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Treatment with tropomyosin before fixation of tobacco BY-2 cellswith aldehydes improved the preservation of actin filamentsin the cells and enabled us to visualize fine networks of bothcortical actin filaments and cortical microtubules in the sameinterphase cells by the double staining technique using rhodaminephalloidin and antitubulin antibodies. (Received June 25, 1987; Accepted August 31, 1987)  相似文献   

Plant actin depolymerizing factor (ADF) binds to both monomeric and filamentous actin, and plays a key role in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. In this issue, Dong et al. (pp. 250–261) demonstrate that charged residues Arg98 and Lys100 of ADF1 are essential for both G‐ and F‐actin binding, and that basic residues on β‐strand 5 (K82/A) and α‐helix 4 (R135/A, R137/A) form another actin binding site for F‐actin.  相似文献   

Drebrin is a mammalian neuronal protein that binds to and organizes filamentous actin (F-actin) in dendritic spines, the receptive regions of most excitatory synapses that play a crucial role in higher brain functions. Here, the structural effects of drebrin on F-actin were examined in solution. Depolymerization and differential scanning calorimetry assays show that F-actin is stabilized by the binding of drebrin. Drebrin inhibits depolymerization mainly at the barbed end of F-actin. Full-length drebrin and its C-terminal truncated constructs were used to clarify the domain requirements for these effects. The actin binding domain of drebrin decreases the intrastrand disulfide cross-linking of Cys-41 (in the DNase I binding loop) to Cys-374 (C-terminal) but increases the interstrand disulfide cross-linking of Cys-265 (hydrophobic loop) to Cys-374 in the yeast mutants Q41C and S265C, respectively. We also demonstrate, using solution biochemistry methods and EM, the rescue of filament formation by drebrin in different cases of longitudinal interprotomer contact perturbation: the T203C/C374S yeast actin mutant and grimelysin-cleaved skeletal actin (between Gly-42 and Val-43). Additionally, we show that drebrin rescues the polymerization of V266G/L267G, a hydrophobic loop yeast actin mutant with an impaired lateral interface formation between the two filament strands. Overall, our data suggest that drebrin stabilizes actin filaments through its effect on their interstrand and intrastrand contacts.  相似文献   

The influenza virus genome is transcribed in the nuclei of infected cells but assembled into progeny virions in the cytoplasm. This is reflected in the cellular distribution of the virus nucleoprotein (NP), a protein which encapsidates genomic RNA to form ribonucleoprotein structures. At early times postinfection NP is found in the nucleus, but at later times it is found predominantly in the cytoplasm. NP contains several sequences proposed to act as nuclear localization signals (NLSs), and it is not clear how these are overridden to allow cytoplasmic accumulation of the protein. We find that NP binds tightly to filamentous actin in vitro and have identified a cluster of residues in NP essential for the interaction. Complexes containing RNA, NP, and actin could be formed, suggesting that viral ribonucleoproteins also bind actin. In cells, exogenously expressed NP when expressed at a high level partitioned to the cytoplasm, where it associated with F-actin stress fibers. In contrast, mutants unable to bind F-actin efficiently were imported into the nucleus even under conditions of high-level expression. Similarly, nuclear import of NLS-deficient NP molecules was restored by concomitant disruption of F-actin binding. We propose that the interaction of NP with F-actin causes the cytoplasmic retention of influenza virus ribonucleoproteins.  相似文献   

Origin of Twist-Bend Coupling in Actin Filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin filaments are semiflexible polymers that display large-scale conformational twisting and bending motions. Modulation of filament bending and twisting dynamics has been linked to regulatory actin-binding protein function, filament assembly and fragmentation, and overall cell motility. The relationship between actin filament bending and twisting dynamics has not been evaluated. The numerical and analytical experiments presented here reveal that actin filaments have a strong intrinsic twist-bend coupling that obligates the reciprocal interconversion of bending energy and twisting stress. We developed a mesoscopic model of actin filaments that captures key documented features, including the subunit dimensions, interaction energies, helicity, and geometrical constraints coming from the double-stranded structure. The filament bending and torsional rigidities predicted by the model are comparable to experimental values, demonstrating the capacity of the model to assess the mechanical properties of actin filaments, including the coupling between twisting and bending motions. The predicted actin filament twist-bend coupling is strong, with a persistence length of 0.15-0.4 μm depending on the actin-bound nucleotide. Twist-bend coupling is an emergent property that introduces local asymmetry to actin filaments and contributes to their overall elasticity. Up to 60% of the filament subunit elastic free energy originates from twist-bend coupling, with the largest contributions resulting under relatively small deformations. A comparison of filaments with different architectures indicates that twist-bend coupling in actin filaments originates from their double protofilament and helical structure.  相似文献   

