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Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) serves a central function in the metabolism of carbohydrate for insect flight. This paper reports that the function is supported in a wide range of species by thorax-specific GPD isozymes. These have been discovered in nine of 14 orders in which winged forms have been tested, including all of the major orders except Lepidoptera and Odonata. Examples have been found in each of the Polyneoptera, Paraneoptera and Holometabola, occurring predominantly in larger, stronger fliers which use carbohydrate as a fuel. Thorax-specific GPD isozymes have been found only once (in a tiphiid female) in a flightless insect and in the Palaeoptera not at all.  相似文献   

Glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P), a conserved three-carbon sugar, is an obligatory component of energy-producing reactions including glycolysis and glycerolipid biosynthesis. G3P can be derived via the glycerol kinase-mediated phosphorylation of glycerol or G3P dehydrogenase (G3Pdh)-mediated reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Previously, we showed G3P levels contribute to basal resistance against the hemibiotrophic pathogen, Colletotrichum higginsianum. Inoculation of Arabidopsis with C. higginsianum correlated with an increase in G3P levels and a concomitant decrease in glycerol levels in the host. Plants impaired in GLY1 encoded G3Pdh accumulated reduced levels of G3P after pathogen inoculation and showed enhanced susceptibility to C. higginsianum. Recently, we showed that G3P is also a potent inducer of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants. SAR is initiated after a localized infection and confers whole-plant immunity to secondary infections. SAR involves generation of a signal at the site of primary infection, which travels throughout the plants and alerts the un-infected distal portions of the plant against secondary infections. Plants unable to synthesize G3P are defective in SAR and exogenous G3P complements this defect. Exogenous G3P also induces SAR in the absence of a primary pathogen. Radioactive tracer experiments show that a G3P derivative is translocated to distal tissues and this requires the lipid transfer protein, DIR1. Conversely, G3P is required for the translocation of DIR1 to distal tissues. Together, these observations suggest that the cooperative interaction of DIR1 and G3P mediates the induction of SAR in plants.Glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is an obligatory component of energy-producing reactions including glycolysis and glycerolipid biosynthesis.1,2 G3P levels in the plant are regulated by enzymes directly/indirectly involved in G3P biosynthesis, as well as those involved in G3P catabolism. G3P is synthesized via the glycerol kinase (GK)-mediated phosphorylation of glycerol,3 or the G3P dehydrogenase (G3Pdh)-mediated reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)4 (Fig. 1). DHAP is derived from glycolysis via triosephosphate isomerase activity on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, or from the conversion of glycerol to dihydroxacetone (DHA) by glycerol dehydrogenase (Glydh) followed by phosphorylation of DHA to DHAP by DHA kinase (DHAK). G3P is catabolized either upon its conversion to glycerol by glycerol-3-phoshatase (GPP) or its utilization in glycerolipid/triacylglycerol biosynthesis. In Arabidopsis, the total G3P pool is derived from the activities of five G3Pdh isoforms and one GK isoform present in three cellular locations5-9; GK and two of the G3Pdh isoforms are present in the cytoplasm, two other G3Pdh isoforms localize to plastids, and one to the mitochondria. One of the plastid localized G3Pdh isoforms, designated GLY1, was previously shown to be required for glycerolipid biosynthesis; a mutation in GLY1 compromised lipids synthesized via the plastidal pathway of lipid biosynthesis. The fact that exogenous application of glycerol to gly1 plants normalizes plastidal lipid levels10 and that GLY1 encodes a G3Pdh4 suggests that the G3P pool generated via the GLY1 catalyzed reaction is required for the biosynthesis of plastidal lipids. Intriguingly, unlike GLY1, neither the chloroplastic, nor the two cytosolic isoforms of G3Pdh, contribute to plastidal