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In order to investigate nutritional interactions in the symbiotic scleractinian coral-zooxanthella association, fatty acids of the coral Galaxea fascicularis were analysed in two groups of cultured microcolonies. The first group was fed with Artemia sp., while the second group was starved. After an initial 1-month period during which both groups were subjected to the same normal light conditions (constant irradiance of 125 E·cm-2·s-1 and 14:10 h light:dark), a light cap was used to cover the aquarium and keep all the microcolonies in permanent darkness for 20 days. During the light phase of the experiment it was shown that the nutritional status lead to large variations in the percentage of saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most abundant fatty acid in both groups. Important differences between fed and starved microcolonies occurred during the dark phase of the experiment. In the fed group the dark phase was characterized by a significant increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Particularly arachidonic acid (C20:4 n-6) became the most important fatty acid followed by docosatrienoic acid (C22:3 n-3). A slight increase in these two fatty acids was also found in the starved group but the bulk of polyunsaturated fatty acids was significantly decreased. In this group, palmitic acid remained the most important fatty acid while an increased concentration of cis-vaccenic acid (C18:1 n-7) was found at the end of the experiment. The increased concentration of cis-vaccenic acid might indicate that bacteria serve as a source of energy. While the number of zooxanthellae per milligram of protein and the chlorophyll a to protein ratio strongly decreased in the starved microcolonies immediately after the beginning of the dark period, the decrease in fed microcolonies was delayed for about 10 days. Furthermore, after 20 days of dark incubation the chlorophyll a to protein ratio was the same as measured at the beginning of the dark period. This suggests that in the dark the metabolic requirements of the zooxanthellae are in part met from the animal host through a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.Abbreviations CZ cultured zooxanthellae - FAME fatty acid methylester(s) - FDM fed dark microcolonies - FLM fed light microcolonies - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid(s) - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid(s) - SDM starved dark microcolonies - SFA saturated fatty acids - SLM starved-light microcolonies - SW sea water - TFA total fatty acids  相似文献   

The spatial heterogeneity of photosynthesis and calcification of single polyps of the coral Galaxea fascicularis was investigated. Photosynthesis was investigated with oxygen microsensors. The highest rates of gross photosynthesis (Pg) were found on the tissue covering the septa, the tentacles, and the tissues surrounding the mouth opening of the polyp. Lower rates were found on the tissues of the wall and the coenosarc. Calcification was investigated by radioactive tracers. The incorporation pattern of 45Ca and 14C in the corallites was imaged with use of a Micro-Imager. The -images obtained showed that the incorporation of the radioactive tracers coincided with the Pg distribution pattern with the highest incorporation rates found in the corallite septa. Thus, the high growth rate of the septa is supported by the high rates of Pg by the symbiont in the adjacent tissues. The total incorporation rates were higher in light than in dark, however, the distribution pattern of the radioisotope incorporation was not affected by illumination. This further emphasizes the close relation between calcification and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The rate of calcification in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis was followed during the daytime using 45Ca tracer. The coral began the day with a low calcification rate, which increased over time to a maximum in the afternoon. Since the experiments were carried out under a fixed light intensity, these results suggest that an intrinsic rhythm exists in the coral such that the calcification rate is regulated during the daytime. When corals were incubated for an extended period in the dark, the calcification rate was constant for the first 4 h of incubation and then declined, until after one day of dark incubation, calcification ceased, possibly as a result of the depletion of coral energy reserves. The addition of glucose and Artemia reduced the dark calcification rate for the short duration of the experiment, indicating an expenditure of oxygen in respiration. Artificial hypoxia reduced the rate of dark calcification to about 25% compared to aerated coral samples. It is suggested that G. fascicularis obtains its oxygen needs from the surrounding seawater during the nighttime, whereas during the day time the coral exports oxygen to the seawater.  相似文献   

