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A helicoidal plane of postcanine occlusion has been patchily reported in many recent and fossil dentitions of man, and has been suggested as a taxonomic marker distinguishing between the dentitions of Homo and Australopithecines. The present paper describes the helicoidal plane in 19 out of 23 modern human (probably Indian) worn dentitions, in both gracile and robust Australopithecines and in extant anthropoids. It is suggested that tooth wear converts the plane of occlusion present in little-worn teeth, the Monson curve, into a helicoidal plane when 1) the diet is more abrasive, 2) the enamel is thinner and less abrasion resistant, and 3) a longer time separates the eruption of the three molar teeth in a jaw quadrant. A model demonstrates that during the power stroke of a chewing cycle the working side molars move in much the same direction whether the molar occlusal plan follows a Monson curve or a helicoidal plane. The difference is that in the former case the three molars work at the same time while in the latter case they work in sequence from anterior to posterior, thereby concentrating force on one tooth at a time. Because the occlusal plane changes during the life of individuals consuming an abrasive diet, the condition of most anthropoids and hominids, it is argued that the Monson curve has functional significance not because of its influence on occlusal relations and/or jaw movement but because the molar teeth are embedded in bone roughly perpendicular to it, a direction which resists tilting of the teeth during mastication. It is concluded that the helicoidal plane probably has little if any value as a taxonomic marker.  相似文献   

Tooth wear scores (ratios of exposed dentin to total crown area) were calculated from dental casts of Australian Aboriginal subjects of known age from three populations. Linear regression equations relating attrition scores to age were derived. The slope of the regression line reflects the rate of tooth wear, and the intercept is related to the timing of first exposure of dentin. Differences in morphology between anterior and posterior teeth are reflected in a linear relationship between attrition scores and age for anterior teeth but a logarithmic relationship for posterior teeth. Correlations between age and attrition range from less than 0.40 for third molars (where differences in the eruption and occlusion of the teeth resulted in different patterns of wear) to greater than 0.80 for the premolars and first molars. Because of the generally high correlations between age and attrition, it is possible to estimate age from the extent of tooth wear with confidence limits of the order of +/- 10 years.  相似文献   

Several quantitative techniques were used to describe and analyze the development of the helicoidal curve of the dentition in a pre-contact sample of 326 native Indians from British Columbia. Results were compared with studies of occlusal patterns in other populations, and anatomical-functional features of the helicoidal pattern were abstracted and generalized. The features that define the helicoidal pattern were found to develop with attrition. The pattern itself, and the complex which produces it, probably have been selected for because they produce an occlusion with an efficient cutting edge and a total complex that provides maximum resistance to the masticatory forces. Studies focusing on the developmental nature of occlusal patterns in early hominid populations would be beneficial in developing a model of the evolution of the helicoidal pattern in modern man.  相似文献   

Lingual surface attrition of the maxillary anterior teeth (LSA-MAT) has been found in additional prehistoric Latin American Indian skeletons. LSAMAT was first observed in crania from an Archaic Brazilian site. This second finding occurs in teeth from Venado Beach, a late prehistoric site in Panama. LSAMAT is also present in some fragmentary specimens from the Archaic Cerro Mangote site in Panama. LSAMAT at Venado Beach is present in 57% of 28 adult crania. As in the Brazilian study, LSAMAT is associated with a high caries rate (82% of 50 adults; 11.7% of 852 permanent teeth). As first suggested, eating and processing of some type of abrasive carbohydrate food, such as manioc, is the possible cause of LSAMAT. However, other possible causes relating to habitation on or near marine coasts cannot be totally ruled out.  相似文献   


Many types of wear facets can be found in mammalian teeth. Some are related to the initial surface, others use the cross-section of the enamel as the main tool. In primary occlusal surfaces facets mark the gradual wear, that are related to a relatively late ontogeny. Facets in teeth with secondary occlusal surfaces, however, represent specific arrangements of crests of enamel and dentine. Such facets require some initial wear to become fully functional. The tooth morphology guarantees such facets to be effective for a long period of time. Therefore they can be discriminated as specialized facets. From the different types of facets three specialized ones were selected, blade facets, rasp-facets, and nipper-facets, because they ate widely distributed, function differently, and are comparable with mechanical tools. They are long lasting and differ in the amount of exposed dentine. The amount of dentine is used to differentiate phases during late ontogeny, the part of the life history, when teeth are exposed to wear. Consequently the various types of facets can be related to different ontogenetic phases. The relevant phases are prolonged at the cost of other ontogenetic phases. Therefore, the various specialized wear facets represent heterochronies within the ontogeny of teeth.  相似文献   

