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An account is given of the flower of Echium plantagineum in south-eastern Australia, including stages and timing of flowering, behaviour of raindrops in the flower and aspects of floral microclimate. The concentration of nectar solutes varied with time and site, with means varying from 2 to 62% (as g sucrose/100 g solution). There was a significant negative correlation between nectar solute concentration and ambient relative humidity: the drier the air, the more concentrated the nectar. Rates of nectar secretion per flower varied with the bagging method, with long-term bagging reducing net secretion rates, possibly because of re-absorption. Rates varied with time, day and site, with a temporal pattern of change suggesting a link between rates of photosynthesis and secretion. Maximum nectar secretion rates in short-term bagging experiments were ca. 300 μg sugar/flower/hr (equivalent to > 2 mglflower/24 hr). Secretion rate was correlated with flower density. As flower density increased, secretion rate per flower decreased; rate of sugar production per unit area increased relatively more slowly than flower density. E. plantagineum could produce > 500 mg sugar/m2/day. Honeybees foraged on E. plantagineum only at ambient air temperatures above ca. 17°C unless irradiance exceeded ca. 750 W m-2. Foragers collected nectar or pollen alone, or both, with the type of visit significantly correlated with nectar solute concentration. Below 35% (as g sucrose/100 g solution) most bees took pollen only; above 40%, most took nectar. Mean standing crop of nectar was generally < 100 μg/flower when most bees were taking nectar, but could exceed 1000 μg/flower when bees were absent or foraging mainly for pollen. Honeybees did not always remove all nectar from flowers they probed. Reabsorption of residual nectar may augment the following day's secretion.  相似文献   

Echium (Echium plantagineum L.) is an alternative oilseed crop in summer-wet temperate regions that provides floral resources to pollinators. Its seed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as stearidonic acid, which is desired highly by the cosmetic industry. Seeds were sown in field plots over three years in western Minnesota in spring (early-sown) or early summer (late-sown), and flower abundance, pollinator visitation, and seed yields were studied. Initial flowering commenced 41 to 55 d after sowing, and anthesis duration (first flowering to harvest) was 34 to 70 d. Late sowing dates delayed anthesis, but increased the intensity of visitation by pollinators. Cumulative flower densities ranged from 1 to 4.5 billion ha−1. Flowers attracted numerous honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as many as 35 per minute of observation, which represented about 50% of all insect visitors. Early-sown echium produced seed yields up to 750 kg ha−1, which were 2–29 times higher than those of late-sown echium. Early sowing of echium in Minnesota provides abundant floral resources for pollinators for up to two months and simultaneously produces seed yields whose profits rival those of corn (Zea mays L.).  相似文献   

Summary Only one non-ciliary proprioceptor is developed on the mandible of Thrips. It consists of two bipolar, multiterminal sense cells, the dendrites of which form a strand extended between the tentorium and the back mandibular margin. The dendritic terminals are embedded in an electron-dense, homogeneous matrix, which obviously represents the stimulus transmitting structure. The strand is stretched, if the mandible is moved forwards and upwards. In Thrips, the system of proprioceptors monitoring the mandibular movement is reduced extensively compared with other pterygote insects. This is linked up with the far-reaching reduction of the mobility of the mandible itself.This study is dedicated to Mrs. Signe Ulmer, in memory of her winning nature, her invaluable assistance, and her disciplineSupported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ho 826/2-2)  相似文献   

Thrips (Thysanoptera) in the Meadows of Kaliningrad Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The insect order Thysanoptera is one of the less known in Kaliningrad Province. In the course of investigations, plants were collected in May–September of 2013–2016 in the motley-grass communities from 22 localities in different landscape regions of Kaliningrad Province. From the plants in the laboratory a total of 1362 adults of 29 thrips species from three families of two suborders were collected. Thirteen species are recorded from Kaliningrad Province for the first time: Dendrothrips saltatrix, Mycterothrips consociatus, Odontothrips loti, O. meliloti, O. confusus, Platythrips tunicatus, Sericothrips bicornis, Thrips brevicornis, Th. nigropilosus, Th. pillichi, Th. trehernei, Haplothrips niger, and H. leucanthemi. Most of the species revealed are hortobionts, except for Mycterothrips consociatus and Dendrothrips saltatrix which live on deciduous trees. All the species are known from Poland; M. consociatus, O. meliloti, and Th. pillichi are not known from Lithuania. The largest numbers of the species are associated with the plant families Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Apiaceae; the most widely distributed in Kaliningrad Province are Thrips major, Th. tabaci, Th. fuscipennis, and Frankliniella intonsa.  相似文献   

Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall), a species exotic to Brazil, is first recorded in the country. Individuals were collected on banana fruits (Musa sp.) (Musaceae) in July 2010 in the municipality of Luís Alves, state of Santa Catarina, causing rusting on the fruit peel in several bunches of bananas.  相似文献   

We studied the use of a supervised artificial neural network (ANN) model for semi-automated identification of 18 common European species of Thysanoptera from four genera: Aeolothrips Haliday (Aeolothripidae), Chirothrips Haliday, Dendrothrips Uzel, and Limothrips Haliday (all Thripidae). As input data, we entered 17 continuous morphometric and two qualitative two-state characters measured or determined on different parts of the thrips body (head, pronotum, forewing and ovipositor) and the sex. Our experimental data set included 498 thrips specimens. A relatively simple ANN architecture (multilayer perceptrons with a single hidden layer) enabled a 97% correct simultaneous identification of both males and females of all the 18 species in an independent test. This high reliability of classification is promising for a wider application of ANN in the practice of Thysanoptera identification.  相似文献   

Entomologists that frequently work with thrips often find mounting of their material by well known methods too complicated and slow. A new method is described here that is the shortest possible, and is still very reliable and safe in everyday work.  相似文献   

Abstract. The species of Thrips Linnaeus from the Indian region are revised, and a key is provided to the thirty-three valid species, including eight new species and one new subspecies, Eight species customarily included in Taenio-thrips Amyot & Serville are here included in Thrips and six species are newly placed in synonymy: Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) (= Thrips exilicornis Hood from Africa); Thrips palmi Karny (= leucadophilus Priesner from Sudan); Thrips brunneus Anan. & Jaga. ( =speratus zur Strassen from South West Africa); Thrips tabaci Lind.(= kallarensis (Anan.) from India); Thrips sumatrensis Priesner (= lucaenae Moulton from Guam); Thrips simplex (Morison) (= Taeniothrips quinani Moulton from South Africa). Isoneurothrips Bagnall is regarded as a synonym of Thrips , and Isothrips is treated as a synonym rather than as a sub-genus. Two nominal species, beharensis (Ram. & Marg.) and rostratus (Ram. & Marg.) are considered unrecognizable at present.  相似文献   

Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913) is an important insect pest of fruits and vegetables. At present, it is primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical area. For a better understanding of the genetic makeup and migration patterns of T. hawaiiensis throughout the world, we isolated 11 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci from an enriched genomic library based on a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. Genetic parameters were estimated on 80 individual thrips from two natural populations. The results showed that all 11 loci were highly polymorphic; the number of alleles ranged from six to 37, and nine loci demonstrated polymorphic information content (PIC) > 0.5. The observed (H O) and expected (H E) heterozygosities ranged from 0.350 to 0.925 and 0.307 to 0.952, respectively. Furthermore, only four locus/population combinations significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). These microsatellite markers have potential utility in population structure and gene flow studies of this species.  相似文献   

Resistance to Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in beans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Resistance in beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., to the melon thrips Thrips palmi Karny was studied under field conditions at two sites in Colombia. Genotypes were rated for resistance on the basis of visual damage scores, bean production ratings (a visual estimate of pod and seed set), and grain yields. Of 1,138 genotypes tested, only 60 (5.3%) were rated as resistant. Repeated testing allowed us to identify potential sources of resistance in five germplasm accessions (G 02402, G 02852, G 03177, G 03569, and G 04055), one commercial variety ('Brunca'), six elite breeding lines (A 216, DOR 714, EMP 486, FEB 115, FEB 161, and FEB 162), 41 recombinant inbred lines derived from the BAT 881 x G 21212 cross, and seven recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between DOR 364 and BAT 477. Resistance was not associated with maturity, growth habit, pubescence, and seed color or seed size. In general, correlations between visual damage scores and bean production ratings and between damage scores and yield were high and significant meaning that selection on damage rating is useful to identify genotypes that may have tolerance as a mechanism of resistance. The continuous distribution of damage scores of 139 recombinant inbred lines suggested that the inheritance of resistance to the melon thrips might be quantitative. Overall, resistance levels in beans can be considered as moderate, because none of the genotypes tested received damage scores of <3 on a 1-9 scale and none was ever rated as highly resistant in terms of bean production ratings.  相似文献   

