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The htx and ptx operons of Pseudomonas stutzeri WM88 allow for the use of the inorganic reduced phosphorus (P) compounds hypophosphite (P valence, +1) and phosphite (P valence, +3) as sole P sources. To support the proposed in vivo role for the htx and ptx operons, namely the use of phosphite and hypophosphite as alternative P sources, we used reporter gene fusions to examine their expression levels with respect to various P conditions. Expression of the htx and ptx operons was induced up to 17- and 22-fold, respectively, in cultures grown under phosphate starvation conditions relative to expression in medium with excess phosphate (Pi). However, the presence of the reduced P substrate hypophosphite, phosphite, or methylphosphonate, in addition to excess Pi, did not result in an increase in the expression of either operon. To provide further support for a role of the htx and ptx operons in Pi acquisition, we identified P. stutzeri phoBR homologs and constructed deletion mutants. Induction of the htx and ptx reporter gene fusions in response to growth on limiting Pi was abolished in DeltaphoB, DeltaphoR, and DeltaphoBR mutants, demonstrating that htx and ptx expression is phoBR dependent. The putative LysR-type regulator encoded by ptxE has no apparent role in the expression of the htx and ptx operons, as no effect was observed on the level of induction of either operon in a DeltaptxE mutant.  相似文献   

The two mer operons of the Pseudomonas stutzeri OX plasmid pPB and their flanking regions have been sequenced and found to be part of two aberrant transposons. The narrow spectrum mer operon is almost identical to that of Tn501, but is associated with the remnants of Tn5053 tni genes rather than the Tn501 transposition module. The broad spectrum mer operon shows an overall homology with that of Tn5053, but differs from it in the presence of a merB gene, absent in Tn5053, and a merC gene instead of a merF. The pPB broad spectrum mer operon is associated with an incomplete Tn5053-like transposition module and with the Tn501 tnp genes, which are proximal, respectively, to the end and to the beginning of the mer operon. A hypothesis about pPB evolution is presented.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the erythrocyte anion transport protein (Band 3 or AE1) mediated influx of three nonspherical substrates, the divalent anions phosphate and phosphite, and the monovalent hypophoshite, were determined. Phase transitions were found in the temperature dependence of the influxes of all three anions. The 95% confidence limits for the transition temperatures were: 34.6-38.1 degrees C, 7.4-9.1 degrees C and 6.7-9.7 degrees C for phosphate, phosphite and hypophosphite, respectively, while the critical influx rates at the transitions were 29-50, 64-102 and 26-58 ions/s per carrier, respectively. That the critical rates rather than the transition temperatures are of similar magnitude indicates that the transitions are related to transport mechanisms rather than to thermal protein conformational changes. These critical rates are two orders of magnitude lower than those reported for the self-exchange of Cl- and Br- (Brahm, J. (1977) J. Gen. Physiol. 70, 283-306). The critical rate of monovalent hypophosphite is similar to that of divalent phosphate and phosphite, but not to that of Cl- indicating that this effect is mediated by the structure of the substrate rather than by its charge. The disparity in the rates rc at which phase transitions occur in AE1-mediated transport of spherical and nonspherical anions indicates a difference in the interaction between the two classes of anions and the protein.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas luteola XLDN4-9 and Pseudomonas stutzeri XLDN-R are two efficient carbazole-degrading pseudomonad strains. Here we present 4.63- and 4.70-Mb assemblies of their genomes. Their annotated key genes for carbazole catabolism are similar, which may provide further insights into the molecular mechanism of carbazole degradation in Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of denitrification by Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Paracoccus denitrificans. Although all three organisms reduced nitrate to dinitrogen gas, they did so at different rates and accumulated different kinds and amounts of intermediates. Their rates of anaerobic growth on nitrate varied about 1.5-fold; concomitant gas production varied more than 8-fold. Cell yields from nitrate varied threefold. Rates of gas production by resting cells incubated with nitrate, nitrite, or nitrous oxide varied 2-, 6-, and 15-fold, respectively, among the three species. The composition of the gas produced also varied markedly: Pseudomonas stutzeri produced only dinitrogen; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Paracoccus denitrificans produced nitrous oxide as well; and under certain conditions Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced even more nitrous oxide than dinitrogen. Pseudomonas stutzeri and Paracoccus denitrificans rapidly reduced nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide and were able to grow anaerobically when any of these nitrogen oxides were present in the medium. Pseudomonas aeruginosa reduced these oxides slowly and was unable to grow anaerobically at the expense of nitrous oxide. Furthermore, nitric and nitrous oxide reduction by Pseudomonas aeruginosa were exceptionally sensitive to inhibition by nitrite. Thus, although it has been well studied physiologically and genetically, Pseudomonas aeruginosa may not be the best species for studying the later steps of the denitrification pathway.  相似文献   

