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Interaction of lasalocid sodium salt (Las-Na) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as a membrane model was investigated by highly-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The insertion properties of the antibiotic were studied both in multilamellar suspensions and unilamellar vesicles, for Las-Na/DPPC molar ratios (r) ranging from 0.005 to 0.1. The effect of the antibiotic on the lipid thermotropic behavior is concentration dependent and drastically changes at a critical r of 0.04 in both model membranes. Below this ratio, Las-Na molecules interact with DPPC bilayers without disrupting the global organization of the membrane. In the multilamellar systems only the transition cooperativity is affected whereas for the mixed vesicles, a decrease in the enthalpy change suggests a different mode of insertion. Above this ratio, implantation of the antibiotic give rise to lateral phase separation in multilamellar systems. These structural modifications have repercussions on the formation of mixed LAS-Na/DPPC vesicles which seems limited to an r value of 0.04.  相似文献   

Mixtures of stearic, arachic, oleic and linoleic acids with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and distearylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) have been studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The mixtures of stearic (SA) and arachic acids (AA) with DMPC and DSPC show phase diagrams of the peritectic type, with a region of solid phase immiscibility from 0 to 28.5 mol% of fatty acid. A pure component, with a stoichiometry fatty acid/phospholipid (2:1) seems to be formed except for the system AA/DSPC. The mixtures of oleic (OA) and linoleic acids (LA) show complex phase diagrams. In the case of OA, different regions where a phase separation exists can be observed and for the mixture of OA with DMPC, a pure component seems to be formed with a stoichiometry OA/DMPC (1:2). LA shows different behaviour in the mixtures with DMPC and with DSPC. For the mixture, LA/DMPC, a fluid phase immiscibility region is observed over the same range of concentration as for the mixture with OA, however, the mixture with DSPC shows a solid phase immiscibility for the samples containing 45 mol% or more of LA. The interaction of the different free fatty acids with equimolar mixtures of DMPC and DSPC, showing monotectic behaviour, has also been analyzed. From our results it can be clearly concluded that saturated fatty acids partition preferentially into solid-like domains, while cis-unsaturated fatty acids partition preferentially into fluid-like domains.  相似文献   

The influence of retinol and retinoic acid, two retinoids of major interest, on the main gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of different phospholipid membranes has been studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry. Both compounds exerted perturbing effects on the phase transition of membranes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine or dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine. At concentrations up to 42.5 mol% of retinoid in the membrane, the delta H was not much affected with respect to the pure phospholipid, indicating a rather slight interaction. As the concentration of retinol was increased the Tc transition temperature decreased. A fluid-phase immiscibility was observed for the system DPPC/retinol at concentrations between 0 and 33 mol%. Almost ideal phase diagrams were obtained for the mixture DPPE/retinol. At concentrations of 33 mol% and higher retinol was able to induce phase separations in DPPC membranes, but not in DPPE. The effect of retinoic acid was much weaker, the Tc and delta H remaining almost unaltered and equal to that of the pure phospholipid up to concentrations of 30 mol%, at neutral pH. Retinoic acid exerted a pH-dependent effect. As the pH decreased, and therefore increased the extent of protonation of retinoic acid, the pertubation of the membrane induced by this compound was less. A strong effect, both on Tc and delta H, was observed at pH 10, where the retinoic acid moiety will be mainly unprotonated and the negative charge will generate repulsive forces thus destabilizing the membrane. The mixture DPPC/retinoic acid presents a region of fluid-phase immiscibility. At low pH, when the retinoic acid moiety was fully protonated, this fluid-immiscibility region extended from 0 to 36 mol% of retinoic acid, but its size decreased with increasing pH, and at pH 10 it was only found from 0 to 3 mol%. These results are discussed in terms of the possible retinoid/phospholipid interactions and the disposition of the retinoid moiety in the bilayer.  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris phytohemagglutinin L is a homotetrameric-leucoagglutinating seed lectin. Its three-dimensional structure shows similarity with other members of the legume lectin family. The tetrameric form of this lectin is pH dependent. Gel filtration results showed that the protein exists in its dimeric state at pH 2.5 and as a tetramer at pH 7.2. Contrary to earlier reports on legume lectins that possess canonical dimers, thermal denaturation studies show that the refolding of phytohemagglutinin L at neutral pH is irreversible. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the denaturation of this lectin as a function of pH that ranged from 2.0 to 3.0. The lectin was found to be extremely thermostable with a transition temperature around 82 degrees C and above 100 degrees C at pH 2.5 and 7.2, respectively. The ratio of calorimetric to vant Hoff enthalpy could not be calculated because of its irreversible-folding behavior. However, from the DSC data, it was discovered that the protein remains in its compact-folded state, even at pH 2.3, with the onset of denaturation occurring at 60 degrees C.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the heat capacity function of a recombinant streptokinase (rSK) has been studied by high-sensitivity differential scanning microcalorimetry and circular dichroism as a function of pH in low- and high-ionic strength buffers. At low ionic strength it is found that this protein, between pH 7 and 10, undergoes four reversible and independent two-state transitions during its unfolding, suggesting the existence of four domains in the native structure of the protein. This result reconciles previous conflicting reports about the number of domains of this protein obtained by differential scanning calorimetry and small-angle X-ray scattering. The number of two-state transitions decreases when the pH of the medium is decreased, without noticeable changes in its circular dichroism spectrum. A plausible localization of the four domains in the streptokinase sequences is proposed and their thermodynamic parameters are given. Increase of ionic strength to 200 mM NaCl affects positively the protein stability and confirms the existence of four reversible two-state transitions. Above 200 mM NaCl the protein stability decreases, resulting in low percentage of reversibility, and even irreversible transitions.  相似文献   

