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Carboxypeptidase E (EC is a carboxypeptidase B-like enzyme associated with the biosynthesis of many peptide hormones and neurotransmitters. Media collected from cultured astrocytes contain a carboxypeptidase E-like activity. Cultured astrocytes secrete approximately 73% of their cellular level of carboxypeptidase E per hour, and secretion is not substantially influenced by 35 mM KCl. In contrast, neurons secrete only 29% of their cellular carboxypeptidase E per hour, but secretion increases to 86% on stimulation with 35 mM KCl. Secretion of carboxypeptidase E activity from both neuronal and astrocyte cultures is relatively selective; neither acid phosphatase or acetylglucosaminidase is secreted in appreciable amounts. Cultured neurons and astrocytes express a carboxypeptidase E mRNA of a similar size. The levels of this mRNA differ in astrocytes cultured from different brain regions, with high levels in striatal, cortical, hippocampal, and hypothalamic astrocytes and low levels in cerebellar astrocytes. The level of carboxypeptidase E mRNA in hypothalamic astrocyte cultures is four- to fivefold higher than the level in hypothalamic neuronal cultures. These results indicate that cultured astrocytes express carboxypeptidase E mRNA and enzymatic activity and thus contain one of the enzymes required in the biosynthesis of many peptide hormones and neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

PC12 cells, a rat pheochromocytoma cell line, have been found to express carboxypeptidase E (CPE) enzymatic activity and CPE, furin, and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) mRNAs. PC12 cells secrete CPE activity in response to depolarization induced by 50 mM KCl. Short-term (1- to 3-h) treatments of PC12 cells with KCl stimulates the secretion of CPE but does not appear to stimulate the synthesis of new CPE protein, based on the measurement of CPE activity and incorporation of [35S]-Met into CPE. Also, CPE mRNA is not altered by 2-h treatments with KCl. In contrast, prolonged treatment (24-48 h) of PC12 cells with 50 mM KCl continues to stimulate the secretion of CPE activity, without altering the cellular level of CPE. Levels of CPE mRNA are significantly elevated after long-term treatment of the cells with KCl, with increases of 35% after 5 h and 55-75% after 24 to 72 h of treatment. The level of PAM mRNA is also elevated approximately 70% after 24 h of stimulation with KCl. In contrast, the mRNA levels of furin and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) do not change on treatment of PC12 cells with KCl. These findings indicate that long-term depolarization, which leads to a prolonged stimulation of PC12 cells to secrete CPE, also stimulates the synthesis of CPE and PAM but not furin or DBH.  相似文献   

Abstract: Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) functions in the posttranslational processing of peptide hormones and neurotransmitters. Like other peptide processing enzymes, CPE is present in secretory granules in soluble and membrane-associated forms that arise from posttranslational processing of a single precursor, “proCPE.” To identify the intracellular site of proCPE processing, the biosynthesis and posttranslational processing were investigated in the mouse anterior pituitary-derived cell line, AtT-20. Following a 15-min pulse with [35S]Met, both soluble and membrane-bound forms of CPE were identified, indicating that the posttranslational processing event that generates these forms of CPE occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum or early Golgi apparatus. The relative proportion of soluble and membrane-bound forms of CPE changed when cells were chased for 2 h at 37°C but was unaffected when cells were chased at either 20 or 15°C, suggesting that further processing of membrane forms to the soluble form occurs in a post-Golgi compartment. Treatment of the cells with chloroquine did not alter the relative distribution of soluble and membrane forms, suggesting that an acidic compartment is not required for this processing event. Overexpression of CPE did not influence the distribution of soluble and membrane forms of CPE, indicating that the CPE-processing enzymes are not rate-limiting. To examine directly CPE-processing enzymes, bovine anterior pituitary secretory vesicles were isolated. An enzyme activity that releases the membrane-bound form of CPE was detected in the purified secretory vesicle membranes. This enzyme, which removes the C-terminal region of CPE, is partially inhibited by EDTA and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and is activated by CaCI2. Together, the data indicate that posttranslational processing of CPE occurs in secretory granules and that this activity may be mediated by a prohormone convertase-like enzyme.