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The effect of synthetic analogs of phytohormones and red light absorbed by phytochrome on the phospholipase D activity (PLD) was studied in oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings. ABA manifested a short-term stimulating effect on PLD activity in the green seedlings and inhibited phospholipase activity in the etiolated plants. Kinetin inhibited enzyme activity in the etiolated seedlings and did not affect its activity in light. GA did not markedly affect PLD activity in the etiolated plants and activated this enzyme in the green seedlings. Finally, IAA did not affect the enzyme activity. The relationship of the regulatory effects of phytohormones and light on PLD activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The concentration of cGMP in the tissues of oat (Avena sativaL.) seedlings was shown to depend on seedling age and the light regime of their growth. The level of cGMP in the etiolated seedlings was lower than in the green ones and declined with seedling age. Red and blue light recognized by phytochrome and cryptochrome, respectively, affected the cGMP content. The effectors of cGMP metabolism, guanylin, protoporphyrin IX, and zaprinast, elevated the cGMP content in tissue extracts from oat seedlings.  相似文献   

Binding of 3H-labeled cyclic GMP (3H-cGMP) to the structural components of subcellular fractions was studied in oat seedlings. The binding was found to depend on the conditions of incubation and illumination of growing plants. In the green seedlings, the binding activity was lower than in the etiolated seedlings. The highest binding was observed in soluble cytosolic fraction where two types of specific sites for cGMP binding (with high and low affinity to the cyclic mononucleotide) were detected. The binding activity was found to increase as a result of red light influence via phytochrome, as well as in the presence of calcium ions and calcium–calmodulin complex.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is an enzyme which participates in the signalling mechanism cleaving phosphatidylcholine (PC) to choline and phosphatidic acid (PA). In Tetrahymena pyriformis GL this enzyme activity is enhanced by different kinds of agonists (sodium orthovanadate, sodium fluoride and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate), and its activity can be inhibited by inhibitors such as pertussis toxin, calphostin C, genistein, trifluoperazine. These results suggest that the PLD signalling pathway is connected with the tyrosine kinase, phospholipase C, phosphatidylinositol and G-protein coupled signalling pathways. By demonstrating the PLD activity in Tetrahymena our knowledge on the signalling mechanisms at a unicellular level has been extended. The results support our view that most transducing mechanisms that are characteristic of mammalian cells are also in the protozoan Tetrahymena. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

含黄素单胺氧化酶(MAO)在生物体内通过对单胺类物质的氧化脱氨作用生成相应的醛、氨气和过氧化氢。MAO在植物中的研究较少,通过对燕麦幼苗MAO的研究发现,暗条件下生长的燕麦幼苗匀浆内所含MAO活性均高于光照条件,且发芽三天左右的幼苗体内MAO的活性达到峰值(2.5pKat/mg),同时测定不同组织中MAO的活性为:幼芽>幼根>种子。对纯化后的燕麦MAO的热稳定性和催化特性研究表明:燕麦MAO的热稳定性较差,常温下易失活,37℃和50℃下水浴90min后,活性损失分别为50%和75%;燕麦MAO对底物的选择性较强,只对低浓度的苄胺和苯乙胺的氧化具有催化效果,Km分别为265μmol/L和705μmol/L;在对底物的特异性方面与人类MAO B有一定的相似性,但体外催化效率低于黑曲霉MAO和人类MAO B。  相似文献   

磷脂酶D的细胞信号转导作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷脂酶D(PLD)是一类重要的跨膜信号转导酶类.分别由一个基因家族的不同成员编码.植物PLD的总体域结构相似,只是不同类型之间在某些单元上有重要差异.它们各具独特的生物化学特性.不同的PLD在不同的胁迫类型启动的特定的细胞过程中执行独特的细胞信号转导功能.PLD与其它磷脂酶及Ca2 信使之间有交互作用,形成复杂的信号转导网络.这一网络在不同植物种类、器官、组织和细胞类型中表现出特异性.文章最后讨论了PLD研究中有待揭示的问题并展望了今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

