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The effect of the exogenous application of polyamines on the flowering induction of the short-day plant Pharbtis nil was investigated. Putrescine, spermidine and spermine applied on the cotyledons of 4-day seedlings had no significant effect on the flowering of this plant under conditions of full induction caused by a 16-hour-long inductive night. Under the conditions of partial induction caused by a 13-hour-long subinductive night, polyamines inhibit or stimulate flowering, depending on the time of application. Also, inhibitors of the biosynthesis of polyamines influenced the flowering process. Analysis of endogenous polyamines revealed significant fluctuations in their content in cotyledons during an inductive night, as well as under continuous light conditions. Particularly large changes occurred in spermidine and spermine levels. The putrescine level in induced seedlings was lower than in non-induced ones. However, induced seedlings contained a higher level of spermine and spermidine. The highest spermidine and spermine levels were observed at the 8th h of the night, although the total concentration of spermine during photoinduction was always 2–3 times lower than that of spermidine. A break in the inductive night, leading to a complete inhibition of flowering, had caused significant changes in the polyamine level by the end of the night. The results suggest that the flowering induction of Pharbitis nil took place at a low putrescine level and increased spermidine and spermine levels.  相似文献   

The involvement of cGMP in the regulation of the flowering of Pharbitis nil was investigated through exogenous applications of cGMP and chemicals that are able to change the cGMP level and analyses of endogenous cGMP level. Exogenous applications of cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP (a cyclic GMP non hydrolyzed analog) to P. nil plants, which were exposed to a 12-h-long subinductive night, significantly increased flowering response. NS-2028 (guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) inhibited flowering when that compound was applied during a 16-h-long inductive night, whereas SNP (guanylyl cyclase activator) increased the flowering when plants were subjected to a 12-h-long subinductive night. The inhibitors of cyclic nucleotides phosphodiesterase (isobutyl-methylxanthine and dipyridamole), which increase the cytosolic cGMP level, promoted the flowering and allowed the length of the dark period necessary for induction of flowering to be reduced. The endogenous cGMP level was also measured after the treatment of P. nil seedlings with those chemicals. Results have clearly shown that compounds that were used in physiological experiments modulated endogenous cGMP level. There was a significant difference in the cyclic GMP level between 16-h-long night conditions and a long night with a night-break. During a long inductive night the oscillation of cGMP was observed with four main peaks in 4, 7, 11, 14 h, whereas a 10 min flash of red light in the middle of the night was able to modify these rhythmical changes in the second half of the long night. These results have shown that there are oscillations in the concentration of cGMP in the night and the biosynthesis and/or deactivation of cGMP is affected by light treatment and therefore it may be involved in the regulation of photoinduction processes in cotyledons. From these combined results, we propose a hypothesis that cGMP is involved in the control of photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil.  相似文献   

W. Fueda  E. Hirasawa 《Plant and Soil》1994,164(2):261-266
Determination and distribution of radioactive chloride in Pharbitis nil was investigated by a bio-imaging analyzer. When leaves that contained various amounts of 36Cl were analyzed with the imaging analyzer and then each sample was homogenized and its radioactivity measured in a liquid scintillation counter, radioactive levels recorded by the analyzer were directly proportional to the radioactivity determined by the counter. When plants that had been grown in full nutrient solution were incubated in [36Cl]-containing solution, more activity was found in young leaves than in mature leaves, while little radioactivity was detected in shrivelled leaves and the nonsymptomatic cusp of young leaves of plants that had been grown in chlorine-deficient solution.  相似文献   

Flower buds, cotyledons and hypocotyls of Pharbitis nil were used as plant material. Flower buds (1–2 mm long) were excised from 3-week-old plants, grown in soil. Cotyledons of 7-day-old sterile seedlings were cut into 25 mm2 squares cotyledons whereas hypocotyls were cut to 1 mm long fragments. Explants were transferred into Petri dishes containing the Murashige and Skoog medium (MS), supplemented with either BA (11 μM·L−1) alone or BA (22 μM·L−1) and NAA (0.55 μM·L−1), and different sugars: sucrose, fructose, glucose, mannose or sorbitol (autoclaved or filter-sterilized). Addition of glucose instead of sucrose to the medium stimulated the induction of callus on flower buds and cotyledonary explants, but inhibited its growth on fragments of hypocotyls. The medium supplemented with fructose (especially filter-sterilized) stimulated the development of flower elements. Organogenesis of shoots and roots on explants was also observed. Flower buds and hypocotyls were able to regenerate both organs. Addition of fructose or glucose to the medium stimulated the organogenesis of shoots, whereas root organogenesis was inhibited on all explants used. Sorbitol strongly inhibited both induction of callus and organogenesis on all explants used.  相似文献   

