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Several parameters were observed during the degeneration of the intersegmental muscles of moths. Within 5 hr after the emergence of the moth, capacitance of the fibres decreases 70 per cent, and resistance begins to climb, the latter reaching a maximum value approximately 300 per cent that at the time of emergence, at 20 hr. The loss in muscle mass is detectable approximately 3 hr after emergence, but the muscle remains fully contractile for at least 10 hr; and intracellular depolarization can elicit localized contractions for another 5 hr. Motor end plates remain potentially capable of function throughout this period. The changes in membrane properties represent the earliest known physiological manifestations of lysis.  相似文献   

Molecular control of phenoloxidase-induced melanin synthesis in an insect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The melanization reaction induced by activated phenoloxidase in arthropods must be tightly controlled because of excessive formation of quinones and excessive systemic melanization damage to the hosts. However, the molecular mechanism by which phenoloxidase-induced melanin synthesis is regulated in vivo is largely unknown. It is known that the Sp?tzle-processing enzyme is a key enzyme in the production of cleaved Sp?tzle from pro-Sp?tzle in the Drosophila Toll pathway. Here, we provide biochemical evidence that the Tenebrio molitor Sp?tzle-processing enzyme converts both the 79-kDa Tenebrio prophenoloxidase and Tenebrio clip-domain SPH1 zymogen to an active melanization complex. This complex, consisting of the 76-kDa Tenebrio phenoloxidase and an active form of Tenebrio clip-domain SPH1, efficiently produces melanin on the surface of bacteria, and this activity has a strong bactericidal effect. Interestingly, we found the phenoloxidase-induced melanization reaction to be tightly regulated by Tenebrio prophenoloxidase, which functions as a competitive inhibitor of melanization complex formation. These results demonstrate that the Tenebrio Toll pathway and the melanization reaction share a common serine protease for the regulation of these two major innate immune responses.  相似文献   

Sensory and central mechanisms control intersegmental coordination   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent experiments on the sensory and central mechanisms that coordinate animal locomotory movements have advanced our understanding of the relative importance of these two components and overturned some previously held notions. In different experimental preparations, sensory inputs and central pattern generators have now been shown to play different roles in setting intersegmental phase lags.  相似文献   

Analysis of an optimal control model of multi-joint arm movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In this paper, we propose a model of biological motor control for generation of goal-directed multi-joint arm movements, and study the formation of muscle control inputs and invariant kinematic features of movements. The model has a hierarchical structure that can determine the control inputs for a set of redundant muscles without any inverse computation. Calculation of motor commands is divided into two stages, each of which performs a transformation of motor commands from one coordinate system to another. At the first level, a central controller in the brain accepts instructions from higher centers, which represent the motor goal in the Cartesian space. The controller computes joint equilibrium trajectories and excitation signals according to a minimum effort criterion. At the second level, a neural network in the spinal cord translates the excitation signals and equilibrium trajectories into control commands to three pairs of antagonist muscles which are redundant for a two-joint arm. No inverse computation is required in the determination of individual muscle commands. The minimum effort controller can produce arm movements whose dynamic and kinematic features are similar to those of voluntary arm movements. For fast movements, the hand approaches a target position along a near-straight path with a smooth bell-shaped velocity. The equilibrium trajectories in X and Y show an ‘N’ shape, but the end-point equilibrium path zigzags around the hand path. Joint movements are not always smooth. Joint reversal is found in movements in some directions. The excitation signals have a triphasic (or biphasic) pulse pattern, which leads to stereotyped triphasic (or biphasic) bursts in muscle control inputs, and a dynamically modulated joint stiffness. There is a fixed sequence of muscle activation from proximal muscles to distal muscles. The order is preserved in all movements. For slow movements, it is shown that a constant joint stiffness is necessary to produce a smooth movement with a bell-shaped velocity. Scaled movements can be reproduced by varying the constraints on the maximal level of excitation signals according to the speed of movement. When the inertial parameters of the arm are altered, movement trajectories can be kept invariant by adjusting the pulse height values, showing the ability to adapt to load changes. These results agree with a wide range of experimental observations on human voluntary movements. Received: 4 December 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

