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The public EST (expressed sequence tag) databases represent an enormous but heterogeneous repository of sequences, including many from a broad selection of plant species and a wide range of distinct varieties. The significant redundancy within large EST collections makes them an attractive resource for rapid pre-selection of candidate sequence polymorphisms. Here we present a strategy that allows rapid identification of candidate SNPs in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) using publicly available EST databases. Analysis of 271,630 EST sequences from different cDNA libraries, representing 23 different barley varieties, resulted in the generation of 56,302 tentative consensus sequences. In all, 8171 of these unigene sequences are members of clusters with six or more ESTs. By applying a novel SNP detection algorithm (SNiPpER) to these sequences, we identified 3069 candidate inter-varietal SNPs. In order to verify these candidate SNPs, we selected a small subset of 63 present in 36 ESTs. Of the 63 SNPs selected, we were able to validate 54 (86%) using a direct sequencing approach. For further verification, 28 ESTs were mapped to distinct loci within the barley genome. The polymorphism information content (PIC) and nucleotide diversity () values of the SNPs identified by the SNiPpER algorithm are significantly higher than those that were obtained by random sequencing. This demonstrates the efficiency of our strategy for SNP identification and the cost-efficient development of EST-based SNP-markers.The first two authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

The large size of the Triticum aestivum genome makes it unlikely that a complete genome sequence for wheat will be available in the near future. Exploiting the conserved genome organization between wheat and rice and existing genomic resources, we have constructed in silico physical mapping software for wheat, assigning a gross physical location(s) into chromosome bins to 22,626 representative wheat gene sequences. To validate the predictions from the software we compared the predicted locations of ten ESTs to their positions experimentally determined by SNP marker analysis. Six of the sequences were correctly positioned on the map including four that demonstrated a high level of colinearity with their orthologous rice genomic region. This tool will facilitate the development of molecular markers for regions of interest and the creation of map-based cloning strategies in areas demonstrating high levels of sequence conservation and organization between wheat and rice.  相似文献   

Li G  Hu W  Qin R  Jin H  Tan G  Zhu L  He G 《Genetica》2008,134(2):169-180
Wild rice is a valuable resource for the genetic improvement of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L., AA genome). Molecular markers are important tools for monitoring gene introgression from wild rice into cultivated rice. In this study, Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze interspecific hybrids of O. sativa-O. officinalis (CC genome), the backcrossing progenies and the parent plants. Results showed that most of the SSR primers (335 out of 396, 84.6%) developed in cultivated rice successfully amplified products from DNA samples of wild rice O. officinalis. The polymorphism ratio of SSR bands between O. sativa and O. officinalis was as high as 93.9%, indicating differences between the two species with respect to SSRs. When the SSR markers were applied in the interspecific hybrids, only a portion of SSR primers amplified O. officinalis-specific bands in the F(1) hybrid (52.5%), BC(1) (52.5%), and MAALs (37.0%); a number of the bands disappeared. Of the 124 SSR loci that detected officinalis-specific bands in MAAL plants, 96 (77.4%) showed synteny between the A and C-genomes, and 20 (16.1%) showed duplication in the C-genome. Sequencing analysis revealed that indels, substitution and duplication contribute to the diversity of SSR loci between the genomes of O. sativa and O. officinalis.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) tolerance in barley is conditioned by the Alp locus on the long arm of chromosome 4H, which is associated with Al-activated release of citrate from roots. We developed a high-resolution map of the Alp locus using 132 doubled haploid (DH) lines from a cross between Dayton (Al-tolerant) and Zhepi 2 (Al-sensitive) and 2,070 F2 individuals from a cross between Dayton and Gairdner (Al-sensitive). The Al-activated efflux of citrate from the root apices of Al-tolerant Dayton was 10-fold greater than from the Al-sensitive parents Zhepi 2 and Gairdner. A suite of markers (ABG715, Bmag353, GBM1071, GWM165, HvMATE and HvGABP) exhibited complete linkage with the Alp locus in the DH population accounting 72% of the