Sources of inorganic carbon (Ci) for photosynthesis and calcification and the mechanisms involved in their uptake in scleractinian corals were investigated in microcolonies of Galaxea fascicularis. Direct measurements of Ca2+, pH and O2 on the surface and inside the polyp's coelenteron were made with microsensors. Gross photosynthesis (Pg) and net photosynthesis (Pn) were measured on the surface. Light respiration (LR) was calculated from Pg and Pn. The effect of light/dark and dark/light switches on Ca2+ and pH dynamics on the surface and inside the coelenteron were followed. To evaluate the different sources of Ci for photosynthesis and calcification, Ci-free seawater and 6-Ethoxyzolamide and Acetazolamide, inhibitors for carbonic anhydrase (CA) were used.In normal seawater, Pg was about seven times higher than Pn, the LR was ca. 80-90% of the Pg. Thus, most of the O2 produced in Pg are immediately consumed in respiration, indicating the presence of a highly active internal C-cycle. As the internal C-cycle is highly active, a large part of the Ci for calcification will have passed through the metabolism of the symbiont. The high LR provides ATP for energy requiring processes in light.Ci for photosynthesis and calcification can come from seawater in the form of free Ci, respiration of photosynthates (internal C-cycle) or respiration of the ingested plankton. These sources form a common carbon pool (C-pool) that is used for the different processes.In Ci-free seawater, Pg decreased by about 12.5%, indicating that most of the photosynthetically fixed Ci can temporarily be supplied from internal sources. The initial decalcification, observed directly upon the switch to Ci-free seawater, showed that the Ca-pools in the coral are exchangeable. Part of the Pg in Ci-free seawater may depend on this decalcification for its Ci supply.Three localities of CA were defined. One on the surface facing seawater and one on endodermal cells facing the coelenteron, while the third is intracellular. The inhibition of CA decreased Pg by about 30%, while it increased the concentration of Ca2+ as a result of a decrease in its precipitation. The reduction of photosynthesis and calcification by CA inhibition demonstrated that both processes need the enzyme for the supply of Ci. The pH on the surface and inside the coelenteron decreased upon 6-Ethoxyzolamide addition indicating a role of CA in pH control.  相似文献   

The surface concentration dynamics of Ca(2+) and O(2) in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis were investigated by means of 2 mm-sized sensors (mini-electrodes). Mini-electrodes were used to measure the light-regulated uptake of Ca(2+) for calcification, and the secretion of O(2), produced by photosynthesising zooxanthellae, at the surface of the oral ectoderm of Galaxea polyps. The concentration of Ca(2+) measured in the boundary layer of seawater adjacent to the polyp surface was variable but always higher than in bulk seawater in the dark and fell to levels closer to the value in bulk seawater on illumination. The fall in concentration, representing an influx of Ca(2+) into the ectoderm, increased with increasing photosynthetic photon flux density of illumination. The decrease in Ca(2+) concentration on illumination was insensitive to ruthenium red but sensitive to verapamil and acetazolamide. Oxygen secretion at the ectoderm, manifested by an increase in O(2) concentration in the boundary layer, increased on illumination but was not sensitive to any of the inhibitors used in the calcium experiments. The results suggest that Ca(2+) uptake involves calcium channels and is coupled in someway to the uptake of inorganic carbon for calcification. Uptake is also strongly coupled to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the physiological responses in the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularis exposed to salinity stress (from 37 ppt to 15 ppt) for 12 h, combined effects of reduced salinity (from 37 ppt to 20 ppt) and two temperatures (26 °C and 32 °C) for 12 h and combined effects of reduced salinity (from 37 ppt to 25 ppt) and two temperatures (26 °C and 29.5 °C) for 10 d. The results demonstrate that the coral is tolerant to 12 h exposure to extremely low salinity (15 ppt). The study also shows that combined effects of temperature and low salinity aggravate the damage on the photosynthesis of the symbiotic dinoflagellates in 12 h exposure to 20 ppt sea water. This study suggests that high temperature (29.5 °C) aggravates the damage of trivially low salinity (30 ppt) on the holobiont (the coral and its symbiotic dinoflagellates) in 10 d exposure. However, high temperature (29.5 °C) may have an antagonistic effect between temperature and low salinity (25 ppt) on metabolism of the holobiont. Based on the above results, we suggest that (1) the true mechanism of corals exposed to combined effects of low salinity and high temperature is complicated. This calls for more studies on different corals. Future studies should aim at investigating long-term low-level stress in order to simulate in situ conditions more accurately; (2) when corals exposed to extremely severe combined stressors for short-term or trivially severe stressors for relative long-term, the combined effects of two stressors (such as low salinity and high temperature) may be negative, otherwise, the effects may be additive.  相似文献   

