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龟鳖类线粒体全基因组的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莉  聂刘旺 《生命科学研究》2007,11(3):258-262,272
在基因组水平上,比较分析了已登录GenBank的19种龟鳖类线粒体全基因组的结构特征.结果表明:1)除平胸龟、扁陆龟外,其余17种龟鳖类线粒体基因组结构、基因排列顺序均与典型的脊椎动物相似,显示龟鳖类线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守:2)19种龟鳖类线粒体全基因组和各部分的碱基组成均表现出高AT、低G含量的偏向,在控制区中表现尤为明显:3)除中华鳖和白腹摄龟外,其余种类的某些蛋白编码基因中都存在一个或多个额外插入的核苷酸:4)除侧颈龟亚目的非洲侧颈龟外,其余18种曲颈龟线粒体DNA的“WANCY”区中都存在轻链复制起始点(OL),且它们的二级结构、核苷酸组成高度保守,推测该结构可能是曲颈龟亚目的一个共同特征:5)部分龟鳖类线粒体基因组控制区3’端存在大片段(200~450bp)的重复序列,某些龟鳖类中有由(AT)构成的微卫星序列,并且这些拷贝序列在种间表现出一定的差异,其可作为特异的分子标记,对于龟鳖类动物系统学的研究、亲缘关系的鉴定、物种多样性的保护和研究等方面具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

应用长PCR扩增蝗虫线粒体全基因组   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
刘念  胡婧  黄原 《动物学杂志》2006,41(2):61-65
介绍了用两对长PCR引物扩增蝗虫(Acridoidea)线粒体全基因组的方法。从NCBI的核酸数据库下载得到36种已测昆虫线粒体全基因组,选取cytochromeb(Cytb)c、ytochrome oxidase subunitⅡ(COⅡ)、cytochrome oxidase subunitⅠ(COⅠ)基因的保守区域设计两对引物。其中引物LP03和LP04从COⅠ向Cytb扩增;引物LPCytb和LPCOⅡ从Cytb向COⅡ扩增,两对引物扩增的片段之间有大约1 kb的重叠。应用这两对引物成功扩增出10种蝗虫的线粒体基因组。考虑到在设计引物过程中所选序列在其他昆虫中的保守性,它们应能在大部分昆虫线粒体基因组扩增中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Evolution of mitochondrial genes is far from clock-like. The substitution rate varies considerably between species, and there are many species that have a significantly increased rate with respect to their close relatives. There is also considerable variation among species in the rate of gene order rearrangement. Using a set of 55 complete arthropod mitochondrial genomes, we estimate the evolutionary distance from the common ancestor to each species using protein sequences, tRNA sequences, and breakpoint distances (a measure of the degree of genome rearrangement). All these distance measures are correlated. We use relative rate tests to compare pairs of related species in several animal phyla. In the majority of cases, the species with the more highly rearranged genome also has a significantly higher rate of sequence evolution. Species with higher amino acid substitution rates in mitochondria also have more variable amino acid composition in response to mutation pressure. We discuss the possible causes of variation in rates of sequence evolution and gene rearrangement among species and the possible reasons for the observed correlation between the two rates. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. David Pollock]  相似文献   

Eusociality is a highly conspicuous and ecologically impactful behavioral syndrome that has evolved independently across multiple animal lineages. So far, comparative genomic analyses of advanced sociality have been mostly limited to insects. Here, we study the only clade of animals known to exhibit eusociality in the marine realm—lineages of socially diverse snapping shrimps in the genus Synalpheus. To investigate the molecular impact of sociality, we assembled the mitochondrial genomes of eight Synalpheus species that represent three independent origins of eusociality and analyzed patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding genes. Synonymous substitution rates are lower and potential signals of relaxed purifying selection are higher in eusocial relative to noneusocial taxa. Our results suggest that mitochondrial genome evolution was shaped by eusociality-linked traits—extended generation times and reduced effective population sizes that are hallmarks of advanced animal societies. This is the first direct evidence of eusociality impacting genome evolution in marine taxa. Our results also strongly support the idea that eusociality can shape genome evolution through profound changes in life history and demography.  相似文献   

