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A small number of epithelial cells which combine features of two cell types were observed in the descending colon and pyloric stomach of the mouse. In the descending colon, where the base of the crypts is mainly composed of poorly differentiated "vacuolated" cells, a few of these cells contain, besides the characteristic "vacuoles," mucous globules identical to those in mucous cells or, less frequently, dense granules such as are found in entero-endocrine cells. Because there is evidence that the poorly differentiated vacuolated cells give rise to the other cells of the epithelium, those which also contain mucous globules or dense granules are likely to be differentiating into mucous cells or entero-endocrine cells respectively. In the pyloric stomach, where the glands are mainly composed of mucous cells, some of which are poorly differentiated, a few of the latter exhibit, besides the mucous globules, entero-endocrine type granules or features of caveolated cells. It is likely that the poorly differentiated mucous cells give rise to the other gland cells; and, therefore, those mucous-containing cells which also display dense granules or caveolated cell features are taken to be differentiating into entero-endocrine or caveolated cells respectively. Most of the cells containing two kinds of secretory materials are believed to be stem cells which initially contain a few vacuoles (colon) or mucous globules (pylorus) but are differentiating into a cell containing a different type of secretion. Rare observations of two kinds of secretory materials in a mature cell suggest that the transitional period may be prolonged, perhaps indefinitely.  相似文献   

The head, body, and tail regions of the epididymal duct (or caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis) in two healthy and sexually mature Sus domesticus males were examined by light microscopy and by scanning or transmission electron microscopy. The epididymal duct is lined with a pseudostratified epithelium with stereocilia and covered by a muscular-connective tissue sheath that is thickest in the tail region. Diameter of the epididymal duct and height of epididymal epithelium are maximal in the head region. Length of the sterocilia and spermatic density are higher in the head and body regions. Somatic cells are abundant in the tail region. The epididymal epithelium is made up of five cell types: basal cells, principal cells, clear cells, narrow cells, and basophilic cells. Abundant secretory units are observed in the supranuclear cytoplasm of columnar principal cells. Each mature secretory unit is constituted by electron-dense secretion granules covered by more than eight layers of cisternae of reticulum between which the mitochondria are intercalated. In the apical cytoplasm the isolated secretion granules become larger and less electron dense. The apical surface is covered by numerous sterocilia. Basal cells are pyramidal and less high than principal cells. The clear cells, arranged between the principal cells, are characterized by the presence of abundant vesicular elements and electron-lucid secretion granules, and by an apocrine secretory process. The narrow cells are characterized by their highly vacuolized cytoplasm. Intermediate cell typologies can be found among basal, principal, clear, and narrow cells, which could be four developmental stages of the same cell type. The basophilic cells are spheroidal and are found at different levels between the epithelial cells and in the connective tissue underlying the epithelium. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Eight secretory cell types are identified in the clitellar epithelium of Eisenia foetida, of which five have been described in detail previously (i.e., the large granular, fine granular, metachromatic, orthochromatic, and small granular proteinacecus cells). The remaining three secretory cell types are mucus-producing cells specific to the clitellar epithelium (type 3), cells associated with the chaetal follicles (type 4), and cells that occur exclusively in the tubercula pubertatis (type 5). Type 3 cells secrete a mucus containing neutral and acid mucosubstances. Ultrastructurally, type 3 cells are characterized by membrane-bound globules 0.4 to 3.7 μm in diameter. The contents of the globules have a finely reticulate appearance. The secretion of type 4 cells contains a collagenlike protein and neutral and sulfated acid mucosubstances. Type 4 cell secretory granules are membrane bound and range in diameter from 0.8 to 1.6 μm. They contain large, electron-dense, spheroid cores which are surrounded by parallel orientated microfibrils 14 nm in diameter. Type 5 cells give variable responses to the histochemical techniques used in the present study. An elastinlike protein is detected in about half of the type 5 cells and acid and neutral mucosubstances in the remainder. At the ultrastructural level the secretory granules vary in shape from spheroid to polygonal. Their finely, electron-dense contents exhibit progressive swelling which results in the eventual rupture of the limiting membranes of the granules. The necks of types 3, 4, and 5 cells contain a peripheral ring of microtubles (20 ± 1 nm in diameter).  相似文献   

