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We tested the hypothesis that kinetics of O(2) uptake (VO(2)) measured in the transition to exercise near or above peak VO(2) (VO(2 peak)) would be slower than those for subventilatory threshold exercise. Eight healthy young men exercised at approximately 57, approximately 96, and approximately 125% VO(2 peak). Data were fit by a two- or three-component exponential model and with a semilogarithmic transformation that tested the difference between required VO(2) and measured VO(2). With the exponential model, phase 2 kinetics appeared to be faster at 125% VO(2 peak) [time constant (tau(2)) = 16.3 +/- 8.8 (SE) s] than at 57% VO(2 peak) (tau(2) = 29. 4 +/- 4.0 s) but were not different from that at 96% VO(2 peak) exercise (tau(2) = 22.1 +/- 2.1 s). VO(2) at the completion of phase 2 was 77 and 80% VO(2 peak) in tests predicted to require 96 and 125% VO(2 peak). When VO(2) kinetics were calculated with the semilogarithmic model, the estimated tau(2) at 96% VO(2 peak) (49.7 +/- 5.1 s) and 125% VO(2 peak) (40.2 +/- 5.1 s) were slower than with the exponential model. These results are consistent with our hypothesis and with a model in which the cardiovascular system is compromised during very heavy exercise.  相似文献   

The induction of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha), a key regulator of mitochondriogenesis, is well-established under multiple physical exercise regimens, including, endurance, resistance, and sprint training. We wanted to determine if increased expression of PGC-1alpha in muscle is sufficient to improve performance during exercise in vivo. We demonstrate that muscle-specific expression of PGC-1alpha improves the performance during voluntary as well as forced exercise challenges. Additionally, PGC-1alpha transgenic mice exhibit an enhanced performance during a peak oxygen uptake exercise test, demonstrating an increased peak oxidative capacity, or whole body oxygen uptake. This increased ability to perform in multiple exercise paradigms is supported by enhanced mitochondrial function as suggested by increased mitochondrial gene expression, mitochondrial DNA, and mitochondrial enzyme activity. Thus this study demonstrates that upregulation of PGC-1alpha in muscle in vivo is sufficient to greatly improve exercise performance under various exercise paradigms as well as increase peak oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) is a common cause of death in industrialized countries often induced by exposure to tobacco smoke. A substantial number of patients with COPD also suffer from pulmonary hypertension that may be caused by hypoxia or other hypoxia-independent stimuli - inducing pulmonary vascular remodeling. The Ca2+ binding protein, S100A4 is known to play a role in non-COPD-driven vascular remodeling of intrapulmonary arteries. Therefore, we have investigated the potential involvement of S100A4 in COPD induced vascular remodeling. Lung tissue was obtained from explanted lungs of five COPD patients and five non-transplanted donor lungs. Additionally, mice lungs of a tobacco-smoke-induced lung emphysema model (exposure for 3 and 8 month) and controls were investigated. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of S100A4 and RAGE mRNA was performed from laser-microdissected intrapulmonary arteries. S100A4 immunohistochemistry was semi-quantitatively evaluated. Mobility shift assay and siRNA knock-down were used to prove hypoxia responsive elements (HRE) and HIF binding within the S100A4 promoter. Laser-microdissection in combination with real-time PCR analysis revealed higher expression of S100A4 mRNA in intrapulmonary arteries of COPD patients compared to donors. These findings were mirrored by semi-quantitative analysis of S100A4 immunostaining. Analogous to human lungs, in mice with tobacco-smoke-induced emphysema an up-regulation of S100A4 mRNA and protein was observed in intrapulmonary arteries. Putative HREs could be identified in the promoter region of the human S100A4 gene and their functionality was confirmed by mobility shift assay. Knock-down of HIF1/2 by siRNA attenuated hypoxia-dependent increase in S100A4 mRNA levels in human primary pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Interestingly, RAGE mRNA expression was enhanced in pulmonary arteries of tobacco-smoke exposed mice but not in pulmonary arteries of COPD patients. As enhanced S100A4 expression was observed in remodeled intrapulmonary arteries of COPD patients, targeting S100A4 could serve as potential therapeutic option for prevention of vascular remodeling in COPD patients.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to provide baseline data on the peak oxygen consumption (VO2) of British children, aged 11-16 years and to examine the peak VO2 of children in relation to their pubertal stage of development. The peak VO2 of 226 boys and 194 girls was determined during either treadmill running or cycle ergometry. The sexual maturity of 320 of the children was estimated using Tanner's indices. Peak VO2 increased with chronological age in both sexes and from about the age of 12 years boys exhibited significantly higher (P less than 0.05) values than girls. Boys' peak VO2 in relation to body mass was consistent over the age range studied and was superior (P less than 0.05) to girls' values at all ages. It appears that mass-related peak VO2 is independent of sexual maturity in both sexes. The more mature boys demonstrated a significantly higher (P less than 0.05) peak VO2 (1.min-1) than the less mature boys on both ergometers. The more mature girls demonstrated significantly higher (P less than 0.05) peak VO2 (1.min-1) than the less mature girls only on the cycle ergometer. On both ergometers the differences between the peak VO2 of the girls and boys were more pronounced in the mature children whether expressed in relation to body mass or not. Comparison of the results with earlier data drawn from smaller samples failed to provide evidence to suggest that British children's peak VO2 has declined in recent years. No study with which to compare our maturity peak VO2 data appears to be available.  相似文献   