【目的】为探索胡颓子科叶绿体基因组演化趋势,从而为胡颓子科植物物种鉴定以及资源开发利用提供理论依据。【方法】研究从头组装并注释了沙棘属(Hippophae)和野牛果属(Shepherdia)共4个类群的叶绿体基因组,结合已发表的叶绿体基因组序列,比较了胡颓子科各类群叶绿体基因组的基因构成、重复序列和结构特征,建立了系统发育树,并通过高分化区定位了该科叶绿体基因组的潜在DNA条形码区域。【结果】胡颓子科各属叶绿体基因组在四分体结构、基因数量和排列上高度相似;沙棘属和野牛果属的反向重复区(IR)和整个基因组重复序列数目较胡颓子属有扩张和增加的趋势。基于胡颓子科18个类群的叶绿体全基因组序列的系统发育树中,胡颓子属、沙棘属和野牛果属各自聚为一支,前者先分化出来,沙棘属和野牛果属有最近共同祖先;从长单拷贝区(LSC)和短单拷贝区(SSC)筛选出3个DNA条形码候选区,其中ycf1基因的鉴定效果最佳,基于此构建的各类群系统发育关系与基于全基因组序列的结果一致。【结论】胡颓子科的叶绿体基因组结构保守,但其非编码区序列在各属间存在明显差异,且IR区序列与重复序列在演化过程中分别有扩张和增多的趋势。研究选定的DNA条形码序列能很好区分胡颓子科各属之间以及胡颓子属内物种间关系。  相似文献   

叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统发育基因组学是由系统发育研究和基因组学相结合产生的一门崭新的交叉学科。近年来,在植物系统发育研究中,基于叶绿体基因组的系统发育基因组学研究优势渐显端倪,为一些分类困难类群的系统学问题提出了解决方案,但同时也存在某些问题。本文结合近年来叶绿体系统发育基因组学研究中的一些典型实例,讨论了叶绿体系统发育基因组学在植物系统关系重建中的价值和应用前景,并针对其存在问题进行了探讨,其中也涉及了新一代测序技术对叶绿体系统发育基因组学的影响。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes have been extensively studied for phylogenetic purposes and to investigate intra- and interspecific genetic variations. In recent years, numerous groups have undertaken sequencing of platyhelminth mitochondrial genomes. Haplorchis taichui (family Heterophyidae) is a trematode that infects humans and animals mainly in Asia, including the Mekong River basin. We sequenced and determined the organization of the complete mitochondrial genome of H. taichui. The mitochondrial genome is 15,130 bp long, containing 12 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs, a small and a large subunit), and 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs). Like other trematodes, it does not encode the atp8 gene. All genes are transcribed from the same strand. The ATG initiation codon is used for 9 protein-coding genes, and GTG for the remaining 3 (nad1, nad4, and nad5). The mitochondrial genome of H. taichui has a single long non-coding region between trnE and trnG. H. taichui has evolved as being more closely related to Opisthorchiidae than other trematode groups with maximal support in the phylogenetic analysis. Our results could provide a resource for the comparative mitochondrial genome analysis of trematodes, and may yield genetic markers for molecular epidemiological investigations into intestinal flukes.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of two DNA barcode-defined haplotypes of Metcalfa pruinosa and one of Salurnis marginella (Hemiptera: Flatidae) were sequenced and compared to those of other Fulgoroidea species. Furthermore, the mitogenome sequences were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among fulgoroid families. The three mitogenomes, including that of the available species of Flatidae, commonly possessed distinctive structures in the 1702–1836 bp A+T-rich region, such as two repeat regions at each end and a large centered nonrepeat region. All members of the superfamily Fulgoroidea, including the Flatidae, consistently possessed a motiflike sequence (TAGTA) at the ND1 and trnS2 junction. The phylogenetic analyses consistently recovered the familial relationships of (((((Ricaniidae + Issidae) + Flatidae) + Fulgoridae) + Achilidae) + Derbidae) in the amino acid-based analysis, with the placement of Cixiidae and Delphacidae as the earliest-derived lineages of fulgoroid families, whereas the monophyly of Delphacidae was not congruent between tree-constructing algorithms.  相似文献   

