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Observations on freeze-fractured membranes of a Trypanosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pure preparations of Trypanosoma brucei, free from plasma and cellular components were isolated from rat blood, and concentrated into loose pellets by low-speed centrifugation. Pellets were either processed for thin sectioning as a control for general morphology, or glycerol-treated after glutaraldehyde fixation for preparation of freeze-fracture replicas. Concentration of cells of 50,000–100,000/mm2 of sectioned or fractured surface facilitated identification of fracture faces of the cell body, invaginated flagellar pocket and flagellum. Particle distribution and A and B faces of these regions of the cell are described. A collar of B face particles occurs around the neck of the flagellar pocket, possibly associated with a junction controlling ingress of ingested materials to coated vesicles formed along the membrane defining the pocket. A and B faces of the flagellum and adjoining surface of the cell body have shown that the only intra-membrane specialization corresponding to the miniature ‘maculae adherentes’ described previously in thin sections is probably an uninterrupted series of small clusters (3–6) of 80 Å particles on the A face of the flagellar membrane. It is proposed that these arrays represent attachment points for strands linking the axoneme and paraxial rod to the flagellar surface, and are not directly concerned with the physical adhesion of the flagellum to the cell body surface—a linkage that appears to be established within the extracellular gap between these apposed surfaces of the cell. The potential use of freeze-etching in further study of the external antigens of the infective cell is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of 2 isolates of Trypanosoma congolense maintained in laboratory rodents has been studied from thin sections of osmium- and aldehyde-fixed flagellates. The pellicular complex, nucleus, and flagellar apparatus are all similar to those of other African trypanosomes. Aberrant intracellular differentiation of the flagellum is occasionally found. As in bloodstream forms of other salivarian trypanosomes the single mitochondrion forms an irregular canal running from one end of the body to the other, with a shallow bowl-shaped expansion forming a capsule for the fibrous kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA). A connexion between the mitochondrial envelope of the kinetoplast and the basal body of the flagellum is not evident, and sometimes the flagellum base is not even apposed to the kinetoplast but lies behind it. Tubular cristae are present in the mitochondrial canal and, by light microscopy, this structure gives a positive reaction for NAD diaphorase suggesting at least some activity in electron transport, even tho at this stage in its life cycle respiration is doubtfully sensitive to cyanide and cytochrome pigments are in all probability absent. The region of the cytoplasm between the nucleus and the flagellar pocket has all the trappings associated with secretory cells in higher animals, or with the secretion of surface structures in phytoflagellates. just behind the nucleus a limb of granular reticulum subtends a Colgi stack of flattened saccules with attendant vesicles. Close to the distal pole of the Golgi complex is a network of smooth-membraned cisternae, termed here the agranular or secretory reticulum, which undergoes localized swelling with the accumulation of a secretory product to form large spherical sacs or vacuoles. These network-linked vacuoles probably correspond to the post nuclear vacuole complex visible by light microscopy. From its apparent secretory function this complex is regarded here as being possibly an extension or derivative of the Golgi complex, the smooth-membraned tubules lying alongside the 2 structures possibly representing a link between them. By analogy with phytoflagellates and the secretory cells of higher animals, it is suggested that the secretion is transported for discharge into the flagellar pocket by way of multivesicular bodies and smooth-walled tubules or vesicles. Spiny pits in the wall of the flagellar pocket, and similar-sized vesicles in the nearby cytoplasm, could be stages in either exocytosis of secretion or endocytosis (pinocytosis). It is tentatively suggested that the secretion may be the material from which the surface coat is formed. Neither a cytostome nor a contractile vacuole has been observed in T. congolense.  相似文献   