磷脂酶 D(PLD)是一种分解磷脂的多功能酶,磷脂酶可激活调控许多重要的细胞生理功能,在信号转导、小泡运输、有丝分裂、激素作用的发挥、细胞骨架组装、防御反应以及种子萌发和衰老过程中都起重要作用.主要介绍了磷脂酶基因的生化特性及在植物信号转导中的作用.  相似文献   

Brushite purified phytochrome from Avena sativa L. cv. Sol II was bound to phenyl Sepharose, octyl Sepharose, CNBr-activated Sepharose and to anti-phytochrome immunoglobulins immobilized on Sepharose. The spectral properties of phytochrome bound to anti-phytochrome immunoglobulins and to phenyl Sepharose were similar to phytochrome in solution. Phytochrome bound to CNBr-activated Sepharose or to octyl Sepharose showed reduced Pfr formation after red irradiation. The reversal to Pr with far-red light was only partial but a further increase at 667 nm took place slowly in the dark. A peak at 657 nm was seen in the difference spectrum between CNBr-activated Sepharose-bound phytochrome kept in darkness and the identical sample immediately after a far-red irradiation.
The change in linear dichroism at 660 nm and 730 nm, induced by plane polarized red or far-red light, was measured. It was computed that the long-wavelength transition moment of phytochrome had an average rotation angle of 31.5° or 180°–31.5°. The substrate used for immobilization had a limited effect on the rotation angle. Phytochrome immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose gave an angle of 27.8° and phytochrome immobilized on phenyl Sepharose gave an angle of 32.6°.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D and its application in biocatalysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phospholipase D (PLD) from plants or microorganisms is used as biocatalyst in the transformation of phospholipids and phospholipid analogs in both laboratory and industrial scale. In recent years the elucidation of the primary structure of many PLDs from several sources, as well as the resolution of the first crystal structure of a microbial PLD, have yielded new insights into the structural basis and the catalytic mechanism of this catalyst. This review summarizes some new results of PLD research in the light of application.  相似文献   

Stable overexpression of myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) is known to enhance phorbol ester stimulation of phospholipase D (PLD) activity and protein kinase Cα (PKCα) levels in SK–N–MC neuroblastoma cells. In contrast, expression of MARCKS mutants (S152A or S156A) lacking key PKC phosphorylation sites within the central basic effector domain (ED) had no significant effect on PLD activity or PKCα levels relative to vector control cells. Like control cells, those expressing wild type MARCKS were elongated and possessed longitudinally oriented stress fibers, although these cells were more prone to detach from the substratum and undergo cell death upon phorbol ester treatment. However, cells expressing MARCKS ED mutants were irregularly shaped and stress fibers were either shorter or less abundant, and cell adhesion and viability were not affected. These results suggest that intact phosphorylation sites within the MARCKS ED are required for PLD activation and influence both membrane-cytoskeletal organization and cell viability.  相似文献   

在人肺癌表面细胞株A-549中检测到佛波酯诱导的丁醇化鞘脂分子的产生。用[^3H]-丝氨酸标记细胞,其放射性在磷脂酰胆碱、磷脂酰丝氨酸、磷脂酰乙醇胺极性头部的分布很容易被检测到,而在磷脂酸及其直接代谢衍生物中并不存在,提示这种磷脂酶D的酶解产物来源于鞘脂分子的水解,而不同于以甘油磷脂为底物的磷脂酶D的酶解产物。蛋白激酶C的抑制剂或通过佛波酯长时间处理下调细胞内蛋白激酶C水平,可抑制佛波酯诱导的丁酯化鞘脂分子的产生,表明导致这种磷脂酶D的活化需要蛋白激酶C的参与。  相似文献   