胡婧  刘念  黄原 《昆虫分类学报》2006,28(2):153-160
在总结了68种节肢动物线粒体基因组的测序种类、基因组组成、结构及基因排序情况的基础上,特别对节肢动物线粒体基因组基因排列顺序数据进行了详细的分析。线粒体基因组基因排列顺序数据显示六足动物与甲壳动物之间相似,螯肢动物与多足动物相似,这个结果和以前Boore(1998)对节肢动物线粒体基因组顺序分析结果不同,却和核rRNA数据的分析结果一致。  相似文献   

The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)experiences high rates of incidental mortalityin commercial fisheries, and in some areasthese rates are sufficiently high to justifyconcern over population sustainability. Giventhe high incidental mortality, the resolutionof population structure will be important toconservation and management, but in the NorthAtlantic the relationships among many of theputative populations remain unclear. Aprevious genetic study demonstrated substantialgenetic differences between eastern and westernNorth Atlantic populations, however thelocation of this break remained unresolved. Inthe present study, we addressed this issue byincluding new samples from Iceland. Toinvestigate population structure, variation inthe mitochondrial DNA of 370 porpoises wascompared among six locations corresponding toseveral of the putative populations (Gulf ofMaine, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, WestGreenland, Iceland, Norway). The first 342base pairs of the control region were sequencedand genetic variation investigated by analysisof molecular variance (F ST and ST ) and 2 withpermutation. Although some fine scalepopulation structure was detected, porpoisesfrom Iceland were found to be more similar tothe western populations (W. Greenland, Gulf ofSt. Lawrence, Newfoundland, Gulf of Maine) thanto Norway. Furthermore, porpoises from Norwaywere different from all other regions. Thesepatterns suggest the existence of adiscontinuity between Iceland and Norway,possibly the result of isolating events causedby repeated range contractions and expansionsthroughout Quaternary glaciation events withinthe North Atlantic. These results suggest thatharbour porpoise populations within the NorthAtlantic are distinguishable, but patterns mustbe interpreted in light of their historicalbiogeography.  相似文献   



Mitochondria are the main manufacturers of cellular ATP in eukaryotes. The plant mitochondrial genome contains large number of foreign DNA and repeated sequences undergone frequently intramolecular recombination. Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the main natural fiber crops and also an important oil-producing plant in the world. Sequencing of the cotton mitochondrial (mt) genome could be helpful for the evolution research of plant mt genomes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We utilized 454 technology for sequencing and combined with Fosmid library of the Gossypium hirsutum mt genome screening and positive clones sequencing and conducted a series of evolutionary analysis on Cycas taitungensis and 24 angiosperms mt genomes. After data assembling and contigs joining, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of G. hirsutum was obtained. The completed G.hirsutum mt genome is 621,884 bp in length, and contained 68 genes, including 35 protein genes, four rRNA genes and 29 tRNA genes. Five gene clusters are found conserved in all plant mt genomes; one and four clusters are specifically conserved in monocots and dicots, respectively. Homologous sequences are distributed along the plant mt genomes and species closely related share the most homologous sequences. For species that have both mt and chloroplast genome sequences available, we checked the location of cp-like migration and found several fragments closely linked with mitochondrial genes.