Extracts of the atrial gland of the sea hare Aplysia californiea (Mollusca) induce egg laying when injected into mature individuals. Since egg laying is controlled endogenously by a peptide secreted by neuroendocrine cells in the central nervous system, the relationship between the atrial gland and these central neurons has become an issue of interest. With the particular objective of examining secretory structures we undertook an ultrastructural study of the atrial gland and adjacent tissues. This study revealed that the atrial gland epithelium is composed of two major cell types: ‘goblet-like’ exocrine cells containing large electron-dense granules, and ciliated ‘capping cells’. A non-secretory, and possibly post-secretory, cell containing electron-lucent granules was noted. A region of the large hermaphroditic duct contiguous to the atrial gland, known as the red hemiduct, also displayed capping cells and secretory cells with large granules. The content of these granules is organized into crista-like condensations. The cell also contains iron-rich pigment inclusions.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of clitellar epithelium of Metuphire posthuma revealed mainly three types of secretory cells. Most prominent among these are the large slender granular cells which contain a large number of secretory granules filling in the entire columncr region of the cell. The secretory granules are 2-4mu in diameter with a limiting membrane and containing numerous tiny vesicles in a matrix of varying electron density. Basolateral rough endoplasmic reticulum and extensive Golgi cisternae were seen interspersed with the secretory granules. The Golgi cisternae in these cells were quite prominent extending all around the secretory granules. The secretory granules of type 2 cells are spheroid bodies with motley appearance due to varying electron density of the matrix. The immature granules contain fibrillar material. Type 3 cells contained electron lucent membrane-bound mucous like secretory granules which are reticulated with filamentous materials. All the three cell types open to the exterior at the cuticular region which is characterised by the presence of numerous microvilli.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy shows that lingual papillae occur all over the dorsal surface of the tongue of the freshwater turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. The surface of each papilla is composed of compactly distributed hemispherical bulges, each composed of a single cell. Microvilli are widely distributed over the surface of cells. Histological examination reveals that the connective tissue penetrates deep into the center of papillae and that the epithelium is stratified columnar. Under the transmission electron microscope, the cells of the basal and the deep intermediate layers of the epithelium appear rounded. A large nucleus lies in the central area of each cell. The cytoplasm contains mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. The cell membrane form numerous processes. The shallow intermediate layer contains two types of cell. The cytoplasm of the first has numerous fine granules, in addition to mitochondria, ribosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. The other type of cell contains highly electron-dense granules. The surface layer shows two cell types. One type consists of typical mucous cells. The other type of cell contains fine, electron-lucent granules. The latter cells lie on the free-surface side, covering the mucous cells, and have microvilli on their free surfaces.  相似文献   

Two types of exocrine rosette glands (called type A and type B), located in the gill axes of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, are described. The type A glands are embedded within the longitudinal median septum of the gill axes, whereas the type B glands typically project into the efferent hemolymph channels of the gill axes. Although both glands have certain common characteristics (i.e., a variable number of radially arranged secretory cells, a central intercalary cell, and a canal cell that forms the cuticular ductule leading to the branchial surface), they differ in the following respects. The type B gland is innervated, but the type A gland is not; axonal processes, containing both granular (ca. 900–1300 Å) and agranular (ca. 450–640 Å) vesicles, occur at a juncture between adjacent secretory cells and the central cell of the type B gland. The secretory cells of type A and type B glands differ in their synthetic potential and membrane specializations. These differences are more pronounced in well-developed, mature glands, most frequently encountered in larger (24–28 mm, total length) grass shrimp, than in the underdeveloped, immature glands that are most abundant in smaller (14–18 mm, total length) grass shrimp. Thus, in mature glands, the secretory cells of the type A rosette glands are characterized by extensive RER, abundant Golgi, and numerous secretory granules, whereas the secretory cells of the type B gland are characterized by extensively infolded and interdigitated basal plasmalemmas and by the presence of numerous mitochondria. In general, both types of glands exhibit increased secretory activity soon after ecdysis. The central and canal cells in both glands seem to have a role in the modification of the secreted materials. The possible functions assigned to the type A gland and the type B gland include phenol-oxidase secretion and osmoregulation, respectively.  相似文献   

