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Circadian rhythms in honeybees: entrainment by feeding cycles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT. Colonies of the South African honeybee race Apis mellifera capensis (Escholtz) were maintained under constant conditions of illumination (200 lux), temperature (25±lC) and relative humidity (65±3%). Activity was measured at the hive entrance. After ad libitum feeding for at least 5 days, food was presented for only 2 h/day either for 1 week (series 1) or for 2 weeks (series 2). In the last part of each experiment, food was again available all the time. Colonies which showed free-running circadian activity rhythms (with periods ranging from 22.6 to 24.8 h) during ad libitum feeding were submitted to feeding cycles with inter-feeding intervals (T) of 22, 23, 24 and 25 h. In most of these experiments the rhythms were synchronized by the feeding schedule, resulting in a stable phase-angle difference between onset of activity and onset of food availability. The duration of this anticipatory activity was positively correlated with T. When ad libitum feeding was resumed, the period of the rhythm induced by the feeding schedule persisted for a few days. Thereafter, the rhythm was free-running again with a period close to that observed in the first part of the experiment. The conclusion is drawn that, under the influence of periodic feeding, the activity of honeybee colonies has the characteristics of an entrained circadian system.  相似文献   

Light and temperature entrainment of a locomotor rhythm in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The circadian locomotor (walking) rhythms of forager honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica L.) were entrained to eight different 24 h light-dark cycles. The phases of activity onset, peak activity, and offset were correlated with the lights-off transition, suggesting lights-off as the primary zeitgeber for the rhythm. Further support for this hypothesis was provided by LD 1:23 experiments, in which entrainment occurred when the light pulse was situated at the end, but not at the beginning, of the subjective photophase. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm was achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10oC amplitude under constant dark: most of the activity occurred within the early thermophase. Smaller amplitude temperature cycles yielded relative coordination of the rhythm. Interactions of temperature and light-dark cycles resulted in entrainment patterns different from those elicited in response to either cycle alone or those formed by a simple combination of the two separate responses. Furthermore, temperature cycles having amplitudes insufficient for entrainment of the rhythm nevertheless modified the pattern of entrainment to light - dark cycles, suggesting a synergism of light and temperature effects on the underlying circadian clock system.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of demand-feeding and locomotor activity in rainbow trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Under free-running conditions, most rainbow trout displayed circadian feeding rhythms, although the expression of circadian rhythmicity depended on the experimental condition: 16·7% of fish under constant dim light (LL dim), 66·1% under a 45 :45 min light-dark cycle (LD pulses), and 83·8% under constant light (LL). Under LD pulses, the period length of the free-running rhythms for feeding was significantly shorter (21·9 ± 0·7 h, n =8) than under LL (26·2 ± 0·3 h, n =10). Period length for locomotor activity under LL was 25·8 ± 0·6 h ( n =4). Under LD conditions, the daily demand-feeding profile was always confined to the light phase and chiefly composed of two main episodes, directly after lights on (light elicited) and in anticipation to lights off (endogenous). Contrasting to feeding, the diel locomotor activity profile varied remarkably: a diurnal activity pattern at the bottom, while a clearly nocturnal pattern at the surface. These results contribute to a better understanding of feeding and locomotor rhythms of rainbow trout, providing evidence for the existence of a biological clock involved in their circadian control. This finding contrasts with the previously recorded lack of an endogenous oscillator in the pineal organ driving the rhythmic secretion of melatonin, which suggests different locations from the pineal for the circadian pacemakers in this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Groups of honeybee workers ( Apis mellifera Linn.; Hymenoptera: Apidae) show endogenous circadian rhythms in metabolic activity. Workers entrained to two different photoperiods, when put together in a group, coordinate their individual metabolic activity cycles into a synchronized group oscillation. Either physical interaction among workers, or a low volatility contact pheromone, is implicated in the control of this oscillating system.  相似文献   

Abstract.  To reveal circadian characteristics and entrainment mechanisms in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica , the locomotor-activity rhythm of foragers is investigated under programmed light and temperature conditions. After entrainment to an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiodic regime, free-running rhythms are released in constant dark (DD) or light (LL) conditions with different free-running periods. Under the LD 12 : 12 h regime, activity offset occurs approximately 0.4 h after lights-off transition, assigned to circadian time (Ct) 12.4 h. The phase of activity onset, peak and offset, and activity duration depends on the photoperiodic regimes. The circadian rhythm can be entrained to a 24-h period by exposure to submultiple cycles of LD 6 : 6 h, as if the locomotive rhythm is entrained to LD 18 : 6 h. Phase shifts of delay and advance are observed when perturbing single light pulses are presented during free-running under DD conditions. Temperature compensation of the free-running period is demonstrated under DD and LL conditions. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm is achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10 °C amplitude, but a 5 °C amplitude fails to entrain.  相似文献   