The G. hirsutum mt genome possesses most of the common characters of higher plant mt genomes. The existence of syntenic gene clusters, as well as the conservation of some intergenic sequences and genic content among the plant mt genomes suggest that evolution of mt genomes is consistent with plant taxonomy but independent among different species.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes of apicomplexans, dinoflagellates, and chrompodellids that collectively make up the Myzozoa, encode only three proteins (Cytochrome b [COB], Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [COX1], Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 [COX3]), contain fragmented ribosomal RNAs, and display extensive recombination, RNA trans-splicing, and RNA-editing. The early-diverging Perkinsozoa is the final major myzozoan lineage whose mitochondrial genomes remained poorly characterized. Previous reports of Perkinsus genes indicated independent acquisition of non-canonical features, namely the occurrence of multiple frameshifts. To determine both ancestral myzozoan and novel perkinsozoan mitochondrial genome features, we sequenced and assembled mitochondrial genomes of four Perkinsus species. These data show a simple ancestral genome with the common reduced coding capacity but disposition for rearrangement. We identified 75 frameshifts across the four species that occur as distinct types and that are highly conserved in gene location. A decoding mechanism apparently employs unused codons at the frameshift sites that advance translation either +1 or +2 frames to the next used codon. The locations of frameshifts are seemingly positioned to regulate protein folding of the nascent protein as it emerges from the ribosome. The cox3 gene is distinct in containing only one frameshift and showing strong selection against residues that are otherwise frequently encoded at the frameshift positions in cox1 and cob. All genes lack cysteine codons implying a reduction to 19 amino acids in these genomes. Furthermore, mitochondrion-encoded rRNA fragment complements are incomplete in Perkinsus spp. but some are found in the nuclear DNA suggesting import into the organelle. Perkinsus demonstrates further remarkable trajectories of organelle genome evolution including pervasive integration of frameshift translation into genome expression.  相似文献   

Many spider mites belonging to the genus Tetranychus are of agronomical importance. With limited morphological characters, Tetranychus mites are usually identified by a combination of morphological characteristics and molecular diagnostics. To clarify their molecular evolution and phylogeny, the mitochondrial genomes of the green and red forms of Tetranychus urticae as well as T. kanzawai, T. ludeni, T. malaysiensis, T. phaselus, T. pueraricola were sequenced and compared. The seven mitochondrial genomes are typical circular molecules of about 13,000 bp encoding and they are composed of the complete set of 37 genes that are usually found in metazoans. The order of the mitochondrial (mt) genes is the same as that in the mt genomes of Panonychus citri and P. ulmi, but very different from that in other Acari. The J-strands of the mitochondrial genomes have high (∼84%) A+T contents, negative GC-skews and positive AT-skews. The nucleotide sequence of the cox1 gene, which is commonly used as a taxon barcode and molecular marker, is more highly conserved than the nucleotide sequences of other mitochondrial genes in these seven species. Most tRNA genes in the seven genomes lose the D-arm and/or the T-arm. The functions of these tRNAs need to be evaluated. The mitochondrial genome of T. malaysiensis differs from the other six genomes in having a slightly smaller genome size, a slight difference in codon usage, and a variable loop in place of the T-arm of some tRNAs by a variable loop. A phylogenic analysis shows that T. malaysiensis first split from other Tetranychus species and that the clade of the family Tetranychoidea occupies a basal position in the Trombidiformes. The mt genomes of the green and red forms of T. urticae have limited divergence and short evolutionary distance.  相似文献   

Horseshoe crabs (order Xiphosura) are often referred to as an ancient order of marine chelicerates and have been considered as keystone taxa for the understanding of chelicerate evolution. However, the mitochondrial genome of this order is only available from a single species, Limulus polyphemus. In the present study, we analyzed the complete mitochondrial genomes from two Asian horseshoe crabs, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus tridentatus to offer novel data for the evolutionary relationship within Xiphosura and their position in the chelicerate phylogeny. The mitochondrial genomes of C. rotundicauda (15,033 bp) and T. tridentatus (15,006 bp) encode 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. Overall sequences and genome structure of two Asian species were highly similar to that of Limulus polyphemus, though clear differences among three were found in the stem-loop structure of the putative control region. In the phylogenetic analysis with complete mitochondrial genomes of 43 chelicerate species, C. rotundicauda and T. tridentatus were recovered as a monophyly, while L. polyphemus solely formed an independent clade. Xiphosuran species were placed at the basal root of the tree, and major other chelicerate taxa were clustered in a single monophyly, clearly confirming that horseshoe crabs composed an ancestral taxon among chelicerates. By contrast, the phylogenetic tree without the information of Asian horseshoe crabs did not support monophyletic clustering of other chelicerates. In conclusion, our analyses may provide more robust and reliable perspective on the study of evolutionary history for chelicerates than earlier analyses with a single Atlantic species.  相似文献   