Reddy GB  Bharadwaj S  Surolia A 《Biochemistry》1999,38(14):4464-4470
Peanut agglutinin is a homotetrameric legume lectin. The crystal structure of peanut agglutinin shows that the four subunits associate in an unusual manner, giving rise to open quaternary structure [Banarjee, R., et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 227-231]. The thermal unfolding of peanut agglutinin has been characterized by differential scanning calorimetry and gel filtration to elucidate its thermal stability and its mode of oligomerization. The unfolding process is reversible and could be described by a three-state model with two transitions occurring at around 331 and 336 K. For the tetramer, the ratio of DeltaHc/DeltaHv for the first transition is close to 4 and for the second transition is close to 0.25, suggesting that 4 and 0.25 cooperative unit(s) of the tetramer are involved in the first and second transitions, respectively. The agreement between the model-independent DeltaHv(S) determined from the values of the temperatures of the peak maximum (Tp1) with the protein concentration with the values of DeltaHv obtained from the fit of the data to the transition confirms that the first peak is associated with the dissociation of peanut agglutinin tetramers (A4) to "folded" monomers (4A), whereas the second peak describes the unfolding (4U) of these monomers. The overall process for the thermal unfolding of peanut agglutinin could therefore be summarized as A4 <==> 4A <==> 4U. Gel filtration studies confirm this process, as peanut agglutinin elutes as a tetramer up to 50 degrees C, and at and above 56 degrees C (Tm of first transition), it elutes at a position commensurate with that of the folded monomer of peanut agglutinin. The unfolding behavior of peanut agglutinin in the presence of saturating amounts of carbohydrate ligands is similar to that observed for the unligated form. The temperature of maximal stability of the peanut agglutinin tetramer at pH 7.4 is calculated to be around 33 degrees C with a maximal free energy of stabilization of 8.70 kcal/mol. The results demonstrate that unfolding of peanut agglutinin goes through two distinct phases with folded monomer being the intermediate.  相似文献   

Human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) is a tetrameric enzyme that catalyzes the hydroxylation of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) to L-tyrosine; a dysfunction of this enzyme causes phenylketonuria. Each subunit in hPAH contains an N-terminal regulatory domain (Ser2-Ser110), a catalytic domain (Asp112-Arg410), and an oligomerization domain (Ser411-Lys452) including dimerization and tetramerization motifs. Two partially overlapping transitions are seen in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms for wild-type hPAH in 0.1 M Na-Hepes buffer, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 7.0. Although these transitions are irreversible, studies on their scan-rate dependence support that the equilibrium thermodynamics analysis is permissible in this case. Comparison with the DSC thermograms for truncated forms of the enzyme, studies on the protein and L-Phe concentration effects on the transitions, and structure-energetic calculations based on a modeled structure support that the thermal denaturation of hPAH occurs in three stages: (i) unfolding of the four regulatory domains, which is responsible for the low-temperature calorimetric transition; (ii) unfolding of two (out of the four) catalytic domains, which is responsible for the high-temperature transition; and (iii) irreversible protein denaturation, which is likely responsible for the observed exothermic distortion in the high-temperature side of the high-temperature transition. Stages 1 and 2 do not appear to be two-state processes. We present an approach to the analysis of ligand effects on DSC transition temperatures, which is based on the general binding polynomial formalism and is not restricted to two-state transitions. Application of this approach to the L-Phe effect on the DSC thermograms for hPAH suggests that (i) there are no binding sites for L-Phe in the regulatory domains; therefore, contrary to the common belief, the activation of PAH by L-Phe seems to be the result of its homotropic cooperative binding to the active sites. (ii) The regulatory domain appears to be involved in cooperativity through its interactions with the catalytic and oligomerization domains; thus, upon regulatory domain unfolding, the cooperativity in the binding of L-Phe to the catalytic domains seems to be lost and the value of the L-Phe concentration corresponding to half-saturation is increased. Overall, our results contribute to the understanding of the conformational stability and the substrate-induced cooperative activation of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

