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Double-helix formation of self-complementary deoxyribooctanucleotides, d(TCTATAGA) and d(TAGATCTA), with identical nearest neighbor base pairs has been studied by means of UV melting and temperature-jump techniques. The self-complementary duplexes of both octanucleotides with identical nearest neighbors had similar stabilities: The stabilization energies of the octanucleotides at 25 degrees C were 5.8 kcal mol-1 for d(TCTATAGA) and 6.7 kcal mol-1 for d(TAGATCTA). On the kinetic curve the melting reactions finished within 20 ms for d(TCTATAGA) and 40 ms for d(TAGATCTA) at 20 degrees C. For both octanucleotides the rate constants of dissociation increased and the rate constants of association decreased with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Chen FM  Sha F  Chin KH  Chou SH 《Nucleic acids research》2003,31(14):4238-4246
Actinomycin D (ACTD) has been shown to bind weakly to the sequence -GGCC-, despite the presence of a GpC site. It was subsequently found, however, that d(CATGGCCATG) binds relatively well to ACTD but exhibits unusually slow association kinetics, contrary to the strong-binding -XGCY- sites. In an effort to elucidate the nature of such binding and to delineate the origin of its interesting kinetic behavior, studies have now been extended to include oligomers with the general sequence motifs of d(CXYGGCCY′X′G)2. It was found that analogous binding characteristics are observed for these self-duplex decamers and comparative studies with progressively base-truncated oligomers from the 5′-end led to the finding that d(GGCCY′X′G) oligomers bind ACTD considerably stronger than their parent decamers and exhibit 1:1 drug/strand binding stoichiometry. Melting profiles monitored at the drug spectral region indicated additional drug binding prior to the onset of eventual complex disruptions with near identical melting temperatures for all the oligomers studied. These results are consistent with the notion that the related oligomers share a common strong binding mode of a hairpin-type, with the 3′-terminus G folding back to base-pair with the C base of GGC. A binding scheme is proposed in which the oligomers d(CXYGGCCY′X′G) exist predominantly in the duplex form and bind ACTD initially at the central GGCC weak site but subsequently disrupt to accommodate the stronger hairpin binding and thus the slow association kinetics. Such a mechanism is supported by the observation of distinct biphasic fluorescence kinetic traces in the binding of 7-amino-ACTD to these duplexes.  相似文献   

The energy contributions of various physical interactions to the total Gibbs energy of complex formation of the biologically important DNA hairpin d(GCGAAGC) with aromatic antitumor antibiotics daunomycin and novantrone and mutagens ethidium bromide and proflavin have been calculated. It has been shown that the relatively small value of the total energy of binding of the ligands to the hairpin is the sum of components great in absolute value and different in sign. The contributions of van der Waals interactions and both intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds and bonds with aqueous environment have been studied. According to the calculations, the hydrophobic and van der Waals components are energetically favorable in complex formation of the ligands with the hairpin d(GCGAAGC), whereas the electrostatic (with consideration of hydrogen bonds) and entropic components are unfavorable.  相似文献   

Kostiukov VV 《Biofizika》2011,56(1):35-47
The energy contributions of various physical interactions to the total Gibbs energy of complex formation of the biologically important DNA hairpin d(GCGAAGC) with aromatic antitumor antibiotics daunomycin and novantron and the mutagens ethidium and proflavine have been calculated. It has been shown that the relatively small value of the total energy of binding of the ligands to the hairpin is the sum of components great in absolute value and different in sign. The contributions of van der Waals interactions and both intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds and bonds with aqueous environment have been studied. According to the calculations, the hydrophobic and van der Waals components are energetically favorable in complex formation of the ligands with the DNA pairpin d(GCGAAGC), whereas the electrostatic (with consideration of hydrogen bonds) and entropic components are unfavorable.  相似文献   

