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Abstract This study investigated the effect of three experimental fire regimes on the fecundity, ovule development and seedfall of two common wet-dry tropical savanna eucalypts, Eucalyptus minima and Eucalyptus tetrodonta, in northern Australia. Both species flower early in the dry season and ovule development occurs during the dry season. This coincides with a period of frequent fires. The three fire regimes considered were applied for four years between 1990 and 1994. These regimes were (i) Unburnt, (ii) Early, fires lit early in the dry season, and (iii) Late, fires lit late in the dry season. The treatments were applied to nine catchments (15–20 km2) with each fire regime replicated three times. Fire intensity typically increases as the dry season proceeds. Therefore, early dry season fires generally differ from late dry season fires in both their intensity and their timing in relation to the reproductive phenology of the eucalypts. Late dry season burning significantly reduced the fecundity of both species, whereas Early burning had no significant effect. Ovule success was significantly reduced by the Early burning for both species. The Late burning significantly reduced ovule success in E. tetrodonta, but not in E. miniata. The results suggest that fire intensity and fire timing may both be important determinants of seed supply. Fire intensity may be a determinant of fecundity, whereas fire timing in relation to the reproduction phenology may have a significant impact on ovule survival. Both fire regimes resulted in a substantial reduction in seed supply compared with the Unburnt treatment. This may have a significant impact on seedling regeneration of these tropical savanna eucalypts.  相似文献   

Aim To describe the spatial and temporal pattern of landscape burning with increasing distance from Aboriginal settlements. Location Central Arnhem Land, a stronghold of traditional Aboriginal culture, in the Australian monsoon tropics. Methods Geographical information system and global positioning system technologies were used to measure spatial and temporal changes in fire patterns over a one decade period in a 100 × 80 km area that included a cluster of Aboriginal settlements and a large uninhabited area. The major vegetation types were mapped and fire activity was assessed by systematic visual interpretation of sequences of cloud‐free Landsat satellite images acquired in the first (May to July) and second (August to October) halves of the 7‐month dry season. Fire activity in the middle and end of one dry season near an Aboriginal settlement was mapped along a 90‐km field traverse. Canopy scorch height was determined by sampling burnt areas beside vehicle tracks. Results Satellite fire mapping was 90% accurate if the satellite pass followed shortly after a fire event, but the reliability decayed dramatically with increasing time since the fire. Thus the satellite mapping provided a conservative index of fire activity that was unable to provide reliable estimates of the spatial extent of individual fires. There was little landscape fire activity in the first half of the dry season, that was mostly restricted to areas immediately surrounding Aboriginal settlements, with burning of both inhabited and uninhabited landscapes concentrated in the second half of the dry season. The mean decadal fire indices for the three dominant vegetation types in the study area were three in the plateau savanna, two in the sandstone and five in the wet savanna. The spatial and temporal variability of Aboriginal burning apparent in the satellite analyses were verified by field traverse surrounding a single settlement. Fires set by Aborigines had low scorch height of tree crowns reflecting low intensity, despite generally occurring late in the dry season. Conclusions Our findings support the idea that Aboriginal burning created a fine‐scale mosaic of burnt and unburnt areas but do not support the widely held view that Aboriginal burning was focused primarily in the first half of the dry season (before July). The frequency and scale of burning by Aborigines appears to be lower compared with European fire regimes characterized by fires of annual or biennial frequencies that burn large areas. The European fire regime appears to have triggered a positive feedback cycle between fire frequency and flammable grass fuels. The widely advocated management objective of burning in the first half of the dry season burning provides one of the few options to control fires once heavy grass fuel loads have become established, however we suggest it is erroneous to characterize such a regime as reflecting traditional Aboriginal burning practices. The preservation of Aboriginal fire management regimes should be a high management priority given the difficulty in breaking the grass‐fire cycle once it has been initiated.  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is an important management tool in many parts of the world. While natural fires generally occur during the driest and warmest period of the year, prescribed burning is often timed out‐of‐season, when there is higher soil moisture and lower biomass combustibility. However, fire season may influence seedling recruitment after fire, e.g. through the effect of seed hydration status on fire tolerance. In non‐fire‐prone temperate regions, anthropogenic fire may occur exclusively in periods outside the growing season with higher soil moisture, which may have negative consequences on seedling recruitment. Fire tolerance of moist and dry seeds of 16 temperate European herbaceous species belonging to four families was assessed using heat treatment of 100 °C for 5 min and subsequent germination trials. Moist seeds of Asteraceae, Poaceae and Brassicaceae had a predominantly negative reaction to the heat treatment, while those of Fabaceae tolerated it or germination was even enhanced. The reaction of dry seeds was completely different, with positive responses in three species of the Fabaceae and fire tolerance in species of other families. Our results point out that hydration status may significantly influence the post‐fire germination of seeds. Dry seeds were found to tolerate high heat, while moist seeds were harmed in more than half of the species. This implies that if prescribed burning is applied in temperate grasslands of Europe, it should be timed to dry periods of the dormant season in order to protect seeds from negative effects of fire.  相似文献   

