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Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that can serve as a cell source for transplantation medicine, and as a tool to study human embryogenesis. We investigate here the potential of human embryonic stem cells to differentiate into hepatic cells. We have characterized the expression level of liver-enriched genes in undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells by DNA microarrays. Our analysis revealed a subset of fetal hepatic enriched genes that are expressed in human embryonic stem cells upon differentiation into embryoid bodies. In order to isolate the hepatic-like cells, we introduced a reporter gene regulated by a hepatocyte-specific promoter into human embryonic stem cells. We isolated clones of human embryonic stem cells that express enhanced green fluorescent protein upon in vitro differentiation. Through immunostaining, we showed that most of these cells express albumin, while some cells still express the earlier expressed protein alpha-fetoprotein. Using fluorescence activated cell sorter, we were able to sort out the fluorescent differentiated cells and expand them for a few more weeks. This is the first report to demonstrate the possibility of purifying differentiated derivatives of human embryonic stem cells and culturing them further. Through confocal microscopy, we detected clusters of hepatic-like cells in 20-day-old embryoid bodies and in teratomas. As observed during embryonic development, we showed that in teratomas, the hepatic-like endodermal cells develop next to cardiac mesodermal cells. In order to examine the secreted factors involved in the induction of hepatic differentiation, human embryonic stem cells were grown in the presence of various growth factors, demonstrating the potential involvement of acidic fibroblast growth factor in the differentiation. In conclusion, given certain growth conditions and genetic manipulation, we can now differentiate and isolate hepatic-like cells from human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent demonstrations of insulin expression by progenies of mouse and human embryonic stem (ES) cells have attracted interest in setting up these cells as alternative sources of β-cells needed in diabetes cell therapy. It is widely acknowledged that information gathered in the field of developmental biology as applied to the pancreas is of relevance for designing in vitro differentiation strategies. However, looking back at the protocols used so far, it appears that the natural route toward the pancreas, which goes via the definitive endoderm, was usually bypassed. As a consequence Hedgehog signaling, the earliest inhibitor of pancreas initiation from the endoderm, was generally not considered. A recall of the status of this pathway during ES cell differentiation appears necessary, especially in the light of findings that Activin A treatment of mouse and human ES cells coax them into definitive endoderm, a lineage showing wide Hedgehog ligands expression with the potential to hinder pancreatic programming.  相似文献   

The emergence of hepatocyte based clinical and pharmaceutical technologies, has been limited by the absence of a stable hepatocyte cell source. Embryonic stem cells may represent a potential solution to this cell source limitation problem since they are highly proliferative, renewable, and pluripotent. Although many investigators have described techniques to effectively differentiate stem cells into a variety of mature cell lineages, their practicality is limited by: (1) low yields of fully differentiated cells, (2) absence of large scale processing considerations, and (3) ineffective downstream enrichment protocols. Thus, a differentiation platform that may be modified to induce and sustain differentiated cell function and scaled to increase differentiated cell yield would improve current stem cell differentiation strategies. Microencapsulation provides a vehicle for the discrete control of key cell culture parameters such as the diffusion of growth factors, metabolites, and wastes. In addition, both cell seeding density and bead composition may be manipulated. In order to assess the feasibility of directing stem cell differentiation via microenvironment regulation, we have developed a murine embryonic stem cell (ES) alginate poly-l-lysine microencapsulation hepatocyte differentiation system. Our results indicate that the alginate microenvironment maintains cell viability, is conducive to ES cell differentiation, and maintains differentiated cellular function. This system may ultimately assist in developing scalable stem cell differentiation strategies.  相似文献   

