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Two mitochondrial genes, Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), have been used as phylogenetic markers in Chironomids. The nucleotide sequences of 685 bp from Cytb and 596 bp from COI have been determined for 36 Chironomus species from the Palearctic, or Holarctic, and Australasia. The concatenated sequence of 1281 bp from both genes was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. The nucleotide sequence alignments were used for construction of phylogenetic trees based on maximum-parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. Both techniques produced similar phylogenies. Monophyly of the genus Chironomus is supported by a bootstrap value of 100% at the basal branch. Six clusters of species have been revealed with high bootstrap values supporting both monophyly of each cluster and the validity of the branching order within each cluster. Four species, C. circumdatus, C. nepeanensis, C. dorsalis, and C. crassiforceps, cannot be placed into any cluster. Cytological phylogenies were constructed using the same set of species, except for C. biwaprimus. These trees showed many similarities to that obtained from the mitochondrial (mt) sequence analysis, but also a number of significant differences. When compared with the tree constructed from the sequence of 23 species available for one of the globin genes, globin 2b (gb2b), there was better support for the mt tree than for the cytological trees. An intron, which varies in its occurrence and position in gb2b, was also investigated and the distribution of the introns supports the phylogenetic history of the genus Chironomus obtained with mt data. The differences observed in the cytological trees seem to be attributable more to the retention of the same chromosome banding sequence across several species, rather than convergent evolutionary events. An important question is the determination of the position of the subgenus Camptochironomus in relation to the representatives of the nominal subgenus Chironomus, since it has been suggested that this is a separate genus. The Camptochironomus species are internal to the trees and have arisen more recently than some of the species of the subgenus Chironomus, indicating that they are not sufficiently differentiated to be considered more than a subgenus.  相似文献   

We used 766 bp of DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene to reconstruct a phylogeny for 39 of 43 Ips species, many of which are economically important bark beetles. The phylogeny was reconstructed using equally weighted and weighted parsimony. In both analyses, peripheral clades were well supported while internal clades were poorly supported. Phylogenetic analysis of translated amino acids produced a poorly resolved tree that was discordant with trees reconstructed with nucleotide sequence data. Two main conclusions are drawn about the monophyly of Ips and traditional systematic groups within Ips. First, Ips is monophyletic only when I. mannsfeldi, I. nobilis, and the concinnus and latidens species groups are excluded. The latidens group, I. mannsfeldi, and I. nobilis form a monophyletic group with 3 Orthotomicus species, while the concinnus group has a more basal position. Second, the majority of the species groups in the current classification for Ips are not monophyletic. European Ips species do not form a monophyletic group, contrary to common usage, and are dispersed on the phylogenetic tree among North American species. These results indicate that a formal systematic revision of Ips is needed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 26 South African species in the tribe Aphnaeini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) were inferred from DNA characters of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI), using maximum-parsimony methods. The resulting phylogenetic estimate supports the systematic hypothesis made by Heath (1997, Metamorphosis, supplement 2), based on morphological characters, that at least three preexisting genera (Chrysoritis, Poecilmitis, and Oxychaeta) should be collapsed into the single monophyletic genus Chrysoritis. Two of the species groups described by Heath within Chrysoritis are also monophyletic, while one is paraphyletic and thus unsupported by the molecular data. Strong node support and skewed transition/transversion ratios suggest that two Chrysoritis clades contain synonymous species. Aphytophagy appears as a derived feeding strategy. Evolutionary patterns of ant association indicate lability at the level of ant genus, while association with different ant subfamilies may have played an ancestral and chemically mediated role in the diversification of South African aphnaeines.  相似文献   