and/or extraplastidal lipid biosynthesis.9Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A condensed scheme of glycerol-3-phosphate metabolism in plants. Glycerol is phosphorylated to glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) by glycerol kinase (GK; GLI1). G3P can also be generated by G3P dehydrogenase (G3Pdh) via the reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). DHAP is derived from glycolysis via triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) activity on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (Gld-3-P), or from the conversion of glycerol to dihydroxacetone (DHA) by glycerol dehydrogenase (Glydh) followed by phosphorylation of DHA to DHAP by DHA kinase (DHAK). G3Pdh isoforms are present in both the cytosol and the plastids (represented by the oval). GLY1 is one of the two plastidial G3Pdh isoforms that plays an important role in plastidial glycerolipid biosynthesis. In the plastids, G3P is acylated with oleic acid (18:1) by the ACT1-encoded G3P acyltransferase. This ACT1-utilized 18:1 is derived from the stearoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP)-desaturase (SACPD)-catalyzed desaturation of stearic acid (18:0). The 18:1-ACP generated by SACPD either enters the prokaryotic lipid biosynthetic pathway through acylation of G3P or is exported out (dotted line) of the plastids as a coenzyme A (CoA)-thioester to enter the eukaryotic lipid biosynthetic pathway. Membranous fatty acid desaturases (FAD) catalyze desaturation of FAs present on membranous glycerolipids. Other abbreviations used are: GL, glycerolipid; FAS, fatty acid synthase; ACC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase; Lyso-PA, acyl-G3P; PA, phosphatidic acid; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; MGDG, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol; DGDG, digalactosyldiacylglycerol; SL, sulfolipid; DAG, diacylglycerol.For glycerolipid biosynthesis, G3P is first acylated with the fatty acid (FA) oleic acid (18:1), to form lyso-phosphatidic acid (lyso-PA) via the activity of the soluble G3P acyltransferase (GPAT) encoded by the ACT1 gene in Arabidopsis11 (Fig. 1). 18:1 in turn is derived from the saturated FA, stearic acid (18:0), via the activity of soluble stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturases (SACPD),12 which introduce a single cis double bond in 18:0. The 18:1 generated via this reaction is either exported out of the plastids or acylated at the sn-1 position of G3P. Previously, we have shown that 18:1 levels are important regulators of plant defense signaling. In Arabidopsis, 18:1 is synthesized via the SSI2/FAB2-encoded SACPD,12 which uses 18:0 as a substrate. A mutation in SSI2 results in the accumulation of 18:0 and a reduction in 18:1 levels. The mutant plants show stunting, spontaneous lesion formation, constitutive PR gene expression, and enhanced resistance to bacterial and oomycete pathogens.4,12-17 Characterization of ssi2 suppressor mutants has shown that the altered defense-related phenotypes are the result of the reduction in the levels of the unsaturated FA, 18:1, which causes induction of several resistance (R) genes.4,14,18,19 Restoration of 18:1 levels, via mutations in ACT1,14 GLY14 or ACP4,18 normalizes R gene expression in ssi2 plants. The low 18:1-mediated induction of R gene expression and the associated defense signaling can also be suppressed by simultaneous mutations in EDS1 and the genes governing salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis (SID2, EDS5).19 Furthermore, the functional redundancy between EDS1 and SA likely masks the requirement for EDS1 by several coiled coil (CC)- nucleotide binding site (NBS)- leucine rich repeat (LRR) proteins,19 previously thought to function independent of EDS1.20 Thus, the reliance on EDS1 for signaling mediated by CC-NBS-LRR proteins becomes evident only in the absence of SA.The plastidal 18:1 levels are also regulated via the chloroplastic G3P pool and vice-versa. However, 18:1 and G3P appear to function distinctly in defense signaling. For example, G3P levels are important for basal defense against the hemibiotrophic fungus, Colletotrichum higginsianum.21,22 Genetic mutations affecting G3P synthesis in Arabidopsis enhance susceptibility to C. higginsianum. Conversely, plants