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应用动式熏气装置在人工气候室内进行了19种农作物和38种观赏植物的SO_2熏气试验。观察了叶伤害的初始症状、进一步的发展和形态特征。试验表明植物对SO_2的抗性随生长发育时期而变化,同一种植物的不同品种之间的敏感性差异也很大。根据伤害阈值的测定和受害程度的不同,把试验植物分为四个抗性级别。这些资料可应用于植物SO_2伤害的田间诊断和污染区栽培植物种类和品种的选择。  相似文献   

二氧化硫剂量与植物急性伤害关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
应用大气污染植物动态反应模拟装置系统测定了菜豆和苜蓿的SO_2剂量-反应关系。这2种植物对SO_2有类似的敏感性,0.5ppmSO_2×4小时产生可见伤害症状。苜蓿在2.0ppm×4小时出现50%的叶片可见伤害;菜豆在1.0ppm×8小时显示出50%的叶片可见伤害,2.0ppmSO_2×12小时引起100%的叶片可见伤害。 剂量-反应表面图的形状表明,菜豆和苜蓿出现可见伤害症状需要一定的暴露间隔。SO_2剂量和可见伤害率之间不成线性关系。SO_2浓度和暴露时间对叶片可见伤害率都有影响,两者相比,就菜豆而言,浓度是更重要的因素,但是对苜蓿,浓度和时间是同等重要的。  相似文献   

邓立杰   《广西植物》1983,(2):137-143
对27种不同抗性等级植物本底(未经污染处理的正常植物)多酚氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性测定结果,植物本底多酚氧化酶活性与抗性有呈负相关的趋势,抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性大小与抗性不具规律性。 对植物受不同浓度SO_2污染后酶活性变化分析结果看出,蚬木(抗性植物)和汗斑草(敏感植物)在浓度达受阈前,多酚氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶均有随浓度的升高而酶活性逐渐增大的趋势,仅是不同的酶其活性高峰在不同浓度梯度中出现迟早不同而己。在污染浓度达受伤阈后,随着浓度的继续增大,酶活性逐渐下降。而白蝉(抗性植物)和大猪屎青(敏感植物)有的酶具有规律性,有的酶不具有这种规律性。 用使可见伤害达50%的SO_2污染汗斑草后4小时(一次污染),过氧化物酶活性为0.34(未受污染的为12.69),仅为未受污染的2.68%,降低了97.32%,但24小时后为7.68,为未受污染的60.52%,比受污染后4小时提高了57.84%,72小时后为8.52,为未受污染的67.13%,比受污染后4小时提高了65.45%。多酚氧化酶亦具有这种规律性。说明二氧化硫对这两种酶的抑制作用是可逆的。  相似文献   

广东园林绿化植物对大气污染的反应及污染物在叶片的积累   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
根据盆栽试验植物生长参数(株高、基径、冠幅、叶面积、新叶增长率和叶片脱落率),生理特性(包括净光合速率、叶绿素荧光特性,叶细胞膜渗漏率和叶绿素含量),植物伤害状况,以及长期生长在野外污染环境中的植物生长及受害状况,评价了125种木本植物对空气污染敏感性的反应。被评价的植物其生长环境为酸雨、硫化物、氟化物和粉尘复合污染的工业点,交通繁忙点和居民点。被评价植物对大气污染的敏感性反应分为3类:1.抗性强有35种;2.抗性中等有41种;3.最敏感(抗性弱)有49种。同时还分析了48种植物叶片中S、F、Pb的累积量。研究结果可为中国热带南亚热带相似大气环境地区建立城市植被和生态公益林提供植物种选择的依据,  相似文献   

灰毡毛忍冬的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1植物名称灰毡毛忍冬(Lonicera macranthoides Hand.Mazz),别名大花忍冬. 2材料类别茎尖、带腋芽茎段. 3培养条件芽诱导与继代增殖培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 0.3 mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.3;(2)MS 6-BA 0.3 NAA 0.5;(3)MS 6-BA 0.3 NAA 0.8;(4)MS 6-BA0.3 NAA 1.2;(5)MS 6-BA 0.5 NAA 0.3;(6)MS 6-BA 0.8 NAA 0.3;(7)MS 6-BA 1.2 NAA 0.3;(8)MS KT 0.5 NAA 0.3.生根培养基:(9)1/2MS NAA0.4 IBA 1.0.培养基加0.8%琼脂;(9)中加2%蔗糖,(1)~(8)中加3%蔗糖;pH 5.8.培养温度(25±1)℃,光照度1 200 lx,光照时间12 h·d-1.  相似文献   