Hepatic differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Murine embryonic stem (ES) cells can replicate indefinitely in culture and can give rise to all tissues, including the germline, when reimplanted into a murine blastocyst. ES cells can also be differentiated in vitro into a wide range of cell types. We have utilized a liver-specific marker to demonstrate that murine ES cells can differentiate into hepatocytes in vitro. We have used ES cells carrying a gene trap vector insertion (I.114) into an ankyrin repeat-containing gene (Gtar) that we have previously shown provides an exclusive beta-galactosidase marker for the early differentiation of hepatocytes in vivo. beta-Galactosidase-positive cells were differentiated from I.114 ES cells in vitro. The identity of these cells was confirmed by the expression of the proteins alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, and transferrin and by the fact that they have an ultrastructural appearance consistent with that of embryonic hepatocytes. We propose that this model system of hepatic differentiation in vitro could be used to define factors that are involved in specification of the hepatocyte lineage. In addition, human ES cells have recently been derived and it has been proposed that they may provide a source of differentiated cell types for cell replacement therapies in the treatment of a variety of diseases.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in fish, amphibia, and mice have shown that deficiency of Nodal signaling blocks differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm. Thus, Nodal is considered as a major inducer of mesendoderm during gastrulation. On this basis, Nodal is a candidate for controlling differentiation of pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into tissue lineages with potential clinical value. We have investigated the effect of Nodal, both as a recombinant protein and as a constitutively expressed transgene, on differentiation of hESCs. When control hESCs were grown in chemically defined medium, their expression of markers of pluripotency progressively decreased, while expression of neuroectoderm markers was strongly upregulated, thus revealing a neuroectodermal default mechanism for differentiation in this system. hESCs cultured in recombinant Nodal, by contrast, showed prolonged expression of pluripotency marker genes and reduced induction of neuroectoderm markers. These Nodal effects were accentuated in hESCs expressing a Nodal transgene, with striking morphogenetic consequences. Nodal-expressing hESCs developing as embryoid bodies contained an outer layer of visceral endoderm-like cells surrounding an inner layer of epiblast-like cells, each layer having distinct gene expression patterns. Markers of neuroectoderm were not upregulated during development of Nodal-expressing embryoid bodies, nor was there induction of markers for definitive mesoderm or endoderm differentiation. Moreover, the inner layer expressed markers of pluripotency, characteristic of undifferentiated hESCs and of epiblast in mouse embryos. These results could be accounted for by an inhibitory effect of Nodal-induced visceral endoderm on pluripotent cell differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm, with a concomitant inhibition of neuroectoderm differentiation by Nodal itself. There could also be a direct effect of Nodal in the maintenance of pluripotency. In summary, analysis of the Nodal-expressing phenotype suggests a function for the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) growth factor superfamily in pluripotency and in early cell fate decisions leading to primary tissue layers during in vitro development of pluripotent human stem cells. The effects of Nodal on early differentiation illustrate how hESCs can augment mouse embryos as a model for analyzing mechanisms of early mammalian development.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells: Problems and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generation of human embryonic stem cell lines is one of the most important achievements in biological science in the 20th century. It has excited a wide scientific and social response, as embryonic stem cells (ESC) may, in the future, be regarded as an unlimited source of transplantation materials for replacement cell therapy. ESC lines are derived, cultured, inner cell mass from human blastocysts is used in the in vitro fertilization procedure. To date, human embryonic cell lines have been obtained in more than 20 countries. In our country, embryonic stem cell research is carried out in the Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Studies with human ESC go in several directions. Much attention is paid to finding the most optimal conditions for ESC cultivation, mainly to the development of cultivation techniques excluding animal feeder cells and other components of animal origin. Another direction is a large-scale analysis of gene expression specific to the embryonic state of cells and the corresponding signaling pathways. Great efforts are being focused on the directed differentiation of ESC into various tissue-specific cells. It has been shown that in vitro ESC are able to differentiate into virtually any somatic cells. Works are in progress to develop methods for “therapeutic cloning,” i.e. the transfer of somatic nuclei into enucleated oocytes or embryonic stem cell cytoblasts and their reactivation. Of great importance is the standardization of the human ESC lines. However, standard requirements for cells utilized for research or therapeutic purposes may be different. It has been found that many permanent human ESC lines underwent genetic and epigenetic variations. Therefore, the cell line genetic stability should be periodically verified. The main purpose of the review is to provide a detailed consideration of research on the genetic stability of human and mouse ESC lines. Human ESC lines established both in our country and others could not thus far be used in clinical practice. It is highly probable that undifferentiated ESCs cannot be applied for therapeutic purposes, as there is a risk of their malignant transformation. Therefore, main efforts should be focused on the production ESC progenitor and highly differentiated cells suitable for transplantation.  相似文献   

