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Most plants combine sexual reproduction with asexual clonal reproduction in varying degrees, yet the genetic consequences of reproductive variation remain poorly understood. The aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus exhibits striking reproductive variation related to ploidy. Diploids produce abundant viable seed whereas triploids are sexually sterile. Diploids also produce hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils, whereas triploids exhibit only limited clonal multiplication through rhizome fragmentation. We investigated whether this marked difference in reproductive strategy influences the diversity of genotypes within populations and their movement between populations by performing two large-scale population surveys (n = 58 populations) and assaying genotypic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Contrary to expectations, sexually fertile populations did not exhibit higher genotypic diversity than sterile populations. For each cytotype, we detected one very common and widespread genotype. This would only occur with a very low probability (< 10-7) under regular sexual recombination. Compatibility analysis also indicated that the pattern of genotypic variation largely conformed to that expected with predominant clonal reproduction. The potential for recombination in diploids is not realized, possibly because seeds are outcompeted by bulbils for safe sites during establishment. We also failed to find evidence for more extensive movement of fertile than sterile genotypes. Aside from the few widespread genotypes, most were restricted to single populations. Genotypes in fertile populations were very strongly differentiated from those in sterile populations, suggesting that new triploids have not arisen during the colonization of North America. The colonization of North America involves two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that, despite striking reproductive differences, exhibit largely clonal population genetic structures.  相似文献   

Long-distance colonization and rapid range expansion associated with biological invasion may have major evolutionary consequences via both stochastic processes and selection. Using large-scale population genetic surveys, we demonstrate a major shift in the relative frequency of sexually fertile diploid versus sexually sterile triploid populations associated with the invasion of North America by a clonal aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus. Most populations across the native European range were triploid (84% of 108), whereas most introduced populations were diploid (71% of 136). We evaluated the roles of stochastic processes versus natural selection in causing this shift by surveying predominantly neutral genetic variation at 28 RAPD loci. In Europe (EU) we detected 47 distinct genotypes among 142 plants sampled from 71 populations, whereas in North America (NA) we detected only six genotypes among 138 plants from 69 populations. Of the six NA genotypes, a set of four closely related genotypes were found only in triploid populations and a pair of closely related genotypes were found only in diploid populations, and these were genetically divergent from the triploid genotypes. This result is consistent with severe founder effect. Because sex creates genotypic variation and produces offspring with greater dispersal potential than those produced clonally, we tested the hypothesis that sexual reproduction characteristic of diploids has given them a colonization advantage that accounts for their high frequency in NA. However, we found little or no evidence of sexual recruitment in introduced diploids. One very widespread heterozygous genotype occurred in 95% of 38 introduced diploid populations (i.e., 72 of 76 plants surveyed) suggesting predominant clonal reproduction. Moreover genotypic diversity was not higher within or among diploid than triploid populations in either the native or introduced range. Low genetic diversity in diploid populations was also supported by a comparison of within-population quantitative variation for plant size under a common greenhouse environment. Thus, diploids have not been favored during colonization owing to their sexual fertility. However, concurrent studies have shown that NA diploids exhibit a much higher capacity for clonal reproduction, via small vegetative bulbils, than NA triploids, which almost never produce bulbils. The same difference in clonal capacity is not a consistent feature of the native EU populations. Taken together, these results suggest that strong founder effect has set the stage for a major increase in diploid frequency due to the particular, and possibly idiosyncratic, features of the diploid and triploid lineages introduced to North America.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between sexual and asexual reproduction in the genus Mimulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Six estimates of resource allocation to sexual reproduction (nectar concentration, nectar volume, sugar production, pollinator visitation rates, fruit-set, and seed production) and a single estimate of resource allocation to asexual reproduction (the rate of rooted-branch production) were examined for five species of Mimulus. There were significant interspecific differences for all paramaters. With the exception of nectar concentration, there was 1) a consistent positive correlation among the parameters measuring allocation to sexual reproduction, and 2) a significant negative correlation between parameters measuring allocation to sexual reproduction and the rate of rooted-branch production (asexual reproduction). The results indicate that Mimulus species which produce the highest volumes of nectar 1) receive the most pollinator visits, 2) have the highest fruit-set, 3) produce the most seeds, and 4) produce the fewest rooted branches.  相似文献   

Resource allocation patterns and trade‐off between sexual and clonal reproduction in clonal plants have been extensively studied, but little is known about effects of organ removal on the trade‐offs in clonal plants. To examine the effects, we conducted an experiment with the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica in which we removed plant organs like roots, flowers, or fruits. Removing roots significantly increased number of ramets and biomass allocation to stolons, but decreased number of fruits. Removing flowers or fruits greatly increased number of ramets and biomass allocation to stolons and roots, but decreased spacer length, number of fruits, and fruits set. Onset and median date of flowering phenology of D. indica shifted after flowers, fruits, or roots were removed. These results may indicate that removing organs can affect trade‐off between sexual and clonal reproduction of D. indica.  相似文献   

