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Juveniles' behaviors are often influenced by the behaviors of conspecifics. Most experimental studies of the influence of conspecific behavior vary the social environment by the presence or absence of conspecifics or investigate the impact of the outcome of social encounters (winner/loser effects) but less frequently expose individuals to variation in behavioral phenotypes present in the social environment. Based on previous work showing that juveniles of the salamander Plethodon cinereus are likely to interact frequently with non‐parental adults, I hypothesized that territorial adults in the social environment alter the future behaviors of juveniles. I measured the intracohort social behaviors of juvenile salamanders collected from two geographic areas, Michigan (MI) and Virginia (VA), before and after housing with ostensibly territorial (VA) or non‐territorial (MI) adults. There were overall effects of adult territoriality and aggression on the behavior of juveniles. However, juveniles from populations in MI were especially susceptible to behavioral modification. Compared with behaviors prior to being housed with adults, MI juveniles increased investigatory and escape behaviors in juvenile–juvenile interactions after being housed with adults that displayed territorial behaviors and decreased investigatory and escape behaviors after being housed with non‐territorial adults. This study shows that not only is a specific behavior, territoriality of adult salamanders, a social environment that modifies future juvenile behaviors, but the effects of social environment may differ between populations.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are highly expressed in monoaminergic regions of the midbrain and their functions in this area are thought to have an impact on mammalian social behaviors. One such imprinted gene is Grb10, of which the paternal allele is generally recognized as mediating social dominance behavior. However, there has been no detailed study of social dominance in Grb10 +/p mice. Moreover, the original study examined tube‐test behavior in isolated mice 10 months of age. Isolation testing favors more territorial and aggressive behaviors, and does not address social dominance strategies employed in group housing contexts. Furthermore, isolation stress impacts midbrain function and dominance related behavior, often through alterations in monoaminergic signaling. Thus, we undertook a systematic study of Grb10 +/p social rank and dominance behavior within the cage group, using a number of convergent behavioral tests. We examined both male and female mice to account for sex differences and tested cohorts aged 2, 6 and 10 months to examine any developments related to age. We found group‐housed Grb10 +/p mice do not show evidence of enhanced social dominance, but cages containing Grb10 +/p and wild‐type mice lacked the normal correlation between three different measures of social rank. Moreover, a separate study indicated isolation stress induced inconsistent changes in tube test behavior. Taken together, these data suggest future research on Grb10 +/p mice should focus on the stability of social behaviors, rather than dominance per se.  相似文献   

Sickness behavior is a set of behavioral changes that are part of an adaptive strategy to overcome infection. Mice that interact with conspecifics displaying sickness behavior also show relevant behavioral changes. In this work we sought to determine the role of sickness behavior display by a dominant mouse as a promoter of hierarchy instability. We treated the dominant mouse within a dyad with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (400 μg/kg, i.p.) for three consecutive days and assessed social dominance behavior. Since elder animals display increased inflammatory responses and the behaviors toward conspecifics are influenced by kinship we also assessed whether kinship and age, might influence sickness related hierarchy instability. Our results show that administration of LPS in the dominant mouse promotes social instability within a dyad, and indicates that this instability could be influenced by kinship and age.  相似文献   

The emerging field of network science has demonstrated that an individual's connectedness within their social network has cascading effects to other dimensions of life. Like humans, spider monkeys live in societies with high fission–fusion dynamics, and are remarkably social. Social network analysis (SNA) is a powerful tool for quantifying connections that may vary as a function of initiating or receiving social behaviors, which has been described as shifting social roles. In primatology, the SNA literature is dominated by work in catarrhines, and has yet to be applied to the study of development in a platyrrhine model. Here, SNA was utilized in combination with R-Index social role calculation to characterize social interaction patterns in juvenile and adult Colombian spider monkeys (Ateles fusciceps rufiventris). Connections were examined across five behaviors: embrace, face-embrace, grooming, agonism, and tail-wrapping from 186 hr of observation and four network metrics. Mann–Whitney U tests were utilized to determine differences between adult and juvenile social network patterns for each behavior. Face-embrace emerged as the behavior with different network patterns for adults and juveniles for every network metric. With regard to social role, juveniles were receivers, not initiators, for embrace, face-embrace, and grooming (ps < .05). Network and social role differences are discussed in light of social development and aspects of the different behaviors.  相似文献   

