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秦岭自然保护区群的生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦岭自然保护区群的生物多样性秦岭位于我国中部地区,是我国南北地理和气候的分界线及长江、黄河两大水系的分水岭。秦岭高大的山体及其对南北气候的屏障作用,使生物在种类分布上,具有明显南北差异,为多种生物生存繁衍创造了条件。秦岭独特的地理位置和复杂的气候特征...  相似文献   

秦岭保护区群存在的主要问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者根据秦岭保护区群内7个自然保护区(保护站)存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的办法。主要问题:一、牛背梁自然保护区的形状、大小、边界区划不合理;二、各自然保护区由于投资和建立时间不同,发展不平衡。三、周边地区商业采伐严重;四、农业蚕食,非法利用自然资源现象得不到制止;五、交通道路穿越保护区,影响动物基因交流;六、旅游开发缺乏统一管理。采取的对策主要是:一、在主要动物活动地带建立联合管理区和生物走廊带;二、加强对老县城自然保护区的管理和投资;三、加强对穿越保护区公路沿线的管理;四、解决对资源的过度利用,开展社区共管工作;五、对旅游实行规范化管理;六、开展多种经营创收。  相似文献   

秦岭保护区群存在的主要问题和管理对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文作者根据秦岭保护区群内7个自然保护区(保护站)存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的办法。主要问题:一、牛背梁自然保护区的形状、大小、边界区划不合理;二、各自然保护区由于投资和建立时间不同,发展不平衡。三、周边地区商业采伐严重;四、农业蚕食,非法利用自然资源现象得不到制止;五、交通道路穿越保护区,影响动物基因交流;六、旅游开发缺乏统一管理。采取的对策主要是:一、在主要动物活动地带建立联合管理区和生物走廊带;二、加强对老县城自然保护区的管理和投资;三、加强对穿越保护区公路沿线的管理;四、解决对资源的过度利用,开展社区共管工作;五、对旅游实行规范化管理;六、开展多种经营创收。  相似文献   

秦岭西段鱼类多样性现状初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对秦岭西段汉江水系和嘉陵江水系的鱼类和环境调查显示,人类活动对鱼类多样性产生了较大的影响。本文试图对该地区鱼类多样性丧失的现状加以报道并对原因进行分析。以前该地区鱼类共有142种,本次调查的渔获物中只有34种。鱼类物种资源的减少是多种因素造成的:水坝的修建使得鱼类栖息地环境改变从而导致鱼类的种类和种群数量变化,水污染、过度捕捞和非法渔业也在一定程度上破坏了鱼类物种多样性。  相似文献   

生态地质环境系统研究应以地质学为基础,以生态学为指导,研究岩石、土壤、水、生物等在地质作用下产生的生态问题。秦岭生态地质特色鲜明,是催生生态地质基础理论、形成生态地质保护对策的理想实践地,迫切需要对秦岭生态地质环境角色地位予以系统剖析,梳理秦岭生态地质环境系统面临的主要挑战,构建秦岭生态地质环境系统框架体系。研究提出秦岭生态地质环境系统研究要把握以下关键思考:一是秦岭生态地质环境要素多元、圈层互馈过程复杂、灾害叠加影响效应突出、人-地-生相互作用强烈,立足生态秦岭面临的现实挑战,需认知秦岭生态地质环境系统的要素构成及家底,构建秦岭生态地质环境系统要素互馈演化模型,探索生态退化、水土流失和地质灾害共存递进关系,进而提出地质环境-生态环境-人类环境动态平衡调控对策;二是秦岭生态地质环境系统框架体系应以地质环境认知为基础,将生态环境充分融入地质环境之中整体考虑,并对各要素对生态环境影响进行梳理;其中,构造、地貌地质环境是“生态容器”,岩石、土壤及水文地质环境是“生态载体”,灾害地质环境是引起“生态损害”的重要因素,人类活动环境则为造成“生态扰动”的外在驱动;三是秦岭林体-土体-岩体-山体-水...  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛的生态与保护对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
秦岭羚牛被世界自然保护联盟列为易危物种.是中国的国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,仅分布于中国陕西省南部的秦岭大巴山地区.从分布、栖息地、种群状况、集群特征、活动规律、食性、季节性迁移行为、繁殖生态和防御行为等方面概述了秦岭羚牛的生态习性,并提出了对该物种的保护与管理建议.  相似文献   

四川省大熊猫保护区生态监测现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古晓东  杨志松  王刚 《四川动物》2004,23(2):146-148
四川的大熊猫保护区从1999年开始陆续开展野外监测工作。作者收集了开展生态监测保护区一些基本情况、近几年监测工作的发展情况和监测所面临的问题,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