田天  袁缓  陈斌 《昆虫学报》1950,63(8):1016-1027
【目的】明确肉食亚目(Adephaga)水生类群线粒体基因组的基本特征,并基于线粒体基因组序列分析肉食亚目水生类群的系统发育关系。【方法】基于Illumina HiSeq X Ten测序技术测定了圆鞘隐盾豉甲Dineutus mellyi和齿缘龙虱Eretes sticticus的线粒体全基因组序列,对其进行了基因注释,并对其tRNA基因二级结构进行了预测分析。加上已公布的鞘翅目(Coleoptera)肉食亚目水生类群17个种的线粒体基因组序列,对该类群共19个种线粒体的蛋白质编码基因(protein-coding genes, PCGs)开展了比较基因组学分析,包括AT含量、密码子偏好性、选择压力等。基于13个PCGs的氨基酸序列和核苷酸序列,利用最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法(BI)分别构建鞘翅目肉食亚目水生类群的系统发育关系,并通过FcLM分析进一步评估伪龙虱科(Noteridae)和瀑甲科(Meruidae)的系统发育位置。【结果】圆鞘隐盾豉甲和齿缘龙虱的线粒体基因组全长分别为16 123 bp(GenBank登录号: MN781126)和16 196 bp(GenBank登录号: MN781132),都包含13个PCGs、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个D-loop区(控制区)。19个肉食亚目水生类群线粒体基因组PCGs的碱基组成都呈现A+T偏好性,在密码子使用上也都偏向于使用富含A+T的密码子;在进化过程中13个PCGs的进化模式相同,都受到纯化选择。基于线粒体基因组13个PCGs的氨基酸序列的肉食亚目水生类群的系统发育关系为(豉甲科Gyrinidae+(沼梭甲科Haliplidae+((壁甲科Aspidytidae+(两栖甲科Amphizoidae+龙虱科Dytiscidae))+(水甲科Hygrobiidae+(瀑甲科Meruidae+伪龙虱科Noteridae)))))。【结论】研究结果表明,豉甲科是肉食亚目水生类群的基部类群,接下来是沼梭甲科和龙虱总科;伪龙虱科和瀑甲科互为姐妹群,并一起作为龙虱总科内部的一个分支;两栖甲科与龙虱科具有更近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The Agabinae, with more than 350 species, is one of the most diverse lineages of diving beetles (Dytiscidae). Using the mitochondrial genes 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I we present a phylogenetic analysis based on 107 species drawn mostly from the four main Holarctic genera. Two of these genera (Ilybius and Ilybiosoma) are consistently recovered as monophyletic with strong support, Platambus is never recovered as monophyletic, and Agabus is found paraphyletic with respect to several of the species groups of Platambus. Basal relationships among the main lineages are poorly defined, although within each of them relationships are in general robust and very consistent across the parameter space, and in agreement with previous morphological analyses. In each of the two most diverse lineages (Ilybius and Agabus including part of Platambus) there is a basal split between Palearctic and Nearctic clades, estimated to have occurred in the late Eocene. The Palearctic clade in turn splits into a Western Palearctic clade and a clade containing mostly Eastern Palearctic species, and assumed to be ancestrally Eastern Palearctic but with numerous transitions to a Holarctic or Nearctic distribution. These results suggest an asymmetry in the colonization routes, as there are very few cases of transcontinental range expansions originating from the Nearctic or the Western Palearctic. According to standard clock estimates, we do not find any transcontinental shift during the Pliocene, but numerous speciation events within each of the continental or subcontinental regions.  相似文献   