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase E (CPE; EC is a carboxypeptidase B-like enzyme involved with the biosynthesis of numerous peptide hormones and neurotransmitters, including the enkephalins. Reflex splanchnic stimulation of the rat adrenal medulla, which has previously been found to substantially increase enkephalin mRNA and enkephalin peptide levels, was examined for an influence on CPE mRNA and enzymatic activity. Several hours after insulin-induced reflex splanchnic stimulation, the levels of CPE activity in rat adrenal medulla are reduced to 40-60% of control. CPE activity returns to the control level 2 days after the treatment and then continues to increase, reaching approximately 200% of control 1 week after the treatment. The time course of the changes in CPE activity is different from those of the changes in epinephrine levels and the previously reported changes in enkephalin peptide levels. CPE mRNA is also influenced by the insulin shock, with levels increasing to 155% of the control level after 6 h and 170% after 2 days. The time course of the change in CPE mRNA levels is similar to that previously found for proenkephalin mRNA. However, the magnitude of the change is much different: Proenkephalin mRNA has been reported to increase by 1,600%. The changes in CPE mRNA and enzymatic activity are consistent with the proposal that CPE is not a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of enkephalin.  相似文献   

1. Previous results suggest that glutamine synthesis in brain could be modulated by nitrix oxide. The aim of this work was to assess this possibility.2. As glutamine synthetase in brain is located mainly in astrocytes, we used primary cultures of astrocytes to assess the effects of increasing or decreasing nitrix oxide levels on glutamine synthesis in intact astrocytes.3. Nitric oxide levels were decreased by adding nitroarginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase. To increase nitric oxide we used S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, a nitric oxide generating agent.4. It is shown that S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine decreases glutamine synthesis in intact astrocytes by 40–50%. Nitroarginine increases glutamine synthesis slightly in intact astrocytes.5. These results indicate that brain glutamine synthesis may be modulated in vivo by nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cultured astrocytes have been shown to secrete various neuropeptides and the neuropeptide processing enzyme, carboxypeptidase E (CPE). The secretion of CPE enzymatic activity from astrocytes has been shown previously to be increased approximately twofold by treatment with tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), a phorbol ester. In this study, metabolic labeling with [35S]Met was utilized to examine the effect of TPA on the biosynthesis of CPE protein in cultured astrocytes and in AtT-20 cells, a pituitary-derived cell line. Treatment of astrocytes with 0.1 μg/ml TPA for 24 h caused an 80% increase in the level of radiolabeled CPE in both the media and the cells, indicating that the synthesis of CPE was stimulated by the TPA. AtT-20 cells also secreted more radiolabeled CPE in response to TPA, but this increase was offset by a proportional decrease in the cellular level of radiolabeled CPE, and synthesis of CPE was not stimulated in this cell line. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that 0.1 μg/ml TPA elevated CPE mRNA by approximately 50% in cultured astrocytes but not in AtT-20 cells. Quantitative in situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the TPA-induced increase in CPE mRNA expression was largely due to increases in the number of cells expressing CPE mRNA, although for astrocytes from some brain regions the average level of CPE mRNA per cell was also elevated by TPA. These results suggest that astrocytes can be induced to express CPE, which is consistent with a role for astrocytes in intercellular signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) functions in the posttranslational processing of bioactive peptides. Like other peptide processing enzymes, CPE is initially produced as a precursor ("proCPE") that undergoes posttranslational processing at a site containing five adjacent Arg residues near the N-terminus and at other sites near the C-terminus of proCPE. The time course of the N-terminal processing step suggests that this conversion occurs in either the Golgi apparatus or the secretory vesicles. To delineate further the site of proCPE processing, pulse/chase analysis was performed under conditions that block transit out of the Golgi apparatus (brefeldin A, carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone, or 20°C) or that block acidification of vesicles (chloroquine, monensin, or ammonium chloride). The results of these analysis suggest that efficient proCPE processing requires an acidic post-Golgi compartment. To test whether known processing enzymes can