“Myiasis-causing flies” is a generic term that includes species from numerous dipteran families, mainly Calliphoridae and Oestridae, of which blowflies, screwworm flies and botflies are among the most important. This group of flies is characterized by the ability of their larvae to develop in animal flesh. When the host is a live vertebrate, such parasitism by dipterous larvae is known as primary myiasis. Myiasis-causing flies can be classified as saprophagous (free-living species), facultative or obligate parasites. Many of these flies are of great medical and veterinary importance in Brazil because of their role as key livestock insect-pests and vectors of pathogens, in addition to being considered important legal evidence in forensic entomology. The characterization of myiasis-causing flies using molecular markers to study mtDNA (by RFLP) and nuclear DNA (by RAPD and microsatellite) has been used to identify the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for specific patterns of genetic variability. These approaches have been successfully used to analyze the population structures of the New World screwworm fly Cochliomyia hominivorax and the botfly Dermatobia hominis. In this review, various aspects of the organization, evolution and potential applications of the mitochondrial genome of myiasis-causing flies in Brazil, and the analysis of nuclear markers in genetic studies of populations, are discussed.  相似文献   

鱼类线粒体DNA研究新进展   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
郭新红  刘少军  刘巧  刘筠 《遗传学报》2004,31(9):983-1000
线粒体DNA是分子生物学研究中的一个热门领域,已成为鱼类进化生物学和群体遗传学研究的重要分子遗传标记。本文对鱼类线粒体DNA分子生物学的最新研究进展进行了较详细的阐述。重点介绍鱼类线粒体DNA全序列的研究进展、组成及特征,鱼类线粒体DNA非编码区结构研究进展,鱼类线粒体DNA多态性及其主要的检测方法;综述了最近有关鱼类线粒体DNA在鱼类系统学、种间杂交渐渗、种群识别、起源和进化、地理分化等研究中的应用情况。  相似文献   

We determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae and analyzed its structure and composition as well as the secondary structures predicted for its tRNAs and rRNAs. Almost the complete genome has been amplified in one fragment with long PCR and sequenced using a shotgun strategy. The 13,925-bp genome contains genes for 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and 12 proteins and lacks an ORF encoding ATPase subunit 8. Four initiation codons were inferred, TTT, TTA, ATA, and ATT, most of the genes ended with TAA or TAG, and only two had a T as an incomplete stop codon. All predicted tRNAs showed the nonconventional secondary structure typical of Secernentea. Although we were able to fold the sequences of trnN, trnD, and trnC into more conventional cloverleaf structures after adding adjacent nucleotides, northern blot experiments showed that the nonstandard tRNAs are actually expressed. Phylogenetic and comparative analyses showed that the mitochondrial genome of S. carpocapsae is more closely related to the genomes of A. suum and C. elegans than to that of Strongyloides stercoralis. This finding does not support the phylogeny based on nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences previously published. This discrepancy may result from differential reproductive strategies and/or differential selective pressure acting on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. The distinctive characteristics observed among mitochondrial genomes of Secernentea may have arisen to counteract the deleterious effects of Muller’s ratchet, which is probably enhanced by the reproductive strategies and selective pressures referred to above. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya]  相似文献   

