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关于红蛭属Dina Blanchard,1892的系统位置,一个多世纪以来一直是个有争议的问题。最初在Blainville 1818年命名石蛭属Erpobdella时,曾将红蛭属的种类都包括在内,直至1892年Blanchard以完全体节的第5环是否较宽和有无次生环沟将石蛭属分成红蛭属和石蛭属两个属。1930 Moorc用Dina quaternaria记述了从中国得到的一新  相似文献   

医蛭科牛蛭属Poecilobdella在我国主要分布在广东、广西、云南和台湾。Moore(1930)报道有一种菲牛蛭P.manillensis曾在南京发见,但未附图,也未描述其特征。另据胡经甫(Wu,1930;48)记载有一种颗粒牛蛭P.granulosa分布于北京、苏州和福建。然而陈义(1962)和宋大祥等(1977)报道,他们未在这些地区采到牛蛭属的标本,因此这是有待进一步弄清的问题。笔者于1979年5至6月先后从武昌东湖以及毗邻安徽省的黄梅县各获得牛蛭属标本一条。经过详细地活体观察以及内部解剖,並与产于海南岛陵水县和广西贺县的牛蛭属标本作了比较,认为此两标本同属一种並是一新种。由于标本首先在湖北地区发见,故命名为湖北牛蛭Poecilobdella hubeiensis Yang,sp.nov.  相似文献   

杨潼 《动物学研究》1980,1(4):541-546
医蛭科牛蛭属Poecilobdella在我国主要分布在广东、广西、云南和台湾。Moore(1930)报道有一种菲牛蛭P.manillensis曾在南京发见,但未附图,也未描述其特征。另据胡经甫(Wu,1930;48)记载有一种颗粒牛蛭P.granulosa分布于北京、苏州和福建。然而陈义(1962)和宋大祥等(1977)报道,他们未在这些地区采到牛蛭属的标本,因此这是有待进一步弄清的问题。笔者于1979年5至6月先后从武昌东湖以及毗邻安徽省的黄梅县各获得牛蛭属标本一条。经过详细地活体观察以及内部解剖,并与产于海南岛陵水县和广西贺县的牛蛭属标本作了比较,认为此两标本同属一种并是一新种。由于标本首先在湖北地区发见,故命名为湖北牛蛭Poecilobdella hubeiensis Yang,sp.nov.  相似文献   

从南极海纽喀姆湾(南纬66°17′,东经110°32′)的南极鱼属Notothenia鱼体上得到两个海蛭标本。经鉴定为多皱海蛭Pontobdella rugosa Moore,1938和椎蛭属Notobdella的一新种。前者的环带后区环的分割明显并因许多大、小结节变得崎岖不平。在一完全体节(ⅫⅠ-ⅩⅫⅠ)里环的通常大小关系是8_2(?)a_1>b_5=b_(60)扭椎蛭新种Notobdella streptocheles sp.nov.呈S形弯曲井从稍膨大的中部向两端渐渐变细。在前吸盘上没有眼。尾吸盘与躯干部的最大体宽相等。在—完全体节(Ⅹ-ⅩⅩⅣ)里环的通常大小关系是a_1=a_2>b_3=b_(60)嗉囊有6对盲囊和一个后嗉囊盲囊。  相似文献   

蛭蚓科Branchiobdellidae是兼有蛭与蚓两者特征的一类动物。我国过去只在螯虾体上发现两属,即蛭形蚓属Branchiobdella和冠蛭蚓属Stephenodrilus;后来梁彦龄(1963)又于米虾体上发现一个新属——米虾蚓属Caridinophila。关于蛭形蚓属,日本和我国总共报告四种(山口,1934;刘思诚,1964)。今作者又于东北地区三种螯虾体上得到三个新种,报告于下。模式标本保存于中国医科大学卫生系。  相似文献   

杨潼 《动物分类学报》2002,27(2):212-216
记述采自我国福建省福清海滩大弹涂鱼体的鱼蛭科热蛭属一新种。命名为福清热蛭Aestabdella fuqingensis sp.nov.,并就形态特征对热蛭属已知3个种与本种的区别进行了比较与讨论。模式标本保存在中国科学院水生生物研究所。  相似文献   