We have applied circular dichroism (CD), temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to study the properties of novel bioengineered DNA aptamer dimers sensitive to fibrinogen (F) and heparin (H) binding sites of thrombin and compared them with canonical single stranded aptamer sensitive to fibrinogen binding site of thrombin (Fibri). The homodimer (FF) and heterodimer (FH) aptamers were constructed based on hybridization of their supported parts. CD results showed that both FF and FH dimers form stable guanine quadruplexes in the presence of potassium ions like those in Fibri. The thermal stability of aptamer dimers was slightly lower compared to those of canonical aptamers, but sufficient for practical applications. Both FF and FH aptamer dimers exhibited a potassium-dependent inhibitory effect on thrombin-mediated fibrin gel formation, which was on average two-fold higher than those of canonical single stranded Fibri aptamers.  相似文献   

H N Lin  Z Q Wang  C H Huang 《Biochemistry》1990,29(30):7063-7072
To examine the thermotropic phase behavior of various mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines in excess water and to compare it with the known behavior of identical-chain phosphatidylcholines, we have carried out high-resolution differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies on aqueous dispersions of 10 different mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines. These lipids, C(16):C(18)PC, C(18):C(16)PC, C(15):C(19)PC, C(19):C(15)PC, C(14):C(20)PC, C(20):C(14)PC, C(13):C(21)PC, C(21):C(13)PC, C(12):C(22)PC, and C(22):C(12)PC, have a common molecular weight which is the same as that of C(17):C(17)PC, an identical-chain phosphatidylcholine with a molecular weight of 762.2. When the values of any of the thermodynamic parameters (Tm, delta H, and delta S) of the mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines and C(17):C(17)PC are plotted against the normalized chain-length difference (delta C/CL), a linear function with negative slope is obtained provided that the value of delta C/CL is within the range of 0.09-0.4. The linear relationship suggests that these mixed-chain phospholipids are packed in the gel-state bilayer similar to the bilayer structure of C(17):C(17)PC at T less than Tm; however, the negative slope suggests that the conformational statistics of the hydrocarbon chain and the lateral lipid-lipid interactions of these phosphatidylcholines in the gel-state bilayer are perturbed proportionally by a progressive increase in the chain-length inequivalence between the two acyl chains within each lipid molecule. When the value of delta C/CL for mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines reaches the range of 0.44-0.55, the thermotropic phase behavior deviates markedly from that of less asymmetric phosphatidylcholines, suggesting that these highly asymmetric lipids are packed into mixed interdigitated bilayers at T less than Tm. The heating and cooling pathways of aqueous dispersions prepared from the 10 mixed-chain phospholipids are also discussed.  相似文献   