Taste buds in foliate papillae of the rhesus monkey were examined by electron microscopy. Three distinct cell types were identified. Type I cells were narrow elongated cells containing an oval nucleus, bundles of intermediate filaments, several Golgi bodies, and characteristic apical membrane-bounded dense granules. These cells exhibited morphological variations: some had a moderately dense cytoplasm, perinuclear free ribosomes, and flattened sacs of rough endoplasmic reticulum; others had a more lucent cytoplasm, dilated irregular rough endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome-like dense bodies, and lipid droplets. Type II cells typically contained a spherical, pale nucleus, a prominent nucleolus, supranuclear and infranuclear Golgi bodies, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and one or two centrioles. This cell type, too, showed some variation in the relative amounts of ribosomes and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which varied inversely with each other. Type III cells were characterized by a clear apical cytoplasm essentially devoid of ribosomes and containing microtubules. In a few type III cells, the peri- and infranuclear regions contained many ribosomes and some rough endoplasmic reticulum. In most Type III cells, there were large numbers of dense and clear vesicles in the peri- and infranuclear regions; some of the vesicles were grouped in synapse-like arrangements with adjacent nerves. The morphological variations exhibited by all three cell types could be accounted for by age differences in each of the cells. This would be consistent with the notion that cell renewal occurs in each of the three cell populations.  相似文献   

在对山西历山国家级自然保护区猕猴栖息地森林群落进行数量分类的基础上,运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数方法对该地区森林群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并分析了森林群落各层片之间的物种多样性的相关性。结果表明:(1)栖息地森林12个群丛的丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数能够较好地反映各群落多样性变化规律。(2)栖息地森林群落的Patrick丰富度指数(R)与Shannon多样性指数(H)、Hill多样性指数(N1和N2)、Alatalo均匀度指数(E)和Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)变化趋势基本一致,而Simpson多样性指数(λ)与H的变化呈相反趋势。(3)栖息地森林群落内乔、灌和草3层的丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数表现出多样化的趋势。各层片的丰富度指数和物种多样性指数总体上呈现草本层乔木层灌木层,但各片层的均匀度指数存在差异,其中灌木层的均匀度指数差异较大,而乔木层和草本层均匀度在各群落间差异较小。  相似文献   

Observations on the Fine Structure of the Turtle Atrium   总被引:36,自引:28,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The general fine structure of the atrial musculature of the turtle heart is described, including; the nature of the sarcolemma; the cross-banded structure of the myofibrils; the character of the sarcoplasm, and the form and disposition of its organelles. An abundant granular component of the sarcoplasm in this species is tentatively identified as a particulate form of glycogen. The myocardium is composed of individual cells joined end to end at primitive intercalated discs, and side to side at sites of cohesion that resemble the desmosomes of epithelia. Transitional forms are found between desmosomes and intercalated discs. Both consist of a thickened area of the cell membrane with an accumulation of dense material in the subjacent cytoplasm. This dense amorphous component is often continuous with the Z substance of the myofibrils and may be of the same composition. The observations reported reemphasize the basic similarity between desmosomes and terminal bars of epithelia and intercalated discs of cardiac muscle. Numerous unmyelinated nerves are found beneath the endocardium. Some of these occupy recesses in the surface of Schwann cells; others are naked axons. No specialized nerve endings are found. Axons passing near the sarcolemma contain synaptic vesicles, and it is believed that this degree of proximity is sufficient to constitute a functioning myoneural junction.  相似文献   

Five species of the loricate genus Lagenophrys were found on freshwater hosts and are described for the first time. Lagenophrys dennisi n. sp., L. incompta n. sp., and L. oregonensis n. sp. are ectosymbionts of astacid crayfish. Lagenophrys foxi n. sp and L. missouriensis n. sp. are ectosymbionts of gammarid amphipods. All five species appear to occur only m North America. Protargol preparations of the five species reveal that the peristomial myoneme is much broader and more extensive in telotrochs and metamorphosing individuals than in adults. Darkly staining bands appearing to be somatic myonemes were also seen underneath the surface of the body and in the center of the body of telotrochs and metamorphosing individuals. The telotroch of Lagenophrys is so different from the adult that it constitutes a true larval form rather than a simple dispersal stage. Structural parallels between the telotroch of Lagenophrys and mobiline peritrichs suggest the hypothesis that mobilines evolved from the telotroch of a sessiline pentrich which had first evolved into a true larval form.  相似文献   

