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Chromosoma - In Drosophila melanogaster, the chromatin of interphase polytene chromosomes appears as alternating decondensed interbands and dense black or thin gray bands. Recently, we uncovered...  相似文献   

Analysis of 3H-thymidine autoradiograms of late third instar larval salivary glands of Drosophila pseudoobscura revealed a unique example of asynchrony of replication in the autosome complement. The two autosomal arms, 2 and 3, show similar labeling pattern during the initial phases, DD to 3C, and thereafter, the chromosome 3 has fewer labeled sites than chromosome 2 until the most terminal pattern, 1D. Detailed sitewise analysis of 3H-thymidine labeling shows that while nearly 54% of the sites examined in chromosome 2 have a labeling frequency greater than 50%, only 13% of all sites in chromosome 3 have labeling frequency at that range. The number of labeled sites on chromosome 3 plotted against that on chromosome 2 shows a hyperbolic profile rather than a linear relationship. The silver grain ratio of the 2nd to 3rd increases from 1.5 to 3.1 through different stages of the cycle. These results suggest that both chromosomes start replication simultaneously but the third chromosome appears to complete the replication earlier than the second. These data open up the possibility of separate control mechanisms for the initiation and termination of DNA replication in polytene chromosomes.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. H. D. Berendes.  相似文献   

The N-banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, Chironomus melanotus, Ch. th. thummi and Ch. th. thummi x Ch. th. piger were studied. In Chironomus the polytene N-banding patterns correspond to the polytene puffing patterns. This is revealed by comparison of the puffing and N-banding patterns of identical chromosomes. Size and staining intensity of the N-bands reflect the size of the puffs as shown by puff induction. There is no evidence that the N-bands are also located in Chironomus heterochromatin or are restricted to the nucleolar organizer regions. In Drosophila the -heterochromatin is strongly N-positive, whereas the -heterochromatin, as well as the Chironomus heterochromatin is not N-banded. Contrary to Chironomus, the puffs in Drosophila polytene chromosomes do not give rise selectively to well stained N-bands. — The N-banding method is interpreted to stain specifically non-histone protein which is (1) accumulated in genetically active chromosome regions and (2) present in a specific type of heterochromatin (-heterochromatin of Drosophila).  相似文献   

The DNA content of translocated polytene chromosome regions in Drosophila melanogaster is affected by heterochromatic position effect. Microdensitometric studies on w m258-21 translocation heterozygotes showed (Hartmann-Goldstein and Cowell, 1976; Cowell and Hartmann Goldstein, 1980) that band region 3D1-E2, adjacent to the breakpoint, contained less DNA than the homologous non-translocated region whereas the neighbouring 3C1-10 region contained more DNA than its non-translocated counterpart. In the nuclei selected for measurement the translocated X chromosome was morphologically euchromatic, but both regions undergo heterochromatisation in other nuclei within the same salivary gland. To explore the relationship between changes in DNA content and heterochromatisation, the effect on DNA content of two known modifiers of heterochromatisation has now been studied. Larvae cultured at 15° C, which exhibit more heterochromatisation than those grown at 25° C, have the same relative DNA contents as at the higher temperature. The addition of a Y chromosome markedly reduced heterochromatisation; in XXY larvae there was no difference between the DNA contents of translocated and non-translocated 3D1-E2 regions, and in region 3C1-10 the percentage excess of DNA in the translocated homologue was approximately double that found in XX larvae. The relationship between replication behaviour and compaction suggested by these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster heat-resistant stock T32 is characterized by additional chromatin in the telomeres of the X and 2L chromosomes. Moreover, elevated (32 degrees C) temperature provokes high instability in the telomere morphology, so that sublines can be obtained which have additional chromatin in different chromosomes. Morphological patterns of telomeres in each subline are stable, if flies are kept at 23 degrees C. It was demonstrated using this model that additional chromatin in the "long" telomeres hybridizes actively with 3H-labelled telomere-associated Dm665 probe. The "short" telomeres show far weaker hybridization, if any, with Dm665. This means that morphological changes in the telomeres of polytene chromosomes result from different degree amplification of the telomere-associated sequences.  相似文献   

A study of the salivary gland chromosomes of two strains of Drosophila auraria has revealed a suprisingly high number of inverted tandem duplications and one triplication. The possible origin and significance of these are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron microscopical analysis of Drosophila polytene chromosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data are presented of electron microscopic (EM) analysis of consecutive developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster complex puffs, formed as a result of simultaneous decondensation of several bands. EM mapping principles proposed by us permitted more exact determination of the banding patterns of 19 regions in which 31 puffs develop. It is shown that 20 of them develop as a result of synchronous decondensation of two bands, 7 of three and 4 of one band. Three cases of two-band puff formation when one or both bands undergo partial decondensation are described. In the 50CF, 62CE, 63F and 71CF regions puffing zones are located closely adjacent to each other but the decondensation of separate band groups occurs at different puff stages (PS). These data are interpreted as activation of independently regulated DNA sequences. The decondensation of two or three adjacent bands during formation of the majority of the puffs occurs simultaneously in the very first stages of their development. It demonstrates synchronous activation of the material of several bands presumably affected by a common inductor. Bands adjacent to puffing centres also lose their clarity as the puff develops, probably due to "passive" decondensation connected with puff growth. The morphological data obtained suggest a complex genetic organisation of many puffs.  相似文献   

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