Summary Flower buds and anthers of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil were treated either with thermic shock (7 or 35°C) or osmotic/trophic shock (12% sucrose) for 24 h. Explants were transferred either to Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with addition of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA; 4.4μM) and 6% sucrose or to the same growth medium containing 22 μM BA and 3% sucrose. Both media were supplemented with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 0.55 μM). Osmotic/trophic shock stimulated the occurrence of shoots on flower buds grown on medium containing 22 μM BA. Thermic shock (7 and 35°C) inhibited this process on both types of explants. Regenerated plantlets were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 6% sucrose, gibberellic acid (GA3; 1.44μM), NAA (0.55 μM) and Ca2+ (0.66 mgl−1). After 3–4 wk they were able to produce flowers without photoperiodic induction.  相似文献   

Little work was done so far with phytochrome from Pharbitis nil. Purification of phyA from this plant has been exceptionally difficult. Labile phytochrome was presented in too small amount to obtain either absorption spectra or enough protein to produce antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies mAP5, MAC 50, 52, 198 recognized Pharbitis nil labile phytochrome poorly, so it was necessary to develop independently an antiserum against labile phytochrome. The antiserum was prepared against proteolytically undegraded phytochrome obtained from etiolated Avena and Pisum seedlings using conventional methods. The antiserum to phytochrome from each of the above mentioned plants was prepared by injecting purified phytochrome into rabbits. The newly produced polyclonal antibodies to phyA from Avena and Pisum were used to characterize phytochrome from etiolated seedlings of Pharbitis nil. The cross reaction was tested by immunobloting. Both kinds of PAbs recognised phyA from Pharbitis nil, however IgG against the labile phytochrome from Pisum gave stronger reaction. The recognized peptide had the molecular weight of about 120-kDa.  相似文献   

The influence of BA, GA3 and IAA applied successively onflower bud formation in shoot apices of Pharbitis nil hasbeen investigated. The shoot apices were isolated from seedlings cultivatedunder non-inductive continuous light and from seedlings exposed to asubinductive (12 h) dark period. BA and GA3 introducedsuccessively into culture medium replaced the inductive night, causing theflowering of plantlets in completely non-inductive continuous light (optimalconcentration of BA – 10–7–10–6mol dm–3, GA3 –10–7–10–6 moldm–3) and stimulated this process under thesubthresholdinduction. These hormones applied in reverse sequence (in the first placeGA3, then BA) did not affect flowering of explants. IAA nullifiedthestimulating effect of BA and GA3. The influence of phytohormones onflowering may result from the change of growth correlations within the shootapical meristem.  相似文献   

