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Mating type determination in Tetrahymena thermophila involves developmentally programmed, heritable alterations of the macronucleus, localized to the mtd locus. This determination can be predictably controlled by the environmental conditions during macronuclear development, eg, temperature and time of refeeding. In this article we have further characterized the effects of delayed refeeding on mating type determination, as revealed by the frequency of mating types among the progeny of a cross. Our results show that 1) the magnitude of this starvation effect decreases with temperature of conjugation and becomes undetectable at 18°C; 2) starvation during the interval 14 to 22 hr (after conjugation is induced at 30°C) is a necessary and sufficient condition for the induction of starvation effects; 3) relative mating type frequencies vary monotonically with nutrient concentration present during this critical period; and 4) sister macronuclei, developing under starvation conditions in the same cytoplasm, differentiate majority mating types characteristic of early or late refeeding; sister macronuclei show no apparent correlation with each other. On the basis of our observations on early and late refed cells, we propose that the composition of the newly developed macronucleus is the outcome of two key events: 1) mating type determination at the mtd locus and 2) differential molecular cloning of generally one or two autonomously replicating fragments (ARFs) of the macronuclear DNA bearing the mtd locus.  相似文献   

Each of the seven mating types of Tetrahymena thermophila is determined by a pair of large genes, MTA and MTB, whose expression peaks at early conjugation. Each protein consists of a mating‐type specific domain and a common transmembrane domain. To assess variation in natural populations, regions of both domains from wild isolates expressing mating types V and VII were analyzed. Corresponding regions of amicronucleates incapable of mating also were examined. MTA and MTB showed high haplotype diversity, with greater sequence variation in MTB. Mating type VII was less variable than mating type V, suggesting more recent origin. No polymorphism distinguished between mat1‐ and mat2‐like alleles encoding different arrays of mating types, nor did polymorphisms give evidence of population structure. MTA and MTB variants have different phylogenies, suggesting independent rather than concerted evolution, and are under weak purifying selection. Codon usage is less biased than for housekeeping genes, and reassigned glutamine encoding stop codons are preferentially used. Amicronucleate T. thermophila and closely related nsp15 and nsp25 have higher levels of nucleotide and amino acid substitution, consistent with cox1 distances. The results suggest that complete sequencing of mating type genes of wild isolates coupled with functional analysis will be informative.  相似文献   

Experimental data on mating type determination in T. thermophila, collected by Nanney, Allen, and their collaborators over a period of 25 years, are reinterpreted in the light of our current understanding of macronuclear genetics. A strong case is developed supporting the idea that mating type determination involves the developmental alteration of somatic DNA that occurs regularly in developing macronuclei in conjugating pairs. A. testable DNA deletion/splicing model is developed that although based on a few simple, plausible assumptions, explains the observations remarkably well. The model is in (at least) superficial analogy to the mechanism that must be involved to explain the somatic differentiation and alteration of DNA sequences that ultimately constitute an expressed vertebrate immunoglobulin gene. Because of the genetic, biochemical, and micromanipulative versatility of Tetrahymena, it may well turn out to be a uniquely suitable microbial eukaryotic experimental system for the study of developmental alterations of somatic DNA.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena thermophila mating type alleles specify temperature sensitive frequency distributions of multiple mating types. A-like alleles specify mating types I, II, III, V and VI, whereas B-like alleles specify mating types II through VII. We have characterized the mating type distributions specified by several A- and B-like genotypes segregated by genomic exclusion from cells isolated from a pond in northwestern Pennsylvania. The B-like genotypes are alike in specifying very low frequencies of mating type III, but differ with respect to the frequencies of other mating types, particularly II and VII. An A-like genotype specifies a high frequency of mating type III and is unstable in successive generations for the expression of mating type II, suggesting a possible modifier. Inter se crosses performed at 18 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 34 degrees C showed that each genotype specifies a frequency distribution that is uniquely affected by temperature. No mating type was affected the same way by temperature in all genotypes. In A/B heterozygotes, the B-like genotype exhibited partial dominance. The genotypes described here differ significantly from previously described genotypes from the same pond, indicating that there are numerous mating type alleles. For frequency-dependent selection to equalize mating type frequencies, it must act not only on complex multiple alleles but also on the response of mating type alleles to temperature.  相似文献   

