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The submandibular gland of the mouse was studied by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, using the osmium-dimethylsulfoxide-osmium method. The three-dimensional structures of the intracellular membranous organelles of acinar cells were clearly revealed. The luminal surface of cisterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus exhibited particles of 8-15 nm in diameter. The secretory canaliculi presented short microvilli which were irregularly arranged. The striated duct cells were characterized by rich mitochondria arranged vertically in the basal portion. The lamellar mitochondrial cristae were noted in three-dimensional images. The luminal surface extended short microvilli, while that of the excretory duct cell presented complicated microplicae. The capillary endotheliocytes showed a few short microvilli, and their fenestrated areas were bordered by cytoplasmic crests. Fenestrae were 50-80 nm in diameter and showed a plug in their center. The basement membranes of the acini and capillaries showed a spongy structure with various strands and meshes. Collagenous fibrils crisscrossed on their surface.  相似文献   

Necrosis of the proximal tubules of the rat kidney was induced by low (1.5 mg/kg) doses of sublimate. Epithelial necrosis and regeneration were followed by scanning electron microscopy for 10 days. Regressive and regenerative processes were observed simultaneously. The naked basement membrane is first invaded by flat epithelial cells lacking microvilli. Within a few hours microvilli appear followed by the formation of regular brush-border and interdigitations cells. After 7--10 days the newly formed epithelium cannot be distinguished from the intact one.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted in order to identify the progenitor compartment of the submandibular salivary gland (SSG) and to explore the proliferative activity of this gland in response to unilateral extirpation. Left submandibular and retrolingual glands were extirpated in 30 rats (B.W. 200 +/- 12 g). The rats were killed 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after surgery. Five intact rats served as controls. The animals were given intraperitoneal injections of 3HTdR (0.5 microCi/grB. W) 1 h before they were killed. The contralateral SSG's were subjected to routine histological procedures and embedded in glycol methacrylate. Selected sections (2 micron thickness) were processed for autoradiography. In each gland, labelled and unlabelled nuclei were counted in 50 random microscopic fields and sorted according to their parenchymal histomorphological features and "nuclear class" (number of nuclei/cross section/feature). In the control glands the total labelling index (LI) was 0.18%; during acute compensatory stimulation, however, the total LI reached a maximum of 0.86% on day 3 after surgery. suggesting that the SSG, which normally undergoes a slow turnover, is capable of elevated proliferation in response to a stimulus. In both normal and stimulated glands, the LI was higher in the intercalated ducts (1.1%-5.85%) than in the granular ducts (0.17%-0.93%) and acini (0.05%-0.36%). This consistency of LI ratio between the various histomorphological features in the normal and experimental glands indicates that the glandular progenitor compartment is located in the intercalated ducts, which supply cells to both the ductal system and acini.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Synopsis The presence of cholinesterase activity in association with capillaries of the central nervous system was investigated in the rat by means of both light and electron microscopic methods. Throughout most of the rat brain, the smaller blood vessels stain intensely for butyrylcholinesterase activity. In some areas, such as the commissural nucleus of the vagus and parts of the medial thalamus, the capillaries possess both acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activity. Blood vessels in those structures which lie outside the blood-brain barrier are completely devoid of cholinesterase activity. The electron microscope reveals that reaction product occurs within the matrix of the basement membrane, in the intermembranous space of the endothelial nuclear envelope and occasionally in the endothelial granular endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the presence of cholinesterase within the basement membrane of brain capillaries is evidence of the role that the basement membrane may play in transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

We studied the subcellular localization of two major secretory products of adult rat submandibular gland (RSMG), blood group A-reactive mucin glycoprotein and glutamine/glutamic acid-rich protein (GRP), by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. The structure of the major neutral oligosaccharide of the mucin was shown to be: GalNAc alpha 1,3(Fuc alpha 1,2)Gal beta 1,3GalNAc. A mouse monoclonal antibody (1F9) with specificity for blood group A determinants was prepared against the mucin. The antibody recognized a single band of approximately 114 KD on Western blots of RSMG extract. A previously characterized monoclonal antibody (59) against GRP (Mirels et al.: J Biol Chem 262: 7289, 1987) reacted with a doublet of 45-50 KD on Western blots of extraparotid saliva. Immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining of cryostat sections of RSMG with anti-mucin antibodies and anti-GRP antibodies revealed reactivity in acinar cells of the gland. No specific labeling was seen in duct cells of RSMG or in mucous acinar cells of the adjacent sublingual gland. Post-embedding immunogold labeling of thin sections of glutaraldehyde-fixed RSMG with anti-mucin showed strong labeling of the Golgi apparatus and secretory granules of acinar cells. Gold particles were seen mainly over electron-lucent areas of the granules. No labeling occurred over the endoplasmic reticulum. The labeling pattern with the anti-GRP antibodies was similar, except that both electron-dense and -lucent areas of the granules were labeled, and the endoplasmic reticulum was reactive. Double labeling with two different sizes of gold particles showed that both mucin and GRP co-localized in the same granules. Pre-absorption of the antibodies with their respective antigens eliminated immunolabeling of the acinar cells. These antibodies will be useful in studies of cell differentiation in RSMG and of synthesis, processing, and packaging of RSMG secretory products.  相似文献   

