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Applied auxin gradients and abscission in explants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of applied auxin on abscission in explants (excised cotyledonary nodes) of cotton was investigated.  相似文献   

Kinetics of abscission in the bean petiole explant   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The progress of bean petiole abscission has been followed using quantitative measurements of the mechanical force required to break explants at the separation zone. It is found that the shortest time for a measurable effect of ethylene (1 ppm) in stimulating the development of frangibility is about 1 hr. Removal of the ethylene is followed by a return to the endogenous rate of weakening, the slower rate being established in 1 hr. Application of the inhibitor cycloheximide leads to a cessation of abscission development within one-half hr. As in the stimulations of certain plant processes with auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. ethylene stimulation of abscission requires the continuous presence of the regulator.  相似文献   

J. L. Lyon  O. E. Smith 《Planta》1966,69(4):347-356
Summary Gibberellic acid (GA3) accelerated abscission when applied, in a wide concentration range, to excised abscission zones of cotton. Abscission was promoted equally by distal or proximal applications of from 10-3 to 100 g. A slight, but inconsistent, abscission retardation was obtained with distal applications of 10-6 and 10-7 g.Seven different gibberellins accelerated abscission equally when applied distally at amounts of 5×10-4 to 5×10-1 g per abscission zone. At 5×10-5 g there were great differences in effectiveness; their activities can be ranked: A3>A5A4>A7=A8>A1=A9.The ready translocatability of GA3 was suggested when 1.0 or 0.01 g was applied to one petiole, and the opposite untreated petiole abscised at the same time as the treated one. However, 0.001 g was not effective in moving across the stem and inducing abscission of the untreated petiole.The rate of abscission of petioles treated with 1.0 g GA3 was not affected by increasing the length of the petiole from 3 to 9 mm. However, abscission of petioles treated with smaller amounts is inversely proportional to petiole length.The rate of abscission of petioles treated with GA3 decreased with increasing seedling age; there was a simultaneous increase in abscission rate of the controls.Part of this research was based on a portion of a thesis submitted by the senior author to the Graduate Division, University of California, Davis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree.  相似文献   

Coleoptile and root tips ofTriticum aestivum cv. Arnej 624 and those ofAvena sativa cv. Victory (Svalöf) as well as dry excised embryos ofTriticum aestivum cv. Rival (Svalöf) and those ofArachis hypogaea cv. 34 3A. H. were cultivated in media containing various concentrations of sucrose and growth regulators, like ascorbic acid, indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellin. Growth, differentiation and water uptake of the various explants were determined at regular time intervals. Further, the concentration of the endogenous ascorbic acid in mg./g. fresh weight, as well as the amount of this growth regulator utilized as per cent of the total were determined. Although all the three growth regulators promote growth in the explants, their effect is best felt when sucrose of a higher concentration (1.0 per cent) is added to the medium. In fact, the response to 1.0 per cent sucrose is sometimes as good as a combination of a growth regulator with sucrose, especially in the case of root explants. The results clearly indicate that the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in the explants is catalyzed by the addition of indole-3-acetic acid as well as gibberellin. Simultaneously, the utilization of ascorbic acid is also appreciably increased by the presence of these growth regulators. Addition of 1.0 per cent sucrose to the medium containing the above mentioned growth regulators augments to a considerable extent not only the concentration of ascorbic acid, but also steps up its utilization. Enhancement of ascorbic acid as well as its increased utilization are correlated with rapid imbibition of water, growth and differentiation. The role of ascorbic acid in growth is discussed; and on the basis of the data presented here it is postulated that: (1) auxin and gibberellin function in the growth process by catalyzing the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid; and (2) that ascorbic acid not only participates in activation of various enzyme systems, but also stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate by acting as an electron donor in photosynthetic phosphorylation as well as oxidative phosphorylation; (3) that the above action of ascorbic acid creates a favourable redox balance for synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, enzymeproteins, and cell-wall constituents, thus enabling the processes of cell division and enlargement to proceed at a fast rate; and (4) that the relative rates of cell division and cell enlargement as well as “ageing” will determine the pattern of plant development.  相似文献   

