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The present research investigates the possibility that three diphenylurea (DPU) derivatives, N-phenyl-N′-benzothiazol-6-ylurea (PBU), N,N′-bis-(2,3-methilendioxyphenyl)urea (2,3-MDPU) and N,N′-bis-(3,4-methilendioxyphenyl)urea (3,4-MDPU), stimulate the induction of somatic embryogenesis in three Citrus species. The hypothetical embryogenic activity was assessed using stigma and styles of Citrus myrtifolia Raf., Citrus madurensis Lour. and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. The three compounds influenced the production of somatic embryos differently as regards the concentrations tested and the citrus species. PBU was able to induce somatic embryogenesis at all the concentrations tested and in all the three species with percentages that ranged from 44 (C. limon) to 85% (C. myrtifolia). 2,3-MDPU and 3,4-MDPU were completely unable to induce the production of somatic embryos in C. myrtifolia while both the compounds at the higher concentration (12 μM) acted positively in both C. madurensis and C. limon (68% of embryogenic explants). The phenylurea derivatives, used for the first time in this study to induce somatic embryogenesis in plant, showed a higher embriogenic performance when compared with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), a classical adenine-cytokinin, and with N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea (CPPU), a classical DPU derivative.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationship between the genetic variation of calli and the competence for somatic embryogenesis in citrus. The DNA content of 35 citrus calli of different genotypes was measured three times by flow cytometry during a period of four years. The results showed that 71.4% of the genotypes had a progressive increase of varied cells, while those of Page tangelo, Shamouti sweet orange, Russ navel orange and Cleopatra decreased; significant difference in the variation degree (percentages) existed among genotypes. Studies carried out on the induction of somatic embryogenesis revealed that 9 out of the 35 genotypes had still kept the competence of somatic embryogenesis, and the rest 26 had lost the competence. Correlation analysis indicated that there was no significant relationship between the variation degree and the embryogenesis competence r=−0.10 (P<0.01), neither for the relationship between the subculture duration and the regeneration capacity.  相似文献   

柑橘愈伤组织倍性变化及其与体细胞胚胎发生能力的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
柑橘愈伤组织是细胞融合、遗传转化等生物技术研究的良好材料。本实验室通过近20年的工作,先后诱导和保存了近80份不同种类和品种的柑橘愈伤组织。这些愈伤组织在MT基本培养基上继代保存。在长期保存过程中,部分材料仍然保持较好的胚胎发生能力。为研究愈伤组织在继代过程中的染色体变异趋势以及这种变异对胚胎发生能力的影响,本文选择有代表性的35份材料作为试材,在4年中连续3次使用流式细胞仪,对细胞DNA含量进行测定。结果发现,待测的35种愈伤组织均存在部分细胞DNA含量加倍的现象,而且,随着时间的推移,除佩奇橘柚、沙漠蒂甜橙、鲁斯脐橙、印度酸橘等4种愈伤组织的DNA含量加倍的细胞有减少的趋势外,其他愈伤组织的DNA含量加倍的细胞均有增加的趋势。数据分析表明,在待测的35种愈伤组织中,有71.4%的基因型的愈伤组织细胞出现了多倍体细胞增加的趋势。对这35种柑橘愈伤组织进行体细胞胚诱导,发现只有9种愈伤组织具有不同程度的胚胎发生能力,其他26种愈伤组织不能再生。相关性分析表明,柑橘愈伤组织细胞DNA含量增加的细胞比例与体细胞胚胎发生能力之间的相关性较小,相关系数为忙-0.10(P〈0.01),未达到显著水平。另外,柑橘胚性愈伤组织继代时间与体细胞胚胎发生能力之间的相关性也不显著。  相似文献   

Calli of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. were induced from the roots of test tube seedlings cultured on MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D. Cell suspension was established by shaking the caul in liquid medium of the same components supplemented with 10% coconut milk. After the formation of embryogenic clusters, 2,4-D was omitted promoting the transformation of the embryogenic clusters to somatic embryos. Micro and submicroscopic: structural changes during the single cell to globular embryonic stage were observed. It was noticed that cortical endoplasmic reticulum appeared in the cells at the stage of embryogenic clump formation but was absent in other stages. Perhaps this was related to the metabolic specification leading to embryo formation. Spherosomes were observed of embryogenesis but remarkably increased in number at proglobular embryo stage. Meanwhile, the central electric dense matrix became progressively smaller and paler, while the outer part became enlarged and more transparent. This implied that the spherosomes took part in the storage of proteins or lipidproteins in the early stages of embryogenesis and transformation to lipid dror)s when the proteins were exhausted in the development of embryo, vacuolar protein bodies could be risualized in many cells in the proglobular embryo stage. This together with the existance and changes of spherosomes was similar to that observed in Peucedanum terebmthaceum. Further studies are meritted to approach, whether these are general phenomena in Umbelliferae. This work also revealed that the aggregation of single cells in suspension culture stimulated the initiation of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

