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Physicians who make mistakes are not necessarily negligent, contrary to prevailing opinion in the medical community. The article discusses the legal concepts of "standard of care" and "proximate cause." The incidence of favorable jury verdicts in those cases in which malpractice suits are litigated is quite high. The effects of insurance company policies in decisions about settlements on the incidence of claims is discussed and alternatives are suggested. The prevailing belief that a consent form with a patient''s signature on it is sufficient to prevent a malpractice suit is also discussed.  相似文献   

There have been several approaches taken to solve the malpractice insurance problem in this country. However, since the cost of malpractice insurance continues to climb, the changes so far have not solved the problem, and more changes seem inevitable. A major change could be the development of a patient insurance plan that would provide compensation for certain injuries related to medical care. The insurance coverage would be centered on hospital care. If certain requirements are met, the plan may not be more expensive than the current tort liability system, and would offer several advantages. In addition to the patient injury insurance, there could be federal assumption of liability for national immunization programs.  相似文献   

Concern over the possibility of an American style medical malpractice "crisis" in the United Kingdom has recently been voiced by members of both medical and legal professions. The validity of such fears is examined by reviewing the conditions that have given rise to the current American difficulties. It is argued that the rise in malpractice insurance premiums and associated restrictions in availability should be seen against the background of underwriting problems specific to medical liability in conjunction with a general decline in reinsurance cover. The evidence in relation to the clinical and resource implications of malpractice is analysed. In particular, arguments that increased litigation has influenced the practice of "defensive" medicine and the choice of specialty are critically examined. Medical malpractice claims and insurance are only part of a professional environment which is undergoing dramatic social and economic changes, many of which seem more plausible candidates to be treated as important influences on the nature and organisation of health care in the United States.  相似文献   

The legal system depends on the medical expert for evidence. Doctors readily complain about frivolous cases that go to trial, yet a lawyer cannot bring a frivolous claim to trial without a physician expert witness stating that the claim is not frivolous. An insurance company cannot raise premiums without medical expert witnesses servicing the increasing litigation against the insured. Physicians must look to themselves as a major contributor to rising malpractice insurance costs. For without the physician expert witness, no medical malpractice lawsuit can take place. It is the expert physician, not the attorneys or insurance companies, who defines "meritless" and "frivolous" and who ultimately controls the courts' medical malpractice caseload.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to be a major cause of species extinctions in the next 100 years. But what will actually cause these extinctions? For example, will it be limited physiological tolerance to high temperatures, changing biotic interactions or other factors? Here, we systematically review the proximate causes of climate-change related extinctions and their empirical support. We find 136 case studies of climatic impacts that are potentially relevant to this topic. However, only seven identified proximate causes of demonstrated local extinctions due to anthropogenic climate change. Among these seven studies, the proximate causes vary widely. Surprisingly, none show a straightforward relationship between local extinction and limited tolerances to high temperature. Instead, many studies implicate species interactions as an important proximate cause, especially decreases in food availability. We find very similar patterns in studies showing decreases in abundance associated with climate change, and in those studies showing impacts of climatic oscillations. Collectively, these results highlight our disturbingly limited knowledge of this crucial issue but also support the idea that changing species interactions are an important cause of documented population declines and extinctions related to climate change. Finally, we briefly outline general research strategies for identifying these proximate causes in future studies.  相似文献   