Plantlet regeneration in Cucumis metuliferus from several explant sources, including cotyledons, leaves, hypocotyls and petioles, was evaluated on Murashige and Skoog's medium containing various combinations of auxin (IAA, NAA, 2,4-d) and cytokinin (BA, kinetin, zeatin), Callus development was obtained within 4 to 5 weeks on all growth regulator combinations which were tested at concentrations ranging from 1.0 M to 4.0 M of each. The response was similar when the tissues were incubated under light or in continuous darkness. Differentiation of callus to form adventitious buds or shoot primordia occurred only with petiole explants on medium containing NAA/BA or 2,4-d/BA at 2.0/1.0 M; none of these calluses, however, differentiated further to form shoots. When the differentiated calluses derived from petiole explants which had been initiated on 2,4-d/BA at 2.0/1.0 M were transferred onto medium with 2.0 M zeatin, formation of shoots occurred within 2 to 3 weeks. The frequency of shoot formation was 14.6%. Subculture of these shoots onto MS medium without growth regulators gave rise to plantlets of normal appearance. Regeneration in C. metuliferus requires callus initiation on an appropriate growth regulator regime followed by transfer to a medium containing the cytokinin, zeatin, and can be achieved within 10–12 weeks.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA napthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

H. Veen 《Planta》1967,73(3):281-295
Summary Transport and metabolism of naphthylacetic acid, labelled with 14C or with 3H, were studied by means of the liquid scintillation counting technique in combination with thin layer chromatography.The amounts of radioactivity reaching the receiver blocks as well as the loss from donor blocks greatly depended on the donor concentration. The relative amounts in receiver blocks increased with decreasing auxin concentrations in donor blocks. This phenomenon may be ascribed to the low immobilization capacity of the tissue at very low auxin concentrations.The relative amounts of radioactivity lost from donor blocks increased with decreasing auxin concentrations in donor blocks.Different characteristics of auxin transport can be explained by assuming a movement in symplast or in apoplast. During transport in the symplast the auxin is immobilized. Auxin immobilization governs many characteristics of auxin transport and could have a regulating effect on the free auxin content in plant tissues.  相似文献   

The role of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in the control of abscission in Citrus (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) leaf explants and its conjugation were studied in non-aged and 24-hour-aged explants. Dipping non-aged explants in 1.5 micromolar NAA for 15 minutes immediately after excision did not delay abscission whereas 150 micromolar NAA effectively delayed it. As incubation time was prolonged up to 24 hours after excision, the delaying effect of both concentrations gradually increased. In general, both concentrations did not delay abscission when applied to 24-hour-aged explants held for an additional period of up to 24 hours. The uptake and conjugation of 14C-NAA to glucose and aspartic acid were similar in petiole, abscission zone, and leaf blade of non-aged and aged tissues, for all NAA concentrations. No correlation was established between the kinetics of abscission and the rate of conjugation in the abscission zone.  相似文献   

Inconsistency of cropping is an important problem for UK sweet cherry production. Premature fruit abscission in Prunus can reduce yields severely, however, the environmental cues and hormonal signals that trigger abscission have not been identified. Auxin (IAA) is known to delay abscission by reducing the sensitivity of cells in the abscission zone to ethylene, a promoter of abscission. Therefore, the capacity for polar auxin transport (PAT) through sweet cherry pedicels was examined in relation to fruit abscission. Cherry ‘spurs’ (short shoots) with similar leaf areas and different fruit numbers were phloem-girdled to restrict assimilate movement. Abscission from spurs with many fruit (eight or more) occurred within 14 days of girdling, whereas abscission from spurs with few (two) fruit was minimal. The pedicels’ capacity for PAT in spurs with different fruit numbers was determined 1, 3 and 9 days after girdling (DAG). Fruit were analysed for endogenous IAA concentration 3, 5, 7 and 9 DAG. PAT inhibitors 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid or 1-N-naphthylphtalamic acid were applied to pedicels of fruit not expected to abscise, i.e. on spurs with few fruit. The effect of these inhibitors on fruit abscission was determined 14 DAG. The proportion of the transported [3H]-IAA was lower from the outset in pedicels from spurs with many fruit. By 9 DAG, symptoms of fruit abscission were apparent and 40% less [3H] -IAA was transported through pedicels on spurs with many fruit. Fruit endogenous IAA concentrations were similar in the two groups of spurs. Application of PAT inhibitors shortly after girdling increased fruit abscission by 30%. The results suggest that although a decline in PAT is not the only cause of fruit abscission, the maintenance of PAT contributes to fruit retention.  相似文献   