Aphis is the largest aphid genus in the world and contains several of the most injurious aphid pests. It is also the most reluctant aphid genus to any comprehensive taxonomic treatment: while most species are easily classified into "species groups" that form well defined entities, numerous species within these groups are difficult to tell apart morphologically and identification keys remain ambiguous and mostly rely on host plant affiliation. In this paper, we used partial sequences of COI/COII and CytB genes to reconstruct the first phylogeny of Aphis and discuss the present systematics. The monophyly of the subgenus Bursaphis and of the tree major species groups, Black aphid, Black backed aphid and frangulae-like species was recovered by all phylogenetic analyses. However our data suggested that the nominal subgenus was not monophyletic. Relationships between major species groups were often ambiguous but "Black" and "Black backed" species groups appeared as sister clades. The most striking result of this study was that our molecular data met the same limits as the morphological characters used in classifications: mitochondrial DNA did not allow the differentiation of species that are difficult to identify. Further, interspecies relationships within groups of species for which taxonomic treatment is difficult stayed unresolved. This suggests that species delineation in the genus Aphis is often ambiguous and that diversification might have been a rapid process.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the cryptic morphospecies of the mud worm genus Marenzelleria is particularly difficult and the phylogenetic relationship within the genus is unknown. Herein we reconstructed the phylogeny of all five species of this genus using sequence data of three mitochondrial genes (16SrDNA, cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase subunit I) from 104 specimens out of 26 populations. For the three invasive species of the genus, Marenzelleria neglecta, M. viridis and M. arctia , individuals from native populations as well as from recently invaded populations were included. Nuclear 18S rDNA sequences were used to evaluate the appropriate outgroup taxon among several spionid polychaete species. The results supported the monophyly of Marenzelleria , and Malacoceros fuliginosus was found to be a suitable outgroup for the analysis of the mitochondrial gene segments. All phylogenetic reconstructions revealed a basal position of M. arctia and M. wireni , which have primarily Arctic distribution, with M. arctia obtaining the most basal position. Together with the present-day distribution of the species, this indicates an origin of the genus in the Arctic region. The relationship of the species M. neglecta , M. viridis and M. bastropi could not be resolved sufficiently due to genealogical discordance that might reflect relatively young cladogenetic events.  相似文献   

Genealogical trees have been constructed using mitochondrial ND5 gene sequences of 87 specimens consisting of 32 species which have been believed to belong to the division Digitulati (one of the lineages of the subtribe Carabina) of the world. There have been recognized six lineages, which are well separated from each other. Each lineage contains the following genus: (1) the lineage A: Ohomopterus from Japan; (2) the lineage B: Isiocarabus from eastern Eurasian Continent; (3) the lineage C: Carabus from China which are further subdivided into three sublineages; (4) the lineage D: Carabus from USA; (5) the lineage E: Carabus from the Eurasian Continent, Japan and North America; and (6) the lineage F: Eucarabus from the Eurasian Continent. Additionally, the genus Acrocarabus which had been treated as a constituent of the division Archicarabomorphi has been recognized to be the 7th lineage of the division Digitulati from the ND5 genealogical analysis as well as morphology. These lineages are assumed to have radiated within a short period and are largely linked to their geographic distribution.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships of Asian bufonids using partial sequences of mitochondrial DNA genes. Twenty-six samples representing 14 species of Bufo from China and Vietnam and 2 species of Torrentophryne from China were examined. Three samples of Bufo viridis from Armenia and Georgia were also sequenced to make a comparison to its sibling tetraploid species B. danatensis. Bufo americanus, from Canada, was used as the outgroup. Sequences from the 12S ribosomal RNA, 16S ribosomal RNA, cytochrome b, and the control region were analyzed using parsimony. East Asian bufonids were grouped into two major clades. One clade included B. andrewsi, B. bankorensis, B. gargarizans, B. tibetanus, B. tuberculatus, its sister clade B. cryptotympanicus, and the 2 species of Torrentophryne. The second clade consisted of B. galeatus, B. himalayanus, B. melanostictus, and a new species from Vietnam. The placement of three taxa (B. raddei, B. viridis, and its sister species, B. danatensis) was problematic. The genus Torrentophryne should be synonymized with Bufo to remove paraphyly. Because B. raddei does not belong to the clade that includes B. viridis and B. danatensis, it was removed from the viridis species group. The species status of B. bankorensis from Taiwan is evaluated.  相似文献   

Six Australian species of Coptotermes are traditionally recognized, but recent cuticular hydrocarbon studies suggest that some of these may represent more than one species. An understanding of the phylogenetic diversity of Australian Coptotermes, particularly the pest species, is likely to be important for the improvement of termite management strategies. A study of phylogenetic relationships among species of this genus was performed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COII) gene, comparing the data with recent data from Asian species. Representatives of the species C. lacteus (Froggatt), C. frenchi Hill and C. michaelseni Silvestri were each found to form closely related monophyletic groups, however representatives of C. acinaciformis (Froggatt) were not. For C. acinaciformis, representatives from northern mound-building populations were found to form a distinct group to southern, tree-nesting forms. Among southern C. acinaciformis, two Western Australian representatives were found to be divergent from other populations. The results suggest that C. acinaciformis probably represents a complex of species rather than one, as has been suggested previously. One unidentified Coptotermes sp. taxon from Melbourne was found to be divergent from other taxa. Notably, some Australian species were more closely related to Asian species than other Australian species.  相似文献   