Distyly is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations contain two floral morphs differing in morphology and physiology. The dimorphism serves to promote animal-mediated cross-pollination between the floral morphs. Clonal propagation can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced fertility. Here, we investigate the relations between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in the aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae). Surveys of morph representation in 30 populations from five regions of China revealed that most populations exhibited strongly biased morph ratios and 30% contained a single floral morph. Experimental pollinations indicate that N. peltata possesses a strong dimorphic incompatibility system preventing self and intramorph fertilizations. An experiment involving the manipulation of morph ratios in an experimental population and an investigation in a natural population with strong morph substructure both provided evidence that compatible pollen dilution limits fertility. Despite constraints on the functioning of distyly in N. peltata we found no evidence for evolutionary changes to the heterostylous syndrome, as reported in Nymphoides, including populations of N. peltata in other parts of its geographical range.  相似文献   

The Beta species complex shows a gradient of life histories from pronounced semelparity (big‐bang reproduction) to pronounced iteroparity (repeated reproduction). Models assume a trade‐off between investment in reproduction and survival. Reproductive effort is thought to increase with decreasing life span, and to be invariable in semelparous plants and susceptible to environmental conditions in iteroparous plants. These assumptions and hypotheses were verified by a greenhouse experiment testing six different life cycles at three contrasting nutrient levels. This study suggests that reproductive effort is negatively correlated with mean life span along the life‐cycle gradient. Unlike semelparous beets, reproductive effort in iteroparous beets is extremely sensitive to nutrient level. Phenotypic correlation between allocation to reproduction and allocation to survival generally appeared significantly negative in the longest‐lived iteroparous beets, nonsignificant in intermediate life histories and obviously positive in semelparous beets (no trade‐off control).  相似文献   

The mode of reproduction may influence the spread of invasive species by affecting evolutionary potential and dispersal ability. We sampled 51 introduced North American populations of the clonal aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L. (flowering rush) and found extreme variation in sexual fertility caused by polyploidy. Populations consisted of diploids that produced thousands of viable seeds or of sexually sterile triploids. Although a trade-off between sexual and clonal reproduction predicts that the sexual sterility of triploids would be compensated for by greater clonal reproduction, a greenhouse experiment involving eight diploid and 10 triploid populations showed that diploid plants not only invest substantially in sexual structures but also make hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils on both rhizomes and inflorescences. In contrast, triploids do not make bulbils and have very limited scope for clonal multiplication and dispersal. Diploid populations were more frequent than triploid populations, especially in the Great Lakes region. This is probably because of the difference between cytotypes in clonal rather than sexual reproduction, as genetic analyses indicate a general lack of sexual recruitment in North America. Although triploids were less common, they have a wider geographical distribution. This could be due to a greater ecological tolerance resulting from polyploidy. However, genetic evidence suggests that triploids have become widespread via their use in and escape from horticulture. North America is being colonized by two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that differ strongly in reproductive strategy as well as the vectors and pathways of invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Allocation to sexual reproduction is an important life-history trait in clonal plants. Different selection pressures between competitive and competition-free environments are likely to result in the evolution of specialized genotypes and to maintain genetic variation in reproductive allocation. Moreover, selection may also result in the evolution of plastic allocation strategies. The necessary prerequisite for evolution, heritable genetic variation, can best be studied with selection experiments. Starting from a base population of 102 replicated genotypes of the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans , we imposed selection on the proportion of flowering rosettes in the absence of competition (base population: mean = 0.391, broad-sense heritability = 0.307). We also selected on the plasticity in this trait in response to competition with a naturally coexisting grass in a parallel experiment (base population: 14% lower mean in the presence of competition, broad-sense heritability = 0.072). After two generations of bidirectional selection, the proportion of flowering rosettes was 26% higher in the high line than in the low line (realized heritability ± SE = 0.205 ± 0.017). Moreover, genotypes of the high line had 11% fewer carpels per flower, a 22% lower proportion of rooted rosettes, and a 39% smaller average distance between rosettes within a clone. In the second experiment, we found no significant responses to selection for high and low plasticity in the proportion of flowering rosettes (realized heritability ± SE =–0.002 ± 0.013). Our study indicates a high heritability and potential for further evolution of the proportion of flowering rosettes in R. reptans , but not for its plasticity, which may have been fixed by past evolution at its current level. Moreover, our results demonstrate strong genetic correlations between allocation to sexual reproduction and other clonal life-history characteristics.  相似文献   