Our sleep–wake cycles and many other 24-hour rhythms of behavior and physiology persist in the absence of environmental cues. Genetic and biochemical studies have shown that such rhythms are controlled by internal molecular clocks. These are assembled from the cycling RNA and protein products of a small group of genes that are conserved throughout the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the daily rhythms of locomotor and feeding activity of Khajoo, Schizothorax pelzami, a candidate species for freshwater aquaculture. Using self-feeder juvenile Khajoo were exposed to a 12/12 LD cycle to determine the rhythms of locomotor and feeding activity. The effects of feeding on locomotor and feeding activity of fish were also examined. Finally, the endogenous rhythmicity under different lighting condition tested. Fish displayed a strictly diurnal feeding and locomotor activities with 98% and 84% of the total activity occurred in the photophase, respectively. In scheduled feeding, both the L-group (fed in light) and the D-group (fed in the dark) showed a diurnal locomotor activity pattern. However, the L-group had a peak of locomotor activity near the feeding time, but the D-group had a scarce locomotor activity in the scatophase with no significant change at the mealtime. Most of the individuals display free-running rhythms when exposed to different lighting condition including, constant darkness, ultradian 45:45 min LD cycle and reversed DL photo cycle. Taken together the results of this study showed that both locomotor and feeding activity have diurnal rhythms in Khajoo S. pelzami, even fish feeding had taken place at night. Additionally, the free-running locomotor activity of the fish in the absence of external light stimuli, suggests the existence of an endogenous timing mechanism in this fish species.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The western honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been introduced to many parts of the world and is sometimes purported to be detrimental to native bees because it reduces their food base. It is seldom viewed in this light in Europe; however, when beekeepers maintain very high bee densities, the species could also be displacing insects in its native European range by reducing the resource base. 2. In England, populations of bumblebees (Bombus Latr. Hym.) have been decreasing both in terms of diversity and abundance, mainly because of a loss of habitat resulting from agricultural intensification. The impact of competition from other flower feeders is largely unknown. 3. Nineteen dry lowland heaths in southern England were sampled once for honeybees and bumblebees. Honeybee abundance varied from 4 to 81 bees per 100 m2 (mean = 30.89, median = 23), whereas bumblebees varied from 2 to 17 individuals per 100 m2 (mean = 8.26, median = 7), belonging to between one and five species. There was a negative association between honeybee and bumblebee abundance but there was no apparent relationship between honeybee abundance and bumblebee diversity. 4. The Bray–Curtis coefficient was used to compare the similarity in honeybee and bumblebee floral host breadth at these 19 sites. The coefficient was negatively associated with honeybee abundance: thus where honeybees were most abundant, bumblebees were fewer and/or foraged on different flower species. 5. Foraging host breadth was also examined at four heathlands over a field season (April to September). No association between honeybee abundance and foraging host breadth was found for short‐tongued bees, although there was some evidence for a change in floral host breadth for long‐tongued bees. 6. It is concluded that the impact of honeybees on bumblebees is complex. Although competition between the two species cannot be ruled out, it is perhaps equally likely that bumblebees decline in response to other factors, and that honeybees move independently of this decline.  相似文献   

This review discusses possible evolutionary trends in insect photoperiodism, mainly from a chronobiological perspective. A crucial step was the forging of a link between the hormones regulating diapause and the systems of biological rhythms, circadian or circannual, which have independently evolved in eukaryotes to synchronize physiology and behaviour to the daily cycles of light and darkness. In many of these responses a central feature is that the circadian system resets to a constant phase at the beginning of the subjective night, and then ‘measures’ the duration of the next scotophase. In ‘external coincidence’, one version of such a clock, light now has a dual role. First, it serves to entrain the circadian system to the stream of pulses making up the light/dark cycle and, second, it regulates the nondiapause/diapause switch in development by illuminating/not illuminating a specific light sensitive phase falling at the end of the critical night length. Important work by A. D. Lees on the aphid Megoura viciae using so‐called ‘night interruption experiments' demonstrates that pulses falling early in the night lead to long‐day effects that are reversible by a subsequent dark period longer than the critical night length and also show maximal sensitivity in the blue–green range of the spectrum. Pulses falling in the latter half of the night, however, produce long‐day effects that are irreversible by a subsequent long‐night and show a spectral sensitivity extending into the red. With movement to higher latitudes, insects develop genetic clines in various parameters, including critical night length, the number of long‐night cycles needed for diapause induction, the strength of the response, and the ‘depth’ or intensity of the diapause thus induced. Evidence for these and other types of photoperiodic response suggests that they provided strong selective advantages for insect survival.  相似文献   