在拟南芥生态型LandsbergErecta体细胞胚胎发生体系的胚性愈伤组织中观察到2种类型的体细胞减数分裂现象。一种是体细胞染色体减数分组,其中,处于前期或中期的细胞染色体分为2个或2个以上的组。其共同特点是,染色体直接分开,未观察到纺锤体,从染色体的形态也看不出纺锤体的作用。染色体减数分组较多发生于多倍体细胞中。另一种类型是体细胞减数分裂,这种类型类似于大小孢子发生过程的减数分裂,如第一次分裂前期也有染色体的联会和配对。在脱分化培养基上的胚性愈伤组织中,单倍体细胞约占3%,四倍体细胞约占4%。经体细胞类减数分裂产生的细胞都发生染色体重组。  相似文献   

The effect of a three-component oligosaccharide fragment of xyloglucan FucGalXyl (XG3) on callus-tissue growth and somatic embryogenesis was investigated in a cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) cell suspension culture. The oligosaccharide introduced into an induction medium at 10–8and 10–7M concentrations did not affect the frequency of callus formation from hypocotyl segments; however, it enhanced the monthly increment of callus-tissue weight 1.5- and 3-fold, respectively. Induction and culturing of the callus on an XG3-containing medium adversely affected its morphogenetic potential. Addition of XG3 to the culture medium during the cell suspension preparation stimulated cell division resulting, after 40 days, in a 3.4-fold (at 10–8M XG3) and a 1.7-fold (at 10–7M XG3) increase in the cell number as compared to the control. Exclusion of 2,4-D, kinetin, and oligosaccharide from the culture medium caused, after two weeks, a 3.8-fold increase in the number of embryos in the 10–7M XG3-treated suspension culture as compared to the control. The stimulation of somatic embryogenesis by the oligosaccharide was accompanied by a 12-fold decrease in ethylene emission. The morphogenetic effect of oligosaccharide is suggested to result from its anti-auxin action, which, in particular, inhibited the auxin-dependent ethylene synthesis.  相似文献   

利用乔纳金无菌苗叶片培养,成功地诱导出胚状体并获得再生植株。具体步骤如下:Ⅰ.在MS BA2.0mg.L-1 IAA6.0mg.L-1 2,4-D0.3mg.L-1培养基上预诱导6d;Ⅱ.在MS BA2.0mg.L-1培养基上胚性细胞发生胚状体;Ⅲ.在MS BA0.5mg.L-1 IAA0.1mg.L-1上壮苗培养20d;Ⅳ.在MS IBA0.8mg.L-1 IAA0.7mg.L-1培养基上小植株生根。  相似文献   