A second member of the Australian endemic genus Australothrips Bagnall (Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae) is described. This species, Australothrips aliceae , was found at sites near Darwin, Northern Territory on the leaves of Calytrix brownii (Myrtaceae). It is of systematic interest because it approaches in structure the members of the palaeotropical genus Phibalothrips Hood that live only on grasses.  相似文献   

直鬃蓟马属Stenchaetothrips是由Bagnall(1926)以Stenchaetothrips melanurusBagnall为模式种建立的,Mound(1968)曾将该属列为Baliothrips Uzel,1895属的异名。Bhatti和Mound(1980)检验了有关模式标本后认为,Stenchaetothrips属与Baliothrips属实为两个不同的属,同时指出,Priesner(1957)根据成虫中、后胸腹板内骨不具小刺(spinula)为主要特征建立的Chloethrips属,应为Stenchaetothrips属的异名。  相似文献   

Geographically distinct populations of Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum L., Boragineacea), found near roadsides across New South Wales and Victoria, Australia were surveyed along 3 distinct longitudinal transects in spring of 2011 for presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and naphthoquinones in sampled plants. Composite samples of shoots and roots were collected from each of 45 sites; shoot extracts were subjected to solid phase extraction and LC-ESI/MS for determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and related N-oxides (PANOs), while root periderm extracts were analysed for naphthoquinone content spectrophotometrically and by LC-ESI/MS. Metabolic profiling of 12 possible PAs and PANOs showed their consistent appearance in all shoot extracts, with lepthamine N-oxide, echimidine-N oxide and echumine N-oxide predominant. The three major PANOs were significantly higher in northern sampling locations than those further south. Root extracts contained shikonin and several related naphthoquinones, as well as two of the major PANOs found in the leaves. Naphthoquinones were highest in the northwest corner of the sampled region. The patterns of abundance of secondary metabolites in E. plantagienum suggest that climate change might result in greater production of defensive compounds by E. plantagineum, making this weed increasingly toxic to livestock.  相似文献   

Studies of Thysanoptera were realized at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Mydlniki near Cracow over the years 2003-2005. This research work covers the observations of the species composition of thrips and the periods of the occurrence of the particulars species of thrips and their numerousness. The thrips were collected from flowers of Valeriana officinalis L., Hypericum perforatum L. and Levisticum officinale Koch. Following thrips species dominated samples collected directly from plants: Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom), Thrips fuscipennis Haliday, Thrips tabaci Lindeman and Thrips major Uzel. The greatest number of thrips was noticed during flowering period on Valeriana officinalis L., and Hypericum perforatum L.  相似文献   

We examined adaptive clinal variation in seed mass among populations of an invasive annual species, Echium plantagineum, in response to climatic selection. We collected seeds from 34 field populations from a 1,000 km long temperature and rainfall gradient across the species'' introduced range in south-eastern Australia. Seeds were germinated, grown to reproductive age under common glasshouse conditions, and progeny seeds were harvested and weighed. Analyses showed that seed mass was significantly related to climatic factors, with populations sourced from hotter, more arid sites producing heavier seeds than populations from cooler and wetter sites. Seed mass was not related to edaphic factors. We also found that seed mass was significantly related to both longitude and latitude with each degree of longitude west and latitude north increasing seed mass by around 2.5% and 4% on average. There was little evidence that within-population or between-population variation in seed mass varied in a systematic manner across the study region. Our findings provide compelling evidence for development of a strong cline in seed mass across the geographic range of a widespread and highly successful invasive annual forb. Since large seed mass is known to provide reproductive assurance for plants in arid environments, our results support the hypothesis that the fitness and range potential of invasive species can increase as a result of genetic divergence of populations along broad climatic gradients. In E. plantagineum population-level differentiation has occurred in 150 years or less, indicating that the adaptation process can be rapid.  相似文献   

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