基于Illumina平台对朱砂根和红凉伞叶绿体全基因组进行测序,利用生物信息学比较叶绿体基因组结构特征与变异程度,旨在明确朱砂根(Ardisia crenata)及红凉伞(Ardisia crenata var. bicolor)叶绿体基因组特征及差异,并与同科其他物种叶绿体全基因组进行比较分析,确定其在紫金牛属系统发育位置。结果表明,朱砂根和红凉伞均为由一个大单拷贝区(LSC)、一个小单拷贝区(SSC)和一对反向重复区(IRa/IRb)构成的环状四分体结构,注释得到132个基因,其重复序列的类型与分布模式相似,但数量有所差异。其中psbAmatKrpoC2ropBndhKaccDndhFndhDndhHycf1等基因的编码区存在差异,这些位点为朱砂根分子鉴定提供新位点。朱砂根及红凉伞叶绿体基因组具有较高保守性,叶绿体基因组之间没有重排或倒置,IR区序列变异最低,SSC区变异程度最高。系统发育树分析表明紫金牛科和报春花科为两个分支,朱砂根和红凉伞归为紫金牛科,且朱砂根与红凉伞亲缘关系最为密切,从分子水平为红凉伞作为朱砂根变种提供了科学解释。本研究解析了朱砂根及变种红凉伞叶绿体基因组结构,探讨了紫金牛科属间系统发育关系,也为紫金牛科药用植物分类鉴定、系统进化及资源开发利用研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences of two lancelets, Epigonichthys maldivensis and E. lucayanus, were compared with those of two Branchiostoma lancelets and several deuterostomes previously surveyed. The mt-gene order of E. lucayanus was quite different from that of E. maldivensis, the latter being identical to the two Branchiostoma species. A remarkable genomic change in E. lucayanus mtDNA was an inversion, indicating the possibility of recombination of the mt-genome. Gene rearrangements, probably attributable to tandem genome duplications and subsequent random deletions, were observed in two parts. Short major unassignable sequences of the examined lancelets were regarded as a part of putative regulative elements, judging from some sequence similarity to the conserved sequence block (CSB) in mammalian mtDNA. The considerable mt-genome reorganization in E. lucayanus seemed to have affected the nucleotide substitution pattern, suggested by base composition analyses. The present analysis also suggested that AGR codons in lancelet mtDNA were likely to correspond to serine residue, rather than glycine. Furthermore, the AGG codon, so far reputed to be unassignable in lancelet mtDNA, was found twice in E. maldivensis, indicating the availability of all four AGN codons in some lancelets. This finding lends support to an alternative hypothesis regarding the evolutionary history of AGR-codon assignment in extant chordates, rather than that previously proposed. A molecular phylogenetic tree of the Epigonichthys and Branchiostoma species based on DNA sequences of the 13 mt-protein genes doubted the monophyly of the former genus, unlike the prevailing classification based on their different gonadal arrangements.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer  相似文献   

To explore the mitochondrial genes of the Cruciferae family, the mitochondrial genome of Raphanus sativus (sat) was sequenced and annotated. The circular mitochondrial genome of sat is 239,723 bp and includes 33 protein-coding genes, three rRNA genes and 17 tRNA genes. The mitochondrial genome also contains a pair of large repeat sequences 5.9 kb in length, which may mediate genome reorga-nization into two sub-genomic circles, with predicted sizes of 124.8 kb and 115.0 kb, respectively. Furthermore, gene evolution of mitochondrial genomes within the Cruciferae family was analyzed using sat mitochondrial type (mitotype), together with six other re-ported mitotypes. The cruciferous mitochondrial genomes have maintained almost the same set of functional genes. Compared with Cycas taitungensis (a representative gymnosperm), the mitochondrial genomes of the Cruciferae have lost nine protein-coding genes and seven mitochondrial-like tRNA genes, but acquired six chloroplast-like tRNAs. Among the Cruciferae, to maintain the same set of genes that are necessary for mitochondrial function, the exons of the genes have changed at the lowest rates, as indicated by the numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown function in the cruciferous genomes are not conserved. Evolutionary events, such as mutations, genome reorganizations and sequence insertions or deletions (indels), have resulted in the non- conserved ORFs in the cruciferous mitochondrial genomes, which is becoming significantly different among mitotypes. This work represents the first phylogenic explanation of the evolution of genes of known function in the Cruciferae family. It revealed significant variation in ORFs and the causes of such variation.  相似文献   

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