Kim M  Hepler PK  Eun SO  Ha KS  Lee Y 《Plant physiology》1995,109(3):1077-1084
Stomatal movements, which regulate gas exchange in plants, involve pronounced changes in the shape and volume of the guard cell. To test whether the changes are regulated by actin filaments, we visualized microfilaments in mature guard cells and examined the effects of actin antagonists on stomatal movements. Immunolocalization on fixed cells and microinjection of fluorescein isothiocyanate-phalloidin into living guard cells of Commelina communis L. showed that cortical microfilaments were radially distributed, fanning out from the stomatal pore site, resembling the known pattern of microtubules. Treatment of epidermal peels with phalloidin prior to stabilizing microfilaments with m-maleimidobenzoyl N-hydroxysuccimimide caused dense packing of radial microfilaments and an accumulation of actin around many organelles. Both stomatal closing induced by abscisic acid and opening under light were inhibited. Treatment of guard cells with cytochalasin D abolished the radial pattern of microfilaments; generated sparse, poorly oriented arrays; and caused partial opening of dark-closed stomata. These results suggest that microfilaments participate in stomatal aperture regulation.  相似文献   

InsituLocalizationandIsolationofActinFilamentsfromPollenTubesofAmaryllisvittataAitCAlXue(蔡雪);DONGYun-zhou(董云洲)(CollegeofLifeS...  相似文献   

Actin was studied in Xenopus unfertilized eggs and early developmental stages. Immunochemical proof is given of structural differences between Xenopus laevis muscle actin and nonmuscle cell actin. Actin localization and changes of actin aggregation during Xenopus development were observed using indirect immunofluorescence. We have also tried to explain the presence of an actin shell around the yolk platelets that appeared in our experiments.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of actin filaments in the non-fixed stigma of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms were examined with fluorescence microscopy by using FITC-phalloidin as fluorescence probe. In the finger-like papillae the distribution patterns of actin filament varied greatly with actin localization. In the basal region fusiform bodies emitting intense fluorescence were scatteredly distributed. In the middle zone(often occupied by dense cytoplasm) a network composed of numerous actin filaments appeared. These filaments of various diameters lay more or less parallelly to the cell axis, extending upwards and gradually merging into some thick dense bundles . In the apical region a few actin filaments sparsely and longitudinally distrubuted in the subcortical cytoplasm,and diffuse fluorescence often appeared in the spheroidal protrusion. Furthermore,an actin network composed of very thin filaments in the periplasm of the cell was observed ;the constituent filaments were in helical arrangement and often branched and interconnected. Considering possible relationship between the actin configurations and the physiological activities and functions of the stigma cells, it is proposed that the active cytoplasmic streaming, the translocation of solutes towards the apical region ,the active secretion of exudate from the spheroidal protrusion and maintaining of the structural integrity and stability of periplasm, all these might be considered as certain physiological events being affected or regulated by the actin filament patterns described above.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the actions of high homocysteine (Hcy) levels (100 and 500 μM) on the cytoskeleton of C6 glioma cells. Results showed that the predominant cytoskeletal response was massive formation of actin-containing filopodia at the cell surface that could be related with Cdc42 activation and increased vinculin immunocontent. In cells treated with 100 μM Hcy, folic acid, trolox, and ascorbic acid, totally prevented filopodia formation, while filopodia induced by 500 μM Hcy were prevented by ascorbic acid and attenuated by folic acid and trolox. Moreover, competitive NMDA ionotropic antagonist DL-AP5 totally prevented the formation of filopodia in both 100 and 500 μM Hcy treated cells, while the metabotropic non-selective group I/II antagonist MCPG prevented the effect of 100 μM Hcy but only slightly attenuated the effect induced by of 500 μM Hcy on actin cytoskeleton. The competitive non-NMDA ionotropic antagonist CNQX was not able to prevent the effects of Hcy on the reorganization of actin cytoskeleton in the two concentrations used. Also, Hcy-induced hypophosphorylation of vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and this effect was prevented by DL-AP5, MCPG, and CNQX. In conclusion, our results show that Hcy target the cytoskeleton of C6 cells probably by excitoxicity and/or oxidative stress mechanisms. Therefore, we could propose that the dynamic restructuring of the actin cytoskeleton of glial cells might contribute to the response to the injury provoked by elevated Hcy levels in brain.  相似文献   