香蕉的茎尖培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物名称:香蕉(Musa sapientum) 材料类别:茎尖(0.5—0.8cm×0.2—0.3cm大小);分化长大的无根小苗;芽锥。培养条件:分化培养基为 MS+NAA_(0.2)+BA_2;MS+NAA_1+BA_2;MS+NAA_5+BA_1(浓度单位:mg/l)。培养温度27℃,光照强度为1000lux左右,每日光照 10小时,固体培养。生长与分化情况:茎尖培养在 MS+NAA_(0.2)+BA_2上,约经3—4周形成小苗,在小苗的基部周  相似文献   

大气污染对38种木本植物的伤害特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
38种苗龄1—2a生的木本植物盆栽于相对清洁区(华南植物园和2个污染点:佛山市南海区五星和佛山市禅城区东村。1a后,根据叶片伤害程度、新叶增长率、种个体长势、翌春植株恢复状况等综合评价植物对氟化物、硫化物和酸雨组成的大气复合污染的敏感性反应。根据试验结果将供试植物对大气污染的敏感性反应分为3种类型:(1)低敏感性(抗性强),有茶花、红花油茶、傅园榕、小叶榕、桂花、环榕、菩提榕、石笔木、毛黄肉楠、幌伞枫10种。(2)中等敏感(抗性中等),有仪花、格木、吊瓜树、腊肠树、海南红豆、猫尾木、红桂木、灰莉、铁冬青、密花树、白桂木、小叶胭脂、大头茶、复羽叶栾、灰木莲、火焰木、华润楠17种。(3)高度敏感(抗性弱),有铁刀木、观光木、白木香、日本杜英、蓝花楹、蝴蝶树、印度紫檀、柳叶楠、无忧树、海南木莲、乐昌含笑11种。研究结果可为热带、南亚热带地区有类似大气污染的环境进行园林绿化,生态公益林营造提供参考。  相似文献   

蚊净香草的离体培养和植株再生   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 植物名称蚊净香草(Pelargonium odoratissmum).   2 材料类别一年生幼苗的叶片.   3 培养条件诱导芽培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 0.3~0.6 mg*L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.3~0.6; (2)MS 6-BA 0.2 NAA 0.2; (3)MS 6-BA 0.5 NAA 0.2.芽增殖培养基:(4)1/2MS 6-BA 0.3~0.6 NAA 0.3~0.6.生根培养基:(5)1/2MS; (6)1/2MS NAA 0.5; (7)1/4MS; (8)1/4MS AC 0.5%.以上培养基琼脂含量皆为0.75%,芽诱导培养基中蔗糖均为2.5%,生根培养基中蔗糖均为2.0%, pH 5.0~5.8.培养时温度为(25 2)℃,光照12~14 h*d-1,光照度2 000 lx.……  相似文献   

锦带花植物名称:锦带花(Weigela florida)。材料类别:3~4年生开花植株休眠期或萌动初期的芽。培养条件:诱导培养基为B_6或MS;分化增殖培养基为1/2MS+BA0.6mg/L(单位下同)+IAA0.3+GA0.5;生根培养基为1/2MS+IBA 0.5。培养温度:20—25℃;每日光照14小时左右,光照度++  相似文献   

植物组织培养技术的两点改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物组织培养需用的培养容器过去均采用各种规格的价格昂贵的硬质三角烧瓶或价格较低的广口瓶等。因试验用量大又易损耗,琼脂用量也很大,耗费颇高。经改用塑料盒及液体培养(不加琼脂)方法进行试验,其效果甚佳。现简介如下:一、塑料盒塑料盒选用市场上存放食品的一般透明软质塑料制品(长×宽×高=8×8×5cm)。这种塑料盒不耐高温高压(100℃水倒入立即变形不能再使用)故采用三种消毒剂:(1)70%酒精,(2)3%洗消剂;(3)1:50新洁尔灭。三者分别消毒1小时、3小时、24小时。之后取出放在超净台上吹干,注入冷却至  相似文献   