The depth of the lingual fossa in permanent incisors of Norwegians (plaster casts and extracted teeth) was studied. In the plaster casts the depth of the lingual fossa in the right side incisors was (in mm): I,sup=0.51,I(2)sup= 0.30, I(1)inf =0.07 and I (2)inf =0.08. For 1(1)sup significant bilateral asymmetry was found (p<0.00l). All incisors were positively correlated in the depth of the lingual fossa, mandibular higher than maxillary. In both jaws centrals were better correlated across the midline than laterals, and centrals to laterals were less correlated than centrals to centrals and laterals to laterals. Interjaw correlations of 1(1)sup were higher than interjaw correlations with I(2)sup. Dental field theory is confirmed: The upper lateral and lower central were the most variable incisors in each jaw for lingual fossa depth. The values for this trait in Norwegians are within the Caucasoid range.  相似文献   

西藏阿里故如甲木墓地位于阿里地区噶尔县,是迄今为止阿里地区发现的规模最大、埋葬最集中的古代墓葬群。2012-2014年由中国社会科学院考古研究所和西藏自治区文物保护研究所联合开展发掘工作,发现并清理了11座墓葬,其中8座墓葬的时代略早,约为公元3-4世纪。另外3座为公元7-9世纪的吐蕃时期墓葬。本文对时代略早的8座故如甲木墓地出土的人骨进行了牙齿磨耗的观察,计算了每颗牙齿的平均磨耗等级以及前后部牙齿的磨耗差别指数,并选择了7组不同时代、不同地点、不同生业类型的古代人群进行了比较分析。结果表明,故如甲木的古代人群牙齿磨耗与畜牧业人群的磨耗接近,这也符合故如甲木当时的生业类型,即以牧业为主,辅以青稞和谷物的种植栽培。从牙齿磨耗推测故如甲木的人群在食物结构中有足够的动物性食物,这与碳氮同位素的食物结构分析结果也是一致的。  相似文献   

Studies of dental microwear have been used to relate tooth form to function in a variety of recent and extinct mammals. Probably the most important aspect of microwear analysis is the possibility of using it to deduce the diet of extinct animals. Such deductions must be based on comparative studies of modern species with known diets, but to date, only qualitative studies have been attempted and all have been based on small samples. Here we report quantitative differences in dental microwear between primate species that are known to have different diets. Occlusal facets with different functions have previously been shown to exhibit different microwear patterns. However, the differences between facets of one species are shown to be far less than those between homologous facets of different species. Study of seven species of extant primates shows that enamel microwear can be used to distinguish between those with a mainly frugivorous diet and those with a mainly folivorous one. Microwear can also distinguish hard-object feeders from soft-fruit eaters. The microwear of Miocene Sivapithecus indicus cannot be distinguished statistically from that of the chimpanzee, but it is different from that of the other species. On this evidence S. indicus was not a hard-object feeder and the adaptive significance of its thick molar enamel is at present unknown.  相似文献   

The floral traits of the inflorescences of angiosperms have coevolved to ensure and maximize pollination success. Other factors believed to influence floral architecture are external (for example, ecological) to the inflorescence. In order to understand the relationships between such factors and floral characters, 12 floral traits were measured in 54 species of Araceae. An analysis was performed to determine how these traits are linked to the following: (1) self-pollination capacity; (2) life form (evergreen versus seasonally dormant); (3) climatic conditions; and (4) type of pollinator (i.e. flies, bees, or beetles). A significant difference was found between the pollen to ovule ratio of the species able to self-pollinate and those unable to self-pollinate. Evergreen and tropical aroids produced a larger number of gametes than did seasonally dormant and temperate taxa. Finally, several floral traits, such as pollen volume and number, number of female flowers, and flower sexual type (unisexual or bisexual), showed clear differences between the three pollinator types. Variations in floral traits between the different life forms and climatic conditions are discussed with respect to pollination efficiency and properties of the growing season. The pollen to ovule ratio cannot be considered as an accurate indicator of breeding systems in aroids because of the particular pollination ecology of the family.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 29–42.  相似文献   

