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The extracellular chitosanase (34,000 M(r)) produced by a novel gram-negative bacterium Matsuebacter chitosanotabidus 3001 was purified. The optimal pH of this chitosanase was 4.0, and the optimal temperature was between 30 and 40 degrees C. The purified chitosanase was most active on 90% deacetylated colloidal chitosan and glycol chitosan, both of which were hydrolyzed in an endosplitting manner, but this did not hydrolyze chitin, cellulose, or their derivatives. Among potential inhibitors, the purified chitosanase was only inhibited by Ag(+). Internal amino acid sequences of the purified chitosanase were obtained. A PCR fragment corresponding to one of these amino acid sequences was then used to screen a genomic library for the entire choA gene encoding chitosanase. Sequencing of the choA gene revealed an open reading frame encoding a 391-amino-acid protein. The N-terminal amino acid sequence had an excretion signal, but the sequence did not show any significant homology to other proteins, including known chitosanases. The 80-amino-acid excretion signal of ChoA fused to green fluorescent protein was functional in Escherichia coli. Taken together, these results suggest that we have identified a novel, previously unreported chitosanase.  相似文献   

The roles of invariant residues at the active site of transaldolase B from Escherichia coli have been probed by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzymes D17A, N35A, E96A, T156A, and S176A were purified from a talB-deficient host and analyzed with respect to their 3D structure and kinetic behavior. X-ray analysis showed that side chain replacement did not induce unanticipated structural changes in the mutant enzymes. Three mutations, N35A, E96A, and T156A resulted mainly in an effect on apparent kcat, with little changes in apparent Km values for the substrates. Residues N35 and T156 are involved in the positioning of a catalytic water molecule at the active site and the side chain of E96 participates in concert with this water molecule in proton transfer during catalysis. Substitution of Ser176 by alanine resulted in a mutant enzyme with 2.5% residual activity. The apparent Km value for the donor substrate, fructose 6-phosphate, was increased nearly fivefold while the apparent Km value for the acceptor substrate, erythrose 4-phosphate remained unchanged, consistent with a function for S176 in the binding of the C1 hydroxyl group of the donor substrate. The mutant D17A showed a 300-fold decrease in kcat, and a fivefold increase in the apparent Km value for the acceptor substrate erythrose 4-phosphate, suggesting a role of this residue in carbon-carbon bond cleavage and stabilization of the carbanion/enamine intermediate.  相似文献   

Recently, cupin type phosphoglucose isomerases have been described as a novel protein family representing a separate lineage in the evolution of phosphoglucose isomerases. The importance of eight active site residues completely conserved within the cPGI family has been assessed by site-directed mutagenesis using the cPGI from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (AfcPGI) as a model. The mutants T63A, G79A, G79L, H80A, H80D, H82A, E93A, E93D, Y95F, Y95K, H136A, and Y160F were constructed, purified, and the impact of the respective mutation on catalysis and/or metal ion binding as well as thermostability was analyzed. The variants G79A, G79L, and Y95F exhibited a lower thermostability. The catalytic efficiency of the enzyme was reduced by more than 100-fold in the G79A, G79L, H80A, H80D, E93D, Y95F variants and more than 15-fold in the T63A, H82A, Y95K, Y160F variants, but remained about the same in the H136A variant at Ni2+ saturating conditions. Further, the Ni2+ content of the mutants H80A, H80D, H82A, E93A, E93D and their apparent Ni2+ binding ability was reduced, resulting in an almost complete loss of activity and thus underlining the crucial role of the metal ion for catalysis. Evidence is presented that H80, H82 and E93 play an additional role in catalysis besides metal ion binding. E93 appears to be the key catalytic residue of AfcPGI, as the E93A mutant did not show any catalytic activity at all.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment of Streptomyces lividans acetylxylan esterase A and other carbohydrate esterase family 4 enzymes revealed the following conserved amino acid residues: Asp-12, Asp-13, His-62, His-66, Asp-130, and His-155. These amino acids were mutated in order to investigate a functional role of these residues in catalysis. Replacement of the conserved histidine residues by alanine caused significant reduction of enzymatic activity. Maintenance of ionizable carboxylic group in side chains of amino acids at positions 12, 13, and 130 seems to be necessary for catalytic efficiency. The absence of conserved serine excludes a possibility that the enzyme is a serine esterase, in contrast to acetylxylan esterases of carbohydrate esterase families 1, 5, and 7. On the contrary, total conservation of Asp-12, Asp-13, Asp-130, and His-155 along with dramatic decrease in enzyme activity of mutants of either of these residues lead us to a suggestion that acetylxylan esterase A from Streptomyces lividans and, by inference, other members of carbohydrate esterase family 4 are aspartic deacetylases. We propose that one component of the aspartate dyad/triad functions as a catalytic nucleophile and the other one(s) as a catalytic acid/base. The ester/amide bond cleavage would proceed via a double displacement mechanism through covalently linked acetyl-enzyme intermediate of mixed anhydride type.  相似文献   