2009年2月至2010年7月,在河南太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区济源管理局所辖的天坛山管护区,基于个体识别和野外跟踪,观察了一个野生太行山猕猴群(王屋1群, WW-1)的社会结构,采用随机取样法(Ad libitum sampling)记录了该群内成年个体之间、母系单元之间的竞争行为过程,进而依据"David得分法"构建了WW-1群内成年个体及母系单元间的优势等级, 并采用瞬时扫描取样法(Instantaneous andscan sampling)记录了成年个体到达投食区的移动顺序, 分析了平均移动序位与社会顺位的相关性。结果表明: 1)WW-1群体大小为41只个体, 由7个成年雄性和13个成年雌性以及21个未成年猕猴组成, 群内的成年雌性个体分别隶属于3个母系单元; 2)群中成年雄性、成年雌性、亚成年雄性、亚成年雌性、青少年雄性、青少年雌性、婴幼猴雄性、婴幼猴雌性的比例为1∶1.86∶0.29∶0.43∶0.86∶1.29∶0.14∶0, 且未成年个体占全群的51.2%; 3)WW-1群表现出严格的优势等级结构, 成年个体优势顺位由高到低依次是: 豁鼻>次红>白鼻>痞子>红脸>尖脸>小白脸>皱眉>光鼻>长毛>黑颊>小不点>斑点>斑眼>灰头, 母系单元间的优势顺位由高到低依次是红脸单元>长毛单元>斑点单元。研究结果提示, 太行山猕猴的社会结构为多雄多雌型; 成年雄性个体之间优势等级较成年雌性严格, 而成年雌性的社会顺位受所在母系单元社会顺位的影响; WW-1群的α位为成年雄性, 其在获取资源上具有优先性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma eudyptulae n. sp. was present in 9 blood smears from 57 Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor Forster) from Tasmania. Trypanosoma eudyptulae is long and slender (with the kinetoplast situated close to the nucleus) with a long and attenuated posterior end. This is the first report of a trypanosome from a penguin.  相似文献   

Plasmodium fragile continues to be investigated because of its biologic similarities to the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Two strains of P. fragile are available for study; one strain is able to infect mosquitoes, whereas the other strain is transmissible only by blood inoculation. The Sri Lanka strain of P. fragile was transmitted to Macaca mulatta, Macaca fascicularis, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae, Aotus vociferans, and Saimiri boliviensis monkeys via sporozoites that developed to maturity only in Anopheles dirus mosquitoes. The prepatent periods ranged from 12 to 35 days for macaques and from 15 to 30 days for New World monkeys after intravenous injection of sporozoites. Eight rhesus monkeys were infected with the Nilgiri strain and followed for 482 days. Parasitemia in 6 animals persisted at relatively high density through the period of observation. Erythrocyte, hematocrit, and hemoglobin values reached their lowest levels 3 wk after infection and slowly recovered; however, the values did not approach preinfection levels as long as parasitemia persisted in the monkeys. The mean corpuscular volume and corpuscular hemoglobin concentration reached their peak and lowest values, respectively, at day 38 and then returned to the preinfection level. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin value decreased to its lowest level at day 87 and then returned to preinfection level.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study has been made of the structure of parietal cells in cats, dogs, and rats and of the cells lining the gastric glands of Bufo spinulosus. It is characteristic of all these cells to contain numerous vesicles about 0.05 to 0.3 µ in size. In the mammalian parietal cells an intracellular system of canaliculi is also observed, which is much more complex in the rat than in the cat or dog. Stimulation with histamine causes in the cat a very marked hypertrophy of the canalicular system with development of a large number of villi and a decrease in the number of vesicles. In Bufo, histamine induces the formation of a very complex system of membrane infoldings which circumscribe finger-like processes that entirely fill the glandular lumen. The cytoplasmic vesicles diminish or disappear. These experiments show that under histamine stimulation all these cells undergo a great increase in the cell membrane area. These findings provide additional circumstantial evidence that parietal cells play a role in the secretion of hydrochloric acid.  相似文献   

