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云南省鱼类寄生甲壳动物包括一新种的描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匡溥人 《动物学研究》1991,12(4):343-348
本文是作者自1973年以来,在云南各地对鱼类寄生甲壳动物进行调查采集的初步整理。鱼类寄生甲壳动物28种,加上沈嘉瑞在云南发现的3种,共为31种。其中桡足类25种,鳃尾类5种,等足类1种。考虑到读者的方便,作者把这31个种归结为一个分种检索表。此外,描述1个新种,命名为双板狭腹鳋。经与相似种比较,显出了这个种的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

鱼类被寄生甲壳动物寄生后,轻则影响宿主鱼的生长发育,重则造成大量的死亡。江苏省和上海市淡水鱼类的寄生甲壳动物在过去已有零星的调查报导,迄今尚无总结性的报导。作者自1955年以来曾对沪宁铁路、陇海铁路沿线的某些城市,苏北的扬州以及太湖和洪泽湖等地区的淡水鱼类的寄生甲壳动物进行了调查研究(其中有些研究成果已陆续发表在动物学报等刊物上),计获得桡足类24种、鳃尾类6种和等足类2种,共32种。现按其分类系统分述如下,并在桡足类各属之下各拟一检索表,以便识别其种类。  相似文献   

本文记述了寄生在鮡属鱼类上的寄生桡足类鳋科一新种——匙刺鳋Ergasilus cochlearius sp.nov.并对新种进行了扫描电镜观察。  相似文献   

由于甲壳动物寄生鱼体而引起的鱼病,为饲养鱼类常见的病害之一。因此,曾于1964—1967年作了两次调查,以后又多次零星收集,先后对成都、新都、广汉、双流、新津、温江、郫县和灌县等地的鱼类(主要为饲养鱼类)进行了初步调查。现仅就本地区鱼类寄生甲壳动物的区系及其与渔业生产的关系,作一简要报道。  相似文献   

锚头鳋科(寄生桡足类)一新属及其与近缘属的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1976年在进行滇西鱼类调查过程中,于墨脱华鲮Sinilabeo dero(Hamilton)鳃上发现了一种寄生桡足类,其外形似狭腹鳋属Lamproglena,但经仔细观察,发现该虫的小颚形状很特殊,且成虫缺颚足,与狭腹鳋有显著的不同,因此定为新属——间狭腹鳋属Mesolamp-roglena,隶于锚头鳋科Lernaeidae狭腹鳋亚科Lamprogleninae。 模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

对鲇鱼鳃部寄生的固着鳋的生态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作者研究了江西江口水库鲇鳃部寄生固着鳋的种群生态学及其对寄生部位的选择性。固着鳋的感染率和丰盛度表现出明显的季节变化,以夏初最高;其繁殖也具有季节性,怀卵个体的比例同样有夏初最高。固着鳋对寄生部位的选择性似乎与种群的数量有关,当种群数量高时更多的固着鳋分布于中间的鳃片上,对多种寄生虫同时寄生条件下固着鳋寄生部位选择性的研究,将有助于进一步了解固着鳋和寄生鲇鳃部其它种类的寄生虫之间的关系。  相似文献   

桡足类隶属节肢动物门(Arthropoda)甲壳动物亚门(Crustacea)颚足纲(Maxillopoda)桡足亚纲(Copepoda), 其中既有剑水溞和镖水溞等自由生活的类群, 也有营寄生生活的杯口水蚤种类1。杯口水蚤目(Poecilostomatoida)鳋科(Ergasilidae)种类的幼虫及雄性成虫完全营自由生活, 只有雌性成虫寄生在鱼体上, 因此被认为可能是由自由生活向寄生生活演化的过渡类群2。    相似文献   