The influences of cage size and novelty on the behavior of Galago senegalensis braccatus were examined in two captive groups (five adults and one immature per group) having similarly furnished but unequally sized cages. One group experienced expansion, and the other experienced contraction of space. Each group experienced the novelty of a new cage and return to its old cage. Exploration, nonsocial activity, and social sniffing behaviors were most frequent in both groups during the novelty phase independent of cage size. These behaviors remained elevated after return to the original cage. This pattern indicated that novelty, not space, was responsible for these behavioral changes. The increase in social sniffing indicated that group members may use olfactory cues to recognize each other, expecially when the setting is novel. In both groups, frequencies of displacements and chases were highest in the smaller space. Group differences in behavior prior to cage change also influenced a group's response to change.  相似文献   

Play, grooming, and proximity, and the degree to which these were reciprocated between pairs, were studied in immature sibling and nonsibling rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)in four established captive groups over two seasons. “Interaction reciprocity” and “partner reciprocity” were assessed for each dyad for each of the three behaviors. In play, interaction reciprocity was based on the ratio between the play initiations by each dyad member,in grooming on the ratio between the grooming durations by each dyad member, and in proximity on the relative responsibility for proximity maintenance. Two or three most frequent (top) partners for each behavior were found for each individual. If two monkeys were among each other’s top partners, they were said to be reciprocal partners. Monkeys played with nonsiblings as much as with siblings but spent more time grooming and in proximity with siblings than with nonsiblings. Same-age nonsiblings (peers) were more frequent partners than other nonsiblings for each behavior. Siblings’ grooming interactions were more reciprocal than those of nonsiblings. There was no such effect for play and proximity. All-male dyads tended to be more reciprocal in play interactions, and all-female dyads tended to be more reciprocal in grooming interactions. In play, but not in grooming or proximity, the interaction reciprocity of reciprocal partners was higher than that of nonreciprocal dyads. It is argued that the three behaviors have similar roles in infant’s social development but they differ in the expression of this role. Hence the reciprocity patterns vary with the behavior.  相似文献   

The primate adolescent period is characterized by a series of changes in physiology, behavior, and social relationships. Orangutans have the slowest life history and the longest period of dependency of all primates. As members of a semisolitary species with high levels of sexual coercion, adolescent female orangutans face a unique combination of challenges when achieving independence from their mother. This study examined the mating behavior of adolescent female orangutans and compared it with that of adult females to assess whether mating behavior reflects distinct strategies at these different points in the life cycle. Data were collected in Gunung Palung National Park on the island of Borneo over 20 years. Mating events from adolescent (n = 19) and adult females (n = 26) were scored and compared. Adolescent female mating events had significantly higher mating scores (indicating more proceptivity) than those of adult females (β = 1.948, p = .001). Adolescent females also engaged in elaborate sociosexual interactions with different flanged males, behaviors that were never observed during mating events of adult females. These interactions involved characteristic behavior on the part of both the adolescent females and the flanged males. Given these findings and the documentation of similar accounts of adolescent female–flanged male mating from the island of Sumatra, we propose that adolescent female orangutans display distinctive behavioral repertoires throughout the genus Pongo which serves to overcome male ambivalence toward nulliparous females, establish familiarity, and evaluate coercive tendencies in flanged males. We suggest that these behavioral patterns are an integral part of female social development in a female philopatric, but highly dispersed species where consistent social support is absent after ranging independence is achieved.  相似文献   

Animal display behaviors are used to convey specific messages to other animals, including potential mates, rivals, and predators. However, because these different types of interactions can be mediated by a single behavioral display, or conversely, multiple signals can be used to convey one specific message, interpretation of any particular behavioral display can be difficult. Leiocephalus lizards (i.e., curly tails) provide an excellent opportunity to study the use of display behaviors across multiple contexts. Previous research has demonstrated that the use of tail curling in these lizards is associated with predation risk, but less is known regarding the use of this behavior in social interactions with conspecifics. The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which tail curling display behavior is used to mediate both social and predatory interactions in two species, Leiocephalus barahonensis and L. carinatus. We found that in lizards of both species, tail curling was used in interactions with both conspecifics and potential (human) predators. However, tail curl intensity did not differ between lizards involved in social encounters and solitary lizards, although L. barahonensis lizards performed more headbobs during social than non‐social observations. Further, L. carinatus lizards exhibited greater intensity of tail curling upon fleeing from a human predator than during observations in which individuals interacted with conspecifics, and lizards that exhibited tighter tail curls fled from predators for a longer distance. Finally, tail curl intensity was not correlated with headbob displays in either species, suggesting that these two components of display communicate different information. Our results suggest that tail curling displays, while consistently a component of interactions with potential predators, are not a necessary component of social interactions. These data contribute to a more complete understanding of how and why visual signals evolve for use in communication across multiple contexts.  相似文献   

