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A unique two allele polymorphism for both HpaII and SmaI is described in the second intron of the human atrial natriuretic peptide gene. It should be a useful marker of this candidate gene in familial susceptibility to hypertension.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive radioimmunoassay has been established for measurement of human plasma and urine concentrations of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and requires no extraction or concentration process such as Sep-Pak C-18 cartridge treatment. An antiserum was prepared from rabbits immunized with alpha-human ANP (alpha-hANP) coupled with bovine-thyroglobulin. The sensitivity of this method was 0.3 pg/tube of synthetic alpha-hANP utilized as authentic standard. Recovery of alpha-hANP spiked to plasma and urine was 97.7 +/- 15.4% and 97.1 +/- 9.5% (mean +/- SD), respectively. Plasma and urinary ANP concentrations versus assay data showed satisfactory linearity. In 124 healthy subjects, the plasma ANP-concentration was 31.7 +/- 12.0 pg/ml. Two different molecular forms of ANP in plasma and a single form in urine were found by gel permeation chromatography.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible involvement of thyroid hormone in alpha human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha hANP), we investigated the plasma and urine ANP concentration in patients with primary hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Plasma and urine were extracted through Sep-Pak C18 cartridges and the urine ANP concentration was corrected by urine creatinine (cre. mg/dl) and expressed as fmol/mg.cre.. The plasma ANP concentration in patients with untreated hyperthyroidism (32.3 +/- 7.0 fmol/ml; n = 22) was higher than in normal subjects (p less than 0.01 vs control; 6.2 +/- 0.7 fmol/ml). After restoration to euthyroidism, the plasma ANP concentration (patients with treated hyperthyroidism) fell to normal (8.9 +/- 1.9 fmol/ml). The plasma ANP concentration in patients with untreated hypothyroidism (14.1 +/- 3.0 fmol/ml; n = 7) was higher than normal, but in two of them there was mild renal dysfunction and an incomplete right blundle branch block in the electrocardiogram. It was possible that these factors contributed to the observed increase in plasma ANP. However, a significant positive correlation was found between plasma ANP and free thyroxine (n = 40, r = 0.449; p less than 0.01) and free triiodothyronine (n = 40, r = 0.546; p less than 0.01). The urine ANP concentration in patients with untreated hyperthyroidism was markedly higher than in normal subjects (p less than 0.01), but in untreated hypothyroidism not significantly different from normal.  相似文献   

Chicken atrial natriuretic peptide (chANP) and its secretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An immunohistochemical study using antiserum raised against synthetic chicken natriuretic polypeptide was used to investigate the distribution of this peptide in the chicken heart. Immunoreactive cells, both in the atrial and ventricular walls, were identified by electron microscopy, and electron-dense granules in the atrial and ventricular cardiocytes were revealed to be storage sites of the peptide. The electron-dense material, thought to be the peptide, was found in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and it is suggested that a secretory pathway of the peptide through the latter to extracellular space, may be present, in addition to an exocytotic one.  相似文献   

A novel 8-bp bi-allelic insertion/deletion polymorphism is described within a polyadenylate stretch in the second intron of the human atrial natriuretic peptide gene locus. This new marker is located in the candidate gene for familial susceptibility to hypertension.  相似文献   

The ScaI polymorphic site within the stop codon of the human atrial natriuretic peptides (hANP) gene was investigated in Mauritian Indian, black African and French Caucasian populations. A distinct distribution pattern is observed in these three populations.  相似文献   

Using the lipid bilayer technique we have optimized recording conditions and confirmed that alpha human atrial natriuretic peptide [alpha-hANP(1-28)] forms single ion channels. The single channel currents recorded in 250/50 mM KCl cis/trans chambers show that the ANP-formed channels were heterogeneous, and differed in their conductance, kinetic, and pharmacological properties. The ANP-formed single channels were grouped as: (i) H202- and Ba2+-sensitive channel with fast kinetics; the nonlinear current-voltage (I-V) relationship of this channel had a reversal potential (Erev) of -28.2 mV, which is close to the equilibrium potential for K+ (EK = -35 mV) and a maximal slope conductance (gmax) of 68 pS at positive potentials. Sequential ionic substitution (KCl, K gluconate and choline Cl) of the cis solution suggests that the current was carried by cations. The fast channel had three modes (spike mode, burst mode, and open mode) that differed in their kinetics but not in their conductance properties. (ii) A large conductance channel possessing several subconductance levels that showed time-dependent inactivation at positive and negative membrane potentials (Vm). The inactivation ratio of the current at the end of the voltage step (Iss) to the initial current (Ii) activated immediately after the voltage step, (Iss/Ii), was voltage dependent and described by a bell-shaped curve. The maximal current-voltage (I-V) relationship of this channel, which had an Erev of +17.2 mV, was nonlinear and the value of gmax was 273 pS at negative voltages. (iii) A transiently-activated channel: the nonlinear I-V relationship of this channel had an Erev of -29.8 mV and the value of gmax was 160 pS at positive voltages. We propose that the voltage-dependence of the ionic currents and the kinetic parameters of these channel types indicate that if they were formed in vivo and activated by cytosolic factors they could change the membrane potential and the electrolyte homeostasis of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Guanylate cyclase plays an important role in the visual cycle. Here we report the mRNA expression for the atrial natriuretic peptide receptor type A form of guanylate cyclase (ANPRA) in human retina.2. Polymerase chain reaction using two sets of primers on the cDNAs reverse-transcribed from human retinal poly(A)+ RNA amplified two products under two different reaction conditions. The primers used in the reaction were designed from the reported sequence of human placental ANPRA cDNA.3. Sequencing of the amplified products showed 100% sequence homology to the human placental ANPRA gene. Northern blot analysis indicated the presence of a 4.4-kb ANPRA mRNA in human retina, similar to that present in human brain.  相似文献   