Enzymatic systems that exploit pericyclic reaction mechanisms are rare. A recent addition to this class is the enzyme PchB, an 11.4-kDa isochorismate pyruvate lyase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The apo and pyruvate-bound structures of PchB reveal that the enzyme is a structural homologue of chorismate mutases in the AroQalpha class despite low sequence identity (20%). The enzyme is an intertwined dimer of three helices with connecting loops, and amino acids from each monomer participate in each of two active sites. The apo structure (2.35 A resolution) has one dimer per asymmetric unit with nitrate bound in an open active site. The loop between the first and second helices is disordered, providing a gateway for substrate entry and product exit. The pyruvate-bound structure (1.95 A resolution) has two dimers per asymmetric unit. One has two open active sites like the apo structure, and the other has two closed active sites with the loop between the first and second helices ordered for catalysis. Determining the structure of PchB is part of a larger effort to elucidate protein structures involved in siderophore biosynthesis, as these enzymes are crucial for bacterial iron uptake and virulence and have been identified as antimicrobial drug targets.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of denitrification by Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Paracoccus denitrificans. Although all three organisms reduced nitrate to dinitrogen gas, they did so at different rates and accumulated different kinds and amounts of intermediates. Their rates of anaerobic growth on nitrate varied about 1.5-fold; concomitant gas production varied more than 8-fold. Cell yields from nitrate varied threefold. Rates of gas production by resting cells incubated with nitrate, nitrite, or nitrous oxide varied 2-, 6-, and 15-fold, respectively, among the three species. The composition of the gas produced also varied markedly: Pseudomonas stutzeri produced only dinitrogen; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Paracoccus denitrificans produced nitrous oxide as well; and under certain conditions Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced even more nitrous oxide than dinitrogen. Pseudomonas stutzeri and Paracoccus denitrificans rapidly reduced nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide and were able to grow anaerobically when any of these nitrogen oxides were present in the medium. Pseudomonas aeruginosa reduced these oxides slowly and was unable to grow anaerobically at the expense of nitrous oxide. Furthermore, nitric and nitrous oxide reduction by Pseudomonas aeruginosa were exceptionally sensitive to inhibition by nitrite. Thus, although it has been well studied physiologically and genetically, Pseudomonas aeruginosa may not be the best species for studying the later steps of the denitrification pathway.  相似文献   

Both the soil isolate,Pseudomonas stutzeri JM300, and the marine isolate,Pseudomonas stutzeri strain ZoBell, have been shown previously to be naturally transformable. This study reports the detection of genetic exchange by natural transformation between these two isolates. Transformation frequency was determined by filter transformation procedures. Three independent antibiotic resistance loci were used as chromosomal markers to monitor this exchange event: resistance to rifampicin, streptomycin, and nalidixic acid. The maximum frequencies of transformation were on the order of 3.1 to 3.8×10-6 transformants per recipient; frequencies over an order of magnitude greater than those for spontaneous antibiotic resistance, although they are lower than those observed for soil: soil or marine: marine strain crosses. This exchange was inhibited by DNase I. Transformation was observed between soil and marine strains, both by filter transformation using purified DNA solutions and when transforming DNA was added in the form of viable donor cells. The results from this study support the close genetic relationship betweenP. stutzeri JM300 andP. stutzeri strain ZoBell. These results also further validate the utility ofP. stutzeri as a benchmark organism for modeling gene transfer by natural transformation in both soil and marine habitats.  相似文献   