perform this cleavage, purified proCPE was incubated with furin, prohormone convertase 1, or a dynorphin converting enzyme, and the products were analyzed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Furin cleaves proCPE within the N-terminal region, although the reaction is not very efficient, requiring relatively large amounts of furin or long incubation times. The other two peptide processing enzymes did not cleave proCPE, whereas a relatively small amount of secretory granule extract was able to convert proCPE into CPE. Taken together, these findings suggest that the conversion of proCPE into CPE occurs primarily in secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Zn2+ plays a crucial role in the CNS where it accumulates in synaptic vesicles and is released during neurotransmission. Synaptically released Zn2+ is taken up by neurons and astrocytes. The majority of previous work has focused on neuronal damage caused by excess Zn2+. However, its effect on astrocyte function is not well understood. We examined the effect of extracellularly applied Zn2+ on nitric oxide (NO) production in primary cultured rat astrocytes, which were experimentally activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Zn2+, at a concentration up to 125 μM, augmented LPS-induced NO production without affecting cell viability. LPS induced expression of both mRNA and protein of inducible NO synthase; this expression was enhanced by 125 µM Zn2+. Zn2+ also increased LPS-induced production of intracellular reactive oxygen species. Zn2+ enhanced the phosphorylation of p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) at 1–6 h after LPS treatment. The LPS-induced nuclear factor-kappaB (NFκB) activation was sustained for 6 h by Zn2+. Intracellular Zn2+ chelation with N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) or inhibition of p38-MAPK diminished the Zn2+ enhancement of LPS-induced NO production. These findings suggest that activation of MAPK and NFκB is important for mediating Zn2+enhancement of LPS-induced NO production in astrocytes. Such changes may exacerbate glial and neuronal damage during neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nitric oxide (?NO) synthase (NOS) was induced in cultured rat astrocytes by incubation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 18 h and gap junction permeability was assessed by the scrape-loading/Lucifer yellow transfer technique. Induction of NOS was confirmed by determining either the NG-methyl-l -arginine (NMMA)-inhibitable production of nitrites and nitrates or the conversion of l -[3H]arginine to l -[3H]citrulline. Incubation with LPS dose-dependently inhibited gap junction permeability to 63.3% at 0.05 µg/ml LPS and no further inhibition was observed on increasing the LPS concentration up to 0.5 µg/ml. LPS-mediated gap junction inhibition was irreversible but was prevented by incubation with the NOS inhibitor NMMA and with the superoxide anion (O2??) scavenger superoxide dismutase. Incubation of the cells with both the ?NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine and the O2??-generating system xanthine/xanthine oxidase inhibited gap junction permeability. These results suggest that the in situ reaction between ?NO and O2??, to form the peroxynitrite anion (ONOO?), may be responsible for the inhibition of gap junction permeability. Scavenging the ONOO? derivative hydroxyl radical (?OH) with either dimethyl sulfoxide or mannitol prevented the LPS-mediated inhibition of gap junction permeability. Finally, exposure of astrocytes to authentic ONOO? caused a dose-dependent inhibition of gap junction permeability (65.7% of inhibition at 0.5 mM ONOO?). The pathophysiological relevance of ONOO?-mediated inhibition of gap junctional communication in astrocytes after NOS induction by LPS is discussed, stressing the possible role played by this mechanism in some neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ocular ciliary epithelium, the site of aqueous humor secretion in the mammalian eye, is believed to play a key function in signaling mechanisms that regulate the rate of secretion, and thus intraocular pressure. One possible way of mediating these signaling functions is through neuropeptides and hormones secreted into the aqueous humor and acting on target tissues. We recently identified a cDNA clone sharing 100% identity with carboxypeptidase E (CPE), a neuropeptide-processing enzyme. Utilizing polymerase chain reaction, we further identified and characterized another processing enzyme, the peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), and the neuropeptide secretogranin II, a molecular marker restricted to neuroendocrine tissues. Using specific probes, we found that the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells express CPE, PAM, and secretogranin II mRNA, and protein. We also found that CPE and secretogranin II are abundant in aqueous