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微生物燃料电池(MFC)是利用阳极产电微生物为催化剂降解有机废物直接将化学能转化为电能的装置。在MFC系统中,产电微生物是影响产电性能的核心要素之一。介绍了MFC中产电微生物的最新研究现状,详细讨论了产电微生物的种类、产电机理和产电能力.为产电微生物的富集、驯化、改造和多种菌种优化组合提供思路。  相似文献   

对污水处理厂曝气池的产电微生物进行富集并利用纯培养法筛选,采用基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析方法研究了产电微生物的生物多样性,并基于三电极体系绘制出的循环伏安曲线鉴别出产电性能较强的纯菌株。结果表明,菌株F003、F042和F050与其系统发育关系最密切的有效发表种的典型菌株的16S rRNA基因序列存在较大差异,分别代表新的分类单元。之后又对所获得的38株菌株进行电化学测试活性,得出4株活性较强的菌株,其中菌株F010和F017的电化学活性比菌株F007和F051更为显著。  相似文献   

介绍微生物燃料电池的基本工作原理。根据电子传递方式阳极产电微生物分为无需中间体微生物和需中间体微生物。对阴极进行不同反应所涉及的最终电子受体进行了概述,并展望了微生物燃料电池的应用前景。  相似文献   

产电微生物及微生物燃料电池最新研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新型产电微生物(Electricigens)的发现,使得微生物燃料电池概念的内涵发生了根本性的变化,展现了广阔的应用前景。这种微生物能够以电极作为唯一电子受体,把氧化有机物获得的电子通过电子传递链传递到电极产生电流,同时微生物从中获得能量而生长。这种代谢被认为是一种新型微生物呼吸方式。以这种新型微生物呼吸方式为基础的微生物燃料电池可以同时进行废水处理和生物发电,有望可以把废水处理发展成一个有利可图的产业,是MFC最有发展前景的方向。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)作为一种生物电化学装置,在可再生能源生产和废水处理方面的巨大潜力已引起广泛关注。然而MFC面临输出功率低、欧姆内阻高以及启动时间长等问题,极大限制了其在实际工程中的应用。MFC中阳极是微生物附着的载体,对电子的产生及传递起着关键作用,开发优质的生物电极已发展成为改善MFC性能的有效途径。共轭聚合物具有成本低、电导率高、化学稳定性及生物相容性好等优点,利用共轭聚合物修饰生物电极结构,可以实现大比表面积、缩短电荷转移路径,从而实现高效生物电化学性能。同时,纳米级共轭聚合物包覆细菌,可以使细菌产生的电子有效地传递到电极。文中综述了最近报道的共轭聚合物在MFC中的应用,重点介绍了共轭聚合物修饰的MFC阳极,系统分析了共轭聚合物的优点及局限性,以及这些高效复合生物电极如何解决MFC应用中存在的低输出功率、高欧姆内阻及长启动时间等问题。  相似文献   

基于微生物燃料电池的反应装置,从污水处理厂曝气池的污泥中通过富集,筛选和基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析等手段驯化出1株高效产电假单胞菌F026。以F026为阳极产电菌制作微生物燃料电池,考察了底物种类、温度和p H值等因素对微生物燃料电池产电性能的影响。结果表明,F026最适合在以可溶性淀粉为底物,p H为中性偏碱性,温度在30~35℃的环境下生长。在此条件下,微生物燃料电池的最高电压达到500 m V,体积功率密度达到2 W/m3。  相似文献   

装置以河道黑臭底泥为底物, 改性后的碳毡为电极, 通过外接不同额定电压的太阳能电池板, 构建了一种新型的SC-MFC (solar cell-microbial fuel cell) 体系, 太阳能电池的引入对普通MFC 产电性能及底泥污染物去除效率产生了的影响。通过一个周期的运行, 得到如下结论: 在太阳能电池表面辐照强度53 mW·cm–2 的条件下, SC-MFC 系统的最大输出电压和输出功率密度与普通的MFC 相比均有明显的提高。对于底泥污染物的去除, SC-MFC 系统随着串联太阳能电池额定电压的增大, 去除效率呈现出先升高后降低的趋势。在外接0.5 V、1 V、2 V 太阳能电池时, 底泥对污染物修复效果较好, 并且底泥中有机质、总磷、氨氮、硝态氮的最大去除率为20.88%、32.39%、48.41%、62.66%, 它们分别在串联1 V、2 V、2 V、0.5 V 太阳能电池板时达到。  相似文献   