During Tetrahymena conjugation gamic nuclei (pronuclei) are produced, reciprocally exchanged, and fused in each mate. The synkaryon divides twice; the two anterior nuclei develop into new macronuclei while the two posterior nuclei become micronuclei. The postzygotic divisions were blocked with the antitubulin drug nocodazole (ND). Then pronuclei (gamic nuclei) developed directly into macronuclear anlagen (primordial macronuclei), inducing amicronucleate cells with two anlagen, or, rarely, cells with one anlagen and one micronucleus. ND had a similar effect on cells that passed the first postzygotic division inducing amicronucleate cells with two anlagen, while cells treated with ND at the synkarya stage produced only one large anlage. Different intracytoplasmic positioning of the nuclei treated with ND (pronuclei, synkarya and two products of the first division) shows that most of cell cytoplasm is competent for inducing macronuclear development. Only posteriorly positioned nuclei--products of the second postzygotic division--remain micronuclei. The total cell DNA content, measured cytophotometrically in control and in ND-induced amicronucleate conjugant cells with one and two anlagen, was similar in all three samples at 12 h of conjugation. Eventually, at 24 h this content was about 2 pg (8 C) per anlagen both in nonrefed control and in amicronucleate exconjugants. Therefore "large" nuclei developing in the presence of ND were true macronuclear anlagen.  相似文献   

Proteins that possess a chromo domain are well‐known for their roles in heterochromatin assembly and maintenance. The Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) family, with a chromo domain and carboxy‐terminal chromo shadow domain, targets heterochromatin through interaction with histone H3 methylated on lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3). The structural and functional diversity of these proteins observed in both fission yeast and metazoans correlate with chromatin specialization. To expand these studies, we examined chromo domain proteins in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, which has functionally diverse and developmentally regulated heterochromatin domains. We identified thirteen proteins similar to HP1. Together they possess only a fraction of the possible chromo domain subtypes and most lack a recognizable chromo shadow domain. Using fluorescence microscopy to track chromatin localization of tagged proteins through the life cycle, we show evidence that in T. thermophila this family has diversified with biological roles in RNAi‐directed DNA elimination, germline genome structure, and somatic heterochromatin. Those proteins with H3K27me3 binding sequence characteristics localize to chromatin in mature nuclei, whereas those with H3K9me2/3 binding characteristics localize to developing nuclei undergoing DNA elimination. Findings point to an expanded and diversified family of chromo domain proteins that parallels heterochromatin diversity in ciliates.  相似文献   

In P. tetraurelia each cell is determined to express only one of the two complementary mating types, O and E. This determination is under cytoplasmic control and seems to be achieved only by the commitment or noncommitment to the expression of mating type E. All the previously known mutations affecting the differentiation of mating type prevent the expression of the E mating type (O-restricted mutations) without affecting the determination process. An E-restricted mutation was obtained: mtFE. Its phenotypic properties indicate that the mutation affects the determination process itself. When an O cell becomes mtFE/mtFE it acquires the E mating type and an E-determining cytoplasm. We propose that this constitutive determination for the E mating type is due to the inefficiency of a factor which is normally active in an O cell. This factor would act like a repressor and stabilize the E functions under an inactive state.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(14):2371-2379.e6
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Genetic, kinetical and cortical effects of treatment with the inducer of mucocyst release, alcian blue (AB), on conjugating pairs of Tetrahymena thermophila are reported. AB induces the formation of doublet cells from pairs, and the majority of them are homopolar doublets. We present a model in order to explain the origin of these cells. Macronuclear retention (MR) is the most important genetic effect observed. Two kinds of MR can be obtained: prezygotic-MR (uniparental micronucleus) and postzygotic-MR (cross-fertilized micronucleus). Within the first group, both homokaryon and heterokaryon cells are obtained. From some abnormal conjugational configurations and the results of conjugational kinetic analysis we propose an explanation for the origin of MR cells induced by AB. Genetic effects obtained after AB treatment at different conjugational times are independent of the cortical ones. The utility of these different effects in genetical and physiological studies is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the nuclear behavior of mating Tetrahymena cells that had been mechanically disrupted at various times throughout conjugation. Disruption was achieved by agitating conjugating Tetrahymena in the presence of 0.1-3 mm glass beads. Two minutes of agitation with 1 mm beads yielded optimal pair disruption (70%) with high viability (92%). Disrupting pairs between 0-4.7 h after the initiation of mating produced mostly disrupted conjugants in which development was aborted. However, as many as 20% of these early disrupted conjugants completed development even without their mating partners. After 5 h the percentage of disrupted conjugants completing development increased dramatically, reaching 80% by 6.7 h. These results support a model suggesting that events associated with nuclear exchange and fusion 5 h into conjugation trigger a commitment to completion of the postzygotic developmental program. The early conjugants that completed development following disruption suggest that development can be sustained even in the absence of a mating partner. This represents a novel method of bringing the micronuclear genome into macronuclear expression with minimal cytoplasmic exchange between partners. We discuss these results in light of a model relating cortical and nuclear signaling events that reciprocally drive conjugal development.  相似文献   

