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阐述了凋亡过程中,核基质所发生的形态、生化变化及相关凋亡基因的表达,尤其是凋亡早期便出现核基质蛋白的降解.核基质是细胞核最基本的组分,对维持细胞核形态结构和功能非常重要,其主要由核纤层,核内骨架及核孔复合体构成,在DNA复制、转录、RNA加工转运等事件中起支持作用.多少年来,关于凋亡时细胞核形态及生化改变的分子机理一直未阐明,最近对核基质与细胞凋亡的研究取得了重大进展.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
热休克蛋白属于细胞内分子伴侣蛋白,除涉及细胞内一些蛋白质分子构象和稳定性的调节之外,热休克蛋白对细胞应激、代谢、增殖以及凋亡等生理过程均具有重要的调控作用。研究表明热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控机制是复杂的,可直接作用于与凋亡相关的蛋白质,也可以通过影响细胞信号传递而间接影响凋亡的发生。由于热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控机制大多依赖于其分子伴侣功能,阻断热休克蛋白的伴侣功能已经成为研究药物诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的重要靶点。  相似文献   

Cell membrane proteins play an important role in tissue architecture and cell-cell communication. We hypothesize that segmentation and multidimensional characterization of the distribution of cell membrane proteins, on a cell-by-cell basis, enable improved classification of treatment groups and identify important characteristics that can otherwise be hidden. We have developed a series of computational steps to 1) delineate cell membrane protein signals and associate them with a specific nucleus; 2) compute a coupled representation of the multiplexed DNA content with membrane proteins; 3) rank computed features associated with such a multidimensional representation; 4) visualize selected features for comparative evaluation through heatmaps; and 5) discriminate between treatment groups in an optimal fashion. The novelty of our method is in the segmentation of the membrane signal and the multidimensional representation of phenotypic signature on a cell-by-cell basis. To test the utility of this method, the proposed computational steps were applied to images of cells that have been irradiated with different radiation qualities in the presence and absence of other small molecules. These samples are labeled for their DNA content and E-cadherin membrane proteins. We demonstrate that multidimensional representations of cell-by-cell phenotypes improve predictive and visualization capabilities among different treatment groups, and identify hidden variables.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix is a specific cell structure consisting of a residual nucleoskeleton that extends from the nucleoli to the nuclear envelope. The nuclear matrix of steroido-genic cells was isolated previously from a purified nuclear fraction. We present here an in situ extraction method, modified Lutz's method, for rat glandular adrenal cell nuclear matrix. This residual organelle was characterized and studied using immunocytochemical methods. The adrenal glands were removed, the cells prepared in suspension and deposited by cytospin onto Poly-L-lysine glass slides. The nuclear matrix was extracted with Nonidet P-40, DNase I and high and low ionic strength buffers. Structural proteins, nuclear lamins, coilin and fibrillarin were detected immunocytochemically. The adrenal fasciculata cells were easily identified by this method because of their large nuclei and abundant lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. After immunocytochemical detection by antibodies against lamins A and C, a marked brown layer at the periphery of the nucleus was observed. The intensity of the staining was lower using the antibody against nuclear lamin B. Immunocytochemical detection of the protein coilin revealed punctuated stained areas, 2-6 per nucleus, that probably correspond to the coiled bodies. The protein fibrillarin was detected at the nucleolus and coiled bodies. Our technique is simple, reveals well preserved adrenal nuclear matrices, and may be a useful method for immunocytochemical analysis and in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

The paramyxovirus matrix (M) protein is a molecular scaffold required for viral morphogenesis and budding at the plasma membrane. Transient nuclear residence of some M proteins hints at non-structural roles. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms that regulate the nuclear sojourn. Previously, we found that the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of Nipah virus M (NiV-M) is a prerequisite for budding, and is regulated by a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLSbp), a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES), and monoubiquitination of the K258 residue within the NLSbp itself (NLSbp-lysine). To define whether the sequence determinants of nuclear trafficking identified in NiV-M are common among other Paramyxovirinae M proteins, we generated the homologous NES and NLSbp-lysine mutations in M proteins from the five major Paramyxovirinae genera. Using quantitative 3D confocal microscopy, we determined that the NES and NLSbp-lysine are required for the efficient nuclear export of the M proteins of Nipah virus, Hendra virus, Sendai virus, and Mumps virus. Pharmacological depletion of free ubiquitin or mutation of the conserved NLSbp-lysine to an arginine, which inhibits M ubiquitination, also results in nuclear and nucleolar retention of these M proteins. Recombinant Sendai virus (rSeV-eGFP) bearing the NES or NLSbp-lysine M mutants rescued at similar efficiencies to wild type. However, foci of cells expressing the M mutants displayed marked fusogenicity in contrast to wild type, and infection did not spread. Recombinant Mumps virus (rMuV-eGFP) bearing the homologous mutations showed similar defects in viral morphogenesis. Finally, shotgun proteomics experiments indicated that the interactomes of Paramyxovirinae M proteins are significantly enriched for components of the nuclear pore complex, nuclear transport receptors, and nucleolar proteins. We then synthesize our functional and proteomics data to propose a working model for the ubiquitin-regulated nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of cognate paramyxovirus M proteins that show a consistent nuclear trafficking phenotype.  相似文献   