Abstract Prescribed burning is regularly carried out by land management agencies controlling bushland estate in the Sydney region. Despite the volume of research into the interrelationships between fire and Australian ecosystems, season of burning has received comparatively little attention and is poorly understood. This paper considers three aspects of season of burning in the Sydney region, which is located on the boundary of the spring and spring-summer fire season zones, identified by Luke and McArthur (1978). First the paper reviews research on the responses of biota to fire season to establish what is known of the ecological importance of fire season. The historical records of fires in the early period of Sydney's settlement (1788–1845) are then used to determine the seasonal pattern of fire in that period, and the extent to which these records reflect Aboriginal practices which contributed to the historic fire regime. Recent prescribed burning is sampled through the practices of two major land management authorities in northern Sydney (New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service and Hornsby Shire Council) to compare current practices with the early records and the ecological evidence. The results of the very limited ecological research on season is far from conclusive. Positive and negative effects have been shown for both autumn and spring with autumn-winter perhaps showing the greater degree of negative impacts, although it is often difficult to separate the effects of season from intensity. The historic records show a pattern of fires, including those lit by Aborigines, largely confined to the fire season of spring-early summer (August to January). By contrast 60% of prescribed burning in northern Sydney by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service and Hornsby Council from 1980 to 1995 was conducted in autumn-winter (April to July). Prescribed burning in summer cannot be considered for practical reasons but timing of prescribed burning at other seasons is also largely dictated by pragmatic factors such as suitable weather and availability of personnel.  相似文献   

Fire regimes shape plant communities but are shifting with changing climate. More frequent fires of increasing intensity are burning across a broader range of seasons. Despite this, impacts that changes in fire season have on plant populations, or how they interact with other fire regime elements, are still relatively understudied. We asked (a) how does the season of fire affect plant vigor, including vegetative growth and flowering after a fire event, and (b) do different functional resprouting groups respond differently to the effects of season of fire? We sampled a total of 887 plants across 36 sites using a space‐for‐time design to assess resprouting vigor and reproductive output for five plant species. Sites represented either a spring or autumn burn, aged one to three years old. Season of fire had the clearest impacts on flowering in Lambertia formosa with a 152% increase in the number of plants flowering and a 45% increase in number of flowers per plant after autumn compared with spring fires. There were also season × severity interactions for total flowers produced for Leptospermum polygalifolium and L. trinervium with both species producing greater flowering in autumn, but only after lower severity fires. Severity of fire was a more important driver in vegetative growth than fire season. Season of fire impacts have previously been seen as synonymous with the effects of fire severity; however, we found that fire season and severity can have clear and independent, as well as interacting, impacts on post‐fire vegetative growth and reproductive response of resprouting species. Overall, we observed that there were positive effects of autumn fires on reproductive traits, while vegetative growth was positively related to fire severity and pre‐fire plant size.  相似文献   