Social behavior was studied in four (one male and three females) adult, captivebred Matschie's tree kangaroos (Dendrolagus matschiei) over a 124 day span in a large, naturalistic exhibit at the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, Seattle, WA. A relatively high rate of social interaction occurred (15.2 per hour), over half of which consisted of approaches and nose contacts. The male initiated 54.1% of all social behaviors. Females tended to respond aggressively toward the male (avoid, bite, cuff, or swipe). The male initiated more affiliative behaviors and the females initiated more agonistic behaviors toward both the male and other females. A clear-cut dominance hierarchy could not be determined; reversals (i.e., cases in which the “subordinate” supplanted the “dominant”) occurred 43% of the time overall. Non-aggressive contact behavior consisted primarily of olfactory examination (nose contact). Allogrooming was extremely rare. The high level of agonism and lack of consistent association among individuals suggests that this species may be solitary in the wild. Two joeys were found dead on the floor during the course of the study, and based on previous findings, infanticide or behavioral stress was suspected to be the cause. Successful reproduction did not occur until females were isolated by removing other conspecifics from the enclosure.  相似文献   

Cords and Aureli (2000) proposed that relationship quality can be described by three components, i.e., value, security, and compatibility, based on the benefits social partners receive from their relationship and on how likely it is for them to maintain a stable friendly relationship over time. We aimed to examine whether this 3-components structure can describe social relationships and to investigate the degree of asymmetry of social relationships. We used the Japanese macaque as our model species, as group members may form strong social relationships with one another. We collected 359.2 h of focal samples, on 21 monkeys, and ran a principal component analysis (PCA) on dyadic scores for 9 variables measuring social relationships, e.g., grooming or aggression. This PCA gave 3 components. However, a second PCA run on scores per individual, i.e. for each variable and dyad we obtained 1 score for the actor and 1 for the receiver of behavior, gave a 5-component structure. We interpreted this result as evidence of the asymmetric nature of social relationships, in terms of the frequency and type of behavior exchanged between social partners, in the Japanese macaque. This interpretation was confirmed by the low correlation coefficients between behaviors given and received within a dyad. Overall these results provide mixed support for the 3-components structure predicted by Cords and Aureli (2000). They also show that social relationships may be largely asymmetric and that this asymmetry should be considered in studies on social behavior.  相似文献   

Human behaviors can determine the success of efforts to restore predators to ecosystems. While behaviors such as lethal predator control may impede predator restoration, other land management practices can facilitate coexistence between predators and humans. Socio‐psychological theories provide useful tools for understanding and improving these human behaviors. We explore three frameworks to understand what shapes Australian livestock graziers' behaviors with regards to management of the threat that dingoes pose to livestock. These frameworks are the theory of reasoned action (incorporating values and beliefs about dingoes), the social identity approach, and perception of risk. We distributed a survey to Australian graziers by mail and online (n = 138) which allowed recording of information on these three frameworks and their engagement in lethal dingo control. Among the respondents, we found that all three frameworks were linked with lethal dingo control when assessed individually, but when combined in a hierarchical regression, only social identity (specifically, identifying as an “environmentalist” or “pest controller”) was significant in predicting behavior. This result reveals the strength of social norms and normative beliefs over perceived risk in shaping behavior. As such, social identity is a useful metric for predicting and understanding environmental management behavior. Determining what these social identities mean in a given context is important for identifying how to implement behavior change to promote evidence‐based management that facilitates restoration of wildlife such as predators to landscapes where conflict with humans occurs.  相似文献   

The mark/rouge test has been used to assess mirror self‐recognition (MSR) in many species. Despite consistent evidence of MSR in great apes, genetic or non‐genetic factors may account for the individual differences in behavioral responses that have been reported. We examined whether vasopressin receptor gene (AVPR1A) polymorphisms are associated with MSR‐related behaviors in chimpanzees since vasopressin has been implicated in the development and evolution of complex social relations and cognition and chimpanzees are polymorphic for the presence of the RS3‐containing DupB region. We compared a sample of DupB+/? and DupB?/? chimpanzees on a mark test to assess its role on social behavior toward a mirror. Chimpanzees were administered two, 10‐min sessions where frequencies of mirror‐guided self‐directed behaviors, contingent actions and other social behaviors were recorded. Approximately one‐third showed evidence of MSR and these individuals exhibited more mirror‐guided self‐exploratory behaviors and mouth contingent actions than chimpanzees not classified as passers. Moreover, DupB+/? males exhibited more scratching and agonistic behaviors than other male and female cohorts. Our findings support previous studies demonstrating individual differences in MSR abilities in chimpanzees and suggest that AVPR1A partly explains individual differences in MSR by influencing the behavioral reactions of chimpanzees in front of a mirror.  相似文献   