To study the effect of water flow on coral growth, four series of ten coral nubbins of Galaxea fascicularis were exposed to four different flow regimes (0, 10, 20, and 25 cm s−1, bidirectional flow) for 42 weeks. Buoyant weight, surface area, and polyp number were measured at regular intervals. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration were measured at the corresponding flow speeds, and daily amount of photosynthetic carbon left for coral growth was calculated. Finally, skeletal density and CN content, chlorophyll concentration and dry weight of coral tissue were determined for each coral. Specific growth rate (in day−1) decreased with time in each flow treatment. Absence of flow resulted in significantly lower growth rates. Average specific growth rate calculated over the entire experiment was not significantly different between 10 and 20 cm s−1, while it was significantly higher at 25 cm s−1. From 10 to 25 cm s−1, average net photosynthetic rate decreased and average dark respiration rate did not change significantly. Scope for growth based on phototrophic carbon decreased with increasing flow. Growth was not positively correlated with either photosynthesis or respiration, or scope for growth. It is suggested that higher flow rates reduce the chance of disturbance of coral growth by competing algae or cyanobacteria, allowing corals to grow more readily with the maximum specific growth rate possible under the given environmental conditions. Notably, other effects of increased flow, such as increased respiratory rates and increased (in)organic nutrient uptake, might have been equally responsible for the increased growth of the corals in 25 cm s−1.  相似文献   

Live-collected samples of four common reef-building coral genera (Acropora, Pocillopora, Goniastrea, Porites) from subtidal and intertidal settings of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, show extensive early marine diagenesis where parts of the coralla less than 3 years old contain abundant macro- and microborings and aragonite, high-Mg calcite, low-Mg calcite, and brucite cements. Many types of cement are associated directly with microendoliths and endobionts that inhabit parts of the corallum recently abandoned by coral polyps. The occurrence of cements that generally do not precipitate in normal shallow seawater (e.g., brucite, low-Mg calcite) highlights the importance of microenvironments in coral diagenesis. Cements precipitated in microenvironments may not reflect ambient seawater chemistry. Hence, geochemical sampling of these cements will contaminate trace-element and stable-isotope inventories used for palaeoclimate and dating analysis. Thus, great care must be taken in vetting samples for both bulk and microanalysis of geochemistry. Visual inspection using scanning electron microscopy may be required for vetting in many cases.  相似文献   

Valine uptake by isolated Commelina benghalensis L. mesophyll cells was measured over a wide concentration range (10-6–4·10-2 mol l-1). The uptake data were subjected to iterative fitting. Experiments with carbonyl cyanide mchlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), diethylstilbestrol (DES), and p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonic acid (PCMBS) provided evidence that the biphasic uptake kinetics of valine consists of a diffusional component and a biphasic active uptake. The data from the control experiments, were also best fitted to one diffusional component and two Michaelis-Menten systems. The presence of two carrier systems in the plasmalemma, however, was considered to be virtual for the following reasons: (1) Both phases of active uptake were equally decreased by high concentrations of K+-ions. (2) Fusicoccin stimulated the active uptake in both phases to the same extent. (3) Inhibitors of the proton-driven uptake (CCCP, DES, PCMBS) similarly inhibited the active uptake at all concentrations. (4) The active uptake equally responded in both phases to changes in the pH. (5) Light also promoted the active uptake over the whole concentration range. These results strongly indicate that, despite its biphasic character, the active uptake is due to one proton-driven carrier system.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - DES diethylstilbestrol - FC fusicoccin - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid monohydrate - PCMBS p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonic acid - v uptake velocity - S substrate concentration - K m1 and K m2 Michaelis constants of the apparent high- and low-affinity system, respectively - V m1 and V m2 maximal uptake velocities of the apparent high- and low-affinity system - k linear uptake constant  相似文献   