关于鱼蛭属及其一新种的记述(蛭纲:鱼蛭科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼蛭科鱼蛭属Piscicola是主要寄生在淡水或半咸水鱼体上的一类水蛭,据Soós(1965)记载,全世界共有10种,其中美洲5种,欧洲2种,亚洲2种,另外还有一世界性种。其后(1976)又将分布欧洲的Cystobranchus fasciatus和C. respirans划归本属。这一属的身体呈圆柱形,颈部和躯干部的区分不明显,完全体节为14环,身体两侧的搏动囊甚小。  相似文献   

石光荣 《古生物学报》2002,41(1):105-118
描述了产于四川邻水地区早二叠世梁山组的一新属新种,Linshuichonetes elfinis gen.et sp.nov.。新属以个体特别微小,背内无任何隔板,壳表饰有细瘤和细刺为特征。新种代表了华南地区阳新期海侵开始阶段生活于局限的潮坪或xi湖环境下的一种机会种。  相似文献   

贾凤龙  吴武 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):307-310
条脊牙甲科(Hydrochidae)仅两属,我国仅报道一属二种,即越南条脊牙甲Hydrochus annamita Regimbart和日本条脊牙甲Hydrochus japonicus Sharp。该文记述了一新种脊鞘条脊牙甲Hydrochus rhytipterus sp.nov. 和一新记录种瘤鞘条脊牙甲Hydrochus binodosus Motschulsky。  相似文献   

前言 蛭蚓是寄生于十足类河虾科(Potamobiidae)体表的一种环节动物;Odier(1823)第一次命名为Branchiobdella(蛭的一属);Pierantoni(1912)详细解剖观察之后,才定为寡毛纲的一科——蛭蚓科(Branchiobdellidae),并初步分为5个属:Cirrodrilus,Branchiob-della,Stephanodrilus,Bdellodrilus,Pterodrilus。其后,Michaelsen和Stephenson(1928—1930)又增添4个属:Cambarincola,Ceratodrilus,Xironodrilus,Xironogiton。总共9个属,亚洲只有冠蛭蚓(Stephanodrilus)和蛭形蚓(Branchiobdella)两属(山口,1935)。这两个属在我国仅分布于东北地区的螯虾体上,因此,关于蛭蚓的资料和报导不多。作者在  相似文献   

Estimated length–weight relationships are presented for 22 commercially important marine fish species representing nine families, found in the East China Sea. A total of 2776 specimens were caught by otter trawl on the continental shelf in the East China Sea between 2009 and 2013. Information pertaining to length–weight relationships should lead to a better understanding of fish communities in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

胡亮 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1403
海洋底栖贝类是海洋底栖无脊椎动物的重要代表。福建平潭岛地处台湾海峡西岸北部, 是中国大陆距台湾岛最近之处, 其海域内的底栖贝类区系对了解台湾海峡及其附近海域的生态环境和底栖生物地理格局具有重要意义。本文基于对2015-2018年间中山大学国土资源与环境系在平潭岛海域采集的3,346号底栖贝类标本的鉴定, 结合已发表文献整理出了平潭岛海域底栖贝类名录, 并梳理了各物种在中国近海的地理分布类型。结果显示, 本研究所采标本分属58科122属161种, 其中47种为平潭岛海域新记录。结合历史文献记录, 平潭岛海域共有底栖贝类98科244属395种。其中93.7%的种类在南海亦有分布, 82.0%的种类在东海有分布, 31.1%的种类在黄渤海有分布, 42.3%的种类在台湾岛东部海域有分布。南海-东海分布型种类占区系总种数的49.9%; 其次为南海-黄渤海分布型(27.6%)和南海-台湾海峡分布型(16.2%)。分布限于台湾海峡及其以北的种类仅占总种数的6.3%。研究结果表明, 平潭岛海域底栖贝类区系具典型的亚热带性质, 暖水性种类和广温性种类占主要优势, 与南海北部和东海大陆沿岸地区的关系密切, 与台湾岛周边海域的联系相对较弱。  相似文献   

