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Zhao LY  Liao D 《Journal of virology》2003,77(24):13171-13181
The adenovirus E1B 55-kDa protein is a potent inhibitor of p53-mediated transactivation and apoptosis. The proposed mechanisms include tethering the E1B repression domain to p53-responsive promoters via direct E1B-p53 interaction. Cytoplasmic sequestration of p53 by the 55-kDa protein would impose additional inhibition on p53-mediated effects. To investigate further the role of cytoplasmic sequestration of p53 in its inhibition by the E1B 55-kDa protein we systematically examined domains in both the Ad12 55-kDa protein and p53 that underpin their colocalization in the cytoplasmic body and show that the N-terminal transactivation domain (TAD) of p53 is essential for retaining p53 in the cytoplasmic body. Deletion of amino acids 11 to 27 or even point mutation L22Q/W23S abolished the localization of p53 to the cytoplasmic body, whereas other parts of TAD and the C-terminal domain of p53 are dispensable. This cytoplasmic body is distinct from aggresome associated with overexpression of some proteins, since it neither altered vimentin intermediate filaments nor associated with centrosome or ubiquitin. Formation of this structure is sensitive to mutation of the Ad12 55-kDa protein. Strikingly, mutation S476/477A near the C terminus of the Ad12 55-kDa protein eliminated the formation of the cytoplasmic body. The equivalent residues in the Ad5 55-kDa protein were shown to be critical for its ability to inhibit p53. Indeed, Ad12 55-kDa mutants that cannot form a cytoplasmic body can no longer inhibit p53-mediated effects. Conversely, the Ad12 55-kDa protein does not suppress p53 mutant L22Q/W23S-mediated apoptosis. Finally, we show that E1B can still sequester p53 that contains the mitochondrial import sequence, thereby potentially preventing the localization of p53 to mitochondria. Thus, cytoplasmic sequestration of p53 by the E1B 55-kDa protein plays an important role in restricting p53 activities.  相似文献   

We have investigated p53-E1b 58-kilodalton (kDa) protein complex formation during permissive and semipermissive infections with adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) dl309. While metabolic labeling studies easily detected p53-E1b 58-kDa protein complexes in transformed rat cells (XhoI-C), the same methods have not revealed complexes during infection of either human osteosarcoma cells (permissive) or normal rat kidney cells (semipermissive). Complexes were not detectable at any stage during the replicative cycle of Ad5 dl309 in osteosarcoma cells, and they could not be stabilized by using an in vivo cross-linking agent. In addition, using the E4-defective mutant Ad5 dl355, no complexes were observed either. Thus, the lack of p53-E1b 58-kDa protein complex formation during infection is not due to competition from the E4 34-kDa protein. In vitro association experiments showed that in vitro-translated mouse and human p53 could form complexes with E1b 58-kDa antigen expressed during infection. Thus, such E1b proteins are competent to form complexes. The converse experiment, in which in vitro-translated E1b 58-kDa protein was mixed with lysates of osteosarcoma cells, showed little or no p53-E1b 58-kDa protein association, even though the in vitro E1b 58-kDa protein could associate stably with p53 from cells containing endogenous p53-E1b 58-kDa protein complex. These data suggest that competence to form p53-E1b 58-kDa protein complexes resides in some property of p53.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the adenovirus type 5 E1B 55-kDa protein facilitates viral DNA synthesis in normal human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) but not in primary epithelial cells. To investigate this apparent difference further, viral DNA accumulation was examined in primary human fibroblasts and epithelial cells infected by the mutant AdEasyE1Δ2347, which carries the Hr6 frameshift mutation that prevents production of the E1B 55-kDa protein, in an E1-containing derivative of AdEasy. Impaired viral DNA synthesis was observed in normal HFFs but not in normal human bronchial epithelial cells infected by this mutant. However, acceleration of progression through the early phase, which is significantly slower in HFFs than in epithelial cells, eliminated the dependence of efficient viral DNA synthesis in HFFs on the E1B 55-kDa protein. These observations suggest that timely synthesis of the E1B 55-kDa protein protects normal cells against a host defense that inhibits adenoviral genome replication. One such defense is mediated by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex. Nevertheless, examination of the localization of Mre11 and viral proteins by immunofluorescence suggested that this complex is inactivated similarly in AdEasyE1Δ2347 mutant-infected and AdEasyE1-infected HFFs.  相似文献   