狭腹鳋属(Lamproglena Nordmann,1832)是隶属于锚头鳋科(Lernaeidae)的淡水鱼寄生桡足类,广泛分布于亚、非、欧三洲各地,主要的寄主是具有经济价值的鲤类和鲇类,也寄生于鳢形目和鲈形目的一些种类。目前世界上已记载的狭腹鳋有23种,其中我国已有记载的3种,即:中华狭腹鳋、鲫狭腹鳋和东方狭腹鳋。 在编写动物志的准备工作中,我们对狭腹鳋属进行了系统整理,发现5种为以往文献中从未记载过的新种,现报道于下。 所有新种模式标本均保藏于云南省动物研究所。  相似文献   

中国淡水鱼寄生桡足类鳋科的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹文英 《水生生物学集刊》1956,(2):i010-i045,271
桡足类的主要组成部分是自由生活的创水溞(Cyclopoida)和镖水溞(Calanoida),它们都是鱼类的优良食料。另一部分就是营寄生生活的种类,其中有些对于鱼类的危害性很大。鳋科(Ergasilidae)是一羣由自由生活的剑水溞演变成寄生生活的过渡类型,其幼虫及雄虫完全营自由生活,只有雌性的成虫始寄生在鱼体土。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼鳃部寄生单殖吸虫和鳋类的空间分布特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco(Richardson)鳃部的寄生单殖吸虫(Monogeneans)和鳋类(Copepods)的空间分布特点.寄生于黄颡鱼鳃部的单殖吸虫和鳋类在两侧鳃上的感染强度及其差异表明,两种寄生虫对于鳃片的左右位置没有明显的选择性;在黄颡鱼四鳃间的分布存在极显著的差异(PP<0.01);在鳃片的各区均存在选择性;对鳃丝的各分段也均有极显著的选择性.    相似文献   

我们在整理西北地区收集的淡水鱼寄生桡足类标本时,发现鳋科(Ergasilidac)的二个新种,现记述于下。模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

A new species of caligid copepod, Anuretes justinei n. sp., is described from off New Caledonia. It is parasitic on the gill filaments of a haemulid fish, the yellowbanded sweetlips Plectorhinchus lineatus (Linnaeus). The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following character states: (1) the fourth pedigerous somite is covered dorsally by the expanded free posterior margin of the cephalothorax; (2) a maxillary whip is present; (3) the relatively small genital complex is less than half the length of the cephalothorax; (4) leg 3 is armed with nine setae on the terminal exopodal segment and six setae on the terminal endopodal segment; and (5) leg 4 is long and slender with a setal armature of I, III twisted spines. The new species is an addition to the possibly monophyletic group of seven species that is characterised by the possession of a maxillary whip, all of which are found on haemulid hosts. The host-specificity of Anuretes is relatively high, its species being largely parasitic on reef-associated fishes, such as the families Haemulidae (eight species), Ephippidae (four species), Acanthuridae (four species) and Pomacanthidae (one species).  相似文献   

记述了采自中国西北部宁夏省六盘山自然保护区的图姚属1新种,六盘山图姚Tuvia liupanensis sp.nov..文中给出了图姚属已知种类检索表.模式标本保存于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

Diagnostic morphological characters of the juvenile Panchaetothripinae in New Zealand are illustrated. Keys developed enable colonies with only immature stages to be identified without needing to rear adults. Live larvae or larvae in ethanol are distinguished by the presence of expanded tips of body setae (Parthenothrips dracaenae), the absence of setae at the abdomen tip (Hercinothrips bicinctus), setae at abdomen tip not longer than abdominal tip width (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis) and abdominal tip setae longer than abdominal tip width (Sigmothrips aotearoana, endemic species). The presence or absence of spine-like setae on abdominal segments 9 and 10, and the number and length of setae on the wing buds, enable identification of pupae. Abdominal spine-like setae were on the prepupa and pupa of H. bicinctus and S. aotearoana, species that pupate off the plant, and are probably defensive structures. This is the first record of spine-like setae on segment 10 of terebrantian pupae.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals in detail with the morphology of the larva of Neopsylla specialis specialis Jordan, 1932. It may be distinguished from other larvae of 5 species or subspecies of Neopsylla by two fine setae lying on outside of each posterior long seta on the ventral plates of the first to third thoracic segments, ratio of the length and width of the egg burster, number and shape of mandibular teeth, number and length of the setae in the anterior and posterior row on dorsal side of head, and number of the setae of anal comb and the strut setae. The sense organs on the 10th tergite are discussed.  相似文献   