The influence of gender, growth, and maturation on peak O(2) consumption (VO(2 peak)) in 11-13 yr olds were examined by using multilevel regression modeling. Subjects were 119 boys and 115 girls, aged 11.2 +/- 0.4 (SD) yr at the onset of the study. Sexual maturation was classified according to Tanner's indexes of pubic hair. VO(2 peak) was determined annually for 3 yr. The initial model identified body mass and stature as significant explanatory variables, with an additional positive effect for age and incremental effects for stage of maturation. A significant gender difference was apparent with lower values for girls, and an age-by-gender interaction indicated a progressive divergence in boys' and girls' VO(2 peak). Subsequent incorporation of the sum of two skinfold thicknesses into the model negated stature effects, reduced the gender term, and explained much of the observed maturity effects. The body mass exponent almost doubled, but the age-by-gender interaction term was consistent with the initial model.  相似文献   

Maximal oxygen consumption (V O2 max) expressed in ml/kg/min and predicted V O2 max were determined before and after 8 weeks of training in 24 boys 10-12 years. Training involved 13 of them while 11 were controls. Predicted V O2 max was based on submaximal cycling heart rate according to the Astrand-Rhyming procedure. Pre-training, V O2 max was underpredicted by 12 per cent. This resulted mainly from an apparently low cycling efficiency in these subjects compared to that implicit in the prediction equation. Although adjustments in the prediction equation could equalize the means for V O2 max and predicted V O2 max, the rather low correlation (r = .55) between these measures precluded the accurate prediction of individual scores. V O2 max remained unchanged with training while submaximal heart rate during bicycle and treadmill exercise showed a significant decrease, resulting in predicted increases in V O2 max in children. Since V O2 max was actually unchanged, the prediction falsely indicated an improvement. Furthermore, despite a significantly lower heart rate in the trained group, there was no difference in predicted V O2 max between the groups post-training. These findings indicate that if V O2 max is the parameter of interest, it would seem to be more satisfactory to measure it directly until more reliable methods of prediction are developed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work rate increment on peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) during wheelchair ergometry (WCE) in men with quadriplegia due to cervical spinal cord injuries (CSCI). Twenty-two non-ambulatory subjects (aged 20-38 years) with CSCI were divided into two groups based on wheelchair sports classification (n = 12 for IA group and n = 10 for IB/IC group). Subjects underwent three different, continuous graded exercise tests (spaced at least 1 week apart) on an electronically braked wheelchair ergometer. Following a 3-min warmup, the work rate was increased 2, 4, or 6 W.min-1 for the IA group and 4, 6, or 8 W.min-1 for the IB/IC group. Ventilation and gas exchange were measured breath-by-breath with a computerized system. Repeated-measures ANOVA showed no significant difference among the three protocols for VO2 peak in the IA group (P greater than 0.05). The mean (SD) VO2 peak values (ml.kg-1.min-1) were 9.3 (2.4), 9.4 (3.2), and 8.4 (2.6) for the 2, 4, and 6 W.min-1 protocols, respectively. In contrast, the IB/IC group showed a significant difference among the protocols for VO2 peak (P less than 0.05). The mean (SD) VO2 peak values (ml.kg-1,min-1) were 15.1 (4.0), 14.1 (4.4), and 12.7 (4.0) for the 4, 6, and 8 W.min-1 protocols, respectively. Post hoc analysis revealed a difference between the 4 and 8 W.min-1 protocols. Our results suggest that graded exercise testing of men with quadriplegia due to CSCI, using WCE, should employ work rate increments between 2 and 6 W.min-1 and that work rate increments of 8 W.min-1 or greater will result in an underestimate of VO2 peak.  相似文献   

