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P Brandt  C Woodward 《Biochemistry》1987,26(11):3156-3167
Hydrogen exchange rates of six beta-sheet peptide amide protons in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) have been measured in free BPTI and in the complexes trypsinogen-BPTI, trypsinogen-Ile-Val-BPTI, bovine trypsin-BPTI, and porcine trypsin-BPTI. Exchange rates in the complexes are slower for Ile-18, Arg-20, Gln-31, Phe-33, Tyr-35, and Phe-45 NH, but the magnitude of the effect is highly variable. The ratio of the exchange rate constant in free BPTI to the exchange rate constant in the complex, k/kcpIx, ranges from 3 to much greater than 10(3). Gln-31, Phe-45, and Phe-33 NH exchange rate constants are the same in each of the complexes. For Ile-18 and Tyr-35, k/kcpIx is much greater than 10(3) for the trypsin complexes but is in the range 14-43 for the trypsinogen complexes. Only the Arg-20 NH exchange rate shows significant differences between trypsinogen-BPTI and trypsinogen-Ile-Val-BPTI and between porcine and bovine trypsin-BPTI.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been produced, without the use of a supporting carrier, against bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI or aprotinin), a mini-protein composed of 58 amino acids. Both MAbs obtained were found to be IgM. One of them was purified and further characterized. This MAb (ICI) binds to the immunogen with an association constant of 1.6 X 10(6)M-1 at pH 7.4. Competition experiments with trypsin or inactivated trypsin demonstrate that ICI MAb interacts with BPTI at, or near, the proteinase-binding site. ICI MAb binds, with a much lower association constant (approximately 200M-1), to an isoinhibitor (spleen inhibitor II) which differs from BPTI in seven amino-acids; three of these substitutions are at the active site, in the contact area with the proteinase.  相似文献   

Carulla N  Woodward C  Barany G 《Biochemistry》2000,39(27):7927-7937
A new strategy for the design and construction of peptide fragments that can achieve defined, nativelike secondary structure is presented. The strategy is based upon the hypothesis that 'core elements' of a protein, synthesized in a single polypeptide molecule, will favor nativelike structure, and that by incorporating a cross-link, nativelike core structure will dominate the ensemble as the more extended conformations are excluded. 'Core elements' are the elements of packed secondary structure that contain the slowest exchanging backbone amide protons in the native protein. The 'core elements' in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) are the two long strands of antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 18-24 and 29-35) and the small beta-bridge (residues 43-44). To test the design strategy, we synthesized an 'oxidized core module', which contains the antiparallel strands connected by a modified reverse turn (A27 replaced by D), a natural disulfide cross-link at the open end of the hairpin, and N- and C-termini blocking groups. A peptide with identical sequence but lacking the disulfide cross-link at the open end was used as the 'reduced core module' control. The conformational behavior of both peptides was examined using (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shift dispersion, chemical shift deviation from random coil values, sequential and long-range NOEs, and H/D amide exchange rates were compared for the two peptides. We conclude that the ensemble of oxidized and reduced core module conformations samples both nativelike 4:4 and non-native 3:5 beta-hairpin structure, and that the oxidized module samples nativelike structure for a greater fraction of the time than the reduced module.  相似文献   

A trypsin inhibitor isolated from a potato acetone powder has been purified by affinity chromatography. This protein inhibits trypsin mole per mole. To a lesser extent it combines also with chymotrypsin and elastase. For trypsin, K1 = 8 X 10(-7) M. The inhibitor has a single polypeptide chain of 207 amino acid residues. It contains no sugar or free sulfhydryl groups. Its extinction coefficient E2801% = 10.3 and its isoelectric point is 6.9. Its molecular weight is of the order of 21 000-22000, as determined by sedimentation equilbrium, by inhibition experiment or from its amino acid composition. These same techniques, taken together with the single band observed at different pH on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicate that the protein purified is monodisperse. However, the finding of two N-terminal amino acid residues, leucine and aspartic acid, and the different stoichometry observed during the interaction of the inhibitor, either with trypsin or with chymotrypsin and elastase, raises the possibility that our preparation is contaminated by a polyvalent inhibitor not detectable by physiochemical methods.  相似文献   

The native conformation of a protein may be expressed in terms of the dihedral angles, phi's and psi's for the backbone, and kappa's for the side chains, for a given geometry (bond lengths and bond angles). We have developed a method to obtain the dihedral angles for a low-energy structure of a protein, starting with the X-ray structure; it is applied here to examine the degree of flexibility of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Minimization of the total energy of the inhibitor (including nonbonded, electrostatic, torsional, hydrogen bonding, and disulfide loop energies) yields a conformation having a total energy of -221 kcal/mol and a root mean square deviation between all atoms of the computed and experimental structures of 0.63 A. The optimal conformation is not unique, however, there being at least two other conformations of low-energy (-222 and -220 kcal/mol), which resemble the experimental one (root mean square deviations of 0.66 and 0.64 A, respectively). These three conformations are located in different positions in phi, psi space, i.e., with a total deviation of 81 degrees, 100 degrees and 55 degrees from each other (with a root mean square deviation of several degrees per dihedral angle from each other). The nonbonded energies of the backbones, calculated along lines in phi, psi space connecting these three conformations, are all negative, without any intervening energy barriers (on an energy contour map in the phi, psi plane). Side chains were attached at several representative positions in this plane, and the total energy was minimized by varying the kappa's. The energies were of approximately the same magnitude as the previous ones, indicating that the conformation of low energy is flexible to some extent in a restricted region of phi, psi space. Interestingly, the difference delta phi i+1 in phi i+1 for the (i + 1)th residue from one conformation to another is approximately the same as -delta psi i for the ith residue; i.e., the plane of the peptide group between the ith and (i + 1)th residues re-orient without significant changes in the positions of the other atoms. The flexibility of the orientations of the planes of the peptide groups is probably coupled in a cooperative manner to the flexibility of the positions of the backbone and side-chain atoms.  相似文献   

