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ABSTRACT. The morphology and infraciliature of Siroloxophyllum utriculariae (Penard, 1922) n. g., n. comb. were studied in live cells, with the scanning and transmission electron microscope, as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol and silver carbonate. The new genus, Siroloxophyllum , belongs to the Loxophyllidae and has a specific combination of characters, viz. an oral bulge surrounding almost the entire cell, three perioral kineties, a single brush kinety, and a single right dorsolateral kinety. The ecology and faunistics of S. utriculariae are reviewed. It is a rare and infrequent predator preferring clean freshwaters. The somatic monokinetid of S. utriculariae has typical haptorid ultrastructure, including two transverse microtubular ribbons. The oral bulge is patterned string-like with riffles containing the transverse microtubular ribbons originating from the oral kinetids. Perioral kineties 1 and 2 consist of dikinetids having one basal body each ciliated; the nonciliated basal body is associated with a nematodesmal and a transverse microtubular ribbon. Perioral kinety 3 consists of ciliated monokinetids having a fine structure similar to the somatic kinetids; they form triads with the dikinetids from perioral kinety 2. The classification of pleurostomatid ciliates is reviewed. Two suborders (Amphileptina, Litonotina) and three families (Amphileptidae, Litonotidae, Loxophyllidae n. fam.) are recognized and defined.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the cortex of Homalozoon vermiculare is described. The ventral side bears 13–15 iongitudinal kineties composed of monokinetids. On the dorsal surface, there are 3 kineties, 2 of which are composed of dikinetids in the anteriormost part of the cell. Consequently there exist 3 different kinds of kinetids within the somatic cortex: 1) The monokinetids on the ventral side are associated with a kinctodesmal fibril, 2 transverse microtubular ribbons and 7 postciliary microtubules in a double-row configuration; 2) The monokinetids on the dorsal side are very similar but they are associated with just 3 very 'short postciliary microtubules; 3) The posterior kinetosome of the dorsal dikinetids bears the same fibrillar associates as the dorsal monokinetid, but it lacks the second transverse ribbon. The anterior kinetosome of each pair is associated with a single postciliary' microtubule. The kinetid organization of Homalozoon is compared to that of other members of the Haptorida. Their phylogeny is discussed. A monophyleiic taxon within the litostomate ciliates is characterized by data on the somatic kinetids, and the new subclass Ditransversalia n. subcl. is constituted. The new subclass comprises the genera Balantidium, Bryophyllum, Enchelydium, Homalozoon, Isotricha, Lacrymaria, Lepidolrachelophyllum, Spathidium and Vestibulongum .  相似文献   

D H Lynn 《Bio Systems》1985,18(3-4):387-397
The ultrastructure of Coleps bicuspis Noland, 1925 is described. The ciliate is a typical prostomate: the somatic kinetid is a monokinetid with a postciliary ribbon at triple 9, a kinetodesmal fibril originating near triplets 5, 6, 7 and an apparently radial transverse ribbon at triplet 4. The oral area is circular and has three brosse kineties associated with it. The brosse kineties are composed of dikinetids whose anterior kinetosome bears a tangential transverse ribbon and whose posterior kinetosome bears the fibrillar associates typical of a somatic monokinetid. The oral dikinetids are oriented parallel to the circumference of the oral cavity, which is surrounded by oral papillae and oral ridges. Pairs of nematodesmata, originating from oral dikinetid kinetosomes, are typically triangular in transection. A phylogeny of rhabdophoran ciliates is presented using the mixed parsimony algorithm and is discussed with reference to the systematic revisions of the phylum Ciliophora.  相似文献   

The ciliary (kinetid) structures of the ciliate Strobilidium velox have been examined with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Somatic kineties consist of a linear row of kinetosomes (monokinetids) and short cilia lying partially beneath a thin fold of cytoplasm. The only fibrillar kinetid structure extending from the kinetosomes is a transverse ribbon of microtubules. The paroral membrane is a single-file polykinetid possessing a possible transverse ribbon of microtubules and a nematodesma. The oral polykinetids or membranelles are complex, with microtubules extending from both anterior and posterior rows of cilia. While the kinetid structures do not satisfy the criteria for the order Choreotrichida, they are similar to the tintinnids in