variation for Al tolerance evaluated as relative root elongation. These markers were used to map this genomic region in the Dayton/Gairdner population in more detail. Flanking markers HvGABP and ABG715 delineated the Alp locus to a 0.2 cM interval. Since the HvMATE marker was not polymorphic in the Dayton/Gairdner population we instead investigated the expression of the HvMATE gene. Relative expression of the HvMATE gene was 30-fold greater in Dayton than Gardiner. Furthermore, HvMATE expression in the F2:3 families tested, including all the informative recombinant lines identified between HvGABP and ABG715 was significantly correlated with Al tolerance and Al-activated citrate efflux. These results identify HvMATE, a gene encoding a multidrug and toxic compound extrusion protein, as a candidate controlling Al tolerance in barley.  相似文献   

Brachypodium, a wild temperate grass with a small genome, was recently proposed as a new model organism for the large-genome grasses. In this study, we evaluated gene content and microcolinearity between diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum), Brachypodium sylvaticum, and rice at a local genomic region harboring the major wheat domestication gene Q. Gene density was much lower in T. monococcum (one per 41 kb) because of gene duplication and an abundance of transposable elements within intergenic regions as compared to B. sylvaticum (one per 14 kb) and rice (one per 10 kb). For the Q gene region, microcolinearity was more conserved between wheat and rice than between wheat and Brachypodium because B. sylvaticum contained two genes apparently not present within the orthologous regions of T. monococcum and rice. However, phylogenetic analysis of Q and leukotriene A-4 hydrolase-like gene orthologs, which were colinear among the three species, showed that Brachypodium is more closely related to wheat than rice, which agrees with previous studies. We conclude that Brachypodium will be a useful tool for gene discovery, comparative genomics, and the study of evolutionary relationships among the grasses but will not preclude the need to conduct large-scale genomics experiments in the Triticeae.  相似文献   

Cao D  Hussain A  Cheng H  Peng J 《Planta》2005,223(1):105-113
The Arabidopsis severe gibberellin-deficient mutant ga1-3 does not germinate even when the optimal light and temperature conditions are provided. This fact suggests that (1) gibberellin (GA) is absolutely necessary for the germination of an intact seed and (2) the ga1-3 mutant can be used as a good system to identify factors that repress seed germination. In this report, using ga1-3 mutation as the genetic background, we confirm that RGL2, one member of the DELLA family, encodes the predominant repressor of seed germination in Arabidopsis and show that the other DELLA genes GAI,RGA and RGL1 enhance the function of RGL2. More importantly, we show that ga1-3 seeds lacking RGA, RGL1 and RGL2 or GAI, RGL1 and RGL2, confer GA-independent germination in the light but not in the darkness whilst ga1-3 seeds lacking GAI, RGA and RGL2 germinate both in the light and darkness. This suggests that the destabilization or inactivation of RGA and GAI is not only triggered by GA but also possibly by light. In addition, ga1-3 seeds lacking in all the aforementioned four DELLA genes have elongated epidermal cells and confer light-, cold- and GA-independent seed germination. Therefore, DELLA proteins likely act as integrators of environmental and endogenous cues to regulate seed germination.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a devastating disease in rice worldwide. The resistance gene Xa7, which provides dominant resistance against the pathogen with avirulence (Avr) gene AvrXa7, has proved to be durably resistant to BB. A set of SSR markers were selected from the “gramene” database based on the Xa7 gene initial mapping region on chromosome 6. These markers were used to construct a high-resolution genetic map of the chromosomal region surrounding the Xa7 gene. An F2 mapping population with 721 highly susceptible individuals derived from a cross between the near isogenic lines (NILs) IRBB7 and IR24 were constructed to localize the Xa7 gene. In a primary analysis with eleven polymorphic SSR markers, Xa7 was located in approximately the 0.28-cM region. To walk closer to the target gene, recombinant F2 individuals were tested using newly developed STMS (sequence tagged microsatellite) markers. Finally, the Xa7 gene was mapped to a 0.21-cM interval between the markers GDSSR02 and RM20593. The Xa7-linked markers were landed on the reference sequence of cv. Nipponbare through bioinformatics analysis. A contig map corresponding to the Xa7 gene was constructed. The target gene was assumed to span an interval of approximately 118.5-kb which contained a total of fourteen genes released by the TIGR Genome Annotation Version 5.0. Candidate-gene analysis of Xa7 revealed that the fourteen genes encode novel domains that have no amino acid sequence similar to other cloned Xa(xa) genes. Shen Chen and Zhanghui Huang are contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Zhao ZG  Jiang L  Zhang WW  Yu CY  Zhu SS  Xie K  Tian H  Liu LL  Ikehashi H  Wan JM 《Planta》2007,226(5):1087-1096