Binding of the radio-iodinated 124-kDa oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Garry) phytochrome to liposomes and chloroplasts was investigated as a model system in order to understand the molecular affinity of phytochrome toward cellular organelles in plants. The binding of intact (124 kDa) phytochrome to liposomes and chloroplasts is hydrophobic in nature, as in the case of the degraded (118/114 kDa) phytochrome, but electrostatic interactions play a greater role in the intact phytochrome. The physiologically active Pfr form of the intact phytochrome showed a binding preference over the inactive Pr form with neutral liposomes and chloroplasts. However, the Pfr form of intact phytochrome exhibits smaller binding preference than the Pfr form of degraded phytochrome over their respective Pr forms (see Kim, I.-S. and Song, P.-S. 1981, Biochemistry 20: 5482–5489, for degraded phytochrome binding). These results indicate that the 6/10 kDa N-terminus segment, which is lost in the degraded phytochrome, plays an important role in determining the protein surface properties of the intact phytochrome. A competitive binding study on phytochrome also suggested that the Pfr form had a greater binding affinity for chloroplasts than the Pr form. However, the physiological activity of the Pfr form may not be explained simply by the observed difference in binding affinity between the two forms of phytochrome.  相似文献   

磷脂酶D是一类特殊的酯键水解酶,它能水解磷脂生成磷脂酸和羟基化合物,并能催化某些含羟基的化合物结合到磷脂的酰基上,形成新的磷脂,在食品和医药领域应用潜力巨大。本研究实现了蜡状芽孢杆菌磷脂酶D的克隆,并在大肠杆菌中成功表达。通常情况下,磷脂酶D存在2个HKD保守序列,以单体形式产生活性;少数原核生物中磷脂酶D只有1个HKD保守序列,以二聚体形式产生活性。通过酵母双杂实验发现,源于蜡状芽孢杆菌的磷脂酶D活性存在形式是单体结构,但其只具有1个HKD保守序列,靠近N端存在1个HRD序列,即HKD中K被R取代。将HRD定点突变为HKD,恢复为经典的2个HKD保守序列,其酶活性提高了10% 左右,蛋白质水平的表达量和稳定性无显著变化。通过定点突变提高磷脂酶D活性,为工业化高效生产新型磷脂奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Phospholipase D Activity of Rat Brain Neuronal Nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Phospholipase D activity of rat brain neuronal nuclei, measured with exogenous phosphatidylcholine as substrate, was characterized. The measured activity of neuronal nuclei was at least 36-fold greater than the activity in glia nuclei. The pH optimum was 6.5, and unsaturated but not saturated fatty acids stimulated the enzyme. The optimal concentration of sodium oleate for stimulation of the enzyme activity was 1.2 m M in the presence of 0.75 m M phosphatidylcholine. This phospholipase D activity was cation independent. In the absence of NaF, used as a phosphatidic acid phosphatase inhibitor, the principal product was diglyceride; whereas in the presence of NaF, the principal product was phosphatidic acid. The phospholipase D, in addition to having hydrolytic activity, was able to catalyze a transphosphatidylation reaction. Maximum phosphatidylethanol formation was seen with 0.2–0.3 M ethanol. GTPγS, ATPγS, BeF2, AIF3, phosphatidic acid, and phosphatidylethanol inhibited the neuronal nuclei phospholipase D activity. The addition of the cytosolic fraction of brain, liver, kidney, spleen, and heart to the incubation mixtures resulted in inhibition of the phospholipase D activity. Phospholipase D activity was detectable in nuclei prepared from rat kidney, spleen, heart, and liver.  相似文献   

We purified phospholipase D (PLD) enzyme from peanut seeds, and the PLD enzyme eluted as two distinct peak fractions on Mono-Q chromatography, the first of which was characterized. N-terminal sequencing indicated that the N-terminus was blocked. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 92 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The pH optimum of the enzyme was 5.0, and the K m value against its substrate phosphatidylcholine (PC), in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2 and 4 mM deoxycholate, was estimated to be 0.072 mM. The enzyme catalyzed two reactions, i.e., hydrolysis of PC generating phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline, and transphosphatidylation of the PA-moiety in the PC molecule to the acceptor glycerol, generating phosphatidylglycerol. Furthermore, we cloned two types of full-length cDNA, Ahpld1 and Ahpld2, each encoding distinct PLD molecules having 794 and 807 residues, respectively. The partial amino acid sequence of the purified PLD was consistent with the deduced sequence of AhPLD2.  相似文献   