several other relevant ways. Strobilidium velox is proposed to be an unusual ciliate that is an exception to the concept that somatic kinetids are conservative and reliable phylogenetic indicator structures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study describes the ultrastructure of the somatic cortex of Prorodon aklitolophon and Prorodon teres. the meridionally arranged somatic kineties of both species can be separated into two parts: a short anterior part, which consists of a few somatic dikinetids (in which both kinetosomes are ciliated), and a longer posterior consisting of monokinetids. the somatic monokinetids are associated with a convergent postciliary microtubular ribbon, a transverse microtubular ribbon flatly inserted in front of the kinetosome, a short and steeply extending kinetodesmal fibre attached to kinetosomal triplet 5 and 7, and a desmose anterior to triplet 3. From this desmose, two to five prekinetosomal microtubules originate and extend anteriorly. the posterior kinetosome of the somatic dikinetids is associated with the same microfibrillar and microtubular structures as the somatic monokinetid, except that no prekinetosomal microtubules originate from the desmose. the anterior kinetosome has a single postciliary microtubule and a tangentially oriented transverse microtubular ribbon. the permanent collecting canals of the unique contractile vacuole system extend parallel and adjacent to the somatic kinetics of Prorodon . the collecting canals are supported by the prekinetosomal microtubules. A similarly organized contractile vacuole system is not yet known from any other ciliate group. One of the most surprising results of this investigation was finding a significant similarity between the somatic dikinetid pattern of Prorodon and the colpodid dikinetid pattern. A hypothesis is presented to illustrate the evolution of the somatic kinetid patterns in colpodid and prostomatid ciliates.  相似文献   

(1) Ciliated protozoa are viewed as unicellular organisms structured in a hierarchy of organizational levels that include the macromolecular, suborganellar, unit organellar, organellar complex, and organellar system. (2) The ciliate cortex is divided into two major functional regions, the somatic region and the oral region. The fundamental component of the cortex is an organellar complex, the kinetid, whose organizing centre is the kinetosome with which are associated three fibrillar associates diagnostic of ciliates. These three fibrillar associates are the periodically striated kinetodesmal fibril and two microtubular ribbons, the transverse and postciliary ribbons. (3) Somatic and oral kinetids are found to be of three major types: monokinetids are composed of one kinetosome and its fibrillar associates; dikinetids are composed of two kinetosomes and their fibrillar associates; polykinetids are composed of more than two kinetosomes and their fibrillar associptes. (4) The mechanisms underlying kinetid function and development remain largely unexplored. Research into the molecular biology and ultrastructure, especially of mutant forms, should provide basic insights in the near future. (5) The conservation of kinetid structure across major phyla of organisms suggests that this subcellular structure should be useful in phylogenetic analysis despite the concepts of ‘chemical identity’ and ‘organic design’. (6) The evolutionary rate of change of oral features is greater than that of somatic features, probably due to developmental and ecological factors. Nevertheless both cortical regions are constrained by the phenomenon of structural conservatism; that is, the conservation of structure through time is inversely related to the level of biological organization. (7) Eight major groupings of ciliate species are recognized, based on ultrastruc-tural features of the cortex. Several examples of differences between these eight groups and the groups presently recognized are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The cell surface of the synhymeniid ciliate, Zosterodasys agamalievi , consists of shallow kinetal grooves separated by low cortical ridges. Numerous electron-opaque bodies are located in the cortical ridges, inside the kinetal grooves, and are distributed in parallel rows between adjacent kineties. Well-developed alveoli are present beneath the cell surface membrane. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a single micronucleus and a homomerous macronucleus. The infraciliature of the somatic monokinetid consists of an anteriorly-directed kinetodesmal fiber, a well-developed divergent postciliary microtubular ribbon, radially-oriented transverse microtubules, and a short striated rootlet, which extends anteriorly from the base of the kinetosome into the cell. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a perioral band of paired cilia, the synhymenium, that winds obliquely across the ventral surface of the body, just posterior to the cytostome. The infraciliature of the anterior kinetosome of the synhymenium consists of two postciliary microtubules; a well-developed, divergent post-ciliary ribbon of microtubules and a short kinetodesmal fiber are associated with the posterior kinetosome. The cytopharynx is supported by 14-16 nematodesmata which are capped distally by a capitulum. The cytopharynx is bound proximally by a fibrous sheath and is lined by radially-arranged microtubular ribbons. No obvious oral ciliature is present.  相似文献   

Special ultrastructural characteristics of the haptorid soil ciliate Enchelydium polynucleatum Foissner, 1984 are the restriction of the parasomal sacs to the area of the “brush” and finger-like projections of the food vacuole membrane into the lumen of the vacuole. The general organization of the infraciliature is similar to that of Spathidium and some buetschliids because the anterior ends of the somatic kineties are condensed and obliquely bent. Enchelydium is similar to haptorids and buetschliids in possessing monokinetid somatic fibrillar structures with the classical fibrillar associates: 1) a short kinetodesmal fiber; 2) two transverse microtubular ribbons; 3) a long postciliary microtubular ribbon; and 4) a system of overlapping subkinetal microtubules, which seems to be absent in the buetschliids. Unlike Spathidium and all other haptorids so far investigated ultrastructurally, serial sections show that there are no oral dikinetids, as in the endocommensal buetschliids and balantidiids. Instead, three to six anterior kinetids in each ciliary row have nematodesmal bundles extending into the cytoplasm and surrounding the cytopharynx. These kinetids lack cilia and all fibrillar associates except enlarged transverse ribbons, which extend anteriorly and inwards to support the cytopharynx. Other similarities between the buetschliids and Enchelydium are the conspicuous rough endoplasmic reticulum and abundant sausage-like vesicles in the oral region. As in other haptorids, Enchelydium has two types of toxicysts and one type of mucocyst. These observations strongly suggest that Enchelydium belongs to the ancestral stock of both the Haptorida and the Archistomatida. The similarities in the somatic and oral infraciliature and ultrastructure of the Haptorida and the Archistomatida suggest that they belong to the same subclass, Haptoria Corliss, 1974.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mytilophilus pacificae is an endocommensal ciliate found in the mantle cavity of the Pacific Coast mussel Mytilus californianus. In this paper we report our findings on pellicular organization of this species. Transmission and scanning electron microscope examination of the somatic cortex revealed that a number of different types of kinetids, i.e. monokinetids, dikinetids, and polykinetids are found in the locomotor cortex. The type and distribution of the kinetids are described. Surprisingly, the locomotor region was found to be highly variable among individuals with respect to its kinetid distribution; each cell appears to have its own characteristic kinetid pattern. Some cells have mostly monokinetids and dikinetids in their locomotor cortex, while others may have dikinetids and polykinetids but very few monokinetids. In contrast to the locomotor region, the thigmotactic field (a region specialized for attachment) is exclusively composed of dikinetids and shows no heterogeneity. The finding of ultrastructural variability in the locomotor cortex was unexpected since, in the view of the structural conservation hypothesis, the somatic cortex is seen as a "stable" element. These observations raise new questions with regard to cortical pattern formation in this organism.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of ciliary zones has been studied in the ciliate Eudiplodinium maggi which has a vestigial somatic infraciliature consisting of subcortical barren kinetosomes. These replicate and migrate into the subequatorial ciliary anlagen of the dividing cells. The kinetid pattern of the barren kinetosomes changes sequentially to that of the ciliary zones. Postciliary and transverse microtubules are derived from basal and cortically directed microtubules while a dense spur coincides with the origin of the kinetodesma. All kinetics produce potential cytopharyngeal components. Nematodesmata originate in granular subkinetosomal dense plates, while two of the three types of cytopharyngeal ribbon are formed from tansverse microtubules. A spatial selectivity ensures that these components extend only from specific kinetids. It is concluded that 91) morphogenesis of the intricate cytoskeletal network of infraciliature involves a “pattern generator” in the vestigial somatic kinetids; and 92) entodiniomorph stomatogenesis in not truly apokinetal but is more like the telokinetal process of related ciliates.  相似文献   