Jasmonates Inhibit Flowering in Short-Day Plant Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of jasmonates in the photoperiodic flower induction of short-day plant Pharbitis nil was investigated. The plants were grown in a special cycle: 72 h of darkness, 24 h of white light with lowered intensity, 24-h long inductive night, 14 days of continuous light. At 4 h of inductive night the cotyledons of non-induced plants contained about two times the amount of endogenous jasmonates (JA/JA-Me) compared to those induced. A 15-min long pulse of far red light (FR) applied at the end of a 24-h long white light phase inhibited flowering of P. nil. The concentration of jasmonates at 2 and 4 h of inductive night in the cotyledons of the plants treated with FR was similar. Red light (R) could reverse the effect of FR. R light applied after FR light decreased the content of jasmonates by about 50%. Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) applied to cotyledons, shoot apices and cotyledon petioles of P. nil inhibited the formation of flower buds during the first half of a 24-h long inductive or 14-h long subinductive night. Application of JA-Me to the cotyledons was the most effective. None of the plants treated with JA-Me on the cotyledons in the middle of the inductive night formed terminal flower buds. The aspirin, ibuprofen and phenidone, jasmonates biosynthesis inhibitors partially reversed the effect of FR, stimulating the formation of axillary and terminal flower buds. Thus, the results obtained suggests that phytochrome system control both the photoperiodic flower induction and jasmonates metabolism. Jasmonates inhibit flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA)-like substances were analyzed in extracts from cotyledons and phloem exudate collected from cotyledons in photoinduced and vegetative seedlings of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Chois. var. Violet, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the dwarf rice bioassay, to see whether any specific GA-like substances were transported from the photoinduced cotyledons via phloem. Cotyledon extracts exhibited five peaks of free GA-like activity in HPLC, whereas only one or two active peaks were detected in phloem exudate extracts. The level of free GA-like activity was considerably lower in phloem exudate than in the cotyledons. In five out of six analyses of cotyledons and phloem exudate, there were substantially higher levels of free GA-like substances in photoinduced plants. Conjugated GA-like substances were present in much higher levels than free GA-like substances in the cotyledon extracts but the levels were not influenced by daylength. In phloem exudate extracts there was no conjugated GA-like substances. The free GA-like substances that are transported via phloem cochromatographed with GA5/20 and GA19 on HPLC. These were significantly higher in photoinduced plants and thus could have some influence on the photoperiodically-induced flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) is a potent endogenous calcium-mobilizing agent synthesized from NAD+ by ADP-ribosyl cyclases described for several animal cells. Pharmacological studies suggest that cADPR is an endogenous modulator of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release channels. There is also information about the sub-micromolar concentration of cADPR in plant cells. Whether cADPR can act as a Ca2+-mobilizing intracellular messenger in plant tissue is an unresolved question. Despite the obvious importance of monitoring cADPR cellular levels under various physiological conditions in plants, its measurement has been technically difficult and requires specialized reagents. In the present study a widely applicable sensitivity assay for cADPR is described. We show that Pharbitis nil tissue from cotyledons contains a certain cADPR level. To explain the possible roles of this second messenger in photoperiodic flower induction, some physiological experiments were also performed. The exogenous applications of cADPR to Pharbitis nil plants, which were exposed to a 12-h-long subinductive night, significantly increased flowering response. Nevertheless 8-Br-cADPR inhibited flowering when these compounds were applied during a 16-h-long inductive night. The effect of ruthenium red, a calcium channel blocker and ryanodine, a calcium channel stimulator, on the photoperiodic induction of flowering was also studied. Ruthenium red, when applied before and during an inductive 16-h dark period, slightly inhibited flowering, whereas ryanodine, when applied before and during a 12-h long subinductive night, stimulated flower bud formation. We also confirmed evidence that Ca2+ ions are involved in the photoperiodic induction of flowering. Thus, the obtained results may suggest the involvement of cyclic ADPR-activated Ca2+ mobilization in the photoperiodic flower induction process in Pharbitis nil.  相似文献   

Influences of plant hormones on photoperiodic flowering in Pharbitis nil, var. Violet was re-evaluated by assaying them with a newly developed perfusion technique which can directly treat mesophyll cells with sample solution. Gibberellin A3 promoted the flowering response and indole-3-acetic acid, trans-zeatin and abscisic acid inhibited it when they were perfused immediately before an inductive dark treatment. The promotion or inhibition of flowering was not or hardly observed when solutions containing these plant hormones were applied by the dropping method to surface of cotyledons or plumules of the assay plants. The detection of clear flower-promoting and -inhibiting effects of the plant hormones may be due to the improved efficiency of incorporation of applied substances into plant tissue in the perfusion technique.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine inhibitory effect of calcium chelator; ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) on flowering of a short-day (SD) plant Pharbitis nil. It was found that 20 mM solution of EGTA applied on cotyledons of 5-d-old P. nil seedlings four hours before the start of 16-h-long induction night decreased the flowering response by 55% compared to the control plants not treated with this Ca2+ chelator. It also caused a very significant decrease of photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance both in light and darkness conditions. The results of this study confirm earlier hypothesis suggesting the effect of Ca2+ and its modulators on P. nil flowering is due to their influence on the stomata.  相似文献   