Summary The in vitro plant regeneration potential of vegetatively propagated geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) has been investigated. Using various combinations of growth regulators and a choice of different explants, a regeneration protocol has been developed to raise in vitro plantlets from young petiole and leaf explants from three different cultivars of geraniums. In all three cultivars, very young petiole explants exhibited a higher regeneration potential as compared with leaf explants. Regeneration efficiencies were found to be highly dependent on the cultivar, with cv. Samba showing the highest regeneration potential, followed by cvs. Yours Truly and then Sincerity. Samba also showed the highest number of shoots from both the petiole [57 shoot buds per petiole explant in the presence of 3 μM zeatin and 1 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and leaf explants (43 shoots per leaf explant with 10 μM zeatin and 2 μM IAA). Shoot buds transferred to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.44 μM N6-benzyladenine and 0.11 μM IAA grew vigorously and attained 1–2 cm in length in 3–4 wk. These shoots rooted with 100% efficiency on MS basal medium, and plants developed that showed normal growth and flowering under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Brassinolide (BR), a novel plant growth-regulating steroidal lactone, markedly retarded the abscission of leaf explants of Calamondin (Citrus madurensis Lour.), when dissolved in water and fed through the petiole. BR was effective at concentrations as low as 0.021 M, and showed a stronger effect than IAA which also retarded abscission. Trifluoperazine (TFP), an inhibitor of the calmodulin-calcium complex, accelerated abscission, and this acceleration could be counteracted by a simultaneous addition of IAA or BR, the effect of IAA being stronger. BR in lanolin applied to the cut surface of the leaf blade of the explant showed a weaker abscission-retarding effect than that applied in water via the petiole. BR and IAA also markedly retarded the abscission of fruitlet explants of Calamondin.  相似文献   

Citrus ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) leaf explants completely abscise within 48 h when exposed to saturating amounts of ethylene at 25°C. When 2,5-norbornadiene was added, 2000 μl 1−1 reduced abscission of explants also exposed to 2 μl 1−1 of ethylene to the level of the control, and 8000 μl 1−1 reduced abscission in explants exposed to 10 μl 1−1 of ethylene to the level of the control, but abscission was complete when 1 000 μl 1−1 of ethylene was used in the presence of 8 000 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene. When explants were exposed to 2 μl 1−1 of ethylene, 2000 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene prevented abscission if applied up to 10 h after exposure to ethylene. After 18 h, applied 2,5-norbornadiene had little effect on abscission at 48 h. A Lineweaver-Burk plot gave a 1/2 maximum value of 0.12 μl 1−1 for ethylene on abscission, 2,5-Norbornadiene gave competitive kinetics with respect to ethylene with a K1 value of approximately 120 μl 1−1 of 2,5-norbornadiene. The presence of 2,5norbornadiene stimulated ethylene production, which progressively increased as the 2,5-norbornadiene concentration was increased from 250 to 8 000 μl 1−1 2,5-Norbornadiene also suppressed the induction of cellulase and polygalacturonase by ethylene. Together, 2,5-norbornadiene and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid were more effective than either alone in reducing abscission. 2,5-Norbornadiene also was effective in preventing the reduction of indole-3-acetic acid transport induced by ethylene.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos directly formed at cut edges or on the surface of leaf explants, around cut ends or along side surfaces of petiole and stem explants of Golden Pothos [Epipremnum aureum (Linden & Andre) Bunt.] on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea (CPPU) or N-phenyl-N-1, 2, 3-thiadiazol-5-ylurea (TDZ) with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and a medium called MK containing MS salts with Kaos vitamins, supplemented with 2.0 mg/l TDZ and 0.2 mg/l NAA. Somatic embryos were also produced on MS medium containing 2.0 mg/l kinetin (KN) and 0.5 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) from leaf and petiole explants, MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l CPPU and 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D from petiole and stem explants, and 2.0 mg/l TDZ and 0.2 mg/l or 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D from stem explants. In addition, somatic embryos occurred from stem explants on Chus N6 medium containing 2.0 mg/l CPPU and 0.2 mg/l NAA. Somatic embryos matured and grew into multiple buds, shoots, or even plantlets after 2–3 months on the initial culture medium. Germination was optimal on MS medium containing either 2 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and 0.2 mg/l NAA or 2 mg/l zeatin and 0.2 mg/l NAA. Shoots elongated better and roots developed well on MS medium with no growth regulators. Approximately 30–100 plantlets were regenerated from each explant. The regenerated plants grew vigorously after transplanting to a soil-less container substrate in a shaded greenhouse.  相似文献   