Spathidiopsis and Placus are the only two genera within the family Placidae. The family has been placed in the class Prostomatea and order Prorodontida because its members have somatic monokinetids with a radial transverse ribbon, a straight non‐overlapping postciliary ribbon, and anteriorly directed non‐overlapping kinetodesmal fibril, an apical cytostome lacking specialized oral cilia, a brosse, and toxicysts. To confirm the stability of this placement, ultrastructural morphology and small subunit rRNA gene sequences of Spathidiopsis socialis, Spathidiopsis buddenbrocki, and Placus striatus were determined. These data were combined with information from other ciliates, and phylogenetic trees were generated using maximum‐likelihood and maximum‐parsimony methods. The analyses confirmed the family Placidae to be a monophyletic group in the Prostomatea with the Placidae a sister group to a Cryptocaryon Coleps Prorodon clade.  相似文献   

The trophont stage in the life cycle of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was studied in the electron microscope. Surface ridges contain up to 24 ridge microtubules, disposed as a ribbon. Kinetosomes show the classic morphology of 9 triplets of microtubules. Associated with each kinetosome is a kinetodesmal fibril, originating in proximity to triplets 5, 6, and 7, and having a 30 nm periodicity; 3 to 5 postciliary microtubules, originating between triplets 8 and 9; and up to 3 transverse microtubules, originating at triplet 4, as well as a parasomal sac. Each cell is partially enclosed by a system of 3 “unit” membranes: the outer limiting membrane, and the outer and inner alveolar membranes. The last two membranes define the alveolar sac. Mucocysts, each with a dense core, are present in large numbers. The contractile vacuole system includes the contractile vacuole, associated tubules and vesicles, injection canals, a discharge canal, and a pore. Microtubules abound in the walls of the contractile vacuole, injection and discharge canals, and in the region of the pores, where both ring and radial microtubular arrangements are noted. The ultrastructure suggests that I. multifiliis is more closely related to Tetrahymena pyriformis than to Paramecium aurelia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The ciliate Vestibulongum corlissi n. g., n. sp. was collected from the intestines of surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus, in the summer of 1986. In has been examined in the light microscope after protargol staining and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Its form is distinct from that of other pycnotrichid ciliates at the generic level. Somatic kinetids were examined; these demonstrate that its cytostome is posterior and that the kinetid structures and the presence of a second transverse microtubular ribbon confirm its placement in the class Litostomatea.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Uronychia transfuga utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Uronychia is similar in several respects to that of the members of the family Euplotidae. These features include: the de novo development of the opisthe oral primordium in a subcortical pouch; the development of frontoventral and transverse cirri for both the proter and opisthe from 5 cirral primordia that form de novo within a single latitudinal developmental zone; and the absence of right marginal cirri. The members of the genus Uronychia also show a number of unique characteristics: development of a proter oral primordium that causes partial replacement of the parental adoral zone of oral polykinetids during development of the proter; a large oral membrane that is divided into a right and left component; large caudal cirri that bend to the left; and dorsal kineties comprised of closely set paired-kinetosome kinetids. When compared to the other euplotid-like ciliates, these unique features support the placement of the genus Uronychia in a separate family, Uronychiidae.  相似文献   