The course of denitrification of nitrate, nitrite and both compounds together by static cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was studied. These strains represent three different types of denitrification: 1. reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen without accumulation of nitrite (P. denitrificans); 2. partial accumulation of nitrite in growing cultures during reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen (P. aeruginosa) and 3. two-phase denitrification that includes reduction of nitrates at the very beginning of the process, and then, after depletion of the former, the reduction of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen (P. stutzeri). These observations differ from the results reported in the literature and possible reasons are discussed.  相似文献   

d-Lactic acid and pyruvic acid are two important building block intermediates. Production of d-lactic acid and pyruvic acid from racemic lactic acid by biotransformation is economically interesting. Biocatalyst prepared from 9 g dry cell wt l?1 of Pseudomonas stutzeri SDM could catalyze 45.00 g l?1 dl-lactic acid into 25.23 g l?1 d-lactic acid and 19.70 g l?1 pyruvic acid in 10 h. Using a simple ion exchange process, d-lactic acid and pyruvic acid were effectively separated from the biotransformation system. Co-production of d-lactic acid and pyruvic acid by enantioselective oxidation of racemic lactic acid is technically feasible.  相似文献   

During the 19 year period ending December 1984, 114 (2.4%) of 4840 strains of Gram-negative non-fermentative bacteria submitted, mainly by laboratories in the UK, to the National Collection of Type Cultures for computer-assisted identification were strains of Pseudomonas stutzeri. These figures suggest that Ps. stutzeri is a relatively uncommon species in clinical material in the UK but that when it does occur laboratories have difficulty in identifying it. The sources from which the strains were isolated and also characteristics of the species by which it may be recognized are reported. The clinical significance of Ps. stutzeri is discussed and also the susceptibility of this species to antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

During the 19 year period ending December 1984, 114 (2.4%) of 4840 strains of Gram-negative non-fermentative bacteria submitted, mainly by laboratories in the UK, to the National Collection of Type Cultures for computer-assisted identification were strains of Pseudomonas stutzeri. These figures suggest that Ps. stutzeri is a relatively uncommon species in clinical material in the UK but that when it does occur laboratories have difficulty in identifying it. The sources from which the strains were isolated and also characteristics of the species by which it may be recognized are reported. The clinical significance of Ps. stutzeri is discussed and also the susceptibility of this species to antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Concentrations of hypophosphite and phosphite oxidizing bacteria were found to be high, relative to bacterial concentrations growing on phosphate, in sediment and soil during winter and summer seasons from 12 common terrestrial and aquatic sites using a most probable number method. The percent of total culturable bacterial concentrations that could use these reduced phosphorus compounds as a sole source of phosphorus were as follows: hypophosphite, 7–100%; phosphite, 10–67%; aminoethylphosphonate, 34–270%. The average MPN/g (±SEM) was as follows: phosphate, 6.19 × 106 (±2.40 × 106); hypophosphite, 2.61 × 106 (±1.35 × 106) phosphite, 1.91 × 106 (±1.02 × 106); aminoethylphosphonate, 3.90 × 106 (± 1.95 × 106). Relatively high concentrations of reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria were found in both pristine sites and sites with urban and agricultural disturbance. Concentrations of reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria in anoxic sediments and soil were equivalent. Our data indicate that reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria are abundant in the environment and provide strong evidence for the importance of bacterial P oxidation in nature.  相似文献   

The cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidases (cbb3-CcOs) are members of the heme-copper oxidase superfamily that couple the reduction of oxygen to translocation of protons across the membrane. The cbb3-CcOs are present only in bacteria and play a primary role in microaerobic respiration, being essential for nitrogen-fixing endosymbionts and for some human pathogens. As frequently observed in Pseudomonads, Pseudomonas stutzeri contains two independent ccoNO(Q)P operons encoding the two cbb3 isoforms, Cbb3-1 and Cbb3-2. While the crystal structure of Cbb3-1 from P. stutzeri was determined recently and cbb3-CcOs from other organisms were characterized functionally, less emphasis has been placed on the isoform-specific differences between the cbb3-CcOs. In this work, both isoforms were homologously expressed in P. stutzeri strains from which the genomic version of the respective operon was deleted. We purified both cbb3 isoforms separately by affinity chromatography and increased the yield of Cbb3-2 to a similar level as Cbb3-1 by replacing its native promoter. Mass spectrometry, UV-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, as well as oxygen reductase and catalase activity measurements were employed to characterize both cbb3 isoforms. Differences were found concerning the thermal stability and the presence of subunit CcoQ. However, no significant differences between the two isoforms were observed otherwise. Interestingly, a surprisingly high turnover of at least 2,000 electrons s−1 and a high Michaelis-Menten constant (Km ∼ 3.6 mM) using ascorbate–N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (TMPD) as the electron donor were characteristic for both P. stutzeri cbb3-CcOs. Our work provides the basis for further mutagenesis studies of each of the two cbb3 isoforms specifically.  相似文献   

We present the draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas stutzeri TS44, a moderately halotolerant, arsenite-oxidizing bacterium isolated from arsenic-contaminated soil. The genome contains genes for arsenite oxidation, arsenic resistance, and ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthesis. The genome information will be useful for exploring adaptation of P. stutzeri TS44 to an arsenic-contaminated environment.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have an inherited advantage in phosphonate phytoremediation. However, studies on phosphonate metabolism in cyanobacteria are rare and mostly focus on physiology and ecology. Here, C-P lyase gene cluster regulation in an undomesticated thermophilic Synechococcus OS-B′ was examined in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, a unicellular cyanobacterial model. Phylogenetic and cluster synteny analysis of C-P lyase genes revealed a closer relationship between Syn OS-B′ and Thermus thermophilus, than with other cyanobacteria. Pho boxes were identified in the 5′-end-flanking region of the C-P lyase gene cluster, through which the downstream gene expression was regulated in a phosphate concentration-dependent manner. Unexpectedly, the phosphate concentration that thoroughly inhibited Pho boxes was almost two orders of magnitude higher than that of any natural or anthropogenic wastewater reported so far. The Pho boxes mediated regulation was achieved through the Pho regulon two-component system, and the absence of either SphS or SphR ablated the cell's ability to sense ambient phosphate changes. The three tandems of Pho boxes maintained inequivalent roles, of which the third tandem was not essential; however, it played a role in adjusting Pho boxes response in both positive and negative manner under phosphorus limitation.  相似文献   

A combined phylogenetic and multilocus DNA sequence analysis of 26 Pseudomonas stutzeri strains distributed within the 9 genomovars of the species has been performed. Type strains of the two most closely related species (P. balearica, former genomovar 6, and P. mendocina), together with P. aeruginosa, as the type species of the genus, have been included in the study. The extremely high genetic diversity and the clonal structure of the species were confirmed by the sequence analysis. Clustering of strains in the consensus phylogeny inferred from the analysis of seven nucleotide sequences (16S ribosomal DNA, internally transcribed spacer region 1, gyrB, rpoD, nosZ, catA, and nahH) confirmed the monophyletic origin of the genomovars within the Pseudomonas branch and is in good agreement with earlier DNA-DNA similarity analysis, indicating that the selected genes are representative of the whole genome in members of the species.  相似文献   

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