The structure and secretory activity of the accessory salivary gland in two species of Conus were examined using routine and histochemical techniques of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composite layers of the accessory salivary gland of Conus are a luminal epithelium, fibromuscular layer, submuscular layer, and a capsule. In C. flavidus and C. vexillum, the luminal epithelium is formed by epitheliocytes and cytoplasmic processes extending from the secretory cells, whose perikarya form the submuscular layer. The processes carry secretory cell products (chiefly Golgi-derived glycoprotein) across the fibromuscular layer and terminate between epitheliocytes (at the bases of the secretory canaliculi) or beyond the surface of the epithelial cells. Conus vexillum is distinguished from C. flavidus by its high content of lipofuscin. Epitheliocytes are the only microvillated cells in the accessory salivary gland of Conus. In C. flavidus, epitheliocytes extrude secretory granules, various types of cytoplasmic blebs and clear vesicles by apocrine “pinching off”. Clear vesicles are shed from the tips of microvilli. The luminal epithelial cells of C. vexillum similarly egest clear vesicles, but normally undergo additional holocrine secretion to release lipofuscin. The secretions of epitheliocytes appear to be major products of the accessory salivary gland: consideration of secretory activities by both epitheliocytes and secretory cells will therefore be necessary when directly investigating accessory salivary gland function in Conus.  相似文献   

Sharks, skates, and rays (Elasmobranchii) have evolved unique osmoregulatory strategies to survive in marine habitats. These adaptations include a complex renal countercurrent system for urea retention. The fine structure of the complete renal tubular epithelium has yet to be elucidated in any species of cartilagenous fish. The present study, which is a companion to our recent paper describing the ultrastructure of the neck and proximal segments of the elasmobranch nephron, uses thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas to elucidate the fine structural organization of the intermediate, distal, and collecting duct segments of the little skate, Raja erinacea, renal tubule. The epithelium of the intermediate, distal, and collecting duct segments consists of two major cell types: nonflagellar cells, the major epithelial cell type; and flagellar cells, described elsewhere. The intermediate segment consists of six subdivisions lined by cuboidal-columnar cells with variously elaborated microvilli and interdigitations of lateral and basal cell plasma membranes, as well as some subdivisions with distinctive vesicles and granules. The distal segment consists of two subdivisions, both of which are lined by a simple epithelium, and are distinguished from each other by their distinctive contents; dense bodies and granules. The collecting duct segment also has two subdividions, the first lined by a simple columnar epithelium and the second by a stratified columnar epithelium. Both subdivisions have apical secretory granules. The present findings show a more highly specialized and diverse epithelium lining the renal tubule of these cartilagenous fish than is found in either of the "adjacent" phylogenetic taxa, Agnatha or Ostheichthyes, suggesting significant differences among these groups in transepithelial transport mechanisms and renal function.  相似文献   

The pars distalis of 1 girl and of 3 sexually mature women was studied. The glands were dissected out and fixed within a period of 30 min following death; in the aldehyde fixative, each gland was systematically divided into ten pieces. Before fixation in osmium tetroxide, each piece was again divided into several blocks. At least 60 blocks were obtained from each gland. Semi-thin sections obtained from all the blocks were stained and studied under the light microscope. Ultrathin sections were obtained from selected blocks. Under the light microscope, 6 types of secretory cells and 2 types of non-secretory cells were characterized. At the ultrastructural level, 7 types of granulated cells and 2 types of non-granulated cells were distinguished. The range of the granule size for each type of sectetory cell was determined by applying a mathematical model and a computer program that corrected the size distribution curve in such a way that only the diameter of the equatorial sections of the granules, that is the real granule sizes, was recorded. By comparing the observations made in the ultrastructural study with those performed in adjacent semi-thin sections it was possible to correlate the cell types characterized ultrastructurally with those distinguished under the light microscope. In addition, the study of the semi-thin sections made it possible to quantitatively analyze the different cell types, while the ultrastructural characteristics suggested the probable functional role of each of these cell types.  相似文献   

