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It has recently been demonstrated that slowly adapting stretch receptors (SASRs) in the airways of the dog respond directly to nicotine (Federation Proc. 43: 318, 1984). The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate this chemical effect on an isolated stretch receptor. The crayfish muscle receptor organ was chosen, since crayfish muscle is reported to be insensitive to nicotine or acetylcholine and therefore permits the testing of any direct chemical effect of nicotine on the muscle stretch receptors. The tail was removed and pinned out in a tissue bath, and a stretch receptor organ was surgically isolated. Single-unit SASR extracellular nerve recordings were made while simultaneously measuring tension in the tail. Drugs were prepared in Van Harreveld's solution and administered into the bath kept at 18 degrees C. When resting muscle tension was essentially reduced to zero by cutting both ends of the receptor organ muscle, nicotine (0.07 microM) added to the bath increased receptor activity fourfold. This response was abolished by treatment with hexamethonium (690 microM). In a second group of animals in which the muscle was left intact, nicotine was shown to significantly increase receptor sensitivity to step changes in muscle tension. Once again hexamethonium blocked the response to nicotine. These results demonstrate that the sensitivity of mechanoreceptor can be altered by chemical interaction with nicotinic receptors, which dramatically alter sensory receptor activity.  相似文献   

Summary In isolated receptors the impulse frequency following step stretches had a highly significant correlation with both muscle length and tension; any deviations from linearity were in opposite directions, impulse frequency rising more quickly than linearly with length and more slowly than linearly with tension. The impulse frequency decayed according to a power function of time from application of a step increase in length. A transfer function was derived and used to predict responses to sinusoidal and constant velocity stretches. The experimental data generally agreed with predictions. The deviations that were found could be accounted for by considering quantitatively any non-linearity between frequency and length, the adaptation of the impulse frequency to constant currents, the all-or-none nature of the action potential, and the viscous forces present during dynamic stretch. The approximately linear relationship between impulse frequency and muscle length and muscle tension is discussed. Muscle tension appears to be the more direct causal agent of impulse generation. Possible physical bases for the transfer function are also considered.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy, three hemocyte types are described in the hemolymph of the crayfish. The coagulocyte comprises 65% of the total hemocyte number and contains medium-sized cytoplasmic granules, abundant dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum, and a highly developed Golgi complex. It rapidly undergoes cytolysis in vitro and participates in coagulation by releasing the contents of its granules to the hemolymph. The granulocyte comprises 31% of the total hemocyte number and is capable of phagocytosis. It contains large, irregularly shaped cytoplasmic granules, a moderately developed Golgi complex, and moderate amounts of non-dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum. During coagulation in vitro, the cell attaches and spreads onto the substratum; this is followed by a slow intracellular granule breakdown and cytolysis. The amebocyte comprises 4% of the total hemocyte number and it is also capable of phagocytosis. It possesses small cytoplasmic granules, many vacuoles, a moderately developed Golgi complex, and large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It is distinguished from the other two cell types by being stable and motile in vitro.  相似文献   

The slowly adapting stretch receptor of the crayfish is inhibited via the large accessory neuron both by reflex activation of this inhibitory interneuron from the stretch receptor itself (autogenic inhibition) and by activation of the interneuron from stretch receptors in other abdominal segments (neighbourinhibition). Neighbour-inhibition increases proportionally with the increase in impulse frequency in the large accessory neuron produced by activity in neighbouring receptors and largely independently of the level of excitation in the stretch receptor itself. A simple model based on intracellular recordings from the receptor neuron predicts this behaviour fairly accurately. In this model each receptor impulse is followed by an IPSP after a delay proportional to the uninhibited interspike interval of the receptor (autogenic inhibition). The other IPSP's arrive randomly distributed in time (neighbour-inhibition). An alternative model in which all IPSP's arrive randomly produces similar results. This latter model can be modified to fit other neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Pulmonary sensory receptors are the initiating sites for lung reflexes; however, little is known about their structure, especially the relationship between the structure and function of these receptors. Using a novel approach (combining electrophysiological and morphological techniques), we examined the structures of the typical slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors (SARs) located in the lung periphery. We recorded SAR activities in the cervical vagus nerve, identified the receptive field, dissected the SARs in blocks, fixed and processed these blocks for immunohistochemical staining using anti-Na+/K+-ATPase, and examined the blocks under a confocal microscope. These SAR structures have multiple endings that have terminal knobs. Some structures that are located in the airway walls have terminal knobs buried in smooth muscle. Others are in the most peripheral part of the lung, and their terminal knobs have no obvious relation to smooth muscle, suggesting that muscle contraction may not be a direct factor for SAR activation.  相似文献   