Aim This study of contemporary landscape burning patterns in the North Kimberley aims to determine the relative influences of environmental factors and compare the management regimes occurring on Aboriginal lands, pastoral leases, national park and crown land. Location The study area is defined at the largest scale by Landsat Scene 108–70 that covers a total land area of 23,134 km2 in the North Kimberley Bioregion of north‐west Australia, including the settlement of Kalumburu, coastline between Vansittart Bay in the west and the mouth of the Berkeley River in the east, and stretching approximately 200 km inland. Methods Two approaches are applied. First, a 10‐year fire history (1990–1999) derived from previous study of satellite (Landsat‐MSS) remote sensing imagery is analysed for broad regional patterns. And secondly, a 2‐year ground‐based survey of burning along major access roads leading to an Aboriginal community is used to show fine‐scale burning patterns. anova and multiple regression analyses are used to determine the influence of year, season, geology, tenure, distance from road and distance from settlement on fire patterns. Results Satellite data indicated that an average of 30.8% (±4.4% SEM) of the study area was burnt each year with considerable variability between years. Approximately 56% of the study area was burnt on three or more occasions over the 10‐year period. A slightly higher proportion of burning occurred on average in the late dry season (17.2 ± 3.6%), compared with the early dry season (13.6 ± 3.3%). The highest fire frequency occurred on basalt substrates, on pastoral tenures, and at distances 5–25 km from roads. Three‐way anova demonstrated that geological substrate and land use were the most significant factors influencing fire history, however a range of smaller interactions were also significant. Analysis of road transects, originating from an Aboriginal settlement, showed that the timing of fire and geology type were the most significant factors affecting the pattern of area burnt. Of the total transect area, 28.3 ± 2.9% was burnt annually with peaks in burning occurring into the dry season months of June, August and September. Basalt uplands (81.2%) and lowlands (30.1%) had greater areas burnt than sandstone (12.3%) and sands (17.7%). Main conclusions Anthropogenic firing is constrained by two major environmental determinants; climate and substrate. Seasonal peaks in burning activity in both the early and late dry season relate to periods of optimal fire‐weather conditions. Substrate factors (geology, soils and physiognomy) influence vegetation‐fuel characteristics and the movement of fire in the landscape. Basalt hills overwhelmingly supported the most frequent wildfire regime in the study region because of their undulating topography and relatively fertile soils that support perennial grasslands. Within these spatial and temporal constraints people significantly influenced the frequency and extent of fire in the North Kimberley thus tenure type and associated land uses had a significant influence on fire patterning. Burning activity is high on pastoral lands and along roads and tracks on some tenure types. While the state government uses aerial control burning and legislation to try to restrict burning to the early dry season across all geology types, in practice burning is being conducted across the full duration of the dry season with early dry season burning focused on sandstone and sand substrates and late dry season burning focused on basalt substrates. There is greater seasonal and spatial variation in burning patterns on landscapes managed by Aboriginal people.  相似文献   

Abstract. A map of burn severity resulting from the 1988 fires that occurred in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) was derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and used to assess the isolation of burned areas, the heterogeneity that resulted from fires burning under moderate and severe burning conditions, and the relationship between heterogeneity and fire size. The majority of severely burned areas were within close proximity (50 to 200 m) to unburned or lightly burned areas, suggesting that few burned sites are very far from potential sources of propagules for plant reestablishment. Fires that occurred under moderate burning conditions early during the 1988 fire season resulted in a lower proportion of crown fire than fires that occurred under severe burning conditions later in the season. Increased dominance and contagion of burn severity classes and a decrease in the edge: area ratio for later fires indicated a slightly more aggregated burn pattern compared to early fires. The proportion of burned area in different burn severity classes varied as a function of daily fire size. When daily area burned was relatively low, the proportion of burned area in each burn severity class varied widely. When daily burned area exceeded 1250 ha, the burned area contained about 50 % crown fire, 30 % severe surface burn, and 20 % light surface burn. Understanding the effect of fire on landscape heterogeneity is important because the kinds, amounts, and spatial distribution of burned and unburned areas may influence the reestablishment of plant species on burned sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Riparian habitats are highly important ecosystems for tropical biodiversity, and highly threatened ecosystems through changing disturbance regimes and weed invasion. An experimental study was conducted to assess the ecosystem impacts of fire regimes introduced for the removal of the exotic woody vine, Cryptostegia grandiflora, in tropical north‐eastern Australian woodlands. Experimental sites in subcatchments of the Burdekin River, northern Queensland, Australia, were subjected to combinations of early wet‐season and dry‐season fires, and single and repeated fires, with an unburnt control. Woody vegetation was sampled using permanent quadrats to record and monitor plants species, number and size‐class. Sampling was conducted pre‐fire in 1999 and post‐fire in 2002. All fire regimes were effective in reducing the number and biomass of C. grandiflora shrubs and vines. Few woodland or riparian species were found to be fire‐sensitive and community composition did not change markedly under any fire regime. The more intense dry‐season fires impacted the structure of non‐target vegetation, with large reductions in the number of sapling trees (<5 cm d.b.h.) and reductions in the largest tree size‐class and total tree basal area. Unexpectedly, medium‐sized canopy trees (10–30 cm d.b.h.) appear to have been significantly benefited by fires, with decreases in number of trees of this size‐class in the absence of fire. Although the presence of C. grandiflora as a vine in riparian forest canopies changed the nature and intensity of crown combustion patterns, this did not lead to the initiation of a self‐perpetuating weed–fire cycle, as invaders were unable to take advantage of gaps caused by fire. Low intensity, early wet‐season burning, or early dry‐season burning, is recommended for control of C. grandiflora in order to minimize the fire intensity and risk of the loss of large habitat trees in riparian habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The record of eighteenth and nineteenth century explorers' references to Aboriginal fire in Queensland was stratified according to fourteen vegetation typcs and season of fire. It was demonstrated that references to 'current' fire (i.e. flames or smoke) may not represent traditional Aboriginal activity and that many fires were lit to frighten or harm, to protect themselves from, or to signal to kinfolk the presence of the European intruders. Because of this interpretational difficulty the records to 'current' fire were treated separately from 'past' fire (i.e. burnt ground). The data were analysed as the number of observations per 100 km spent in each vegetation type for any one season to compensate for bias created by differing amounts of travel. The record suggests highest frequency of burning in grassland around the Gulf of Carpentaria, relatively high fire frequency of most coastal and subcoastal vegetation types and relatively infrequent burning of inland Queensland. The analysis indicates a propensity for winter and autumn fue relative to spring and summer fire in all vegetation types combined and in most individual vegetation types.  相似文献   