humor. Treatment of cultured ciliary epithelial cells with veratridine and phorbol ester up-regulates CPE and PAM. Secretogranin II was found to be induced by veratridine, whereas phorbol ester had little effect, suggesting different mechanisms for secretion. The results demonstrate that secretogranin II, CPE, and PAM represent a specialized group of neuropeptide and neuropeptide-processing enzymes secreted by the ciliary epithelial cells which may confer to them neuroendocrine functions in cell-cell communication or cell signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Ca2+-independent form of nitric oxide synthase was induced in rat neonatal astrocytes in primary culture by incubation with lipopolysaccharide (1 µg/ml) plus interferon-γ (100 U/ml), and the activities of the mitochondrial respiratory chain components were assessed. Incubation for 18 h produced 25% inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase activity. NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase (complex I) and succinate-cytochrome c reductase (complex II–III) activities were not affected. Prolonged incubation for 36 h gave rise to a 56% reduction of cytochrome c oxidase activity and a 35% reduction in succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity, but NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase activity was unchanged. Citrate synthase activity was not affected by any of these conditions. The inhibition of the activities of these mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes was prevented by incubation in the presence of the specific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N G-monomethyl- l -arginine. The lipopolysaccharide/interferon-γ treatment of the astrocytes produced an increase in glycolysis and lactate formation. These results suggest that inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain after induction of astrocytic nitric oxide synthase may represent a mechanism for nitric oxide-mediated neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Stimulation of prostaglandin (PG) release in rat astroglial cultures by various substances, including phorbol esters, melittin, or extracellular ATP, has been reported recently. It is shown here that glucocorticoids (GCs) reduced both basal and stimulated PGD2 release. Hydrocortisone, however, did not inhibit ATP-, calcium ionophore A23187-, or tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA)-stimulated arachidonic acid release, and only TPA stimulations were affected by dexamethasone. GC-mediated inhibition of PGD2 release thus appeared to exclude regulation at the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) level. Therefore, the effects of GCs on the synthesis of lipocortin I (LC I), a potent, physiological inhibitor of PLA2, were studied in more detail. Dexamethasone was not able to enhance de novo synthesis of LC I in freshly seeded cultures and failed to increase LC I synthesis in 2-3-week-old cultures. It is surprising that LC I was the major LC synthesized in those cultures, and marked amounts accumulated with culture time, reaching plateau levels at approximately day 10. In contrast, LC I was barely detectable in vivo. This tonic inhibition of PLA2 is the most likely explanation for unsuccessful attempts to evoke PG release in astrocyte cultures by various physiological stimuli. GC receptor antagonists (progesterone and RU 38486) given throughout culture time reduced LC I accumulation and simultaneously increased PGD2 release. Nonetheless, a substantial production of LC I persisted in the presence of antagonists. Therefore, LC I induction did not seem to involve GC receptor activation. This was confirmed in serum- and GC-free brain cell aggregate cultures. Here also a marked accumulation of LC I was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: We have used purified microglial cultures obtained from neonatal rat brains to study some aspects of the regulation of prostanoid production in these cells. We found that nitric oxide, which is released into the culture medium along with prostanoids when the cells are exposed to lipopolysaccharide (1–100 ng/ml), can down-regulate prostanoid biosynthesis. Indeed, the abrogation of endogenous nitric oxide production, obtained by depleting the medium of the precursor l -arginine or by blocking the activity of nitric oxide synthase by the specific inhibitor NG-monomethyl-l -arginine, led to a remarkable increase in lipopolysaccharide-induced prostanoid release. Moreover, the nitric oxide-generating compound 3-morpholinosydnonimine caused a substantial reduction of prostanoid formation, in the absence of endogenous nitric oxide, suggesting that both endogenous and exogenous nitric oxide may inhibit the induced prostanoid production. We also found that interferon-γ potentiated the effect of lipopolysaccharide on nitrite accumulation as previously described by others