During swimming leg development, the number of setae present on the exopod and endopod of the bilobed bud, the transformed swimming leg with 1-segmented rami and the swimming leg with 2-segmented rami of copepods is analysed. For swimming leg 1, the most frequent number of setae on the presumptive rami of the bilobed bud is found at a higher percentage among copepod species than the most frequent number of setae for either the transformed swimming leg with 1-segmented rami or the swimming leg with 2-segmented rami. However, for swimming legs 2–4 the most frequent number of setae for the the transformed swimming leg with 1-segmented rami is found at a higher percentage of species than that on either the bilobed bud or the swimming leg with 2-segmented rami. Thus, in the cases of swimming legs 2–4, species with different numbers of setae on the presumptive exopod and endopod of the bud bilobed bud develop the same number of setae on the rami of the transformed swimming leg with 1-segmented rami. Increasing the number of species analysed is expected to make more robust the hypothesis that the number of setae on the transformed swimming leg with 1-segmented rami is conserved relative to the number of setae on the bilobed bud.  相似文献   

Kim BW  Soh HY  Lee W 《Zoological science》2005,22(11):1279-1293
A new species, Attheyella namkungi sp. nov., is described from Gosu cave at Danyang, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea. This species bears a superficial resemblance to A. coreana Miura, 1969 in having a 2-segmented mandibular palp with only four smooth apical setae, and in the armature formulae of the antennary exopod and thoracic legs. However the new species is clearly distinguishable by the non-sexually dimorphic caudal rami, two long plumose setae and a short seta on leg 6, and the absence of the setular row at the inner lateral margin of each caudal ramus. The new species is characterized from other congeners by having two adjacent inner spines on female leg 3 endopod-2, the caudal ramus twice as long as its width, absence of a barbed apophysis on male leg 3 endopod-2, and the seta number of legs 5 and 6. A key to the Korean species of the genus Attheyella is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the Macrochironidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), Pseudomacrochiron aureliae n. sp., is described based on adult specimens extracted from the gastrovacular cavity of the scyphistomae of Aurelia sp. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) collected in the Seto Inland Sea and Ise Bay off the coast of Japan. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: a caudal ramus with a length to width ratio of 3.1; an accessory flagellum on caudal setae II, III and VI; three apical setae on the maxillule; only setae I and II on the maxillary basis; two short spines on the female maxilliped claw (endopod); an armature of III, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of I, II, 2 on the terminal endopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of II, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 4; and a short free exopodal segment of leg 5 (length to width ratio of 1.4) armed with a long seta and short spine. P. aureliae n. sp. is the first member of the genus reported from off Japan and from the scyphistomae of its scyphozoan host.  相似文献   

Abstract A new species, Arrhopalites chungbaishanensis is described from Mt. Changbai, northeast China. The present species shares some characters with A. octacanthus, but it differs from the latter by the number of vertical thick spines and manubrial dorsal setae, types of dental setae and the absence of tunica on unguis. In comparison with the other congeneric species, the mast striking character of the present species is its special shapes of the C-series setae besetting on sixth abdominal segment.  相似文献   

During feeding Mictyris longicarpus Latreille collects interstitial and free standing water via setae on the posterior border of the carapace and the proximal edge of the first abdominal segment. Water is lifted to the bases of the scaphognathites by capillary action, travelling from the posterior setae into a posterior chamber, along lateral canals, and through the branchial chambers under the epibranchial membranes. The scaphognathites provide the necessary force to pump water into the buccal cavity. Water which flows out of the buccal cavity is collected between the abdomen and cephalothorax by setae fringing the abdomen, and returned to the posterior chamber by the ventrolateral canals.  相似文献   

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