Chaenea teres has typical haptorid ultrastructure. The somatic monokinetid has two transverse microtubular ribbons, an overlapping postciliary microtubular ribbon, and a laterally directed kinetodesmal fiber. The evered cytopharynx forms a dome at the apical end of the cell. The base of the dome is surrounded by oral dikinetids. The left, anterior kinetosome of the oral pair is not ciliated and has a transverse microtubular ribbon, a nematodesmata and a single postciliary microtubule. The right, posterior kinetosome is ciliated and has only postciliary microtubules. The kinetosomes at the anterior ends of the somatic kinetics are close together and their transverse microtubules and nematodesmata contribute to the support of the cytopharynx. The transverse microtubules of these oralized somatic kinetosomes, together with those from the oral dikinetids, line the cytopharynx. Accessory or bulge microtubules arise perpendicular to the transverse microtubules. A dorsal brush of three kineties of clavate cilia is found on the cell surface just posterior to the oral region. Mucocysts and a single type of toxicyst are present. The toxicysts are confined to the oral region. There are multiple ovoid macronuclei that stain weakly. Micronuclei were not observed. Cladistic analysis indicates the Chaenea may be most closely related to Fuscheria and Acropisthium. The cladistic analysis also suggests that existing taxonomies of the subclass Haptoria need to be revised. We propose some modifications to Foissner & Foissner's classification that include transferring Helicoprorodon, Actinobolina, the buetschiliids, and the balantidiids to the order Haptorida and recognizing the close relationship between pleurostomes and spathidiids.  相似文献   

Irm Huttenlauch 《Protoplasma》1987,136(2-3):191-198
Summary Somatic and buccal infraciliature ofColeps amphacanthus Ehrenberg 1833 were studied by light and electron microscopy. The somatic kineties are composed of monokinetids and 2 dikinetids at the anterior end of each kinety. The monokinetids are associated with postciliary microtubules at triplet 9, a kinetodesmal fiber at triplet 5 and 7 and nearly radially arranged transverse microtubules at triplet 4. The associated fibrillar systems of the posterior kinetosome of the dikinetids are like those of the monokinetids. The anterior kinetosome is associated with transverse microtubules at triplet 4 and one or few postciliary microtubules at triplet 9. The anterior kinetosome bears only a short cilium.The oral ciliature is composed of a kinety of nearly circumorally arranged paroral dikinetids and 3 adoral organelles at the ventral left side of the oral opening. Nematodesmata arising from the oral ciliature form the major component of the cytopharyngeal apparatus which is lined by microtubular ribbons of postciliary origin. The buccal cavity is surrounded by oral papillae which often contain toxicysts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The membranes, epiplasm, and fiber systems are described in the somatic cortex of Glaucoma chattoni strain HZ-1. Kinetodesmal fibers, postciliary and transverse microtubular ribbons, basal microtubules, transverse fibers and transverse accessory material are associated with kinetosomes. Longitudinal microtubular ribbons and mitochondria occur interkinetally. In the buccal cortex, the membranes, epiplasm and fibers of the 3 membranelles, the paroral kinety, the ribbed wall, and the cytostome are described. Comparisons between G. chattoni and other ciliates reveal ultrastructural differences of possible systematic significance. In the somatic cortex of this and other tetrahymenines. Iongitudinal microtubular ribbons and basal microtubules occur concurrently. In the buccal cortex, alveoli are absent in tetrahymenine membranelles. A table is presented of the fiber systems associated with single somatic kinetosomes of various ciliates whose cortical ultrastructure has been studied to date.  相似文献   

The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila possesses a multitude of cytoskeletal structures whose differentiation is related to the basal bodies the main mediators of the cortical pattern. This investigation deals with immunolocalization using light and electron microscopy of filaments labeled by the monoclonal antibody 12G9, which in other ciliates identifies filaments involved in transmission of cellular polarities and marks cell meridians with the highest morphogenetic potential. In Tetrahymena interphase cells, mAb 12G9 localizes to the sites of basal bodies and to the striated ciliary rootlets, to the apical band of filaments and to the fine fibrillar oral crescent. We followed the sequence of development of these structures during divisional morphogenesis. The labeling of the maternal oral crescent disappears in pre-metaphase cells and reappears during anaphase, concomitantly with differentiation of the new structure in the posterior daughter cell. In the posterior daughter cell, the new apical band originates as small clusters of filaments