工厂氯气对接骨草叶片组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氯气对植物的影响早已引起人们的注意(Brennan等,1965、1966;Hindawi,1970;Miller等,1940;Stout,1932;Zimmermen,1949),但关于氯气对叶片影响的组织学研究却较少,国内在这方面的工作也刚开展(王焕校等,1980;秦慧贞等,1980)。我们从1980年起,开展了工厂氯气对接骨草(Gendarussa vulgaris Nees)叶片组织影响的研究,现将初步结果报告如下。  相似文献   

Eighteen major, minor and trace elements in 12 Chinese medicinal herbs commonly consumed by Taiwanese Children as diuretics were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Dried and powdered herb samples were irradiated in a neutron flux of ca. 2 x 10(12) n/cm2 s under separate short and long irradiation schemes. Lichen (IAEA-336) was used as the reference standard, and tomato leaves (NIST-SRM 1570a) were employed for cross-checking the accuracy of the results. INAA was shown to be a reliable multi-element analytical method for determining the content of both toxicologically and nutritionally important minerals in Chinese medicinal herbs. Determined elements were present in the dried herbs in concentrations ranging from 10(4) to 10(-3) microg/g. The mineral contents and the maximum daily intake values of the tested herbs were compared with published values and with the recommended daily intakes for Taiwanese children as specified by the World Health Organization.  相似文献   

Iodine-rich herbs such as seaweed, kelp, and sea tangle were widely used to treat various types of goiter with good effect and without any adverse side effects in China. When compared with potassium iodate (PI), iodine-rich herbs had a positive effect on the recovery of goiter resulting from iodine deficiency without any obvious harmful effects. In NOD.H-2h4 mice, an autoimmune thyroiditis-prone model, iodine excess can increase infiltration of lymphocytes and structural damage of the thyroid follicles, hence resulting in thyroiditis. Until now, there has been little research on the comparative effects of PI and iodine-rich herbs on thyroid in an autoimmune thyroiditis-prone model. This study was designed to compare the different effects of iodine-rich herbs and PI on the thyroid gland in iodine-deficient NOD.H-2h4 mice. Excessive intake of PI cause oxidative injury in the thyroid gland and increase the risk of autoimmune thyroiditis, while iodine-rich herbs cause less oxidative injury, significantly enhancing antioxidant capacity, and inhibit the high differentiation of Th17 cells in the thyroid glands of NOD.H-2h4 mice.  相似文献   

Chinese herbs were screened for compounds which may be active against four targets involved in inflammation, using pharmacophore-assisted docking. Multiple LigandScout (LS) pharmacophores built from ligand–receptor complexes in the protein databank (PDB) were first employed to select compounds. These compounds were then docked using LS-derived templates and ranked according to docking score. The targets comprised cyclo-oxygenases 1 & 2 (COX), p38 MAP kinase (p38), c-Jun terminal-NH2 kinase (JNK) and type 4 cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE4). The results revealed that multi-target inhibitors are likely to be relatively common in Chinese herbs. Details of their distribution are given, in addition to experimental evidence supporting these results. Examples of compounds predicted to be active against at least three targets are presented, and their features outlined. The distribution of herbs containing predicted inhibitors was also analysed in relation to 192 Chinese formulas from over 50 herbal categories. Among those found to contain a high proportion of these herbs were formulas traditionally used to treat fever, headache, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders, skin disease, cancer, and traumatic injury. Relationships between multi-target drug discovery and Chinese medicine are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了中国苦苣苔科蛛毛苣苔属一新记录种——腺花蛛毛苣苔(Paraboea glanduli flora Barnett)并提供了形态描述和野外生态照片,讨论了该种与近缘种类间的区别.该种为亚灌木状草本,无基生叶,聚伞花序2~4枝成对着生于茎顶叶腋,花冠密被腺毛,在该属中较为特殊.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the effect of excess iodine and herbs with excess iodine on treating iodine deficiency-induced goiter from the perspective of oxidative stress and to measure selenium values in Chinese herbs. One hundred twenty 4-week-old Wistar rats were selected and randomly divided into four groups after inducing iodine-deficiency goiter: normal control group (NC), model control group (MC), iodine excess group (IE), and herbs with iodine excess group (HIE). The activities of oxidative enzymes and levels of oxidative products were measured using biochemical tests. The expression of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) in the thyroid was detected by immunohistochemistry and the expression of peroxiredoxin 5 (PRDX5) by the Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Selenium values in iodine-excessive herbs were measured by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry. The herbs with iodine excess were tested to contain rich selenium. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and PRDX5 increased markedly, and the values of malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-HNE decreased significantly in the HIE group. In conclusion, compared with excess iodine, herbs with excess iodine damaged thyroid follicular cells less, which may be related to the increase of antioxidant capacity and rich selenium values in iodine-excessive herbs.  相似文献   