The behaviour of queen honeybees and their attendants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The behaviour of queen and worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was observed using small colonies in observation hives. Workers paid more attention to queens which had been mated for 2 months or more than to those which were newly mated; virgin queens received least attention. Queens received most attention when they were stationary and least when they were walking over the comb; virgin queens were most active. Queen cells had as many attendants as virgin queens and queen larvae were inspected almost continuously. The queen pheromone component 9–oxo-trans-2–decenoic acid stimulated 'court' behaviour when presented on small polyethylene blocks, but workers responded aggressively to complete extracts of queens' heads. Both the heads and abdomens of mated queens received much attention from court workers but the abdomens were palpated by more workers for longer and were licked much more. The queens' thoraces were least attended. Abdominal tergites posterior to tergite glands were licked for longer than those anterior to the glands. Only worker bees very near to the queen reacted to her and joined her 'court'.
No evidence was found of a diel periodicity in the behaviour of a queen or her 'court'. During the winter the queen's court was smaller than in summer and she walked less and laid fewer eggs. When colonies were fed with sucrose syrup in winter, their queens laid more eggs and workers reared more brood but there was no change in the attention received by the queens.
The implications of these findings for the secretion and distribution of queen pheromones are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the index of DNA synthesis (DNAs) of two cellular carcinomas: the hepatocellular ES12a and the mammary TN60 of mice, throughout one circadian cycle. In the results, we observed that both tumors have circadian rhythms (CRs), but the peaks of DNAs vary. Besides, the mean of DNAs along 24 h shows significative differences, the TN60 has higher values than the ES12a. These observed CR in the DNAs index in both carcinomas mean that, at least in partly, the proliferation of cancer cells can be regulated by endocrine factor as it normally occurs in ordinary cells. The big problem we can find for the chronopharmacology is that it is impossible to know in advance the rate of proliferation of each tumor.  相似文献   

哺乳动物昼夜节律调节的神经基础——昼夜光感受器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物昼夜光感受器为一组具有直接感光功能的特殊视网膜神经节细胞 ,其基本感光色素为黑视素 .昼夜光感受器具有直接、广谱和稳定感受昼夜光变化的功能特点 .昼夜光感受器的功能是通过导引作用 ,使下丘脑视交叉上核内的昼夜节律活动与外界明 暗周期变化同步  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of individuals from 79 colonies of Apis mellifera from five Canary Islands was studied using the Dra I test based on the restriction of PCR products of the tRNAleu–COII intergenic region. Five haplotypes of the African (A) lineage and one of the west European (C) lineage were found. The haplotypes A14 and A15 are described for the first time. These haplotypes have a new P sequence named P1. The wide distribution and high frequency of haplotype A15 suggest that it is characteristic of the Canarian Archipelago. Sources of haplotype variability of honeybee mtDNA in the Canary Islands (waves of colonization from Africa, queen importations, habitat diversification) are discussed.  相似文献   

Using both previously published findings and entirely new data, we present evidence in support of the argument that the circadian dysfunction of advancing age in the healthy human is primarily one of failing to transduce the circadian signal from the circadian timing system (CTS) to rhythms “downstream” from the pacemaker rather than one of failing to generate the circadian signal itself. Two downstream rhythms are considered: subjective alertness and objective performance. For subjective alertness, we show that in both normal nychthemeral (24h routine, sleeping at night) and unmasking (36h of constant wakeful bed rest) conditions, advancing age, especially in men, leads to flattening of subjective alertness rhythms, even when circadian temperature rhythms are relatively robust. For objective performance, an unmasking experiment involving manual dexterity, visual search, and visual vigilance tasks was used to demonstrate that the relationship between temperature and performance is strong in the young, but not in older subjects (and especially not in older men). (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 355-368, 2000)  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica was studied to determine the involvement of parametric and/or nonparametric entrainment. The rhythm was entrained to a skeleton photoperiod in which a 1-h first light pulse was imposed in the morning along with a second light pulse in the evening, as well as to a complete photoperiodic regime (LD 12:12). However, the timing of peak activity relative to the lights-off in the evening in the skeleton photoperiod was earlier than that in the complete photoperiod. A single daily light pulse in the evening entrained the rhythm, whereas a daily light pulse in the morning allowed free-running as in constant darkness. The free-running period (τ) of locomotor activity in constant light became longer as the light intensity increased. A Winfree's type I phase response curve of the locomotor activity rhythm was obtained using a single 1-h light pulse. The results suggest that both parametric and nonparametric entrainment are involved in the circadian rhythm of individual locomotor activity in this honeybee.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Immediately after visiting cells containing immature queens, workers of Apis mellifera L. were observed to engage in prolonged cleaning, particularly of their tongues when they had visited larvae, and of their antennae when they had visited pupae. Thereafter other workers usually initiated and made antennal contacts with them. During such antennal contact the bee that had visited the queen larva often donated food. The implication of these findings on the distribution of pheromone produced by immature queens is discussed. Workers were stimulated to make antennal contact with the excised heads of bees from a queen's court, providing further evidence that queen pheromone is transferred between workers' antennae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Locomotor activity of individual blowflies, Phormia (= Protophormia) terraenovae R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was recorded by means of running wheels. A few days after emergence, adult flies were placed in the wheels and exposed to at least two of four light-dark cycles (LD) differing in cycle duration T (LD 11:11, 12:12, 13:13 and 14:14 h). The intensity of illumination was 400 lux in L and 2 lux in D. From the actograms, phase-angle differences were read off between onset of activity and light-on (ψ/onset), and between end of activity and light-off (ψend)- Within the range of entrainment, ψ changed systematically from negative values in T =22 h to positive values in T =28 h: the mean change in ψ per hour change in T , expressed in degree of the full circadian cycles, was 20o. Standard deviations of ψ around its mean were computed for ten-cycle intervals; in ψonset and in ψend standard deviation was minimal when 4ψ was close to zero, and increased steadily with increasing negative or positive ψ -values.  相似文献   

