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George W. Uetz 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):154-159
Summary Increased prey capture efficiency in colonial spiders is a consequence of the ricochet effect, as prey are captured after they bounce off several webs in succession. In this study, the prey capture of three species of colonial spiders in the genus Metepeira from Mexico are compared. These species, from different habitats, show varying levels of social organization (group size and withingroup spacing) that affect prey capture from ricochets. Metepeira sp. a (a presumed new species tentatively named atascadero) from desert grassland habitats, occur solitarily or in small groups, and gain little from prey ricochets: prey capture rates are low and variance in prey captured/spider is high. M. spinipes, from mesic agricultural sites, occur in groups of 10–150, and show a ricochet effect resulting in more and larger prey, and reduced variance in capture rate. M. incrassata, from tropical rainforest/agricultural sites, occur in large colonies of hundreds to thousands of individuals, and show a similar ricochet effect. The ricochet effect does not influence taxonomic composition of prey in either M. atascadero or M. spinipes, but does in tropical M. incrassata. This result, however, is primarily due to the capacity of certain taxa (eg., Lepidoptera), more common in the tropics, to escape more easily from spider webs. A comparison of prey capture efficiency of colonial M. incrassata with that of solitary M. atascadero shows that the ricochet effect provides an increase in efficiency across all size classes of prey.  相似文献   

Adherent cells interact with extracellular matrix via cell–substrate contacts at focal adhesions. The dynamic assembly and disassembly of focal adhesions enables cell attachment, migration and growth. While the influence of mechanical forces on the formation and growth of focal adhesions has been widely observed, the force loading on specific proteins at focal adhesion complex is not clear. By co-expressing force sensitive α-actinin FRET probes and fluorescence labeled paxillin in MDCK cells, we have simultaneously observed the time-dependent changes in tension in α-actinin and the dynamics of focal adhesion during cell migration. We show that increase in tension in α-actinin at the focal adhesion coincides with elongation of the adhesion in its growth phase. The enlargement of focal adhesion is through a force sensitive recruitment of α-actinin and paxillin to the adhesion sites. Changes in α-actinin tension and correlated relocation of α-actinin in an active adhesion also guide the growth direction of the adhesion. The results support the model that cytoskeletal tension is coupled to focal adhesion via the linking protein, α-actinin at the adhesion complex. Lysophosphatidic acid caused an immediate increase in α-actinin tension followed by drastic focal adhesion formation and elongation. Application of Rho-ROCK inhibitor, Y27632, resulted in reversible reduction in tension in α-actinin and disassociation of focal adhesion, suggesting the involvement of myosin-II mediated contractile force in the focal adhesion dynamics. These findings suggest that α-actinin not only serves as a physical linker between cytoskeleton and integrin, but also participates in force transmission at adhesion sites to facilitate adhesion?s growth.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to 40 Hz clicks and amplitude-modulated 500 Hz tones in human subjects were digitally filtered using an optimal (‘Wiener’) filter uniquely determined for each AEP. Use of coherence functions to compute coefficients appropriate for filtering grand average AEPs or subsets such as split-half averages is described. Wiener-filtered AEPs correlated better than unfiltered AEPs with split-half replicates and with references AEPs (obtained with long data collection periods). Visual detection thresholds were lower (more sensitive) for the Wiener-filtered AEPs, but not as low as objectively determined thresholds using coherence values.  相似文献   

Natality and recruitment govern animal population dynamics, but their responses to fluctuating resources, competition, predation, shifting habitat conditions, density feedback and diseases are poorly understood. To understand the influences of climatic and land use changes on population dynamics, we monitored monthly changes in births and juvenile recruitment in seven ungulate species for 15 years (1989–2003) in the Masai Mara Reserve of Kenya. Recruitment rates declined for all species but giraffe, likely due to habitat alteration and increasing vulnerability of animals associated with recurrent severe droughts, rising temperatures, unprecedentedly strong and prolonged El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) episodes, expansion of settlements, cultivation and human population growth in pastoral ranches adjoining the reserve. Birth rate showed strong and humped relationships with moving averages of monthly rainfall, whereas recruitment responded strongly to cumulative past rainfall. Increasing livestock incursions into the reserve depressed recruitment rate for quarter-grown topi. Expansion of pastoral settlements depressed birth rate in impala, zebra and giraffe. Frequent ENSO-related droughts caused progressive habitat desiccation and hence nutritional shortfalls for ungulates. The responses to climatic, land use and resource influences did not reflect body size, migratory or resident lifestyle, dietary guild, digestive physiology or degree of synchrony of breeding of the ungulate species.  相似文献   