The involvement of amino acid residues previously proposed on the basis of structural data to have roles in the ferroxidase and diamine oxidase activities of human ceruloplasmin was investigated. Variants of human ceruloplasmin, in which residues proposed to be involved in electron transfer and/or iron-binding had been altered by site-directed mutagenesis, were expressed in HEK293 cells. E633A and E597A/H602A variants exhibited reduction in both activities by 50–60% compared to recombinant wild-type ceruloplasmin. The variant E935A/H940A had reduced ferroxidase activity (50%) but unaltered diamine oxidase activity, whereas the variant E971A exhibited enhanced diamine oxidase activity. For the L329M variant, both activities were identical to those of wild-type ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

NADPH-dependent glyoxylate reductases from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtGLYR) convert both glyoxylate and succinic semialdehyde into their corresponding hydroxyacid equivalents. The primary sequence of cytosolic AtGLYR1 reveals several sequence elements that are consistent with the β-HAD (β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase) protein family, whose members include 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, tartronate semialdehyde reductase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Here, site-directed mutagenesis was utilized to identify catalytically important amino acid residues for glyoxylate reduction in AtGLYR1. Kinetic studies and binding assays established that Lys170 is essential for catalysis, Phe231, Asp239, Ser121 and Thr95 are more important in substrate binding than in catalysis, and Asn174 is more important in catalysis. The low activity of the mutant enzymes precluded kinetic studies with succinic semialdehyde. The crystal structure of AtGLYR1 in the absence of substrate was solved to 2.1 Å by molecular replacement using a previously unrecognized member of the β-HAD family, cytokine-like nuclear factor, thereby enabling the 3-D structure of the protein to be modeled with substrate and co-factor. Structural alignment of AtGLYR1 with β-HAD family members provided support for the essentiality of Lys170, Phe173, Asp239, Ser121, Asn174 and Thr95 in the active site and preliminary support for an acid/base catalytic mechanism involving Lys170 as the general acid and a conserved active-site water molecule. This information established that AtGLYR1 is a member of the β-HAD protein family. Sequence and activity comparisons indicated that AtGLYR1 and the plastidial AtGLYR2 possess structural features that are absent in Arabidopsis hydroxypyruvate reductases and probably account for their stronger preference for glyoxylate over hydroxypyruvate.  相似文献   

Amino acids in the phosphate binding loop of adenylate kinase of Escherichia coli were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant proteins with a Pro-9----Gly (P9G) and with a Lys-13----Gln (K13Q) exchange were overexpressed and purified. They were characterized by steady-state kinetics, fluorescence binding, and structural studies, together with the phosphate binding loop mutants P9L and G10V prepared earlier [Reinstein, J., Brune, M., & Wittinghofer, A. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 4712-4720]. The results obtained show that all these mutations change the structure of the protein as evidenced by NMR spectroscopy and temperature-stability studies. All the mutant proteins have increased dissociation constants for substrates and inhibitors, but their catalytic activity, except for K13Q, is not reduced. The results obtained with K13Q suggest that this lysine residue, which is conserved in all guanine and many adenine nucleotide proteins, might have an important role in catalysis.  相似文献   