蒙古栎群落叶型的分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
1 引  言叶的大小即叶型是群落的重要外貌特征之一 ,与群落的生产率有关 ;叶子的形态与气候有密切的关系 ,一个扩展着的叶片所能达到的最大程度 ,受温度和湿度有效性的影响 ;大的叶片经常地出现于热带温暖而潮湿的气候中 ,而小的叶片则是十分干燥和寒冷地区植物的特征[1] .对于不同的群落的叶型分析 ,前人已做了一些研究 ,如对常绿阔叶林和季雨林的群落学研究[2~ 4 ] 及北方落叶林的群落学研究[5,6] .另一个与气候相关联的叶子特征是叶子的叶缘 ,有关方面的研究资料比较少 .据研究 ,在一个植物区系的双子叶乔木中全缘叶植物种的百分率 ,…  相似文献   

Spring wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. ) at 4-leaf stage were fumigated with 03 (0. 796± 0.04 mg/m3) in open-top chambes. The changes and regulation of stress ethylene production and polyamine metabolism in leaves were emphatically investigated. The results revealed that the stress ethylene production in leaves exposed to 03 increased at first and declined afterwards; and could be inhibited by COC12. During the initial stage of 03 stress, the activity of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) increased, but with the augment of leaf injury caused by 03, the ADC activity was correspondingly retarded. After leaves were sprayed with p-chloromercuri benzoie acid (PCMB), the ADC activity was inhibited and putamine content was reduced. However the Spd and Spm content rose slightly. After leaves were sprayed with CoC12, the ADC activity was not significantly altered, whereas the content of Spd and Spm accumulated greatly. Moreover, the high concentration of Spd and Spm maintained for a long time so as the leaf injury from 03 stress became less serious. These results indicate that the potyamine content can be accumulated by inhibiting stress ethylene production. The high concentration of Spd and Spm plays a major role in protection against 03 injury. Change of polyamine content in leaves is an adaptive regulatory mechanism against 03 stress.  相似文献   

Primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (pinto bean), 9 or 12 days from sowing, were exposed to aqueous acids, chloride salts, or hydrogen chloride gas. Leaves were examined for the presence and severity of resultant visible injury and sampled for light and scanning electron microscopy. Exposure to 0.06 n HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 or 14.5–19.0 mg m-3 gaseous HCl for 20 min evoked similar foliar injury including glazing and necrosis of the laminas. This injury appeared to result initially from plasmolysis and collapse of the epidermis and subsequently of the underlying mesophyll. Cellular injury was accompanied by various cytoplasmic alterations. Microscopic symptoms observed in leaves exposed to gaseous HCl or aqueous acids included vesicles and particulates within the larger vacuoles. Similar symptoms were present in leaves exposed to polyethylene glycol 6000. Differential effects included formation of necrotic “pits” and preferential injury to paravascular tissues in leaves treated with aqueous acids and crystalline chloroplast inclusions in gaseous HCl-treated and water-stressed leaves. The visible and microscopic appearances of leaves exposed to aqueous acids or gaseous HCl were compared and related to injury stemming from acid precipitation and a possible mechanism of action for gaseous HCl phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Small rainfall events (≤ 5 mm) have short intervals, but account for a large proportion of the annual rainfall frequency in arid lands. To explore possible strategies used by desert plants to utilize the small rainfall events, we investigated the photosynthetic responses of 28 species to 1 mm and 6 mm of simulated rainfall in the Junggar Basin, northwest China. The species were grouped into four plant functional types: short-life-cycle herbs, long-life-cycle herbs, non-phreatophyte shrubs, and phreatophyte shrubs. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate increased in most of the herbs, but they responded differently to the rainfall treatments. However, the water-use efficiency did not significantly differ after 1 and 6 mm rainfall treatments in most of the shrubs. The maximum water absorption by leaves and the percentage increase of a leaf water content (LWC) were higher in the herbs than those in the shrubs. Plants with dense trichomes had the highest LWC. The results suggested that the desert plants benefited from the micro-environment humidity provided by the small rainfall events.  相似文献   

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