In this work we describe the establishment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the role of bFGF in adipocyte differentiation. The totipotency of ESCs and MSCs was assessed by immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR of totipotency factors. MSCs were successfully used to induce osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. MSCs that differentiated into adipocytes were stimulated with and without bFGF. The OD/DNA (optical density/content of total DNA) and expression levels of the specific adipocyte genes PPARγ2 (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ2) and C/EBPs were higher in bFGF cells. Embryonic bodies had a higher adipocyte level compared with cells cultured in plates. These findings indicate that bFGF promotes adipocyte differentiation. MSCs may be useful cells for seeding in tissue engineering and have enormous therapeutic potential for adipose tissue engineering.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞(human embryonic stem cells,hESCs)由囊胚期胚胎内细胞团分离培养获得,具有保持未分化状态的无限增殖能力。hESCs具有多向分化潜能,在体内和体外均可分化形成所有三个胚层(外胚层、中胚层、内胚层)的衍生物。hESCs一般在鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblast,MEF)饲养层上培养和扩增。为了优化培养条件,目前人们已发展了多种人类细胞饲养层和无饲养层、非条件培养基体系。hESCs可以在体外定向诱导分化为多种细胞类型,为揭示人胚早期发育机制和发展多种疾病的细胞移植治疗奠定了基础。hESCs可以在体外进行遗传修饰,将有助于揭示特定基因在发育过程中的调控和功能。对hESCs的深入研究将极大地推动医学和生命科学的进展,并将最终应用于临床,造福人类。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of co-cultivated hepatocytes on the hepatospecific differentiation of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. Utilizing an established mouse ES cell line expressing high or low levels of E-cadherin, that we have previously shown to be responsive to hepatotrophic growth factor stimulation (Dasgupta et al., 2005. Biotechnol Bioeng 92(3):257-266), we compared co-cultures of cadherin-expressing ES (CE-ES) cells with cultured rat hepatocytes, allowing for either paracrine interactions (indirect co-cultures) or both juxtacrine and paracrine interactions (direct co-cultures, random and patterned). Hepatospecific differentiation of ES cells was evaluated in terms of hepatic-like cuboidal morphology, heightened gene expression of late maturation marker, glucose-6-phosphatase in relation to early marker, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), and the intracellular localization of albumin. Hepatocytes co-cultured with growth factor primed CE-ES cells markedly enhanced ES cell differentiation toward the hepatic lineage, an effect that was reversed through E-cadherin blockage and inhibited in control ES cells with reduced cadherin expression. Comparison of single ES cell cultures versus co-cultures show that direct contact co-cultures of hepatocytes and CE-ES cells maximally promoted ES cell commitment towards hepatodifferentiation, suggesting cooperative effects of cadherin-based juxtacrine and paracrine interactions. In contrast, E-cadherin deficient mouse ES (CD-ES) cells co-cultured with hepatocytes failed to show increased G6P expression, confirming the role of E-cadherin expression. To establish whether albumin expression in CE-ES cells was spatially regulated by co-cultured hepatocytes, we co-cultivated CE-ES cells around micropatterned, pre-differentiated rat hepatocytes. Albumin localization was enhanced "globally" within CE-ES cell colonies and was inhibited through E-cadherin antibody blockage in all but an interfacial band of ES cells. Thus, stem cell based cadherin presentation may be an effective tool to induce hepatotrophic differentiation by leveraging both distal/paracrine and contact/juxtacrine interactions with primary cells of the liver.  相似文献   

骨髓移植是目前治疗恶性白血病以及遗传性血液病最有效的方法之一。但是HLA相匹配的骨髓捐献者严重短缺,骨髓造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)体外培养困难,在体外修复患者骨髓造血干细胞技术不成熟,这些都大大限制了骨髓移植在临床上的应用。多能性胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)具有自我更新能力,在合适的培养条件下分化形成各种血系细胞,是造血干细胞的另一来源。在过去的二十多年里,血发生的研究是干细胞生物学中最为活跃的领域之一。小鼠及人的胚胎干细胞方面的研究最近取得了重大进展。这篇综述总结了近年来从胚胎干细胞获得造血干细胞的成就,以及在安全和技术上的障碍。胚胎干细胞诱导生成可移植性血干细胞的研究能够使我们更好地了解正常和异常造血发生的机制,同时也为造血干细胞的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