Dunker  Bianca  Bull  C. Michael  Keith  David A.  Driscoll  Don A. 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(3):405-416
Plant Ecology - In temperate ecosystems, fire management involving prescribed burning and wildfire suppression often causes a shift in fire season from hot and dry summer conditions to cooler,...  相似文献   

Changes in structural and compositional attributes of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii Rydb.) plant communities have occurred in the twentieth century. These changes may in part relate to altered fire regimes. Our objective was to document effects of prescribed fire in fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April) on plant composition. Three study sites were located in western Oklahoma; each contained 12, 60 × 30‐m plots that were designated, within site, to be seasonally burned, annually burned, or left unburned. Growing season canopy cover for herbaceous and woody species was estimated in 1997–1998 (post‐treatment). At one year post‐fire, burning in any season reduced shrub cover, and spring burns reduced cover most. Winter and annual fires increased cover of rhizomatous tallgrasses, whereas burning in any season decreased little bluestem cover. Perennial forbs increased with fall and winter fire. Shrub stem density increased with fire in any season. Communities returned rapidly to pre‐burn composition with increasing time since fire. Fire effects on herbaceous vegetation appear to be manifested through increases in bare ground and reduction of overstory shrub dominance. Prescribed fire can be used as a tool in restoration efforts to increase or maintain within and between community plant diversity. Our data suggest that some plant species may require or benefit from fire in specific seasons. Additional research is needed to determine the long‐term effects of repeated fire over time.  相似文献   

The post-fire development of herbaceous understoreys of Tnodia/mallee burnt in different seasons was studied over a 3 year period in south-western New South Wales, Australia. Near Pooncarie, NSW, a 3 year sequence of above-average rainfall immediately following burning in either the spring, autumn or winter resulted in a substantial increase in species richness and herbage dry matter production. Plots burnt in the spring produced significantly more dry matter than either the autumn or the winter-burnt plots but only in the first growing season after burning. Some species such as Haloragis odontocarpa behaved as ephemerals, being abundant in the first post-fire season, particularly after spring fire, before becoming inconspicuous. Short-lived grasses, such as Stipa species, then became relatively abundant except during drought. Other experiments confirmed the potential of fire to increase herbage diversity and productivity when there was adequate rainfall. During drought, post-fire herbage production was low and the dominant perennials, viz. mallee Eucalyptus and Triodia irritans, regenerated at the expense of the herbs. There was a strong negative correlation between combined mallee and Triodia cover and total herbage cover over time. Seedling recruitment of Triodia irritans was significantly higher on plots burnt in the spring at Pooncarie.  相似文献   