The structure of the deoxyaligonucleotide d(GGGGCCCC) has been monitored by 1H and 31 P NMR, and by gel electrophoresis. In low-salt solution, this oligonucleotide forms a stable duplex structure. Upon titration with KCl, an equilibrium is established between duplex and quadruplex forms. The quadruplex form is the dominant one at physiological KCl concentrations, despite the fact that fewer hydrogen bonds are formed per strand in the quadruplex than in the duplex. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Conformational studies on three DNA-oligomers (d(CGCGCGTTAATT), d(CGCGTTAA) and d(CGCGCGTT) in solution by circular dichroism spectroscopy are reported. In low salt solution, all three DNA oligomers exhibit a characteristic B-conformation. However, under the influence of high salt concentration i.e. 5M NaCl, the octamer d(CGCGCGTT) exhibits 'A' conformation whereas the decamer and dodecamer retain B-conformation. On addition of millimolar amount of NiCl2 to the 5M NaCl, solution of oligodeoxynucleotides a B-Z transition is observed in octamer, decamer and dodecamer. However, NiCl2 titrations show that mid point of transition for dodecamer is at 2.25 mM, for decamer is at 13 mM NiCl2 and for octamer is 17 mM at NiCl2. In 60% alcohol all three oligonucleotides remain in the B-conformation. The melting temperatures of oligonucleotides at various salt concentration are also reported. Thermodynamic parameters calculated by melting profile using a two state model show that dodecamer and decamer are most stable in their 5M NaCl, B-form. However, octamer is more stable in its Z form than that of its 'A' form.  相似文献   

Structural and kinetic features of the TATA box located in the center of the alternating self-complementary d(C-G-C-G-T-A-T-A-C-G-C-G) duplex (TATA 12-mer) and d(C-G-C-G-C-G-T-A-T-A-C-G-C-G-C-G) duplex (TATA 16-mer) have been probed by high-resolution proton and phosphorus NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution. The imino exchangeable Watson-Crick protons and the nonexchangeable base protons in the TATA box of the TATA 12-mer and TATA 16-mer duplexes have been assigned from intra and inter base pair nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements. Imino proton line-width and hydrogen exchange saturation recovery measurements demonstrate that the dA X dT base pairs in the TATA box located in the center of the TATA 12-mer and TATA 16-mer duplexes are kinetically more labile than flanking dG X dC base pairs. The proton and phosphorus NMR parameters of the TATA 12-mer monitor a cooperative premelting transition in the TATA box prior to the onset of the melting transition to unstacked strands. Phosphorus NMR studies have been unable to detect any indication of a right-handed B DNA to a left-handed Z DNA transition for the TATA 12-mer duplex in saturated NaCl solution. By contrast, we do detect the onset of the B to Z transition for the TATA 16-mer in saturated NaCl solution. Proton and phosphorus NMR studies demonstrate formation of a loop conformation with chain reversal at the TATA segment for the TATA 12-mer and TATA 16-mer duplexes on lowering the DNA and counterion concentration. The imino protons (10-11 ppm) and phosphorus resonances (3.5-4.0 ppm; 4.5-5.0 ppm) of the loop segment fall in spectral windows well resolved from the corresponding markers in fully paired segments so tha it should be possible to identify loops in longer DNA helixes. The equilibrium between the loop and fully paired duplex conformations of the TATA 12-mer and TATA 16-mer is shifted toward the latter on addition of moderate salt.  相似文献   

S Ikuta  R Eritja  B E Kaplan  K Itakura 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5646-5650
One- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect experiments demonstrate that a single hydrogen bond between a T imino proton and purine N3 is sufficient to hold the base pair dPu.dT in d(CGPuAATTTCG) by a Watson-Crick fashion rather than a Hoogsteen type. In addition, the dPu.dT base pair is well stacked with neighboring base pairs. The spin-lattice relaxation measurements at 30 and 35 degrees C of two decamers, d(CGPuAATTTCG) and d(CGAAATTTCG), reveal that the elimination of two single hydrogen bonds of dA.dT base pairs (due to the substitution of adenine for purine) in the sequence results in an increase in the overall imino proton exchange rate from 7 to 36 s-1 at the site of mismatch.  相似文献   

We present proton and phosphorus NMR data, which contribute to explain why the 5-methylcytidine (m5C) differently affects the conformational transitions of CGUAm5CG (Bloch et al., FEBS Letters 219, 464 (1987)) and CGm5CGCG (Ceolin et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109, 2539 (1987)). The atypical intermediate form observed in the random coil to A-like duplex transition of CGm5CGCG is determined: this original duplex structure exhibits a frame-shift pairing of the two strands, with a partial conservation of the A-type structure. In the case of CGUAm5CG such a pairing process would lead to a complete mismatch pairing. This feature probably explains that the NMR data of CGUACG and CGUAm5CG are similar and consistent with a random coil to A-type helix transition. Nevertheless a significant difference between the correlation times observed for the molecular motions of the two duplexes is detected. Another example of unusual conformational transition of methylated RNA oligomers is given by CAm5CGUG.  相似文献   