It is known that the level of cGMP is modulated in response to a number of stimuli in plant cells but intracellular events distal to cGMP metabolism are not clear. Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (Pk-G) is a major effector of cGMP action in animals and yeasts. We wanted to determine whether such kinase is present in plant cells. A soluble protein kinase was isolated from seedlings of Pharbitis nil and purified following purification methods including anion-exchange and affinity-chromatography. The enzyme consists of a single polypeptide of M(r) 70 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. From conventional modulators only cyclic GMP, when applied in low concentration, was able to accelerate the enzyme activity in the presence of histones. The enzyme autophosphorylated on serine and threonine residues and phosphorylated some substrates only on serine residues. Mixture of histones and histones H2B, H3 were the best phosphate acceptors. The process of autophosphorylation was accelerated by a low concentration of cGMP and reduced by high concentration of this second messenger. Antibodies raised against catalytic domain of animals Pk-G I alpha and beta cross-reacted with protein kinase from Pharbitis nil tissue. These data, taken together, demonstrate the presence of functional enzyme, which activity is regulated by cGMP and allow to classify this protein kinase as a member of the second messenger regulated group of enzymes.  相似文献   

Theobroxide, a natural product, strongly stimulates the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid (JA) in Pharbitis nil. In this study, we investigated the accumulation of protein by the immunoblot analysis of lipoxygenase (LOX), allene oxide synthase (AOS), and allene oxide cyclase (AOC), key enzymes in JA biosynthesis, and how the endogenous levels of JA in P. nil are affected by theobroxide. The effect of JA on the accumulations of these proteins was monitored simultaneously. The results show that theobroxide treatment led to a high level accumulation of JA, which is due to high accumulations of LOX, AOS, and AOC proteins induced by theobroxide treatment both under short day (SD) and long day (LD) conditions. However, under SD conditions AOS and AOC proteins are not enhanced by JA treatment. Kinetic analysis of protein levels shows that a biphasic activation of AOC protein by theobroxide is displayed and the first activation of AOC protein together with elevated JA levels is observed within 30min after treatment. Meanwhile, AOS and LOX proteins are activated by theobroxide later than AOC protein, suggesting that AOC plays an essential role in the initial JA formation induced by theobroxide. Since theobroxide-increased JA levels also show a biphasic manner similar to AOC activation and AOS, LOX proteins are activated later than AOC, and thus we propose a positive JA feedback regulation. Interestingly, AOS protein, which is also the enzyme for the biosynthesis of 9,10-ketol-octadecadienoic acid (KODA, a flowering inducing factor), accumulates markedly due to the simultaneous involvement of theobroxide and SD conditions, suggesting that AOS probably plays a role in flower bud formation in P. nil.  相似文献   

Dwarfing and sensitivity to the duration of a single inductive dark period for flowering ofPharbitis nil in F2 progeny of a cross between the tall strain Tendan, and the dwarf, Kidachi appear to be controlled by the alleles at two independent loci. Progeny of a similar cross between the tall strain Violet and the dwarf Kidachi at F2 and F3 also showed single locus segregation for tall: dwarf plants. In this cross, differences in photoperiodic response could be identified in F3 families but they were not simply inherited. There was some evidence of difficulties with classification of the F2 plants, but also, the flowering of the F1 between the two less sensitive strains Tendan and Violet indicated complex inheritance of their photoperiodic response. Complementary dominant alleles at three independent loci may be necessary for flowering in even shorter dark periods with the sensitive strain Kidachi. The dwarf strain Kidachi has a reduced gibberellin (GA) content (Barendse and Lang 1972), it flowers in a short dark period without terminal flowering, and it responds positively to GA application both for flowering and growth. However, since control of dwarfing and photoperiodic sensitivity can be separated genetically, there is no strick link between the gibberellin responsiveness of Kidachi for its growth and flowering. Despite the complexity of flowering genetics in Violet×Kidachi, a short-dark-period-sensitive, terminal flowering and tall F7 line was obtained in a pedigree previously held heterozygous for the dwarf: tall character but not selected for flowering time. Thus, flowering in a short dark period can also be obtained in the presence of the non-dwarfing allele from strain Violet, again demonstrating genetic independence.  相似文献   

