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Sydney Segal 《CMAJ》1965,92(2):77-78

目的:比较婴幼儿哮喘重度发作时,采用布地奈德混悬液吸入治疗和全身用甲基强的松龙的效果。方法:将78例哮喘重度发作婴幼儿按就诊顺序分为2组,分别采用布地奈德混悬液+万托林雾化(布地奈德组,35例)、万托林雾化+静脉用甲泼尼龙(甲泼尼龙组,43例)治疗,对其临床症状进行比较。结果:组内不同治疗时间患儿呼吸频率、心率、哮鸣音及自我感觉评分均随时间延长而逐渐降低,与治疗前比较差异有统计学意义(q=2.89~143.87,P<0.05或0.01);组间比较,各组指标无显著性差异。结论:提示婴幼儿哮喘重度发作时,采用布地奈德混悬液吸入治疗可达到与静脉用甲泼尼龙基本相同的效果;联合吸入治疗在一定程度上可代替全身用激素。  相似文献   

目的探讨氧气雾化吸入疗法在老年喘息型支气管肺炎治疗中的价值。方法将90例老年喘息型支气管肺炎患者随机分为2组。对照组采用常规疗法即静脉点滴消炎、抗病毒、解痉平喘、祛痰药物及对症治疗。治疗组在上述常规疗法的基础上辅助应用氧气雾化吸入疗法。结果治疗组排痰效果、临床症状/体征消失时间明显缩短(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论氧气雾化吸入疗法治疗老年喘息型支气管肺炎,改善症状疗效显著,起效快,用药少,操作简单,病人乐于接受,值得在基层医疗机构临床推广使用。  相似文献   

The inhalation anesthetics affect operating room personnel as well as the patient. This occupational exposure is similar in all respects to industrial solvent exposures. Although the extent of the hazard is not yet established, it is clear that only quite low levels of these active chemical should be allowed in the operating room air.  相似文献   

M. Galea 《CMAJ》1964,91(7):345-347

随着重组DNA技术和分子生物学的发展,以蛋白质和多肽为主的大分子成为一类新型药物,并越来越受到重视,新兴的基因治疗技术使得核酸大分子也有可能成为药物。目前,绝大部分大分子药物都是通过注射途径给药,病人在医院注射费用昂贵且不方便,因而许多注射替代给药途径成为研究热门,通过肺部吸入给药就是一种很有吸引力的非侵入性给药途径。本介绍了肺吸收大分子的可能机制和大分吸入治疗的临床与基础研究以及面临的问题。  相似文献   

Inhalation is the most likely exposure route for individuals working with aerosolizable engineered nano-materials (ENM). To properly perform nanoparticle inhalation toxicology studies, the aerosols in a chamber housing the experimental animals must have: 1) a steady concentration maintained at a desired level for the entire exposure period; 2) a homogenous composition free of contaminants; and 3) a stable size distribution with a geometric mean diameter < 200 nm and a geometric standard deviation σg < 2.5 5. The generation of aerosols containing nanoparticles is quite challenging because nanoparticles easily agglomerate. This is largely due to very strong inter-particle forces and the formation of large fractal structures in tens or hundreds of microns in size 6, which are difficult to be broken up. Several common aerosol generators, including nebulizers, fluidized beds, Venturi aspirators and the Wright dust feed, were tested; however, none were able to produce nanoparticle aerosols which satisfy all criteria 5.A whole-body nanoparticle aerosol inhalation exposure system was fabricated, validated and utilized for nano-TiO2 inhalation toxicology studies. Critical components: 1) novel nano-TiO2 aerosol generator; 2) 0.5 m3 whole-body inhalation exposure chamber; and 3) monitor and control system. Nano-TiO2 aerosols generated from bulk dry nano-TiO2 powders (primary diameter of 21 nm, bulk density of 3.8 g/cm3) were delivered into the exposure chamber at a flow rate of 90 LPM (10.8 air changes/hr). Particle size distribution and mass concentration profiles were measured continuously with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), and an electric low pressure impactor (ELPI). The aerosol mass concentration (C) was verified gravimetrically (mg/m3). The mass (M) of the collected particles was determined as M = (Mpost-Mpre), where Mpreand Mpost are masses of the filter before and after sampling (mg). The mass concentration was calculated as C = M/(Q*t), where Q is sampling flowrate (m3/min), and t is the sampling time (minute). The chamber pressure, temperature, relative humidity (RH), O2 and CO2 concentrations were monitored and controlled continuously. Nano-TiO2 aerosols collected on Nuclepore filters were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis.In summary, we report that the nano-particle aerosols generated and delivered to our exposure chamber have: 1) steady mass concentration; 2) homogenous composition free of contaminants; 3) stable particle size distributions with a count-median aerodynamic diameter of 157 nm during aerosol generation. This system reliably and repeatedly creates test atmospheres that simulate occupational, environmental or domestic ENM aerosol exposures.  相似文献   