The helical structures of d(C-G-m5C-G-C-G) were studied in aqueous solution at various salt concentrations and temperatures by CD and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. At room temperature only the B form is observed in 0.1 M NaCl whereas the B and Z forms are simultaneously present in 1.8 M NaCl. At high salt concentration (4 M NaCl) the Z form is largely predominant (greater than 95%). The Z form proton resonances were assigned by using the polarisation transfer method (between B and Z at 1.8 M NaCl) and by proton-proton decoupling (at high salt concentration). The Z-B-Coil transitions were studied as a function of temperature with the 1.8 M NaCl solution. At high temperature (95 degrees C) only the coil form (S) is present. Below 55 degrees C the coil proportion is negligible, and the B-Z exchange is slow. The disappearance of the coil gives rise at first to the B form and on lowering the temperature the Z proportion increases to the detriment of the B form. Proton linewidth, relaxation and polarisation transfer studies confirm the conclusion in the previous report on d(m5C-G-C-G-m5C-G) (Tran-Dinh et al Biochemistry 1984 in the press) that Z exchanges only with B whereas the latter also exchanges with S,Z in equilibrium B in equilibrium S. The present data show that even at high salt concentration where only the Z form of d(C-G-m5C-G-C-G) is observed the Z-S transition also passes through the B form as an intermediate stage. The B-Z transition takes place when the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds are firmly maintained and is greatly favoured when there are three hydrogen bonds between the base-pairs.  相似文献   

Several effects of peroxides on protein have been described in the literature. Some of the effects have been ascribed to alterations in protein conformation but this has never been examined directly. This paper described responses of peanut storage globulin (arachin) to rancid oil and hydrogen peroxide as measured by electrophoretic mobility, antigenicity and circular dichroism of the globulin. Rancid oil and 3% hydrogen peroxide had little effect on these properties but 30% hydrogen peroxide increased the mobility, abolished the antigenicity and reduced the ordered structural modes of the protein. The results indicated that changes in protein conformation do not occur after contact with organoleptically rancid oil or dilute peroxides but do occur with concentrated peroxides.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to monitor the conformation and dynamics of the d(C1-G2-A3-T4-T5-A6-T6-A5-A4-T3-C2-G1) self-complementary dodecanucleotide duplex (henceforth called Pribnow 12-mer), which contains a TATAAT Pribnow box and a central core of eight dA X dT base pairs. The exchangeable imino and nonexchangeable base protons have been assigned from one-dimensional intra and inter base pair nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements. Premelting conformational changes are observed at all the dA X dT base pairs in the central octanucleotide core in the Pribnow 12-mer duplex with the duplex to strand transition occurring at 55 degrees C in 0.1 M phosphate solution. The magnitude of the NOE measurements between minor groove H-2 protons of adjacent adenosines demonstrates that the base pairs are propeller twisted with the same handedness as observed in the crystalline state. The thymidine imino proton hydrogen exchange at the dA X dT base pairs has been measured from saturation recovery measurements as a function of temperature. The exchange rates and activation barriers show small variations among the four different dA X dT base pairs in the Pribnow 12-mer duplex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A hairpin structure contains two conformationally distinct domains: a double-helical stem with Watson-Crick base pairs and a single-stranded loop that connects the two arms of the stem. By extensive 1D and 2D 500-MHz 1H NMR studies in H2O and D2O, it has been demonstrated that the DNA oligomers d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) form hairpin structures under conditions of low concentration, 0.5 mM in DNA strand, and low salt (20 mM NaCl, pH 7). From examination of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) between base protons H8/H6 and sugar protons H1' and H2'/H2", it was concluded that in d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) all the nine nucleotides display average (C2'-endo,anti) geometry. The NMR data in conjunction with molecular model building and solvent accessibility studies were used to derive a working model for the hairpins.  相似文献   