Partial abortion of female gametes and the resulting semi-sterility of indica × japonica inter-subspecific rice hybrids have been ascribed to an allelic interaction, which can be avoided by the use of wide compatibility varieties. To further understand the genetic mechanism of hybrid sterility, we have constructed two sets of hybrids, using as male parent either the typical japonica variety Asominori, or the wide compatibility variety 02428; and as female, a set of 66 chromosome segment substitution lines in which various chromosomal segments from the indica variety IR24 have been introduced into a common genetic background of Asominori. Spikelet semi-sterility was observed in hybrid between CSSL34 and Asominori, which is known to carry the sterility gene S31 (Zhao et al. in Euphytica 151:331–337, 2006). Cytological analysis revealed that the semi-sterility of the CSSL34 × Asominori hybrid was caused primarily by partial abortion of the embryo sac at the stage of the mitosis of the functional megaspore. A population of 1,630 progeny of the three-way cross (CSSL34 × 02428) × Asominori was developed to map S31. Based on the physical location of linked molecular markers, S31 was thereby delimited to a 54-kb region on rice chromsome 5. This fragment contains eight predicted open reading frames, four of which encode known proteins and four putative proteins. These results are relevant to the map-based cloning of S31, and the development of marker-assisted transfer of non-sterility allele inducing alleles to breeding germplasm, to allow for a more efficient exploitation of heterosis in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans P7–20 strain isolated from a periodontally diseased patient has produced a bacteriocin (named as actinomycetemcomitin) that is active against Peptostreptococcus anaerobius ATCC 27337. Actinomycetemcomitin was produced during exponential and stationary growth phases, and its amount decreased until it disappeared during the decline growth phase. It was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation (30–60% saturation), and further by FPLC (mono-Q ionic exchange and Phenyl Superose hydrophobic interaction) and HPLC (C-18 reversed-phase). This bacteriocin loses its activity after incubation at a pH below 7.0 or above 8.0, following heating for 30 min at 45°C, and after treatment with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, and papain. Actinomycetemcomitin has a molecular mass of 20.3 KDa and it represents a new bacteriocin from A. actinomycetemcomitans.  相似文献   

Changes in plant architecture have been central to the domestication of wild species. Tillering or the degree of branching determines shoot architecture and is a key component of grain yield and/or biomass. Previously, a tiller inhibition mutant with monoculm phenotype was isolated and the mutant gene (tin3) was mapped in the distal region of chromosome arm 3AmL of Triticum monococcum. As a first step towards isolating a candidate gene for tin3, the gene was mapped in relation to physically mapped expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and sequence tag site (STS) markers developed based on synteny with rice. In addition, we investigated the relationship of the wheat region containing tin3 with the corresponding region in rice by comparative genomic analysis. Wheat ESTs that had been previously mapped to deletion bins provided a useful framework to identify closely related rice sequences and to establish the most likely syntenous region in rice for the wheat tin3 region. The tin3 gene was mapped to a 324-kb region spanned by two overlapping bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) of rice chromosome arm 1L. Wheat–rice synteny was exceptionally high at the tin3 region despite being located in the high-recombination, gene-rich region of wheat. Identification of tightly linked flanking EST and STS markers to the tin3 gene and its localization to highly syntenic rice BACs will assist in the future development of a high-resolution map and map-based cloning of the tin3 gene. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To increase the numbers of microsatellites available for use in constructing a genetic map, and facilitate the use of functional genomics to elucidate fiber development and breeding in cotton, we sampled microsatellite sequences from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) transcribed during fiber elongation in the A-genome species Gossypium arboreum to evaluate their frequency of occurrence, level of polymorphism and distribution in the At and Dt subgenomes of tetraploid cotton. From among ESTs derived from G. arboreum fibers at 7–10 days post anthesis (dpa), 931 ESTs were found to contain simple sequence repeats (SSRs); 544 (58.4%) EST-SSR primer pairs were developed, and 468 (86%) amplified PCR products from allotetraploid cotton ( G. hirsutum cv. TM-1 and G. barbadense cv. Hai7124). However, only 99 (18.2%) of these were found to be polymorphic and segregating in our interspecific BC1 mapping population [(TM-1×Hai7124)×TM-1]. In these amplified and informative EST-SSRs, hexa- and tri-nucleotide repeat motifs were the most frequent, representing 40.1 and 30%, respectively, of the total. A total of 111 loci detected with these 99 EST-SSRs were integrated into our backbone map including 511 SSR loci. The distribution of the EST-SSRs appeared to be non-random, since 72 loci were anchored to the At and 37 to the Dt subgenome of allotetraploid cotton based on linkage tests. Interestingly, out of the 10 pairs of duplicate loci amplified, seven were mapped to the corresponding homeologous linkage groups and/or chromosomes. BLASTX analysis revealed that 69 of the 99 ESTs showed significant similarities to known genes. Some genes important for fiber development, such as sucrose synthase, were mapped to corresponding chromosomes. These EST-SSRs provide structural and functional genomic information that will be useful for understanding cotton fiber development.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified by screening of 2464 ESTs derived from a cDNA library of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). About 35 novel microsatellite loci were selected and characterised in 96 individual cod. Nine markers were successfully amplified with number of alleles from 3 to 18 per locus and the average heterozygosity was 0.57 in the panel examined (range 0.29–0.86). All loci followed the Hardy–Weinberg expectation and no significant linkage disequilibrium was found in a test including all pairwise combinations. The gene identity was determined at four of the loci, confirming the associated microsatellites as Type I markers.  相似文献   

Blast resistance in the indica cultivar (cv.) Q61 was inherited as a single dominant gene in two F2 populations, F2-1 and F2-2, derived from crosses between the donor cv. and two susceptible japonica cvs. Aichi Asahi and Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH), respectively. To rapidly determine the chromosomal location of the resistance (R) gene detected in Q61, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was performed in the F2-1 population using bulked-segregant analysis (BSA) in combination with recessive-class analysis (RCA). One of the three linked markers identified, BA1126550, was cloned and sequenced. The R gene locus was roughly mapped on rice chromosome 8 by comparison of the BA1126550 sequence with rice sequences in the databases (chromosome landing). To confirm this finding, seven known markers, including four sequence-tagged-site (STS) markers and three simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers flanking BA1126550 on chromosome 8, were subjected to linkage analysis in the two F2 populations. The locus was mapped to a 5.8 cM interval bounded by RM5647 and RM8018 on the short arm of chromosome 8. This novel R gene is therefore tentatively designated as Pi36(t). For fine mapping of the Pi36(t) locus, five additional markers including one STS marker and four candidate resistance gene (CRG) markers were developed in the target region, based on the genomic sequence of the corresponding region of the reference japonica cv. Nipponbare. The Pi36(t) locus was finally localized to an interval of about 0.6 cM flanked by the markers RM5647 and CRG2, and co-segregated with the markers CRG3 and CRG4. To physically map this locus, the Pi36(t)-linked markers were mapped by electronic hybridization to bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) or P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) clones of Nipponbare, and a contig map was constructed in silico through Pairwise BLAST analysis. The Pi36(t) locus was physically delimited to an interval of about 17.0 kb, based on the genomic sequence of Nipponbare.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates stomatal closure in response to water loss. Here, we examined the competence of guard cells to synthesize ABA, using two Arabidopsis ABA biosynthetic enzymes. 