李翔  张远  孔维静  郦威  卫毅梅  冯祯 《生态科学》2013,32(6):744-751
流域水生态功能区是管理流域水生态系统的基本单元,其特点是统筹陆地和河流生态系统,更好、更全面反应流域水生态系统的整体特征。通过对流域内重要生境的识别,可以为区域内生物保护目标、生态安全目标、流域管理等方案的制定和实施提供重要的科学依据。该文以辽河保护区为例,从分区理论、划分方法、指标体系建立和划分结果四个方面详细介绍了分区过程,最终以保护区内主要自然影响和人类干扰作为主要分区指标,将辽河保护区划分为8 个水生态功能三级区,并总结了各功能区的地貌、河段特征和土地利用特征等。研究结果将有助于对辽河保护区的内生态环境状况进行修复与改良。  相似文献   

1982—1987年,我们在山西庞泉沟国家级自然保护区,对原麝(Moschug moschiferus)的数量现状及其保护进行了初步调查,现报道如下:工作区与方法本区位于山西省吕梁山脉中段,地处交城和方山两县交界,东经111°22′—111°33′,北纬37°45′—37°55′。全区总面积为10,443.5公顷。主峰关帝山海拔2830m。森林主要以华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)为代表的针叶林和针阔混交林,覆盖度74%。林外沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)、黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)、绣线菊(Spiraea alpina)和灰栒子(Cotoneaster acutifolus)等灌丛。调查方法采用:一、…  相似文献   

秦岭冷杉群落主要种群生态位研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
基于对秦岭山区濒危植物秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)分布群落的样地调查,采用定量分析的方法,研究了秦岭冷杉群落中主要种群的生态位宽度、生态位相似性比例和生态位重叠,结果表明:(1)分别用Levins和Shannon-weiner两指数测得的主要种群的生态位宽度结果基本一致,即乔木、灌木和草本层中生态位宽度最大的依次为秦岭冷杉、箭竹(Sinarundinaria nitida)和苔草(Carex lanceolata),秦岭冷杉与生态位宽度值大的种群易形成混交林;(2)生态位宽度较高的两个种群,种对相似性比例一般较高;(3)秦岭冷杉群落中各主要种群之间的生态位重叠程度较低,表明种群对群落环境资源的分享比较充分,群落处于相对稳定状态。  相似文献   

广州市海岸带生态环境现状及保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
广州市海岸带位于珠江入海口,为淤泥质冲积平原,滩涂面积广阔,湿地类型多样,野生动植物资源丰富.调查分析显示,近20年以来,海岸带的生态环境发生了深刻的变化.突出表现为天然湿地丧失或转化为受控湿地、淡水水体和海水水质恶化、生物资源衰退、外来生物入侵、洪涝灾害加剧等问题,形成人为活动干扰十分强烈的生态脆弱带.这些问题的产生与海涂围垦等海岸带开发活动密切相关.随着广州市“南拓”空间发展战略的提出,海岸带资源开发力度将进一步加强,尽管市政府在海洋保护、红树林湿地恢复重建和保护区建设等方面开展了大量工作,但海岸带的生态环境保护依然不容忽视.  相似文献   

Although theory indicates that natural selection can facilitate speciation as a by-product, demonstrating ongoing speciation via this by-product mechanism in nature has proven difficult. We examined morphological, molecular, and behavioral data to investigate ecology's role in incipient speciation for a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) inhabiting blue holes. We show that adaptation to divergent predator regimes is driving ecological speciation as a by-product. Divergence in body shape, coupled with assortative mating for body shape, produces reproductive isolation that is twice as strong between populations inhabiting different predator regimes than between populations that evolved in similar ecological environments. Gathering analogous data on reproductive isolation at the interspecific level in the genus, we find that this mechanism of speciation may have been historically prevalent in Gambusia. These results suggest that speciation in nature can result as a by-product of divergence in ecologically important traits, producing interspecific patterns that persist long after speciation events have completed.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation in tropical reef fishes   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The high biodiversity in tropical seas provides a long-standing challenge to allopatric speciation models. Physical barriers are few in the ocean and larval dispersal is often extensive, a combination that should reduce opportunities for speciation. Yet coral reefs are among the most species-rich habitats in the world, indicating evolutionary processes beyond conventional allopatry. In a survey of mtDNA sequences of five congeneric west Atlantic reef fishes (wrasses, genus Halichoeres) with similar dispersal potential, we observed phylogeographical patterns that contradict expectations of geographical isolation, and instead indicate a role for ecological speciation. In Halichoeres bivittatus and the species pair Halichoeres radiatus/brasiliensis, we observed strong partitions (3.4% and 2.3% divergence, respectively) between adjacent and ecologically distinct habitats, but high genetic connectivity between similar habitats separated by thousands of kilometres. This habitat partitioning is maintained even at a local scale where H. bivittatus lineages are segregated between cold- and warm-water habitats in both Bermuda and Florida. The concordance of evolutionary partitions with habitat types, rather than conventional biogeographical barriers, indicates parapatric ecological speciation, in which adaptation to alternative environmental conditions in adjacent locations overwhelms the homogenizing effect of dispersal. This mechanism can explain the long-standing enigma of high biodiversity in coral reef faunas.  相似文献   