The conference was organized in part to dispel some of the misinformation that interferes with cooperative efforts of attorneys and physicians to redress the malpractice situation. During discussion of the hypothetical case, participants identified how medical decision-making responsibilities were allocated among health care providers caring for the patient. Panel members suggested ways in which medical decision making might be affected by non-medical factors such as third-party reimbursement (e.g., selection of inpatient or outpatient setting, the opportunity to discuss issues related to informed consent prior to the day of a procedure) and potential malpractice litigation (e.g., documentation in charts, use of diagnostic procedures). The characterization of decision-making roles and responsibilities differed somewhat for purposes of malpractice litigation; that is, which caregivers might be named as defendants. Panel members reconstructed the development of the medical incident into a legal case. Plaintiff's attorney commented that it is often a hospital employee who advises the family to consult an attorney and described some of the constraints on information gathering (e.g., the rule of "discovery" requiring that suit be filed before defendants can be forced to give statements about what happened, insurance contract provisions prohibiting physicians from talking without legal counsel present to persons who indicate that they plan to file suit). He also briefly explained the rationale for the contingency fee arrangement in these cases. Describing the role of the medical expert witness and the need to review the medical record, he outlined the process of deciding whether to pursue a malpractice case. In making this decision, plaintiff's attorney evaluates the facts to identify issues in the case, to determine if there are deviations from the standard of care, and to try to predict jury reaction. If a suit is filed, defense attorneys employed by the hospital, insurance company, or individual defendants will decide, based on facts including coverage limits, possible publicity, and likelihood of successful prosecution, whether the case should be settled and for what amount. Interests represented by the defense attorneys differ and may affect settlement strategies. Physician feelings of concern for the patient/family or desire for vindication will, to varying degrees, be factors in the decision to try or settle a case. Panel members explored several important policy issues. Among these were the effect of malpractice cases on doctor-patient communications and ethical issues concerning expert witnesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The visit of two Tibetan physicians provided a unique opportunity to gain insight into a practice of medicine very different from that of Western civilization. Initial discussions indicated that the practice of medicine and mysticism were inextricably interwoven in the Tibetan culture. Accordingly, the focus of the study was directed to goiter, which is both common in the Himalayas and easy to define.In Tibetan medical practice, illness is considered to be derived from both proximate and distant causes. Three humors, “wind,” “bile,” and “phlegm” are thought to be responsible for normal mental and physical functions when in balance, but disease when out of balance. Goiter was thought to be due to an imbalance of these humors. The Western discovery that endemic goiter in the Himalayas was due to iodine deficiency explained the proximate cause but did not explain why some individuals have goiter and others do not in the same iodine deficient village.  相似文献   

基本医疗改革的财政投入模式应从单一关注医疗服务供给转向协同关注医疗服务产出,无过错医疗损害救济应纳入国家财政投入的预算体系。面对医疗损害的高发性,以救济为心的医疗侵权责任制度应向以预防中心的制度进行改革。医疗过失诉讼制度对医疗体系有着深刻的负面制约作用。基本医疗改革的决策应从更宏观的视角进行制度供给设计。  相似文献   

H. Blejer-Prieto 《CMAJ》1964,91(7):319-324
In Ontario in 1962, with a compensationeligible labour force of 1,814,000, 10 out of each 1000 workers received compensation for some occupational dermatosis, as defined here; 36 out of each 1000 workers received compensation for some cause. Contact dermatitides made up 5042 of 7448 cases of occupational disease for which compensation and/or medical aid was paid in 1955 and 1956. In eight years, 1955 to 1962 (inclusive), of a total of 534,557 “compensation only” cases, 7023 received payment for contact dermatitis. The average yearly cost of compensation of a worker with a contact dermatitis was estimated at $1113; the annual total cost, at $900,000. The average cost of an occupational dermatosis was $368; the annual total cost, $10 million. Occupational dermatoses account for almost one-third of all compensation costs. The cost of “medical aid only” is excluded from all of these estimates. In contact dermatitis, primary irritants (chemicals) are still the main causative agents. Skin sensitizers, the epoxy resins particularly, have become more prominent in recent years. There is no all-purpose barrier cream or protective clothing. Proper personal hygiene remains the most effective preventive agent in industry.  相似文献   

The evolution of lifespan is a central question in evolutionary biology, begging the question why there is so large variation among taxa. Specifically, a central quest is to unravel proximate causes of ageing. Here, we show that the degree of unsaturation of liver fatty acids predicts maximum lifespan in 107 bird species. In these birds, the degree of fatty acid unsaturation is positively related to maximum lifespan across species. This is due to a positive effect of monounsaturated fatty acid content, while polyunsaturated fatty acid content negatively correlates with maximum lifespan. Furthermore, fatty acid chain length unsuspectedly increases with maximum lifespan independently of degree of unsaturation. These findings tune theories on the proximate causes of ageing while providing evidence that the evolution of lifespan in birds occurs in association with fatty acid profiles. This suggests that studies of proximate and ultimate questions may facilitate our understanding of these central evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

通过分析我国目前医疗纠纷的实际状况,得出妥善处理医疗纠纷面临的3个关键问题:法律体系的科学统一;执法过程的公平公正;建立健全医疗损害责任保险制度并纳入法制管理轨道。  相似文献   