利用异化金属还原菌构建含糖微生物燃料电池   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
环境中的一些微生物通过还原金属氧化物进行无氧呼吸,而石墨电极与金属氧化物相似,也可以作为这类微生物呼吸作用的最终电子受体,利用这类微生物构建微生物燃料电池,以糖类物质为燃料,对电池产电情况、产电原理进行研究。实验结果表明,以Rhodoferaxferrireducens为产电微生物,在外接电阻510Ω条件下,以葡萄糖为燃料,常温下产生的电流密度达158mAm2(平台电压为0.46V,电极有效接触表面积为57cm2),且循环性能良好。更换燃料为其它糖,发现微生物可以利用多种糖进行产电;通过SEM观察发现大量微生物吸附在石墨电极上,用Bradford法对运行20d后电池的细胞量进行定量,测得悬浮细胞蛋白浓度为140mgL,吸附在电极上的生物量为1180mgm2。通过数据采集分析和细菌还原实验,发现吸附在电极上的微生物对电压的产生贡献最大,具有电化学和生物学活性;悬浮细胞对产电贡献很小,不具有电化学和生物学活性。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)作为一种新型的环境治理和能源技术,目前已得到研究者们的广泛关注。微生物燃料电池是一种利用微生物将有机物中的化学能转化成电能的装置,产电微生物作为生物催化剂,对微生物燃料电池的发展至关重要。不同种类的产电微生物,其电子转移机制与能力有所差异,直接影响MFC的产电性能,从而决定MFC在工程实践中的性能与应用。任何含有大量微生物的废水、污泥、沉积物都可以作为产电微生物的筛选来源,尝试从不同环境条件下分离筛选高效产电微生物有望促进MFC的进一步完善,从而加速其在环境中的应用。通过对微生物燃料电池的发展、产电微生物种类及其电子传递机制等进行总结分析,综述了MFC中产电微生物的最新研究进展,包括产电微生物的筛选方法、种类以及技术研究等,最后展望了今后在产电微生物方面的主要研究方向及MFC的发展前景,以期为产电微生物的的筛选和应用奠定相应的理论基础及提供思路。  相似文献   

产电微生物是一类具有胞外电子转移能力的微生物,能够将有机物中储存的化学能转化为电能,其作为微生物电催化系统的催化剂,已经成为环境和能源领域的研究热点。但目前所发现的产电菌,产电机制有所差异,产电能力参差不齐,菌株的性能从根本上影响了其产电能力,其产电能力不足成为限制微生物燃料电池在工业上广泛应用的主要瓶颈。目前,通过理性设计或定向进化等改造方法,难以实现产电微生物在复杂多样环境中的广泛应用。通过定向筛选策略,建立一套快速、高效的筛选鉴定技术,挖掘环境中性能优异的产电微生物,是促进其广泛应用的有效途径。文中基于产电微生物的种类,总结回顾了现有的产电微生物的筛选鉴定方法,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘洪艳  刘淼  袁媛 《微生物学通报》2020,47(9):2711-2719
【背景】一些铁还原细菌具有异化铁还原与产氢的能力,该类细菌在环境污染修复的同时能够解决能源问题。【目的】从海洋沉积物中富集获得异化铁还原菌群,明确混合菌群组成、异化铁还原及产氢性质。获得海洋沉积物中异化铁还原混合菌群组成,分析菌群异化铁还原和产氢性质。【方法】利用高通量测序技术分析异化铁还原菌群的优势菌组成,在此基础上,分析异化铁还原混合菌群在不同电子供体培养条件下异化铁还原能力和产氢性质。【结果】高通量数据表明,在不溶性氢氧化铁为电子受体和葡萄糖为电子供体厌氧培养条件下,混合菌群的优势菌属主要是梭菌(Clostridium),属于发酵型异化铁还原细菌。混合菌群能够利用电子供体蔗糖、葡萄糖以及丙酮酸钠进行异化铁还原及发酵产氢。葡萄糖为电子供体时,菌群累积产生Fe(Ⅱ)浓度和产氢量最高,分别是59.34±6.73 mg/L和629.70±11.42 mL/L。【结论】异化铁还原混合菌群同时具有异化铁还原和产氢能力,拓宽了发酵型异化铁还原细菌的种质资源,探索异化铁还原细菌在生物能源方面的应用。  相似文献   