Microanatomical studies on the abdominal stretch receptor organs of the crayfish Astacus fluviatilis L. have been carried out in order to establish a basis for the physiological work that has been, and is being carried out on stretch receptors of various species of crayfish. Important differences have been found between these organs and those previously described by Alexandrowicz for the lobsters Homarus vulgaris and Palinurus vulgaris. With the aid of silver-impregnated preparations the relationship of sensory endings and muscle fibers has been shown as well as the pattern of the efferent innervation. The physiological significance of the histological findings has been discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Among malacostracan crustaceans, intracerebral ocelli were first discovered in Isopoda, but they have been more recently reported from a crayfish ( Cherax destructor ) and a sandhopper ( Talitrus saltator ). This electron microscopic study increases the number of crayfish taxa in which intracerebral ocelli are now known to occur by two: Astacidae and Cambaridae. These photoreceptors are always integrated into the anteromedio-dorsal part of the brain and are not visible externally. Each ocellus is made up of 4–5 photoreceptor cells and is characterized by the presence of a fused rhabdom. The occurrence of different kinds of lysosomes in the cytoplasm is indicative of metabolic activity and perhaps membrane turnover. One typical feature of crayfish ocelli is their extraordinary variability in number. This trait is exemplified by individuals of Pacifastacus leniusculus , where as many as 14 ocelli were identified in a single brain. The arrangement of the ocelli is often not symmetrical with regard to the brain's midline and the ocelli always lack dioptric structures. Thus, it is difficult to see how they are involved in image formation. However, further research is needed to determine the precise role of these "hidden" receptors.  相似文献   

The North American spiny-cheek crayfish,Orconectes limosus (Cambaridae), endangered in its native range, is a widespread invasive species in European waters and conservationally important carrier of crayfish plague. However, its population structure is poorly known, and no informative genetic markers for the species are available. We tested cross-species transfer of microsatellite loci to spiny-cheek crayfish from 5 other crayfish species. Variability of 10 successfully amplifying loci derived from 4 species was then tested in 60 individuals ofO. limosus originating from 3 natural populations: the river Danube at Bogyiszló in Hungary, a pond in Stary Klíčov, and the brook Černovicky, both in the Czech Republic. The allele number within the populations ranged from 4 to 10 alleles per locus, while heterozygosity levels varied from 0.650 to 0.900 forHo and from 0.660 to 0.890 forHe. No linkage disequilibrium and no null alleles were detected. The selected markers are useful for assessing population structure, intraspecific variation, and paternity studies in spiny-cheek crayfish.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity of slow- and fast-adapted abdominal stretch receptor (SAR and FAR) of the crayfish and their activity evoked by adequate stimulation were investigated in the presence of efferent regulation. Activity of the receptors was shown to be under effective inhibitory control of two central neurons, principal and accessory; activity of these neurons, in turn, is determined by the current receptor activity. The closest interaction is found between SAR and the principal inhibitory neuron. Two types of efferent regulatory action of this neuron were discovered: grouped and continuous. Its powerful discharges (up to 361 spikes) arising in response to only one SAR afferent impulse are described. The character of synaptic connections between the peripheral and central neurons is discussed.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Kishinev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 317–327, May–June, 1972.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of interaction between central and receptor neurons of the crayfish (the principal inhibitory neuron — PIN — and the slow-adapting stretch receptor — SAR) when functioning under different conditions were investigated: during regular spontaneous activity of SAR, grouped discharges of PIN, and regular spontaneous activity of PIN. A close connection was found between the various parameters of the PIN and SAR responses. Adaptation of SAR to the action of adequate, regular repetitive stimulation takes place faster in the presence of stationary background activity of PIN. The appearance and disappearance of SAR spike activity are determined by the ratio between the firing rates of SAR and PIN: at the moment of changeover the neuron with the higher firing rate is predominant.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Kishinev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 429–438, July–August, 1972.  相似文献   

1. Rhabdomeral microvilli of photoreceptor cells of invertebrates contain a labile central cytoskeleton. For stabilization of the rhabdomeral cytoskeleton of the crayfish Orconectes limosus the crosslinking reagent suberic acid bis (N-hydroxysuccinimide ester) was used. 2. It was found that this crosslinking reagent can be successfully used to stabilize and isolate the microvillar cytoskeleton of crayfish photoreceptors. 3. After detergent treatment cytosolic proteins and the cell membranes were removed. 4. By the combined use of crosslinker and detergent the accessibility of antibodies or other markers to the microvillar cytoskeleton is possible. 5. This method may be useful, because at present little is known about the proteins associated with the central filament of invertebrate photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of muscle contraction is thought to consist of cyclic movements of parts of the myosin molecules (crossbridges). Unitl now different states of the proposed crossbridge cycle could be stablilized and demonstrated by electron microscopy only in the case of highly specialized insect flight muscles. In this paper evidence is presented that it is also possible to induce crossbridge positions corresponding to the rigor [16] and the pseudorelaxed state [3] in non-insect muscles. Homogenization of myofibrils of the abdominal flexors of the crayfish Orconectes limosus in rigor or AMP.PNP-containing solutions brings about two different crossbridge patterns: The formation of crossbridges attached to the actin filaments in a mainly acute (rigor) or in a mainly perpendicular angle (pseudo-relaxed). Optical diffraction patterns taken from electron micrographs of sarcomere fragments are likewise compatible with those taken from sarcomeres of insect flight muscles fixed in comparable conditions [2,3].  相似文献   

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