Three analogs of the atrial natriuretic peptide ANP(105-126), lacking the N-terminal exocyclic peptide segment and containing 2-mercaptoacetic acid, 3-mercaptopropionic acid or 4-mercaptobutyric acid in place of the cysteine residue in position 105 of the peptide sequence, were synthesized by the solid-phase method. The resulting des-amino analogs showed 2 to 4 times higher diuretic/natriuretic activity than the most active natural ANP and displayed a potent hypotensive effect as well. All three analogs were relatively less potent in various in vitro bioassays and in a binding assay, indicating that their high activities in vivo may be due to resistance to enzymatic degradation and to reduced non-specific tissue adsorption. These compounds not only will serve as useful pharmacologic tools but also represent prototypes for the development of further reduced-size ANP analogs.  相似文献   

Human atrial natriuretic peptide (Ser 99-Tyr 126) was rapidly degraded by both choroid plexus and hypothalamic membranes with a complex pattern of cleavage. The use of protease inhibitors allowed a preliminary characterization of the enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of the Ser-Phe and Phe-Arg bonds of iodine-labelled atrial natriuretic peptide.The C-terminal tripeptide was generated by three different enzymatic activities acting on the Ser-Phe bond: endopeptidase 24.11, a phosphoramidon-insensitive metallopeptidase and a thiol protease. Peptides like substance P, neurotensin, bradykinin inhibited the cleavage of the Ser-Phe bond of atrial natriuretic peptide. The C-terminal tripeptide was further degraded by aminopeptidases. Cleavage of the C-terminal dipeptide was inhibited by aprotinin, suggesting the contribution of brain kallikrein in the formation of this metabolite.These results show that many different proteases were involved in the hydrolysis of the C-terminal sequence of atrial natriuretic peptide, at least in vitro and underline the complexity of neuropeptide catabolism by brain preparations.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytoma, a catecholamine-secreting adrenomedullary tumor, has been shown to contain the functional receptor for human atrial natriuretic peptide(h-ANP). Release of catecholamines from tissue slices of pheochromocytoma was inhibited by h-ANP in a dose-dependent manner. Binding assays using 125I-ANP revealed a single class of high affinity binding sites for ANP. When covalently tagged with 125I-ANP and electrophoresed under non-reducing and reducing conditions, the receptor migrated as a 140-kDa band and a 70-kDa band, respectively, reflecting its disulfide-linked subunit structure. The presence of ANP receptor in pheochromocytoma was further demonstrated by immunohistochemistry; the tumor was positively stained with an antireceptor antiserum. The antiserum was also useful to establish the zona glomerulosa localization of ANP receptor in the normal human adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on aldosterone secretion was studied in human aldosterone producing adrenocortical adenoma obtained surgically from a patient with primary aldosteronism and in human apparently normal adjacent adrenal cortical tissues obtained from a patient with pheochromocytoma, in vitro. Apparently normal adrenal cortical tissue responded to ANP with the known inhibition of aldosterone secretion. In contrast, the aldosterone producing adenoma did not respond to ANP. When stimulated by either ACTH or angiotensin II, there is no inhibition by ANP in the adenoma tissue, whereas normal tissue was inhibited. Immunohistochemical examination utilizing an ANP-receptor antiserum demonstrated that there was no evidence of binding site in the cortical adenoma, in contrast, zona glomerulosa cells in the cortical tissues adjacent to either aldosterone producing adenoma or pheochromocytoma were densely stained. This apparent lack of ANP-receptors is an associated finding with the hypersecretion of aldosterone in the aldosterone producing adenoma.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide (IR-ANP) was measured in plasma and atrium of normal and monocrotaline induced pulmonary hypertensive rats (PH rats). In these animals, there was right ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricular systolic pressure was elevated. Fourteen days after a single dose of monocrotaline (40 mg/kg), plasma IR-ANP concentrations were significantly elevated (964.3 +/- 63.0 pg/ml vs. 521.0 +/- 81.9 pg/ml in controls, p less than 0.001). Tissue levels of IR-ANP in the right atrium in PH rats was significantly lower than those in the controls (45.1 +/- 3.9 ng/mg vs. 240.5 +/- 10.4 ng/mg, p less than 0.001), while there was no significant difference in tissue levels of atrial IR-ANP in the left atrium between the two groups. Thus, development of pulmonary hypertension led to an increase in release of ANP from the right atrium.  相似文献   