The intracellular location of the adenovirus type 5 E1B 55-kilodalton (kDa) protein, particularly the question of whether it is associated with nuclear pore complexes, was examined. Fractionation of adenovirus type 5-infected HeLa cell nuclei by an established procedure (N. Dwyer and G. Blobel, J. Cell. Biol. 70:581-591, 1976) yielded one population of E1B 55-kDa protein molecules released by digestion of nuclei with RNase A and a second population recovered in the pore complex-lamina fraction. Free and E1B 55-kDa protein-bound forms of the E4 34-kDa protein (P. Sarnow, C. A. Sullivan, and A. J. Levine, Virology 120:387-394, 1982) were largely recovered in the pore complex-lamina fraction. Nevertheless, the association of E1B 55-kDa protein molecules with this nuclear envelope fraction did not depend on interaction of the E1B 55-kDa protein with the E4 34-kDa protein. Comparison of the immunofluorescence patterns observed with antibodies recognizing the E1B 55-kDa protein or cellular pore complex proteins and of the behavior of these viral and cellular proteins during in situ fractionation suggests that the E1B 55-kDa protein does not become intimately or stably associated with pore complexes in adenovirus-infected cells.  相似文献   

Hann B  Balmain A 《Journal of virology》2003,77(21):11588-11595
ONYX-015 (dl1520) is an E1B 55-kilodalton protein-deficient replicating adenovirus that is currently in clinical trials as an antitumor agent. On the basis of the observation that the E1B 55kD gene product is able to bind to and inactivate p53, ONYX-015's mechanism of action is proposed to involve selective replication in and killing of p53-deficient cells. While its efficacy as a therapeutic agent appears evident, the virus's mechanism of cellular selectivity, including a possible role of p53 in this regard, is less clear. Indeed, there have been a number of recent reports suggesting that the p53 status of target cells does not reliably predict ONYX-015 replication or cell killing. To address the role of p53 in ONYX-015 selectivity, we have undertaken a rigorous analysis of the behavior of this virus in small airway-derived primary human epithelial cells expressing either dominant-negative or gain-of-function mutant p53 genes. Examination of small airway epithelial cells expressing a variety of p53 mutant alleles revealed that while all were able to inhibit endogenous p53 activity, only one allele examined, 248W, demonstrated a markedly increased ability to facilitate ONYX-015 replication. This allele is a member of a group of p53 mutants (know as class I mutants) characterized by retention of global structural conformation but loss of DNA-binding activity. These observations indicate that the nature of the p53 mutation affects ONYX-015 replication, help reconcile disparate published findings, and may provide criteria by which to direct clinical application of ONYX-015.  相似文献   

The adenovirus type 5 243R E1A protein induces p53-dependent apoptosis in the absence of the 19- and 55-kDa E1B polypeptides. This effect appears to result from an accumulation of p53 protein and is unrelated to expression of E1B products. We now report that in the presence of the E1B 55-kDa polypeptide, the 289R E1A protein does not induce such p53 accumulation and, in fact, is able to block that induced by E1A 243R. This inhibition also requires the 289R-dependent transactivation of E4orf6 expression. E4orf6 is known to form complexes with the E1B 55-kDa protein and to function both in the transport and stabilization of viral mRNA and in shutoff of host cell protein synthesis. We demonstrated that the block in p53 accumulation is not due to the generalized shutoff of host cell metabolism. Rather, it appears to result from a mechanism targeted specifically to p53, most likely involving a decrease in the stability of p53 protein. The E1B 55-kDa protein is known to interact with both E4orf6 and p53, and as demonstrated recently by others, we showed that E4orf6 also binds directly to p53. Thus, multiple interactions between all three proteins may regulate p53 stability, resulting in the maintenance of low levels of p53 following virus infection.  相似文献   