Synopsis Regional Indo-Pacific fish faunas were examined for broad patterns in species size composition. An analysis of the New Guinea fauna, based on data compiled by Munro (1967), revealed that (i) maximum body size for a species tended to be larger in the more advanced teleost families; (ii) intrafamilial size variation (expressed by the standard deviation of log-transformed maximum body size) was significantly lower in the suborder Percoidei than in families drawn from broader taxonomic groupings; and (iii) size variation was significantly positively correlated with mean maximum body size and, in the percoids only, with the number of species in a family. An analysis of Marshall Islands reef fish assemblages, based mainly on the data of Matt & Strasburg (1960), indicated, that (i) mean maximum body size varied significantly between habitats and feeding categories, and tended to increase with openness of habitat and with trophic level; (ii) size variation within feeding categories increased with the number of species, but not significantly so; and (iii) confamilial species generally exhibited close similarities in terms of preferred habitats, trophic levels and foraging modes. These findings indicate that interspecific body size variation is both phylogenetically and ecologically constrained. Size variation within ecological categories (especially habitats) was much greater than within families. Thus, confamilial species generally did not exhibit the range of body sizes theoretically open to members of their habitat feeding guilds. The results are also consistent with aspects of resource-partitioning theory, notably that resource-utilisation breadth should increase with the number of coexisting species.  相似文献   

Linking ecology with parasite diversity in Neotropical fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative analysis was performed to seek large-scale patterns in the relationships between a set of fish species traits (body size, type of environment, trophic level, schooling behaviour, depth range, mean habitat temperature, geographical range, ability to enter brackish waters and capability of migration) and the diversity of their metazoan parasite assemblages among 651 Neotropical fish species. Two measurements of parasite diversity are used: the species richness and the taxonomic distinctness of a fish's parasite assemblage, including all metazoan parasites, ectoparasites only, or endoparasites only. The results showed that, on this scale, the average taxonomic distinctness of parasite assemblages was clearly more sensitive to the influence of host traits than parasite species richness. Differences in the taxonomic diversification of the parasite assemblages of different fish species were mainly related to the fish's environment (higher values in benthic–demersal species), trophic level (positive correlation with increasing level), temperature (positive correlation with temperature in marine ectoparasites, negative in endoparasites; positive for all groups of parasites in freshwater fishes) and oceanic distribution (higher values in fish species from the Pacific Ocean than those of the Atlantic). The results suggest that, among Neotropical fish species, only certain key host traits have influenced the processes causing the taxonomic diversification of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   

Functional decoupling of oral and pharyngeal jaws is widely considered to have expanded the ecological repertoire of cichlid fishes. But, the degree to which the evolution of these jaw systems is decoupled and whether decoupling has impacted trophic diversification remains unknown. Focusing on the large Neotropical radiation of cichlids, we ask whether oral and pharyngeal jaw evolution is correlated and how their evolutionary rates respond to feeding ecology. In support of decoupling, we find relaxed evolutionary integration between the two jaw systems, resulting in novel trait combinations that potentially facilitate feeding mode diversification. These outcomes are made possible by escaping the mechanical trade-off between force transmission and mobility, which characterizes a single jaw system that functions in isolation. In spite of the structural independence of the two jaw systems, results using a Bayesian, state-dependent, relaxed-clock model of multivariate Brownian motion indicate strongly aligned evolutionary responses to feeding ecology. So, although decoupling of prey capture and processing functions released constraints on jaw evolution and promoted trophic diversity in cichlids, the natural diversity of consumed prey has also induced a moderate degree of evolutionary integration between the jaw systems, reminiscent of the original mechanical trade-off between force and mobility.  相似文献   



Color vision plays a critical role in visual behavior. An animal's capacity for color vision rests on the presence of differentially sensitive cone photoreceptors. Spectral sensitivity is a measure of the visual responsiveness of these cones at different light wavelengths. Four classes of cone pigments have been identified in vertebrates, but in teleost fishes, opsin genes have undergone gene duplication events and thus can produce a larger number of spectrally distinct cone pigments. In this study, we examine the question of large-scale variation in color vision with respect to individual, sex and species that may result from differential expression of cone pigments. Cichlid fishes are an excellent model system for examining variation in spectral sensitivity because they have seven distinct cone opsin genes that are differentially expressed.  相似文献   

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