Turkey’s natural and ecological situations are very suitable for aquaculture. Turkey also has a wide variety of freshwater and marine species comprising trout, carp, sea bass, sea bream, turbot, mussel, crayfish, etc. The total production of fish and shellfish was 646,310 tons in 2008. The contribution of freshwater catch to total fishery production is relatively small. Capture fisheries production amounted to 494,124 tons whilst aquaculture production was 152,186 tons in the same year. In Turkey, Engraulis encrasicholus (anchovy) is the main caught sea fish species. Fisheries in the Black Sea are the most important fishery by far and show the greatest variations in total catch. Alburnus tarichii (a local species belonging to Cyprinidae) and Cyprinus carpio (the common carp) are the most important species caught from freshwaters. Aquaculture is going to play an increasingly important role in the Turkish economy, as fishery products are the only products of animal origin that can be exported to the EU. There has been a fast increase in the aquaculture production in Turkey with the implementation of scientific and technological modernization. For example, total aquaculture production for 1986 and 2008 was 3,075 and 152,186 tons, respectively. The percentage of aquaculture in total fish production has been rising every year. The ratio of cultured fish production to total fish production was 1.5% in 1990 s, 13.57% in 2000 and more than 20% in 2005. It was 23.55% in 2008. Trouts are the main cultured freshwater fish species. Raceways and floating cages are employed in culture of trout. Carps are also important cultured freshwater fish species. Sea bass and gilthead sea bream are grown marine fish species. Floating cages, off-shore and earthen ponds are used for marine fish species culture. There has been an increase in fishery exports and imports in recent years. It was more than US500 million in 2008, but that of 2004 was just over US 500 million in 2008, but that of 2004 was just over US 233 million. However, aquaculture production is still far away from the production targets and fisheries sector is not an important part of the economy at present.  相似文献   

中国长臂虾总科的动物地理学特点   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文讨论了长臂虾总科在中国分布的3个科,即拟贝隐虾科、叶颚虾科和长臂虾科的属、种在中国的分布情况及区系特点。拟贝隐虾科和叶颚虾科种类较少,分布于热带海域,我国分别在南沙群岛和西沙群岛发现1属1种和3属3种,均为广布的常见种。长臂虾科是本总科中种类最多、分布最广、十分常见的科,包括2亚科102属,世界性分布,海洋、淡水均有,我国大量分布。其起源中心应在印度-西太平洋暖水区,一部分浅海沿岸种经河口进入淡水水域, 大量发展,很少种可分布至温带区边缘;另一部分在热带珊瑚礁环境大量发展,并与许多动物类群共栖或共生。长臂虾亚科基本上是浅海-淡水自由生活类群,我国已记录9属61种,主要分布于南部,多数为东洋界热带和亚热带种,分别属东洋界(淡水)和印度-西太平洋区(海水、半咸水);而极少数种分布至北方,温带性的淡水种有2种白虾,1种小长臂虾和仅见于东北部的条纹长臂虾,属于古北界区系(淡水),海水种有黄、东海的敖氏长臂虾及细指长臂虾,属于北太平洋温带区系(海水、半咸水)。隐虾亚科全部为海洋种,主要分布在热带、亚热带海域,以珊瑚礁为主要栖息地,大部分分布于印度-西太平洋海域,80%以上的种类或多或少与其他海洋生物共栖,自由生活的种很少。根据推论,隐虾类的起源中心应在印度-西太平洋热带水域的珊瑚礁环境, 并在这一水域得到了充分的分化与发展,分别适应与腔肠动物、双壳类软体动物、海绵动物、棘皮动物和海鞘类被囊动物共栖生活;而热带美洲的类群则是在隐虾类演化到可与石珊瑚类共栖时由印度-西太平洋水域扩散过去的, 共栖宿主仅涉及腔肠动物和棘皮动物。我国南海水域已发现31属96种,极少数种也分布到东海,属于印度-西太平洋热带水域珊瑚礁区系。  相似文献   

Predicting the occurrence of keystone top predators in a multispecies marine environment, such as the Mediterranean Sea, can be of considerable value to the long-term sustainable development of the fishing industry and to the protection of biodiversity. We analysed fisheries independent scientific bottom trawl survey data of two of the most abundant cartilaginous fish species (Scyliorhinus canicula, Raja clavata) in the Aegean Sea covering an 11-year sampling period. The current findings revealed a declining trend in R. clavata and S. canicula abundance from the late '90 s until 2004. Habitats with the higher probability of finding cartilaginous fish present were those located in intermediate waters (depth: 200-400 m). The present results also indicated a preferential species' clustering in specific geographic and bathymetric regions of the Aegean Sea. Depth appeared to be one of the key determining factors for the selection of habitats for all species examined. With cartilaginous fish species being among the more biologically sensitive fish species taken in European marine fisheries, our findings, which are based on a standardized scientific survey, can contribute to the rational exploitation and management of their stocks by providing important information on temporal abundance trends and habitat preferences.  相似文献   