Quantitative X-ray fluorescence imaging of sections of human teeth revealed an increased concentration of copper and zinc in carious regions of dentine compared with unaffected portions of the tooth. Higher-resolution images provided strong evidence that the copper was transported and localized mainly in the dentinal tubules. While similar levels of zinc were found in these areas and concentrated in the tubules, zinc was also more evident in the hydroxyapatite, and the increase in zinc levels compared with the levels in background (normal) areas was less than that for copper. These results suggest a role for copper and zinc in the formation and progression of dental caries and present a potential point of intervention for treatment. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Dedicated to the memory of the late Harold Eastgate.  相似文献   

Experimental periodontal regeneration studies have revealed the weak binding of repair cementum to the root surface, whereas attachment of cementum to dentin preconditioned by odontoclasts appears to be superior. The aim of this study has been, therefore, to analyze the structural and partial biochemical nature of the interface that develops between resorbed dentin and repair cementum by using human deciduous teeth as a model. Aldehyde-fixed and decalcified tooth samples were embedded in acrylic or epoxy resins and sectioned for light and transmission electron microscopy. Antibodies against bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN), two noncollagenous proteins accumulating at hard tissue interfaces in bone and teeth, were used for protein A-gold immunocytochemistry. Light microscopy revealed a gradually increasing staining intensity of the external dentin matrix starting after the withdrawal of the odontoclast. Labeling for both BSP and OPN was first detected among the exposed collagen fibrils and in the intratubular dentin matrix when odontoclasts had withdrawn but mesenchymal cells were present. Subsequently, collagen fibrils of the repair cementum were deposited concomitantly with the appearance of labeling for BSP and OPN over the intratubular, intertubular, and peritubular dentin matrix. Labeled mineralization foci indicated the advancing mineralization front, and the collagenous repair matrix became integrated in an electron-dense organic material that showed labeling for BSP and OPN. Thus, no distinct planar interfacial matrix layer lies between the resorbed dentin and the repair cementum. The results suggest that odontoclasts precondition the dentin matrix such that the repair cementum becomes firmly attached.This study was supported by the Clinical Research Foundation (CRF) for the Promotion of Oral Health, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Mikl  s P  terfy  Tibor Gyuris  Rita Basu  L  szl  Tak  cs 《Gene》1994,150(2):415-416
The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the LIS-1 cDNA encoding the murine lissencephaly-1 (LIS-1) protein has been determined. The deduced protein shows a very high degree (99.8%) of homology with human LIS-1, having a single conservative amino acid (aa) change out of 410 aa and is identical to a subunit of bovine platelet-activating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolase.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanisms regulating lipoprotein production by hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNFs), we generated four kinds of transfectants in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells: UE7T-13, stably expressing FOXA2 (also known as HNF3β), HNF4α, HNF1α or co-expressing HNF4α, and HNF1α (HNF4α/HNF1α). In HNF4α/HNF1α transfectants, cellular contents of triglycerides (TG) and cholesterol were markedly higher than in UE7T-13 cells and comparable to those in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. However, TG and cholesterol, which are secreted from cells as components of lipoproteins, were hardly detected in the medium for any of the transfectants. ApoB100 and MTP, which are essential for the formation and secretion of lipoproteins, were undetectable and detected at low levels, respectively, in HNF4α/HNF1α transfectants. We suggest that enforced co-expression of HNF4α and HNF1α is effective for cellular lipid accumulation, while additional factors are probably required for lipoprotein formation and secretion.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the mechanism responsible for the enhancement of the respiratory and secretory responses to N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) exhibited by human neutrophils suspended in Na+-free, high-K+ buffered solution. The results demonstrate that: (a) the variation of Na+ concentration in the suspending solution induces in human neutrophils a marked modification of the recognition apparatus for the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe, the lack of or low concentration of this ion increasing the number of the receptors and their specific affinity for the ligand; (b) the greater respiratory burst and secretion induced by fMet-Leu-Phe in human neutrophils suspended in Na+-free, high-K+ medium are due to the increased formation of receptor-ligand complexes at the cell membrane; (c) the greater respiratory response is partially due also to a higher efficiency of these receptor-ligand complexes. The molecular mechanism by which Na+ exerts a regulative role on the properties of the recognition apparatus for the chemotactic peptide and its possible significance are discussed.  相似文献   

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