植物组织培养中畸形胚的发生和控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍植物组织培养中畸形胚的常见类型、发生原因、发生机制,调控手段及畸形胚成苗等研究进展.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are a family of extracellular plant proteoglycans implicated in many aspects of plant growth and development, including in vitro somatic embryogenesis (SE). We found that specific AGPs were produced by cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) calli undergoing SE and that when these AGPs were isolated and incorporated into tissue culture medium, cotton SE was promoted. When the AGPs were partly or fully deglycosylated, SE-promoting activity was not diminished. Testing of AGPs separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography revealed that the SE-promoting activity resided in a hydrophobic fraction. We cloned a full-length complementary DNA (cotton PHYTOCYANIN-LIKE ARABINOGALACTAN-PROTEIN1 [GhPLA1]) that encoded the protein backbone of an AGP in the active fraction. It has a chimeric structure comprising an amino-terminal signal sequence, a phytocyanin-like domain, an AGP-like domain, and a hydrophobic carboxyl-terminal domain. Recombinant production of GhPLA1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells enabled us to purify and analyze a single glycosylated AGP and to demonstrate that this chimeric AGP promotes cotton SE. Furthermore, the nonglycosylated phytocyanin-like domain from GhPLA1, which was bacterially produced, also promoted SE, indicating that the glycosylated AGP domain was unnecessary for in vitro activity.Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) comprise a diverse group of plant proteoglycans (for review, see Fincher et al., 1993; Nothnagel, 1997; Seifert and Roberts, 2007; Ellis et al., 2010). They are structurally complex, generally consisting of a Pro-, Ala-, Ser-, and Thr-rich protein backbone that is extensively modified, principally by hydroxylation of Pro residues (to Hyp) and subsequent glycosylation through O-linkages with type II arabinogalactans (Tan et al., 2003; Shimizu et al., 2005). Many AGPs also have a C-terminal hydrophobic domain that is processed and replaced with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, which acts to tether the molecule to the extracellular face of the plasma membrane (Schultz et al., 1998). AGPs are also defined by their ability to be bound and precipitated by the synthetic dye β-glucosyl Yariv reagent (β-GlcY) and related molecules (Yariv et al., 1967). These dyes have been useful in isolating, localizing, and quantifying AGPs.AGPs are grouped into three subclasses (Schultz et al., 2002): AGPs have an N-terminal signal sequence, an arabinogalactosylated domain, and a hydrophobic C-terminal domain; “chimeric AGPs” contain at least one arabinogalactosylated domain and a domain with an unrelated motif; while “hybrid AGPs” contain arabinogalactosylated as well as different Pro/Hyp-rich glycoprotein motifs.AGPs are implicated in many aspects of plant cell growth and development. Historically, it was not possible to assign roles to individual AGPs, as tests were conducted with unfractionated mixtures of AGPs. More recently, individual AGPs, mainly from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), have been studied using techniques such as mutant analysis and gene knockout/silencing, providing evidence for roles of individual AGPs in cell expansion, root and seed regeneration, the coordination of vascular development, both male and female gametogenesis, the development of cotton fibers, and as contributors to plant stem strength (Shi et al., 2003; van Hengel and Roberts, 2003; Acosta-García and Vielle-Calzada, 2004; Motose et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2007; Levitin et al., 2008; Coimbra et al., 2009; Li et al., 2010; MacMillan et al., 2010).Conditioned media from in vitro embryogenic cultures contain factors that can promote somatic embryogenesis (SE), implying the presence of secreted signaling molecules (de Vries et al., 1988). There is evidence that secreted AGPs, which are components of conditioned media, are involved in SE. For example, SE in carrot (Daucus carota) and spruce (Picea abies) cell cultures was promoted when AGPs from conditioned media were added exogenously (Kreuger and van Holst, 1993; Egertsdotter and von Arnold, 1995). Subsequent studies showed the association of particular AGP epitopes with SE-promoting activity and the involvement of AGPs in SE for several other species (Kreuger et al., 1995; McCabe et al., 1997; Toonen et al., 1997; Chapman et al., 2000; Saare-Surminski et al., 2000; Ben Amar et al., 2007). There is also evidence that SE-promoting AGPs may be cleaved by an endochitinase (Egertsdotter and von Arnold, 1988; Domon et al., 2000; van Hengel et al., 2001, 2002), but neither the identity of the individual AGP(s) involved in promoting SE nor the mechanism of action has been established.In this study, we focused on SE in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum ‘Coker 315’), which is a limiting step in cotton transformation, and the potential role of AGPs in this process. We show that cotton calli undergoing somatic embryogenesis secrete an AGP fraction that promotes SE when incorporated back into the growth medium. We report the cloning and sequencing of a complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding a chimeric AGP present in this fraction and show that this molecule promotes SE.  相似文献   

以芍药(Paeonia lactiflora)品种粉玉奴花药为外植体,研究不同浓度2,4-D对愈伤组织诱导、体胚发生及植株再生的影响,采用组织细胞学方法观察愈伤组织以及体细胞胚发育过程,采用根尖染色体法鉴定再生植株倍性。结果表明,芍药花药愈伤组织诱导的最适培养基为MS+1 mg·L–1 2,4-D+1 mg·L–1 N...  相似文献   