accumulating increased G3P show enhanced resistance. More recently, we demonstrated roles for G3P in R-mediated defense leading to systemic acquired resistance (SAR).9 R-mediated defense against the avirulent bacterial pathogen P. syringae is associated with a rapid increase in G3P levels; G3P levels peak within 6 h of inoculation with avirulent bacteria (avrRpt2), in resistant plants expressing the R gene RPS2. Strikingly, accumulation of G3P, in the infected and systemic tissues, precedes the accumulation of other metabolites known to be essential for SAR; SA,23,24 jasmonic acid (JA)25 and azelaic acid (AA)26 accumulated at least 24 h post pathogen inoculation. Furthermore, mutants defective in G3P synthesis are compromised in SAR but accumulated normal levels of SA, AA, and JA. Compromised SAR in G3P deficient mutants was restored by exogenous application of G3P, thus arguing a role for G3P in SAR. This was further supported by the fact that exogenous G3P induced SAR in the absence of the primary pathogen in both Arabidopsis and soybean.9 That fact that G3P is a conserved metabolite common to prokaryotes, plants, and humans further corroborates the conserved nature of SAR signaling. Interestingly, although exogenous G3P did not induce SA biosynthesis, SAR conferred by exogenous G3P was dependent on SA. These results suggest that the onset and/or establishment of SAR likely requires basal, but not induced levels of SA, in the distal tissues. It is possible that the relatively small increase in SA observed in the systemic tissues during SAR is an indirect response that contributes to generalized resistance, rather than SAR itself. Interestingly, both G3P conferred SAR, and the systemic movement of G3P were dependent on the lipid transfer protein, DIR1, a well-known positive regulator of SAR.27 Conversely, systemic movement of DIR1 required G3P. These findings did not correlate with the fact that G3P is cytosolic while DIR1 was a predicted apoplastic protein. To resolve this issue, we studied the localization of DIR1, and found that it is in fact a symplastic protein. The symplastic location of DIR1 was further corroborated when GFP fused to the signal peptide from DIR1 localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, rather than the typical cytoplasmic and nuclear location of GFP (Fig. 2). These results suggested that the symplastic movement of DIR1 is likely critical for SAR, and supported the facts that G3P and DIR1 are interdependent for translocation to systemic tissues. However, these findings could not explain how a lipid transfer-like protein might associate with the phosphorylated sugar G3P, to move systemically. Analysis of G3P in the leaf extracts showed that it was derivatized into an unknown compound before/during translocation. It is likely that the G3P derivative has a lipid moiety via which it associates with DIR1 for transfer. In summary, we showed that DIR1 together with a G3P-derived compound are sufficient for the induction of SAR in wild type plants. Our findings provide strong evidence in support of a direct defense-signaling role for G3P and warranty further analysis of its metabolic pathway(s) for their role(s) in various modes of plant defense.Open in a separate windowFigure 2.Confocal micrograph showing localization of GFP fused to DIR1 transit peptide (TP) or GFP alone in Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing RFP-tagged nuclear histone protein H2B. Arrow indicates nucleus, arrowhead indicates endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-3-PDH) isozymes were investigated in several bee and wasp species to verify if variations detected in G-3-PDH-2 isozymes are closely related to the age and activity of adult workers in the nest or hive of social species. In the solitary, the semisocial, and one social bee species, no phenotypic variations were detected for G-3-PDH-2 isozymes, and this was also the case for all wasp species investigated which were characterized as social. These results allow us to suggest that the variation detected in G-3-PDH-2 isozymes is a phenomenon closely related not only to adult age and activity in the hive, but also to a gradual acquisition of the ability to fly, which is not present in newly emerged worker meliponids in particular.  相似文献   