Summary Plants are settled by epiphytic bacteriae able to convert tryptophan to IAA. This bacterial activity is abolished by chloramphenicol and streptomycin but not by penicillin. Tryptophan conversion to IAA by plant parts or enzyme preparations is far more intensive in non-sterile conditions than in sterile ones. This is true for all investigated objects: Helianthus annuus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Triticum vulgare, Zea mays, Enteromorpha compressa, Fucus vesiculosus, Furcellaria fastigiata. From pea plants, 58 strains of IAA producing bacteriae were isolated and partly identified.While non-sterile plants (Pisum, Zea) contain considerable amounts of IAA (extraction, thin layer chromatography, biotest), hardly any traceable auxin can be extracted of sterile plants. But sterile plants re-infected with mixtures or single strains of suitable bacteriae again contain considerable amounts of extractable IAA.
Zusammenfassung Pflanzen sind von epiphytischen Bakterien besiedelt, die Tryptophan zu IES umsetzen können. Diese bakterielle Aktivität wird unterbunden durch Chloramphenicol und Streptomycin, aber nicht durch Penicillin. Der Tryptophanumsatz zu IES durch Pflanzenteile oder Enzympräparate ist unter unsterilen Bedingungen weit intensiver als unter sterilen. Das trifft für alle untersuchten Objekte zu: Helianthus annuus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Triticum vulgare, Zea mays, Enteromorpha compressa, Fucus vesiculosus, Furcellaria fastigiata. Von Erbsenpflanzen konnten 58 Stämme IES-produzierender Bakterien isoliert und zum Teil identifiziert werden.Während unsterile Pflanzen (Pisum, Zea) beträchtliche IES-Mengen enthalten (Extraktion, Dünnschichtchromatographie, Biotest), kann aus sterilen Pflanzen kaum nachweisbares Auxin extrahiert werden. Aber sterile, mit Mischungen oder einzelnen Stämmen geeigneter Bakterien re-infizierte Pflanzen enthalten wieder beträchtliche Menge extrahierbarer IES.

A single-step, high-frequency regeneration pro-tocol has been standardised for Phytophthora-resistant wild pepper, Piper colubrinum (Link) using root, internode, leaf and petiole explants derived from in vitro plantlets. The effect of BA on shoot-bud induction and elongation was assessed by supplementing half-strength MS medium (macronutrients at half the concentration) with different concentrations of BA, i.e. 0.2–10 mg l–1 in induction media and 0, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l–1 in subculture media. The interaction between culture period and BA concentration was studied by culturing the explants for 8, 15 and 30 days before the first subculture. The elongated shoots were rooted directly in soil and hardened in the greenhouse. The developed protocol would be useful in marker-assisted asymmetric hybridisation programmes involving wild-type Piper colubrinum and the cultivated species P. nigrum. Received: 4 August 1997 / Revision received: 30 January 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

Abscission zone tissue of citrus was shown to have a higher rate of protein synthesis than tissue distal or proximal to it, based on the incorporation of leucine-1-14C. The proximal tissue had the slowest rate of protein synthesis. As the tissue approached abscission, the rate of synthesis in the abscission zone decreased and the differences in rate of protein synthesis between the 3 zones almost disappeared. IAA, which delayed abscission, maintained the protein synthesis gradient between the abscission and proximal zones, but the distal zone tissue was as active in protein synthesis as the abscission zone. Differences in uptake of the leucine were also observed between different zones and treatments. Regardless of the tissue or the treatment, there was a sharp increase in uptake at the 24 hour point.