The medical profession has experienced high liability insurance premiums accompanied by widespread use of contingent fees in medical malpractice litigation. It is worthwhile, therefore, to assess qualitatively the merits of contingent fees, the evidence suggesting that they are associated with unjustified litigation and their implications for the medical and legal professions.  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床输血病案文书的内涵质量。方法 采取随机抽查的方法对某院2009—2010年已经归档的输血病案,按卫生部“医院管理年和医疗质量万里行”活动内容进行调查。结果 发现多份病历不合格。结论 临床输血病案文书是临床医师对患者治疗过程的原始记录,是当时事态的真迹,是医疗事故或纠纷在认定是非、判明责任,以及医疗技术鉴定或司法鉴定时赖以立论的依据。因此,写好病案文书可减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

An unresolved controversy regarding social behaviors is exemplified when natural selection might lead to behaviors that maximize fitness at the social-group level but are costly at the individual level. Except for the special case of groups of clones, we do not have a general understanding of how and when group-optimal behaviors evolve, especially when the behaviors in question are flexible. To address this question, we develop a general model that integrates behavioral plasticity in social interactions with the action of natural selection in structured populations. We find that group-optimal behaviors can evolve, even without clonal groups, if individuals exhibit appropriate behavioral responses to each other's actions. The evolution of such behavioral responses, in turn, is predicated on the nature of the proximate behavioral mechanisms. We model a particular class of proximate mechanisms, prosocial preferences, and find that such preferences evolve to sustain maximum group benefit under certain levels of relatedness and certain ecological conditions. Thus, our model demonstrates the fundamental interplay between behavioral responses and relatedness in determining the course of social evolution. We also highlight the crucial role of proximate mechanisms such as prosocial preferences in the evolution of behavioral responses and in facilitating evolutionary transitions in individuality.  相似文献   

The "malpractice crisis" in the United States cannot be understood in isolation. Litigation is precipitated by features of the American health care and social security systems. Relative to the United Kingdom, there are fewer barriers of access to the courts, although the role of contingency fees has probably been exaggerated. Given the great institutional differences between the UK and the USA, the crisis seems unlikely to be replicated here unless there are further moves towards privatising both the costs of providing health care and the costs of its failures. It is concluded that a marginal change in the frequency or average cost of claims could have a serious impact on National Health Service resources, the medical defence societies, recruitment to specialties, and clinical practice. Debate over possible reforms is compromised by the dearth of good empirical data. Any changes, however, must address both the deterrence of bad practice and the compensation of injured patients.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷是指发生在医患之间的,因病人对医务人员或医疗机构的医疗服务不满引起的对医方的争议。据报道,大部分纠纷并非真正由医疗事故、差错造成的。随着医学模式的转变和司法制度日益健全,人们的法制观念也不断增强,医疗纠纷是在《医疗事故处理条例》出台后,加之新闻媒体对医疗纠纷的备加关注,更成为社会舆论的焦点。就医疗机构而言,病人对医疗护理工作提出了新的越来越高的要求,几乎成为困扰医护人员的难题。为了解决这些棘手问题,提高病人对医疗工作的满意度,本文对多年来在工作中发生的医疗纠纷进行了原因分析,并提出了解决对策,目的是为了使医患关系和谐,利于临床工作。  相似文献   

Animals choose a course of action countless times each day. To do so, they need to prioritise their behaviour within a set of alternative actions and decide which of these actions to perform at any one time and for how long, that is, determine when the behaviour has reached its desired effect. This process has classically been called the proximate behavioural control mechanism. Several aspects contribute to this process: internal and external stimuli, the emotions that they elicit, motivation (wants), behavioural goals, valuation, decision‐making and its modulation by mood, and the assessment of behavioural outcomes (liking). I will address all these aspects in the form of an integrated conceptual model. In the process of behavioural control, options need to be valued, and I will refer to evidence showing that an affective hedonic process in respect to (future) reward and punishment heavily affects this value. Moreover, I view motivation, the force that finally drives a specific behavioural output, as being primarily influenced by affective states or even corresponding fully to them. Given the feedback in behavioural control by (dis‐)liking outcomes of behaviour, I reason that in respect to welfare it is more important for animals to reach proximate goals than to avoid negative stimuli. All behavioural choices are modulated, and I show how mood, a long‐term affective state, can cause such modulation. Proximate control of behaviour takes place in the brain, and I will briefly discuss how current and future brain research may elucidate how the brain computes these processes. Furthermore, the inclusion of affective states in the conceptual model raises the question of the subjective experience of animals, and I will address some of the important open questions in this area of research. I will conclude that neural studies cannot currently provide a detailed and general theory on the algorithms of proximate behavioural control. In parallel to further developing these approaches, I propose to strengthen a refined ethological approach with a focus on the states of “wanting” and “liking” in ecologically meaningful circumstances and with a strong ontogenetic (within species) and comparative (between species) component. I consider this ethological approach to be a highly promising step in understanding proximate behavioural control.  相似文献   

