-dependent although, at 10(-3) M, it was not complete. The inhibition of heme synthesis by SA was partially overcome by addition of 10(-4) M porphobilinogen or protoporphyrin IX. SA caused an almost complete suppression of globin formation in both erythropoietin-stimulated and unstimulated cells as early as five hours after the addition of the inhibitor. When inhibition of heme synthesis was incomplete, globin synthesis was partially inhibited. These results indicate that heme synthesis is required for erythropoietin-mediated induction of globin synthesis in cultured bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the dimeric hemoglobin CTT 11beta from the insect larva Chironomus thummi thummi (Diptera) is given. The sequence of a dimeric hemoglobin is presented for the first time. Some details of this primary structure are discussed and compared with human alpha-chains. The sequence was determined automatically.  相似文献   

Five variable microsatellite loci are reported for the nonbiting midge species Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger. All loci show considerable intraspecific variation and species‐specific alleles, which allow to discriminate among the two closely related species and their interspecific hybrids, and to estimate genetic diversity within and between populations. Additionally, the loci were localized on C. riparius polytene chromosomes to verify their single copy status and investigate possible chromosomal linkage. The described markers are used in different studies with regard to population and ecological genetics and evolutionary ecotoxicology of Chironomus.  相似文献   

Chironomidae is usually the most abundant macroinvetebrate in freshwater. They form an important part of the foodweb, and also have long been known as indicators of water quality. However, there is a great deal of difficulty in its identification. Such is due to the complexity of larval taxonomy. The external fine structures of the mouth parts and antennae of 4th instar larva C. flaviplumus and C. salinarius were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The antennae of the fourth instar larvae of C. flaviplumus and C. salinarius are short and composed of five segments. They consist of a scape, pedical, and three flagellar subsegments. The maxilla palps have 10 sensilla basiconica on its distal surface. They show the three morphological groups in the following numbers: six apical sensillae, three medial sensillae, and one lateral sensillae. The mandibles have strong apical and lateral teeth. These sensory structures are situated on the head capsule, each of which are represented with images to elucidate the identification of chironomidae.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(6):635-644
The major fourth instar-specific haemoglobin (Hb) of Chironomus thummi was purified to homogeneity as assessed by five analytical systems. This Hb was further resolved by isoelectric focussing into two variants, differing only slightly in their isoelectric points. These variants proved to be immunologically identical in each of three antigenically distinct components. Cross-reactivity studies indicated the presence of two or more antigenic components in other Hbs of C. thummi and of C. tentans, a related species. The data exclude the possibilities that non-haeme protein contaminants or that Hb (globin) fragments were present in our preparations. Therefore, multiple precipitin lines on double diffusion plates must have arisen from differentially antigenic sub-populations which are not separable by routine purification procedures.  相似文献   

The larvae of the dipteran insect, Chironomus ramosus, found in Shillong, India, contain eleven (11) hemoglobin (Hb) components of which three are monomers (CI, CIV and CVI) and seven are dimers (CIII, CV, CVII, CVIII, CIX, CX and CXI), while one (CII) exists in both monomeric and dimeric states.Four monomeric components were isolated, purified and partially characterized. The N-terminal amino acids were determined and showed glycine for CI and leucine for the other components (CII, CIV and CVI).Three hemoglobin components were found to be present in all stages of larval development, except the first instar larvae. Some Hb components were synthesized in a particular instar, as revealed by electrophoretic appearance.Electrophoretic mobilities of seven components and N-terminal amino acid residues of two components of Hb were similar in both Chironomus ramosus and Chironomus thummi thummi.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(2):359-363
Poly(A)+ RNA from fourth instar larvae of the insect Chironomus thummi was efficiently translated in vitro. Up to 10% of the total cell-free translation products was immunoprecipitable with antiserum specific for chironomid haemoglobins. Six immunoreactive preglobin products were resolved on SDS-17.5% polyacrylamide gels, and were cotranslationally processed by dog pancreas microsomes to 2 major bands that comigrated with authentic secreted globins.  相似文献   

A S Raikhel  A O Lea 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(2):281-299
We describe two phases, previtellogenic and vitellogenic, in the activity of the trophocytes in the fat body of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The previtellogenic phase, leading to trophocyte competence to synthesize vitellogenin (Vg), occurred during the first 3 days after eclosion. This phase was characterized by enlargement and activation of the nucleoli, proliferation of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), development of Golgi complexes, and extensive invaginations of the plasma membrane. During the vitellogenic phase, initiated by a blood meal, Vg was first detected, by immunofluorescence, 1 hr after feeding. The intensity of the immunoreaction increased for the next 24 hr, was declining at 30 hr, and had disappeared by 48 hr. Vg synthesis was characterized ultrastructurally by the enlargement of the RER and the formation of dense secretion granules in Golgi complexes. These secretion granules were two to three times larger at the peak of Vg synthesis than at the beginning. The granules discharged their contents by exocytosis. Two electron microscopical immunocytochemical methods, immunoferritin and peroxidase-antiperoxidase, confirmed this pathway of Vg processing. For the first 12 hr after feeding. Vg synthetic organelles proliferated and the active nucleoli were multilobed; thereafter, while Vg synthesis continued, the nucleoli began to regress into compact bodies. Termination of Vg synthesis was marked by autophagical degradation of Vg synthetic and processing organelles.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The anaerobic formation of ethanol by the larvae of Chironomus thummi thummi was investigated in homogenates and isolated mitochondria.
  • 2.2. It was found that homogenates transform fructose-1,6-bisphosphate into ethanol and acetate. The accumulation of ethanol decreases substantially and the formation of acetate almost ceases when arsenite, an inhibitor of pyruvate dehydrogenase, is present in the incubation medium.
  • 3.3. The cytosolic fraction of the homogenate was shown to degrade fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to pyruvate only. No ethanol could be detected, although there is high activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in the cytosol.
  • 4.4. Isolated mitochondria produce large quantities of ethanol from pyruvate during anoxia. This ethanol production was shown to depend on the presence of NADH. It is deduced that this cosubstrate originates from intramitochondrial formation of acetate from pyruvate, which was always found to accumulate alongside ethanol.

Using immunofluorescence, vitellogenin has been identified in the fat body of ovariectomized females of Porcellio dilatatus. Using immunoradiography of incubated fat body in leucine-14C-labeled medium, this organ has been demonstrated to be the synthesis site. Storage, but not synthesis, has also been proven in a particular kind of hepatopancreatic cell which might play a part in the resorption of vitellogenin excess.  相似文献   

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