A chitosan plate assay was employed to screen for chitosanase-producing bacterial strains and isolate 141 was found to exhibit high activity. Characterization of this isolate revealed that it belonged to Mitsuaria (designated as Mitsuaria sp. 141). The encoded chitosanase (choA) gene was then cloned by PCR and the deduced amino acid sequence showed 98% identity to a formerly described Mitsuaria chitosanitabida 3001 ChoA (McChoA). Surprisingly, the ChoA encoded by Mitsuaria sp. 141 (MsChoA) appeared to have a much higher optimum temperature compared to McChoA. Site-directed mutagenesis was then employed to generate five MschoA mutant genes encoding MsChoA K204Q, R216K, T222N, R216K/T222N, or K204Q/R216K/T222N. All the ChoA mutants exhibited a much lower specific activity and a lower optimum temperature. The results confirmed that the substitution of three non-conserved amino acids accounts for the major reduction of the enzyme activity in MsChoA. Furthermore, the MschoA gene was cloned for over-expression in Pichia pastoris after coding sequence optimization. One of the P. pastoris transformants with MutS phenotype was found to produce 1,480.2?±?340.9 U ChoA mL?1 of cell culture by high-cell-density fermentation. This represents the highest yield of recombinant ChoA production that has ever been reported thus far. The recombinant P. pastoris strain should therefore be well suited for industrial-scale production of chitosanase.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation is triggered when the serine protease factor VIIa (fVIIa) binds to cell surface tissue factor (TF) to form the active enzyme-cofactor complex. TF binding to fVIIa allosterically augments the enzymatic activity of fVIIa toward macromolecular substrates and small peptidyl substrates. The mechanism of this enhancement remains unclear. Our previous studies have indicated that soluble TF (sTF; residues 1-219) alters the pH dependence of fVIIa amidolytic activity (Neuenschwander et al. (1993) Thromb. Haemostasis 70, 970), indicating an effect of TF on critical ionizations within the fVIIa active center. The pKa values and identities of these ionizable groups are unknown. To gain additional insight into this effect, we have performed a detailed study of the pH dependence of fVIIa amidolytic activity. Kinetic constants of Chromozym t-PA (MeSO(2)-D-Phe-Gly-Arg-pNA) hydrolysis at various pH values were determined for fVIIa alone and in complex with sTF. The pH dependence of both enzymes was adequately represented using a diprotic model. For fVIIa alone, two ionizations were observed in the free enzyme (pK(E1) = 7.46 and pK(E2) = 8.67), with at least a single ionization apparent in the Michaelis complex (pK(ES1) similar 7.62). For the fVIIa-TF complex, the pK(a) of one of the two important ionizations in the free enzyme was shifted to a more basic value (pK(E1) = 7.57 and pK(E2) = 9.27), and the ionization in the Michaelis complex was possibly shifted to a more acidic pH (pK(ES1) = 6.93). When these results are compared to those obtained for other well-studied serine proteases, K(E1) and K(ES1) are presumed to represent the ionization of the overall catalytic triad in the absence and presence of substrate, respectively, while K(E2) is presumed to represent ionization of the alpha-amino group of Ile(153). Taken together, these results would suggest that sTF binding to fVIIa alters the chemical environment of the fVIIa active site by protecting Ile(153) from deprotonation in the free enzyme while deprotecting the catalytic triad as a whole when in the Michaelis complex.  相似文献   

The alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase D3 from Thermobacillus xylanilyticus is an arabinoxylan-debranching enzyme which belongs to family 51 of the glycosyl hydrolase classification. Previous studies have indicated that members of this family are retaining enzymes and may form part of the 4/7 superfamily of glycosyl hydrolases. To investigate the active site of alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase D3, we have used sequence alignment, site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analyses. Likewise, we have shown that Glu(28), Glu(176) and Glu(298) are important for catalytic activity. Kinetic data obtained for the mutant Glu(176)-->Gln, combined with the results of chemical rescue using the mutant Glu(176)-->Ala, have shown that Glu(176) is the acid-base residue. Moreover, NMR analysis of the arabinosyl-azide adduct, which was produced by chemical rescue of the mutant Glu(176)-->Ala, indicated that alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase D3 hydrolyses glycosidic bonds with retention of the anomeric configuration. The results of similar chemical rescue studies using other mutant enzymes suggest that Glu(298) might be the catalytic nucleophile and that Glu(28) is a third member of a catalytic triad which may be responsible for modulating the ionization state of the acid-base and implicated in substrate fixation. Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase D3 belongs to the 4/7 superfamily and provide the first experimental evidence concerning the catalytic apparatus of a family 51 arabinofuranosidase.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphatase of E. coli is rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by 5-ethyl-5-phenylisoxazolium-3'-sulfonate (Woodward's reagent K). The appearance in the absorption spectrum of a maximum at 340 nm testifies to the formation of an enzyme enol ester with the inhibitor. The non-hydrolyzable substrate analog CaPP1 partly protects the enzyme from inactivation. A peptide has been isolated from a tryptic hydrolysate of inactivated enzyme which contains an amino acid residue whose modification is critical for the enzyme activity. This peptide corresponds to residues 95-104 of pyrophosphatase and contains four dicarboxylic acid residues. A peptide containing a modified glutamic acid residue was isolated from modified pyrophosphatase hydrolyzed by protease v8. This peptide represents a fragment of a tryptic modified peptide and has a Glu-Ala-Gly-Glu (residues 98-1C1) structure. It is concluded that inactivation of E. coli pyrophosphatase by Woodward's reagent K is a result of selective modification of Glu98, apparently by the most reactive dicarboxylic amino acid within the enzyme active center.  相似文献   

We identify His381 of Pseudomonas mevalonii 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase as the basic residue functional in catalysis. The catalytic domain of 20 HMG-CoA reductases contains a single conserved histidine (His381 of the P. mevalonii enzyme). Diethyl pyrocarbonate inactivated the P. mevalonii enzyme, and hydroxylamine partially restored activity. We changed His381 to alanine, lysine, asparagine, and glutamine. The mutant proteins were overexpressed, purified to homogeneity, and characterized. His381 mutant enzymes were not inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate. All four mutant enzymes exhibited wild-type crystal morphology and chromatographed on substrate affinity supports like wild-type enzyme. The mutant enzymes had low catalytic activity (Vmax 0.06-0.5% that of wild-type enzyme), but Km values approximated those for wild-type enzyme. For wild-type enzyme and mutant enzymes H381A, H381N, and H381Q, Km values at pH 8.1 were 0.45, 0.27, 3.7, and 0.71 mM [(R,S)-mevalonate]; 0.05, 0.03, 0.20, and 0.11 mM [coenzyme A]; 0.22, 0.14, 0.81, and 0.62 mM [NAD+]. Km values at pH 11 for wild-type enzyme and mutant enzyme H381K were 0.32 and 0.75 mM [(R,S)-mevalonate]; 0.24 and 0.50 mM [coenzyme A]; 0.15 and 1.23 mM [NAD+]. Both pK values for the enzyme-substrate complex increased relative to wild-type enzyme (by 1-2.5 pH units for pK1 and by 0.5-1.3 pH units for pK2). For mutant enzyme H381K, the pK1 of 10.2 is consistent with lysine acting as a general base at high pH. His381 of P. mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase, and consequently the histidine of the consensus Leu-Val-Lys-Ser-His-Met-Xaa-Xaa-Asn-Arg-Ser motif of the catalytic domain of eukaryotic HMG-CoA reductases, thus is the general base functional in catalysis.  相似文献   