Fire is both inevitable and necessary for maintaining the structure and functioning of mesic savannas. Without disturbances such as fire and herbivory, tree cover can increase at the expense of grass cover and over time dominate mesic savannas. Consequently, repeated burning is widely used to suppress tree recruitment and control bush encroachment. However, the effect of regular burning on invasion by alien plant species is little understood. Here, vegetation data from a long-term fire experiment, which began in 1953 in a mesic Zimbabwean savanna, were used to test whether the frequency of burning promoted alien plant invasion. The fire treatments consisted of late season fires, lit at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year intervals, and these regularly burnt plots were compared with unburnt plots. Results show that over half a century of frequent burning promoted the invasion by alien plants relative to areas where fire was excluded. More alien plant species became established in plots that had a higher frequency of burning. The proportion of alien species in the species assemblage was highest in the annually burnt plots followed by plots burnt biennially. Alien plant invasion was lowest in plots protected from fire but did not differ significantly between plots burnt triennially and quadrennially. Further, the abundance of five alien forbs increased significantly as the interval (in years) between fires became shorter. On average, the density of these alien forbs in annually burnt plots was at least ten times as high as the density of unburnt plots. Plant diversity was also altered by long-term burning. Total plant species richness was significantly lower in the unburnt plots compared to regularly burnt plots. These findings suggest that frequent burning of mesic savannas enhances invasion by alien plants, with short intervals between fires favouring alien forbs. Therefore, reducing the frequency of burning may be a key to minimising the risk of alien plant spread into mesic savannas, which is important because invasive plants pose a threat to native biodiversity and may alter savanna functioning.  相似文献   

Kirkman  L. Katherine  Drew  Mark B.  Edwards  Don 《Plant Ecology》1998,137(1):115-137
We studied the effects of experimental fire regimes, (dormant season fire, growing season fire, growing season mowing and control, i.e., no experimental treatment) on populations of the USA federally endangered, Schwalbea americana L. between 1992 and 1996. Although this species occurs in fire-maintained habitat in the Southeastern USA, there is concern about the use of fire for such rare populations. The purpose of the study was to examine how seasonal timing of fire and fire suppression affect population demography, flowering phenology and spatial distribution; to identify modes of persistence associated with fire regimes; and to determine if summer mowing provides a management alternative to fire. Fire-induced flowering was demonstrated in this species. Seasonal timing of burns appears to have relatively little consequence on population structure or spatial extent, but alters flowering phenology. Burning, regardless of season, resulted in increased population density and expansion in areal extent. Two possible mechanisms of persistence between fire events were identified including regression from reproductive stage to vegetative stage in the absence of fire and dormancy of individual plants for one or more seasons. Growing season mowing does not appear to be an adequate substitute for burning.  相似文献   

Regeneration and expansion of Aristida beyrichiana and Aristida stricta (wiregrass) populations in remaining fire‐maintained Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) stands of the southeastern United States has become an objective of land managers. Although growing‐season fire is required for successful wiregrass seed production, studies examining naturally occurring wiregrass seedling dynamics are few. This study investigates how seedling survivorship is affected by season of burn, seedling size, time since germination, and proximity to adult plants. Restoration at this research site was begun in 1992 with the planting of containerized longleaf pine and wiregrass seedlings. Study plots were established in November 1997 after a growing‐season prescribed fire (June 1996) that resulted in successful seed production and seedling recruitment. Burn treatment plots included (1) no burn (control), (2) fire in the dormant season of the first year after germination (March 1998), (3) fire in the growing season of the first year after germination (August 1998), and (4) fire in the growing season of the second year after germination (July 1999). Seedling mortality increased with growing season burning and close proximity to planted adults. Natural seedling recruitment continued into the second year after initial seed‐drop in all plots, which verifies that wiregrass seed banking occurs for a minimum of 2 years after seed drop. Where wiregrass management objectives include population expansion, seedling recruits should be allowed 1 to 2 years post‐germination without growing season fire for successful establishment.  相似文献   

Abstract Early dry season fires are a common land management regime employed across the tropical savannas of northern Australia. The rationale is that this reduces fuel loads and so reduces fire risk in the latter part of the dry season. Despite the acceptance of fire as a major management tool the ecological effects of fire remain uncertain. Vegetation patches and their associated macroinvertebrates play a critical role in the capture and recycling of water and nutrients. The aim of this study was to examine the responses of soil macroinvertebrates, within different types of vegetation patches, to early dry season fires in tropical savanna woodland in northern Australia. The abundance of major macroinvertebrate taxa and functional groups, and taxon richness were quantified in three vegetation patch types 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after burning. Termites dominated the soil macroinvertebrate assemblage sampled. Fire led to significant decreases in ant and spider abundances and overall taxon richness. Functional group analyses showed significant overall declines in the abundances of macropredators and litter transformers. There were also interactions between fire and patch type; in tree patches, fire significantly reduced total macroinvertebrate abundance, as well as the abundance of termites and ecosystem engineers. These changes in soil macroinvertebrates will potentially influence patch functionality, with important implications for soil processes and landscape health.  相似文献   