 Two different types of glandular system in the proboscidial epithelium of Riseriellus occultus have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. As expected, most of the epithelial cells are glandular in nature. With regard to differences in the ultrastructure of these gland cells and in the formation and morphology of their secretory granules, we have categorized and described four types of gland cell, indicated as G1, G2, G3, and G4. Each gland cell has a completely intraepithelial body characterized by a prominent nucleus, developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, and numerous secretory granules at different stages of maturation. These four types of gland cell appear associated in pairs forming numerous glandular systems of two types (A, B). These glandular systems are restricted to the ventral surface of the proboscis and are scattered irregularly throughout its length. Each glandular system consists of two gland cells of different types. The gland cell necks in each glandular system extend together to the epithelial surface; they protrude onto this and form a papilla where they open in a common area. The epithelial supportive cells adjacent to the glandular systems have long, stout microvilli which have a core of tonofilaments. These tonofilaments gather into dense bundles which pass vertically through the supportive cells and attach to the extracellular matrix underlaying the cells by hemidesmosomes. Moreover, a single sensory process stands close to each papilla. The ultrastructural morphology of the type A glandular systems suggests that they have an adhesive function operating in a similar way to that of the duo-gland adhesive systems in other invertebrate groups, although they are not homologous with these. The spatial arrangement of the secreted products of the type B glandular systems suggests that these may contribute to increasing the grip of the proboscis on the prey. The secretory granules (=pseudocnids) of the type G3 gland cells are very likely an autapomorphy of the Anopla, providing a character by which the relationships within the Nemertea can be evaluated. Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

Morphology of the exocrine glands of the frog skin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frog skin contains three distinct types of exocrine glands: granular (poison), mucous, and seromucous. The granular gland forms a syncytial secretory compartment within the acinus, which is surrounded by smooth muscle cells. The mucous and seromucous glands are easily identifiable as distinct glands. The serous and mucous secretory cells are arranged in a semilunar configuration opposite the ductal end and are filled with granules. Within the acinus, located at the ductal pole of the gland, are distinct groups of cells with few or no granules in the cytoplasm. In both the mucous and seromucous gland there is a cell type with abundant mitochondria; the one in the mucous gland is located in the region adjacent to the secretory cells. The duct of these glands is two-layered, with the individual cells appearing morphologically similar to the layers of the skin epithelium as the duct traverses the skin. The duct appears to be patent throughout its length. The morphological heterogeneity and distinct distribution of the cell types within the gland acinus may be indicative of a functional heterogeneity that allows the production of distinctly different types of secretion from the same gland type, depending on the type of stimulus.  相似文献   

The defensive glands of Anisomorpha buprestoides produce the terpene toxicant anisomorphal. Each gland consists of a cuticular secretion reservoir surrounded by the secretory epithelium and the musculature which serves to compress the gland and expel the secretion. Two types of cells make up the secretory epithelium: a squamous layer next to the cuticular reservoir and a layer of larger secretory cells responsible for production of the toxicant. The microvilli-laden plasma membrane of each secretory cell is invaginated to form a central cavity. It appears that secretory products pass into the central cavity and then flow out to the gland reservoir via an efferent cuticular ductule contained within the squamous epithelial cell. Histochemical techniques demonstrate lipid reserves, carboxylic esterases, a variety of phosphatases, and an alcohol dehydrogenase, within the secretory cells. It is suggested that the lipid reserves are precursors of the terpenoid toxicant, that a mevalonic kinase has been histochemically demonstrated by the phosphatase test, and that an unusual alcohol dehydrogenase is active in the final steps of toxicant synthesis. The histochemical evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that anisomorphal is produced via the mevalonic acid pathway.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations were made on the rattlesnake lung, which has the form of a cigar-shaped bag enclosing a large axial air chamber. The lungs were fixed by tracheal instillation of fixative to preserve the structural features of inflated lungs. An open tracheal groove along the ventral aspect of the lung is the only structural “airway” present. The wall of the lung has two histologically distinct regions: anteriorly, a respiratory portion, where up to three generations of septa subdivide the wall into cup-shaped gas-exchange chambers, termed faveoli; and posteriorly, a simple, thin-walled saccular portion. The epithelium lining the internal surface of the lung is composed of several cell types: (1) ciliated cells; (2) type I pneumonocytes; (3) type II pneumonocytes, secretory cells characterized by the presence of lamellar bodies; and (4) serous epithelial cells, secretory cells characterized by the presence of homogeneous, densely staining secretory granules. However, the distinctiveness of the secretory cell types in the snake lung is blurred because intermediate-appearing cells have both the lamellar body and homogenous type of secretory granule. The nonepithelial components of the pulmonary wall and septa consist of blood vessels and lymphatics, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, embedded in a matrix of extracellular connective tissue fibers. Tubular myelin figures were observed in the faveolar lining layer.  相似文献   