IL-17A (IL-17) is the signature cytokine produced by Th17 cells and has been implicated in host defense against infection and the pathophysiology of autoimmunity and cardiovascular disease. Little is known, however, about the influence of IL-17 on endothelial activation and leukocyte influx to sites of inflammation. We hypothesized that IL-17 would induce a distinct pattern of endothelial activation and leukocyte recruitment when compared with the Th1 cytokine IFN-γ. We found that IL-17 alone had minimal activating effects on cultured endothelium, whereas the combination of TNF-α and IL-17 produced a synergistic increase in the expression of both P-selectin and E-selectin. Using intravital microscopy of the mouse cremaster muscle, we found that TNF-α and IL-17 also led to a synergistic increase in E-selectin-dependent leukocyte rolling on microvascular endothelium in vivo. In addition, TNF-α and IL-17 enhanced endothelial expression of the neutrophilic chemokines CXCL1, CXCL2, and CXCL5 and led to a functional increase in leukocyte transmigration in vivo and CXCR2-dependent neutrophil but not T cell transmigration in a parallel-plate flow chamber system. By contrast, endothelial activation with TNF-α and IFN-γ preferentially induced the expression of the integrin ligands ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, as well as the T cell chemokines CXCL9, CXCL10, and CCL5. These effects were further associated with a functional increase in T cell but not neutrophil transmigration under laminar shear flow. Overall, these data show that IL-17 and TNF-α act in a synergistic manner to induce a distinct pattern of endothelial activation that sustains and enhances neutrophil influx to sites of inflammation.  相似文献   



An obstetrical paradox is that maternal smoking is protective for the development of preeclampsia. However, there are no prior studies investigating the risk of preeclampsia in women who were exposed to tobacco smoking during their own fetal period. We aimed to study the subsequent risk of preeclampsia in women who were exposed to tobacco smoke in utero, using a national population-based register.


Data were obtained from the Medical Birth Register of Sweden for women who were born in 1982 (smoking data first recorded) or after, who had given birth to at least one child; 153 885 pregnancies were included.


The associations between intrauterine smoking exposure (three categories: non-smokers, 1–9 cigarettes/day [moderate exposure], and >9 cigarettes/day [heavy exposure]) and subsequent preeclampsia (n = 5721) were assessed using logistic regressions. In models adjusted for maternal age, parity and own smoking, the odds ratios (OR) for preeclampsia were 1.06 [95% CI: 0.99,1.13 for moderate intrauterine exposure, and 1.18, [95% CI: 1.10,1.27] for heavy exposure. Estimates were slightly strengthened in non-smoking women who experienced heavy intrauterine exposure (adjusted OR 1.24 [95% CI: 1.14,1.34]). Results were no longer statistically significant after adjustment for the woman’s own BMI, gestational age and birthweight Z-scores.


These data revealed some evidence of a possible weak positive association between intrauterine smoking exposure and the risk of subsequent preeclampsia, however, results were not significant over all manifestations of preeclampsia and confounder adjustment. The increased risk might be mediated through exposed women’s own BMI or birthweight.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) depend on clinical evaluation and there is a strong need for an objective tool as a biomarker. Our group has investigated brain oscillatory responses in a small group of AD subjects. We found that the de novo (untreated) AD group differs from both the cholinergically-treated AD group and aged-matched healthy controls in theta and delta responses over left frontal-central areas after cognitive stimulation. On the contrary, the difference observed in AD groups upon a sensory visual stimulation includes response increase over primary or secondary visual sensorial areas compared to controls. These findings imply at least two different neural networks, depending on type of stimulation (i.e. cognitive or sensory). The default mode defined as activity in resting state in AD seems to be affected electrophysiologically. Coherences are also very valuable in observing the group differences, especially when a cognitive stimulus is applied. In healthy controls, higher coherence values are elicited after a cognitive stimulus than after a sensory task. Our findings support the notion of disconnectivity of cortico-cortical connections in AD. The differences in comparison of oscillatory responses upon sensory and cognitive stimulations and their role as a biomarker in AD await further investigation in series with a greater number of subjects.  相似文献   