An inhalation technique was used for anesthesia during ileal cannulation in five adult cows. Following sedation with intravenous acepromazine, anesthesia was induced intravenously with thiopental sodium in 5% glyceryl guaiacolate solution. Endotracheal intubation was performed and anesthesia maintained with halothane in oxygen via a circle system with a precision vaporizer. In all cases, induction was smooth and no difficulties were experienced during the maintenance of anesthesia. Total anesthesia time was 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Following completion of the surgical procedure, which was performed with the animal in left lateral recumbency, each cow was rolled to a sternal position and supported, if necessary. The endotracheal tube was left in place, with oxygen administration continued, until the animal was able to swallow. Recoveries were rapid and all animals were ambulatory within 30 minutes after completion of the surgery. The only post-operative complication due to anesthesia was transient mouth soreness in two cases, attributed to the use of a mouth speculum during intubation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨布地奈德混悬液喷射雾化吸入与常规超声雾化在治疗耳鼻喉科疾病的临床效果.方法:采集本院2009年3月份至2011年12月份的200例耳鼻喉科急性炎症的门诊患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机分为观察组(奈德喷射雾化吸入组)25例与对照组(超声雾化)25例,对照组采用常规传统的超声雾化液(生理盐水50 mL,庆大霉素8万U,地塞米松5 mg混合雾化吸入),每次15分钟,每天2次,连用5d,雾化吸入;观察组采用布地奈德混悬液(布地奈德混悬液2mL(含布地奈德1mg)雾化吸入,并观察分析两组在5d后临床症状缓解的病例数,并进行统计学分析.结果:观察组的25例患者中显效20例,显效率为80%;有效4例,有效率为1 6%;无效1例,无效率为4%;对照组的25例患者中显效17例,显效率为68%;有效3例,有效率为12%;无效5例,无效率为20%;两组疗效差异显著(P<0.01),具统计学意义.结论:布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入治疗耳鼻喉科急性炎症效果显著,且可避免因使用地塞米松引发的不良反应,值得临床广泛推广应用.  相似文献   

Simvastatin (SV), a drug of the statin class currently used orally as an anti-cholesterolemic via the inhibition of the 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, has been found not only to reduce cholesterol but also to have several other pharmacological actions that might be beneficial in airway inflammatory diseases. Currently, there is no inhalable formulation that could deliver SV to the lungs. In this study, a pressurised metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) solution formulation of SV was manufactured, with ethanol as a co-solvent, and its aerosol performance and physico-chemical properties investigated. A pMDI solution formulation containing SV and 6% w/w ethanol was prepared. This formulation was assessed visually and quantitatively for SV solubility. Furthermore, the aerosol performance (using Andersen Cascade impactor at 28.3 L/min) and active ingredient chemical stability up to 6 months at different storage temperatures, 4 and 25°C, were also evaluated. The physico-chemical properties of the SV solution pMDI were also characterised by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and laser diffraction. The aerosol particles, determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), presented a smooth surface morphology and were spherical in shape. The aerosol produced had a fine particle fraction of 30.77 ± 2.44% and a particle size distribution suitable for inhalation drug delivery. Furthermore, the short-term chemical stability showed the formulation to be stable at 4°C for up to 6 months, whilst at 25°C, the formulation was stable up to 3 months. In this study, a respirable and stable SV solution pMDI formulation for inhalation has been presented that could potentially be used clinically as an anti-inflammatory therapy for the treatment of several lung diseases.Key Words: lung inflammation, pMDI, pressurised metered dose inhaler, simvastatin  相似文献   

Many previous problems in establishing the nature of biological and behavioral effects of small air ions have been due to poor control over the ion-inhalation microclimate, resulting in nonuniform electrical fields and highly uneven concentrations of small air ions. We have developed a corona discharge air ion-inhalation system for use with animals that incorporates rigorous control over the microclimate and produces highly uniform concentrations of small air ions throughout the exposure area.  相似文献   

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