We report here the presence of N6-methyladenine (MeAde) in the macronuclear DNA (maDNA) of Blepharisma japonicum vegetative cells. We have further investigated the relationship between DNA methylation and cell union in cells activated for conjugation. Such activation was induced by treating cells of mating type I with complementary gamone 2. We found a reduction of about 24% of MeAde content in gamone-treated cells ready for cell union. First indications of the presence and reduction of MeAde content came from electrophoresis of maDNA digested by appropriate restriction endonucleases. Chromatographic determination of the amount of methylated base by HPLC substantiated these observations. In vegetative cells, 1.576 ± 0.02% of total adenine was found to be methylated as opposed to 1.193 ± 0.04% in activated cells. The HPLC analysis of maDNA also revealed a peak with a retention time corresponding to that of 5-hydroxymethyluracil, already found in some species of dinoflagellates. In that gamone treatment is correlated with a differential gene expression (indicated by a differential RNA and protein synthesis), our results suggest that there is a relationship between macronuclear genome activation and demethylation of maDNA. This is the first report of a correlation between gene activation and adenine demethylation in a eukaryotic organism.  相似文献   

Until recently, Tetrahymena thermophila has rarely been isolated from nature. With improved sampling procedures, T. thermophila has been found in ponds in many northeastern states. The availability of resident populations makes possible both population and ecological genetic studies. All seven known mating types have been recovered; no eighth mating type has been found. Crosses among whole-genome homozygotes derived from Pennsylvania isolates reveal a spectrum genotypes with mating type alleles resembling traditional A (IV- and VII-) and B(I-) categories. The genotypes differ significantly with respect to mating type frequency, both among themselves and from previously described genotypes. One A-category genotype appears to lack mating type II, while one A-category and all B-category genotypes have low frequencies of mating type III, thus accounting for the low frequency of III in the pond. The low frequency of III in all five B-category genotypes examined suggests that the founding allele in this region was low for III. These and other differences are discussed both in terms of mating type frequencies in the pond and in terms of the possible molecular structure of mat alleles. By contrast, numerous variants of the cell surface immobilization antigen are found in addition to the previously described i-antigens. Variants of the known SerH alleles include those with restriction fragment length polymorphisms and temperature sensitivity as well as alleles with new antigenic specificity. Multiple alleles are present in single ponds. Genes exhibiting serially dominant epistasis over SerH genes also are found. In two instances (K and C), families of antigenically similar polypeptides are expressed in place of H i-antigen. Molecular weight differences suggest that these paralogous i-antigen genes evolve by gene duplication and unequal crossing over within central repeats. The existence of complex patterns of epistasis together with seasonal changes in i-ag frequencies suggest that i-ag play an important, but as yet unknown, ecological role related to the occurrence of frequent conjugation.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of cilia in mating interactions of Tetrahymena thermophila, ciliary membrane-rich fractions were isolated from two wild-type strains, a non-discharge mucocyst mutant which possesses mating behavior similar to wild-type, and a mating mutant which is able to costimulate cells of complementary mating type but cannot enter into pair formation. In each case, proteins from the ciliary membrane-rich fractions of starved, mating-competent (“initiated”) cells were compared with those from non-starved, mating-incompetent (“non-initiated”) cells, by gel electro-phoresis and lectin blotting. In stained gels, a 43 kDa polypeptide was reduced or absent in initiated cells but present in non-initiated cells, in all strains. In silver-stained gels, a 25 kDa polypeptide was present in all strains, both initiated and non-initiated. In blots probed with Con A-peroxidase, a 25 kDa glycoprotein was present in ciliary membrane fractions from non-initiated cells and absent in membranes of initiated cells of the two wild-type strains and the mucocyst mutant, but is present in initiated and non-initiated cells of the mating mutant (several hypotheses are presented to explain these findings). In addition, ciliary proteins of the mating mutant included at least two unique Con A-binding polypeptides. Our results support the idea that development of mating competence during starvation involves an extensive remodeling of ciliary membranes, and identify a 25 kDa glyco-conjugate as having a potential role in control of pair formation during mating. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ciliates possess nuclear dimorphism, i.e., they carry two structurally and functionally differentiated types of nuclei. The micronucleus and macronucleus serve as the germline and somatic nuclei, respectively, of the cell. The macronucleus differentiates from a mitotic sister of the micronucleus once per life cycle. Macronuclear differentiation is accompanied by a developmentally programmed set of DNA rearrangements, including chromosome fragmentation, telomere addition, and amplification. Given the diploidy of the MAC anlage, are both homologous copies of a chromosome processed and amplified equally and simultaneously in an individual differentiating MAC? We have approached this question for the case of the rDNA, exploiting previously identified DNA polymorphisms and the sensitivity of PCR. We determined allelic ratios in individual caryonide cells, i.e., the cells carrying the primary products of MAC differentiation, prior to the first division of the newly differentiated MAC. We observed stochastic variability in allelic ratios among caryonides that start with genetically identical heterozygous MACs. Either rDNA type can be in the majority. Appropriate controls make it unlikely that the ratios observed were significantly affected by variation in the assay itself. The variability may well result from the statistical variation associated with the relative timing of individual biochemical events initiating the processing and/or amplification of a few rDNA precursor molecules, presumably 4–8 at the most, in a MAC anlage. In addition to this stochastic variability, we observed a small but distinct bias in favor of the C3 rDNA. Thus the replication advantage of C3 relative to B rDNA in heterozygous MACs, previously detected during vegetative multiplication, may begin to be expressed during developmental amplification. We discuss the relevance of this stochastic developmental variability to classical genetic observations of Nanney and their collaborators on other T. thermophila loci. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In Tetrahymena thermophila subline B, a morphogenic alteration of the anterior end of cells of mating types III and VII results from a cellular interaction which precedes and is a prerequisite for pairing. Cell pairing begins 1 h after starved cells of complementary mating type are mixed. The 1 h-long lag period is characterized by an actinomycin D-sensitive inductive interaction in the first 30 min, followed by a maturation period. Tip transformation begins during the maturation period and continues after pairing. Scanning electron microscopy of deciliated cells reveals ridges which form a chevron meeting in a midline seam between the oral apparatus and the anterior tip. During transformation, the seam broadens until the ridged surface is completely smooth. Melding of the ridges also occurs at the tip of the cell resulting in its blunted appearance. Cells of complementary mating types join in the region of this modified surface, which eventually becomes a specialized cell junction perforated by cytoplasmic bridges. Thus, pursuant to an inductive interaction the structure of the tip of cells is modified in anticipation of the pairing event. Rate of cell pairing might be limited by rate of tip transformation.  相似文献   