The dilated axon endings of the sinus glands of the brachyuran crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, are filled with homogeneously dense granules, each granule being bounded by a delicate membrane. The granules are of two orders of magnitude: 0.05 to 0.1 µ and 0.15 to 0.2 µ in diameter. Each axon ending contains granules of a nearly uniform size. Endings with granules of the larger size range predominate. Non-nervous cells endogenous to the sinus gland are scattered among the nerve endings. The cell contours are irregular, and cytoplasmic processes ramify between endings. The axons are unmyelinated, having only thin limiting membranes, and they possess many neurofibrils. Granules in preterminal portions of the axons tend to lie at the periphery of the fiber, and in some cases in chains at the core of the fiber. The granules appear to be storage and release centers for neurosecretory substances or their precursors.  相似文献   

Sporocysts of Sarcocystis suihominis obtained from human feces were used to infect swine. Heart, tongue, and skeletal muscle from experimentally infected and noninfected control swine were fed via stomach tube to nonhuman primates including chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), and cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca irus). All primates fed infected swine tissues shed sporocysts beginning 13 to 15 days postinfection and were still shedding sporocysts at the conclusion of the experiment, 30 days postinfection. Rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys were fed infected swine tissues a second time and shed sporocysts. All primates remained in good health throughout both experiments and exhibited no unusual clinical signs as a result of infection.  相似文献   

Conidia of Botryodiplodia ricinicola (Saccardo) Petrak havebeen studied, principally by freeze-etch electron microscopy.Freshly harvested conidia have a thin scaly surface layer, freeof rodlets, which covers an otherwise homogeneous-looking wallwhich is continuous with the single centrally-perforate septum.The contours of the plasmalemma are usually smooth. Nuclei andsmall vacuoles are numerous. Hydrophobic fracture faces of theplasmalemma, tonoplasts and nuclear membranes variously revealintra-membrane particles or corresponding depressions or both.Lipid inclusions are small and numerous. Compact orderly stacksof membranes are present, sometimes one in each locule of theconidium. Conidia of a strain insensitive to chilling were seento differ only in respect of the distribution of intra-membraneparticles on fracture faces of tonoplasts. Chilled and chilled-and-soakedconidia of the wild type showed fine-structural differencesfrom untreated conidia, most obviously in respect of the greatersize of some of the lipid inclusions, but also in respect offeatures of the plasmalemma which after chilling contained plasmalemmasomesand, after subsequent immersion for 15 min, showed annular depressions.Also, intra-membrane particles in some membrane systems showedaltered distribution between the two hydrophobic fracture faces.It is concluded that cell lipids and cytoplasmic membrane systemsmay be involved in the previously demonstrated chilling sensitivityof conidia of this species. Botryodiplodia ricinicola, conidia, ultrastructure, chilling effects  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cultures of Trypanosoma theileri were obtained at 36° and at 37.5°C. in a blood-lysate medium inoculated with blood from three dairy cows showing subnormal milk production. The organisms were first seen after 4 days in the first subculture, reached a maximum number of about 500,000 per ml. on the 4th day of the second subculture, and attained about this same number on the 4th day of subsequent transfers. Crithidial forms predominated but trypanosomes of the blood-stream type were also numerous. Cultures were not obtained from cows with normal milk production. The infected cows, although free from helminth parasites, showed a marked eosinophilia.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Electronmicroscopic studies were made of 5 species of Myxomycetes with clustered spores to determine the exact mechanism holding the spores together. In Dianema corticatum the neighboring spore walls were closely appressed and appeared to be fused at numerous points. In Trichia synsporum there was a substance between the outer spore walls of adjacent spores which seemed to cement them together. In Badhamia nitens the spore walls were completely fused along their closely appressed surfaces. The adjacent spores of Badhamia versicolor appeared to be free, or if any fusion point was present it was only at the tips of the ornamentation. In Physarum bogoriense such tips were in contact with those of neighboring spores and were occasionally fused at these points.  相似文献   

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