用选择性抽提方法和整装细胞电镜技术观察苜蓿丫纹夜蛾多粒包埋核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)感染的Tn5B1细胞的核骨架结构体系,发现感染早期病毒的复制过程未对宿主细胞核骨架的形态结构产生明显影响,而感染晚期多角体的装配在核骨架网络中进行.以ie-1基因和多角体蛋白基因为探针,点杂交分析基因转录活性与宿主细胞核骨架的关系,结果表明在病毒感染早期,无论是正具转录活性的ie-1基因还是不具转录活性的多角体蛋白基因都可紧密结合在宿主细胞的核骨架上.  相似文献   

用选择性抽提方法和整装细胞电镜技术观察苜蓿丫纹夜蛾多粒包埋核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)感染的Tn5B1细胞的核骨架结构体系,发现感染早期病毒的复制过程未对宿主细胞核骨架的形态结构产生明显影响,而感染晚期多角体的装配在核骨架网络中进行。ie-1基因和多角体蛋白基因为探针,点杂交分析基因转录活性与宿主细胞核骨架的关系,结果表明在病毒感染早期,无论是正具转录活性的ie-1基因还是不具转录活性的多角体蛋  相似文献   

Alteration of the nuclear matrix protein composition during active cell death was investigated by high resolution 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and computer-assisted image analysis. Nuclear matrices were isolated from purified nuclei of a rat embryo cell line showing an immediate apoptotic response to serum reduction. While cell shrinkage and cytoplasmic compaction, characteristic features of apoptosis, were induced, the nuclear matrix protein pattern was not altered 1 h after induction of apoptosis. However, two sets of novel nuclear matrix protein spots appeared with differing kinetics within the following 5 h of apoptosis. They consisted of five and six protein spots, respectively. In addition, the intensity of five nuclear matrix protein spots that had already been present in the uninduced cells increased continuously within an observation period of 12 h. These coincidences point to a potential involvement of the described nuclear matrix proteins in the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

稳定表达乙脑病毒结构蛋白的细胞系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乙型脑炎病毒SA14-14-2疫苗株全长基因组克隆质粒pBR-JTF为模板,通过PCR分别扩增prM-E及C-prM-E基因片段,构建表达乙型脑炎病毒结构蛋白的真核表达质粒pCJE-ME及pCJE-CME。将这2种重组质粒用脂质体法转染BHK-21细胞后,质粒pCJE-ME表现明显的细胞毒性,转染细胞不能存活;质粒pCJE-cME可导致筛选到表达JEV结构蛋白的稳定细胞系,这种稳定表达JEV结构蛋白的细胞系通过PCR扩增细胞系基因组、ELISA、Western Blot、间接免疫荧光等方法得到鉴定。研究结果表明在C蛋白存在下,乙型脑炎病毒C-prM-E蛋白可以在BHK细胞中稳定表达,为研制JEV新型复制子颗粒疫苗提供了便利工具。  相似文献   

Telomerase-negative tumor cells maintain their telomeres via an alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) mechanism. This process involves the association of telomeres with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs). Here, the mobility of both telomeres and PML-NBs as well as their interactions were studied in human U2OS osteosarcoma cells, in which the ALT pathway is active. A U2OS cell line was constructed that had lac operator repeats stably integrated adjacent to the telomeres of chromosomes 6q, 11p, and 12q. By fluorescence microscopy of autofluorescent LacI repressor bound to the lacO arrays the telomere mobility during interphase was traced and correlated with the telomere repeat length. A confined diffusion model was derived that describes telomere dynamics in the nucleus on the time scale from seconds to hours. Two telomere groups were identified that differed with respect to the nuclear space accessible to them. Furthermore, translocations of PML-NBs relative to telomeres and their complexes with telomeres were evaluated. Based on these studies, a model is proposed in which the shortening of telomeres results in an increased mobility that could facilitate the formation of complexes between telomeres and PML-NBs.  相似文献   

The genetically inactive stage 6 oocyte nuclei ofRana temporariacontain certain nuclear bodies that label with nucleolus-specific and coiled body (CB)-specific antibodies. We designate them multicomponent bodies (MCBs) to reflect their mixed composition. Morphologically, each MCB contains five distinct zones: zone I composed of electron-dense fibrils similar to the dense fibrillar component (DFC) of the typical eukaryotic nucleoli; zone II resembled the fibrillar material of the inactive agranular nucleoli of stage 6 oocytes; zone III consisted of fine filamentous material corresponding to the fibrillar center (FC) of lower electron density seen in the typical nucleoli; and zones IV and V contained packed coiled threads typical of CBs. Of these, zone IV was seen in the interior of MCBs and contained tightly packed coiled threads (20 nm thick), while zone V occurred at the periphery and consisted of similar threads but loosely packed and electron dense. The material of both zones IV and V resembled that of CBs. To determine the composition of these zones, we extracted oocytes with a buffer that removes chromatin and most of the soluble proteins and processed them for immunogold labeling with a variety of antibodies. Anti-p80 coilin antibody predominantly labeled zone IV and, to a lesser extent, zone V. Anti-snRNP antibody also showed a similar labeling pattern. Anti-fibrillarin antibody predominantly labeled zone I and to a lesser extent zones IV and V. Anti-B23 antibody labeled all zones. These observations suggest that MCBs contain both nucleolar and CB material. We postulate that MCBs represent storage structures which provide material needed for the early stage of embryogenesis. The demonstration of MCBs further supports the close interrelationship between nucleoli and CBs.  相似文献   