Internode disks of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Moneymaker) were shaken in glutamine and sucrose solutions. At low external pH (<±5.5), the uptake of these substances was accompanied with K+ efflux, at high pH (>±5.5) with K+ influx. Low concentrations of external K+ (2 mmol l-1) stimulated the uptake of glutamine, which was strongly inhibited by the supply of high K+ concentrations (20 mmol l-1). The effect of K+ was particularly pronounced at high pH-values. Addition of CCCP in light reduced the uptake of glutamine to the same level as in the dark, and stopped the K+ fluxes which coincided with the uptake. A model is presented wherein the movements of K+ across the membrane are related to co-transport, depending on the membrane potential and the Nernst potential of K+.Abbreviation CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum took up glutamine by a sodium-dependent secondary transport system. Both the membrane potential and the sodium gradient were driving forces. Glutamine uptake showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with aK m of 36 μM and aV max of 12.5 nmol min−1 (mg dry weight)−1 at pH 7. Despite a pH optimum in the alkaline range around pH 9, it was shown that uncharged glutamine is the transported species. The affinity for the cotransported sodium was relatively low; an apparentK m of 1.4 mM was determined. Among various substrates tested, only asparagine, when added in 50-fold excess, led to an inhibition of glutamine transport. It was concluded that glutamine uptake occurs via a specific transport system in symport with at least one sodium ion.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry was determined for six cranial measurements in an age-diverse sample of 138 individuals ofMacaca fascicularis. These data were used to choose among four hypotheses concerning the etiology of developmental noise. The hypotheses considered are (1) that developmental noise represents asymmetry in the causal history of a developing organism's interaction with the environment, (2) that it represents stochasticity in the mechanics of growth and induction, (3) that it reflects variation in the initial conditions of a developmental process, and (4) that it represents the random accumulation of noise at a level below that of morphogenetic mechanism. These hypotheses were tested against predictions concerning the intraspecific patterning of fluctuating asymmetry against age and size and the covariation of asymmetry values. Only the predictions of the fourth hypothesis were confirmed by results of this study. These results provide evidence for the view that developmental noise, as reflected by fluctuating asymmetry, is an intrinsic property of developmental systems, and not merely produced by the complexity of the organism's interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

The extra-thecal epithelia of cryofixed undecalcified, freeze-substituted polyps of the scleractinian corals Galaxea fascicularis and Tubastrea faulkneri and axial and basal polyps of Acropora formosa have been examined, in anhydrously prepared thick slices, by confocal laser scanning light microscopy. The avoidance of chemical fixation and decalcification makes it possible to determine whether previously seen structures are real or artefactual products of swelling, shrinkage and distortion. All of the epithelia of all the corals examined are characterised by well defined intercellular spaces. Mucocytes are present in all cell layers in Galaxea and Tubastrea but are not present in any cell layers in the axial polyp of Acropora although they are abundant in the oral ectoderm of the basal polyps in this coral. Zooxanthellae are absent in Tubastrea, the epithelia of the exert septa of Galaxea and the axial polyp of Acropora. The calicoblastic ectoderm is generally composed of thin squamous cells with large intercellular spaces. At rapidly calcifying regions such as the tips of the exert septa of Galaxea, the calicoblastic cells are elongated with extensive arborisation of the basal regions of the cells. They are separated by large intercellular spaces and contain numerous fluorescent granules. The apical regions of these cells appear to be closely applied to the surface of the skeleton. There is no evidence of a space between the apical region of the calicoblastic cells and the skeleton.  相似文献   

Protein and mitochondrial DNA variations (D-loop region PCR-RFLP) were analyzed for 7 serum and 40 clot samples collected from long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) living on Tabuan Island, Indonesia. Protein polymorphisms were examined electrophoretically for 5 and 12 kinds of protein in serum and erythrocytes, respectively. Each of the protein loci tested showed a monomorphic pattern. Polymorphisms were detected in the analysis of the D-loop-containing region of mtDNA (PCR-RFLP) using 32 restriction endonucleases. Two haplotypes, differing 1.03% in sequence divergence were observed, and both were previously undetected in other local populations. Based on genetic features and differences in pelage color as outlined inFooden's (1995) morphological analysis, the present results suggest that long-tailed macaques on Tabuan Island are a unique population. From the genetic analyses performed here, Tabuan monkeys are considered to be the same species group as those populations of Sumatra and Java (Fooden, 1995).  相似文献   

Summary The seeds in fruits consumed by primates may be chewed and digested, swallowed and defecated intact, or separated from the flesh and spat out. We show by a combination of close field observations and experiments with caged animals, that long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a remarkably low threshold of 3–4 mm for swallowing seeds and also that wild macaques rarely break them. The seeds of 69% of the ripe fruit species eaten are spat out intact or cleaned outside the mouth and dropped. Seed-spitting significantly reduces the swallowed food bulk and may lessen the risk of releasing seed toxins during mastication. However, it requires that even small fruits are processed in the mouth one or a few at a time. We suggest that fruit storage in the cheek pouches of cercopithecine monkeys allows them to spit seeds individually without excessively slowing fruit intake while feeding on patchily distributed fruit. In contrast, Apes and New World monkeys apparently swallow and defecate most ripe seeds in their diet and colobine monkeys break and digest them, detoxifying seed defenses by bacterial fermentation.  相似文献   