and depressed the lipopolysaccharide-evoked production of prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin D2, and thromboxane. It is interesting that the inhibitory effect of interferon-γ on prostanoid production did not appear to depend on the potentiation of NO release, as it was present also when the endogenous synthesis of nitric oxide was abrogated. Additional experiments showed that interferon-γ and nitric oxide act mainly by down-regulating the lipopolysaccharide-induced enzymatic activity and expression (analyzed by western blot) of cyclooxygenase-2. Our data indicate that microglial prostanoid biosynthesis induced by proinflammatory stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharide, is tightly regulated by nitric oxide. Interferon-γ appears to affect the balance between these local mediators by favoring nitric oxide production and inhibiting the prostanoid cascade and may thus contribute to the modulation of inflammation, local immune reactivity, and neuronal damage.  相似文献   

NO在植物中的调控作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
一氧化氮(NO)是一种易扩散的生物活性分子,是生物体内重要的信号分子.植物细胞通过NO合酶、硝酸还原酶、或非生化反应途径产生NO.NO参与植物生长发育调控和对生物与非生物环境胁迫的应答反应,大量证据表明NO是植物防御反应中的关键信使,其信号转导机制也受到越来越多的关注.本文主要通过讨论NO的产生、对植物生长周期的影响、在植物代谢中的信号调节以及参与细胞凋亡来阐述NO在植物中的作用.  相似文献   

一氧化氮(NO)是一种易扩散的生物活性分子,是生物体内重要的信号分子。植物细胞通过NO合酶、硝酸还原酶、或非生化反应途径产生NO。NO参与植物生长发育调控和对生物与非生物环境胁迫的应答反应,大量证据表明NO是植物防御反应中的关键信使,其信号转导机制也受到越来越多的关注。本文主要通过讨论NO的产生、对植物生长周期的影响、在植物代谢中的信号调节以及参与细胞凋亡来阐述NO在植物中的作用。  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET) is one of the active endogenous substances regulating the functions of astrocytes. In the present study, we examined effects of ET on cyclooxygenase (COX) expression in cultured astrocytes. ET-3 (100 nM) caused transient increases in the expression of both COX2 mRNA and protein, but not those of COX1, in cultured astrocytes. ET-induced COX2 mRNA expression was suppressed by 5 microg/ml actinomycin D, 30 microM BAPTA/AM, inhibitors of protein kinase C (1-100 nM staurosporin and 100 microM H-7), 2 microM dexamethasone, and prolonged treatment with 100 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. ET-3 stimulated production of prostaglandin (PG) E2 in cultured astrocytes. The effect of ET-3 on the PGE2 production was diminished by actinomycin D. Indomethacin and NS398, a selective COX2 inhibitor, comparably decreased both the basal and the ET-stimulated PGE2 production. Proliferation of cultured astrocytes was stimulated by 100 nM ET-3, and the increased proliferation was reduced by co-addition of 1 microM PGE2. Treatment with 1 microM PGE2 caused astrocytic morphological changes accompanied by disappearance of stress fibers, a prominent structure of organized cytoskeletal actin in cultured astrocytes. In the presence of 10 nM ET-3, PGE2 did not show an effect on astrocytic actin organization. The present study shows that ET is an inducer of astrocytic COX2 and suggests that ET-induced PGE2 production through COX2 may be involved in the regulation of astrocytic functions.  相似文献   

外源NO和H2O2对洋葱鳞片外表皮气孔开度的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以洋葱(Allium cepa L.)肉质鳞片外表皮为材料,研究不同浓度及不同处理时间的外源NO和H2O2对洋葱鳞片外表皮上气孔开度的调节作用,并结合NO清除剂血红蛋白(Hb)和H2O2清除剂过氧化氢酶(CAT)研究调控过程中NO和H2O2的相互关系.结果显示:单独施用不同浓度的NO和H2O2均可诱导洋葱鳞片外表皮气孔不同程度关闭,并且浓度越大时间越长,其诱导气孔关闭效应越明显;NO和H2O2共同施用所诱导气孔关闭的效应大于其单独施用效应;Hb和CAT能明显减弱NO和H2O2诱导的气孔关闭.研究表明,NO和H2O2能有效诱导洋葱鳞片上气孔关闭,存在明显的浓度效应和时间效应,且两者可能互相依赖,具有协同效应.  相似文献   

泛素化是一种非常重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,在细胞生命活动的各个方面发挥作用。泛素化修饰是可逆的过程,去泛素化酶通过催化去除底物蛋白质上的泛素从而逆转该过程。去泛素化酶是一类数量众多的蛋白水解酶家族,近年来不断有新的去泛素化酶被发现和报道。鉴于其在细胞功能中的重要作用,去泛素化酶活性受到严格的调控。目前的研究表明,影响去泛素化酶活性的因素很多。本文主要从转录水平的调控、翻译后修饰、蛋白质定位和蛋白质相互作用等调控方式进行论述,以期为研究和利用去泛素化酶治疗疾病提供新思路。  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with L-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) on the levels of pyroglutamyl peptidase I and pyroglutamyl peptidase II in rat brain regions, pituitary, and serum was studied. Pyroglutamyl peptidase I cleaves pyroglutamyl peptides such as thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), luteinizing hormone releasing hormone, neurotensin, and bombesin, whereas pyroglutamyl peptidase II appears to be specific for TRH. Acute administration of T3 did not affect pyroglutamyl peptidase I in any of the regions studied, whereas pyroglutamyl peptidase II was significantly elevated in frontal cortex and pituitary. Treatment with T3 for 10 or 14 days significantly elevated pyroglutamyl peptidase I in pituitary, hypothalamus, olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and thalamus. Chronic T3 treatment elevated pyroglutamyl peptidase II in frontal cortex and in serum. These studies demonstrate regulation of neuropeptide degrading enzymes by thyroid hormones in vivo. This regulation may play a role in the negative feedback control of thyroid status by T3.  相似文献   

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