Iron plaque occurs on the roots of most wetland and submersed aquatic plant species and is a large pool of oxidized Fe(III) in some environments. Because plaque formation in wetlands with circumneutral pH has been largely assumed to be an abiotic process, no systematic effort has been made to describe plaque-associated microbial communities or their role in plaque deposition. We hypothesized that Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FeRB) are abundant in the rhizosphere of wetland plants across a wide range of biogeochemical environments. In a survey of 13 wetland and aquatic habitats in the Mid-Atlantic region, FeOB were present in the rhizosphere of 92% of the plant specimens collected (n = 37), representing 25 plant species. In a subsequent study at six of these sites, bacterial abundances were determined in the rhizosphere and bulk soil using the most probable number technique. The soil had significantly more total bacteria than the roots on a dry mass basis (1.4 × 109 cells/g soil vs. 8.6 × 107 cells/g root; p < 0.05). The absolute abundance of aerobic, lithotrophic FeOB was higher in the soil than in the rhizosphere (3.7 × 106/g soil vs. 5.9 × 105/g root; p < 0.05), but there was no statistical difference between these habitats in terms of relative abundance (1% of the total cell number). In the rhizosphere, FeRB accounted for an average of 12% of all bacterial cells while in the soil they accounted for < 1% of the total bacteria. We concluded that FeOB are ubiquitous and abundant in wetland ecosystems, and that FeRB are dominant members of the rhizosphere microbial community. These observations provide a strong rationale for quantifying the contribution of FeOB to rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation rates, and investigating the combined role of FeOB and FeRB in a rhizosphere iron cycle.  相似文献   

随着世界经济的高速发展和人口的不断增长,能源短缺和环境污染问题日益成为制约发展的瓶颈。微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell,MFC)能将污染物中蕴含的化学能直接转化为电能,实现同步污水处理和电能回收,是一种极具前景的可持续污水处理技术。同时,MFC在污泥处理、生物修复、环境监测、海水淡化等方面也展示了诱人的前景。基于科睿唯安Web of Science数据库和德温特专利检索分析平台(Derwent Innovation, DI),对MFC领域1990~2018年的论文和专利数据进行统计分析,得出全球MFC领域的发展趋势、国际分布、研发热点和技术格局。在此基础上,对未来MFC领域的发展做出了展望,对中国MFC产业化发展提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   

地下深部油藏通常为高温、高压以及高盐的极端环境,含有非常丰富的本源嗜热厌氧微生物,按代谢类群可分为发酵细菌、硫酸盐还原菌、产甲烷古菌和铁还原菌。从油田环境已经分离出90株铁还原微生物,如热袍菌目、热厌氧杆菌目、脱铁杆菌目、δ-变形菌纲脱硫单胞菌目、γ-变形菌纲希瓦氏菌属和广古菌门栖热球菌属等,这些菌株生长温度范围为4-85°C,生长盐度范围为0.1%-10.0%NaCl,还未见到文献报道油藏铁还原菌的耐压性研究。在油藏环境中存在微生物、矿物和流体(油/水)三者之间的相互作用,油藏中的粘土矿物能够作为微生物生命活动的载体,也能为微生物代谢作用提供电子受体。本文综述了油藏铁还原菌分离和表征的研究进展,简述了油藏铁还原菌的环境适用性,并展望了铁还原菌在提高原油采收率方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

AIMS: The isolation and identification of a glucose-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FRB) with electrochemical activity from an anoxic environment, and characterization of the role of Fe(III) in its metabolism. METHODS AND RESULTS: A Gram-positive (Firmicutes), nonmotile, coccoid and facultative anaerobic FRB was isolated based on its ability to reduce Fe(III). Using the Vitek Gram-positive identification card kit and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate was identified as Enterococcus gallinarum, designated strain MG25. On glucose this isolate produced lactate plus small amounts of acetate, formate and CO2 and its growth rates were similar in the presence and absence of Fe(O)OH. These results suggest that MG25 can couple glucose oxidation to Fe(III) reduction, but without conservation of energy to support growth. Cyclic voltammetry showed that strain MG25 was electrochemically active. CONCLUSIONS: An electrochemically active and FRB, E. gallinarum MG25, was isolated from submerged soil. Fe(III) is used in the bacterial metabolism as an electron sink. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report concerning the electrochemical activity of glucose-oxidizing FRB, E. gallinarum. This organism and others like it could be used as new biocatalysts to improve the performance of a mediator-less microbial fuel cell.  相似文献   