The duplex–hairpin interconversion of two DNA decamers, d(CAACGGGTTG) and d(CAACCCGTTG), has been characterized thermodynamically and kinetically by using uv-melting and nmr relaxation methods. Separately, each decamer shows slow exchange between hairpin and duplex conformations. The hairpin conformations have melting points of 47 and 50°C, respectively, and exhibit similar thermodynamic stabilities. The enthalpies of duplex formation, measured by nmr, were found to be very similar (ΔHDH = 26 ± 3 kcal/mole) for both decanters at low salt concentrations (< 50 mM NaCl). However, as the salt concentration was increased the behavior of ΔHDH, and kinetics is significantly different for each decamer. The d(CAACGGGTTG) decamer forms a duplex containing two central G·G mismatches at high salt and DNA concentration. Based upon the measurement of high interconversion activation energies and a decrease in hairpin formation rate with increasing salt, the interconversion between hairpin and duplex was concluded to proceed by complete strand dissociation. In contrast, the d(CAAC-CCGTTG) decamer was determined to form a duplex with two centrally located C·C mismatches at pH values less than 6.2, consistent with the formation of a hemiprotonated C+·C mismatch. At pH values greater than 6.4, the hairpin–duplex equilibrium is almost completely shifted toward the hairpin conformation at DNA concentrations of 0.5–7.0 mM and salt concentrations of 10–100 mM. The interconversion of duplex and hairpin conformations was ascertained by means of both kinetic and thermodynamic measurements to proceed by a slightly different mechanism than its complementary decamer. Although the interconversion proceeds by complete strand separation as suggested by high duplex-hairpin interconversion activation enthalpies, the increasing hairpin formation rate with increasing ionic strength as well as the ΔHDH, dependence on sail indicate that an intermediate internally bulged duplex (no C+·C formation) is stabilized by increasing ionic strength. These data support an interconversion mechanism where an intermediate internally bulged duplex may be the rate limiting step before strand separation. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Using highly purified recombinant human prorenin, we report the first evidence for the formation of a stable, partially active, conformational variant of the recombinant proenzyme. The enzymatically active prorenin exhibits the following characteristics: (1) the proenzyme N-terminal sequence and molecular weight are maintained; (2) the active proenzyme is capable of cleaving a novel fluorogenic peptide substrate based on the sequence of human angiotensinogen and exhibits about 30% of mature renin specific activity for the fluorogenic substrate; (3) the active proenzyme conformation binds to, and can be eluted from, a pepstatin affinity column; and (4) the activity of the active proenzyme can be inhibited by a novel peptidomimetic renin inhibitor.  相似文献   

The double-helical conformations of d(m5-C-G-C-G-m5-C-G) in aqueous solution were studied by circular dichroism and 1H NMR spectroscopy. In 0.1 M NaCl, only the B form is detected whereas the Z form is strongly predominant in 3 M NaCl. In the presence of 2 M NaCl, two resonance signals corresponding to the B and Z duplexes were observed for each proton below 50 degrees C, indicating a slow exchange between B and Z. However, the B-Z exchange becomes intermediate or fast in the 55-80 degrees C temperature interval. By contrast the exchange between B helix and single-stranded (or coil) forms is much faster for the same temperature conditions. The Z form is only detectable when the coil form is practically absent. With decreasing temperature the B form decreases in favor of the Z form. From proton line-width measurements under various experimental conditions, it was also shown that Z exchanges only with B, while the latter also exchanges with the single-stranded form (S): Z in equilibrium B in equilibrium S. The enthalpy value is about 8 +/- 1 kcal/mol for the B-Z transition and about 40 +/- 2 kcal/mol for the B-S dissociation (2 M NaCl solution). The activation energy is about 47 +/- 2 kcal/mol for the Z----B and 39 +/- 2 kcal/mol for the B----Z reaction. Very good agreement between the experimental results and computed data (based on the above kinetic reaction model) was found for the B, Z, and coil proportions. The B-Z transition of methylated d(C-G)n oligomers is only possible when the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds between the CG base pairs are firmly maintained; otherwise, the transformation from B to Z would not occur, and B-S dissociation would take place instead.  相似文献   

Unusual expansion of trinucleotide repeats has been identified as a common mechanism of hereditary neurodegenerative diseases. Although the actual mechanism of repeat expansion remains uncertain, trinucleotide repeat instability may be related to the increased stability of an alternative DNA hairpin structure formed in the repeat sequences. Here we report that a synthetic ligand naphthyridine carbamate dimer (NCD) selectively bound to and stabilized an intra-stranded hairpin structure in CGG repeat sequences. The NCD-CGG hairpin complex was a stable structure that efficiently interfered with DNA replication by Taq DNA polymerase. Considering the sequence preference of NCD, the use of NCD would be valuable to investigate the genetic instabilities of CGG/CCG repeat sequences in human genomes.  相似文献   

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