We examined costs of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation, and their consequences for resource allocation in the clonal stoloniferous herb, Potentilla anserina, a typical pioneer species in disturbed areas. We used heavy-metal treatment in soil to create unfavourable growing conditions, because costs of reproduction are more likely to be expressed when resources are limited. We also studied whether heavy metals affect the plasticity of clonal growth form that enables the plants to avoid poor growing conditions. Ramets collected from field were grown in a greenhouse under the heavy-metal treatment consisting of a control and two levels of heavy-metals added in soil. Clonal propagation was costly in terms of total biomass of flowering ramets. Also the costs of sexual reproduction were detected in flowering ramets. Contrary to our predictions, the costs of flower production were visible in the control but not in the heavy-metal contaminated plants. Only the flowering ramets were able to produce longer stolons under heavy-metal stress, but the stolon biomass was not affected by heavy metals. Results indicate that clonal propagation and sexual reproduction may be costly for P. anserina. However, the costs are modified by heavy-metal contamination.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   

A plastic response towards enhanced reproduction is expected in stressful environments, but it is assumed to trade off against vegetative growth and efficiency in the use of available resources deployed in reproduction [reproductive efficiency (RE)]. Evidence supporting this expectation is scarce for plants, particularly for long‐lived species. Forest trees such as Mediterranean pines provide ideal models to study the adaptive value of allocation to reproduction vs. vegetative growth given their among‐population differentiation for adaptive traits and their remarkable capacity to cope with dry and low‐fertility environments. We studied 52 range‐wide Pinus halepensis populations planted into two environmentally contrasting sites during their initial reproductive stage. We investigated the effect of site, population and their interaction on vegetative growth, threshold size for female reproduction, reproductive–vegetative size relationships and RE. We quantified correlations among traits and environmental variables to identify allocation trade‐offs and ecotypic trends. Genetic variation for plasticity was high for vegetative growth, whereas it was nonsignificant for reproduction. Size‐corrected reproduction was enhanced in the more stressful site supporting the expectation for adverse conditions to elicit plastic responses in reproductive allometry. However, RE was unrelated with early reproductive investment. Our results followed theoretical predictions and support that phenotypic plasticity for reproduction is adaptive under stressful environments. Considering expectations of increased drought in the Mediterranean, we hypothesize that phenotypic plasticity together with natural selection on reproductive traits will play a relevant role in the future adaptation of forest tree species.  相似文献   

Fritillaria camtschatcensis can reproduce by means of both sexual reproduction and clonal multiplication. Despite prolific seed production, no seedlings have been found for several years in natural populations on Mt Hakusan. The purposes of this paper are to clarify: (i) whether population size is maintained mainly by clonal multiplication; and (ii) if this is the case, to what extent occasional seedling establishment affects population growth rate and population structure. Two permanent quadrats were placed in subalpine meadows in 1992 on Mt Hakusan. Plant size, location and reproductive states for all ramets in the quadrats were recorded every year. Projection matrices were created based on field census, and computer simulation experiments were performed. Fritillaria camtschatcensis had two types of flower, male flower and cosexual flower, and they were changeable. This is the first report on sex lability in Fritillaria. Clonal growth was more closely correlated with life-history stages, especially with sexual states than with plant size. The population growth rate, , was 1.006 for the Mizuyajiri population and 1.047 for the Nanryu population, respectively. Seedlings were found in 1996 for the first time. These facts indicate that populations of F. camtschatcensis on Mt Hakusan can usually be maintained by clonal multiplication. However, it is not yet certain whether seeds germinate every year or whether a flush of seedling emergence occurs once in every few years in natural populations. Computer simulation revealed that: (i) there was a critical germination rate above which population growth rate suddenly increased; and (ii) occasional seedling establishment could provide almost the same contribution to population growth rate as that of annual seedling establishment. These results suggest that population size can be maintained mainly by clonal multiplication, and the role of sexual reproduction lies beyond maintaining the population size in F. camtschatcensis.  相似文献   

1. Parasites may affect breeding success of their host since they compete for the same resources as their hosts. Reproduction may also increase the susceptibility of a host to parasite infections owing to lowered resistance to parasites during breeding.
2. We studied the association between breeding performance and haematozoan parasite infection in the Pied Flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) by using both natural data on reproduction and data from clutch size manipulations.
3. The most frequent blood parasites of the Pied Flycatcher in central Finland were Haemoproteus pallidus , Haemoproteus balmorali and Trypanosoma avium complex.
4. We did not find evidence that these haematozoan parasites have any debilitating effects on either reproduction or survival. The variation in reproductive effort did not seem to influence susceptibility to new blood parasite infections.
5. The intensity of Haemoproteus balmorali tended to increase in infected males as the brood size was artificially enlarged. Also, in females intensity of H. pallidus infection tended to increase with the level of clutch size manipulation. Thus, increased reproductive effort seems to debilitate the ability of Pied Flycatcher to control chronic infections.
6. Individuals with enlarged clutches/broods increased their reproductive effort at the expense of defence towards parasites. The cost of current reproduction may then be at least partly mediated by haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