Summary The cement gland apparatus of newly hatched Pterophyllum scalare Cuv. & Val. was examined by histology, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The whole organ is composed of three pairs of endoepithelial, ductless glands, which cause prominent elevations on the larval head and are found in a specific arrangement. Each single gland is represented by an aggregation of elongated, tubular secretory cells surrounding a pyriform acinus. It overlies a basal lamina and is covered by the outer layer of the bilaminar embryonic epidermis.Two different types of secretory cells can be distinguished. One type is restricted to the bottom of the cavity. It is characterized by multiform cytoplasmic protrusions, which project into the gland's cavity. The secretory granules contain a network of light filamentous material. The second type constitutes the side wall of the acinus. It does not develop any protrusions. The contents of the secretory granules is of very high and homogeneous electron density. The mechanism of extrusion is discussed for both cell types. All secretory cells show a strong PAS-reaction. In SEM a circular microridge pattern with attached mucus globules can be recognized on the larval epithelial surface.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The morphology of the bean-shaped accessory glands (BAGs) of males of Tenebrio molitor is described. All cells in the secretory epithelium are long and narrow (300–400 mμ × 5 mμ). The seven types of secretory cells are distinguished from one another by the morphology of their secretory granules. Granule substructure varies from simple spheres with homogeneous electrondense contents to complex forms with thickened exterior walls or with crystalline and membranous contents. Individual cell types were mapped by staining whole glands with Oil Red O, and the cell distributions were confirmed by wax histology and ultramicroscopy. The secretions of all seven cell types form a secretory plug composed of seven layers. During mating, the secretory plug from each BAG is forced into the ejaculatory duct by contractions of a sheath of circular muscle. The mirror image plugs from symmetrical BAGs fuse and are transformed into the wall of the spermatophore.  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone (GH) secretory cells were identified by immunogold cytochemistry, and were classified on the basis of the size of secretory granules. Type I cells contained large secretory granules (250\2-350 nm in diameter). Type II cells contained the large secretory granules and small secretory granules (100\2-150 nm in diameter). Type III cells contained the small secretory granules. The percentages of each GH cell type changed with aging in male and female rats of the Wistar/Tw strain. Type I cells predominated throughout development; the proportion of type I cell was highest at 6 months of age, and decreased thereafter. The proportion of type II and type III cells decreased from 1 month to 6 months of age, but then increased at 12 and 18 months of age. The pituitary content of GH was highest at 6 months of age, and decreased thereafter. Estrogen and androgen, which are known to affect GH secretion, caused changes in the proportion of each GH cell type. The results suggest that when GH secretion is more active the proportion of type I GH cell increased, and when GH secretion is less active the proportion of type II and type III cells increased. The type III GH cell may therefore be an immature type of GH cell, and the type I cell the mature type of GH cell. Type II cells may be intermediate between type I and III cells.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the distribution of argyrophil, argentaffin, and insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells in the large intestine of opossums (Didelphis aurita) and to describe the ultrastructure of the secretory granules of insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells. Fragments of the large intestine of 10 male specimens of D. aurita were collected, processed, and subjected to staining, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The argyrophil, the argentaffin, and the insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells were sparsely distributed in the intestinal glands of the mucous layer, among other cell types of the epithelium in all regions studied. Proportionally, the argyrophil, the argentaffin, and the insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells represented 62.75%, 36.26%, and 0.99% of the total determined endocrine cells of the large intestine, respectively. Quantitatively, there was no difference between the argyrophil and the argentaffin endocrine cells, whereas insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells were less numerous. The insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells were elongated or pyramidal, with rounded nuclei of irregularly contoured, and large amounts of secretory granules distributed throughout the cytoplasm. The granules have different sizes and electron densities and are classified as immature and mature, with the mature granules in predominant form in the overall granular population. In general, the granule is shown with an external electron-lucent halo and electron-dense core. The ultrastructure pattern in the granules of the insulin-immunoreactive endocrine cells was similar to that of the B cells of pancreatic islets in rats.  相似文献   