核基质网架蛋白可能是细胞凋亡中先于DNA的靶   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 .前言细胞凋亡是一种由遗传基因编码的主动的细胞死亡方式 ,是由Kerr等[1] 人于 1 972年首先描述的。起初 ,人们所注重的是凋亡细胞形态学方面的改变。研究发现 ,在凋亡中染色质逐渐群集 ,进一步在广泛的区域内凝聚并显示边缘化特征。这些凝聚成分起初是贴近核膜的 ,然后在核的端部形成明显分界的杯状结构 ,并最终形成凋亡小体。长期以来这些特征性变化一直被作为细胞发生凋亡的主要指标。而随后在凋亡细胞中特征性梯形分布DNA片段的发现曾一度使人们认为找到了一种能有效鉴别细胞凋亡的生物化学指标。这也自然而然地导致人们更多…  相似文献   

凋亡诱导因子是线粒体内介导核凋亡的最主要蛋白质之一   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
凋亡诱导因子(apoptosis-inducing factor, AIF)基因定位于X染色体上,其编码产物是一种可直接介导细胞核凋亡的效应分子. 鼠AIF前体蛋白在胞浆中合成后,通过其N端的线粒体定位信号(MLS)有效地穿入线粒体膜间隙,然后在102位甘氨酸处水解掉MLS,其余部分再与黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸(FAD)结合,并重新折叠成为具有促凋亡潜能的成熟AIF分子,分子质量为57 ku.当凋亡信号刺激时,AIF分子从线粒体释放到胞浆,然后转位到细胞核内,引起染色体核周边凝集和DNA呈大片段断裂(~50 kb). 该作用不受广谱caspases抑制剂z-VAD.fmk的抑制,也不受Bcl-2过量表达的影响.基因剔除实验表明,AIF蛋白的促凋亡活性是胚胎小鼠形态发生过程中类胚体成腔所必需的,而且是AIF独立作用的结果,可以不依赖caspase-3的活性.因此AIF介导的细胞凋亡可能代表了独立于caspase通路之外的另一条更原始、更保守的凋亡途径.  相似文献   

A variety of cellular functions are modulated by the physical properties of the cell membrane, and the modification of intracellular transfer, resulting from loss of membrane integrity, may contribute toward setting the cell onto the pathway of apoptosis. Apoptosis in lymphoid cells can be induced in different ways and biochemical modifications occur at an early phase of cell death, while the morphological features of apoptosis are evident later. We previously reported that DMSO is an efficient apoptosis-inducing factor in the human RPMI-8402 pre-T cell line. The aim of the present study was to verify the effect of DMSO on the plasma membrane fluidity, the intracellular calcium concentration and the phosphodiesterase activity in DMSO-induced apoptosis. Our results show a modification of membrane fluidity associated with an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Moreover, we demonstrate that these modifications are related to a decrease in the phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity. The correlation between the proceedings of added DMSO and the induction of apoptosis will provide significant information regarding the first part of the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen plays a major role in the management of breast cancer in women and is currently used to a lesser extent in other neoplasias. Many of the pharmacological properties of tamoxifen are consistent with anti-estrogen activity, but it also has significant, although lesser, benefit in patients whose tumours are estrogen-receptor negative. We recently reported that murine B16 melanoma cell attachment to extracellular matrix proteins can be inhibited by calmodulin antagonists. In seeking a calmodulin antagonist that could be used clinically, we investigated tamoxifen, which is known to have calmodulin antagonist activity in vitro, and confirmed that it will inhibit murine melanoma cell attachment in vitro. In the current study, we examined the effect of tamoxifen on the attachment of human ocular melanoma cell lines to a range of extracellular matrix substrates to evaluate the potential relevance of calmodulin antagonists, including tamoxifen, to reducing metastatic spread of these tumours. We report that six ocular melanoma cell lines established from choroidal melanoma tumours showed rapid attachment to a range of substrates and that this attachment can be significantly reduced by an experimental calmodulin antagonist (J8) and by tamoxifen. In summary, we conclude that the ability of calmodulin antagonists, including tamoxifen, to inhibit ocular melanoma cell attachment to matrix proteins in vitro merits further investigation as it may offer another approach to reducing metastatic spread of these tumours.  相似文献   

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