We conducted a molecular study intending to derive an estimate of the relationships within the genus Bombus (bumble bees) by comparing the mitochondrial cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I (COI) genes from 19 species, spanning 10 of approximately 16 European subgenera and 3 subgenera from North and South America. Our trees differ from the most recent classifications of bumble bees. Although bootstrap values for deep branches are low, our sequences show significant data structure and low homoplasy, and all trees share some groups and patterns. In all cases, the subgenus Bombus s. str. clusters among the most derived bumble bees, contrary to other molecular studies. In all trees, B. funebris is the sister taxon of B. robustus, and in five of the six trees, B. wurflenii is the sister taxon to this clade. B. nevadensis is basal to the other species in the analysis of the cytochrome b gene, but appears to be among the most derived according to the analysis of the COI region. The species representing the subgenera Thoracobombus and Fervidobombus are consistently among the earliest diverged. Species that appear in very different positions in different trees are B. nevadensis, B. mesomelas, B. balteatus, and B. hyperboreus. All subgenera with two representatives in our analysis are apparently monophyletic except Fervidobombus, Melanobombus, and Pyrobombus. The groups formed by pocket makers and non-pocket makers within Bombus also appear to be paraphyletic, and therefore some subgenera may not accurately reflect phylogeny.  相似文献   

The bottom-dwelling and species-rich eelpout genus Lycodes Reinhardt has a great potential for the study of Arctic marine speciation. Subdivision of the genus has been based on single or few morphological characters (e.g., lateral line configuration) with contradicting results and phylogenetic approaches have not been attended. Here we present the first phylogenetic analysis of the genus employing DNA sequences of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome b and 12S rDNA (714 bp). The analysis with the two genes combined resulted in two equally parsimonious trees. In both cladograms most of the previously suggested subgroups are para- or polyphyletic, except for the so-called short-tailed Lycodes spp., with a short tail, a single mediolateral lateral line configuration and a shallow or filled otolith sulcus. The group of long-tailed Lycodes spp., with ventral or ventro-medio-lateral types of lateral line configuration and a deep otolith sulcus, appears to be paraphyletic, since Pacific and Atlantic species in this group are not each other's closest relatives. Thus, the short-tailed species are placed in a derived clade, indicating a secondary shortening of the tail, and a "slope to shore" type of evolution. This is not in accordance with earlier assumptions of the more elongate, deeper living species being the more derived. The basal position of long-tailed Pacific species supports earlier theories of Pacific origin of the genus/family. Small genetic differences between Arctic/Atlantic species indicate a rather recent radiation in these areas after the opening of the Bering Strait 3.0-3.5 million years ago.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among worldwide species of genus Ochotona were investigated by sequencing mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND4 genes. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the sequence data yielded congruent results that strongly indicated three major clusters: the shrub-steppe group, the northern group, and the mountain group. The subgeneric classification of Ochotona species needs to be revised because each of the two subgenera in the present classification contains species from the mountain group. To solve this taxonomic problem so that each taxon is monophyletic, i.e. , represents a natural clade, Ochotona could be divided into three subgenera, one for the shrub-steppe species, a second for the northern species, and a third for the mountain species. The inferred tree suggests that the differentiation of this genus in the Palearctic Region was closely related to the gradual uplifting of the Tibet (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau, as hypothesized previously, and that vicariance might have played a major role in the differentiation of this genus on the Plateau. On the other hand, the North American species, O. princeps, is most likely a dispersal event, which might have happened during the Pliocene through the opening of the Bering Strait. The phylogenetic relationships within the shrub-steppe group are worth noting in that instead of a monophyletic shrub-dwelling group, shrub dwellers and steppe dwellers are intermingled with each other. Moreover, the sequence divergence within the sister taxa of one steppe dweller and one shrub dweller is very low. These findings support the hypothesis that pikas have entered the steppe environment several times and that morphological similarities within steppe dwellers were due to convergent evolution.  相似文献   