Organisms are exposed to various stresses caused by environmental fluctuations. One of the most common stresses is the shortage of food. Individuals of many species must survive periods of starvation. There appears to be a trade‐off between reproduction and survival. When residual reproductive value declines for an individual, life‐history theory predicts an increase in current reproductive investment. Current reproductive investment differs between virgin and mated individuals. It is likely that mating experience influences starvation tolerance. However, few studies have investigated sex differences in the effect of mating experience on starvation tolerance or clarified the causes of reductions in starvation tolerance in both sexes. In the present study, these questions are investigated using the seed bug Togo hemipterus (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae).The results of the present study demonstrate that mating is costly for both sexes. Mated males show very short survival times and a daily reduction in weight, and daily energy expenditures are significantly greater in mated males than in virgin males. It is possible that starvation increases the mating effort of males, such as behavioural activities and the amount of time spent searching for females. A trade‐off between survival duration and lifetime fecundity is found in virgin females. However, there is no trade‐off in mated females, which have very short survival times. Whether male seminal substances contribute to the short survival times of mated females is considered. This is the first report demonstrating the influence of sex and mating experience on starvation tolerance. Sex‐specific causes for reductions in starvation tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

有性生殖是真菌的生殖方式之一,是真菌遗传重组的重要驱动力。交配型(mating-type,MAT)位点控制真菌性别,在有性生殖过程中起决定性作用。不同类型真菌MAT位点的基因组成、排列方式和编码蛋白不尽相同。近年来,MAT位点和MAT基因的功能与调控网络研究进展较快。本文对子囊菌交配型位点的基因组成及分布、MAT基因的功能、MAT位点与有性生殖调控通路的关系等进行了综述。  相似文献   

Hyphal confrontation between two haploid cultures originating from single basidiospores was used to determine the mating type ofPuccinia coronata var.coronata. Pairs of 15 single-basidiospore cultures were placed approximately 1 mm apart on the medium in all possible combinations. Hyphae of the pairs of colonies came into contact with each other in all combinations approximately two weeks after confrontations. When the nuclear number of hyphal cells in a contact zone was investigated one month after confrontation, monokaryotic hyphae were observed in selfing combination. On the other hand, dikaryotic hyphae were observed in 90.5% of crossing combinations between different cultures. Two isolates are considered compatible if dikaryotic hyphae are present in the contact zone but incompatible if they are absent. The mating type of the fungus was found to be characterized by multiple-allelomorphic tetrapolar incompatibility controlled by the “A” and “B” incompatible factors. Contribution No. 116, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba  相似文献   

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