Aggressive constricting including asphyxiation was observed in wild octopuses (Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849, and Wunderpus photogenicus Hochberg, Norman & Finn, 2006 Hochberg, F.G., Norman, M.D. & Finn, J. (2006) Wunderpus photogenicus n. gen. and sp., a new Octopus from the shallow waters of the Indo-Malayan Archipelago (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Molluscan Research 26, 128140.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The distal portion of a dorsolateral arm formed a loop around the mantle of another octopus, in at least one case preventing the flow of water into the mantle, over the gills and out of the funnel. Constricting also may have prevented the subordinate individual from releasing ink, a possible irritant and predator attractant. A female O. cyanea used constricting as a form of fatal aggression to asphyxiate a male as part of apparent sexual cannibalism. This female killed a male with which she was mating using the ‘distance’ position. Constriction allowed a W. photogenicus to win during physical interspecific aggression with a close relative, Thaumoctopus mimicus Norman & Hochberg, 2005 Norman, M.D. & Hochberg, F.G. (2005) The ‘Mimic Octopus’ (Thaumoctopus mimicus n. gen. et. sp.), a new octopus from the tropical Indo-West Pacific (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Molluscan Research 25, 5770. [Google Scholar]. This action took place near an immediately available food source and interrupted foraging by T. mimicus, providing possible evidence of interference competition among closely related sympatric cephalopod species in the wild.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - The complete mitochondrial genomes of two important octopus species from the eastern Pacific were sequenced, obtaining their complete nucleotide sequences. Octopus mimus...  相似文献   

The excitability of spinal α-motoneurons in healthy humans was investigated with vibrostimulation (20–60 Hz) applied to different groups of muscles both under stationary conditions and during vibration-evoked stepping movements with leg suspension. In 15 subjects, the H-reflex amplitude was compared under the conditions of vibration of the left leg quadriceps femoris (QFM) or biceps femoris (BFM) muscle, as well as under the conditions of vibration of the contralateral, motionless leg QFM muscle in three spatial positions of the body: upright, supine, and lying on the side with the left leg suspended. Under dynamic conditions, the H-reflex value was compared during evoked and voluntary steppings at eight intervals of the step cycle. In all body positions, the vibration of each ipsilateral leg muscle caused a significant H-reflex suppression, this suppression being more prominent under the air-stepping conditions. The vibration of the contralateral leg QFM had weak influence on the H-reflex amplitude. In seven subjects, the vibration of the ipsilateral and contralateral leg muscles generated stepping movements. During vibration-evoked air-stepping, the H-reflex had different amplitudes in different phases of the step cycle. At the same time, the differences between responses under voluntary and involuntary stepping conditions were revealed only in the step cycle phase corresponding to the stance phase. Thus, the different degrees of the H-reflex suppression by vibration in different spatial positions of the body seem to depend on the summary afferent inflows to the spinal cord interneurons involved in the regulation of locomotion and posture. Apparently, an increase in the spinal cord neuronal excitability, which is necessary for activating locomotor automatism under the leg unloading conditions, occurs during evoked air-stepping in the swing phase.  相似文献   

While there has been a fair amount of research investigating children’s syntactic processing during spoken language comprehension, and a wealth of research examining adults’ syntactic processing during reading, as yet very little research has focused on syntactic processing during text reading in children. In two experiments, children and adults read sentences containing a temporary syntactic ambiguity while their eye movements were monitored. In Experiment 1, participants read sentences such as, ‘The boy poked the elephant with the long stick/trunk from outside the cage’ in which the attachment of a prepositional phrase was manipulated. In Experiment 2, participants read sentences such as, ‘I think I’ll wear the new skirt I bought tomorrow/yesterday. It’s really nice’ in which the attachment of an adverbial phrase was manipulated. Results showed that adults and children exhibited similar processing preferences, but that children were delayed relative to adults in their detection of initial syntactic misanalysis. It is concluded that children and adults have the same sentence-parsing mechanism in place, but that it operates with a slightly different time course. In addition, the data support the hypothesis that the visual processing system develops at a different rate than the linguistic processing system in children.  相似文献   