The tribe Liparocephalini (genera Liparocephalus Mäklin, 1853;Diaulota Casey, 1893 [ = Genoplectes Sawada, 1955];Paramblopusa Ahn & Ashe, Amblopusa Casey, 1893;Salinamexus Moore & Legner, 1977 [ = Biophytosus Moore & Legner, 1977]), all of which are exclusively restricted to the Pacific coasts of the Holarctic Region, is hypothesized to be a monophyletic group based on the following synapomorphies: seta v absent (inferred to be lost) from mentum (reversed one time in the Liparocephalus lineage), setae distributed only on mesal surface of galea and apex with setae, one medial seta present on prementum, and contiguous mesocoxal cavities. Natural history and history of the classification of the Liparocephalini are discussed. Phylogenetic analyses of the species of the Liparocephalini are presented based on larval (21 characters, 57 states), adult (49 characters, 115 states), and a combination of larval and adult characters (70 characters, 172 states). Analysis of the combined larval and adult data sets with successive approximation resulted in a single most parsimonious tree (length = 937, CI = 0.885, RI = 0.930) with the following patterns of generic relationships (outgroup (Salinamexus + Biophytosus (Amblopusa (Paramblopusa (Diaulota + Genoplectes, Liparocephalus))))).  相似文献   

We infer the phylogenetic relationships of finescale shiners of the genus Lythrurus, a group of 11 species of freshwater minnows widely distributed in eastern North America, using DNA sequences from the ND2 (1047 bp), ATPase8 and 6 (823 bp), and ND3 (421 bp) mitochondrial protein-coding genes. The topologies resulting from maximum parsimony, Bayesian, and maximum likelihood tree building methods are broadly congruent, with two distinct clades within the genus: the L. umbratilis clade (L. umbratilis + L. lirus + (L. fasciolaris + (L. ardens, L. matutinus))) and the L. bellus clade (L. fumeus + L. snelsoni + (L. roseipinnis + (L. atrapiculus + (L. bellus, L. algenotus)))). Support is weak at the base of several clades, but strongly supported nodes differ significantly from prior investigations. In particular, our results confirm and extend earlier studies recovering two clades within Lythrurus corresponding to groups with largely "northern" and "southern" geographic distributions. Several species in this genus are listed in the United States as threatened or of special concern due to habitat degradation or limited geographic ranges. In this study, populations assigned to L. roseipinnis show significant genetic divergence suggesting that there is greater genetic diversity within this species than its current taxonomy reflects. A full accounting of the biodiversity of the genus awaits further study.  相似文献   

We compare the sequences for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene of 13 species of the Drosophila obscura group. The survey includes six members of the D. affinis subgroup, four of the D. pseudoobscura subgroup, and three of the D. obscura subgroup. In all species, the gene is 688 nucleotides in length, encoding a protein of 229 amino acids plus the first position T of the stop codon. The sequences show the typical high-transition bias for closely related species, but that bias is essentially eliminated for species pairs of > 5% sequence divergence. The phylogenetic relationships in the species group are inferred using both neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony. The two procedures give comparable results, showing that the D. affinis and D. pseudoobscura subgroups are monophyletic groupings that appear to have closer affinities to one another than either has to the D. obscura subgroup. We use transversion distances to estimate times of divergence, on the basis of three different estimates of the time of separation of the D. obscura species group from the D. melanogaster group. If that event occurred 35 Mya, then we can estimate the origin of the nearctic forms at approximately 22 Mya and the separation of the D. affinis and D. pseudoobscura subgroups at approximately 17 Mya.   相似文献   