The E1B-55K protein plays an important role during human adenovirus type 5 productive infection. In the early phase of the viral infection, E1B-55K binds to and inactivates the tumor suppressor protein p53, allowing efficient replication of the virus. During the late phase of infection, E1B-55K is required for efficient nucleocytoplasmic transport and translation of late viral mRNAs, as well as for host cell shutoff. In an effort to separate the p53 binding and inactivation function and the late functions of the E1B-55K protein, we have generated 26 single-amino-acid mutations in the E1B-55K protein. These mutants were characterized for their ability to modulate the p53 level, interact with the E4orf6 protein, mediate viral late-gene expression, and support virus replication in human cancer cells. Of the 26 mutants, 24 can mediate p53 degradation as efficiently as the wild-type protein. Two mutants, R240A (ONYX-051) and H260A (ONYX-053), failed to degrade p53 in the infected cells. In vitro binding assays indicated that R240A and H260A bound p53 poorly compared to the wild-type protein. When interaction with another viral protein, E4orf6, was examined, H260A significantly lost its ability to bind E4orf6, while R240A was fully functional in this interaction. Another mutant, T255A, lost the ability to bind E4orf6, but unexpectedly, viral late-gene expression was not affected. This raised the possibility that the interaction between E1B-55K and E4orf6 was not required for efficient viral mRNA transport. Both R240A and H260A have retained, at least partially, the late functions of wild-type E1B-55K, as determined by the expression of viral late proteins, host cell shutoff, and lack of a cold-sensitive phenotype. Virus expressing R240A (ONYX-051) replicated very efficiently in human cancer cells, while virus expressing H260A (ONYX-053) was attenuated compared to wild-type virus dl309 but was more active than ONYX-015. The ability to separate the p53-inactivation activity and the late functions of E1B-55K raises the possibility of generating adenovirus variants that retain the tumor selectivity of ONYX-015 but can replicate more efficiently than ONYX-015 in a broad spectrum of cell types.  相似文献   

The association of the cellular p53 protein with the E1B-55kd protein of adenovirus 5 (Ad5) is thought to result in inactivation of the p53 recessive oncogene product. Here we show that Ad5 E1-transformed 3Y1 rat cells which express low levels of the 55 kd E1B protein do not contain the p53-E1B 55kd complex. These cells have nuclearly located p53 and are highly oncogenic in nude mice. In 3Y1 cells expressing the E1B protein at a sufficiently high level, association between p53 and E1B-55kd occurs, resulting in an almost complete trapping of p53 into a discrete cytoplasmic body. These cells only form tumors after a very long latency period and in the tumors that eventually appear selection has occurred in favor of cells lacking the complex and containing free nuclear p53. Comparable results were found when highly oncogenic Ad12-transformed cells were supertransfected with the Ad5 E1B region. In none of the Ad-transformed mouse, rat and human cell lines examined, could we detect p53 of abnormal molecular weight or association with hsc70, neither could we immunoprecipitate p53 by the mutant specific antibody PAb240. These data suggest that a high level of nuclear p53 with a wild-type conformation contributes to the oncogenicity of Ad transformed cells.  相似文献   

The adenovirus type 12 mutants in700 and pm700 carry site-specific mutations within the reading frame encoding the E1B 19-kilodalton protein (19K protein) which prevent the production of the intact 19K protein. In cultures of human A549 cells, these mutants grow just as well as the wild-type virus does, but they display a large-plaque (lp), cytocidal (cyt) phenotype. DNA in these infected cells is not degraded, but at late times in human KB cells infected by the mutants, the mutants display a DNA degradation (deg) phenotype. The transformation phenotype of these mutants is also host range. Although the mutants are defective for transformation of the 3Y1 rat cell line, they transform rat and mouse primary kidney cells in vitro at wild-type efficiency and are capable of inducing tumors in rats. These results support the view that the type 12 E1B 19K protein is not obligatory for oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

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