It has been shown that both IAA and ethylene application inhibit flower induction in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil. However application of IAA has elevated ethylene production in this plant, as well. Strong enhancement of ethylene production is also correlated with the night-break effect, which completely inhibits flowering. In order to determine what the role of IAA and ethylene is in the photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil, we measured changes in their levels during inductive and non-inductive photoperiods, and the effects of ethylene biosynthesis and action inhibitors on inhibition of flowering by IAA. Our results have shown that the inhibitory effect of IAA on Pharbitis nil flowering is not physiological but is connected with its effect on ethylene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

It is known that the level of cGMP is modulated in plant cells in response to a number of stimuli but intracellular events dependent on cGMP metabolism are not clear. Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) are enzymes which are responsible for synthesis of cGMP in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. To collect evidence for the participation of cGMP in light signal transduction we isolated enzyme with guanylyl cyclase activity from Pharbitis nil and analysed its level and activity during photoperiodic flower induction. Soluble proteins were isolated from seedlings of a model short-day plant P. nil, partly purified and identified by in vivo and in vitro enzyme assay. In green plants enzyme activity amounted to 484 nmol cGMP/min/mg protein, whereas in etiolated plants it was three times lower (158 nmol cGMP/min/mg protein). Analyse cyclase consists of a single polypeptide of Mr 40 kDa. In order to determine if changes in guanylyl cyclase activity occurred in response to a long, inductive night, we measured enzyme activity in 4-h intervals and observed its increase at 4, 8 and 16 h of darkness. This pattern also fits well with changes in the endogenous cGMP level during a 16 h long flower inductive night. Immunocytochemical analysis confirmed these observations and revealed that changes in the GC level during light/dark conditions appeared. During 16 h long inductive night the strongest signal was observed in cotyledons after 4 and 16 h of the darkness. A high level of fluorescence was generally distributed in mesophyll, however, it was also observed in guard cells. Staining was apparently absent in the veins and cotyledon body. Furthermore, the location inside the cell was analysed. The protein was immunolocalized preferentially in the cytosol, chloroplasts and peroxysomes. Taken together, these data demonstrate in Pharbitis nil the presence of an enzyme which is able to convert GTP to cGMP. Because its level and activity are affected by light we believe that GC/cGMP play a substantial role in light/dark dependent process in plants, such as photoperiodic flower induction.  相似文献   

The antifungal activity of hevein-like proteins has been associated with their chitin-binding activities. Pn-AMP1 and Pn-AMP2, two hevein homologues from Pharbitis nil, show in vitro antifungal activities against both chitin and non-chitin containing fungi. Purified Pn-AMPs retained antifungal activities only under non-reducing conditions. When Pn-AMP2 cDNA was constitutively expressed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants under the control of CaMV35S promoter, the transgenic plants showed enhanced resistance against both the non-chitinous fungus Phytophthora capsici, and the chitin-containing fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Thus, the chitin component in the fungal cell wall is not an absolute requirement for Pn-AMP's antifungal activities. These results when considered together suggest that Pn-AMPs have the potential for developing transgenic plants resistant to a wide range of phytopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

A soluble Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) was isolated from seedlings of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil and purified to homogeneity. Activity of Pharbitis nil CDPK (PnCDPK) was strictly dependent on the presence of Ca(2+) (K(0,5)=4,9 microM). The enzyme was autophosphorylated on serine and threonine residues and phosphorylated a wide diversity of substrates only on serine residues. Histone III-S and syntide-2 were the best phosphate acceptors (K(m) for histone III-S=0,178 mg ml(-1)). Polyclonal antibodies directed to a regulatory region of the soybean CDPK recognized 54 and 62 kDa polypeptides from Pharbitis nil. However, only 54 kDa protein was able to catalyse autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of substrates in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. CDPK autophosphorylation was high in 5-day-old Pharbitis nil seedlings grown under non-inductive continuous white light and was reduced to one-half of its original when plants were grown in the long inductive night. Also, the pattern of proteins phosphorylation has changed. After 16-h-long inductive night phosphorylation of endogenous target (specific band of 82 kDa) increased in the presence of calcium ions. It may suggest that Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase is involved in this process and it is dependent on light/dark conditions.  相似文献   

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