Resting energy expenditure, peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and the gas-exchange anaerobic threshold (Than) were measured during incremental arm cranking (15 W x min(-1)) in six able-bodied (AB) and six paraplegic (P) subjects. Only male subjects with traumatic spinal cord injuries in the area of the 10-12th thoracic segment were included in the P group. All AB and P subjects were physically active. Mean (SE) values for age and body mass were 28 (2) years and 78.9 (3.9) kg for the AB group and 32 (4) years and 70.8 (7.9) kg for the P group (P>0.05). Resting energy expenditure values were not found to be significantly different between AB [5.8 (0.2) kJ x min(-1)] and P [5.1 (0.3) kJ min(-1)] subjects. Mean VO2peak values were 29.3 (2.4) ml x kg(-1) min(-1) and 29.6 (2.2) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) for the AB and P groups, respectively (P>0.05). Absolute oxygen uptake values measured at two gas-exchange anaerobic threshold (Than) were not significantly different between the two groups. However, the Than occurred at a significantly higher percentage of VO2peak in the P [58.9 (1.7)%] group than in the AB [50.0 (2.8)%] group (P<0.05). Moreover, respiratory exchange ratio (R) values obtained at the Than and at 15, 45, 60, 75 and 90 W of incremental exercise were significantly lower in the P group than in the AB group. Heart rates were significantly elevated at every submaximal work stage (15-120 W) in the P group compared to the AB group (P<0.05). These findings suggest that chronic daily wheelchair activity produces local adaptations in the functional upper-body musculature, which reduce glycogenolysis and increase the rate of lipid utilization (lower R) during arm exercise. These local adaptations may be in part responsible for the significantly higher Than observed for arm exercise in P subjects, even though VO2peak values were essentially the same for both groups.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and human-wildlife conflicts represent severe threats to wildcats such as the kodkod cat (Leopardus guigna), endemic to the heavily impacted Chilean temperate rainforest. Here we assess to which extent this vulnerable forest specialist is able to use altered habitat (agricultural matrix, forest edge, human presence) by studying its home ranges, habitat use, and patch selection in privately owned rainforest remnants. We radio-tracked five individuals over 33–376 days. Mean 95% kernel home ranges were 623 ha, with a mean 50% core area of 191 ha. Ecological-niche and Mahalanobis distance factor analysis confirmed forest-dependency and revealed that the individuals made intensive use of forest edges, close to water. They did not avoid houses. Generalized linear mixed models showed that the monitored kodkods selected elongated woodland patches. We conclude that the kodkods compensated the non-forest space by maintaining larger home ranges and making efficient use of forest edges probably due to higher prey availability. Future studies should identify ecological traps, and describe connectivity and source-sink dynamics in the agricultural matrix to develop long-term conservation efforts for the smallest cat of the Americas.  相似文献   

The barn owl (Tyto alba) is capable of capturing prey by passive hearing alone, guided by a topographic map of auditory space in the external nucleus of its inferior colliculus. The neurons of this auditory space map have discrete spatial receptive fields that result from the computation of interaural differences in the level (ILD) and time-of-arrival (ITD) of sounds. Below we review the synthesis of the spatial receptive fields from the frequency-specific ITDs and ILDs to which the neurons are tuned, concentrating on recent studies exploiting virtual auditory space techniques to analyze the contribution of ILD. We then compared the owls spatial discrimination, assessed behaviorally, with that of its space map neurons. Spatial discrimination was assessed using a novel paradigm involving the pupillary dilation response (PDR), and neuronal acuity was assessed by measuring the changes in firing rate resulting from changes in source location, scaled to the variance. This signal-detection-based approach revealed that the change in the position of the neural image on this map best explains the spatial discrimination measured using the PDR. We compare this result to recent studies in mammalian systems.  相似文献   