To determine the extent and ultrastructure of epithelium lining the transitional nasal mucosa of the neonate, gnotobiotic calf tissues were prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Stratified cuboid epithelium of the rostral 40% of the nasal cavity contained few ciliated cells; the next caudal 10-15%, although ciliated, had extensive nonciliated areas. The predominant type of surface cell was nonciliated, had short microvilli, and contained a multilobate nucleus and numerous pinocytotic vesicles. In some areas the surface of these cells presented a cobblestone appearance. Basal cells contained numerous bundles of filaments, ribosomes, and basal vesicles. Caudally, nonciliated columnar cells included a cell type similar to the more rostral cuboid cell, as well as brush cells and immature secretory and ciliated cells. Goblet cells were infrequently observed. Intraepithelial nerve terminals were abundant. Other intraepithelial cells, often difficult to identify owing to varying characteristics, included lymphocytes. Based upon comparisons of this neonatal epithelium with mature epithelium, observed in earlier studies of other mammalian species, the transitional mucosa is believed normally to occupy an extensive area of the nasal cavity.  相似文献   

The mandibular condyle from 20-day-old rats was examined in the electron microscope with particular attention to intracellular secretory granules and extracellular matrix. Moreover, type II collagen was localized by an immunoperoxidase method. The condyle has been divided into five layers: (1) the most superficial, articular layer, (2) polymorphic cell layer, (3) flattened cell layer, (4) upper hypertrophic, and (5) lower hypertrophic cell layers. In the articular layer, the cells seldom divide, but in the polymorphic layer and upper part of the flattened cell layer, mitosis gives rise to new cells. In these layers, cells produce two types of secretory granules, usually in distinct stacks of the Golgi apparatus; type a, cylindrical granules, in which 300-nm-long threads are packed in bundles which appear "lucent" after formaldehyde fixation; and type b, spherical granules loaded with short, dotted filaments. The matrix is composed of thick banded "lucent" fibrils in a loose feltwork of short, dotted filaments. The cells arising from mitosis undergo endochondral differentiation, which begins in the lower part of the flattened cell layer and is completed in the upper hypertrophic cell layer; it is followed by gradual cell degeneration in the lower hypertrophic cell layer. The cells produce two main types of secretory granules: type b as above; and type c, ovoid granules containing 300-nm-long threads associated with short, dotted filaments. A possibly different secretory granule, type d, dense and cigar-shaped, is also produced. The matrix is composed of thin banded fibrils in a dense feltwork. In the matrix of the superficial layers, the "lucency" of the fibrils indicated that they were composed of collagen I, whereas the "lucency" of the cylindrical secretory granules suggested that they transported collagen I precursors to the matrix. Moreover, the use of ruthenium red indicated that the feltwork was composed of proteoglycan; the dotted filaments packed in spherical granules were similar to, and presumably the source of, the matrix feltwork. The superficial layers did not contain collagen II and were collectively referred to as perichondrium. In the deep layers, the ovoid secretory granules displayed collagen II antigenicity and were likely to transport precursors of this collagen to the matrix, where it appeared in the thin banded fibrils. That these granules also carried proteoglycan to the matrix was suggested by their content of short dotted filaments. Thus the deep layers contained collagen II and proteoglycan as in cartilage; they were collectively referred to as the hyaline cartilage region.  相似文献   

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