In recent years, the phenomena of hormonal control, embryonic determination and pattern formation have been receiving intensive scrutiny from molecular biologists. In the following «Roots» contribution, Professor Sir Vincent B. Wigglesworth reviews some of the seminal work that he did on these subjects in the insect Rhodnius prolixus.  相似文献   



Most organisms have evolved a circadian clock in order to anticipate daily environmental changes and many of these organisms are also capable of sophisticated measurement of daylength (photoperiodism) that is used to regulate seasonal events such as diapause, migration and polymorphism. It has been generally accepted that the same elements are involved in both circadian (daily) and seasonal (annual) rhythms because both rely upon daily light-dark cycles. However, as reasonable as this sounds, there remains no conclusive evidence of such a molecular machinery in insects. We have approached this issue by using RNA interference (RNAi) in Riptortus pedestris.  相似文献   

Male gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar L.) are able to control their forward flight speed solely by means of optical cues derived from the lateral parts of their visual field. Thereby, relative motion of the objects is required, which under free flight conditions would derive from the self-induced motion of the stationary objects within a surrounding structured in depth. Besides this motion parallax, however, the control system for forward flight speed demands figural properties of the objects such as differences in their angular extension or contrast. In a natural surround, the images of objects closer to the moth have higher angular velocity and, in addition, are usually larger and have higher contrast than those of objects farther away. The experiments have shown that this natural pairing of angular velocity and figural properties is essential to induce a thrust response which appears suitable to counteract involuntary changes in forward flight speed, as e.g. caused by changes in wind speed under free flight conditions. Inverse pairing of the visual stimuli caused the moths to either enlarge the error signal according to positive feedback within the control circuit, or to increase thrust to a maximum as always found in experiments without motion parallax or in the absence of differences in figural properties. The open-loop experiments furthermore established that the set point of angular velocity of the closer objects lies within the range of 4.5–9°/s, and that pattern speed modulation has to cover this range in order to induce a compensatory thrust modulation. The response is largely independent of the magnitude of relative motion as long as it is present; the response amplitude, however, strongly depends on the amplitude of pattern speed modulation.The results are discussed with regard to other visual cues used for the control of forward flight speed in insects, the algorithm underlying the figure-ground discrimination in flies, and the perception of depth in man as known from psychophysical experiments.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks may result in the loss of genetic diversity, with potentially negative consequences for species of interest in conservation biology, including rare species, invasive species and biological control agents. We examined mtDNA sequence data and four variable microsatellite loci (SSRs) in the melaleuca psyllid Boreioglycaspis melaleucae, which was introduced from Australia to Florida as a biological control agent of the invasive plant Melaleuca quinquenervia. We sampled psyllids in the native and introduced ranges as well as individuals stored from the original founding population. There was a clear loss of mtDNA haplotype diversity, as well as a loss of rare microsatellite alleles, in the introduced range. However, there was little genetic differentiation between the home and introduced ranges, and no evidence for a genetic bottleneck based on an analysis of heterozygosity with the microsatellite markers. Overall, the data showed that the demographic bottleneck had a limited effect on the genetics of populations in the new range.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The literature contains contrary reports with respect to the control of the proboscis extension of blowflies in response to stimulatory solutions. Control could be effected centrally, peripherally or by a combination of both. In this report a comparison of (i) behavioural responsiveness to sucrose (measured by tarsal thresholds for proboscis extension) and (ii) sensitivity of tarsal sugar receptors (measured from 0.1 to 1.1 s after stimulus onset) both before and 1 h after feeding of male Protophormia terraenovae suggests that the observed decrease in behavioural responsiveness after feeding is due to central inhibition rather than to a decline in peripheral sensitivity.  相似文献   