35S pro::AtNCED3-GFP and AAO3-GFP were introduced into guard cells of broad bean leaves. AtNCED3-GFP expression was detected at the chloroplasts, whereas green fluorescent protein (GFP) and AAO3-GFP were in the cytosol. The stomatal aperture was decreased in AtNCED3-GFP- and AAO3-GFP-transformed guard cells. This indicated that ABA biosynthesis is stimulated by heterologous expression of AtNCED3 and Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) proteins, which both seem to be regulatory enzymes for ABA biosynthesis in these cells. Furthermore, stomatal closure by the expression of AtNCED3 and AAO3 suggested that the substrates of the enzymes are present and native ABA-biosynthesis enzymes are active in guard cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. V. Melhorn and K. Matsumi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Higher polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in wheat kernels and flour has been implicated in the time dependent darkening of various end-products. Previous study conducted on a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) doubled haploid (DH) mapping population derived from Chara (medium-high PPO) and WW2449 (low PPO) identified a major QTL for PPO activity located on the long arm of chromosome 2A. Physical mapping of SSR markers accounting for up to 84% of phenotypic variation for PPO activities suggests that the candidate PPO locus is localised in the deletion bin delimited by 2AL 0.77–0.85. In order to develop functional gene markers, nine wheat ESTs mapped to this deletion bin and partial PPO reference genes were explored for their sequence identities and linkage with PPO locus in a mapping population. In the present study, two markers: one SNP and one CAPS based upon BQ161439 sequence variation between the parents were identified which exhibited a tight linkage (0–0.6 cM) with the PPO loci designated as XTc1 and XPPO- LDOPA. We also mapped the reference PPO gene (GenBank AY526268) characterised from developing kernels of wheat, on the long arm of chromosome 2A which exhibited a complete linkage with XPPO- L DOPA locus. Results suggest that PPO variation displayed in the DH population from Chara/WW2449 is due to the same reference PPO gene. Allelic homoplasy of tightly linked markers, indicated that these markers are ‘diagnostic’ for the selection of low PPO gene in a range of germplasm being used in different Australian breeding programs. Identification and validation of ‘functional gene markers’ would facilitate in enhancing the selection efficiency for low PPO activity in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Rab11, an evolutionarily conserved, ubiquitously expressed subfamily of small monomeric Rab GTPases, has been implicated in regulating vesicular trafficking through the recycling of endosomal compartment. In order to gain an insight into the role of this gene in myogenesis during embryonic development, we have studied the expression pattern of Rab11 in mesoderm during muscle differentiation in Drosophila embryo. When dominant-negative or constitutively active Drosophila Rab11 proteins are expressed or Rab11 is reduced via double-stranded RNA in muscle precursors, they cause partial failure of myoblast fusion and show anomalies in the shape of the muscle fibres. Our results suggest that Rab11 plays no role in cell fate specification in muscle precursors but is required late in the process of myoblast fusion. This work was supported by grants from the DST (to J.K.R.) and SRF from ICMR, New Delhi (to T.B.).  相似文献   

Using comparative genetics, genes, repetitive DNA sequences and chromosomes were studied in the Oryzeae in order to more fully exploit the rice genome sequence data. Of particular focus was Zizania palustris L., n = 15, commonly known as American wildrice. Previous work has shown that rice chromosomes 1, 4 and 9 are duplicated in wildrice. The Adh1 and Adh2 genes were sequenced and, based on phylogenetic analyses, found to be duplicated in wildrice. The majority of the sequence diversity in the Adh sequences was in intron 3, in which were found several MITE insertions. Cytological and molecular approaches were used to analyze the evolution of rDNA and centromeric repetitive sequences in the Oryzeae. In wildrice, copies of the 5S rDNA monomer were found at two loci on two different chromosomes near the centromeres, as in rice. One nucleolar organizer region (NOR) locus was found adjacent to the telomere, as in rice. RCS1, a middle repetitive sequence in rice, was present in all of the centromeres of wildrice. RCS2/CentO, the highly repetitive component of Oryza sativa L. centromeres, was conserved in eight of the Oryza species examined, but was not found in wildrice. Three other middle repetitive centromeric sequences (RCH1, RCH2/CentO and RCH3) were also examined and found to have variable evolutionary patterns between species of Oryza and Zizania.Communicated by B. Friebe  相似文献   

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