Despite honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) occurring as a feral and commercially managed species in many parts of Australia, the effects of honeybees on native Australian ecosystems are poorly understood. We examined the impacts of honeybee apiaries on Tasmanian Leatherwood Eucryphia lucida Labill. (Eucryphiaceae) by comparing commercial apiary sites with control sites >2 km from the nearest apiary. Feral honeybees were common at control sites (73% of honeybees feral) but were scarce at apiary sites (2%), and hive honeybees appeared to be competitively displacing feral honeybees near apiaries. Visit rates by native insects appeared to be un‐affected by the increased numbers of hive honeybees near apiaries. Standing crops of nectar sugar were significantly depressed at apiary sites. Pollen was rapidly removed from flowers at apiary sites resulting in full separation of the male and female flower‐phases (flowers completely dichogamous). In contrast, at control sites, pollen tended to remain in flowers into the female phase (flowers partially dichogamous). There was no difference in the total number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas or in percentage seed set among apiary and control sites. However, fruit set was elevated at apiary sites, possibly owing to reduced autonomous (within‐flower) selfing. Our study indicated that honeybees significantly reduce floral resources (nectar and pollen) around apiaries, although any competitive effects on native insects may have been obscured by large variation in the abundance of native insects among experimental sites.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the possible role of hybridization in the invasion process of the African honeybee by testing two hypotheses regarding fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a measure of developmental stability, in wing characteristics: (1) FA should be higher in hybrid versus parental genotypes of African and European races; (2) FA should be lower in African bees compared to hybrid and European workers. Parental and reciprocal hybrid worker genotypes were cross fostered in common-hive rearing environments. We did not find greater FA for wing size and shape in the hybrids compared to both parental types. However, we did find significantly lower FA of shape in the African workers compared to the European and hybrid workers, suggesting that European bees and their hybrids may have compromised fitness relative to African bees. We also found that the two hybrid genotypes significantly differed in overall wing size and shape. If these differences affect wing aerodynamics, then the paternity of hybrids may influence worker performance and could potentially contribute to the loss of European matrilines. Hybridization had few consistent effects on directional asymmetry for wing size and shape. Genotypic factors played a far greater role in determining the effect of hybridization on wing morphology than did differences in rearing environment. Thus, African bees may have lower FA for wing shape (and by inference greater developmental stability) relative to European and hybrid workers, which may contribute to the ability of African bees to displace European honeybee races in invaded regions.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) sampled at sites in Europe, Africa and South America were analysed using a mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker. These samples were used to provide baseline information for a detailed analysis of the process of Africanization of bees from the neotropical Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Radical changes in mitochondrial haplotype (mitotype) frequencies were found to have occurred in the 13-year period studied. Prior to the arrival of Africanized bees (1986) the original inhabitants of the Yucatan peninsula appear to have been essentially of southeastern European origin with a smaller proportion having northwestern European ancestry. Three years after the migration of Africanized bees into the area (1989), only very low levels of maternal gene flow from Africanized populations into the resident European populations had occurred. By 1998, however, there was a sizeable increase in the proportion of African mitotypes in domestic populations (61%) with feral populations having 87% of mitotypes classified as African derived. The results suggest that the early stages of Africanization did not involve a rapid replacement of European with African mitotypes and that earlier studies probably overestimated the prevalence of African mitotypes.  相似文献   

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