Social organisms often show collective behaviors such as group foraging or movement.Collective behaviors can emerge from interactions between group members and may depend on the behavior of key individuals.When social interactions change over time,collective behaviors may change because these behaviors emerge from interactions among individuals.Despite the importance of,and growing interest in,the temporal dynamics of social interactions,it is not clear how to quantify changes in interactions over time or measure their stability.Furthermore,the temporal scale at which we should observe changes in social networks to detect biologically meaningful changes is not always apparent.Here we use multilayer network analysis to quantify temporal dynamics of social networks of the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola and determine how these dynamics relate to individual and group behaviors.We found that social interactions changed over time at a constant rate.Variation in both network structure and the identity of a keystone individual was not related to the mean or variance of the collective prey attack speed.Individuals that maintained a large and stable number of connections,despite changes in network structure,were the boldest individuals in the group.Therefore,social interactions and boldness are linked across time,but group collective behavior is not influenced by the stability of the social network.Our work demonstrates that dynamic social networks can be modeled in a multilayer framework.This approach may reveal biologically important temporal changes to social structure in other systems.  相似文献   

The social environment is expected to have substantial effects on behavior, and as a consequence, its heritability and evolvability. We investigated these effects by exposing Australian field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) to either silence or recordings of male acoustic sexual signals. We used a combined pedigree and full‐sib/half‐sib breeding design to estimate the repeatability, heritability, and evolvability of behaviors related to boldness, exploration, and activity. All behaviors measured were significantly repeatable in both social environments. Additionally, most behaviors showed significant heritabilities in the two environments. We found no difference in repeatabilities between the silent and the acoustic environment but did find significant differences in the heritabilities and evolvabilities between these environments. There was a high degree of similarity between the phenotypic covariance matrices across the two environments, while the genotypic covariance matrices were highly dissimilar. Reflecting this, we found significant genotype‐by‐environment interactions for most of the behaviors. Lastly, we found that the repeatable aspect of behavior (“personality”) was significantly heritable for most behaviors, but that these heritabilities were higher in the acoustic than in the silent environment. We conclude that the social environment can have a significant impact on the heritability and evolvability of behavior, and argue that evolutionary inferences from phenotypic studies should be made with caution.  相似文献   

Complex courtship in the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, involves a series of behaviors alternating between the sexes. We examined if complex courtship allows either or both genders to evaluate their mate and how mating behavior changes in different social environments. While complex courtship may allow discrimination by both sexes, here only females exhibited a preference. Males did not alter their courtship behavior or change spermatophore size for different size females. In contrast, females initiated copulation more quickly with bigger males possessing bigger spermatophores. In a different social environment (additional male, female, or both), males were less likely to omit courtship songs and female discrimination of mates changed. The distinct differences in male and female behavior suggest that subtle changes in social environment can have important consequences in structuring courtship and mating behavior.  相似文献   

Social and emotional behaviors are known to be sensitive to both developmental iron deficiency (ID) and monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene polymorphisms. In this study, male rhesus monkey infants deprived of dietary iron in utero were compared with iron sufficient (IS) controls (n = 10/group). Half of each group had low MAOA activity genotypes and half had high MAOA activity genotypes. A series of social response tests were conducted at 3-14 months of age. MAOA genotype influenced attention to a video of aggressive behavior, emotional expression (fear, grimace and sniff) in the social intruder test, social actions (displacement, grooming) in the social dyad test, and aggressive responses to a threatening picture. Interactions between MAOA and prenatal ID were seen in response to the aggressive video, in temperament ratings, in affiliative behavior in the social dyad test, in cortisol response in the social buffering test and in response to a social intruder and to pictures with social and nonsocial themes. In general, the effects of ID were dependent on MAOA genotype in terms of both direction and size of the effect. Nutrition/genotype interactions may shed new light on behavioral consequences of nutritional deprivation during brain development.  相似文献   