The pineal gland of the 13-lined ground squirrel (Citellus tridecemlineatus) has been examined at the light and electron microscopic level. This gland is composed of low-density parenchymal cells interspersed among which are occasional glial, vascular and neural elements. Punctuating the glandular parenchymal mass are prominent perivascular and intercellular spaces. The parenchymal cells possess numerous mitochondria and less prominent profiles of rough and smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus, microtubules and lipid droplets of varying size and electron density constitute regular cytoplasmic features, with dense-core vesicles being present occasionally. The parenchymal cells have numberous processes. One among these in each cell extends for several micra to terminate in a bulbous expansion containing both clear and dense-core vesicles and occasional electron-dense inclusions. These bulbous terminals are found within the perivascular and intercellular spaces where they course in close proximity to both other parenchymal elements and axon terminals. Glial cells and their processes invest the pineal periphery and incompletely separate the parenchymal cells.  相似文献   

This investigation characterizes the atrial proliferative response following partial ventricular amputation in adult newts. Newts processed for light microscopic autoradiography were given either a single injection (SI) of 3H-thymidine 1 hr before fixation and killed at intervals up to 25 days after ventricular wounding or were given six injections (MU), one every 12 hr, and fixed at intervals up to 21 days. Atria processed for EM autoradiography (EMA) were removed 1 hr after injection and 15 days after wounding. Mitotic (MI) and thymidine-labeling indices (TI) were calculated for the epicardium, subepicardial CT and myocardium of both atria. Sham-operated and unoperated animals served as controls. There was no localization of labeled or mitotic cells within the atria of SI or MU animals (P > 0.16) for any cell type. MI and TI for the epicardial and CT cells did not differ from sham-operated controls (P > 0.35). A maximum TI of 6.4% and MI of 0.4% was observed in the atrial myocardium of SI animals on day 15. A maximum TI of 13.8 and 5.9% was observed for the left and right atrial myocardium, respectively, of MI animals on day 12. EMA confirmed that atrial myocytes were engaging in mitosis and DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the rat carotid body was studied with electron microscopy. In the 11 mm embryo a cell aggregation consisting of undifferentiated cells and unmyelinated nerve fibers appears on the anterior wall of the third branchial artery. Granule-containing cells appear in the 12 mm embryo and continue to increase in number as the cellular aggregation increases in size and becomes separated from the wall of the third branchial artery. Synapse formation and the appearance of fenestrated capillaries occur almost simultaneously at the 17 mm stage. There are two types of synapses, one with membrane densification and vesicles clustered inside the nerve endings, the other with dense material and vesicles inside the granule-containing cells. At the 20 mm stage the undifferentiated cells send enveloping cytoplasmic processes toward adjacent granule-containing cells and the carotid body anlage displays rudimentary lobules.  相似文献   

Rat submandibular gland can regenerate following ligation-induced atrophy, eventually recovering its normal morphology and function. Previous studies have suggested that the regeneration process implies both self-proliferation of existing acini and formation of new acinar cells. One hypothesis is that new acinar cells may differentiate from the ductal cells in a similar fashion to the process of cytodifferentiation occurring during submandibular glandular development. In this study atrophy was induced, under recovery anaesthesia, by applying a metal clip on the main duct of the submandibular gland without including the chorda lingual nerve. After 2 weeks the duct was deligated for 3, 5 or 7 days or 8 weeks and the glands collected. Tissue was prepared for immunohistochemstry, biochemical analysis and RNA extraction. The histology of the regenerated glands shows several normal-looking acini, which have regained their glycoprotein content (AB/PAS positive), data also confirmed by biochemical analysis (SDS-PAGE/PAS). Regenerating tissue was characterized by the presence of embryonic-like branched structures ending with AB/PAS positive acinar cells. The proteins SMG-B and PSP are normally expressed in acinar cell precursors during development but only by intercalated ductal cells in the adult stage. In the adult regenerating gland mRNA levels of both SMG-B and PSP were found to be up-regulated compared to ligated glands and SMG-B expression localized to acinar cells whilst the ductal cells were negative. This study of rat submandibular gland regeneration suggests new acinar cells have differentiated from ducts and express markers of acinar cell precursors in a similar manner to the cytodifferentiation process occurring during glandular development.  相似文献   

 Lysozyme (muramidase) is capable of direct bacteriolytic action by hydrolyzing glycosidic bonds in bacterial cell walls. Although it is broadly distributed in vertebrate tissues and secretions, the cellular and subcellular localizations of the enzyme are still not well known. The present study examines the distribution of lysozyme expression in the various cell types of LR gold-embedded rat parotid gland, applying a postembedding immunogold-silver staining technique for light microscopy. Simultaneously, a postembedding immunogold method for electron microscopy was used to determine the cellular compartments engaged in the biosynthesis and exocytosis of lysozyme. Silver-amplified immunogold staining for lysozyme demonstrated identical localization in both paraffin and semithin LR-gold sections: in the supranuclear parts of acinar and intercalated duct cells. Staining intensity varied even between adjacent cells. In the electron microscope, immunogold labeling was detected over the cell compartments associated with protein synthesis and exocytosis in acinar and intercalated duct cells. Lysozyme antigenic sites were visible over endoplasmic reticulum and throughout the Golgi apparatus, being intense over the trans-Golgi network, but even stronger in the condensing vacuoles and most prominent over secretory granules in both cell types. The findings provide the first immunocytochemical evidence of the synthesis and secretion of lysozyme in parotid acinar and intercalated duct cells. Accepted: 3 December 1996  相似文献   