采用线粒体DNA 细胞色素b 基因片段为遗传标记, 对黄海南部和东海银鲳(Pampus argenteus)群体的遗传结构进行了分析。在所分析的6 个采样点116 个个体中, 共检测到40 种单倍型。6 个群体均呈现出高单倍性多样性(0.647-0.895)和低核苷酸多样性(0.0008-0.0026)的特点。单倍型邻接关系树的拓扑结构简单,未呈现明显的地理谱系结构。分子方差分析和Fst 显示银鲳的遗传变异来自群体内个体间, 而群体间无显著遗传分化。Exact 检验表明单倍型在两两群体间分布频率的差异不显著。研究结果表明, 黄海南部、东海银鲳群体间具有高度的基因交流, 是一个随机交配群体。较强的扩散能力, 黄海、东海的海洋环流以及近期的群体扩张可能是造成黄海南部、东海银鲳群体间遗传同质性较高的原因。    相似文献   

Five species of higher marine fungi were observed on the incubated drift and intertidal woods collected from the coasts of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Among them, Halosphaeriopsis was a genus newly recorded for China. Taxonomy and morphology of these species were discussed in this paper. The specimens were deposited in Mycology Herbarium at Qingdao Agricultural University (MHQAU).  相似文献   

Due to high level of fishing, many marine fish species are in danger of becoming extinct. The large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea, was once an important commercial marine species in China. At present, this croaker is seldom captured in the wild. In this work, mitochondrial DNA data was obtained from five populations of the yellow croaker from the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea to investigate their genetic divergence and demographic history. Results of phylogenetic analysis suggest two genetic lineages for this croaker, although the divergence was relatively shallow. This might reflect the effects of glacial isolation on population structure. Furthermore, our Bayesian based approach showed that the effective population size for both genetic lineages experienced recent sharp decline. This study provides new insights into the genetic divergence and historical demography of this croaker. Strict measures must be taken to protect this species.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine the infection status of anisakid larvae in marine fish collected from 3 sea areas of the Republic of Korea. Total 86 marine fish (8 species) collected from the East Sea (Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do), 171 fish (10 species) from the South Sea (Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do), and 92 fish (7 species) from the Yellow Sea (Incheon Metropolitan City) were examined by both naked eyes and artificial digestion method. Among the total of 349 fish examined, 213 (61.0%) were infected with 8 species of anisakid larvae, i.e., Anisakis simplex, 6 types of Contracaecum spp., and Raphidascaris sp., and the mean larval density was 13.8 per infected fish. Anisakid larvae were detected in 45 fish (52.3%) from the East Sea, 131 fish (76.6%) from the South Sea, and 37 fish (40.2%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 4.0, 16.6, and 15.9, respectively. Anisakis simplex larvae were detected in 149 fish (42.7%), and the mean larval density was 9.0 per infected fish. They were found in 26 fish (30.2%) collected from the East Sea, 96 fish (56.1%) from the South Sea, and 27 fish (29.3%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 2.9, 10.3, and 10.5, respectively. Conclusively, the present study suggests that the infection rate and density of anisakid larvae are more or less higher in the fish from the South Sea than those from the East Sea or the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most widespread invasive fish species, and this species has successfully established populations in the major rivers of Guangdong Province, China. Field surveys and manipulative experiments were conducted to assess the impacts of Nile tilapia on fisheries. We determined that the increase of Nile tilapia in these rivers not only affects the CPUE (catch-per-unit-per-effort) of the fish community and native fish species but also reduces the income of fishermen. In the manipulative experiments, we observed that the growth of native mud carp decreased in the presence of Nile tilapia. Our results suggest that the invasion of Nile tilapia negatively affected the fishery economy and native fish species, and suitable control measurements should be taken.  相似文献   

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