De novo glycerolipid synthesis begins with the acylation of glycerol-3 phosphate catalyzed by glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT). In mammals, at least four GPAT isoforms have been described, differing in their cell and tissue locations and sensitivity to sulfhydryl reagents. In this work we show that mitochondrial GPAT2 overexpression in CHO-K1 cells increased TAG content and both GPAT and AGPAT activities 2-fold with arachidonoyl-CoA as a substrate, indicating specificity for this fatty acid.

Methods and Results

Incubation of GPAT2-transfected CHO-K1 cells with [1-14C]arachidonate for 3 h increased incorporation of [14C]arachidonate into TAG by 40%. Consistently, arachidonic acid was present in the TAG fraction of cells that overexpressed GPAT2, but not in control cells, corroborating GPAT2''s role in synthesizing TAG that is rich in arachidonic acid. In rat and mouse testis, Gpat2 mRNA was expressed only in primary spermatocytes; the protein was also detected in late stages of spermatogenesis. During rat sexual maturation, both the testicular TAG content and the arachidonic acid content in the TAG fraction peaked at 30 d, matching the highest expression of Gpat2 mRNA and protein.


These results strongly suggest that GPAT2 expression is linked to arachidonoyl-CoA incorporation into TAG in spermatogenic germ cells.  相似文献   

Incubation of differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes with 0.5 mM dibutyryl cAMP plus 0.5 mM theophylline for 2 hours results in an 85% decrease in glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) mRNA content. Incubation of the adipocytes with insulin (1 microgram/ml) up to 24 hrs yielded no significant change in the G3PD mRNA content compared with control.  相似文献   

Non-AFP-producing Morris hepatoma 7777 were treated with glucocorticoids in order to compare the responses for AFP production and for lactate and malate dehydrogenases. Steroid hormone treatment did not affect the production of AFP. However, there was an approximate tripling of levels of both LDH and MDH (cytosolic plus mitochondrial).  相似文献   

The uptake of tritiated cysteinyl leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, LTE4) and LTB4 was investigated in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes and different hepatoma cell lines under initial-rate conditions. Leukotriene uptake by hepatocytes was independent of an Na+ gradient and a K+ diffusion potential across the hepatocyte membranes as established in experiments with isolated hepatocytes and plasma membrane vesicles. Kinetic experiments with isolated hepatocytes indicated a low-Km system and a non-saturable system for the uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes as well as LTB4 under the conditions used. AS-30D hepatoma cells and human Hep G2 hepatoma cells were deficient in the uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes, but showed significant accumulation of LTB4. Moreover, only LTB4 was metabolized in Hep G2 hepatoma cells. Competition studies on the uptake of LTE4 and LTB4 (10 nM each) indicated inhibition by the organic anions bromosulfophthalein, S-decyl glutathione, 4,4'-diisothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate, probenecid, docosanedioate, and hexadecanedioate (100 microM each), but not by taurocholate, the amphiphilic cations verapamil and N-propyl ajmaline, and the neutral glycoside ouabain. Cholate and the glycoside digitoxin were inhibitors of LTB4 uptake only. Bromosulfophthalein, the strongest inhibitor of leukotriene uptake by hepatocytes, did not inhibit LTB4 uptake by Hep G2 hepatoma cells under the same experimental conditions. Leukotriene-binding proteins were analyzed by comparative photoaffinity labeling of human hepatocytes and Hep G2 hepatoma cells using [3H]LTE4 and [3H]LTB4 as the photolabile ligands. Predominant leukotriene-binding proteins with apparent molecular masses in the ranges of 48-58 kDa and 38-40 kDa were labeled by both leukotrienes in the particulate and in the cytosolic fraction of hepatocytes, respectively. In contrast, no labeling was obtained with [3H]LTE4 in Hep G2 cells. With [3H]LTB4 a protein with a molecular mass of about 48 kDa was predominantly labeled in the particulate fraction of the hepatoma cells, whereas in the cytosolic fraction a labeled protein in the range of 40 kDa was detected. Our results provide evidence for the existence of distinct uptake systems for cysteinyl leukotrienes and LTB4 at the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes; however, some of the inhibitors tested interfere with both transport systems. Only LTB4, but not cysteinyl leukotrienes, is taken up and metabolized by the transformed hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase in AS-30D hepatoma cells in suspension culture resulted in a pronounced and selective reduction of guanine nucleotide pools. Total acid-soluble guanine nucleotides decreased to 40% and the content of GTP and GDP dropped to about 20% of control within 4 h when mycophenolate or ribavirin were used as the inhibitors. Induction of GTP deficiency was associated with a 50% rise in UTP and other uracil nucleotides. Guanosine rapidly reversed both the reduction of guanine nucleotide pools and the elevation of cellular UTP contents. Enzymatic nucleotide analyses in cell and tissue extracts after treatment with ribavirin indicated that ribavirin 5'-triphosphate was an effective substrate for yeast hexokinase, yeast phosphoglycerate kinase, and nucleosidediphosphate kinase from yeast or bovine liver. These results were confirmed in detail by the use of synthetic ribavirin 5'-triphosphate and 5'-diphosphate. The latter nucleotide analog was also a substrate of pyruvate kinase from muscle. Mycophenolate-induced GTP deficiency was associated with an arrest of hepatoma cell growth in suspension culture. Ribavirin, at an equimolar concentration, was much less effective in this respect. None of the two inhibitors had a detectable effect, however, in vivo when guanine or uracil nucleotides were assayed in liver. This indicated that an inhibition of de novo guanylate synthesis in vivo can be compensated by salvage pathway synthesis.  相似文献   