J. B. Delston 《Bioethics》2017,31(9):703-710
Politicians, employers, courts, and health insurance companies are often discussed as problematically preventing access to birth control. However, doctors have more direct control over women's health and quietly have been much more effective at preventing patients' access to contraception. Obstetrician/Gynecologists routinely deny their patients access to contraception ostensibly in the name of health by withholding birth control until patients undergo yearly pap smears. I argue that those in the medical field are motivated by similarly sexist concerns as those in other major institutions in the United States, but that they are often overlooked in discussions of biomedical ethics. After providing background, I argue that using birth control as a bargaining chip to control patients is morally impermissible, is paternalistic, and is contrary to consent. I next argue that sexism explains, though does not justify, this practice. I discuss the medical harms of routine pap smears and withholding birth control. These claims make medical malpractice likely. Withholding birth control to coerce individuals seeking medical care is medical malpractice, paternalistic, violates autonomy, and is contrary to consent.  相似文献   

Xist is the trigger for X inactivation in female mammals. The long noncoding Xist RNA localizes along one of the two female X chromosomes and initiates chromosome-wide silencing in the early embryo. In differentiated cells, Xist becomes dispensable for the maintenance of the inactive X, and its function for initiation of silencing is lost. How Xist mediates gene repression remains an open question. Here, we use an inducible Xist allele in adult mice to identify cells in which Xist can cause chromosome-wide silencing. We show that Xist has the ability to initiate silencing in immature hematopoietic precursor cells. In contrast, hematopoietic stem cells and mature blood cells are unable to initiate ectopic X inactivation. This indicates that pathways critical for silencing are transiently activated in hematopoietic differentiation. Xist-responsive cell types in normal female mice show a change of chromatin marks on the inactive X. However, dosage compensation is maintained throughout hematopoiesis. Therefore, Xist can initiate silencing in precursors with concomitant maintenance of dosage compensation. This suggests that Xist function is restricted in development by the limited activity of epigenetic pathways rather than by a change in the responsiveness of chromatin between embryonic and differentiated cell types.  相似文献   

Theory concerning the timing of lotic invertebrate drift suggests that daytime-feeding fish cause invertebrates to restrict their drift behavior to the nighttime. However, there is growing evidence that the nighttime foraging of invertebrate predators also contributes to the nocturnal timing of drift, though it is unclear whether the nocturnal behavior of invertebrate predators is innate or proximately caused by fish. In two experiments, one conducted in a fish-bearing stream and a second in a fishless stream, we compared the drift patterns of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) from channels with and without benthic invertebrate predators. We tested whether invertebrate predators affect the timing of drift, either as a proximate cause of nocturnal drift in the fishless stream (diel periodicity) or as a proximate cause of a pre-dawn peak in drift in the fish-bearing stream (nocturnal periodicity). In the fish-bearing stream experiment, a pre-dawn increase of baetid drift occurred independently of invertebrate predators, indicating that invertebrate predators were not the proximate cause of nocturnal periodicity in the stream. In the fishless stream experiment, invertebrate predators caused more baetid drift at night than during the day, indicating that invertebrate predators caused the nocturnal drift pattern we observed in the stream, and that invertebrate predators can influence drift timing independently of fish. Therefore, we suggest that both visually feeding fish and nocturnally foraging benthic predators, when present, affect the timing of invertebrate drift; visually feeding fish by reducing daytime drift, and benthic predators by increasing nighttime drift.  相似文献   

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