In intensive feeding systems, competition may be high and social dominance may affect animal performance by changing dry matter intake (DMI) and behavioral time budgets. If competition level is maintain over time, the strategies developed by heifers of different social status are expected to differ. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare individual DMI, intake rate and eating, ruminating, lying and standing behaviors in dominant (DOM) and subordinate (SUB) pre-pubertal dairy heifers in a model study implying continuous competitive situations. A total of 16 Holstein and Jersey×Holstein pre-pubertal heifers (251±10 days old, weighing 208±14 kg; mean±SEM) were allocated into eight homogeneous dyads. Each dyad was maintained during 120 days (day 0=beginning of measurements) in pens, and received a total mixed ration from one feeder/dyad. The DOM and SUB heifers was determined (day 0, twice during the first month of the experiment and every month afterwards) by observation of the winner in agonistic interactions in each dyad after the feed was supplied. The general activity pattern (eating, ruminating, lying and standing) of each heifer was recorded by direct instantaneous scan-sampling, every 10 min for 12 h, in 7 days (days 1, 21, 35, 60, 75, 100 and 120). Individual DMI was estimated with the double marker technique, in three intervals (I=days 17-26; II=days 78-87 and III=days 112-120), while estimated intake rate (kg/min) was calculated for each interval as the DMI per total eating time. After the experiment was concluded, data of the first 5 and the last 6 h of the 12 h scan-sampling (related to the moment the feed was supplied) was grouped according to the moments of greater and lesser competition for feed on each day. During the first 5 h, where competition was expected to be highest, no differences in eating behavior were found between heifers of different social status, but DOM heifers spent more time ruminating and lying than SUB heifers, while SUB spent more time standing than DOM heifers. No differences were found on DMI between DOM and SUB, but SUB ate at a faster rate on interval II compared with DOM heifers. In conclusion, in this model study of heifer dyads, SUB heifers had greater intake rate with no differences in feed intake, spent less time ruminating and lying, and more time standing than DOM heifers during the first hours after feed delivery.  相似文献   

The evolution of group living is generally associated with the emergence of social behaviors that ensure fitness benefits to group members. However, the expression of these behaviors may depend on group composition, which can vary over time with respect to sex, starvation status, and relatedness. Here, we investigated (1) whether adults of the group‐living European earwig, Forficula auricularia, show cooperative behaviors toward conspecifics and (2) whether sex, food availability, and relatedness shape the nature and frequency of these behaviors. We conducted a full‐factorial experiment using 108 unisexual pairs of adults, in which we manipulated these three factors and video‐recorded the earwig behaviors for 45 min. Our results revealed that adults mostly expressed self‐directed and aggressive behaviors. Nevertheless, they also showed allogrooming, a social behavior that offers scope for cooperation. Pairs of males displayed longer bouts of aggression and allogrooming (when it occurred) than pairs of females. Food deprivation had no effect on male behaviors, but females spent less time self‐grooming and walking when they were food deprived. Finally, low relatedness between adults did not influence any of the measured behaviors, but exacerbated frass production, possibly due to social stress. Overall, these results indicate the limited role of cooperation among F. auricularia adults during their group‐living phase.  相似文献   

Genetically-based social behaviors are subject to evolutionary change in response to natural selection. Numerous microbial systems provide not only the opportunity to understand the genetic mechanisms underlying specific social interactions, but also to observe evolutionary changes in sociality over short time periods. Here we summarize experiments in which behaviors of the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus changed extensively during evolutionary adaptation to two relatively asocial laboratory environments. M. xanthus moves cooperatively, exhibits cooperative multicellular development upon starvation and also appears to prey cooperatively on other bacteria. Replicate populations of M. xanthus were evolved in both structured (agar plate) and unstructured (liquid) environments that contained abundant resources. The importance of social cooperation for evolutionary fitness in these habitats was limited by the absence of positive selection for starvation-induced spore production or predatory efficiency. Evolved populations showed major losses in all measured categories of social proficiency- motility, predation, fruiting ability, and sporulation. Moreover, several evolved genotypes were observed to exploit the social behavior of their ancestral parent when mixed together during the developmental process. These experiments that resulted in both socially defective and socially exploitative genotypes demonstrate the power of laboratory selection experiments for studying social evolution at the microbial level. Results from additional selection experiments that place positive selection pressure on social phenotypes can be integrated with direct study of natural populations to increase our understanding of principles that underlie the evolution of microbial social behavior. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Group membership was modified among 4 gorilla groups at Zoo Atlanta in an attempt to increase compatibility and sexual behavior. The modifications ultimately moved 7 adult females among the groups. The moves were made by individually introducing the new group members to the old members, resulting in 18 total introductions. Several individual and social behaviors differed in the two conditions. The most obvious change was a temporary increase in aggressive display behaviors, as well as an increase in contact and social examination, in the postmovement condition. Additionally, the individual behaviors of travelling and eating increased after the introductions, while resting decreased. Other self-maintenance behaviors did not change. Finally, there was an increase in time mothers and offspring spent closer to one another following the moves. Previous research and anecdotal evidence suggest that gorillas respond to changes in group membership with aggression; these data support and extend those data to different age/sex groups, postmovement trends in behavior, and other aspects of gorilla behavior. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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