In only 1 bee species(Tetragona clavipes) of 24 sampled in 145 colonies (0.69%) did we detect the presence of more than one allele for glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, an enzyme that is involved in flight. In 34 colonies containing 9 wasp species, 5 colonies of only 2 species(Polybia paulista andP. sericea) showed variation in larval G-3-PDH (14.7%). The small amount of variation observed for theG-3-PDH-1 locus in the bee and wasp species analyzed in the present study agrees with that reported for the G-3-PDH system in other insects.Research supported by FAPESP and CNPq-PIG IV.  相似文献   

Substrate selectivity of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (EC 2. 3. 1. 15) of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) was explored in a comparative study of acyltransferases from seven plant species. In vitro labeling of acyl carrier protein (ACP) with 14C or 3H showed that acyltransferase from chill-sensitive plants, such as rice that uses either oleic (18:1) or palmitic acid (16:0) as acyl donor at comparable rates, displays lower selectivity than the enzyme from chill-resistant plants, such as spinach, which preferentially uses oleic acid (18:1) rather than palmitic acid (16:0) as an acyl donor. This may be a result of the size and character of the substrate-binding pocket of acyltransferase. Homology modeling and protein structure-based sequence alignment of acyltransferases revealed that proteins from either chill-sensitive or chill-tolerant plants shared a highly conserved domain containing the proposed substrate-binding pocket. However, the aligned residues surrounding the substrate-binding pocket are highly heterogeneous and may have an influence mainly on the size of the substrate binding pockets of acyltransferases. The substrate selectivity of acyltransferase of rice can be improved by enlarging the substrate-binding pocket using molecular biological methods.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a housekeeping glycolitic enzyme that recently has been implicated in cell signaling. Under apoptotic stresses, cells activate nitric oxide formation leading to S-nitrosylation of GAPDH that binds to Siah and translocates to the nucleus. The GAPDH–Siah interaction depends on the integrity of lysine 227 in human GAPDH, being the mutant K227A unable to associate with Siah. As lysine residues are susceptible to be modified by acetylation, we aimed to analyze whether acetylation could mediate transport of GAPDH from cytoplasm to the nucleus. We observed that the acetyltransferase P300/CBP-associated factor (PCAF) interacts with and acetylates GAPDH. We also found that over-expression of PCAF induces the nuclear translocation of GAPDH and that for this translocation its intact acetylase activity is needed. Finally, the knocking down of PCAF reduces nuclear translocation of GAPDH induced by apoptotic stimuli. By spot mapping analysis we first identified Lys 117 and 251 as the putative GAPDH residues that could be acetylated by PCAF. We further demonstrated that both Lys were necessary but not sufficient for nuclear translocation of GAPDH after apoptotic stimulation. Finally, we identified Lys 227 as a third GAPDH residue whose acetylation is needed for its transport from cytoplasm to the nucleus. Thus, results reported here indicate that nuclear translocation of GAPDH is mediated by acetylation of three specific Lys residues (117, 227 and 251 in human cells). Our results also revealed that PCAF participates in the GAPDH acetylation that leads to its translocation to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) mRNA is elevated in H4IIEC3 rat hepatoma cells cultured at high density, suggesting that PEPCK expression and growth arrest may be coordinately regulated. Induction of growth arrest either by contact inhibition (high culture density) or by serum deprivation correlated with significant increases in PEPCK protein and its mRNA. The observation that PEPCK mRNA was induced by contact inhibition in the presence of serum indicates that the effect of high density is independent of insulin or any other serum component. The magnitudes of the changes in PEPCK expression during growth arrest were greatly enhanced in KRC-7 cells, an H4IIEC3 subclone that is much more sensitive to growth arrest than its parental cell line. Restimulation of proliferation in growth-arrested KRC-7 cells, either by addition of serum or insulin to serum-deprived cells or by replating contact-inhibited cells at low density, caused a rapid decrease in PEPCK expression. However, PEPCK mRNA is not always reduced in proliferating cells since treatment of serum-starved cells with epidermal growth factor stimulated entry into the cell cycle but did not affect PEPCK mRNA levels. Finally, dexamethasone induction of PEPCK mRNA was blunted in cells cultured at high density but was unaffected by the presence or absence of serum. Collectively, these data suggest the possibility of cross-talk between the control of PEPCK expression and growth arrest in KRC-7 cells.  相似文献   