Previous biochemical studies utilizing isolated nuclei and nuclear matrices have shown actin to be a constituent of the interphase nucleus. In addition, recent ultrastructural work has shown the presence of actin and myosin within nuclei of interphase cells in situ. It was unclear, however, whether this intranuclear actin is present in the unpolymerized globular actin or the filamentous (F)-actin form. The present work, using confocal microscopy and ultrastructural cytochemical techniques, demonstrates the presence of F-actin within interphase nuclei of intact, uncompromised, dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro and in vivo. Labeling by FITC-phalloidin detected the presence of intranuclear F-actin adjacent to the nucleolar periphery in a small fraction of cells in vitro, an observation confirmed by three-dimensional reconstruction. Ultrastructural analyses of cells exposed to heavy meromyosin (HMM), showed the presence of typical "arrowhead" complexes. The observation that these complexes were associated with nucleoli confirms that the intranuclear ligand detected by FITC-phalloidin indeed represents F-actin. Postembedding labeling with HMM conjugated to 20-nm colloidal gold (HMM-Au20) resulted in labeling similar to that obtained with HMM. However, HMM-Au20 was found to label a much larger fraction of cells, both in vitro and in vivo, than did FITC-phalloidin or HMM. This finding indicates that labeling with HMM-Au20 more accurately reflects the extent of actin polymerization in nuclei. Results from double labeling with HMM-Au20 and an antibody to α-sarcomeric actin confirmed that only a small amount of nuclear actin is in the F-form. Together, these results represent a first ultrastructural demonstration of the presence of F-actin in nuclei of neurons. While the role of nuclear F-actin has yet to be defined, the results suggest that F-actin may represent a component of the molecular motor responsible for the dynamic positioning of specific chromatin domains into the tissue-specific, nonrandom patterns observed in many cell types.  相似文献   

The protein kinase PKR and the 2′,5′-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase are two interferon-induced and double-stranded RNA-activated enzymes which are implicated in the mechanism of action of interferon. Their distribution was undertaken here at the ultrastructural level by the immunogold procedure, following the use of specific monoclonal antibodies directed against PKR and 69- and 100-kDa forms of the 2-5A synthetase. These enzymes were detected as a pool of nonaggregated proteins scattered throughout the cell and as aggregates often associated with electron-dense doughnut-like structures showing a similar aspect whatever their subcellular localization: the cytoplasm, the nuclear envelope, and the nucleus. In general, the 2-5A synthetases were present in much more lower amounts than the PKR, probably due to the difficulty of detecting traces of proteins by electron microscopy. To circumvent this, we used a human lymphoblastoid cell line overexpressing the 69-kDa form of the 2-5A synthetase. In such cells, the synthetase was then clearly observed in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus; isolated or small clusters of gold particles were numerous in the cell mainly over the RNP fibrils of the interchromatin space, nucleolus, and ribosomes. Interestingly, gold particles were also found to be associated with the membranes of nuclear envelope and rough endoplasmic reticulum probably due to the myristilated motif of this form of 2-5A synthetase. Finally, intensely labeled electron-opaque dots sometimes associated with the nuclear pore complexes were present in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm of cells which might suggest their transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm or reciprocally through the nuclear pore complexes. These observations indicate the wider distribution of the dsRNA-activated enzymes in the cell, thus pointing out their potential implication in as yet undetermined physiological function(s) necessary for various cellular metabolic reactions.  相似文献   