When alpha-tocopherol was included in multibilayer vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and distearoylphosphatidylcholine it induced a broadening of the main transition and a displacement of this transition to lower temperatures, as seen by differential scanning calorimetry. This effect was quantitatively more important in the samples of distearoylphosphatidylcholine than in those of the other phosphatidylcholines. Alpha-Tocopherol when present in equimolar mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and diastearoylphosphatidylcholine, which show monotectic behaviour, preferentially partitions in the most fluid phase. The effect of alpha-tocopherol on the phase transition of dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine is qualitatively different of that observed on phosphatidylcholines, and several peaks are observed in the calorimetric profile, probably indicating the formation of separated phases with different contents in alpha-tocopherol. The effect was more apparent in dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine than in dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine. The inclusion of alpha-tocopherol in equimolar mixtures of dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, which show cocrystallization, only produced a broadening of the phase transition and a shift to lower temperatures. However, in the case of equimolar mixtures of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine which also show cocrystallization, the effect was to cause lateral phase separation with the formation of different mixtures of phospholipids and alpha-tocopherol. Alpha-Tocopherol was also included in equimolar mixtures of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine showing monotectic behaviour, and in this case alpha-tocopherol preferentially partitioned in the most fluid phase, independently of whether this was composed mainly of phosphatidylcholine or of phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been employed to investigate the thermal changes caused by the anticancer alkaloid drug vinorelbine in dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. The total enthalpy change was increased by the presence of the drug molecule, indicating a partial interdigitation of the lipid alkyl chains. The presence of cholesterol in DPPC bilayers including vinorelbine induced an obstruction of the interdigitation, since cholesterol interrupts the upraise of enthalpy change. Vinorelbine's interdigitation ability and stabilizing properties with the active site of the receptor have been compared with those of similar in structure amphipathic and bulky alkaloid vinblastine. The obtained results may in part explain their similar mechanism of action but different bioactivity.  相似文献   

K Lohner  A F Esser 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6620-6625
The thermotropic behavior of purified human complement protein C9 was investigated by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. When dissolved in physiological buffers (pH 7.2, 150 mM NaCl), C9 underwent three endothermic transitions with transition temperatures (Tm) centered at about 32, 48, and 53 degrees C, respectively, and one exothermic transition above 64 degrees C that correlated with protein aggregation. The associated calorimetric enthalpies of the three endothermic transitions were about 45, 60, and 161 kcal/mol with cooperative ratios (delta Hcal/delta HvH) close to unity. The total calorimetric enthalphy for the unfolding process was in the range of 260-280 kcal/mol under all conditions. The exothermic aggregation temperature was strongly pH dependent, changing from 60 degrees C at pH 6.6 to 81.4 degrees C at pH 8.0, whereas none of the three endothermic transitions was significantly affected by pH changes. They were, however, sensitive to addition of calcium ions; most affected was Tm1 which shifted from 32 to 35.8 degrees C in the presence of 3 mM calcium, i.e., the normal blood concentration. Kosmotropic ions stabilized the protein by shifting the endothermic transitions to slightly higher temperatures whereas inclusion of chaotropic ions (such as choline), removal of bound calcium by addition of EDTA, or proteolysis with thrombin lowered the transition temperatures. Previous studies had indicated the formation of at least three different forms of C9 during membrane insertion or during heat polymerization, and it is suggested that the three endothermic transitions reflect the formation of such C9 conformers. Choline, which is present at high concentrations on the surface of biological membranes, and calcium ions have the ability to shift the transition temperatures of the first two transitions to be either close to or below body temperature. Thus, it is very likely that C9 is present in vivo in a partially unfolded state when bound to a membrane surface, and we propose that this facilitates membrane insertion and refolding of the protein into an amphiphilic conformation.  相似文献   

The phase transition characteristics of cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol suspensions were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transition temperatures for dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol, tetramyristoylcardiolipin, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol and tetrapalmitoylcardiolipin were 25.0, 47.0, 40.5 and 62.2 degrees C, respectively. The phase transition temperature for a mixture of two analogous phospholipids was higher than that for phosphatidylglycerol alone, but lower than that for cardiolipin alone. It increased along with cardiolipin content. The phase transition temperature for cardiolipin was increased in the presence of divalent cations, particularly Ca2+. The results indicate that the head group of cardiolipin by itself can increase the phase transition temperature.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding parameters of hens' egg-white riboflavin-binding-protein (RBP) were measured by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermal denaturation scans of apoRBP and RBP complexes with riboflavin and its analogues (FMN, N10 DL-glyceryl isoalloxazine, and N10 -hydroxypentyl isoalloxazine) have been measured. It was found that ligand binding causes increase of RBP thermal stability, as manifested by a change of denaturation temperature from 60.8°C for apoRBP to 72.8°C for RBP—Rf complex. For RBP—FMN complex, the denaturation temperature of 73.0°C was even higher than for the RBP—Rf complex. The other two flavin analogues showed transition temperatures in between 66.9°C and 68.8°C, respectively. Analysis of excess heat capacity data showed that the best fit was the sum of two independent thermal transitions. One of the transitions, which contributed 70% to the total heat effect, has transition temperature in the broad range of 60.5–73.2°C; the other transition temperature is in the narrower range of 65.4–71.1°C. The observed transitions can be related to RBP domains.  相似文献   

High sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to investigate the thermotropic phase properties of binary mixtures of disaturated phosphocholines (PCs) and alpha-bromoacyl taxane derivatives. The alpha-bromoacyl taxanes were synthesized as hydrolyzable hydrophobic prodrugs of paclitaxel. The PCs used were 1, 2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl-choline (DMPC), 1, 2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and 1, 2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSPC). The bromoacyl chain lengths of the taxane prodrugs were varied from 6 to 12 or 16 carbons. For comparison, paclitaxel and PC mixtures were also examined. DSC data from DPPC and bromoacyl taxane mixtures showed a complete abolition of the pretransition and significant broadening of the main phase transition with increasing amounts of bromoacyl taxane prodrugs. The effects were more pronounced with the long-chain compared to the short-chain prodrugs. Under equivalent DSC conditions, the short-chain DMPC showed greater changes in thermotropic phase behavior than with DPPC on taxane addition, suggesting an enhanced degree of association with the fluid-type bilayers. Under similar conditions, the long-chain DSPC bilayers showed a far less significant change in phase behavior on taxane addition than DPPC. These changes were also chain length-dependent for both the PCs and the taxane prodrugs. In contrast, PC and paclitaxel (lacking the acyl chain) mixtures under similar conditions showed insignificant changes in the endotherms, suggesting only slight insertion of the molecule into the PC bilayers. From the DSC data it is apparent that taxane prodrugs solvated in DMPC bilayers more than in DPPC and DSPC bilayers, and taxane prodrugs with longer acyl chains were able to associate with PCs better than those with shorter chain prodrugs. DSC data also suggest that paclitaxel was poorly associated with any of the PCs. In general, the amount of taxane association with bilayers decreased in order: DMPC > DPPC > DSPC. In contrast, the transition enthalpy (DeltaH) of DMPC, DPPC, and DSPC mixtures with paclitaxel showed significantly lower enthalpies than with taxane prodrugs. Taken together, the DSC data suggest that the acyl chains of paclitaxel prodrugs have some access into the bilayers via alignment with the acyl chain of the PC component.  相似文献   

Thermal properties of azidohetarenes without reactive ortho-substituents, obtained by DSC analysis, were compared with the DSC data of ortho-phenyl and ortho-acyl substituted azidohetarenes, which give ring closure reactions either to indoles or to five-membered heterocycles such as isoxazoles. The reaction temperatures and reaction enthalpies give both information to prepare the reaction conditions and important safety information and were, in addition, used to find out relations between the temperatures or enthalpies with the three different reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

The molecular mobility of the pentitol isomers (xylitol, adonitol, D-arabitol and L-arabitol) was studied by thermally stimulated depolarisation currents (TSDC) in the crystalline and in the amorphous solid states. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterise the phase transformations, to detect polymorphism and to analyse the dynamics of the structural relaxation in the glassy state (from the heating rate dependence of the onset temperature of the glass transition signal). The mobility in crystalline xylitol and adonitol displays features that are different compared with crystalline arabitols. No difference of the dynamic behaviour seems to emerge from our results on the primary and secondary relaxations in the amorphous isomeric pentitols. The values of the steepness index or fragility obtained in this work by TSDC and DSC are compared with the values reported in the literature obtained from other experimental techniques, and with values predicted by empirical formulae.  相似文献   

We used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy to investigate the interactions of Losartan, a potent, orally active Angiotensin II AT(1) receptor antagonist with phospholipid membranes. DSC results showed that Losartan sensitively affected the chain-melting behavior of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer membranes. ESR spectroscopy showed that phosphatidylcholines spin-labeled at the 5-position of the sn-2 acyl chain (n-PCSL with n=5), incorporated either in DMPC or DPPC bilayers containing Losartan, were restricted in motion both in the gel and in the liquid-crystalline membrane phases, indicating a location of the antagonist close to the interfacial region of the phosphatidylcholine bilayer. At high drug concentrations (mole fraction >/= x=0.60), the decrease in chain mobility registered by 5-PCSL in fluid-phase membranes is smaller than that found at lower concentrations, whereas that registered by 14-PCSL is further increased. This indicates a different mode of interaction with Losartan at high concentrations, possibly arising from a location deeper within the bilayer. Additionally, Losartan reduced the spin-spin broadening of 12-PCSL spin labels in the gel-phase of DMPC and DPPC bilayers. As a conclusion, our study has shown that Losartan interacts with phospholipid membranes by affecting both their thermotropic behavior and molecular mobility.  相似文献   

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