The study of the influence of different training regimens on the individual components of the physical state of 7- to 17-year-old school students of different morphofunctional types was carried out. A complex of methods for determining the level of physical development, motor fitness, the muscular capacity for work, the state of the cardiovascular system, and child and adolescent morbidity was used. The study showed the absence of a universal index capable of characterizing the “physical state” on the whole, the measurement of which would make it possible to judge unambiguously the effectiveness of the training process. None of the motor regimens used ensured complete optimization of all the components of the physical state and a decrease in the students’ morbidity. In the course of the experiment, there were many cases in which a training regimen aimed at improving the autonomic regulation of the heart exerted little effect on the total morbidity, a considerable increase in aerobic capacity (as evidenced by the PWC 170 test) was not accompanied by an increased level of overall fitness, etc. It was shown that, to optimize different aspects of the physical state of age-matched students with the same constitutional type, it is necessary to use motor activity regimens that differ in their physiological action.  相似文献   

In this research, problem solving skills of university students are examined in the factors of sex and class. In this research problem solving inventory that is improved by Heppner and Petersen (1982) is applied to the students that are training 1. and 4. class 58 female 86 male at Selcuk University Konya, Turkey Physical Education and Sport Collage. In statistical analysis of research for the factors sex and class, variance analysis and t test are used. In the research while meaningful difference is found in the above dimension of the factors sex and there is not found meaningful difference in the factors of class. In conclusion, female students have more positive problem solving skills than male students.  相似文献   

Although plants introduced for site restoration are pre‐selected for specific traits (e.g. trace element bioaccumulation, rapid growth in poor soils), the in situ success of these plants likely depends on the recruitment of appropriate rhizosphere microorganisms from their new environment. We introduced three willow (Salix spp.) cultivars to a contaminated landfill, and performed soil chemical analyses, plant measurements, and Ion Torrent sequencing of rhizospheric fungal and bacterial communities at 4 and 16 months post‐planting. The abundance of certain dominant fungi was linked to willow accumulation of Zn, the most abundant trace element at the site. Interestingly, total Zn accumulation was better explained by fungal community structure 4 months post‐planting than 16 months post‐planting, suggesting that initial microbial recruitment may be critical. In addition, when the putative ectomycorrhizal fungi Sphaerosporella brunnea and Inocybe sp. dominated the rhizosphere 4 months post‐planting, Zn accumulation efficiency was negatively correlated with fungal diversity. Although field studies such as this rely on correlation, these results suggest that the soil microbiome may have the greatest impact on plant function during the early stages of growth, and that plant–fungus specificity may be essential.  相似文献   

The independent influence of peak oxygen uptake (Vo(? peak)) on changes in thermoregulatory responses during exercise in a neutral climate has not been previously isolated because of complex interactions between Vo(? peak), metabolic heat production (H(prod)), body mass, and body surface area (BSA). It was hypothesized that Vo(? peak) does not independently alter changes in core temperature and sweating during exercise. Fourteen males, 7 high (HI) Vo(? peak): 60.1 ± 4.5 ml·kg?1·min?1; 7 low (LO) Vo(? peak): 40.3 ± 2.9 ml·kg?1·min?1 matched for body mass (HI: 78.2 ± 6.1 kg; LO: 78.7 ± 7.1 kg) and BSA (HI: 1.97 ± 0.08 m2; LO: 1.94 ± 0.08 m2), cycled for 60-min at 1) a fixed heat production (FHP trial) and 2) a relative exercise intensity of 60% Vo(? peak) (REL trial) at 24.8 ± 0.6°C, 26 ± 10% RH. In the FHP trial, H(prod) was similar between the HI (542 ± 38 W, 7.0 ± 0.6 W/kg or 275 ± 25 W/m2) and LO (535 ± 39 W, 6.9 ± 0.9 W/kg or 277 ± 29 W/m2) groups, while changes in rectal (T(re): HI: 0.87 ± 0.15°C, LO: 0.87 ± 0.18°C, P = 1.00) and aural canal (T(au): HI: 0.70 ± 0.12°C, LO: 0.74 ± 0.21°C, P = 0.65) temperature, whole-body sweat loss (WBSL) (HI: 434 ± 80 ml, LO: 440 ± 41 ml; P = 0.86), and steady-state local sweating (LSR(back)) (P = 0.40) were all similar despite relative exercise intensity being different (HI: 39.7 ± 4.2%, LO: 57.6 ± 8.0% Vo(2 peak); P = 0.001). At 60% Vo(2 peak), H(prod) was greater in the HI (834 ± 77 W, 10.7 ± 1.3 W/kg or 423 ± 44 W/m2) compared with LO (600 ± 90 W, 7.7 ± 1.4 W/kg or 310 ± 50 W/m2) group (all P < 0.001), as were changes in T(re) (HI: 1.43 ± 0.28°C, LO: 0.89 ± 0.19°C; P = 0.001) and T(au) (HI: 1.11 ± 0.21°C, LO: 0.66 ± 0.14°C; P < 0.001), and WBSL between 0 and 15, 15 and 30, 30 and 45, and 45 and 60 min (all P < 0.01), and LSR(back) (P = 0.02). The absolute esophageal temperature (T(es)) onset for sudomotor activity was ~0.3°C lower (P < 0.05) in the HI group, but the change in T(es) from preexercise values before sweating onset was similar between groups. Sudomotor thermosensitivity during exercise were similar in both FHP (P = 0.22) and REL (P = 0.77) trials. In conclusion, changes in core temperature and sweating during exercise in a neutral climate are determined by H(prod), mass, and BSA, not Vo(? peak).  相似文献   