Availability of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has enhanced human neural differentiation research. The derivation of neural progenitor (NP) cells from hESC facilitates the interrogation of human embryonic development through the generation of neuronal subtypes and supporting glial cells. These cells will likely lead to novel drug screening and cell therapy uses. This review will discuss the current status of derivation, maintenance and further differentiation of NP cells with special emphasis on the cellular signaling involved in these processes. The derivation process affects the yield and homogeneity of the NP cells. Then when exposed to the correct environmental signaling cues, NP cells can follow a unique and robust temporal cell differentiation process forming numerous phenotypes.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is one of leading causes of death throughout the U.S. and the world. The damage of cardiomyocytes resulting from ischemic injury is irreversible and leads to the development of progressive heart failure, which is characterized by the loss of functional cardiomyocytes. Because cardiomyocytes are unable to regenerate in the adult heart, cell-based therapy of transplantation provides a potential alternative approach to replace damaged myocardial tissue and restore cardiac function. A major roadblock toward this goal is the lack of donor cells; therefore, it is urgent to identify the cardiovascular cells that are necessary for achieving cardiac muscle regeneration. Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells have enormous potential as a source of therapeutic tissues, including cardiovascular cells; however, the regulatory elements mediating ES cell differentiation to cardiomyocytes are largely unknown. In this review, we will focus on extrinsic factors that play a role in regulating different stages of cardiomyocyte differentiation of ES cells.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞诱导分化为雄性生殖细胞的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES细胞)具有自我更新及无限分化潜能,理论上可以分化为生殖细胞。目前,在人及鼠中已有体外诱导ES细胞分化为成熟精子的报道。系统阐述影响ES细胞分化为雄性生殖细胞的内源性及外源性因素,并结合国内外最新研究进展总结其诱导分化方法,展望应用前景,期望为从事相关研究的学者提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent advances in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) biology now offer an alternative cell source for tissue engineers, as these cells are capable of proliferating indefinitely and differentiating to many clinically relevant cell types. Novel culture methods capable of exerting spatial and temporal control over the stem cell microenvironment allow for more efficient expansion of hESCs, and significant advances have been made toward improving our understanding of the biophysical and biochemical cues that direct stem cell fate choices. Effective production of lineage specific progenitors or terminally differentiated cells enables researchers to incorporate hESC derivatives into engineered tissue constructs. Here, we describe current efforts using hESCs as a cell source for tissue engineering applications, highlighting potential advantages of hESCs over current practices as well as challenges which must be overcome.  相似文献   

In order to direct embryonic stem (ES) cells to differentiate into chondrocytes, a chondrogenic envi-ronment provided by mature chondrocytes was investigated. Flk-1 positive cells sorted from pre-differentiated mouse ES cells were mixed with adult porcine articular chondrocytes, seeded on biodegradable scaffolds, and then implanted subcutaneously into nude mice. The cell-scaffold com-plexes formed cartilage tissues after 4 weeks, which was demonstrated by histology and anti-type II collagen antibody staining. Positive staining of mouse Major Histocompatibility Complex class I molecules confirmed that part of the chondrocytes were derived from mouse ES cells. The current study established a new approach for directing ES cell differentiation.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞分化过程中的表观遗传调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一类既有自我更新能力,并具有多向分化潜能的细胞,胚胎干细胞具有非常重要的理论研究意义和临床应用前景。近期以胚胎干细胞为模型,研究有关干细胞分化的表观遗传调控已成为新的研究热点。本文就胚胎干细胞分化过程中DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控以及与胚胎干细胞分化密切相关的表观遗传学动态变化做一概述,对表观遗传学改变与胚胎干细胞分化关系的基础研究进行探讨。  相似文献   

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