located at the base of the anterior basal bodies of the apical basal body couplets during early anaphase. The differentiation of the band is completed in the final stages of cytokinesis and in the young post-dividing cell. The maternal band is reorganized earlier, simultaneously with the oral structure.The mAb 12G9 identifies two transient structures present only in dividing cells. One is a medial structure demarcating the two daughter cells during metaphase and anaphase, and defining the new anterior border of the posterior daughter cell. The other is a post-oral meridional filament marking the stomatogenic meridian in postmetaphase cells. Comparative analysis of immunolocalization of transient filaments labeled with mAb12G9 in Tetrahymena and other ciliates indicates that this antibody identifies a protein bound to filamentous structures, which might play a role in relying polarities of cortical domains and could be a part of a mechanism which governs the positioning of cortical organelles in ciliates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of the oral region and the ultrastructural architecture of the basket of Prorodon aklitolophon and Prorodon teres are described. the oral region of Prorodon consists of: 1) A circumoral kinety at the anterior pole of the cell surrounding the typically slit-shaped cytostomial funnel. This kinety is composed of inversely oriented dikinetids in which both kinetosomes are ciliated and are associated with a very short postciliary microtubular ribbon and a few transverse microtubules; 2) Three brush rows aligned in parallel and extended meridionally in the anterior part of the cell. the individual brush rows consist of dikinetids, but in contrast to the dikinetids around the cytopharynx they are not inverted and only the anterior kinetosomes bear specialized short brush cilia and are associated with a divergent-tangential transverse microtubular ribbon. the posterior kinetosome is non-ciliated and bears a prominent convergent postciliary microtubular ribbon. Schematized dikinetid patterns of both oral regions of Prorodon are provided. In addition, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the basket of the genus Prorodon based on serial thin sections is presented. A phylogenetic tree, mainly based on stomatogenic data, is given to show the phylogenetic relationships of some prostomatid genera as well as the hypothesized sistergroup relationship of colpodid and prostomatid ciliates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Morphogenesis, and the cortical structures of Brooklynella hostilis, a cyrtophorine gymnostome ciliate ectoparasitic on marine fishes, were studied from protargol silver-impregnated preparations and with the aid of electron microscopy. The pattern of morphogenesis of Brooklynella is close to that found in less differentiated species of the families Chlamydodontidae (e.g., in the genus Trithigmostoma) and Dysteriidae (e.g., in the genus Hartmanula). The full number of kineties in the opisthe is restored after division from a segment of the left one of the 3 kinetics producing the oral rows. The oral rows consist of a double row of kinetosomes arranged in a zig-zag pattern; only the outer row is ciliated, the inner one being barren. However, the positions of the postciliary and transverse fibers indicate that the oral rows are not homologs of an undulating membrane but are akin to a membranelle. In association with the ventral somatic kinetosomes there are 4 postciliary fibers; a rather aberrant, transversally oriented kinetodesma; 2 microtubular, transverse fibers plus a transverse fibrousspur; and one to several ribbons of subkinetal microtubular fibers. Not directly associated with the kinetosomes are fibrous strands running subpellicularly between the kinetosomes and also deep into the cytoplasm. The cortical structures of Brooklynella are compared with those of some other groups of ciliates of about the same phylogenetic level in which the subkinetal microtubules can also be found– rhynchodine, suctorian, and chonotrich ciliates. The nasse consists of 6–8 nematodesmata not closely associated with the microtubular cytopharyngeal tube. The former have a distinctly developed densely fibrous capitulum containing barren kinetosomes which originally produced the nematodesma during stomatogenesis; the capitulum is connected by a fibrous link to the microtubular shaft. Extending from the oral rows to the capitula are fibrous structures strongly reminiscent of filamentous reticulum in hymenostome and peritrich ciliates. The structure of the posterio-ventral glandular organelle is also described and discussed.  相似文献   

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