Hypotheses exploring the influence of dietary conditions on the life‐history trade‐off between survival and reproductive success are extensively tested in female insects but only rarely explored in males. The present study examines the impact of dietary quality and female access on age‐specific reproduction and survival of the male Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae). There is a clear cost of female access for males with access to dietary protein, measurable as a decrease in life expectancy, which is further influenced by the age when females are introduced. A protein deficient diet reduces the lifespan benefit of virginity and masks the detrimental effect of female access on male life expectancy. Dietary protein is not necessary for reproductive success, although access to protein at eclosion improves the lifetime reproductive success of males compared to when it is delayed. Overall, reproductive success diminishes as the male flies age, regardless of the dietary conditions, providing evidence for reproductive senescence in males. Delaying the males' access to a protein source fails to influence the negative effect of age on reproductive ability. Because age‐specific reproductive rates decline with age, regardless of diet, male fitness does not benefit from lifespan extension. Therefore, males can be expected to allocate available resources towards reproductive effort in favour of an extended lifespan, regardless of mate and protein availability.  相似文献   

The genotype of an individual for allozymes such as phosphoglucoisomerase (Pgi) is often not neutral with regard to fitness. Studies of several taxa have found consistent fitness differences among Pgi genotypes expressing different allozymes. We conducted a greenhouse experiment with Clarkia unguiculata to determine whether allelic variation at the Pgi-C1 locus may affect components of male and female function. We found significant differences in siring success between pollen donors homozygous for different Pgi alleles. When a mixture of pollen was applied to stigmas under conditions of gametophytic competition (more pollen deposited on stigmas than there are ovules available to fertilize), donors homozygous for the C allele of Pgi sired more seeds per fruit than B-allele donors. Differences between genotypes with respect to female fertility per fruit contrasted with the male advantage associated with the C allele. Recipients homozygous for the C allele produced fruits with more aborted seeds and fewer viable seeds than recipients homozygous for the B allele. These results suggest that allelic variation at a single locus may have opposing effects on male and female reproductive success in C. unguiculata, and that trade-offs between the two types of reproductive success could contribute to the maintenance of variation at the Pgi-C1 locus.  相似文献   

The assumption of a trade‐off between development time and fecundity, resulting from a positive correlation between body size and fecundity and between body size and development time, is a common feature of life history models. The present paper examines the evidence for such a trade‐off as indicated by genetic correlations between traits. The genetic covariances between traits are derived using a model in which maturation occurs when the organism achieves a genetically variable size threshold, and fecundity is an allometric function of body size with one genetically variable parameter (excluding body size itself). This model predicts that the heritabilities of the life history traits (growth rate, development time, fecundity) will not necessarily be less than the heritability of adult size (i.e. morphological traits). It is shown that if growth rate is genetically correlated with adult size then it is not possible, in general, to predict the sign of the genetic correlation between development time and fecundity. For particular cases the signs of the covariances between traits can be predicted. These predictions are tested using data drawn from the literature.  相似文献   

Because monocarpic perennial plants have only one reproductive opportunity in their entire life, they need to ensure offspring production. Some plants reproduce both sexually and vegetatively, and vegetative reproduction could possibly compensate for seed production. Therefore, the role and significance of these reproductive modes is likely to differ between monocarps and polycarps, which can reproduce many times. Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii is a monocarpic perennial that reproduces both sexually and vegetatively (bulblet formation). Here, we investigated the characteristics and contribution to population maintenance of sexual and vegetative reproduction to reveal the significance of these two reproductive modes in this species. First, we found that bulblet formation occurred in plants after the three‐leaved rosette stage. Second, resource allocation experiments revealed that although resources were mainly invested in fruit maturation after the flowering season, resource allocation was switched from sexual reproduction to vegetative reproduction if seed production was insufficient. Third, the outcrossing rate in this species varied greatly according to the environment surrounding the population. However, reproductive assurance by selfing kept seed production stable even if flowers did not receive sufficient pollen for full seed set via outcross pollination, and moreover, there was no intensive inbreeding depression. Finally, genotypic identification of ramets suggested that daughter ramets derived from vegetative reproduction received the space that the mother flowering ramet had occupied until the previous year.  相似文献   

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