Direct incubation of abscission zones in IAA and gibberellic acid (GA) indicated that the action of gibberellic acid on abscission is probably through a stimulation of protein synthesis, while IAA seems to act by maintaining the existing rate of protein synthesis in the cells of the abscission zone.


Ethylene-induced abscission in leaf and fruit explants of peach involves different enzymes. In leaves abscission is accompanied by increased occurrence of cellulase forms differing in isoelectric point (pI 6.5 and 9.5). A polypeptide with a molecular mass of 51 kDa gives in a western blot a strong cross-reaction with an antibody raised against a maturation cellulase from avocado fruit. Cellulase activity is also found in abscising fruit explants but the amount is very low compared to that of the leaf explants. A northern analysis with a cellulase clone from avocado reveals the presence of two hybridizing mRNAs with a size of 2.2 kb and 1.8 kb, respectively. The steady-state level of the 2.2 kb mRNA is significantly increased by treatment with ethylene.Polygalacturonases are not detected in abscising leaves, but are strongly induced by ethylene in fruit explants. Of the three forms found, two are exopolygalacturonases while the third is an endoenzyme. Ethylene activates preferentially the endoenzyme and the basic exoenzyme but depresses the acid exopolygalacturonases. A northern analysis carried out with a cDNA coding for tomato endopolygalacturonase shows hybridization only with one endopolygalacturonase mRNA from in the fruit abscission zone. Treatment with ethylene causes an increase in the steady-state level of this mRNA. The differences in the enzyme patterns observed in fruit and leaf abscission zones and a differential enzyme induction suggest the feasibility to regulate fruit abscission in peach with the aid of antisense RNA genes.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Early abscission of mined leaves was an important mortality factor of a Phyllonorycter species (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on Salix lasiolepis Benth. (Salicaceae). A larger percentage of mined leaves abscised early (34.4% in 1990; 24.5% in 1991), and Phyllonorycter survival was greatly reduced in these abscised leaves.
2. Leaf-mining by Phyllonorycter was associated with increased early leaf abscission. An egg removal experiment demonstrated that leaf mining induced this increase in leaf abscission.
3. The induction of early leaf abscission was dependent upon the timing of herbivory and simulated herbivory (mechanical damage). Early mechanical damage induced leaf abscission, late mechanical damage did not. Mines which expanded early were more likely to induce leaf abscission than mines which expanded more slowly.  相似文献   

Adventitious shoot bud differentiation occurred preferentially from the petiolar cut ends of leaf explants of Paulownia fortunei cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 4 μmα-naphthaleneacetic acid and 20 μm benzyladenine. The details of plantlet regeneration and successful transplantation to soil have been reported earlier. We now show that besides medium supplementation with auxin and cytokinin, the presence of lamina and petiole in the explant influence shoot bud induction. Explants with the basal half of the lamina and the entire petiole were much more responsive than those with whole lamina and petiole. A dual-culture-medium technique which permitted incubation of the two ends of excised petioles under two different phytohormone regimes was devised. Our data suggest that some of the diffusible factors from the lamina may be phytohormones, and that the establishment of an endogenous phytohormone gradient in the explants may affect shoot bud differentiation in this culture system. Received: 7 April 1998 / Revision received: 8 April 1998 / Accepted: 17 April 1998  相似文献   

The activity of pectin esterase and cellulase in abscission of citrus explants was studied. No relation was established between pectin esterase and abscission, while cellulase activity was markedly increased before abscission and for a certain period after excision. IAA and cycloheximide delay abscission and cellulase activity, while ethylene and, to a lesser extent, GA3 accelerate them. Application of cycloheximide during the lag period and before cellulase activity can be measured, inhibits to a certain extent the formation of cellulase. An escape from the inhibitory effect of cycloheximide is detected when inhibitor is supplied at the end of the lag period.  相似文献   

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