The interaction with lipids of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the transmembrane domain of influenza hemagglutinin was investigated by means of electron spin resonance. A detailed analysis of the electron spin resonance spectra from spin-labeled phospholipids revealed that the major effect of the peptide on the dynamic membrane structure is to induce highly ordered membrane domains that are associated with electrostatic interactions between the peptide and negatively charged lipids. Two highly conserved residues in the peptide were identified as being important for the membrane ordering effect. Aggregation of large unilamellar vesicles induced by the peptide was also found to be correlated with the membrane ordering effect of the peptide, indicating that an increase in membrane ordering, i.e., membrane dehydration, is important for vesicle aggregation. The possibility that hydrophobic interaction between the highly ordered membrane domains plays a role in vesicle aggregation and viral fusion is discussed.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) is a member of the prolyl oligopeptidase family and modifies the biological activities of certain chemokines and neuropeptides by cleaving their N-terminal dipeptides. This paper reports the identification and possible significance of a novel conserved sequence motif Asp-Trp-(Val/Ile/Leu)-Tyr-Glu-Glu-Glu (DW(V/I/L)YEEE) in the predicted beta propeller domain of the DPP IV-like gene family. Single amino acid point mutations in this motif identified two glutamates, at positions 205 and 206, as essential for the enzyme activity of human DPP IV. This observation suggests a novel role in proteolysis for residues of DPP IV distant from the Ser-Asp-His catalytic triad.  相似文献   

Critical to vertebrate development is a complex program of events that establishes specialized tissues and organs from a single fertilized cell. Transitions in chromatin architecture, through alterations in its composition and modification markings, characterize early development. A variant of the H2A core histone, H2A.Z, is essential for development of both Drosophila and mice. We recently showed that H2A.Z is required for proper chromosome segregation. Whether H2A.Z has additional specific functions during early development remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that depletion of H2A.Z by RNA interference perturbs Xenopus laevis development at gastrulation leading to embryos with malformed, shortened trunks. Consistent with this result, whole embryo in situ hybridization indicates that endogenous expression of H2A.Z is highly enriched in the notochord. H2A.Z modifies the surface of a canonical nucleosome by creating an extended acidic patch and a metal ion-binding site stabilized by two histidine residues. To examine the significance of these specific surface regions in vivo, we investigated the consequences of overexpressing H2A.Z and mutant proteins during X. laevis development. Overexpression of H2A.Z slowed development following gastrulation. Altering the extended acidic patch of H2A.Z reversed this effect. Remarkably, modification of a single stabilizing histidine residue located on the exposed surface of an H2A.Z containing nucleosome was sufficient to disrupt normal trunk formation mimicking the effect observed by RNA interference. Taken together, these results argue that key determinants located on the surface of an H2A.Z nucleosome play an important specific role during embryonic patterning and provide a link between a chromatin structural modification and normal vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Leader peptidase (Lep) is a central component of the secretory machinery of Escherichia coli, where it serves to remove signal peptides from secretory proteins. It spans the inner membrane twice with a large C-terminal domain protruding into the periplasmic space. To investigate the importance of the different structural domains for the catalytic activity, we have studied the effects of a large panel of Lep mutants on the processing of signal peptides, both in vivo and in vitro. Our data suggest that the first transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions are not directly involved in catalysis, but that the second transmembrane region and the region immediately following it may be in contact with the signal peptide and/or located spatially close to the active site of Lep.  相似文献   

Wang J  Fan T  Yao X  Wu Z  Guo L  Lei X  Wang J  Wang M  Jin Q  Cui S 《Journal of virology》2011,85(19):10021-10030
EV71 is the primary pathogenic cause of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), but an effective antiviral drug currently is unavailable. Rupintrivir, an inhibitor against human rhinovirus (HRV), has potent antiviral activities against EV71. We determined the high-resolution crystal structures of the EV71 3C(pro)/rupintrivir complex, showing that although rupintrivir interacts with EV71 3C(pro) similarly to HRV 3C(pro), the C terminus of the inhibitor cannot accommodate the leaving-group pockets of EV71 3C(pro). Our structures reveal that EV71 3C(pro) possesses a surface-recessive S2' pocket that is not present in HRV 3C(pro) that contributes to the additional substrate binding affinity. Combined with mutagenic studies, we demonstrated that catalytic Glu71 is irreplaceable for maintaining the overall architecture of the active site and, most importantly, the productive conformation of catalytic His40. We discovered the role of a previously uncharacterized residue, Arg39 of EV71 3C(pro), that can neutralize the negative charge of Glu71, which may subsequently assist deprotonation of His40 during proteolysis.  相似文献   

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