The mechanism of Solid particle flotation was used for explaining an alternative route of oxygen uptake by cells situated within the relatively stagnant liquid region adjacent to bubbles in a submerged culture. The Two-phase model of oxygen uptake takes into consideration uptake from both liquid and gaseous phases, the latter being denoted as the direct uptake. Experiments obtained with yeast cultures on different substrates were used to evaluate the proportion of both types of uptake. The combined model provides a better fit to experimental data compared to the one-phase model which omits the direct uptake. The results are discussed from the viewpoint of the enhancement of oxygen absorption by cells present near the interface.  相似文献   

In a randomly selected sample of 88 men and 115 women, aged 23–27 years from Denmark, maximal oxygen uptake ( O2max), maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) in four muscle groups and physical activity were studied. The O2max was 48.0 ml · min–1 kg–1 and 39.6 ml · min–1 · kg–1 for the men and the women, respectively. The MVC was 10% lower than in a comparable group of Danes of the same age and height studied 35 years ago. Only in men was sports activity directly related to O2max (ml · min–1 · kg–1; r=0.31, P<0.01). The MVC of the knee extensors was related to O2max in the men (r=0.31, P<0.01), but there was no relationship between the other measurements of MVC and O2max. In the women O2max (ml · min–1 · kg–1) was only related to body size, i.e. body mass index, percentage body fat and body mass [(r= –0.47, –0.48 (both P<0.001) and –0.34. (P<0.01), respectively)]. There were differences in O2max in the men, according to education and occupation. Blue collar workers and subjects attending vocational or trade schools in 1983 had lower O2max and more of them were physically inactive. In the women differences were also found, but there was no clear pattern among the groups. More of the women participated regularly in sports activity, but more of the men were very active compared to the women.  相似文献   

It is not known whether the diameter of peripheral conduit arteries may impose a limitation on muscle blood flow and oxygen uptake at peak effort in humans, and it is not clear whether these arteries are dimensioned in relation to the tissue volume they supply or, rather, to the type and intensity of muscular activity. In this study, eight humans, with a peak pulmonary oxygen uptake of 3.90 +/- 0.31 (range 2.29-5.03) l/min during ergometer cycle exercise, performed one-legged dynamic knee extensor exercise up to peak effort at 68 +/- 7 W (range 55-100 W). Peak values for knee extensor blood flow (thermodilution) and oxygen uptake of 6.06 +/- 0.74 (range 4.75-9.52) l/min and 874 +/- 124 (range 590-1,521) ml/min, respectively, were achieved. Pulmonary oxygen uptake reached a peak of 1.72 +/- 0.19 (range 1.54-2.33) l/min. Diameters of common and profunda femoral arteries determined by ultrasound Doppler were 10.6 +/- 0.4 (range 8.2-12.7) and 6.0 +/- 0.4 (range 4.5-8.0) mm, respectively. Thigh and quadriceps muscle volume measured by computer tomography were 10.06 +/- 0.66 (range 6.18-10.95) and 2.36 +/- 0.19 (range 1.31-3.27) liters, respectively. The common femoral artery diameter, but not that of the profunda branch, correlated with the thigh volume and quadriceps muscle mass. There were no relationships between either of the diameters and the absolute or muscle mass-related resting and peak values of blood flow and oxygen uptake, peak pulmonary oxygen uptake, or peak power output during knee extensor exercise. However, common femoral artery diameter correlated to peak pulmonary oxygen uptake during ergometer cycle exercise. In conclusion, common and profunda femoral artery diameters are sufficient to ensure delivery to the quadriceps muscle. However, the common branch may impose a limitation during ergometer cycle exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare bone properties of two groups of students which strongly differ in the level of their everyday physical activity; the School of Medicine (SM) students and the Faculty of Physical Education (FPE) students, University of Zagreb. Quantitative ultrasound parameters--broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) were measured. Quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) and estimated bone mineral density (BMD) were calculated by the device software. The final study sample consisted of 165 students from SM (94 males and 71 females) and 215 students from the FPE (164 males, 51 females). Sixty eight percent of FPE students and 21% of SM students reported a high level of everyday physical activity (P < 0.001). All ultrasound parameters were significantly higher in FPE students than in SM students (at the P < 0.001 level). The multiple regression model of the QUI confirmed that the school students attended was the single significant predictor variable for both genders. Our data indirectly showed the beneficial role of physical activity on bone properties.  相似文献   

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