This study investigated extracellular electron shuttle-mediated RDX biodegradation and the distribution of ring cleavage metabolites generated by biological degradation (cells) versus the products formed by abiotic degradation (reduced electron shuttles), and when the two pathways were acting simultaneously. All pathways were influenced by pH. Buffered suspensions (pH 6.8/7.9/9.2) were performed with cell-free anthrahydroquinone-2,6-disulfonate as the sole electron donor, cells (Geobacter metallireducens) + acetate, or cells/acetate + anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate as an electron shuttle. The metabolites identified included methylenedinitramine, formaldehyde, nitrous oxide, nitrite, ammonium and carbon dioxide. As pH increased, the rates of RDX reduction by AH(2)QDS also increased. Cells alone reduced RDX faster at the lower pH values. However, at all pH the rates of the electron shuttle-mediated pathways were consistently the fastest, and the proportion of carbon present as formaldehyde, which is a precursor to mineralization, was highest in the presence of electron shuttles. Formaldehyde accounted for 45/51/54% of the carbon in electron shuttle amended cell suspensions as opposed to 13/42/45% of carbon without shuttles at the pH 6.8/7.9/9.2, respectively. Approximately 7-20% of RDX was mineralized to CO(2) in the presence of cells at all pH tested; AQDS increased the extent of (14)CO(2) produced. Nitrous oxide and nitrite were end products in the strictly abiotic pathway, but nitrite was depleted in the presence of cells to form ammonium. Understanding the different products formed in the abiotic versus biological pathways and the influence of pH is critical to developing mixed biotic-abiotic remediation strategies for RDX.  相似文献   

An obligatory anaerobic bacterium was isolated from a mediator-less microbial fuel cell using starch processing wastewater as the fuel and designated as EG3. The isolate was Gram-positive, motile and rod (2.8–3.0 μm long, 0.5–0.6 μm wide). The partial 16S rRNA gene sequence and analysis of the cellular fatty acids profile suggested that EG3 clusters with Clostridium sub-phylum and exhibited the highest similarity (98%) with Clostridium butyricum. The temperature and pH optimum for growth were 37°C and 7.0, respectively. The major products of glucose and glucose/Fe(O)OH metabolism were lactate, formate, butyrate, acetate, CO2and H2. Growth was faster at the initial phase and the cell yield was higher when the medium was supplemented with Fe(O)OH than without Fe(O)OH. These results suggest that Fe(III) ion is utilised as an electron sink. Cyclic voltammetry showed that Clostridium butyricum EG3 cells were electrochemically active. It is a novel characteristic of strict anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Biomineralization processes have traditionally been grouped into two distinct modes; biologically induced mineralization (BIM) and biologically controlled mineralization (BCM). In BIM, microbes cause mineral formation by sorbing solutes onto their cell surfaces or extruded organic polymers and/or releasing reactive metabolites which alter the saturation state of the solution proximal to the cell or polymer surface. Such mineral products appear to have no specific recognized functions. On the other hand, in BCM microbes exert a great degree of chemical and genetic control over the nucleation and growth of mineral particles, presumably because the biominerals produced serve some physiological function. Interestingly, there are examples where the same biomineral is produced by both modes in the same sedimentary environment. For example, the magnetic mineral magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) is generated extracellularly in the bulk pore waters of sediments by various Fe(III)-reducing bacteria under anaerobic conditions, while some other anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria and possibly protists form magnetite intracellularly within preformed vesicles. Differences in precipitation mechanisms might be caused by enzymatic activity at specific sites on the surface of the cell. Whereas one type of microbe might facilitate the transport of dissolved Fe(III) into the cell, another type will express its reductive enzymes and cause the reduction of Fe(III) external to the cell. Still other microbes might induce magnetite formation indirectly through the oxidation of Fe(II), followed by the reaction of dissolved Fe(II) with hydrolyzed Fe(III). The biomineralization of magnetite has significant effect on environmental iron cycling, the magnetization of sediments and thus the geologic record, and on the use of biomarkers as microbial fossils.  相似文献   

Lowland rice fields of West Africa (Ivory Coast) and South Asia (Thailand) are affected by ferrous toxicity or salinity, respectively, and their soil waters contain large amounts of ferrous iron, depending on reducing irrigation condition and suggesting occurrence of bacterial reducing processes. To determine the involvement, dynamic and activities of bacterial communities in Fe(III) reduction and mobilization during anaerobic degradation and mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM), different experiments and analyses have been performed. Results demonstrated that the utilization of SOM as sole carbon, nutrient and energy sources favored the presence of large bacterial communities: facultative anaerobic and anaerobic bacteria, Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FeRB) (fermentative and Fe respiring), sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) which are involved in carbon, nitrogen, iron and sulfur cycling. The larger functional diversity is observed in the Ivory Coast paddy soils containing larger amounts of organic matter and sulfur compounds. These communities contained complementary populations (chemoorganotrophic, chemolitotrophic, aerobic, facultative anaerobic and anaerobic) that can be active at different steps of iron solubilization with simultaneous organic matter mineralization. Our results indicate that the pH controlled by bacterial activity, the nature much more than the content of organic matter, and consequently the structure and activity of bacterial communities influence significantly the availability and dynamic of iron in paddy fields which affect the soil quality.  相似文献   

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