The maintenance of chromosome integrity is crucial for genetic stability. However, programmed chromosome fragmentations are known to occur in many organisms, and in the ciliate Tetrahymena the five germline chromosomes are fragmented into hundreds of minichromosomes during somatic nuclear differentiation. Here, we showed that there are different fates of these minichromosomes after chromosome breakage. Among the 326 somatic minichromosomes identified using genomic data, 50 are selectively eliminated from the mature somatic genome. Interestingly, many and probably most of these minichromosomes are eliminated during the growth period between 6 and 20 doublings right after conjugation. Genes with potential conjugation-specific functions are found in these minichromosomes. This study revealed a new mode of programmed DNA elimination in ciliates similar to those observed in parasitic nematodes, which could play a role in developmental gene regulation.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from spongy calli in a well growing state. Protoplasts were induced to undergo sustained divisions and to form colonies in the liquid C81V medium supplemented with 2,4-D and kinetin. When protoplast derived colonies were transferred onto agarsolidified medium, the spongy, white calli developed. After being subcultured on N6 medium plus 6BA and IBA, the light-yellow, granular embryogenic calli emerged on the protoplast regenerated callus surface. A large number of plantlets were obtained on MS medium with NAA and IBA via somatic embryogenesis Cytological observation on the donor calli used for protoplast isolation and plantlets regenerated from protoplasts were carried out. Remarkable variation of nucleus morphology and chromosome numbers were observed in donor calli. However, the cytological abnormalities in plantlets regenerated from protoplasts were comparatively less seen. The reason are discussed.  相似文献   

三叶半夏悬浮培养下的体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用三叶半夏幼嫩叶片诱导产生的胚性愈伤组织建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,研究了悬浮培养下体细胞胚胎的发生及植株的再生。结果表明,胚性悬浮细胞在附加1.0mg/L2,4-D、0.2 mg/LBA和300mg/L LH的MS液体培养基中产生大量的球形胚,转入液体分化培养基(MS 0.1 mg/LNAA 0.2 mg/L BA 300 mg/L LH)中进一步发育成心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚。收集成熟胚转移到MS固体分化培养基上培养获得了再生植株。另外还观察到某些成熟胚上产生了许多次生胚。  相似文献   

伏令夏橙愈伤组织体细胞胚发生中多胺水平的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以继代培养8年的伏令夏橙愈伤组织为材料,研究了不同类型愈伤组织体细胞胚发生能力的差异和多胺水平的变化及两者之间的关系.结果表明,胚性愈伤组织的多胺含量高于非胚性愈伤组织,体细胞胚发生能力与多胺水平呈正相关.体细胞胚发生早期Put含量的增加有利于体细胞胚发生.球形胚大量形成时,Spd达到最高值;球形胚发育后期并有少量心形胚形成时Spm达到峰值.随着倍性的增加,伏令夏橙体细胞胚发生能力降低.精氨酸脱羧酶的活性变化与Put水平呈正相关,表明它是调节伏令夏橙体细胞胚发生中多胺水平的重要因子.  相似文献   

The concentration of free and bound polyamines was studied during the somatic embryogenesis induction process in Coffea canephora explants. In the present study we show that when the induction of somatic embryogenesis in C. canephora is carried out under light conditions and in the presence of the plant growth regulator, benzylaminopurine, a cytokinin, a faster response to induction is obtained. In the darkness, the response is delayed for more than 20 days, and the number of embryos is smaller. In the absence of benzylaminopurine no embryogenic response was observed. The pronounced changes in the levels of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, both free and bound, found in C. canephora suggest that a close correlation exists between polyamine biosynthesis and somatic embryogenesis in C. canephora during a period of cellular differentiation associated with the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. We would like to dedicate this paper to Dra. Estela Sánchez, the pioneer of the Plant Biochemistry in Mexico, on occasion of her 75th anniversary.  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus was induced from immature inflorescence segmentsof Java citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) and maintained for2 years on Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with 2,4-D(l mg l–1). The callus cells retained the original chromosomenumber of 2n = 20. The somatic embryos germinated into plantletson MS basal medium or medium with IAA, NAA, BAP or KN individually(l mg l–1). The regenerated plantlets developed a goodroot system on full strength solid MS inorganics medium withIAA (1 mg l–1). The regenerated plants were similar tothe donor plant in morphology and had the same chromosome number,but showed some variation in the essential oil content. Java citronella, Cymbopogon winterianus, somatic embryogenesis, regeneration, inflorescence culture  相似文献   

Using hypocotyls (5~10 mm) of Apium graveolens L. as explant, calli were induced in induction medium (MS + 1.0 mg/L 2, 4-D). The embryogenic calli were transformed to differentiation medium (MS+0. 5 mg/L kinetin+ 500 mg/L CH+500 mg/L Prolin) after several subsequent subcultures and selection by replacement of solid and liquid medium. Technical conditions such as the shake rate of the flask, the initial cell density, as well as subsequent the initial pH values during culture were under consideration. With the optimum flask shake rate of about 100~150 r/min, initial cell density of 2.0% (fresh weight) and the initial pH value of 5.5, the authors have obtained 130 normal cotyledon embryos in each mL of cultures.  相似文献   

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