The aggregation process of alpha-hANP has been investigated in vitro at physiological concentrations by gel chromatographic procedures using a radiolabeled tracer incubated in PBS and in plasma. In PBS big forms of ANP are organized as a peak eluting from both Sephacryl S-100 and S-300 HR in the void volume of the columns; in plasma, besides this major peak, a second radioactive peak is evident, eluting from Sephacryl S-100 HR around the HSA region. After gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 HR the major peak appears to consist of three components of different molecular size. Some information about the nature of these peak materials comes from the result of parallel incubations of partially aggregated (seed or nucleus) and aggregate depleted tracer. The comparison between the two time courses of big ANP formation indicates that: (a) ANP aggregation is a nucleation-dependent process, with a lag time longer than 8 days, at picogram peptide levels and (b) the aggregated forms of peptide are those eluting in the void volume, the other plasma peaks being probably expression of a binding, neither saturable or reversible, to some plasma components. The principle of seeded polymerization, used to detect ANP aggregates present in the plasma, indicates that: (a) the endogenous big ANP cannot act as a nucleus for polymerization and it likely consists of non-fibrillar ANP aggregates and/or bound ANP, and (b) this experimental approach can be suitable to evidence ANP binding plasma factors for further characterization studies.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were identified and characterized in primary cultures of human thyroid cells. Saturation analysis using [125I] alpha rat ANP as the ligand showed a single class of high affinity binding (Kd = 0.2 nM) which was inhibited by atriopeptin I and the alpha -human form of ANP, but not by a C-terminal fragment of the peptide. The number of ANP binding sites in these cultures was not altered by the thyroid hormone concentration of the medium. In a dose-response experiment, thyro-globulin secretion was significantly reduced in the presence of 0.01 nM ANP and was maximally reduced (to 25% of control value) with 10 nM ANP. Cyclic GMP production was increased threefold in the presence of 100 nM ANP, but was unchanged with lower doses (0.01 and 0.1 nM) of the peptide. The finding of receptors in thyroid follicular cells suggests a hitherto unrecognized role of ANP in the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

The stimulatory effect of vasomodulatory natriuretic peptide hormones on macrophages and peripheral blood leucocytes in mammals is well-established. However, the relationship in lower vertebrates has not been characterised. Expression of atrial natriuretic peptide, ventricular natriuretic peptide and C-type natriuretic peptide-1, and the guanylyl cyclase-linked (GC) natriuretic peptide receptor-A and -B-type receptors (NPR-A and NPR-B, respectively) was determined by PCR from the mRNA of rainbow trout head kidney leucocytes yielding gene fragments with 100% homology to the same respective natriuretic peptide and NPR-A and -B sequences obtained from other rainbow trout tissues. A mixed population of isolated rainbow trout head kidney leucocytes was stimulated in vitro with trout atrial natriuretic peptide (specific NPR-A agonist) and trout C-type natriuretic peptide (NPR-A and -B agonist) as well as the cGMP agonist 8-bromo-cGMP or the GC inhibitor 8-bromo-phenyl-eutheno-cGMP. Respiratory burst was stimulated by trout atrial natriuretic peptide, trout C-type natriuretic peptide-1 and 8-bromo-cGMP in a dose dependant manner with the highest activity as a result of stimulation with trout C-type natriuretic peptide-1 in excess of that achieved by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Equimolar concentrations of the inhibitor, inhibited the respiratory burst caused by the natriuretic peptides and 8-bromo-cGMP. The natriuretic peptide receptors on rainbow trout head kidney leucocytes appear to have a stimulatory function with regard to respiratory burst that is activated through a cGMP second messenger pathway and the natriuretic peptides expressed in the head kidney leucocytes may well act in a paracrine/autocrine manner.  相似文献   

Presence of the atrial natriuretic peptide in human cerebrospinal fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a highly sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for detection of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), the presence of alpha-human ANP (alpha-hANP) in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was confirmed. Its concentration in CSF, 3.6 +/- 2.3 pg/ml, n = 16, mean +/- SD, was remarkably lower than that in the plasma (161.8 +/- 157.4, p less than 0.0001). The regression coefficient between these concentrations was 0.320 (p = ns). Gel permeation chromatography conducted in conjunction with RIA indicated ANP in CSF to be eluted at the position of a low molecular weight form corresponding to alpha-hANP. No high molecular weight form could be detected. But in the plasma, both low and high molecular forms were found to be present. It is thus evident that ANP is present in human CSF and its origin may possibly be the brain and not the atrium.  相似文献   

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