Administration of the kappa opiate agonist, U-50,488H (0.10-10 mg/kg), produced over three hours a significant dose-dependent increase in the ingestive responses of free feeding American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. These effects could be decreased by the opiate antagonist, naloxone (1.0 mg/kg), with naloxone by itself blocking the augmented feeding responses of food-deprived cockroaches. The mu opiate agonist, morphine (1.0-20 mg/kg) caused a significant dose-dependent and naloxone-reversible increase in the locomotory activity of cockroaches. These results suggest that opioid systems may be involved in the control of the feeding in cockroaches in a manner analogous to that proposed for vertebrates.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide further support for the hypothesis that spatial representations of limb position, target locations, and potential motor actions are expressed in the neuronal activity in parietal cortex. In contrast, precentral cortical activity more strongly expresses processes involved in the selection and execution of motor actions. As a general conceptual framework, these processes may be interpreted in terms of such formalisms as sensorimotor transformation and ‘internal models’.  相似文献   

Stern D 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(7):R267-R269
Insulin signaling controls organ growth and final body size in insects. Recent results have begun to clarify how insulin signaling drives organ growth to match nutrient levels, but have not yet elucidated how insulin signaling controls final body size.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivity of the visual cells in the compound eye of the mothDeilephila elpenor was determined by electrophysiological mass recordings during exposure to monochromatic adapting light. Three types of receptors were identified. The receptors are maximally sensitive at about 350 nm (ultraviolet), 450 nm (violet), and 525 nm (green). The spectral sensitivity of the green receptors is identical to a nomogram for a rhodopsin with max at 525 nm. The spectral sensitivity of the other two receptors rather well agrees with nomograms for corresponding rhodopsins. The recordings indicate that the green receptors occur in larger number than the other receptors. The ultra-violet and violet receptors probably occur in about equal number.The sensitivity after monochromatic adapting illumination varies with the wavelength of the adapting light, but is not proportional to the spectral sensitivity of the receptors. The sensitivity is proportional to the concentration of visual pigment at photoequilibrium. The equilibrium is determined by the absorbance coefficients of the visual pigment and its photoproduct at each wavelength. The concentration of the visual pigment, and thereby the sensitivity, is maximal at about 450 nm, and minimal at wavelengths exceeding about 570 nm.The light from a clear sky keeps the relative concentration of visual pigment in the green receptors, and the relative sensitivity, at about 0.62. The pigment concentration in the ultra-violet receptors is about 0.8 to 0.9, and that in the violet receptors probably about 0.6. At low ambient light intensities a chemical regeneration of the visual pigments may cause an increase in sensitivity. At higher intensities the concentrations of the visual pigments remain constant. Due to the constant pigment concentrations the input signals from the receptors to the central nervous system contain unequivocal information about variations in intensity and spectral distribution of the stimulating light.The work reported in this article was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant no B 73-04X-104-02B), by Karolinska Institutet, and by a grant (to G. Höglund) from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schwerpunktsprogramm Rezeptorphysiologie HA 258-10, and SFB 114.  相似文献   

Sterol sulfates in an insect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The repair of cockroach central nervous connectives, following selective glial disruption, involves an initial invasion of the lesion by a novel cell class. The available evidence, including that obtained using monoclonal antibodies, shows that these cells arise from circulating haemocytes. These invasive exogenous cells are restricted to the lesion zone. They are not only involved in initial repair of the peripheral glial elements, but may also be responsible for initiating recruitment and division of endogenous reactive cells. There is a clear anterior polarity in this recruitment, with significantly higher numbers of cells appearing anterior to, and then within, the lesion area. Characteristically, recognizable exogenous cells decline in number after 3 days, although there is no overall reduction in cell numbers within the lesion at this stage, nor has significant cell division begun. This suggests that the haemocyte-derived cells transform into, or are replaced by, functional perineurial glia, between 3 and 5 days, coincident with the restoration of the blood-brain barrier and the onset of endogenous cell division. Glial repair in the insect CNS can thus be divided into three phases which show striking similarities to the repair sequence in vertebrate brain. These include: an initial invasion of the lesion by exogenous cells, subsequent glial proliferation and then longer term fluxes in cell numbers and distribution.  相似文献   

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