Membrane-bound protein kinase C of rat submandibular gland was characterized and the cytosolic kinase C of the tissue was partially purified. The membrane-bound kinase could be activated by Triton X-100 but not EGTA in the presence of both Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine (PS). The Km values for Ca2+ and PS were 150 microM and 5 micrograms, respectively. Addition of 10(-6) M diacylglycerol resulted in an increased affinity of the kinase for Ca2+ (Km = 10 microM). Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate activated the kinase in the absence of exogenous Ca2+ and PS, suggesting that adequate amounts of each activator are present in the membrane itself. Polymyxin B inhibited the stimulated kinase C activity in a concentration-dependent manner. This inhibition could be overcome by addition of PS. The cytosolic kinase was partially purified 133-fold by chromatography on columns of DEAE-Sephacel and S-300 Sephacryl. The total kinase activity increased with respect to the kinase activity measured in the starting material with column chromatography, suggesting that an inhibitor is present in the cytosolic fraction of the tissue.  相似文献   

Changes in the glomerular capillaries in the first phase of rat Masugi nephritis were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The changes developed immediately after the injection of nephrotoxic rabbit IgG and early endothelial lesions (2 to 6 h) were characterized by an increase in microvilli and a decrease in endothelial pores. The microvilli were fused and produced abundant pored projections (cytofolds). The peripheral endothelium was then lifted off from the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), leaving scattered endothelial fragments on the GBM. The denuded GBM exhibited a rather uniform, thick carpet-like appearance with occasional crater formation. Depositon of fibrin strands was seen associated with endothelial exfoliation. These later dissolved and were converted to a fibrinoid material, consisting of a complex of fragmented, thin fibrils. A parallel study using the electron microscope revealed that the fibrinoid material was removed by emigrating monocytic macrophages. At the stage of resolution (24 to 72 h), the denuded GBM was covered mostly with a regenerating endothelial layer. A possible process of reorganization of the endothelial pores is discussed.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of spinal ligament innervation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The innervation of the posterior ligamentous structures of the human lumbar spine was studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of nerve endings were recognized: free nerve endings, Paciniform corpuscles and Ruffini corpuscles. The free nerve endings, which are thought to act as nociceptors, were found in the superficial layers of all ligaments. A few free nerve endings were also identified within the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments. The Paciniform corpuscles were predominantly found in the supraspinous ligament. The Ruffini corpuscles were located in the interspinous and flaval ligaments. These findings suggest that the posterior ligamentous structures could be involved in the spinal control system.  相似文献   

Morphologic and histochemical studies have been performed at light and electron microscopic level on needle-liver biopsy specimens, circulating blood lymphocytes and fibroblast cultures from patients with mannosidosis. The findings demonstrated generalized storage phenomena of varying degrees in the various tissues examined. Histochemical findings were in agreement with the biochemical nature of the stored material. Enzyme histochemical methods indicated storage in the lysosomes, at least in the hepatocytes. The ultrastructural appearance of mannosidosis in itself has but a limited diagnostic significance since the morphology and distribution of vacuoles have characteristics in common with other storage diseases. Repeated liver biopsy disclosed extensive storage in the hepatic tissue. However, the progression of the disease was not accompanied by severe mechanical destruction or microcirculatory disturbances.  相似文献   

Surface configuration of mesothelial cells identified by light microscopy (LM) has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It has been shown that mesothelial cells may have a variable SEM appearance. The surfaces of a small proportion of mesothelial cells are covered by regular microvilli (MV) and show openings of the pinocytotic vesicles. The surfaces of the majority of these cells are covered by vesicles or blebs. An intermediate population of mesothelial cells, i.e., cells displaying side-by-side blebs and MV, has also been observed. The latter cells no longer display pinocytotic vesicles. Occasional mesothelial cells have smooth surfaces. It has been shown by LM and transmission electron microscopy that cells with blebs are viable and capable of mitotic activity. It is concluded that mesothelial cells, detached from their epithelial setting, lose microvilli and pinocytotic vesicles and acquire surface blebs. The possible relationship between mesothelial cells and macrophages based on surface features has been discussed.  相似文献   

Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) was diagnosed in a 43-year-old male by light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Five years after thyroidectomy, malignant cells with the typical cytologic and electron microscopic features of MTC were seen in his sputum, and extensive pulmonary metastases from MTC were subsequently documented at autopsy. Sputum examination is a useful diagnostic technique in patients with MTC in whom pulmonary metastases are suspected.  相似文献   

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