The phospholipid content and phospholipase D activity in the leaves of two tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars were investigated. These cultivars are characterized by different response to the infection with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). In the infected leaves of a susceptible cv. Samsun, phospholipid content and phospholipase D activity did not change within seven days after TMV infection. The development of a hypersensitive response in the leaves of a resistant cv. Xanthy necrotic was not accompanied by a change in the total phospholipid content as compared to the noninfected leaves. However, the appearance of necrotic lesions and their subsequent expansion resulted in a steady decrease in the level of phosphatidylglycerol in infected leaves. At the same time, phosphatidic acid and diphosphatidylglycerol contents increased. Leaf zones remote from the regions of necrosis development were also characterized by an increased level of phosphatidic acid. There was a tendency for an increase in phospholipase D activity in both the sites of necrosis development and in the leaf regions remote from these sites. The changes in phosphatidic acid content were of similar nature, and therefore a relative increase in phosphatidic acid could result from the phospholipase D activity. This fact suggests a possible involvement of phospholipase D in the development of the hypersensitive response, and this suggestion is supported by a higher enzyme activity in the leaves of healthy plants of the resistant cultivar as compared to the susceptible one. Causes for the changes in the content of some phospholipids, as well as the physiological role of phospholipase D in the hypersensitive response are discussed.  相似文献   

Membrane-Associated Phospholipase D Activity in Rat Sciatic Nerve   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Rat sciatic nerve contains a membrane-bound phospholipase D that catalyzes the hydrolysis of exogenous phosphatidylcholine (PC) to phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline. The enzyme is associated with a particulate fraction consisting primarily of microsomes and myelin. This fraction also contains phosphatidate phosphohydrolase activity leading to the production of diacylglycerols (DAG). The phosphohydrolase activity can be completely inhibited by NaF. Hydrolysis of exogenous PC requires detergent and is linear up to about 40 micrograms of protein at a pH optimum of 6.5. In the absence of NaF, the sum of PA and DAG increases linearly for 40 min, whereas in its presence, PA production is linear for only 15 min. At optimum conditions, PC hydrolysis proceeds at 15 nmol/h/mg of protein. Addition of increasing amounts of ethanol to the incubation system leads to the generation of increasing amounts of phosphatidylethanol, indicating transphosphatidylation activity. At an ethanol concentration of 0.4 M, phosphatidylethanol represents about one-half of the reaction products generated at approximately the same rate of enzymic activity observed in the absence of ethanol. Higher ethanol concentrations are inhibitory.  相似文献   

Abstract Two types of association between phytochrome and crude membrane fractions from oat (Avena sativa L.) are distinguished and compared, and that which comprises only a small fraction of the total phytochrome in extracts prepared in the absence of added divalent cations (Watson & Smith. 1982b) has been studied in detail. Extraction in the presence of phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride shows that proteolysis of Pr (the red-light absorbing form) probably does not account for the lower levels of membrane-associated phytochrome measured after far-red light than after red light. Difference spectra of soluble and membrane-associated phytochrome indicate that the latter is much less susceptible to spectral degradation in vitro than is the soluble pool. The stoichiometry of association with the membranes is such that for each phytochrome molecule associated after far-red light there are three associated after red light and it is argued that this stoichiometry is maintained independent of the extraction pH. The characteristics of this photo-reversible association of phytochrome with membranes are compared to the characteristics of the widely studied light-induced enhancement of phytochrome pelletabilily that is dependent on electrostatic interaction of phytochrome and membranes.  相似文献   

The stomatal response to blue light (BL) in wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Starke II, Weibull) was enhanced by background red light (R). This enhancement was only slightly affected by the addition of background far-red light (FR). Under similar light treatments, the addition of FR induced a 43% transformation from the far-red-absorbing form towards the red-absorbing form of phytochrome from etiolated oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Sol II), immobilized on phenyl-sepharose. Furthermore, the enhancement of the stomatal BL-response by 15 min R was not reversed by a subsequent irradiation with 5 min FR. It is concluded that the red-light-enhancement of the stomatal blue-light-response in wheat seedlings does not involve a change in the photostationary state of phytochrome.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(12):4197-4208.e6
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