We present a general model of actin filament deformation and fragmentation in response to compressive forces. The elastic free energy density along filaments is determined by their shape and mechanical properties, which were modeled in terms of bending, twisting, and twist-bend coupling elasticities. The elastic energy stored in filament deformation (i.e., strain) tilts the fragmentation-annealing reaction free-energy profile to favor fragmentation. The energy gradient introduces a local shear force that accelerates filament intersubunit bond rupture. The severing protein, cofilin, renders filaments more compliant in bending and twisting. As a result, filaments that are partially decorated with cofilin are mechanically heterogeneous (i.e., nonuniform) and display asymmetric shape deformations and energy profiles distinct from mechanically homogenous (i.e., uniform), bare actin, or saturated cofilactin filaments. The local buckling strain depends on the relative size of the compliant segment as well as the bending and twisting rigidities of flanking regions. Filaments with a single bare/cofilin-decorated boundary localize energy and force adjacent to the boundary, within the compliant cofilactin segment. Filaments with small cofilin clusters were predicted to fragment within the compliant cofilactin rather than at boundaries. Neglecting contributions from twist-bend coupling elasticity underestimates the energy density and gradients along filaments, and thus the net effects of filament strain to fragmentation. Spatial confinement causes compliant cofilactin segments and filaments to adopt higher deformation modes and store more elastic energy, thereby promoting fragmentation. The theory and simulations presented here establish a quantitative relationship between actin filament fragmentation thermodynamics and elasticity, and reveal how local discontinuities in filament mechanical properties introduced by regulatory proteins can modulate both the severing efficiency and location along filaments. The emergent behavior of mechanically heterogeneous filaments, particularly under confinement, emphasizes that severing in cells is likely to be influenced by multiple physical and chemical factors.  相似文献   

In the cotyledon cells of the developing seeds (35~50 d after flowering) and the early germinating seeds (4 ~ 8 d after sowing) of soybean (Glycine max L. ), acid phosphatase (APase) activity was mainly deposited in the protein bodies (PB) and in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In addition, in the early developing cotylendon cells, the prominent reaction product of APase activity was seen along the plasma membrane, in the cell wall and within the vesicles in the cytoplasm adjancent to the plasma membrane. And some of the vesicles seemed to be fused with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Stepwise Sliding of Single Actin and Myosin Filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Dynamics of sliding were explored in isolated actin and myosin filaments. Sliding occurs in steps. The steps are integer multiples of 2.7 nm, which is equal to the monomeric repeat along the actin filament. When filaments were forced to slide in the reverse direction, the size paradigm was the same. This size paradigm is parallel to that seen in the kinesin-microtubule system, where step size is an integer multiple of the tubulin repeat along the microtubule.  相似文献   

Actin filaments (AFs) and microtubules (MTs) are essential constituentsof the cytoskeleton in plant cells. Sliding of motor proteinsalong these cytoskeletons is believed to be necessary in variouscellular functions. In our previous study [Yokota et al. (1995b)Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 1563], we succeeded in isolating tubulinfrom cultured tobacco BY-2 cells, which in its polymerized formcan be translocated by the MT-based motor protein, dynein, invitro. In the present study, the method was modified to purifyboth tubulin and actin. Purified actin could be polymerizedand decorated by subfragment-1 (S-1) of skeletal muscle myosin.In the motility assay in vitro, AFs, thus prepared, could betranslocated by plant myosin isolated from lily pollen tubes.The sliding velocity of those AFs was similar to that of animalAFs prepared from chicken breast muscle, and comparable withthe velocity of cytoplasmic streaming in living pollen tubesof lily. Using S-1, motility assay was carried out. The slidingvelocity of plant AFs and that of muscle AFs were also similar.As far as we know, this is the first report of the sliding ofisolated plant AFs with myosin. (Received April 30, 1999; Accepted September 7, 1999)  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the hydroxyl radical derived from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is involved in lignin degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. In the present study, the ultrastructural sites of H2O2 production in ligninolytic cells of P. chrysosporium were demonstrated by cytochemically staining cells with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB). Hydrogen peroxide production, as evidenced by the presence of oxidized DAB deposits, appeared to be localized in the periplasmic space of cells from ligninolytic cultures grown for 14 days in nitrogen-limited medium. When identical cells were treated with DAB in the presence of aminotriazole, periplasmic deposits of oxidized DAB were not observed, suggesting that the deposits resulted from the H2O2-dependent peroxidatic oxidation of DAB by catalase. Cells from cultures grown for 3 or 6 days in nitrogen-limited medium or for 14 days in nitrogen-sufficient medium had little ligninolytic activity and low specific activity for H2O2 production and did not contain periplasmic oxidized DAB deposits. The results suggest that in cultures grown in nitrogen-limited medium, there is a positive correlation between the occurrence of oxidized DAB deposits, the specific activity for H2O2 production in cell extracts, and ligninolytic activity.  相似文献   

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