Kjeldahl assays showed that the pod wall of Vicia faba fruits behaves as a transitory reservoir of nitrogen. We have studied the properties and energetics of amino-acid uptake during the accumulating stage of pod wall development. A comparative analysis using various inhibitors or activators of the proton pump has been carried out i) on threonine uptake, ii) on the acidifying activity of the tissues, and iii) on the transmembrane potential difference of mesocarp cells. Except for the effect of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide which could not be satisfactorily explained, all other results obtained with ATPase inhibitors, uncouplers and fusicoccin were consistent with the view of a transport energized by the proton-motive force. Adding threonine to a medium containing fragments of pericarp or of endocarp induced a pH change (to-wards more alkaline values) of the medium and a membrane depolarization of the storage cells which depended on the amino-acid concentration added. These data indicate H+-threonine cotransport in the pod wall of broad bean. Moreover, because p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid inhibits threonine uptake without affecting the transmembrane potential difference, it is concluded that the threonine carrier possesses a functional SH-group located at the external side of the plasmalemma.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide- m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DES diethylstilbestrol - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - FC fusicoccin - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid - PD potential difference  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites can be exposed to effects of light in their vectors and hosts, at various periods. However, there is no information about the effects of light on Leishmania parasites. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of light on various cell parameters of Leishmania tropica, in vitro. All experiments were conducted on L. tropica promastigotes and amastigote-macrophage cultures, using flow cytometric analysis, MTT and phenol–sulfuric acid assay, DAPI and Giemsa. The results showed that the morphology of parasites has changed; the cell cycle has been affected and this caused parasites to remain at G0/G1 phase. Furthermore the proliferation, infectivity, glucose consumption and mitochondrial dehydrogenase activities of parasites were decreased. Thus, for the first time, in this study, the effects of light on biological activities of Leishmania parasites were shown. These new information about parasites’ biology, would be very important to investigate the effects of light on the parasites in infected vectors and hosts.  相似文献   

Uptake and incorporation into proteins of an externally supplied amino acid were followed during early meiosis in yeast. Under conditions optimal for development, an insufficient permeability of the cell leads to an incorporation pattern which reflects the changes in the activity of the amino acid transporting system rather than those in protein synthesis. A more correct picture of protein synthesis during early meiosis is obtained by the use of a mutant with an enhanced level of amino acid uptake.Abbreviation SPM Sporulation medium  相似文献   

‘Resilience’, the capacity of the coral symbiosis with dinoflagellate algal symbionts (‘zooxanthellae’) to recover after bleaching, is a little-studied but crucial aspect of coral responses to bleaching stressors. This study investigated the response of the zooxanthella population in the coral Porites cylindrica after bleaching either naturally on a shallow subtidal reef or experimentally in response to elevated temperature and darkness. Coral resilience was influenced by the nature and duration of the stressor. Corals strongly bleached by natural stressors were less resilient than those that had been partially bleached; and a similar recovery profile was obtained for corals experimentally bleached by exposure to elevated temperature, in which recovery was slower for corals thermally-stressed 96 h than for 72 h. The opposite trend was evident for corals exposed to darkness, indicating that the bleaching trigger had a strong impact on coral resilience. When P. cylindrica recently recovered from bleaching was subjected to a repetition of bleaching stressors, it did not display acclimation, i.e. experience-mediated acquisition of resistance to bleaching stressors. The zooxanthella populations in all corals tested throughout the experiments were typed by PCR-RFLP as clade C, indicating that coral responses were not accompanied by any substantial change in zooxanthella composition at the cladal level.  相似文献   

Summary Haploid mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were mutagenized by UV-irradiation. Protoplast-derived colonies were then selected for valine resistance on a medium containing 5 or 10 mM valine. From the resistant calli, plants were regenerated. Resistance was inherited as a recessive Mendelian character in seven clones. Mutations conferring valine resistance were shown to be allelic. Protoplast-derived cells of L-valine-resistant plants were also resistant to L-threonine. Resistance to valine was based on a reduced valine uptake rate.  相似文献   

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