Kennedy  A.D.  Potgieter  A.L.F. 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(2):179-192
Wildfires may be started naturally by lightning or artificially by humans. In the savanna regions of southern Africa, lightning fires tend to occur at the start of the wet season, during October and November, while anthropogenic fires are usually started during the dry season, between July and August. A long-term field manipulation experiment initiated in the Kruger National Park in 1952 was used to explore whether this seasonal divergence affects tree abundance, spatial pattern, size and architecture. After 44 years of prescribed burning treatments that simulated the seasonal incidence of lightning and anthropogenic fires, mean densities of the locally-dominant shrub, Colophospermum mopane, were 638 and 500 trees ha–1 respectively. Trees in burnt plots had aggregated distributions while trees in unburnt plots had random distributions. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were recorded in a range of morphological parameters including tree height, canopy diameter, mean stem circumference and number of stems. The incidence of resprouting also differed significantly between treatments, with burnt trees containing a high proportion of coppiced stems. The differences in tree size and architecture between the mid-dry season and early-wet season burning plots suggest that anthropogenic fires applied during July and August cannot substitute for a natural lightning fire regime. Anthropogenic fire yields a landscape that is shorter, more scrubby and populated by numerous coppiced shrubs than the landscape generated by natural lightning fire conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract LANDSAT Multi‐Spectral Scanner imagery was used to determine aspects of the fire regimes of Kakadu National Park (in the wet‐dry tropics of Australia) for the period 1980–1995. Three landscape types recognized in this Park were Plateau, Lowlands and Floodplain. Areas burned in early and late dry seasons each year were documented using a Geographical Information System. Regression analyses were used to examine time trends in the areas burned each year and the interrelationships between early and late dry season burning. The proportions of landscapes having different stand ages (years since fire), and the proportions having had different fire intervals, were compared with results expected from the simplest random model (i.e. one in which the probability of ignition at a point [PIP] burning annually was constant). Using overlays of successive stand‐age maps, PIP could be calculated as a function of stand age. The Lowlands burned extensively each year; the areas burned by late dry season fires adding to those burned in the early dry season such that around 50–60% of the total area burned annually. Early dry season fires have lower intensities than late dry season fires, on average. Using a theoretically constant PIP and the mean proportion burned per year as the only input, predictions of areas burned as a function of stand age and fire interval were reasonable when compared with the empirical data, but best for the Lowlands landscape. PIP functions for Lowlands and Floodplains had negative slopes, an unexpected result. The nature of these PIP functions may reflect heterogeneity in fire proneness of the various vegetation types within landscapes. The scale of measurement, the scale of variation in vegetation types within a landscape, and the accuracy of the determination of burned areas, are constraints on the accuracy of fire‐interval and seasonally determination perceived from an analysis of satellite data.  相似文献   

Fire is common in savannas but its effects on soil are poorly understood. We analyzed long-term effects of fire on surface soil of an open Brazilian savanna (campo sujo) in plots submitted to different fire regimes during 18 years. The five fire regimes were: unburned, quadrennial fires in middle dry season, and biennial fires in early, middle or late dry season. Soil was collected during the wet and the middle dry season of 2008, and analyzed for pH, organic matter, total N, potential acidity, exchangeable cations and available P, S, Mn, Cu, Zn and Fe. We applied multivariate analysis to search for patterns related to fire regimes, and to local climate, fuel, and fire behavior. Spearman test was used to establish correlations between soil variables and the multivariate analysis gradient structure. Seasonal differences were tested using t-test. We found evidence of long-term fire effects: the unburned plot was segregated mainly by lower soil pH; the quadrennial plot was also segregated by lower soil pH and higher amount of exchangeable cations; the time of burning during the dry season in biennial plots did not significantly affect soil availability of nutrients. Differences in elements amounts due to the season of soil sampling (wet or dry) were higher than due to the effect of fires. Higher availability of nutrients in the soil during the wet season was probably related to higher nutrient inputs via rainfall and higher microbial activity.  相似文献   

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