The bacterial enzyme, glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (GCT), is a model for mammalian cytidylyltransferases and is a member of a large superfamily of nucleotidyltransferases. Dimeric GCT from Bacillus subtilis displays unusual negative cooperativity in substrate binding and appears to form products only when both active sites are occupied by substrates. Here we describe a complex of GCT with the product, CDP-glycerol, in a crystal structure in which bound sulfate serves as a partial mimic of the second product, pyrophosphate. Binding of sulfate to form a pseudo-ternary complex is observed in three of the four chains constituting the asymmetric unit and is accompanied by a backbone rearrangement at Asp11 and ordering of the C-terminal helix. Comparison with the CTP complex of GCT, determined previously, reveals that in the product complex the active site closes around the glycerol phosphate moiety with a concerted motion of the segment 37-47 that includes helix B. This rearrangement allows lysines 44 and 46 to interact with the glycerol and cytosine phosphates of CDP-glycerol. Binding of CDP-glycerol also induces smaller movements of residues 92-100. Roles of lysines 44 and 46 in catalysis have been confirmed by mutagenesis of these residues to alanine, which decreases Vmax(app) and has profound effects on the Km(app) for glycerol-3-phosphate.  相似文献   

Substrate selectivity of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (EC 2. 3. 1. 15) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was explored in a comparative study of acyltransferases from seven plant species. In vitro labeling of acyl carrier protein (ACP) with ^14C or 3H showed that acyltransferase from chill-sensitive plants, such as rice that uses either oleic (18:1) or palmitic acid (16:0) as acyl donor at comparable rates, displays lower selectivity than the enzyme from chill-resistant plants, such as spinach, which preferentially uses oleic acid (18:1) rather than palmitic acid (16:0) as an acyl donor. This may be a result of the size and character of the substrate-binding pocket of acyltransferase. Homology modeling and protein structure-based sequence alignment of acyltransferases revealed that proteins from either chill-sensitive or chill-tolerant plants shared a highly conserved domain containing the proposed substrate-binding pocket. However, the aligned residues surrounding the substrate-binding pocket are highly heterogeneous and may have an influence mainly on the size of the substrate binding pockets of acyltransferases. The substrate selectivity of acyltransferase of rice can be improved by enlarging the substrate-binding pocket using molecular biological methods.  相似文献   

A rapid purification procedure for glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Dunaliella tertiolecta (strain 19-6 of the algal collection of the Univ. of Göttingen), the initial enzyme in the glycerol cycle, has been developed on the basis of affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose and subsequent desalting by Sephadex G-50. The achieved purification was 126-fold. The pH optimum of dihydroxyacetone phosphate reduction is 7, that of glycerol-3-phosphate oxidation is about 9. The in vitro enzymatic activity obtained from cell extracts is higher than the required activity for the observed glycerol production rates under osmotic stress in vivo.  相似文献   

Reaggregating cell cultures of neonatal mouse cerebellar cells express many of the differentiated properties of normal developing cerebellum, including the transition for the embryonic and adult isozymes of l-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC In order to determine the mechanism leading to increased levels of adult isozyme, aggregates in culture from 2 to 17 days were labeled with radioactive leucine and the relative rate of enzyme synthesis was measured after purification of the enzyme by affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose 6B. During the course of in vitro differentiation, the relative rate of synthesis increased 100-fold, such that it represented 0.5% of the total protein synthesized in the cytoplasmic fraction of the cell. In vivo, BALBcBy mice have twice the level of enzyme activity in the cerebellum as do C57BL6J mice. Reaggregating cell cultures of cerebellar cells from these strains of mice also express a difference in the activity level, but only when the cerebellar cells are taken from mice 4 days of age or less. When the relative rates of synthesis of l-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase were measured in cultures expressing the strain-dependent difference in activity, these rates were found to be approximately twofold greater in cultures of BALBcBy cells. In contrast, estimates of the relative rate of enzyme degradation by the double-isotope labeling technique indicate that neither specific enzyme degradation nor degradation of total protein is different in aggregates from the two strains of mice. The results suggest that the genetic mechanisms controlling the levels of l-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the cerebellum during development are intrinsic to the cells and, with the exception of serum factors, are independent of systemic influences.  相似文献   

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