Plant Use by the Q’eqchi’ Maya of Belize in Ethnopsychiatry and Neurological Pathology. Economic Botany 59(4):326–336, 2005. Neurological and mental health disorders are extremely debilitating, and sufferers in developing countries often rely on traditional practitioners for these medical needs. Few studies have focused on botanical remedies used in this context, although these offer interesting treatment alternatives. The present study investigated plant use for the treatment of neurological and mental health disorders by Q'eqchi' Maya healers of southern Belize. We found that these healers generally recognize and treat epilepsy/seizures, headache, madness, fright (susto), depression, numbness, insomnia, and stress with herbal remedies. Quantitative analyses showed that there is selection for the use of certain species and botanical families, namely for species of the Pteridophyta division and for plants from the Piperaceae family. This study denotes the importance and selectivity of plant use by Q'eqchi' healers of southern Belize for the treatment of neurological and mental conditions and points to a possible underrepresentation of these disorders in the ethnobotanical literature.  相似文献   

Scope: Daily bilateral electromyography (EMG) recordings reveal muscle activation patterns implicated in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease (PD)-related functional decline. Also, daily EMG recordings reveal sex-differences in muscle activity that give rise to unique PD presentation in males and females. Purpose: Quantify handgrip strength and daily muscle quiescence through analysis of gaps in the EMG signal in males and females with PD. Bilateral daily EMG was recorded and normalized to maximal voluntary exertions (MVE). EMG gap was defined as <1% amplitude of MVE for >0.1 s and characterized as number, duration and time occupied by gaps. A dynamometer evaluated maximal grip-strength. Three-way repeated measures ANOVA examined differences in gap characteristics and strength. Gap duration was shorter (p = 0.04) and occupied less time (p = 0.02) in PD than controls. Females had fewer gaps with shorter duration (p = 0.004), occupying less time (p = 0.004) compared with males. Gaps were fewer (p = 0.04) and occupied less time (p = 0.01) on more-affected than less-affected side. PD was weaker than controls (p = 0.04), females were weaker than males (p = 0.00), and the more-affected PD side was weaker than less-affected (p = 0.04). Conclusions: Quantification of muscle quiescence through gaps in the EMG signal recorded during daily life provides insight into mechanisms underlying differential change in functional performance in males and females with PD.  相似文献   

Unexpected mobility disruptions during lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 became ’tipping points’ with the potential to alter pre-pandemic routines sensitive to socialisation. This paper investigates the impact of lockdown exposure on alcohol consumption. We document two findings using information from the Google Mobility Report and longitudinal data from the Understanding Society survey (UKHLS) in the United Kingdom. First, we find a sharp reduction in both actual mobility and alcohol use (consistent with a ”still and dry pandemic for the many” hypothesis). However, we document an increase in alcohol use among heavy drinkers, implying a split behavioural response to COVID-19 mobility restrictions based on alcohol use prior to the pandemic. Second, using the predictions of the prevalence-response elasticity theory, we find that the pandemic’s reduction in social contacts is responsible for a 2.8 percentage point reduction in drinking among men.  相似文献   

Darwin proposed that smiles with eye constriction (Duchenne smiles) index strong positive emotion in infants, while cry-faces with eye constriction index strong negative emotion. Research has supported Darwin’s proposal with respect to smiling, but there has been little parallel research on cry-faces (open-mouth expressions with lateral lip stretching). To investigate the possibility that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of positive and negative emotions, we first conducted the Face-to-Face/Still-Face (FFSF) procedure at 6 months. In the FFSF, three minutes of naturalistic infant-parent play interaction (which elicits more smiles than cry-faces) are followed by two minutes in which the parent holds an unresponsive still-face (which elicits more cry-faces than smiles). Consistent with Darwin’s proposal, eye constriction was associated with stronger smiling and with stronger cry-faces. In addition, the proportion of smiles with eye constriction was higher during the positive-emotion eliciting play episode than during the still-face. In parallel, the proportion of cry-faces with eye constriction was higher during the negative-emotion eliciting still-face than during play. These results are consonant with the hypothesis that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of both positive and negative facial configurations. A preponderance of eye constriction during cry-faces was observed in a second elicitor of intense negative emotion, vaccination injections, at both 6 and 12 months of age. The results support the existence of a Duchenne distress expression that parallels the more well-known Duchenne smile. This suggests that eye constriction–the Duchenne marker–has a systematic association with early facial expressions of intense negative and positive emotion.  相似文献   

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