Isolation in a 55% yield of the low molecular weight pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor was achieved by gel filtration of an acid extract of whole inactive rat pancreas juice on Sephadex G-50 at pH 2.5 followed by desalting and ion-exchange chromatography on SP Sephadex C-50 at pH 4.5. Two distinct chromatographic fractions were obtained, labeled fraction 1 and 2. Fractions 1 and 2 showed three, respectively two, distinct closely migrating cationic bands on gel electrophoresis in barbital buffer, pH 8.6. Each fraction demonstrated one band on polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis at pH 4.6. The inhibitor is homogenous on gel filtration and on the basis of its stoichiometry with active site titrated rat anionic trypsin. Its molecular weight is approx. 6024. The amino acid composition is included. Rat pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor is trypsin-specific and interacts on a 1:1 molar basis with rat trypsin. It is good inhibitor of bovine trypsin but a poor inhibitor of human cationic trypsin and its binding to trypsin is reversible by acidification. Like other inhibitors of this sort, it is present in about 0.1–0.2% of the total protein content of the juice, and normally exists in its free form. A simple procedure for the production of antiserum to the inhibitor which is a poor antigen is also described.  相似文献   

Reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor has a compact structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D Amir  E Haas 《Biochemistry》1988,27(25):8889-8893
The conformation of reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (R-BPTI) under reducing conditions was monitored by measurements of nonradiative excitation energy-transfer efficiencies (E) between a donor probe attached to the N-terminal Arg1 residue and an acceptor attached to one of the lysine residues (15, 26, 41, or 46) [Amir, D., & Haas, E. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 2162-2175]. High-excitation energy-transfer efficiencies that approach those found in the native state were obtained for the reduced labeled BPTI derivatives in 0.5 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn.HCl) and 4 mM DTT. Unlike the dependence expected for a random coil chain, E does not decrease as a function of the number of residues between the labeled sites. The efficiency of energy transfer between probes attached to residues 1 and 15 in the reduced state is higher than that found for the same pair of sites in the native state or reduced unfolded (in 6 M Gdn.HCl) state. This segment also shows high dynamic flexibility. These results indicate that the overall structure of reduced BPTI under folding (but still reducing) conditions shows a high population of conformers with interprobe distances similar to those of the native state. Reduced BPTI seems to be in a molten globule state characterized by a flexible, compact structure, which probably reorganizes into the native structure when the folding is allowed to proceed under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

A method of isolating preparations of pancreatic inhibitor of trypsin, bound with soluble polysaccharide carriers, is worked out. It is demonstrated that the reaction of a pancreatic inhibitor and cyanuric chloride-activated dextran proceeds for OH groups of tyrosine residues and for-epsilon-NH2 groups of lysine residues. A method is offered of the protection of amino groups with citraconic anhydride for the complete retaining of the inhibitory activity during attachment to dextran. Thermic denaturation of pancreatic inhibitor preparations at pH 4.7 and 97 degrees C is studied. It is found that the modification by 2-amino-4.6-dichloro-s-triazine stabilizes the protein molecule, while the interaction with the matrix of soluble dextran does not carry any contribution to thermostability of the pancreatic inhibitor.  相似文献   

A trypsin inhibitor was isolated from finger millet (Eleusine coracana) by ammonium sulphate fractionation, chromatography on CM-Sephadex and Sepha  相似文献   

A R Siddiqi  Z H Zaidi  H J?rnvall 《FEBS letters》1991,294(1-2):141-143
A Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor was purified from Leaf-nosed viper venom and the primary structure determined by peptide analysis. In relation to other trypsin inhibitors, the protein has an extended C-terminal segment and a distinct pattern of residue alterations at the functionally important contact sites with proteases.  相似文献   

The major trypsin inhibitor ofVigna sinensis cv. seridó was isolated and shown to be devoid of chymotrypsin inhibiting activity. It has a molecular weight of 9800 as determined by gel electrophoresis and a pI of 5.0. The activity of the inhibitor was decreased by treatment with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, suggesting that it isa LYS-X type trypsin inhibitor. Selfassociation of the molecule was demonstrated both in 1% sodium dodecylsulfate and inacidic (pH 2.4) conditions.  相似文献   

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