Trogidae constitute a monophyletic and biologically unique family within Scarabaeoidea, being the only keratinophagous group in the superfamily. Traditionally, the family has been divided into three distinctive genera, Polynoncus Burmeister, Omorgus Erichson and Trox Fabricius. Although the taxonomy of the group is relatively well studied, changes to the existing classification have recently been proposed and the family as currently constituted has not been subjected to phylogenetic analyses. Here we present a molecular phylogeny for this cosmopolitan family based on three partially sequenced gene regions: 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA (domain 2). Included in the analyses are representatives belonging to four of the five extant genera (and three of the four subgenera) from all major zoogeographic regions, representing about 20% of the known trogid species diversity in the family. Phylogenetic analyses performed included parsimony and Bayesian inference. We deduce their historical biogeography by using trogid fossils as calibration points for divergence estimates. Our analyses resolved relationships between and within genera and subgenera that are largely congruent with existing phylogeny hypotheses based on morphological data. We recovered four well‐supported radiations: Polynoncus, Omorgus, Holarctic Trox and African Phoberus MacLeay. On the basis of this study, it is proposed that taxonomic changes to the generic classification of the family be made. The subgenera Trox and Phoberus should be elevated to genera to include the Holarctic and all the Afrotropical species, respectively, and Afromorgus returned to subgeneric rank. Estimates of divergence time are consistent with a Pangaean origin of the family in the Early Jurassic. The subsequent diversification of the major lineages is largely attributed to the break‐up of Pangaea and Gondwana in the Middle Jurassic and early Late Cretaceous, respectively.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products corresponding to 803 bp of the cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA COI-II) were deduced to consist of multiple haplotypes in three Sitobion species. We investigated the molecular basis of these observations. PCR products were cloned, and six clones from one individual per species were sequenced. In each individual, one sequence was found commonly, but also two or three divergent sequences were seen. The divergent sequences were shown to be nonmitochondrial by sequencing from purified mtDNA and Southern blotting experiments. All seven nonmitochondrial clones sequenced to completion were unique. Nonmitochondrial sequences have a high proportion of unique sites, and very few characters are shared between nonmitochondrial clones to the exclusion of mtDNA. From these data, we infer that fragments of mtDNA have been transposed separately (probably into aphid chromosomes), at a frequency only known to be equalled in humans. The transposition phenomenon appears to occur infrequently or not at all in closely related genera and other aphids investigated. Patterns of nucleotide substitution in mtDNA inferred over a parsimony tree are very different from those in transposed sequences. Compared with mtDNA, nonmitochondrial sequences have less codon position bias, more even exchanges between A, G, C and T, and a higher proportion of nonsynonymous replacements. Although these data are consistent with the transposed sequences being under less constraint than mtDNA, changes in the nonmitochondrial sequences are not random: there remains significant position bias, and probable excesses of synonymous replacements and of conservative inferred amino acid replacements. We conclude that a proportion of the inferred change in the nonmitochondrial sequences occurred before transposition. We believe that Sitobion aphids (and other species exhibiting mtDNA transposition) may be important for studying the molecular evolution of mtDNA and pseudogenes. However, our data highlight the need to establish the true evolutionary relationships between sequences in comparative investigations.   相似文献   

Ultrastructure and motility pattern of spermatozoa of the rove beetle Aleochara curtula were examined using electron and light microscopic methods. The spermatozoon is about 100 microm long and filiform. The head piece comprises a 5 microm long triple layered acrosome and 10 microm long nucleus. The flagellum consists of a 9+9+2 axoneme, two accessory bodies and two mitochondrial derivatives about equal in size but of different shape in their cross sections. In both derivatives there are paracrystalline inclusions. The flagellum is attached to the head by a 2 microm long centriole adjunct which is characterized by its electron dense material that forms a three layered folded lamellar structure. When liberated in buffer solution the sperm flagella assume a coiled hook-like form with the excentric stiff head protruding in front. The spermatozoa are driven through the medium by a small helicoidal wave of high frequency superimposed to the bent flagella. The maximum speed measured was 15.2 microm/s. The sperm architecture of A. curtula is similar to that of other Aleochara species but differs in total length and dimensions of the mitochondrial derivatives. For that reason Aleochara sperm can certainly prove useful to study the effect of the mitochondrial derivatives on sperm motility.  相似文献   

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